#hils watches goblin
hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 2
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I really hope this is a real sign that they just have in Canada. Can any Canadians confirm? Are fairy sighting signs a real thing?
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I really hope this is also a thing
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I mean in Quebec it's probably more likely to be French but this still made me laugh
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I love her
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Oh my god I am obsessed with that top the Grim Reaper is wearing. Did someone have to lace him into that like a corset?
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I don't think it's unreasonable for the goblin to have a bride and also a groom
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Ooh is the spinach cursed? I love that people just keep randomly giving her vegetables
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I definitely haven't been standing here for ages waiting for you to walk past. He's such a dork I love him.
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He does wear some excellent knitwear in this
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Is everyone in this bisexual? Eun Tak was totally checking out the hot lady
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Proposed to a man at the start of the episode. Hit on a woman halfway through the episode. Good for her!
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HAHA! Interrupted her betrothed's dinner to tell him about her hot new boss
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I cannot with how cute he is. Totally stealing every scene he's in
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I was expecting him to be all dark and brooding and angsty and instead he's...this
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Oh my god
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The poor grim reaper just wants to sleep in his nice comfy bed instead of dealing with this nonsense
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HAHAH! Oh my god I'm dying. There should be a whole sitcom about these two living together
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They really need to kiss though
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I am obsessed with her cute little work outfit
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Doesn't say anything about the same sex though 馃槒
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Oh she's actually older than I thought
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It's about to get awkward when he has to explain that the grim reaper is his housemate
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Aww this poor girl. She has no idea about all the outfit changes and props he's been through to try and impress her.
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I love him
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I love her getting all the info she needs from the local ghosts
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Oh those dudes are going to regret kidnapping her very soon I think
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AHHHHHHH! They both came to save her! OT3! OT3!
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 1
It's time for another k-drama and this is another one that got recommended to me a few years back when I first started watching Asian dramas. Apparently 2023 is the year I finally watch the stuff that was recommended to me in 2020 馃槄
I don't think this will follow my usual 2 episodes per evening usual schedule. These episodes are LONG. The first one is an hour and a half. That's the length of a movie.
So, probably one episode per day for now but I'm off work all of next week so I'll have time for more then.
This one, at least, I'm sort of vaguely aware of the plot but like everything else I don't know any spoilers or anything.
And I'll need to figure out how to tag this because this drama has about 10 different titles.
But for now, let's go!
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Hmm...this does not sound like it's going to have a happy ending
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Okay, that is clearly a young woman wearing quite bad old person makeup and prosthetics
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Oh, I know him! From Train to Busan apparently
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I love that we've switched to widescreen for the dramatic flashback
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After joking that this episode is as long as a movie it kind of feels like it too. Everything is Very Dramatic
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I don't know what it says about me that this dude has just asked his second in command to kill him and I instantly started to ship them
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Ahhhh I forgot Lee Dong Wook was in this. Look at his little face.
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Oh no I love them
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I really hope he is dramatic like this through the whole drama.
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Look, I know this is a supernatural drama, but good lord how is she still alive after losing that much blood
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Oh I forgot this was a flashback to the 90s. So the unborn baby of the woman he saved on a whim is going to grow up to save him. Aww, that's nice.
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Ooh she can see things that other people can't
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Oh shit! Did not see that coming
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His hat is so stupid and I love him
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Aww I know him from Mystic Pop Up Bar
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Yep see that's who was under the old woman makeup
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Slow motion walking in the rain. An important part of any kdrama
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Look at all those candles. I see he's decided to embrace the full brooding gothic stereotype by living in a candlelit mansion even though it clearly has electricity
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Wow I hope she gets rescued from her terrible abusive family soon
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Okay, this is cute
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Yeah...these two need to bang
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Oh my god do they live together now?
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Well, this just got awkward
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Just what every girl wants to hear from their guardian god
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Well, that was way more fun than I was expecting. I just wish the episodes weren't so damn long. I'll watch another one tomorrow
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 10
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I would like to know this also
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I really feel like I have seen the king in something else but according to MDL I have not
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I'm pretty sure you already are but okay
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I know he means the two of them but I still think the three of them should be a set
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Holy plot twist
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Holy plot twist!
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I am fascinated by competent executive assistant dude who knows the dance routines to various k-pop songs. I would watch a whole drama about him
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Kim Shin is apparently going to fight an entire gang with a mop
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Yikes he just shoved the handle up that dude's ass
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Aww Kim Shin and Eun Tak are being adorable and kissing in a bad, while poor grim reaper got dumped
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Haha! The really did look like models.
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Oh my god they're doing the dashing model walk to bring home some groceries. They are such dorks
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HAHAHAH! Holy shit I am dying
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Oh my god Kim Shin and Eun Tak are trying, really badly, to get Sunny and Grim Reaper back together
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I'm waiting for Kim Shin to realise that he is, in fact, a CEO himself
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Ah, it's been a while since we had a random trip to Canada
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I swear all they do is drink during the day
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I thought they were going to drag that out for longer
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 7
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Yeah, I think they probably both need to get beyond the 'ew I don't want to kiss you' stage before she can pull out the sword
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Of course it needs true love. Just like the fairy tales
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Things are about to get really awkward when Kim Shin comes back very much not dead after he settled all his worldly affairs. Grim Reaper is so not giving back the deed to the house
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Ehehe! Called it.
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AHAH! Eun Tak told Kim Shin she loved him so she wouldn't have to return the gifts he gave her when he thought he was going to die. Grim Reaper: well, if it works for her...
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I think I enjoy their friendship even more than his friendship with Kim Shin
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Well that took a homoerotic turn
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That is an excellent almost bi flag coloured sweater he's wearing
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Aww he called himself her boyfriend again
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Definitely not sobbing because she was sad she had no parent waiting to meet her after the exam but she has a family waiting for her at home
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939 938 years old, fought in a literal war, and scared of a zombie movie. I wonder if this is before or after Gong Yoo was in Train to Busan. Same year, apparently, so I wonder if this was a nod to that.
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Ah, she's getting closer to figuring it out
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Uh oh she met a cute college boy
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Remember in the first episode where Kim Shin sank the boat and was a total badass and I said 'I hope he is dramatic like this for the whole drama'? Well, he IS that dramatic but less in an 'I am fire, I am death' sort of way and more of a 'dramatic teenager whose life is over because of a mild inconvenience' kind of way
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Imagine being one of his teammates. This random 40 year old dude wanders in and starts talking about how hot one of your team is
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He's definitely not pouty about it though
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Oh my god he's so outraged at being mistaken for Eun Tak's dad
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Oh shit! Why is he crying over the portrait of that girl from Kim Shin's past (was she Kim Shin's girlfriend? sister? wife? the flashback did not make it clear)
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Oh shit!
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That was very Lois and Clark.
Well, I guess he wants to live now, which is good?
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 5
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It's interesting that the first time we see him properly in pain from the sword is right after he realises he's starting to fall in love with Eun Tak. There's definitely some sort of metaphor about his heart. Also, look at this gothic aesthetic. THIS is what I thought the whole drama was going to be like
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Honestly I would watch a whole drama about Eun Tak helping ghosts, and them helping her too. All while her dork goblin boyfriend is in the background trying to be cool and impress her
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She's so sweet. Filled up the fridge and then tidied the room too so the ghost's mother won't see all the mess
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I love that he makes fun of the goblin and his relationship but totally fails as well. The are both such cringefail dorks
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And now they're bonding over being cringefail dorks
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Magically blowing out all those candles at once is definitely going to set off the hotel smoke alarm
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This is such a stupid idea. 'I'll hang out with her until the first snow and then get her to kill me before I really fall in love with her and no longer want to die'. Absolutely no flaws there. Genius plan.
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YAY! She's finally moving in with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's boyfriend. I wonder how long it will be before the grim reaper finds out that the woman he likes it Eun Tak's boss
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I love that he's still acting like he wants Kim Shin to die. He's not fooling anyone.
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These two arguing about interior design reminds me of that bit in The Man From UNCLE (movie) where Napoleon and Ilya are arguing about women's fashion
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Grim Reaper looking positively scandalised that Kim Shin is inviting Eun Tak into his bed on the first night
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Oh my god there was only one bed! Look at his little face he is totally trying to woo his way into the Grim Reaper's bed
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Aww look at them having pillow talk in separate beds
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Aww and now they're cooking together. Not sure I could stomach steak and salad for breakfast though
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They are both so ridiculous and I love them
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Aww now the grim reaper can call Sunny. I wonder how long it will be before he gets upset and freezes his phone
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Aww he's asking Eun Tak to help give him a name. Why is this so cute?
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I know you're busy studying but please kill me. I love that he's bribing her with tasty food and also respecting that she's trying to study for her exams
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Is...is he wearing an agender shirt??
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Aww she's flirting with the grim reaper to try and make Kim Shin jealous. You know what the solution to a love triangle is... (not that this is one but still she should be allowed to flirt with them both)
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Eun Tak and the grim reaper are besties after one conversation. I love this
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Grim Reaper is like 'this is better than any tv drama'
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Look at this 900+ year old immortal hiding in his bedroom because he accidentally called himself Eun Tak's boyfriend
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Yes, welcome not just to this restaurant but to the entire province of Quebec
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Yes, that is definitely what will happen. Idiot.
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 8
Wow I can't believe I'm halfway through already. I did say I would watch it faster once I was on vacation
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Aww she thinks he knocked her away from the sword because he was in pain, not because he's decided he wants to live
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I know the answer is probably 'because the sets are really cold' but why does everyone sleep fully clothed in these dramas. You see characters wake up in the morning and they're wearing a hoodie and sweatpants in bed. Maybe I just can't relate because I get really hot when I'm in bed
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Yes, please bridal carry him to bed
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Okay, that's twice now that the grim reaper has looked at the painting of the woman from Kim Shin's past and it's then cut to Sunny. And he cried the first time he met her and when he looked at the painting. Is the the reincarnation of the woman from the painting? I have no idea what that makes the grim reaper then since he can't remember his past life
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Okay, the woman in the painting was Kim Shin's sister. I still have no idea why the grim reaper cried when he saw her. Maybe his past life he was in love with her?
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Oh my god I didn't even think of that
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I mean that is something siblings would do...
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Oh shit what did he do??? Something involving Kim Shin's sister?
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Yes, I'm sure a Subway sandwich is just what the man who was about to take his own life needs to feel better
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Oh it was so he could give it to his daughter who ran away to come and visit him. I retract my previous sarcasm
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Aww she's jealous of herself because she thinks his first love was someone from his past
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Well, I guess he just found out that Sunny is Eun Tak's boss
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Oh my god he keeps going back and buying chicken even though he's a vegetarian
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Kim Shin is jealous because cute baseball boy keep going to the chicken restaurant, Grim Reaper is jealous because he think Eun Tak has been giving cute baseball boy chicken coupons while he's been paying full price each time. They are all so ridiculous I love them
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The vision of the accident shocked me, but I had a proper OH SHIT moment at this many grim reapers just calmly sitting waiting for it to happen
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Imagine your life involving coming face to face with 20 grim reapers and your reaction just being 'oh there's my bestie!'. Unless she can't see the others?
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Even worse than getting stabbed in the first place?
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Oh shit was he the king in his past life? He suddenly got pain when Kim Shin painted the king's name. And that whole massacre was a pretty big crime and would explain why he was crying over Kim Shin's sister!
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I've been trying to figure out how she relates to all this. Apparently she's God? Or a god at least.
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So if Eun Tak pulls out the sword Kim Shin will die, but if she doesn't pull out the sword she will die. Well shit.
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Well, I guess she knows now
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 16
Here we go. The final episode.
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I love this guy so much. He has the same cool competence that Phil Coulson has (had? IDK I stopped watching Agents of SHIELD)
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This is legit what I'm like when I'm in the car and my sister is driving 馃槄
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If only I knew what brand of watch she'd bought for him
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This is very sad but didn't Kim Shin have a vision of them together? So it's goodbye for now but not forever
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Ooh I want apple that's shaped like a rabbit
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Wait, what? The aunt is a ghost??
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I love her
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Oh lovely they're allowed to share a bed now that they're married
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I was literally just wondering how there was another 40 mins left after everything was mostly resolved. I forgot Eun Tak still needs to die or at least get out of this death cycle permanently. I'm kind of expecting her to die and be reborn as someone not cursed but we shall see
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Yep, there we go. She gave her life to save a bunch of kids. And I don't mean to make this all about him but god he lost the love of his life and now he has to escort one of his best friends into the afterlife. At what point is he going to stop being punished?
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Didn't someone else at the start say they wouldn't drink and it was implied bad things would happen?
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Of course she's his final name card. Interesting that it doesn't list the cause of death when every single other card has.
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Aww look at them reborn and living their best fic trope life
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Ah, joke's on me for saying the previous episode was 'one last trip to Canada'. Of course they're going to reunite there
Well, I basically bawled my way through that entire episode
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 15
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Wow she has a good memory. I can barely remember who I spoke to last week never mind 10 years ago
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Bit invasive considering it's been 10 years
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Aww it's like the first time they met
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He has a name now! I'm fine I'm not crying at all
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Wait does she still remember???
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I love her. She got to keep her memories because she basically said God was a dick if he wiped them
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She deserves an Oscar for spending years pretending not to remember Eun Tak, the grim reaper or Kim Shin
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Gah so when she saw Kim Shin through the window that time she knew who he was but before she could talk to him he ran off
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Sunny might be the MVP of this entire drama
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God, someone please hug this boy
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Aww yay she remembered him. Not sure what the remaining episode and a half is going to be about. Maybe getting Wang Yeo his happy ending?
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Oh shiiiiiii I forgot she's supposed to be dead
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Maybe she shouldn't have cancelled her therapy sessions. She clearly has PTSD
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Oh, I'd forgotten about the abusive aunt
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 14
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Oh shit is everything Kim Shin did being erased?
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Oh shit his entire existence has been erased!
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NINE YEARS LATER?? Oh, because Eun Tak is 29 now and Important Things happen on the cusp of hitting a new decade of age
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Aww I'm glad she's still friends with the slightly weird girl from high school
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I thought for a second she was asking Eun Tak out on a date. Slightly disappointed now
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Sweetie, it's called depression. And, also, your one true love got erased from existence. That too, I guess.
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I think maybe some of the lore has been lost on me. He's done being punished but now has to trudge through the snow for eternity? How is that any better?
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Aww yay he's back because she wished she could remember on her birthday. I thought that would get dragged out for longer
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Ooh but she still doesn't remember him. Got to have that bit more angst before the end
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Is she just going to leave that whole cake on the bench like that?
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Ooh I like her necklace
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I have to say I was expecting more whump from a drama with the premise of 'guy has giant sword sticking out of his chest'. Even after trudging through nothingness for 9 years he's had a haircut and now he's fine
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See, I knew he was going to turn out to be the CEO that he kept getting jealous about. That is literally the only thing I have accurately predicted in this whole drama so I'm taking it!
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Got to get in one final trip to Canada before the end
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 13
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I'm confused. I thought the grim reaper made her forget him
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I love that they're framing this breakup just as they would if it was a romantic one
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Okay I know this is very serious but I can't stop laughing over the existence of a grim reaper auditing team
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Maybe tell him that the evil ghost just tried to kill his sister?
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Oh shit does that mean they need to pull the sword out of Kim Shin's chest and use that to kill the ghost?
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Aww that's why she remembered him. That's very sweet
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Could it perhaps...be Canada again?
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In a shocking turn of events it is NOT Canada again
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Holy shit he used Eun Tak to pull the sword out of his own body! Damn! Why does this feel like the final episode when there's still another 3 episodes to go!
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Well fuck.
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 12
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Hmm, I wonder...
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Okay, something is happening. Deok Hwa knows things he shouldn't. I don't know what that means though. GAH the twists keep on coming
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Oh, I guess he was just possessed by god? He seems better now.
Wow I did not see any of that coming
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I love that they're just talking openly about dating a grim reaper and marrying a goblin in front of this random potato seller
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I love that they're a family. I'm definitely not crying at all
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I'm so confused about the timespan of this drama. It feels like it's been Christmas forever. Also Eun Tak seems to have graduated high school and started college within a couple of weeks.
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Aww yay I was hoping he'd reunite with his second in command. I feel like the pacing of this has suddenly picked up a lot. Everything is happening.
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He's taking all of this remarkably well. Here's a new job, a new apartment and a new car because you were a good man in your past like. Oh, okay.
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Oh shit! Uh, no one mentioned this before
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Oh shit
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Oh no
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 11
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Kim Shin: It doesn't matter if my sister doesn't remember me or her past life so long as she's happy in this one Also Kim Shin, as soon as he finds out who is sister has been reborn as: MY LITTLE SISTER PLEASE HUG ME
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Dude, don't put your briefcase down on top of your laptop!
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Haha! I knew he'd get upset about that as soon as he got over the shock of finding his sister
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Is this evil dude going to show up in the modern day too? God I hope this isn't who the grim reaper is
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How could anyone resist that sad puppy face?
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I love Eun Tak. She's like 'my life has been weird from the moment I was born but my boss now suddenly has to deal with all this'
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I cannot figure this girl out. She keeps popping up now and then, and I think she wants to be Eun Tak's friend but I am suspicious of everyone at this point. Is she a ghost? A god? Someone from the past reincarnated? Just a random girl? Who knows!
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I'd kind of forgotten about the terrible abusive teacher, but this god clearly had not. Reduced her to tears with one sentence.
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Oh she's so smart! She figured out he was there and knocked his hat off so she could see him
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Uh...I seem to recall Kim Shin specifically telling you not to go high places because you were going to die in a fall. THAT IS A HIGH PLACE
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I mean you did just nearly get killed
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Oh there he is. I love that he's the only ghost we've seen that looks evil
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Oh come on that's just unneccessary
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 6
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Oh shit!
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Ooh no I do not like mind wipes as a plot device
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I do enjoy when they get together to commiserate about their disaster love lives
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Grim Reaper be like 'my attempts at romance are a disaster but yours are way worse'
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As if you know anything about what women like
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LMAO of course he met Shakespeare. Every fictional immortal or time traveller has met Shakespeare. Dude must have had quite the social circle.
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Oh my god it's happening
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Oh I guess it's not happening
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He gets so annoyed whenever Eun Tak says something sweet. They're very much the grumpy one and the sunshine one.
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God, is he wearing eyeliner? That is too much. He's too pretty.
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Aww these two standing in the middle of the street petting each others heads
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LOL when he asked her to pull the sword out she said no, and now that she's ready to do it he doesn't want to. Given there's still 10 episodes to go I suspect there's going to be a lot of this
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Wow are these idiots really trying to kidnap her again after last time
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I love these two chatting and doing chores together
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Oh shit! So she's going to meet a grim reaper every ten years on the cusp of hitting the next decade because she shouldn't be a live. Well, that sucks.
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Gosh I was so tense during his big farewell speech and I assumed something was going to stop her pulling the sword out but I wasn't expecting her hands to go straight through it. A very interesting plot twist!
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Ooh I was laughing at this incredibly unromantic looking kiss but I think maybe she does have the right idea. Maybe they have to be properly in love before she can pull out the sword. They definitely like each other but I don't think it's love yet
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 4
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I love that he is so far from the angsty brooding character I was expecting. Finds out Eun Tak can see the sword, acts all cool with her then runs inside flailing to scream at his his BFF
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Oh my god he just tried to hug the grim reaper and the grim reaper is like NOPE. I hope they hug before the end. It won't kill him, right? He's immortal
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Oh my god are the three of them going to live together? OT3! OT3!
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Haha! Well, they were BFFs for a whole 5 minutes
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Let her live with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's boyfriend
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Oh my god what is happening?
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I wondered who that random kid from the first episode was. He just died as an old man so I guess we'll find out. Maybe a reincarnation of someone the goblin knew?
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Oh he's just a regular person who the goblin happened to help and who took the opportunity to repay that kindness to others. I'm legit getting emotional over this
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Oh my god he's drunk after 2 cans of beer. Surely being alive for hundreds of years would have let him build up an alcohol tolerance
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I suspect the angst is going to hit when she eventually finds out her role as the goblin's bride is to kill him
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Aww he really does make flowers bloom when he's happy
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Kids, don't mix medication and alcohol or you might be open and honest with the girl you like and then inexplicably make flowers bloom in the middle of autumn
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Oh my god the grim reaper is hanging out in a cafe so he can watch his drama on tv
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I legit cackled. Everyone in this cafe is watching the drama except the goblin who is nursing his hangover. This is what fandom is like, with the one person who doesn't go here
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The goblin: remembers he went on a drunken date with Eun Tak and told her stuff he shouldn't Grim Reaper: still thinking about his show This is also what being in fandom is like
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Aww Eun Tak's ghost friends got the girl who was bullying her into trouble. I love this.
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Aww they're back in Canada again. Is this going to be a regular thing now
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I love how happy he gets whenever she thinks he's cool
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 3
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I love him
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Haha! A dramatic rescue and now they have to walk home
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Can they communicate telepathically now? I love it
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He's very cute
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YES! Fuck up her abusive family
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So there's a chance that the king that killed him has been reincarnated as member of ikon or a member of this girl group that I don't recognise. Amazing.
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Ooh nice tough having him be there for the doctor not the patient. Didn't see that coming
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This reminds me of when I was watching Duel and the characters kept stopping to eat at Subway and talk about how tasty the food is
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I love her
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Haha! She blew out the food she burnt and accidentally summoned the goblin, who she is trying to avoid
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His smug smile. Everyone in this is a dork and I love them
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I mean if Lee Dong Wook showed up to take me to the afterlife I would definitely go without hesitation
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I assumed grim reapers had always been grim reapers but apparently he has a past life. Interesting.
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Oh my god they've gone grocery shopping together. I love to see powerful supernatural beings doing mundane stuff like this
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Grim Reaper: I can't wait for your bride to pull out the sword so you die Also Grim Reaper: Oh, no, please don't leave 馃ズ
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Grim Reaper is totally going to pretend to take her just to get him to come back
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Aww she kept the flowers he gave her the first time they met. This drama isn't at all what I expected. I thought it was going to be all brooding heavy angst but it's sweet and funny
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Ooh magic stall lady hexed the grim reaper so he would pick up the ring. I've already forgotten what's significant about the ring. Was it that woman in the past who owned it? And then did Eun Tak's mother pick it up at one point too? I'm sure all will become clear
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Oh my god did Eun Tak's pretty boss just have a meet cute with the grim reaper. Well, that fortune teller did say she'd have bad luck with men. This probably won't end well
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Yeah, for a start he can't touch her. Oh, didn't he say he can see people's past lives if he touches them? I'm sure that will become relevant at some point
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Yeah, that's not ominous at all
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I mean yes if I had a meet cute with Lee Dong Wook I would be like this also. I mean not really because I'm ace but I understand. He's very handsome.
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He's been living with the goblin for too long. He's started wearing sweaters now too
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Wow she is terrible too. I hope the goblin punishes her as well
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Two powerful immortals freaking out because someone rang their doorbell. This drama is so fun.
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This is about to get awkward
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Wait, can she really see it? I'd think 'holy shit there's a giant sword impaling you' would have come up before now
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 9
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Aww he finally admitted it
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Oh no :D
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Yes, destroy him
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Haha! I legit gasped when the dead dude suddenly got better
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I feel like we're now going to be stuck in a cycle of him asking her to take the sword out because he doesn't want her to die, and her refusing because she doesn't want him to die
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I see we've upgraded from awesome knitwear to awesome knitwear coupled with an awesome fluffy coat
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Good lord how many doctors does it take to treat one concussed teenager? I'd be so alarmed if I woke up and saw this many people standing around my bed
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Ah, that's why
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Fasten your coat you are literally at the top of a mountain in the snow
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Wow she's a good fortune teller
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There's a lot of fun word play in this. Props to the subtitlers for explaining it all. This just got very meta
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Surprise lesbian ghosts?
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Haha! I wasn't expecting a BTS shoutout but here we are.
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Haha! Holy shit I'm dying
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Look at him in his little glasses. He's so cute.
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Oh shit is he about to figure out Sunny is his sister?
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Oh shit she touched him! He's about to find out she's Kim Shin's sister too
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