#him and chandrelle should have gotten more development and stuff in the game
livehexmoments · 1 year
hi besties its me with another hc list <3  Anyway here’s Mr. Chef (OP) Bryce himself DSAFEG
To me, he’s basically the most positive and optimistic one. Realistically speaking, of course, but still tries to keep everyone in good spirits.
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Cooking Granny and him were biologically related? Either way, he always admired her and looked up to her. 
So he feels extremely guilty about it and does not like talking about it (or even hearing news about how she’s doing now. It would make him pretty depressed)
One of the few people who likes both Reggie and Jeremiah. He has no ill will towards both of them. 
They did provide a cooking job and shelter for him. Even if it was for the plan, the fact that they did it made him really appreciate it. 
Him and Reggie tend to not take their “Boss/worker dynamic” seriously and even joke about it (“What do I pay you for?” “Hah! You’re not paying me!”)
He honestly sees Reggie as a semi grandpa figure but the kind that tends to be stubborn, a bit old fashioned yet still has a good sense of humor
Jeremiah, while distant and cold, still treats Bryce with respect and offers help when he can (mostly cleaning up the kitchen, even when Bryce insists he can do it by himself)
I am a chandrelle and Bryce bestie supporter. These two understand each other pretty well and honestly? Bryce is one of the few people she would trust with anything (other than Lazarus)
He likes to teach her baking and stuff to ease her clear anger issues and to get to know her better
To repeat from Weasel’s list: Him and Bryce get along fine! I think Byrce feels bad for the kid and wants to help him out. At the very least, he wants to try and set a good example for him. Unfortunately, this is Super goddamn Weasel Kid and he can be just as stubborn as Lionel.
And again, Weasel is banned from the kitchen. Byrce kept noticing certain stuff being stolen and it all lead back to him
Oh to talk briefly about this: Bryce absolutely has the authority to ban people from the kitchen. Since everything, it is his kitchen and his rules there. Unless you want to face the wrath of an annoyed chief, then you will be banned from entering (unless emergencies of course)
Fucking he even banned Reginald from his own kitchen for a week because the old guy is stubborn and not that great of a cook but constantly denies it (just imagining him wheeling a very pissed off Reggie out of his own kitchen after Reggie kept fucking with Bryce’s stuff)
Since he’s besties with Chandrelle, he tries his best to get along with Lazarus too. It’s a bit uncomfortable because Lazarus is not good with getting along with new people, but they manage. 
Bryce was very distrustful of him (and Rust too) due to how he looks and apparent war stories, but honestly? He realized he’s a sweetheart. 
Although he still hates fighting, he does like to train with Lazarus from time to time. It gives a good workout and Lazarus is a decent conversationalist.
While he enjoys Lazarus’s company, He does not trust him with any type of cooking because good lord it’s awful (i’ll explain more when we get to Lazarus)
He is so worried about Rust. Rust is someone who is awful at taking care of himself, so Bryce makes it his duty to remind Rust to eat every once in a while
Bryce used to think he’s a freak and weird old guy who probably killed people (that part is true). But when Rust finally told people about what happened to him, Bryce instantly felt awful.
He even apologized to Rust for being kind of mean to him during the whole murder thing was going on 
FPP and Bryce are also besties!! I think Bryce would teach FPP some cooking and baking skills while FPP would teach Bryce about some new art techniques they found (I wont get into it too much but I hc FPP getting into making art and stuff)
Bryce does have a bit of a temper. Not too bad and he has found ways to manage it very well, but on bad days, it can be hard to contain it. He had one even before his fighting days, but being a fighter did make it worse
It especially comes out when he’s arguing with someone, sometimes he’ll be composed, but sometimes he’ll yell back. One time he punched someone and felt super guilty about it. 
He’s actually pretty protective of his new found family. He already lost a family member when he punched granny and the possible friends he could have made during Combat Arena X. These guys are the closest he’ll ever get to having people who get it. He does not want to lose that.
Overall, he’s pretty much the optimistic and ‘normal’ one in this weird family. Although he has a small temper and can be distrustful of people, he is always there for them and will throw hands if necessary to ensure everyone is safe. 
AY I GOT ONE MORE: Bryce is a very hugs type of a guy and yet forgets that he’s pretty strong. So sometimes if hes really happy or excited, he’ll hug one of them and almost break their back by accident HWHSBW
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