#him owning a techno club sounds actually tempting
passionate-reply · 3 years
This week on Great Albums: one of my favourite “hidden gems” of the mid-1980s, Blancmange’s *Mange Tout* is about as extra and in-your-face as it gets, full of dense arrangements, gender-bending bombast, and musical instruments from Southern Asia.
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! This time around, I’ll be taking a look at one of my favourite hidden gems from the mid-1980s, the sophomore LP of Blancmange, entitled Mange Tout.
Despite their relative obscurity today, particularly in comparison to many of their contemporaries, Blancmange weren’t total strangers to the pop charts. Their first full-length LP, 1982’s Happy Families, would yield the biggest hit of their career: “Living on the Ceiling,” which peaked at #7.
Music: “Living on the Ceiling”
While it never got to be a chart-topper, “Living on the Ceiling” is still an unforgettable track in its own ways. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is its use of the traditional Indian instruments, the sitar and tabla. While 80s synth-pop is certainly full of Orientalism, most of the references you’ll find are pointing to the Far East, and the perceived aesthetic sophistication and techno-utopian futurism of China and Japan. Aside from certain works of Bill Nelson, Blancmange were pretty much the only ones engaging with South Asian musical themes. Blancmange’s instrumentalist, Stephen Luscombe, grew up in London’s Southall neighbourhood, which had a high population of immigrants from Southern Asia, which led him to a lifelong interest in Indian music. Combined with electronics, it makes for a totally unique sound, which ends up sounding better in practice than it might in theory.
While any time White European musicians turn to alternative cultures as artistic tools, there’s a valid cause for some degree of criticism and concern, there’s also an artsy, left-field un-hipness about Blancmange, who seemingly drew from Indian music not only alone, but purely for sonic enjoyment. Unlike the exotic fantasies spun by groups like Japan, none of Blancmange’s songs seem propelled by any specific idea or ideology about India, but rather seem to tackle common pop themes of love and heartbreak against a seemingly *non sequitur* musical backdrop. While we, as listeners, might have strong associations with particular sounds, this is ultimately more cultural than innate, and there’s really no reason why a composition with Indian instruments must revolve around some theme of “Indian-ness”; it isn’t like people in India don’t also fall in love. However you feel about these influences, the role of Indian instruments is only increased on Mange Tout, where they appear on multiple tracks, including the album’s most successful single, “Don’t Tel Me.”
Music: “Don’t Tell Me”
On Mange Tout tracks like “Don’t Tell Me,” not only do the instruments return, but so do the session musicians who had performed on “Living on the Ceiling”: Deepak Khazanchi, on sitar, and Pandit Dinesh, on the percussion instruments tabla and madal. “Don’t Tell Me” is a track with a lot of pop appeal, lightweight and singable, which makes it a bit surprising that it was actually the final single released from the album. It certainly impresses me that Blancmange managed to create such bubbly and finely tuned pop, given that neither of their core members came from any formal or technical background: Luscombe had had a history in avant-garde music ensembles, and vocalist Neil Arthur became interested in music via the DIY culture of punk. Their first-ever release, the 1980 EP Irene & Mavis, sounds more like Throbbing Gristle than Culture Club, but they somehow managed to arrive at something quite sweet and palatable in the end. That said, it’s also possible for sweet to eventually become too sweet--and this line is provoked on the album’s divisive second single, “That’s Love, That It Is.”
Music: “That’s Love, That It Is”
In contrast to the lighter “Don’t Tell Me,” “That’s Love, That It Is” is utterly bombastic, with a vicious intensity. The instrumentation and production style is dense to the point of being borderline overwhelming. By this point in his life, Stephen Luscombe had recently discovered that he was gay, and his time spent in nightclubs that catered to the gay community provided another pillar of Blancmange’s signature sound: the influence of the queer disco tradition, which is almost certainly the source of this tightly-packed instrumental arrangement style. Blancmange never seem to be mentioned in the same breath as other stars of queer synth-pop like Bronski Beat, Soft Cell, and the Pet Shop Boys, presumably due to the combination of their overall obscurity and the fact that Luscombe was never the face of their band, but I see no reason not to include them in the same pantheon of camp. Speaking of queerness, it’s also worth noting how Blancmange played with gender, particularly on their cover of “The Day Before You Came.”
Music: “The Day Before You Came”
A solid eight years before Erasure’s iconic Abba-Esque, Blancmange offered their own interpretation of an ABBA classic with “The Day Before You Came.” In their hands, it’s a languid dirge, and a meditation on quotidian miseries for which the titular event seems to offer little respite. The unchanged lyrics, portraying the narrator working in an office and watching soap operas at night, are subtly feminine-coded, but the deep and unmistakably masculine voice of vocalist Neil Arthur seems to muddle those connotations. While it is a cover, I’m tempted to sort it into the same tradition as Soft Cell’s “Bedsitter” and the Pet Shop Boys’ “Left To My Own Devices,” as a work which musically elevates the everyday life of a campily self-obsessed character to the sort of melodrama the narrator perceives it to have.
I’ve spent a lot of time praising the instrumental side of their music so far, but it’s also true that Blancmange wouldn’t be Blancmange without Arthur’s contributions. The presence of his rough and untrained voice, with the added gruffness of a Northern accent, draws a line between these tracks and a typical pop production, and he sells us quite successfully on the gloomy, ominous feeling of tracks like “The Day Before You Came” and the album’s lead single, “Blind Vision.”
Music: “Blind Vision”
On the cover of Mange Tout, we find an assortment of seemingly unrelated items, which form a sort of graphic wunderkammer against a pale beige backdrop. Perhaps the best theme that could be assigned to them is that of travel--we see several means of transportation, such as a boat, a motorbike, and an airplane flying above a map, as well as items that can be taken as symbols of exotic locales, such as a North American cactus, and an elephant and Zulu nguni shield from Africa. Only the harp is clearly evocative of music itself--and this instrument won’t even be found on the album! The album’s title, “Mange Tout,” suggests that we are getting “full” Blancmange, or “all of” Blancmange. Taken together, the cover and title seem to imply that this album is stuffed to the brim, and contains a whole world of musical ideas. I would definitely agree that that’s a major motif of the album: it’s audacious, explosive, and free-wheeling. It very much feels like an album that was put together on the back of a first initial success, with a pumped-up budget and bold creative vision, and hence pulls no punches. Perhaps the most compelling feature of Mange Tout, and the primary reason I recommend this album so highly, is its unbridled enthusiasm for what it’s doing. Even in its ostensibly experimental moments, Mange Tout feels not like an album that is “trying” something, but rather one that boldly and assuredly proclaims the things it does, and embraces a kind of “more is more” maximalism.
In hindsight, it’s easy to see Mange Tout as the creative as well as commercial peak of Blancmange’s career. Their follow-up release, 1985’s Believe You Me, is far from the worst album I’ve ever heard, but it definitely doesn’t feel quite the same as the “classic” Blancmange works, adopting a more middle-of-the-road, radio-friendly synth-pop direction, with less of the South Asian influences and experimentation that really set them apart in the saturated synth-pop landscape. While not a work devoid of merit, Believe You Me was a relative commercial dud, and the duo would split soon after, chiefly citing personal and creative differences--though they did have a brief reunion in the early 2010s.
Music: “Lose Your Love”
My favourite track on Mange Tout is “All Things Are Nice,” which, alongside the neo-doo-wop “See the Train,” would be classed as one of the more experimental tracks on the album. Full of tension, “All Things Are Nice” alternates between eerily whispering vocals from Arthur, and a variety of samples from other media--which was still a relatively cutting-edge technique for the time. “All Things Are Nice” is almost certainly the most conceptual track on the album: as samples discuss world war, and Arthur whispers that “we can’t keep up with it,” the song is probably to be interpreted as a commentary on the runaway nature of technology and so-called “progress” in the modern age. The titular assertion that “all things are nice” seems to be ironic--or perhaps it embodies a sheer love of chaos and unpredictability, for their own sake, which would certainly fit the album’s mood. It also feels like it might be a sort of defense of the album itself: like I said, *Mange Tout* is serving us “all of Blancmange,” and isn’t it fun to get to have all of something? That’s everything for today--as always, thanks for listening!
Music: “All Things Are Nice”
14 notes · View notes
marvel-lously · 4 years
Bittersweet Revenge
Genre:fluff with a tiny bit of angst and some good old family drama
A/N: Heyo, I’m finally back! I am so sorry I’ve barely posted any fics lately and I am so grateful for all of you who still stick with me. I got the idea for this story quite a while ago, but I’ve only just had the time to finish it now because being a senior in high school really be like that sometimes. Anyways I’ve got quite a few things in mind for the next part, so let me know if you want me to continue it. Now I know this has been said many times before, but, if you like my story please reblog and comment. It means so much and it really encourages and motivates me to write more.
I love you all and I really hope you enjoy reading this!
»C'mon Y/n, you have to go to this party with me!«  Your best friend begged you.
It was Friday night and you lay sprawled on a two-seat, mindlessly staring at the ceiling while trying to ignore the events of the past week.
»No, no I really don’t actually, in fact, I don’t have to go anywhere, so please, just let me wallow in self pity, while I watch some stupid rom-com and eat a pint of ice cream, AT HOME.« You protested, annoyed with how persistent she was.
»No, Y/n, stop it right now. I won’t let you do that, you know I won’t. They don’t deserve your heartbreak and they certainly don’t deserve your tears, so please, just go with me. I promise you’ll have fun, plus, you never know, you might even meet somebody.« She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively while you simply rolled your eyes at her statement.
»Seriously? You think I’ll go to a place full of sweaty, drunk people to get hit on by a bunch of guys who’ll barely be able to remember their own names, nevermind mine and who will only be flirting with me because it’s convenient, not for actually taking an interest in me?« You snorted in disbelief.
»Wow, you really have taken  it upon yourself to be miserable today, haven’t you?« She sighed, crossing her arms in dissatisfaction.
»Well, I try.« You feigned a smile.
»Okay, how about I promise to make you coffee every morning for the rest of your stay here?« She tried, knowing that you would go as far as to sell your own soul to satan just to get a cup of coffee when you wake up.
Coffee was basically your life fuel and her idea was tempting, but you had a really bad day and an even worse week and a cup of coffee just wasn’t going to cut it this time. You scrunched your nose in contemplation, letting out a doubtful hum.
»Ugh, you’re impossible! Fine, I will let you wear my favourite dress for your cousin’s wedding, if you just please come to this party with me.« She sounded exasperated.
You finally perked up at her suggestion.
»So… I get a cup of coffee every morning for the next three weeks aaand I get to wear your favourite dress?« You asked, now smirking.
»Yes, will you please go now?« She asked, frustration evident in her voice.
»Hmm, let me think…« you pretended to still be considering her offer, although you have already made up your mind »fine, I’ll go to your stupid party.« 
»Yes!« She started jumping joyfully. »Oh and it’s not some stupid party, it’s the best party in London and darling, you’re going back home in three weeks and I’m just worried that you’re not gonna get  the full experience while you’re here.« She smiled cheekily.
»Ha ha Y/b/f/n, really, hilarious. I’m here on praxis remember? If that doesn’t do for the full experience of London life, then I don’t know what does.« You chuckled, some of your bad mood already dissolving, seeing how enthusiastic she seemed about you going.
»Eh, whatever, get dressed, I’ll do your makeup and then we can go.«
You were glad she offered to do your makeup, because other than putting your mascara on, you were completely useless with it.
When you two finally arrived, the entire place was already drowning in the amount of people and you two had to elbow your way to the counter.
»First drink’s on me!« Y/b/f/n shouted to you.
You merely gave her an anxious smile, downing your shot of tequila. After the second shot, you started to feel the effect and you could feel yourself caring less and less about the crowd, and by the fourth one, you actually started enjoying the music.
Y/b/f/n practically dragged you to the dance floor and you two started to jump around like maniacs when the 80’s music begun to play.
»Oh my god, I can’t believe they’re playing the 80’s!« You yelled, excited. You much prefered rock to techno and pop and it seemed that this club was perfect for you.
»I’m getting myself another drink, want anything?« You asked Y/b/f/n, heading back to the counter when she shook her head no.
Sipping on your pina colada, you suddenly felt someone standing behind you and immediately recognized her perfume. »Oh god no!« You thought to yourself.
»Y/n, hi, so good to see you!« Her high pitched voice somehow managed to outdo any other sound in the room.
»Hi Charon, I can’t believe I’m seeing you here.« You offered her one of your famous fake smiles, reserved especially for her, your cousin.
»Oh, yeah, you see Tim and I came here ‘cause he’s looking for a place for his bachelor’s party and he heard a few good words about this place, so here we are.« She giggled as if she’s just been told the most hilarious joke of all time. God you hated her guts.
»I think Tim should be here any moment now, he just went to the man’s room. You know, you guys should totally catch up.« She smiled innocently, as if she didn’t know she was putting daggers in your heart by merely being present.
»Abort, abort, abort!« Your mind was telling you.
»You know, I’m actually here with a friend and, uh, I should probably head back so she doesn’t get too worried.« You already started backing away, hoping to get to Y/B/f/n as soon as possible.
»Oh okay, some other time then.« She shrugged nonchalantly.
You pushed your way through to Y/b/f/n, only to see her dancing with a handsome guy. You decided to at least let her have some fun and opted to get some air instead, sending her a quick text not to worry before leaving the club through the back door.
You sat on the stairs just outside the door, playing with a straw. Why couldn’t you enjoy one single night out without her showing up and ruining your life over and over again. You wanted to cry, to scream and possibly throw something at her, but of course, you didn’t. You’d never let her see how much she really hurt you, you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.
»Bad day?« A husky voice interrupted your thinking.
»I’ve had better.« You mumbled incoherently, but the man somehow managed to understand, seeing as he chuckled and sat down next to you.
»I’m Tom, by the way.« He introduced himself, offering his hand.
»Y/n.« You replied, wiping your sweaty palm on your thigh and shaking his hand.
»Nice to meet you Y/n.« He smiled kindly. »So what got you in such a bad mood?«
»What, I can’t be in a bad mood just because?« You retorted, raising your brows in question.
»Sure you can, but then you wouldn’t be here. You would probably be at home, eating chips while criticizing some cliche movie that you found on a random chanel and complaining about it to your friends.« He smirked.
»True.« You said after a while, shrugging your shoulders.
»So?« He prompted.
»So… what?« You took a sip of your drink.
»So, what got you into this mood?« Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
»Why should I tell you anything? I don’t even know you.« You asked, sassiness clear in your voice.
»Well you don’t have to tell me anything, however, I think you would definitely feel better if you did.« He smiled.
»What are you, my therapist?« You snorted, almost choking on your drink in the process.
»No, doesn’t mean I’m not still trying to help  and make you feel better.«
You gave him an unsure look before giving in.
»It’s my cousin.« You sighed.
»What about them?« He questioned, a wrinkle forming between his brows, confusion clear on his face.
»She’s marrying my ex.« You explained, your shoulders sinking.
»Oh, oh wow.« He said, taking a swig of his beer, trying to come up with a right response. »How long after you two broke up did they start dating?«
»Oh no, they didn’t bother waiting, my ex cheated, so basically they started going out before Tim and I even broke up, and they’re now getting married, less than five months after he officially broke up with me.« You chuckled bitterly. »And now she just had to be here to ruin my night out with a friend.« You added, taking another sip of your pina colada.
You didn’t even know why you were telling him this. I mean, he did seem like a nice guy, and a bit familiar too, was it possible you’d seen him back in the club already? Maybe it’s all just alcohol.
»Damn! Wow! Just, I don’t even know what to say except that your cousin and your ex are like the shittiest people alive.« He commented, a shocked expression on his face.
»Yeah, tell me about it.« You sighed. »What’s your story?«
»Well, you’re not inside partying either so… what’s your story?«
»What are you, my therapist?« He repeated your line from earlier, earning a chuckle from you.
»I don’t know, just, my job I guess.« He shrugged his shoulders, fidgeting.
»What about your job?« You inquired, a curious expression on your face. He seemed to be deeply troubled by this, so it couldn’t have been just a nosy colleague or a  fallout with his superior.
»I have this major opportunity that would really change my career…« He trailed off.
»But?« You prompted.
»But my friend’s been trying really hard for the past year to get this same opportunity and I don’t know how he would react if I took it.«
»Yikes, that sucks mate. Maybe you could talk to him about it?« You suggested.
»And say what? Hey mate, listen I know you’ve been trying to get this job for the past year or so, but you see, they just offered it to me and I’m actually thinking about taking it, no hard feeling tho k?« He pulled on his hair in frustration.
»Yah okay, I see what you mean.« You looked to the ground, not really knowing what to say.
»Damn our lives suck.« He chuckled bitterly.
Before you could reply someone busted the door open, nearly tripping over you two.
»Move!« The man grumbled.
»Dude, you have like at least five feet of the stairs free to walk on on your left, just leave us be.« You hissed back.
»Wow, feisty are we? Don’t talk back too much babe, you don’t want to get hurt now do ya?!« The man slurred, trying to sound threatening, but nearly tripping on his own feet in the process.
»Oh really? And who’s gonna hurt me? You? Oh I’d love to see that.« You pushed his buttons.
»Okay I think that’s enough alcohol for you.« Tom said dragging you away from the man.
»What? No! Tom, let me go! Let me go, right now!« You yelled when he literally had to carry you away from the scene.
Once he thought you were far enough from the ‘charming’ man, he let you back down.
»Why did you do that? He was piss drunk, I could have taken him!« You pouted, crossing your arms.
»Yeah, you’re not in a much better condition love. You would get hurt.« Tom replied, trying to reason with you.
»Would not.« You didn’t back from your statement.
»Sure you wouldn’t.« He rolled his eyes, not really feeling like fighting with you. »Do you need a ride or do you want to go back inside?« He asked, pointing at his car, parked across the street.
You weighed your options for a moment. You really didn’t want to go back inside, not as long as there was a possibility of meeting Tim and Charon again, but you also couldn’t help yourself but think whether Tom was perhaps one of those strangers who act nice at first, but turn out to be murderers in the end. You decided that being murdered was, in fact, still better than meeting the devil’s couple, also, Tom didn’t really give off the 'murderer vibe’.
You took the passenger seat, now smelling Tom’s cologne for the first time. It was a really good cologne and you suddenly felt the need to lean closer, to get more of the intoxicating smell.
»Okay so where do you need me to take you?« Tom asked in a kind voice.
»Narrow Street.« You answered curtly.
Tom started driving and soon the combination of the passing city lights and the slow pace of the ride made you feel drowsy. Without even realizing, you fell asleep.
»Where to exactly?« Tom asked, not yet taking notice of your unconscious state.
»Y/n?« He turned to face you, only to see your head leaned on the car window, your arms falling numbly against your body.
»Y/n?« He gently shook you by the shoulder.
»Five more minutes.« You mumbled incoherently and Tom had to suppress his laughter.
»Y/n, I need to know where exactly to take you.« He tried again.
You slowly started coming to your senses.
»Just around the corner.« You told him. You really didn’t plan on taking him to your exact address, at first, but currently being too tired to care, you decided to just fuck it, if you got killed tonight, at least you didn’t have to go to your cousin’s wedding right?
»Here.« He said, stopping right in front of your entrance.
»Ah shit.« You hissed, rummaging through your handbag. »No, no, no!« You started to feel like crying.
»What is it?« Tom wondered, witnessing your sudden outburst of emotion.
»I forgot to take my key.« You sighed in frustration. »I thought I was going home with Y/B/f/n and I didn’t take my own key.« You explained.
»Well, you can try and call her?« Tom suggested.
You took your phone out, dialing your friend’s number.
»Great. Straight to voicemail.« You sighed, burying your face in your hands.
Tom was silent for a while, then, after a minute or two, he spoke up: »Okay please don’t think I’m a creep because of this, but you could come and sleep over at my place?« He fumbled nervously with the sleeves of his shirt, waiting for your response.
You weren’t going to lie, you were a bit shocked at his offer, but considering your options, there really wasn’t much point in contemplating it.
»Okay?« Surprise coloured his face.
»If you’re really okay with it too, then yes, I’d like to sleep over at yours.« You offered him a nervous smile.
When Tom pulled over at his place, you first thought he was joking. His house was huge, as in, almost villa huge. You only started believing it really was his house, after he unlocked the door.
»Holy shoot!« You exclaimed, seeing the beautifully furnitured inside.
»Are your parents like crazy rich or something, or how exactly are you able to afford this luxury.« You asked bluntly.
»Oh no, I’m actually a bounty hunter.« He said in the most serious tone possible.
You looked at him incredulously.
»I’m joking, obviously, jesus Y/n.« You laughed nervously.
»Hah, good joke.« You said, hoping to relieve the somewhat awkward atmosphere you’ve just created.
»No, it was a horrible joke really. I don’t know why I said that.« He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a bright pink.
»Yeah it was.« You smiled, this time sincerely. »Listen, I know you’re already offering me more than I could ever ask for, but if you don’t mind, could I borrow one of your tees? This dress is killing me and I don’t think I’d ever be able to sleep in it.«
»Yeah, no of course, let me just go to my room and get it for you.« He said, hurrying upstairs.
You took a look around. The house was beautiful, so warm and cozy, yet modern and sophisticated. There were photos hung on centre wall of the room and you were just about to go take a look at them when Tom came back, holding a grey T-shirt in his hands.
»There, I picked the most comfortable one I could find, I hope it suits you well.« He handed you the soft material.
He showed you to the bathroom so you could change,offering to get some blankets for you to sleep on the sofa in the meantime.
You took your dress off and unhooked your bra, the lush cotton of Tom’s shirt felt so much better on your skin than the tight fitting artificial leather. You washed your face with cold water, wondering what the hell were you doing in a stranger’s apartment. You seriously wanted to cry. Why didn’t you just insist on staying in, you could be at home right now, drinking hot chocolate in the company of your good old telly. Instead, you were here,standing in the bathroom of a man you did not know, gathering the courage to deal with the shit that’s happened to you. You decided to head back to the living room, you really didn’t want to get any suspicious looks from Tom.
»Wow you look miserable.« Tom outed before he could stop himself, quickly covering his mouth after he realized what he had said. »Sorry.« He added, grimacing.
»No, I happen to agree with you, although I do wonder how you would look after such an event.« You scoffed.
»I’m sorry, you’re right. I didn’t mean it like that. Want me to make you some hot cocoa? And we can watch some lousy TV while drinking it? I can’t sleep after drinking so much alcohol anyways.« He suggested.
»I’d actually like that.« You smiled, following Tom into the kitchen.
»No, no, no don’t go in there. Gosh! Do you think people really are that stupid?« You asked Tom, watching how the girl in the horror movie you and Tom decided to watch entered a dark room.
»I would normally say no, but then again I’m sitting next to a girl who decided to blindly trust a stranger, willingly go to his house and drink something he made her-you know I could’ve put poison in there right?« He chuckled.
»Alright, alright.« You hit his shoulder playfully. »Although I don’t think poison is necessary in this case. I should’ve known better than to drink milk on top of alcohol.« You scrunched your nose at the unpleasant feeling in your stomach.
»Hey can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to tho.« He said, looking very nervous and a bit uncomfortable.
»Sure, go ahead.« You replied.
»Are you still in love with your ex?« He uttered, playing with a zipper on his hoodie to avoid your gaze.
You were a bit shocked by his question. Everyone who knew about the situation so far just gave you a pitiful look, changing the subject as quickly as possible. You cleared your throat before answering. »I wouldn’t say I’m still in love with him… I actually think I stopped being really in love with him even before we broke up, I uh, probably sensed something was wrong somewhere deep inside, I was just too afraid to consciously acknowledge it. I am still very hurt by what he did though and by the fact that they both have the guts to invite me to their wedding.« You laughed bitterly.
»They invited you to their wedding?!« He literally almost dropped his jaw in shock.
»Yep, and my mum won’t allow me to ditch it, lecturing me how I’d come off as weak if I don’t go and how I have to show them I’ve moved on.« You sighed.
»Well you could go and ruin her wedding if you really, truly must go, you know?«
»How? By destroying her cake? Don’t you think that’d be a bit pathetic?« You rolled your eyes.
»No, but what you could do is, you could get engaged at her wedding and ruin her big moment.« He suggested.
»And how do you propose I do that, I’m very much single at the moment.« You laughed at his incredibly ridiculous idea.
»You ask a friend of course, you make up a story about how you two met and immediately clicked and fell in love and whatnot, you know how it is in the movies, and at the wedding, instead of making a toast to the newly weds, he asks you to marry him and voila, her big moment is now yours. And what’s great about it is that you don’t have to go through with it, you can keep it up for another few months and then say you decided you worked better as friends instead of lovers and the situation is solved.« He seemed very proud of his master plan.
You couldn’t help but just stare at him incredulously. »Are you serious right now? You’re not serious are you?«
»Why not? It’s a great revenge plan.«
»No, it’s a horrible revenge plan! If my family ever found out about it, they would have me disowned!« You nearly yelled now.
»So, you don’t let them find out! It’s not that difficult!« He contradicted.
»Yes, it is. Especially if your parents already know all your friends! Who would I even ask? You?« You scoffed, laying back on the sofa, defeated.
“Maybe?” He now sounded much less confident. Look Y/n, I was just trying to help, but clearly all I’ve done is make you even more upset, so just forget I said anything okay?« He said, genuinely sorry for making you feel bad.
»It’s fine. I’m sorry, it’s been a rough week and I just don’t feel like dealing with it all yet.« You apologized, covering your face with your hands and sighing in frustration.
»Hey, it’s all good, honestly. Do you wanna watch this movie and bet who gets killed next?« He challenged, wiggling his eyebrows.
»Sure, what’s the prize for the winner?« You asked, intrigued by the idea.
Tom seemed to be deep in thought for a moment before answering. »Okay so I have this huge chocolate bar in the kitchen, so how about whoever makes the best guesses, gets the entire bar-sharing is completely up to the winner.« He suggested, offering his hand for you to shake.
»It’s a deal.« You shook his hand firmly.
You two spend about another hour watching the film, shouting at the TV and yelling frustratingly at the characters’ choices. You won somehow, but for some unknown reason you ended up doing shots instead of eating the promised chocolate bar, each having to do as many shots as wrong guesses, and although your number was considerably smaller than Tom’s, things you remembered happening after that were a bit blurry…
You woke up, feeling like you were about to ignite from how hot you were. You wanted to move, but you found yourself unable to do so, seeing as someone’s hand was wrapped around your upper body.
»Holy shit!« Your heartbeat fastened. »Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!«  You thought to yourself. How could you let this happen? Tom lay naked behind your back, wearing nothing but his boxers, and somehow you ended up not wearing any underwear under his T-shirt. Carefully, you lifted Tom’s arms, slowly wiggling your way away from him. Standing up, you finally took a note of the mess you two made last night. Yours and Tom’s clothes were all strewn carelessly on the floor, along with crisps’ wraps, empty, plastic shot glasses and was that a lemon peel? You miraculously managed to find your underpants in this mess quickly putting them on. You made your way to the bathroom, grateful to have correctly remembered where you left your dress. With much wiggling and jumping, you were finally able to put it back on, but your sweaty skin made it fairly difficult to move in it. You folded Tom’s shirt neatly, putting it on the washing machine. You made your way back to the living room, picking up your phone, ready for your walk of shame out of Tom’s house.
You have just closed the door, when you noticed a taxi driving down the street. You ran, still barefoot, down the driveway, hoping that the cab-driver would notice you waving at him. You got lucky, the cab stopped just in front of you and you jumped in, hoping you would never have to deal with the consequences of what happened last night. You opened your phone, ready to call Y/b/f/n to ask her if she’s already in you apartment. You nearly had a heart attack when noticing you had 40 messages and 10 missed calls from her. Shite, you must’ ve left your phone on vibrato, you usually do that because you don’t hear the phone ringing in the club anyways, but you do feel it vibrating in your pocket. Apparently though, you slept through it all. You took a deep breath before calling your friend, preparing yourself to be lectured.
»Where the fuck are you?« Came Y/B/F/N angry voice from the phone.
»Good morning to you too love.« You replied.
»Oh don’t you dare be offended Y/n, you nearly gave me a nervous breakdown, I was just about to call the police, hadn’t you called me right now. Do you have any, ANY idea how worried I was? The last message I got from you was that you went outside and then nothing, for 12 hours nothing!« She continued yelling.
Twelve hours? Shit was it really 11 am already?
»Y/b/f/n I am sorry, I really am. I ran into Charon last night and you know I can’t stomach her, so I went outside and then I met this guy, and he was about to take me back to our place, but I forgot my key because I thought I was going back home with you, and I nearly lost it at that point, but fortunately, he offered me to stay at his place, so I did and…« You were about to continue when she interrupted you.
»I’m sorry you went home with a stranger?« She asked, surprise colouring her voice. »Is this really Y/n on the phone?«
»Ha ha. Yes, I went home with him, what was I supposed to do? Sleep on the street?«
»No, it’s just… very uncharacteristic of you.« Her voice sounded calmer now. »Okay you have to tell me everything! The devil’s in the details love.«
»Oh so now that I’ve got a story you suddenly aren’t angry with me anymore?« You joked.
»No, no, I’m still mad at you, you’re just lucky I’m one of the most curious people you will ever meet in your life and my thirst for a good story overpowers my anger.« She chuckled.
»Fine, I’ll tell you everything once I get home. You are at home right?« You asked, desperate to get back to your apartment, to shower and put on something comfortable.
»Yes I am home, wait, why can’t you just tell me now?« She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
»Because I’m in a cab and it’s an embarrassing story to tell.« You tried to explain.
»Embarrassing how?« She snickered, then after a while the realizaton seemed to hit her. »Oh my gosh, Y/n?! Did you sleep with the guy?« She asked, gasping.
»I’ll tell you, at. home.« You were a bit agitated now.
»You did! You nasty!« She laughed loudly into the phone.
»Okay, goodbye now.« You hung up, letting out a groan. She wasn’t ever going to let this go.
»You bitch!« She greeted you at the door, punching your shoulder.
»Ow!« You cried out before being pulled into a bone crushing hug.
»Don’t ever scare me like that again!« She said, her voice carrying a slight tremble.
»I won’t, I promise! I am so sorry.« You said, tightening your embrace.
»Y/n? Can I tell you something?«
»Please don’t be mad, but you smell like you just spent three hours at the gym and it is not a pleasant smell.« She laughed, slowly letting go of you.
»Ugh, I know, and this dress isn’t really helping the situation either.« You laughed, relieved to be back at your place.
»Okay so how about you go take a shower, while I make us some coffee?« She proposed, already pushing you towards the bathroom.
»Yes please!«
»Fuck!« She outed, mouth hanging open.
»Yep.« You took a sip of your coffee, shifting uncomfortably in your chair.
»What the fuck?« She repeated, still in shock. »Okay so let me rewind that. You left with a guy you knew absolutely nothing about, except his name, and you willingly went to his house and spent a night there, got wasted with him and even slept with him?«
»No, I said I might have slept with him, I can’t really remember, all the tequila hasn’t really been good on my memory, on that note-remind me never to drink a single sip of it again…«
»I’m sorry, I thought you were joking earlier, but no, you really did the dirty with that guy.«
»Okay it’s not like I’m the first to do it with a stranger from a club,since when did you get so judgemental?!« You were a bit offended by her reaction.
»No, no I am not at all judging you, I am just really shocked because I’ve known you for years and it’s so not like you to do something like that.« She tried to reassure you.
»You promise you’re not judging me?« You asked, unsure.
»Of course not!« She leaned across the table to hug you. »How about we just spend a day in today, just the two of us? We can do face masks and catch up on Friends?«
»I’d love that.« You said, already getting up from your chair.
You had just turned the TV on, when there was a commercial for a new film called Chaos Walking.
»Holy… Y/b/f/n!« You yelled. She was still washing the cups.
»Hmm?« Her head peaked from the kitchen.
»That, that is the guy I was with last night.« You stuttered.
»She looked at the screen then at you, a laugh escaping her lips. »Yeah right, Y/n you can stop pulling my leg now.« She snorted.
»Y/b/f/n, I am not! Seriously, this is the guy I spent last night with.« You swallowed anxiously.
She stared at you, gawking.
»You slept with Tom Holland?!«
You looked at her, still in disbelief yourself. »I slept with Tom Holland?«
Tags (because I need validation): @starksparker @zophora @screamholland @peachyhollands @stardust-revengers @buckybcrnes @mandatheredpanda @parkeret @spokenforunicornism @purespidey @spidergirlwanab @ryleighisapanda @beautifullydisconnected @slut-for-fandoms @anxieteandbiscuits
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buttonholedlife · 4 years
Stefan Goldmann on the Institutional Weight of Techno Music|Telekom Electronic Hammers
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" Electro-acoustic does not confine your creativity the way 'background' or 'experimental' carry out," states Stefan Goldmann. Working in between the dancefloor and also high fine art organizations, the techno revival man feet the line in between respecting nightclub songs's past and also fearlessly pushing its own kinds right into the future.
Goldmann is equally pleasant DJing and also discharging his personal productions on traces like Perlon, Ovum, Innervisions, Mule Electronic and also his very own Macro tag, which he co-founded with Telephone call Super in 2007, as he is actually lecturing in amphitheaters as well as penning the 2015 publication on audio-communication concept, Presets-- Digital Shortcuts to Audio. He's also the creator of the famous Elektroakustischer Salon at Berghain, an area which explores a more limitless method to digital music and has come to be a fixture in the speculative electronic scene. As Goldmann puts it, "The songs showed there tends to follow its personal policies."
Goldmann's interdisciplinary method to composition, creation, and also presentation has led him to compose as well as do site-specific commissioned parts at Kyoto's Honen-In Holy place, the Los Angeles County Museum of Craft and also the Centro Cultural Kirchner Buenos Aires. Tailored to the spatial problems, these functionalities give a special, irreproducible listening adventure-- one that cracks the listener out of passive paying attention habits.
With his extensive work as popular music scholar as well as techno manufacturer, he was an evident main runner to curate Strom, the very first festivity for electronic music that took area in the venerable Berlin Philharmonie this past weekend February 7th and also 8th. In the place's pentagonal Grand Venue developed by German designer Hans Scharoun, pioneering musicians like Kruder & & Dorfmeister, Cristian Vogel, and Ryoji Ikeda executed live, while Deena Abdelwahed, TWIST, and also Nina Kraviz played out under the advanced entrances in the foyer. After the milestone event, our experts asked Goldmann to probe deeper right into the capacity for cementing electronic popular music into time-honoured music companies and also traditions.
Electro-acoustic. functionality as well as composition plays an important part in your work. What concerning it. especially fascinates you?
Portion of the attraction remains in clearing yourself coming from conference. outside needs, like making songs danceable or beat-matchable by DJs. Dance. music manufacturers in some cases mute the beat to check out how other aspects appear on. their own, focusing and working on information. But then very most unmute the drums. once again, so you don't receive to experience this outside the studio. From time to. opportunity, I decide to maintain the beat muted and also permit those various other coatings bloom on their. personal.
What are some essential. moments that opened that entire sphere up for you?
A great deal of 1990s drum 'n' bass possessed excellent audios underneath the drums which I kept seeing. Folks like Matrix, Optical, and Source Direct created stunning guides however seldom troubled building these components right into their very own forms.
Later, I found techno in which the bass drum was actually additional of a. referral than a prevalent sound-- or even it was actually missing out on completely. Jeff Mills' Center. stuff, Plastikman's Consumed,. Wolfgang Voigt's work and also Mika Vainio's cds Onko and Oleva were all. eye openers, and I constantly intended to take a trip even further down this roadway. Don't get me. inappropriate, though; I really love beats.
Just what attracts your. interest to commissioned music parts as component of fine art jobs in comparison. to your very own a lot more club-oriented creations?
I earn money. Pranks aside, ever considering that I've been actually generating music, I. might possess taken any sort of monitor as a master plan and also rumbled out one more fifty. " soundalikes". But if you've been actually making songs for an even though as well as don't would like to. obtain burnt out, you begin to look left as well as best.
Right now, if you create songs that comes under a practical style like techno, there is actually generally additionally a structure in position that brings it to the people. Tags, DJs as well as clubs do that. If your music doesn't suit there certainly, that commercial infrastructure is skipping. Commissions offer accessible setups where you're devoid of professional criteria, where you can deliver ahead other components of the songs. They supply structures for music that does not accommodate a preconceived type.
Typically, there seems. to be an ongoing chat within speculative electronic and progressive. songs regarding its own intersection with visionary craft as well as its presentation in much more. " highbrow" environments. Why do you think this is?
I think highbrow and uneducated are actually a confusing set of terms when our team're chatting concerning popular music that's. either digital or generated predominantly for the audio tool. Historically, the distinction in between high as well as reduced used to be actually one. of social class. That is actually no more the scenario. Along with sound recording, everyone has. equivalent accessibility to the archives, as well as it falls to what people want to draw out that. calculates what remains therein. And also that frequently turns out to be actually one thing. somewhat various coming from what cultural establishments had envisioned.
That could additionally aid detail why appearances are spilling over from one collection of institutions right into yet another. Clubs, tags, circulation networks as well as the associated push are actually one collection of companies and also opera house, art universities and institutes are actually another. There made use of to be actually a modern continuance of symphonic music called "brand new music", which populated these establishments essentially specifically regarding contemporary popular music was actually regarded. For some time, that new songs kept in lockstep with innovative developments in the various other arts. Stanley Kubrick utilized songs through György Ligeti in his movies, Gerhard Richter carried out art work referencing John Cage, Pierre Boulez made use of verses through E.E.Cummings.
This system of mutual referencing has altered totally with the last couple of creations. There are actually nearly no notable aesthetic artists, authors or even dramaturgists under fifty who had actually still think about the people at the regional hothouse as their peers. The institutions developed familiar with this change, and the next factor you recognized Kraftwerk went to the MoMA, Tate Modern, Neue Nationalgalerie as well as the Kremlin. Twenty years ago it appeared very improbable that an individual like Robert Henke would be a lecturer of songs at a German glasshouse, but my assumption is our team'll see much additional of this rather soon.
What have actually been actually standout. jobs of that kind for you just recently, as an individual that is an onlooker of that. industry?
Musicians like Robert Henke, Ryoji Ikeda, or even Carsten Nicolai have actually tided over between digital as well as scholarly music for a long period of time, opening doors for a lot of to observe. There is actually still really little score-based music for acoustic tools as well as formation where I presume the amount is higher than the parts, yet one significant exception is Ryuichi Sakamoto as well as Alva Noto's collaboration along with Set Modern, utp _.
On the contrary, exactly how. often do you see such ideas falling short, as well as what would certainly be lessons to become drawn. for a venture like Strom!.
?.!? There shows up to be a tempting desire to make fusion. Folks wish to place a DJ as well as a drum device in front of an orchestra. Create individuals work together for the sake of. beating boxes of the number of media formats you can perhaps force in to one venture. There has actually been an unmitigated flow of beginnings where 2 musicians. locate themselves on stage all together so a festivity may compose words "premiere". on its own course-- while each would come back by themselves and also on their own phrases.
The rather radical option for Strom was actually to come close to the Philharmonie as a room instead of as a celebration to socialize. with provided cultural content. Electronic popular music. performers rarely acquire to deal with a room like the Philharmonie's Great. Hall. I locate this pretty surprising, provided that experimental digital. popular music celebrations as well as auditorium both exist in Berlin, yet they hardly ever seem to be to. come together. As opposed to handing over percentages for. blend works, our team handed the artists the tricks and also let all of them select just how they. desired to cope with the setting.
There is this. prevalent expectation that the circumstance of development is necessary or even at minimum. important to the end result. Concerning your parts that include a specific. paying attention atmosphere, what creates the circumstance thus essential to the reader's. knowledge?
If you view it the. various other method around, it will appear somewhat irregular that the same should operate equally. well throughout greatly various setups. The concern is to what level you. would like to take this in to profile. Due to the fact that the majority of our team function in the audio medium. and then make an effort to convert the sound of that completely fabricated space right into actual. planet physical environments, it is actually certainly not many people's top priority to personalize. the only thing that much. Just the presence of regular specialist motorcyclists informs you enough in. this regard.
When I started receiving opportunities to perform site-specific jobs, I might have turned it a little into an action to the commodification of audios due to digitization. While most musicians I understand chased after every channel offered, tossing away their music in the chance of catching some elusive viewers, I felt I needed to offer one thing exclusive to those who bothered turning up at some area to hear me.
That is actually a qualitative. strategy to presentation that definitely calls for a higher amount of devotion.
You can't put in that volume of your time on investigation as well as modification when you participate in 120 jobs a year, so it's also a matter of priorities. It really felt worth my opportunity to put in the initiative. Regarding I know, I played the very first electronic concert at LACMA, as well as I'll play the 1st at the Philharmonie's Great Venue. I had not been the very first to play Honen-in, but I possessed over a month to visit the place as well as number out what to perform there before conducting. On Alif, our company had more than a year to structure the performance area in addition to Chiharu Shiota, Samir Odeh-Tamimi and Jeremias Schwarzer. We carried out pair of variations: one for Berlin's Radialsystem, and also yet another for Nuremberg's St. Lorenz Congregation. This timespan allowed an entirely different intensity reviewed to appearing at 6 PM for soundcheck and also striking the phase at 8.
Existed a trick. experience that sparked your enthusiasm in the hookup between music as well as the. unique rooms it exists in?
I had heard that there had been shows at Honen-in. One day I. rode my bike apex and also ended up spending five hrs merely resting in the. backyard. It was actually getting dark, and also I had actually planned to use back since I possessed no. lights. The soundscape was actually transforming therefore rapidly as well as intriguingly that I. couldn't get myself to leave. By coincidence, I satisfied a man that had been actually in touch along with. a few of the musicians who played there certainly, and also I asked him if he recognized that could potentially state if. there's an odds to carry out one thing there. He essentially applied for. his calendar as well as resembled, "Can you carry out June 29?" Which was actually that.
Exactly how did you normally. method these site-specific compensations in the past times? What's the operations like,. from initial idea to completion?
Considering the area and taking it from there is definitely the. well technique for me. Some percentage demands are all pre-determined for. every little thing but the area. They'll mention, "Our experts possess composer X's anniversary, as well as. our company will like a live remix where you enjoy with the orchestra over a harmony.". That is actually generally where any person who is actually certainly not entirely determined for work ought to state. thanks however no thanks.
I as if the ones that start with the room as opposed to along with a huge perspective of the information. It is actually also kind of an audacious knowledge, like a kid's imagine sneaking in to a museum past closing time as well as walking all around without direction. Plus it's an excuse to perform things in the workshop that you can not when you're creating something Ben Klock's expected to play.
In the system details,. it keeps in mind the performers you've selected have established their noises away from the. extent of Western Europe and North United States. Why was this crucial in your. curation process for the Philharmonie, a noticeably Western location, to highlight. these talents?
Berlin is actually a city where, in regards to digital music, everything. there is to hear has been heard. There is actually no necessity to contend along with the area's. clubs, festivals and various other establishments through redoing what they presently. stand for. Therefore the major concentration isn't on some demographic, design or even generation. On doing what I assume the location stands up for, which is presenting height. accomplishment at the private amount that is actually additionally appropriate to Berlin.
There are actually performers along with all kind of backgrounds involved, yet. our team have actually likewise been seeing a shift to where it matters not where you are actually coming from. anymore. If you intended to be any person in drum 'n' bass in 1998, you needed to have to be actually. in Greater london or Bristol. Now you can easily show up of Dnipropetrovsk or Kwazulu Natal. or even anywhere else and also make a truly notable contribution to almost any. genre.
I think this is actually where the world must be moved in any case. Considering that. digital popular music's creation devices have come to be extensively obtainable, our experts observe even more. and also a lot more diverse backgrounds exemplified now, providing their very own tackles a. shared society. A number of this first creation of musicians from locations away from. Western Europe as well as The United States And Canada have "matured" partly that their. effect has been nourishing back in to the center, which is actually great to present listed here.
This meeting has been edited as well as short for clarity. Strom Event took place at the Berlin Philharmonie this past weekend 07.02-- 08.02.
This content was originally published here.
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asfeedin · 4 years
Friday Finds & Reader Recommendations – 05-01-2020
HAPPY FRIDAY and… It’s MAY!!!!! Today’s Friday Finds today provides is another batch of awesome sounding books to choose from  and book news to squee about!!!
NEWS!!! So much awesome news!!!
1.) Twilight author, Stephenie Meyer HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT SOON & maybe it’s about our long awaited “Midnight Sun”? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I was so obsessed with this series (it’s what re-started my love of CONSTANT reading and… my blog!!) And I read what was available of this (loved it so hard) and felt like CRYING when I realized it wasn’t coming out. AND NOW…. it is?!!??!!!!!! P.S. Here’s a blast from my blog past about this: When I first read Twilight… a look into the start of my book obsession (and THIS blog).
OMG IT’S TRUE!!!!!  When you click on “Midnight Sun” on my blog post reading order (that linked to what Stephenie Meyer had up on her website for it) it NOW goes to a countdown!!!!! *thud*
2.) Jewel E Ann news (“Fortuity” Transcend book #3!!) <�� OMG YOU GUYS!!!! I THINK this is book #3 in the Transcend duet (coming out in June!!!) YES IT IS & I want to say THANK YOU to the author for this!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG I LOVED THAT DUET like crazy!!!!!!!! Now it’s a trilogy? Our book crew lost our minds over this duet!! And I 5-starred both books!!! P.S. Book #3 “Fortuity”, is going live JUNE 1st 2020 (so do NOT read #3’s synopsis until you’ve read #1 & #2. <—Trust me on this). !!!! So this is now… a trilogy. P.P.S. Book Review – Transcend – 5 stars & Book Review – Epoch (The Transcend Duet Book 2) – 5 stars
3.) M. Robinson “El Diablo” #2!!! <— DARK READ ALERT + BREAKING NEWS UPDATE!! Guess what has just been announced?? Book #2 is up for preorder my friends!!! And each one can be read as a standalone.  P.S. Many in our crew went CRAZY for book #1!!
Samatha: I’m so excited for this!!!! My heart is exploding with happiness!! 
Artful Lies (The Hunt Legacy Duology Book 1) by Jodi Ellen Malpas <— LIVE!! JODI ELLEN MALPAS ALERT!! “...When aspiring antiques dealer Eleanor Cole is handed the chance of a lifetime to work for the Hunt Corporation, the renowned antiques dealers, she doesn’t think twice. Only to discover she’ll be working up close and personal with the notorious and insanely irresistible Becker Hunt. He is a man famous for getting what he wants, and Becker wants Eleanor. But as Becker pulls her deeper into his world, she discovers there’s more to him than meets the eye...”
The King and the Quirky by Heather Siegel
#RedTeam Attack: A techno thriller (Darknet series Book 2) by SJ Grey
Truth Game: Ocean Bay #3 by Chloe Walsh
Socially Distanced: A Quarantine Novella by Shay Savage <— LIVE!! QUARANTINE RECENT RELEASE!! “…Locked away in an isolation facility in Atlanta, Sean exists but doesn’t really live in his silent, bleak environment. When Kendra moves into the quarantine pod next door, Sean finds meaning in his life again. Separated by a wall, they can only communicate across a balcony, and she helps him find some creative ways to relieve the tension and monotony. Together, they’ll find a new normal...”
Immortal Divorce Court Volume 1: My Ex-Wife Said Go to Hell by Kirk Zurosky
Three Blind Dates by Meghan Quinn <— COMEDY ROMANCE!! Laurie LOVED IT!
Laurie: I just finished Three Blind Dates by Meghan Quinn. Lots of flirty texting with the perfect touch of comedy.
Insta Lovers: A Collection of Steamy Novellas by J.L. Beck & C. Hallman <— LIVE!! FIVE STEAMY INSTA-LOVE NOVELLAS!!! “…If instalove is your jam, then welcome to the party. Five steamy-novellas that will melt your panties and your heart.  Each book contains an alpha hero, a heart-warming heroine and a happily ever after that will leave you deeply satisfied...”
J.L. Beck: Insta Lovers by J.L. Beck and C. Hallman …We would love to do a $25 amazon gift card.
Maryse: YAY!!! So here it is everyone!! They are sponsoring today’s newsletter and celebrating with a giveaway, so don’t forget to check out this latest release and to leave a comment on the giveaway post. It’s open to INTERNATIONAL! ➔ J.L. Beck & C. Hallman’s “Insta Lovers” is LIVE and they’re giving away a $25 gift card!
Becky: I am also obsessed with Alyson Santos. I’m reading Falling North right now. …Love those angsty rocker books.
Kathy: Samantha Christy has a new book out today and it is the start of a rock star series. It is called Reckless Obsession. I loved her Perfect Game Series which was about baseball.
The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4) by Raven Steele
Dance For Me: Club Avalon Book 1 by Kay Elle Parker
Almost Never by Melissa Toppen <— LIVE!! UNREQUITED LOVE ALERT!! “…Alec didn’t notice me. At least not in the way that I wanted him to. He noticed my best friend instead. I stood by and watched their relationship blossom. An outsider looking in, wishing things were different.  Torn between my loyalty to my best friend and the boy who had unknowingly stolen my heart. Weighted by feelings I could never express out loud, I wrote them all down. Every thought. Every feeling. I poured them all into a letter. A letter he was never meant to read…”
After Sundown by Linda Howard <— Kathy is enjoying this one!!
Kathy: I’m reading Linda Howard’s After Sundown and enjoying it so far. I have never read any of her books. It is about a catastrophic solar storm that takes down the power grid. Fitting right now as the town has to survive with limited resources.
Maryse: Oooooh I love books and movies about stuff like that. Not that I ever want to live that… (but this books always fascinated me). And yes right now, it’s fitting.
Diana: Ahhh, one of my many favs.
Heather: One of my favorites! I always recommend this one when I’m asked for a book recommendation
Nancy: I loved this book & another I found through your recommendation.
Niki: Read this book already and it was darn good
My Midnight Moonlight Valentine (Vampire’s Romance) by J.J. McAvoy <— LIVE!! J.J. McAVOY ALERT!! VAMPIRE THINKS SHE’S HIS SOULMATE… “…Druella Monroe is a vampire, but she hasn’t been one for long. Ever since her rebirth a year ago, she’s done her best to live a quiet, peaceful life as an art conservator and restorationist at The National Gallery of Art. All she wants is to blend in with the humans. However that all gets thrown out the window one night while hunting in Great Falls Park, where Druella comes across a naked vampire with no memory of how he got there, or the last century for that matter. All he seems to be sure of is that she is his soulmate…and he won’t leave without her…”
Zack (Carolina Cold Fury Hockey #3) by Sawyer Bennett <— HOCKEY STAR ROMANCE & one of Mony’s favorites!
Mony: One of my favourites is part to this series. Zack (Cold Fury Hockey #3) by Sawyer Bennett was fantastic. 5-star read…one of my top sport romances.
Harvest of Sighs (Thornchapel Book 3) by Sierra Simone <— LIVE!! SIERRA SIMONE ALERT!! “…Delphine Dansey carries her heart on the outside of her body; she’s looking for love and chasing dreams. She’s spoiled and selfish, the kind of beautiful that’s made for money and fame. But somehow she’s ended up in my keeping: a pretty submissive I can’t seem to resist, a lover who obsesses and tempts me. I thought I’d locked my heart away a long time ago, along with all my other weaknesses. But some doors won’t stay closed, no matter how hard I fight to keep them shut. She unravels me, just like our friends are unraveling…”
So That Got Weird by Amelia Kingston <— BACK ON THE LIST ’cause Shara loved it too!
Shara: Just finished “So that got weird” by Amelia Kingston. She’s a new author to me and I really enjoyed the book! Completely recommend.
The Host by Stephanie Meyer <— WE LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH so when the big news was hinted at for Stephenie Meyer, many were hoping it might be for more of this! Not that it NEEDS a sequel (it reads well as a standalone but… we loved it so much, how could we not want more?)
Meredith: Don’t get me wrong because I loved Twilight but I would much rather have a sequel to The Host. The first time I read it it, I closed the book, hugged it to my chest and tried to figure out what to do next….which was to immediately start rereading it.  I still get the same feeling every time I read it now, I 100% don’t want it to be over.
Taylor: Meredith, I was literally here to say this. I WANT A HOST SEQUEL
Bonnie: Meredith, by far her best book. There’s so much potential there, even if the sequel was a totally different group in the same universe.
Maryse: OMG I CRIED AND CRIED during the Host. One of my favorite books ever!!!!!!! I even had to stop in the middle – watched a funny movie – and when I picked it back up, I immediately started sobbing again.
Erin: Meredith, saaaame. The Host was great.
Viola: I agree. …I would rather have more of the Host. I have read that book too many times to count. Just love it.
Meredith: Viola, I’ve read it so many times, I own the hardcover (which I actually bought after borrowing it from a friend for my first 2 read through a and needed my own copy), the paperback (which had the extra scene) AND the kindle (because I wanted to read it and didn’t have either physical version on hand).
Viola: Meredith, yep brilliant.
Heather: I love The Twilight Saga but I have yet to read The Host.
Meredith: Heather, OMG GO READ IT!!!! You will not be sorry. Maryse linked her review up above and it’s spot on. It does start slow but it’s like a slow burn love story. Takes a minute to get there but once you are it’s perfection. I remember I had raved about to both my sisters and when they were reading it they both texted being like when does this pick up. I told both to just keep going and when they got to the end they understood why I loved it so much. I promise you won’t be disappointed!!
Jessica: Meredith, yes! I was thinking this as I read the post! I need a Host sequel!!
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Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier <— PSYCH-THRILLER & SHIRLEY LOVED IT!!
Shirley: Little Secrets was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Highly recommend on audio…the narrator was terrific. SO many twists and turns, I could never guess what was going to happen next! This will definitely be one of my fav’s for 2020! Maryse, you have to read/listen to this. 5++++ stars!
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stormyrecords-blog · 7 years
new releases 6-15-17
in on FRIDAY ORPHAN SWORDSLicense To Desire  LP  $22.99Orphan Swords see the reissue of their License To Desire LP, originally released in 2015. The Belgian duo, formed in 2013, bring a heady, fog-shrouded sonic maelstrom to Aurora Borealis, perfect for the post-truth era. What sort of music is this? What genre do you file it under? Hard to say. There's chaos, there's unhallowed chanting, there's some fierce rhythm and there's undeniably some abuse of electronic equipment. It's best to leave the definitions up to the listener, but with titles referencing demons of Goetia and the world's oldest profession, you should let the good times roll. Their music, described as "a brutal hypnosis" by Ransom Note, has been released on Desire Records, Clan Destine and Idiosyncratics. Idiosyncratic is indeed a description that perfectly fits both their releases and live performances. Recently back from the US, they have shared bills with acts as diverse as Oathbreaker, Andy Stott, and Vatican Shadow. Their new collaborative side project Black Swords, with Stuart Argabright of Black Rain, was released on Vienna's Noiztank label (2017). Black/white label; Comes in full color folder sleeve, in heavy PVC outer sleeve; Includes download code; Edition of 200 (hand-numbered). ORPHAN SWORDSLicense To Desire Remixes  LP  $22.99Aurora Borealis unleash Orphan Swords' License To Desire Remixes LP. The sonic tangle and entheogenic orgy of the demonically inspired "Asmoday" and the tranced-out "Hooker", are given workovers by Helm, Icon Template, Black Rain, Prostitutes, and Svengalisghost. This is remix as rite of destruction, the tracks being disfigured rather than beautified for commodification. Awkward, uncomfortable listening rubs shoulders with pounding bass, post-techno hiss squall prevails. And then there's the superbly dirty fever-dream lope of the Black Rain remix. Formed in 2013, Orphan Swords is a Belgian electronic duo. Their music, described as "a brutal hypnosis" by Ransom Note. Their work has been released on Desire Records, Clan Destine, and Idiosyncratics. Idiosyncratic is indeed a description that perfectly fits both their releases and live performances. Artwork by Lara Gasparotto. Black/white label; Comes in full color folder sleeve, in heavy PVC outer sleeve; Includes download code; Edition of 200 (hand-numbered). Borusiad/Sixteen: Promises 12" $24.99"Cititrax is thrilled to present a split EP by two massive talents, Borusiade and The Sixteen Steps. Borusiade, originally from Bucharest, Romania began as a DJ in the early 2000s and then started producing music in 2005. With a background in classical music, she combined her love of raw electronics, obscure themes and melodic lines to create her own signature sound. She has released on the Cómeme label as well as Correspondant. 'Infatuation' and 'Confutation' are dark, moody and intense tracks that catch you upon first listen. The flip side of the Promises And Infatuation EP features The Sixteen Steps, the brainchild of George Lanham who cut his musical teeth DJing and running events in the south of England. We have been listening to many of his tracks endlessly for a while now. They've also been a highlight of Veronica Vasicka's DJ sets as of late. 'Signals From The South' and 'Promises On The Run' are both immaculately produced, hypnotic, dance floor killers. They are sparse ebm meets smoky warehouse techno, and offer a wonderful contrast to Borusiade's layered emotive tracks that reminisce of an East Village club in the 1980s. Themes of infatuation, appearances, and anonymity appear throughout this EP from the music itself right through to the cover art. Limited edition vinyl pressing of 999 copies." Whitehouse: Dedicated To Peter Kurten LP $32.99Green vinyl version. Gloss laminated thick 350 gsm sleeve; Edition of 250. Dirter Promotions present a reissue of Whitehouse's Dedicated To Peter Kurten, Sadist And Mass Slayer, originally released in 1981. Unavailable on vinyl for 36 years, this iconic and ground-breaking masterpiece of electronic and extreme music is finally back. Superbly re-mastered and cut by Noel Summerville. BACZKOWSKI/CHRIS CORSANO/PAUL FLAHERTY, STEVE The Dull Blade $20.99"More than a decade since their first (and last) trio album, Dim Bulb (2005), 'Buffalo Steve,' Chris Corsano and Paul Flaherty are back on the attack. The three recorded as part of a larger ensemble on the Open Mouth LP, Wrong Number (2014), but they have a certain way of creating focused trio dynamics that makes babies talk in tongues and old men drool. The line-up is a bit unorthodox -- two saxes (one a goddamn baritone) and drums. You might almost be tempted to call the format European. But it'd be a canard to try and place this album in the Euro free music tradition. I mean, yeah, there is some massive outsider brawling here. Buckets of wind and clumps of tubs 'all double twisted up,' as Fred Blassie used to say. But the fire never refrains from flaming as jazz-qua-jazz, which places it a lot more squarely in the American tradition than actual squares would have you believe. These three are clearly savages, which is a far cry from people impersonating savages, if you catch my drift. Beyond that, there is an ineffably jazzoid heft to the music here. Both Steve and Paul are playing in a distinctly post-Ayler jetstream. The freedom of their runs maintains that strangely (perhaps even imaginary or projective) American connection to bar-walking R&B maniacs -- something that seems to lie at the bottom of our country's hornic subconscious. Which is not to say individual moments on this record couldn't have come from the FMP catalog, but there's a red hot holism here that will brand most asses with the stars & stripes. The Dull Blade has a strange undercurrent of swing here as well. Largely provided by Mr. Corsano's driving full kit approach, the most outward-moving passages (often those involving the inner and outer freak registers of the horns) get corralled back into more clearly terrestrial and genuinely moving. It's a great goddamn record. Once again these guys manage to defy odds and expectations, creating music that is as fully-charged and beautiful as it is warped." --Byron Coley, 2017 Edition of 400. New York Contempory Five : Consequences  LP $29.99Modern Silence present a reissue of The New York Contemporary Five's Consequences, originally released in 1966. The New York Contemporary Five barely lasted a year, all told, but they recorded five albums that shaped the jazz to come. They were a super-group after the fact -- the stellar frontline of Don Cherry, Archie Shepp, and John Tchicai all being relative newcomers at the time. Cherry had recently left Ornette Coleman and was only starting to stretch into world music. Shepp was fresh off a stint with Cecil Taylor and had just found his voice as a composer and performer. And Tchicai was virtually unknown. Their scorching music -- aided by the supple and hard-hitting rhythm section of Don Moore and J. C. Moses -- is a thrilling mix of adventurous soloing and post-bop structures, memorable heads and go-for-broke improv. Shepp and Tchicai offered two different ways forward for sax players: Shepp privileged texture, density, and fragmentation -- a pointillist take on Ben Webster or Coleman Hawkins, perhaps. Tchicai was a master of melodic invention, teasing out hard and bright phrases that seem unpredictably off-kilter. What's still remarkable about these tunes is their sense of internal tension. They're wound tighter than a magnet coil, without sacrificing any spontaneity. There's little that's strictly free about this jazz, but it's full of reckless and unexpected drama all the same. "Consequences" is the record's barnburner, built on fiery performances and climaxing with a Don Cherry solo that sounds like the aural equivalent of a fifty foot skid mark. Their version of Bill Dixon's "Trio" is contemplative by comparison, offering a loping groove, overlapping textures, and a series of wonderfully sustained solos that show off the stylistic strengths of each player. VA: Pop Makossa 2LP $29.99Double LP version. Gatefold sleeve with 20-page booklet; 140 gram vinyl. The Pop Makossa adventure started in 2009, when Analog Africa founder Samy Ben Redjeb first travelled to Cameroon to make an initial assessment of the country's musical situation. He returned with enough tracks for an explosive compilation highlighting the period when funk and disco sounds began to infiltrate the makossa style popular throughout Cameroon. From the very beginning, there were several mysteries hanging over Pop Makossa. It was not until DJ and music producer Déni Shain was dispatched to Cameroon to finalize the project, license the songs, scan photographs, and interview the artists that some of the biggest question marks began to disappear. His journey from the port city of Douala to the capital of Yaoundé brought him in contact with the lives and stories of many of the musicians who had shaped the sound of Cameroon's dance music in its most fertile decade. The beat that holds everything together has its origins in the rhythms of the Sawa people: ambassey, bolobo, assiko and essewé, a traditional funeral dance. But it wasn't until these rhythms arrived in the cities of Cameroon and collided with merengue, high-life, Congolese rumba, and, later, funk and disco, that modern makossa was born. Makossa managed to unify the whole of Cameroon, and it was successful in part because it was so adaptable. Some of the greatest makossa hits incorporated the electrifying guitars and tight grooves of funk, while others were laced with cosmic flourishes made possible by the advent of the synthesizer. However much came down to the bass; and from the rubbery hustle underpinning Mystic Djim's "Yaoundé Girls" to the luminous liquid disco lines which propel Pasteur Lappé's "Sekele Movement", Pop Makossa demonstrates why Cameroonian bass players are some of the most revered in the world. "Pop Makossa Invasion", an obscure tune recorded for Radio Buea makes its debut here and joins the pantheon of extraordinary songs that plugged Cameroon's makossa style into the modern world. Also features: Dream Stars, Mystic Djim & The Spirits, Bill Loko, Eko, Olinga Gaston, Emmanuel Kahe et Jeanette Kemogne, Nkodo Si-Tony, Bernard Ntone, Pat' Ndoye, and Clément Djimogne. Haino, Keiji: Watashi Dake LP $32.99Black Editions present the first vinyl reissue of Keiji Haino's stunning debut album Watashi Dake?, originally released in 1981. This first ever edition released outside of Japan features the artist's originally intended metallic gold and silver jacket artwork. Over the last fifty years few musicians or performers have created as monumental and uncompromising a body of work as that of Keiji Haino. Through a vast number of recordings and performances, Haino has staked out a ground all his own, creating a language of unparalleled intensity that defies any simple classification. For all this, his 1981 debut album Watashi Dake? has remained enigmatic. Originally released in a small edition by the legendary Pinakotheca label, the album was heard by only a select few in Japan and far fewer overseas. Original vinyl copies became impossibly rare and highly sought after the world over. Watashi Dake? presents a haunting vision -- stark vocals, whispered and screamed, punctuate dark silences. Intricate and sharp guitar figures interweave, repeat, and stretch, trance-like, emerging from dark recesses. Written and composed on the spot -- Haino's vision is one of deep spiritual depths that distantly evokes 1920s blues and medieval music -- yet is unlike anything ever committed to record before or since. Produced in close cooperation with Keiji Haino and legendary photographer Gin Satoh. Coupled with starkly minimal packaging, featuring the now iconic cover photographs by Gin Satoh, the album is a startling and fully realized artistic statement. Housed in custom printed deluxe Stoughton tip-on jackets, including black on black inserts, extras, and hand-colored finishes; Remastered by Elysian Masters and cut by Bernie Grundman Mastering; Pressed to high quality vinyl at RTI; Includes download code. Faust: Od Serca Do Duszy 2LP $33.99Od Serca Do Duszy originally appeared as a double CD set, joint-released by Lumberton Trading Company and AudioTONG in 2007 (LUMB 008CD). Long out of print, this album documents a professionally recorded live show at Krakow's Loch Ness Club. As anybody who has seen Faust live, in their countless different yet always wonderful forms, can testify, they are such a musical high, all other stimulants aren't necessary. This remastered reissue once again illuminates the residual experience of a Faust concert in all its expectation-scrunching glory. Comprising the thirteen songs that constituted the original show, this set was produced by founders Jean-Herve Peron and Zappi Diermaier, plus Amaury Cambuzat. Together they dovetail perfectly with one of Peron's mantras during the occasion, "Od Serca Do Duszy". This translates from Polish to, "From heart to soul", which just about covers one of the many facets to Faust's incredible music. Leyland James Kirby, : When We Parted I Wanted To Die  2LP $29.992017 repress. Originally released in 2009. It's a prescient hauntological elegy somewhere between Vangelis' Bladerunner OST (1982), Lynch and Badalamenti's Twin Peaks score, Erik Satie's solo Piano works, William Basinski's gradual tape decompositions, and James Ferraro's washed out visions. Back in 2009, James Leyland Kirby explained: "Here we stand, twenty years on from the first CD, and our optimism has been gradually eroded away collectively. 'Tomorrows World' never came. We are lost and isolated, many of us living our lives through social networks as we try to make sense of it all, becoming voyeurs not active participants. Documenting everything. No Mystery. Everything laid bare for all to see." A decade later, it could hardly have been more prescient. It's with this pessimistic sense of being that Kirby constructed these incredible pieces, creating a sequence of music designed to overwhelm and absorb, affecting our sense of time and place by tracing and retracing musical steps into a blur, re-using the same motifs with incremental differences, trapped in our own feedback loops of lost emotion. On this long double album, James Leyland Kirby once again acts as a spiritual bridge, holding fast against the perceived current of time and culture in order to afford a slow, lingering gaze on its ambiguous, ever-shifting ripples and eddies. Like staring at a body of gently moving water, the effect is strangely soothing and meditative, encouraging immersed reflection and dilated focus... Leyland James Kirby: Sadly, The Future Is No Longer What It Was  double lp  $29.99 2017 repress; Originally released in 2009. The second part of Leyland Kirby's uniquely prescient dark ambient masterstroke, Sadly, The Future Is No Longer What It Was (2009) finds the listener returning to Kirby's draughty corridors of processed 78s and midnight keyboard meditations is a sublime, haunting experience like no other. The listener can read his melancholic diagnosis of capitalist malaise, deferred futurism and thwarted social utopianism as a genuinely uncanny foresight of what has played out in contemporary society, in an age when Facebook and Twitter have become an all-encompassing filter for daily life and effectively assuaged the rich analog ambiguity of collectivism in favor of cold, hard, binary politics and reflexive, unthinking emotional responses. Especially in the wake of Mark Fisher's tragic passing earlier in 2017, Kirby's hauntological sentiments, embedded quite literally in titles such as "When Did Our Dreams And Futures Drift So Far Apart", and figuratively perfused through its stark negative space, now feel to resonate stronger than ever; using shared echoes of the hive mind such as classic film scores from Vangelis and Lynch/Badalmenti -- both quite literally omnipresent in imminent sequels right now -- as cues for sorrowful elegies and meditations which aesthetically resonate as much with Deathprod's liminal scapes, as a sort of mildewed modern classical flocking to Satie's tasteful ambient wallpaper. Yet it's not all doom and gloom. There's a sense of underlying sense of resilience, of resistance to Kirby's hushed, ribboning expressions which flows with a considerate pathos and open-ended emotional curiosity which belies the narcissistic reaffirmations of social media's echo chambers and dialectic cul-de-sacs, quietly striving to wrench something beautiful and affective from the clutches of a manipulative mainstream. VA: Monika Werkstatt 2LP $26.99restocked!!"... Gudrun Gut has a proven track record of successfully connecting with like-minded artists on unusual paths of creativity. She's an outstanding example of someone who refuses to compromise their artistic vision. And now she is ready to present one of her most ambitious projects ever: Monika Werkstatt -- a loose collective of female artists set up to enable each of them to achieve new goals through collaboration. Monika Werkstatt will ensure that their artistic output gains visibility in an art context still too dominated by men. Monika Werkstatt has its origins in collective workshops and in shared interactions. By sharing their own challenges and achievements later on with an audience, this opened a gateway to a further feedback and creative dialogue. . . . History has a weakness for coincidences, and the release of Monika Werkstatt happily falls on the 20th anniversary of Monika Enterprises. A fantastic landmark and a means of celebrating such a tremendously talented collective that Gudrun Gut has orchestrated. So what is this release really about? Gudrun's fellow Monika members -- AGF, Beate Bartel, Lucrecia Dalt, Danielle De Picciotto, Islaja, Barbara Morgenstern, Sonae, Pilocka Krach, Natalie Beridze -- travelled from Berlin and assembled in the creative oasis of Uckermark. The goal was to create and record without any of the usual pressures and distractions that you'd anticipate in a group context. To keep the focus, Mo Loscheider cooked, Manon Pepita assisted with the day-to-day and Lupe was filming. . . . Between recording and jamming, their days were filled with music, eating, short walks in the fields and forests resounding with inspiring talks and discussions. Without any restraint or rules, they opened up new forms of interaction and creative dialogue which found themselves falling into a process without any clear beginnings or ends. . . . Once the recordings were completed, representatives of the group were delegated roles for a finished production -- some sequenced and mixed the recordings into their own tracks, while others built their own from the material recorded. The results succeed in showcasing the community as a group, as well as portraying singular pieces of art derived from a collective process." these chris watson cds are being reissued - please let us know if you'd like a copy - they are scheduled for july release datesWatson, Chris: El Tren Fantasma CD $15.99Watson, Chris: Weather $15.99
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