#him painstakingly do to viren
raayllum · 7 months
like i know the s4 media literacy was so dead because people were like "why did 4x04 tell us everything about aaravos" and the episode didn't even tell us what his basic character motivations are
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runephoenix6769 · 6 years
Dragon Prince Thoughts
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The Dragon Prince, what can I say?  
A show within its short 9 episodes has tried to pack in so much, juggling world building, laying the foundation of the magic basis and lore, with a diverse cast of characters who relate to each other in entirely different ways. 
Each scene has been painstakingly chosen and  deemed important, some more obv than others. 
But this one really struck me as not only emotionally important but narrative important and nicely wrapped up in one.
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Point 1
Earlier scenes focused on how Harrow and Callum interacted. How Callum wasnt entirely comfortable not addressing Harrow as anything other than the King. It is out of respect for him. 
Again focus is drawn to this fact in the  hiding in the haycart scene between Ezran and Callum where Ezran draws attention to the fact that Harrow would probably like Callum to call him dad, as Callum respectfully repeats ‘He’s the King’ (this is nicely bookended with Viren’s disrespectful scene with Harrow)
This being established makes Callum’s use of the word all the more touching. Its a boy in fear for his Father figure. A kid who has realised that there are far more insidious enemies closer to home than just Moon Shadow Assassins .
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Point 2
The way that Harrow has been presented to us so far,  if he was capable, he would have come barrelling out of that door as soon as he heard his son in danger regardless if it endangered his own life. 
The fact Harrow didnt come out at Callum desperately yelling the word Dad  leads me to believe that Viren had already switched Harrow’s soul into the bird, thereby rendering him unable to jump to his son’s defence.
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Point 3
At the moment the only person, other than Viren, who can indirectly confirm the King was not himself is Runaan.
The Moon Shadow elf assassin can do this unwittingly by describing how easy it was to kill Harrow.
If Runaan discusses what happened in that room, or even describes how the King didnt attempt to defend himself, or was already incapacitated, someone would pick up on how odd that was and that something was amiss.
A King who has been in battle would know how to use a sword and put up a decent fight.
A bird suddenly in the body of a human wouldn't know how to work the alien body, let alone defend itself in a conventionally human way, making it an easy target.  
  Runaan doesnt have to care about Harrow’s odd behaviour,  His task is to kill the King, simple as. He can still send the messenger arrow, the King is dead, mission complete, what does it matter to him about the how.
But now Runaan is in his own predicament.  
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