#him wrapping his shirt around her. now you see here class this is peak cinema because it at once gives the bisexuals in the audience
hella1975 · 8 months
do you think the mermaid and the preacher need a third
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youarejesting · 5 years
BTS 365 Prompts
[Masterlist] Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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         January 15th - 21st
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Kim Seokjin: Strawberry Ice cream 
You were cleaning out the convenience store ready to close up for the night when the freezer door got stuck you panicked and tried to call one of the other two workers to come help you. realizing you were taking to long Seokjin threw open the door and stormed inside. Saying to hurry up as he wanted to get home but you shouted at him to hold the door but it swung shut behind him. Trying the door it was stuck once more the handle on the inside was broken. He scolded you for not telling him the door was broken. “You hardly gave me a chance you just barged in yelling at me to hurry up and acting like a grumpy old man”
“You think I am old!” he said taken back by your comment and quietened down. You sat for a while trying to stay warm, you reluctantly moved closer at the half an hour mark and by the hour your stomachs seemed to growl in chorus. You pulled open a tub of Strawberry Ice cream, it was the only flavor left and it definitely wasn’t your favorite. You laughed as Seokjin ate as well - you were using spoons you had made out of the cardboard from the lid - his face contorted. 
“That’s disgusting” he whined as he took another scoop.
Min Yoongi: Nothing 
Kicked out of home with nothing. No money, No phone and Nowhere to go. Yoongi was standing outside a small convenience store when he asked to borrow your phone, you nodded and leaned it to him as he looked absolutely desperate. He rang some friends begging for them to let him stay the night his stomach growling at the same time. On his sixth attempt from someone he seemed to barely no he gave up apologizing and handing back your phone.
“I have a spare bedroom” you said and he paused watching you and you looked down scuffing your feet with a small laugh “If it’s not weird and you promise you aren’t going to rob or kill me” 
“It’s okay really” he protested and you hummed
“Well what if I said it wasn’t free, you see, I am not tall enough to change the light bulbs and two of my rooms the Light Bulbs need replacing and I want to buy a lot of groceries so if you help carry them I can try to make a semi edible meal. I suck at cooking but your welcome to join me in eating charcoal ramyeon”
“I can cook” he muttered and your eyes lit up and you told him he could stay for as long as he needed if he could cook.
Jung Hoseok: Benjamin Franklin @littlewolfieposts
“Daddy, I am suppose to wear a costume today remember, I old you and wrote it on your calendar like you asked” Huimang asked causing Hoseok to pause in the doorway, he hummed looking at his son up and down and almost had a melt down. “It’s okay daddy, I understand you are really busy” 
He brushed past his father and walked to the car. Hoseok’s heart broke he had let his boy down. Taking a deep breath he sat in the car and told Huimang that after school they could do whatever he wants. You were greeting all the kids to class and you had a sneaky suspicion some of the kids would forget so you packed extra costumes behind the desk and you noticed a very upset Huimang and a very disappointed Hoseok.
“Mister Jung, the costume you ordered arrived in time for today” You lied threw him the packet, he looked at you with such relief as he helped his son get dressed.
“Daddy I knew you wouldn’t forget, after school I know what I want” Hoseok raised an eyebrow “I want to invite miss y/n over for dinner, I think she likes you and I know you like her, I heard you talking to uncle Yoongi about how she is a snack and you were so shook with how she has a snatched waist and it makes you thirsty AF and that, that is the real tea” Huimang grinned at his father hugging him before running off with his little key and kite trailing the floor behind him.
Kim Namjoon: Lunch swap
You packed a lunch for your crush Jaehyun at your best friends work. Your best friend was none other than Kim Namjoon who beamed as you arrived causing a strange nervous sensation in your tummy and a flutter in your heart. “How did you know I forgot my lunch today” He all but snatched the lunchbox from your hands and opened it and looked at the heart themed lunch box and he picked up the note with the love confession and you don’t know why but you ran as fast as you could out of the building.
Park Jimin: Popcorn 
You were working at the Candy bar dressed in you red and white striped dressed with a cute apron and you were serving customers and helping them select their confectioneries. You were at war with the Popcorn boy, you had been competing since last year when he received Employee of the year breaking your winning streak. You had one every year for five years and he ruined it. He was so nice, and like you never had days off, you both came in no matter the weather and on short notice. It was late and you were covering for the other candy girl who had fallen sick which meant you had to work with him. 
You were at peak time between 6-8 where most people decide they want to watch movies and they would panic trying to buy snacks before the movie starts. He ran into you spilling popcorn down your dress, leaving salt, butter and popcorn in places it shouldn’t be. You took it upon yourself accidentally trip and land an ice cream to the back of his head, he looked absolutely guttered. You felt guilty and hung your head as you continued serving, you were fetching two large drinks not noticing Jimin stepping over to your register to ring up the tab while you grabbed the rest of their things. You ran straight into his back splashing him with soda and apologizing profusely finishing the drinks and watching the last couple head into the cinema. His back you could see was well defined through his wet shirt and he turned. His eyes were dark and his lips pressed into a hard line.
Kim Taehyung: Penguin
“The fairy Penguins like to eat small fish like anchovies and on some occasions squid, krill and plankton. They fall in love with their special penguin and they stay together forever. But to make the girls fall in love with them, the boys have to be nice to the girls. And make them a pretty home for them to live in, so they make a burrow and they decorate it so they can live together.”
“Hey y/n” the thin boy with big ears and equally big grin called your name and you turned giving him a gap toothed grin your pigtails held together by the school regulated colored ribbon. “When we get older I will build us a house and we will live together forever okay, I will put everything you like inside”
“Okay” you smiled linking pinkies. 
Jeon Jungkook: Squirrel Appreciation
Jungkook was your brother Yoongi’s best friend and you hated him by default. He always ate all the food in the house and lounged around on the couch and was generally just a pain. You stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel heading for your room, but you came face to chest with the much taller and toned Jungkook. His sleepy eyes widened, you pushed past him to your room so you could dress and curse him out. “If he wasn’t here this wouldn’t have happened?”
You opened your bedroom door ready to head down to the kitchen to eat before he did. At that exact moment he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped low around his waist. Your eyes drank him up and down, before you turned away cheeks sporting a pink hue. He smirked at your retreating figure and the three of you ate breakfast in silence. You got lost watching Jungkook’s lips as he ate every now and then his tongue would peek out to swipe any food left behind. You giggled seeing his cheeks puffed like a Squirrel.
Next week
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