#himeru can have 1 nice thing from me. as a treat.
nguyenfinity · 1 year
hey if rinne can have his mum and niki can have his can himeru have kaname back
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He nii-chan jacket too big for he gotdamn he,,,,,
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toujokaname · 3 months
HiMERU's 2023 Birthday Celebration
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Characters: HiMERU, Anzu
"Fufu, thank you very much for your congratulations. HiMERU has been eagerly looking forward to your words."
[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Birthday Moment 1
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HiMERU: (Phew... The earlier commotion seems unbelievable now. It's remarkably quiet.)
Oh, Anzu-san...? Thank you for your hard work at the party earlier. Have you finished cleaning up?
—HiMERU has been here drinking coffee and resting for a while.
💬 Once again, happy birthday.
HiMERU: Hehe, thank you ♪
You said it during the party as well, but it's always nice to hear, no matter how many times it's said.
💬 It smells nice.
HiMERU: —Ahh, is it this coffee's aroma? It's takeout from Cinnamon.
Shiina offered, "Here, have it after your meal," and handed it over. Feeling it would be rude to refuse, HiMERU accepted it gratefully.
Birthday Moment 2
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HiMERU: Today's weather is nice. There aren't many clouds, so it should be clear tonight.
—If possible, HiMERU would really like it to be clear on Tanabata night.
What is it, Anzu-san? Hm, you want to meet here again later...?
💬 Is that okay?
HiMERU: Certainly, it's no trouble. HiMERU is available at that time.
There's just one more thing he has to do before the appointed time.
💬 It might be a bit late though...
HiMERU: You don't need to worry so much about that.
—Since HiMERU also has other matters to attend to, a later time would actually be more convenient.
Birthday Moment 3
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HiMERU: In that case, let's meet here at the agreed time...
Well, HiMERU is considering returning to the ES building now.
Oops, apologies. It looks like a message just arrived from Hold-hands.
💬 Who's it from?
HiMERU: "I blew all my cash gambling, so lend me some! I'll pay you back triple as a birthday treat, yeah? ♪"
...That's what it says. Even without mentioning his name, it's obvious who it is, isn't it.
💬 I don't mind if you look at it.
HiMERU: Then, pardon. Hm, it's from Oukawa.
Everyone from Crazy:B is gathering at Cinnamon, so won't HiMERU come too... Since he's been invited, he must attend.
Birthday Night / First Part
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HiMERU: Thank you for your patience. Apologies, HiMERU was a little late.
—Ahh, sure enough, it's clear tonight. You can see the Milky Way up in the sky.
Vega and Altair are visible as well. Look, over there...
Anzu: Are they the stars of Orihime and Hikoboshi?
HiMERU: Yes, that's right. They're the first-magnitude stars of Lyra and Aquila, respectively.
The town's lights make it a bit hard to see, but first-magnitude stars are exceptionally bright, so they're easy to find.
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HiMERU: Speaking of which, HiMERU's birthday does fall on Tanabata. That may be why he received several presents with star motifs.
The Sweets Fan Club members even prepared a star-themed cake.
—Everyone must have put a lot of thought into giving gifts connected to HiMERU.
Anzu: It sure was a lively party.
HiMERU: Yes, it was. People kept coming to offer their congratulations, so it was quite hectic.
But, well, HiMERU thinks it was a chaotic yet enjoyable party.
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HiMERU: —By the way, HiMERU missed the chance to give this to you.
Here you go, Anzu-san. It's coffee.
HiMERU brought it because he wanted to leisurely enjoy coffee with you.
Anzu: Thank you.
HiMERU: You're welcome. Thanks to Shiina's instruction on how to brew it, its flavor is guaranteed.
—Yes, it's as you guessed; this coffee is handmade by HiMERU ♪
Birthday Night / Second Part
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HiMERU: Hehe, it's wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the coffee.
Watching the Tanabata starry sky over a cup of coffee is rather pleasant, isn't it?
...Oh? Anzu-san, you have a present for HiMERU?
Anzu: Here you go.
HiMERU: —Very well then, if you don't mind, HiMERU will open it.
Aah, what a beautiful brooch. The ruby-like deep crimson stone is quite dreamy.
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HiMERU: What do you think? HiMERU thought it'd be a waste to just put it away, so he decided to try wearing it.
He didn't expect that you would organize a party for him, much less give him a present.
—Please let HiMERU do something to thank you.
Anzu: Don't worry about it.
HiMERU: Hm, you gave it because you wanted to... Is that right...?
Well then, next time we meet, please let HiMERU treat you to coffee again.
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HiMERU: —The night is starting to wear on. It looks like some clouds are coming in as well.
We've finished our coffee, so shall we go inside before the wind picks up?
Thank you so much for today. Not only did you prepare the party, but you also arranged such a wonderful gift... It must have been tough, right?
Anzu: I enjoyed it.
HiMERU: Is that so... It's heartening to have people who give it their all for HiMERU's sake.
For your sake, HiMERU will strive even harder as an idol. Please look forward to HiMERU's future.
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