#what is he gonna do when kaname wakes up WHAT IS HE GONNA DO WHEN KANAME WAKES UP
nguyenfinity · 1 year
hey if rinne can have his mum and niki can have his can himeru have kaname back
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He nii-chan jacket too big for he gotdamn he,,,,,
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So now that we're getting into the nitty-gritty about the zanpakuto, I'm immensely curious about what you're gonna do with Kaname's zanpakuto. Cuz if I remember canon right, he "inherited" (graverobbed?) the sword from his deceased friend, who we are told is the impetus for his whole crusade and made it his own to honor her. I'm interested to see your thoughts :))
You are remembering canon correctly! Suzumushi is NOT Kaname Tousen's Sword! It's the Sword of his friend/unrequited love interest Kakyo NoSurnameInCanon, who was fridged murdered, and when the central 46 refused to prosecute her killer because of his Noble status, that's when Kaname's crusade began, carrying Suzumushi.
In AEIWAM, it's similar, but instead of a friend/unrequited love interest-
Kaname is twelve when he dies suddenly, and reincarnates in the Soul society as a Tween. He is unceremoniously dumped on a country back road in West 51 with only the clothes he died in and no memory of his previous life besides his given name. Kakyo is also about twelve when she dies, and is dumped about four feet away from Kaname five seconds later, and sprains her ankle on the fall. She remembers her past life ("It Sucked"), and reassures Kaname that the guy that left her here said there was a 50-50 chance she'd lose her entire memory. That must be what happened to him. Kakyo can't walk on her injured ankle, but she can see where she's going. Kaname is a strong lad with great balance, and offers to carry her on his back if she can navigate him towards a village. It takes several freezing cold nights, scavenging for food and a terrifying encounter with a rabid dog before they finally reach the village.
Since neither actually knows their birthday, but were both 'reborn' on November 13th, and because they look extremely different, they decide that they are now brother and sister. And ever since then, Kakyo and Kaname regarded each other as twins.
They actually stumble into a library at the edge of a fairly large river trading port, run by Tomoko Tousen, a retired Gotei-13 Archivist, and her husband Yasuke, a retired shinigami, who gained a surname when they married. They never had children of their own, and it's nice having the young things about, so they adopt the 'twins', and they become Kakyo Tousen and Kaname Tousen. Fortunate, as it rapidly becomes apparent the twins have spiritual powers of their own.
Kaname is the gentler and shyer twin, and closer to his godmother, who figures out how to enchant a pair of glasses so they can 'read' text he looks at and speaks it to him, and he takes to books and archiving and data science like a duck to water.
Kakyo is a litter rougher and more gung-ho twin and takes after her adopted godfather, and dreams of leaving home and becoming a Shinigami herself... but their godparents are elderly, and can't run the library on their own, and she doesn't want to leave Kaname completely on his own.
Still, when she wakes up one morning from fitful dreams to discover she's holding a sword of her own, the whole family rejoices. Suzumushi is a not very powerful Zanpaktou, and strangely eager to avoid conflict for a weapon, and is content to stay in the river town, practicing Katas with Yasuke and occasionally lightly Harassing her weilder's brother- but before the year is out, Kaname has gotten used to sometimes having what feels like a clockwork cicada climb up his back or sit on his head, chiming and chittering while he works.
One day though, Kaname is talking with Yasuke, about how neither of them remembers their previous lives. Yasuke confides that while he doesn't remember who he was or where he lived, there are some memories that not even death can erase, like how his body remembered exactly what to do the first time he picked up a sword.
Kaname has nightmares after that, of picking up Suzumushi and knowing exactly how to wield her.
Time passes, Their godparents pass. And Kakyo stays with Kaname. Neither one really wants the other to be alone.
Then one day, A komuso monk comes to the library, body covered in robes and face hidden by his Tengai. ... A Really Big Monk. His name is Komamora Sajin, and from the way he acts around Kaname, Kakyo can tell he's taken care of people who are frail and missing senses before. Kaname is very fond of him- they have similar natures, and the actually-nine-foot-tall Sajin is very good at getting things off of high shelves and convincing difficult patrons to behave themselves. Eventually, he asks to stay on a more permanent basis, and Kakyo begs him to do so- she needs to become a Shinigami, but she can't abandon Kaname. They agree, and when she tells Kaname "Stay here, and stay gentle." it her telling her how much she loves him, and wants him to be happy.
...So you can imagine how devastating her death was for him.
Doubly so when he arrives in Seireitei to handle her funeral arrangements and touches Suzumushi's hilt for the first time- the rage, the grief of the sword spirit courses through him, baying for vengeance- and worse still, so does his body's memory of how to weild a sword.
He and Kakyo were about as close as humans can get, and Suzumushi knew him for as long as the spirit had known Kakyo- if there's someone who'd be willing to avenge her master's death, it's her beloved 'twin' brother.
...but this implies a lot of WIERD stuff about Kaname and his relationship with Suzumushi.
Sometimes Zanpaktou can be passed from one person to another, incarnating a bit differently each time (like how Senbonsakura is the Kuchiki Family Sword), but other Zanpaktou will die if thier wielder does. Suzumushi is not a particularly powerful zanpaktou- Tousen and Suzumushi are regularly ranked last in the "most powerful captains" fan-polls and rightly so I think. Rightly so, because I think Kaname's power is significantly nerfed by carrying a sword that is not his. Even if he and Suzumushi are particularly close, that's different than his own, and I don't think Suzumushi ever intended to be a heritable sword. Actually using her probably takes a ton more energy for Kaname that it ever did for Kakyo. Futhermore, Kaname might also be spending a ton of energy keeping Suzumushi alive past her time.
Suzumushi only has one potentially-lethal maneuver and that's an alternate form of her shikai. The regular forms are "Spell of take a nap and stop rioting" and "Spell of no for real you're losing your sensory privileges until you calm down". Both are way more crowd control abilities rather than Deuling ones, which fits with both his and Kakyo's characterization of wanting Soul Society to be a better place- Suzumushi is a sword that's practically built to get in the middle of a major battle and get everyone to STOP. And I gotta wonder- were these the original abilities of Suzumushi, or something she crafted for Kaname? Especially his Bankai- That's a weird Banaki for a sighted person like Kakyo to have. Or is it the original, drawn from Kakyo's experiences living with Kaname? Either way, he's either using tools not intended for him, or Suzumushi is heavily deviating from what she was meant to do, as a weapon.
My point is, as good as Kaname was- and he was good, he made Captain (and not just because they were... out of officers after the Turn Back The Pendulum Incident), but he did apparently hold his own in battle against everyone but fucking Kenpachi.
In AEIWAM, he does this by focusing on his technical skill as a swordsman- what he lacks in power or Zanpaktou abilities that are actually useful in Duels, he makes up for in learning really advanced, high-level Kido* and getting damn good at actually using his sword as a sword. In the fic, Kenpachi is a huge admirer and actually kind of Jealous of Kaname's technique- he declares that of all the captains, Kaname is the strongest, because he's the one punching highest above his weight class, while eveyone else (including him) is coasting by on their enormous power reserves or more duel-adept Zanpaktou, yet Kaname can go toe-to-toe with all
"It's like watching a little bitty Bat beat up a Tiger!" He says.
So, if Suzumushi is not Kaname's Zanpaktou, what is?
For that, I think we need to look at what happened to him after his hollowfication.
After dinner. this takes up a lot of brainpower.
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wghsfew · 20 days
So the story starts with pbb going to some kind of a dungeon for filming and there’s nagisa as a monster (???) and the fans of pbb start protesting cause like they think of Kohaku as a cutie patootie and that he could participate in such shows.
Kohaku doesn’t like it a lot because he wants to be a person he wants to be, not a person that fans want him to be. He argues with HiMERU, who says that this the purpose of idol, and that they have to be the people fans wish to see. Kohaku is so tired of all komashika and pbb stuff and is really distressed and just anxious. Kohaku then faints because the he is so sick of seeing HiMERU already after komashika what he starts choking and hyperventilating so HiMERU calls the ambulance. When Kohaku wakes up rinniki are sitting in his hospital room😭😭😭😭
Kohaku is scared cause he think the press will now about him being hospitalised, but HiMERU had contacted ibara so Kohaku was sent to a private hospital under CosPro. Rinne starts teasing him like haha the pbb couple is fighting uuuuu and Kohaku s like shut your mouth of I’ll tear it of off you. After some banter Rinne’s tells Niki to cut up some apples cause he’s gonna go and tease HiMERU.
Rinne: Isn’t ‘he’s in this hospital as well, Kaname Tojou?…
After that we have HiMERUs cg when he holds Kanames hand and tries to proceed all his feelings and is like ah Kaname is even pbb right for you? What can I do for you? Kaname is gradually recovering abd sometimes he wakes up, sometimes in a good mood, sometimes screaming. When he’s coherent he orders like tons of HiMERU merch and pbb merch because it helps him sleep???????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
After HiMERU leaves kanames room he bumps into rinne shoes like hey whatcha doin there?? Is Kaname, real you, there?? Rinne finds out that the real fan of pbb is kaname and is like aha so kanamechin is the bad guy here? Why did you drag kohaku into this?
HiMERU says that this what he (was said a ‘I’ not HiMERU) thought that would be better, despite the fact that he didn’t like it himself. Then suddenly Kohaku and Niki appear and they’re like rinne texted us that there’s a fight going on so we came 😋😋😋
Okay it’s all for now gonna post the secobd part in a few hours schools killing me
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Regarding the five star four star and 2 three stars for each unit thing they tend to do my biggest wish is for himeru/kohaku and tatsumi/mayoi centre. Idk how to explain it but hiiro and rinne were the focus of the main story and aira and niki felt like they got a bit of character from that too (more than their other 2 members at least) so this just kinda feels. Right? I've seen people theorise that they'll address kaname or that he'll wake up and I don't doubt that logic, I just hope if so kohaku and mayoi can be of some significance. I think kohaku and mayoi are decent to bring attention to because despite himeru trying to be distant at first I think he definitely is most fond of kohaku, and don't ask me about tatsumi and mayoi you're talking to a ttmy shipper I'll be here all day. Basically I just think if himeru and tatsumi were to go through the horrors their unit mates would be there for them but those two in particular somewhat understand them a bit better. Before anyone tells me these 4 were in the romantic date scout I know. I've simply decided to remove it from my memory because I could never hate a story more than that one.
I've just ranted about alkakurei to you now. It's good to be back I guess
Im hoping for niki to have a really big moment in the tour personally, as well as aira, in a different light than what we've seen so far. I just...wish i cared more for them than i really do. And I wish i could make myself care, but alas, i can live with it just fine actually. The card distribution, well, im trying to keep track of when they've had cards last already/who's still due. Tatsumi still needs a ts2 so im counting him out of the possible tour 5stars (could be a 4star), but everyone else i think is eligible from that perspective. Oh......ohhhh.....it just came to mind, but you know how they did the altered and graduation tours? Tatsumi's ts2 could totally be running during the alkakurei tour, and be related to the story in that manner. Im willing to bet on this actually, nevermind, he's definitely getting a tour 5star in the gacha. And kohaku getting his fs2 then as well would be so cruel...higgles. rip alkakureiPs. Himemayo tour 5stars sounds plausible. But so does amagi bros to parallel their main story 5stars, or any other combination... idkidk im going to stop speculating until we have more information. Um. Checkmate anime is coming out first and i will be focusing my attention and obsession there, sorry. My knightspilled checkmateholic eichip swag.
Im not sure if you meant you actually hate romantic date /srs or if it was said in a "omg i hate x thing its gonna be the only thing i think about for days" way. I feel like you meant it /srs but im personally a fan of the story poking fun at fandom behavior, giving into and critiquing at the same time, as well as the insights into himeru's psyche. The game with affinity points from the other characters is just in himeru's head and a manifestation of his subconscious, where he thinks no one's love for him can grow as he doesnt let them actually know Him, the person beyond the himeru persona. Only tatsumi who loves everyone could still love him. And thats also pissing him off.
They both approach and view things, relationships, motivation etc so differently, a lot of himeru's internal monologues are filled with "negative" feelings (jealousy, pride, paranoia etc. Even the earliest we know of him is that he ran away from home because his dad remarried and he couldnt accept it, he's been like this forever. And yet, these feelings arent fitting with the perfect ido persona, so he bottles them up, with the occasional slip ups. Himeru's presence and slow opening up in crazy:b of all units, the group driven by their feelings and desires, is so so important to me.) whereas tatsumi just...has so much love and acceptance (although as much as they're an important part of his character, it's just as important that he also has his own wishes and desires and he does act on them, moreso than himeru at least. Like his hobby of driving recklessly, which he doesnt do because he cant drive well, but because he wants to do it like that and to experience the fun even if it's unconventional or incomprehensible to others). And this gap in their mentalities and approaches to life is scary for himeru. It's a hundred times harder to love and save another than to hate or break someone down (paraphrasing from another enstars quote lmao), i can empathize with himeru having complicated feelings about tatsumi's character that he doesnt understand himself, so he defaults to calling him unpleasant rather than having to unpack it. Let aside that beyond the difference in approaches they also have a complicated past, it's easier to just blame tatsumi who can take it seemingly unscathed. I think romantic date is fun to read both before and after having experienced obbligato...especially moreso after, when youre aware of the foreshadowing and further developments (this has been my experience with most of akira's gacha stories he's written in es2 era)
Im not a tthm shipper in the traditional sense of "i want to see them date" cuz i think what they have going on is much more fascinating and nuanced than that and it'd do the relationship a disservice imo. I was gonna say it's also fun to put these characters who struggle with understanding each other and actual romance and love in general actually in every sense of the word together but thats kind of the entire cast. A lot of my favorite dynamics at least, that have had varying degrees of success and development. However, it is something i enjoy, obviously, so i will always remain fond of romantic date...wah i rambled about this for a very long time, i'll stop now!
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nilesmoon · 4 months
Please explain your kaname & sora look back au! :3 genuinely interested!
hi hiiii I would LOVE to talk about them :]] putting it under the cut bc it's gonna get. Long
it starts many years ago when Sora was in middle school and getting bullied for being "an alien". Their meeting is a chance encounter. Kaname, also a middle schooler, finds Sora looking upset at a playground or something and asks him what's wrong. After an explanation from Sora, Kaname decides that he will cheer up this weird kid he just met!! After all, he wants to be an idol and the job of an idol is to make people happy and give them hope!! So he does his best to perform a song for him. It's clumsy and messy, sure, but it has the dumb confidence every kid has so who cares if it's bad!! After Sora is successfully cheered up and Kaname gains his first fan, they part ways.
Let's cut to Soras shut-in years, this is at the point where he has met Natsume and he's considering if he should go to Yumenosaki too. It's also when Kaname is a first year at Reimei and doing solo idol activities. Sora comes across a pamphlet for a live Kaname has at a mall. (He has a stage name now but Sora couldn't forget his face.) And if Sora is gonna become an idol he has to get used to crowded spaces plus it's a small venue, so what better place to start? So, he goes to the live. Kanames colors are as sparkly as he remembers, if not more. It gives Sora the final push he needs to make his decision.
Sora doesn't think that Kaname remembers him, but how could Kaname forget about his first ever fan? He is overjoyed to see him in the crowd and maybe he's not the best at this idol thing currently, he wants to show him how much he has improved!! (Also, he looks down again and Kaname can't have him looking so upset at one of his concerts)
Let's return to the current year. Himeru makes a comeback. Sora realizes how different Himerus colors look (but peoples colors change. so he doesn't bother him about it much). He also still thinks that Kaname doesn't remember him, so when Himeru says that he doesn't know him, there's nothing Sora can do but to befriend him once again :]]
(many years later when kaname wakes up & switch gets disbanded due to reasons, they will form a duo unit together called 3plu. they will also fall in love)
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Spoiler for my stories
MC: happy 60 episode everyone! (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
Doll: what was that in the last episode.
MC: it been a long journey! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
MC: I have made candies for everyone as celebration. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
Bee: doll please don't scream at omae!! (>0<;)
Doll shaking Bee: your little spouse keep ignoring me! I need answers!!! ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ
You look at Doll while holding your bags of sweets your going to give everyone.
MC: (◕દ◕)I dunno. I guess ya ritsu sakuma like kitty when he went to that place. I don't see what's more to explain what's already been seen.
Doll: ...
Doll, took a deep breath: how does that even work. (¬ ¬) that's literally just another mc. Won't that mean ya technically liked our owner then?
MC: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) do you like me then? Based on your statement. It mean if you like one mc, you will like all mc.
Bee: >>
Doll: hell na. (`ー´) ya are weird weird person. You kidnap me and kidnap bunch of "kids" too.
Bee: (`ー´)
Bee(?): (c" ತ,_ತ) what did you say?
Doll: (`ー´) you guys are weirdos.
With that those two once again fight. You watch it happened with a chuckle Through you stared at others who approaches you to get bag of sweets.
Reaper: do this expired??
MC: no?
Reaper:oh! Can I get more than one bag? I wanna give them to my friends when they will wake up. (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
MC: ooh! Okii!
You give reaper enough candies that you can burry him with how many it is.
Mad Hatter holding small kaname comes with you and gives you the most fake ass smile you seen.
Mad Hatter: (◍•ᴗ•◍) I dearly hope you to fall in a pit full of knives.
MC: ehh that's not gonna happened. After all that's not a normal pit to have everywhere. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ so tough luck buddy. Hope for something else.
Mad Hatter: (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Baby blue: (◕દ◕)...?
Mad Hatter: (´ー`)┌ I don't know. Ask this person to tell us where the annoying pest taken our cat.
MC: ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)no point in asking me. I also don't know where Kuma taken kitty. But I sure know they are somewhere in the kkoma world.
Baby blue:
Baby blue: ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ ...!!???
Mad Hatter: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Mad Hatter: (´・ᴗ・ ` )if that's the case we will have dumplings made of cat meat.
MC: (◕દ◕) what?
Mad Hatter: none of your business.
He then proceed to take all your candies and left you with nothing to give to the other two.
MC: ... Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Bee: where's my sweets??? (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
MC:... Can I be your treat then? I can be sweet enough for you~
Bee: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ h-huh...
MC: I run out candies so I'll offer myself as your treats. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) unless..
Bee: o-ooh.... ( ꈍᴗꈍ) There's no need for unless. I'll take you!
Doll: where's mine then? (`ー´)
MC: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)oh ye.
Bee takes out his packs of sweet and shove it to doll face: there. No one don't touch my treat! Omea is only mine! =3=
He then proceed to carry you away and you blush.
Doll, eats candies: ... Weirdos.. (c" ತ,_ತ)
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umilily · 2 years
Hiii it’s Shoey! So sorry for my absence, I’ve been busy with work sadly (ヽ´ω`)
Buuutt I'm here back with my meru rambling teehee, I've been thinking about him and kaname a lot
1) thinks about. kaname at some point waking up and meeting the reader in coffee cups and the absolute mindfuck and shenanigans that happen after. It would either "why are fucking my brother." or he looks up to you? Somewhere in the middle ground? Kana waking up and being back in sync is definitely a pot hole of itself but it's a fun thought
2) hi. bunny meru. been thinking about him again and. Just imagining putting on the outfit he has on or some sort of alternate outfit. It's such an outfit but I think it would be fun to wear ya know? boobs might be a problem but hey and plus himeru yume goes crazy I need to see his reaction to reader putting on the thing
3) do you ever stop and think about how kaname is butterfly coded and oremeru is moth coded. yeah
anyways I'm gonna go night its late here so if these feel lackluster sorry it's the sleepiness getting to me kay byeeeee
- shoe anon
welcome back shoe, good to hear from you <3 i hope you're not too stressed out from your work :)
yesss... rambling! i've been so busy lately, this feels like a real treat. i much prefer to think about kaname and meru than about biochemistry lmao thanks for always sharing your thoughts with me <3
1: “why are you fucking my brother” lmaooo don’t tempt me to actually put that line in a fic. But yeah, I’ve been thinking about that scenario as well. it’s probably the biggest thing I haven’t actually decided on whether I should have that happen in the series or not. It’s so tempting and I have a lot of thoughts on what could happen in that scenario, but also I’m worried that the sheer amount of issues that would arise with that development might be a little too much to properly fit into the format of the series, if that makes any sense. I imagine that Kaname would be very torn between how much he looks up to his brother and being angry about meru just taking over his life and acting like he’s doing Kaname a favour. Between that and meru just being completely overwhelmed by the situation and being too emotionally inept to understand Kaname and act accordingly, I imagine the overall situation in the household to be quite tense with poor reader just stuck in the middle of it and trying to mediate. Because of course meru (being a bit of a control freak) would insist that Kaname moves in with you when he gets discharged from the hospital. Imagine being home alone with that kid while meru is at work and Kaname just constantly switches between singing the highest praises about his brother just to be grumpy the next minute, complaining that his brother treats him like a child and doesn’t take him seriously. Also, consider the following: I think the reader and Kaname would end up getting along just fine and naturally meru is happy about that and it puts his mind at ease to know that his brother isn’t lonely when he himself can’t keep him company. so everything’s just peachy, right? Think again, because when is anything involving these people ever not complicated. i would imagine that once meru thinks about it, he’d actually get jealous (a little or a lot? lol) when he considers that Kaname and him basically look exactly the same and considering the type of person he himself is and how complicated he can be, he starts to worry that reader could ditch him for his little brother. (as if they would ever lol) and of course that trainwreck of a man would not say anything and just bottle it up until he snaps and- well what would happen in that scenario might be a thought for another day (that I may or may not have a WIP about, buried somewhere in my fic folder on google docs lol)
I haven’t given up the hope that we might get some more crumbs on that whole topic soon, so I’ll be a little patient before I actually decide on whether to write about that or not.
2: I feel like if you’d actually wear his clothes secretly and he caught you, he’d try to act annoyed about it like “you’re gonna stretch the fabric” and all, but he’d also find it way too cute to actually be mad and you could tell lmao just imagine trying on the bunny ears and he just comes home and stands there in the door like 🧍‍♂�� when he see you. he’d probably be so embarrassed lol
3: … actually, I’ve never made the moth connection, but now that you point it out, he really is :o if you have any further thoughts on that, please feel free to elaborate, I have to ponder on that for a bit… also: this is a very random thought that is only vaguely connected to this (?) but do you ever think about how most people like butterflies, but at the same time think that moths are creepy? (or is that just the case with the people I encounter?) Anyway, rude! What did moths ever do to them? they’re cute, fuzzy little friends… now I’m thinking about meru in a very fluffy sweater lol
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Caun you do platonic yandere Haruka and Juri Kuran with unwilling human reader where she will do anything to get away from them even if they have to call vampire hunter to do it? Thank you
I’m sorry it took me a while to answer, I had to rewatch the show because I haven’t watched it in like a year.
I think you made another request that I saw and went to do, but when I clicked on it tumble said there was nothing there. Sorry about that.
And I think I got the characters right, juri and Haruka are yuki and kanames mom and dad right?
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You dont want to be here, you absolutely don’t want to be here. No matter how much they tell you that you can’t leave, taht foenst make you wnat to do it any less. No matter how far you ran, Or how hard you tried to hide , they always found you, and took you back to this godforsaken place. It was huge mansion, usually could be considered lavish and nice, but you’d grown to hate it.
You’d tried everything, shattering windows, throwing yourself off of roofs, stabbing them, outright drowning yourself, none of it worked, nothing at all. The woman, whom had named herself “mother”, or even “mama”, would just pick you up, give you a bath, scold you, then put you to bed, a soft nothing happened in the first place. You hated it, you hated it so much. They treated you as if you couldn’t think for yourself, like you would just die without them, they wouldn’t listen to your protests, and would act like it was just the babbling of a small child.
“Darling, you know we can’t be running out at nighttime, we have rules for a reason. Let’s get you in bed now, You’re gonna sleep with me and papa tonight alright?
They always cared about you, if you’re hurting, but they also don’t seem to care about you’re opinion, like they’ve fooled themselves into thinking you really are some precious little girl who needs mama and papa’s protection.you don’t though, you truly, honestly, hate them with all your heart. They don’t ever try to consider your own opinion, seeing you as a little child who has an immature and irrational opinion, you. Hate. It.
You didn’t want them to die necessarily, just be away from you, forever. But you also weren’t all that keen on them staying alive, you barely knew anything about how they lived, you had run into them sucking the life out of a corpse, you had your suspicions about wether they were even human or not, taht just proved it to you. This was just a last resort, a heavily needed last resort.and you were desperate, very, very desperate.
And so, you used your “playtime” in which they left you alone for 30 minutes to an hour in the guardens, to figure out how to kill these people, and who would do it for you. When you found the “cursed twins” whom hunt these vampires. You were determined to come in contact with them. You had to wait though, as you’d spent almost all of your playtime on the library, and you didn’t have the ability to leave and find them yet.
The next time when you could find them, you snuck out as early as you could, running through the rose bushes and the wall of vines taht leas to a small opening, the servants used to use this, to your convience, they abandoned it after it was infested with millions of moths and butterfly’s. It was your best way out for a moment. Of course you couldn’t stay out for too long, or they would realize and drag you back. So you set a mental timer for 30 minutes, than went on a search. Asking around town if they knew these particular hunters, eventually, you were lead to a small bar, wheee a tall man with a large scar wa sitting, you tapped him on the shoulder.
The two of you talked for about 10 minutes, your old him your story and what was hapoening, he told you who he was and what he did, and it was an agreement that he would help you. The plan was simple, very simple, you run away during the middle of the night, intentionally waking them up and causing them to follow, and you run to a select area where he’ll have traps set, he will not kill them unless it’s necessary, just keep them tied up long enough for you to hop on a train and be rid of them. And that was it, you had 5 minutes to get back, the plan would be carried out tommorow.
When you arrived back into the garden, it was to the same thing you left, a bunch of butterflies and flowers. Another ten minutes past of you just sitting around, and then your mother came out to get you so she could help you take a bath. You were just so jittery and excited to be out, and you thought you wer of fielding it as best as you could, apparently that wasn’t good enough though, as she took immediate note of your change in tone.she suspiciously looked at you, you did smell different… like other humans.
The idea was brushed off as she saw the set up from earlier that you had laid out, a blanket bundled up to look like a makeshift pillow, along with a few little butterflies just fluttering around the area. So you had taken a nap! That makes sense why they hadn’t heard you, because you were sleeping.
“Oh honey, if you were sleepy you could’ve just told me, we can go take another nap if you want?”
“No mama, I’m okay”
You were getting ready now, this was probably a really terrible idea, like a really, really terrible idea. But you don’t have much to lose except your life, and even then it’s not worth much, so why not? You couldn’t open your window, so you were gonna have to jump through the hallway one, and jump you did, intentionally nocking a few things down in the process to alert others of your movement.
You ran as fast as you could, making your way through the butterfly’s and rosebushes, and jumping over the multitude of tree trunks that stuck out of the ground. You were nearing your destination when you heard swift footsteps behind you, and the appearance fo both your father and your mother sorrounded you at once. This has happened before believe it or not, you just have to keep running and try not to get caught.
“Darling? We do this every week, just make this easy for all of us and let’s go back to bed.” The male voice echoed form beside you, you ignored it, continuing on, they were being nice to you today apparently, letting you run on for a longer time than usual, for the most part they just grab you and drag you back. Then both disapeared, with a small rustle in the dead leaves they were gone, leaving you confused , and scared. Were they hiding? Or did they just give up? No, they don’t give up, you know that best.
You made it to the destination, a small nook in the woods where the trees were cleared out, waiting to find the hunter whom you’d talked to earlier, and disappointed from find no traps, no people; no nothing, just an empty field. When you made a move to step over it, a hand grasped your arm, pulling you back.
“Do not step over there, no one but me can see it, you would be bundled in ropes if you took another step forward. “ the same gravely voice spoke, setting you firmly down on your feet, about a meter away from the clearing. You held your breath in as you heard the same footsteps circling the area, then in a flash, a figure was caught in one of these invisible traps. Each of their limbs was held off with a thick iron roping.
Then another
And than you realized that they couldn’t do anything anymore, both your mother and your father were kind of helpless right now, not as if you’d hurt them, but they couldn’t do anything to you. A female voice screamed, you could tell it was your “mama” as she wanted stop to say. The other stayed silent.
“Y/N! SWEETIE! LET ME DOWN FROM HERE! WE JUST WANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE! PLEASE JUST LET ME DOWN!” She screamed, flailing, you heard a silent hiss of burning flesh. Those ropes must be hurting them… you feel bad, they werent all that and to deserve this right? You started to regret this, second guessing yourself as you watched them struggle.
“Y/n, of you help us down now we won’t be mad, this man has gotten into your head, this is why we have to protect you, you understand that right? Right?”
“What are you doing, GO!” The hunter yelled, shoving you off towards the roaring of the trains, breaking you from your little trance, you spent another second deciding, then booked it towards the noises. Your breaths were heavy, and your feet were freezing, but you felt a sense of satisfaction at finally being free.
You heard a earpaining snap, and then another female scream. A voice yelled above it, screaming the word “RUN”, signaling you that something went wrong. You were so close, just so close to finally being free, faster footsteps approached you, a huff of wind passed your face, whooshing your hair into your face, you were only a few meters from the train at this point, and you had no idea if you would even make it.
“You cannot leave us, you just cant. They’ll hurt you, you don’t belong out there, we’re keeping you safe, you’re not safe out there honey! Why can’t you just see that? Mommy’s just trying to keep you safe!” Your mother screamed, trying to grab at you. Her eyes were wide, you’d never seen her so panicked. Was your plan actually…working? She eyed the train, picking up her pace to try and block you at off, her husband was fighting with a. Hunter, he could handle himself though, it was you she was worried about.
You hooked your arm around one of the railings of the last train car, you barely made it, as it was almost gone, you made it right on time. The woman tried to catch up, and was successful for a few moments, but was overpowered soon by the power of modern technology. She had a grasp on your sleeve, and she tried to tug you back on the ground, in her arms, where you’d be safe. But no, she just ripped it clean off, she broke down in a fit of sobs as she watched you quickly move away from her. She clutched the fabric close to her chest, before screaming
And so you disappeared in the darkness of the night, aboard the shadows of the train cars, two vampires screaming your name form the forest.
Who knows what happens to you now.
Thanks for requesting, it was fun to write!
Have a great day anon!
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the mental image of kaname’s hair growing longer than himeru’s, because himeru’s has to keep his reasonably cut but kaname has no need for short hair also the mental image of himeru helping kaname’s upkeep by cutting his hair short himself so he doesnt look so unkempt or different from when he was sent into his coma :ExplanationInsanity:
mmm but perhaps kaname is stuck in one of those "hooked to a thousand macheines cannot be moved" situations so instead of cutting his hair to return the boyish figure that has been lost to time and decay all himeru can do is comb the lengthy blue locks that have long outgrew himeru's, looking nothing like the boy he learned to know as his brother
[1]thinking about hair again, what if kaname's hair gets naturally wavy oncd it grows out enough?
the one (1) trait different between himeru and kaname and its the wavy hair
also the innocent vs suspicious eyes, height, maybe direction of their ahoge/cowlick hair thigns (might b hallucenating that one need to check) also kaname's voice probs more boyish omg kanames going to wake up and his voice is gonna b diff bc pUberty omg omg noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 🤣
GEHWJAGSIHJF thats why he doesnt talk post coma, boy cant comprehend the changes and all the shit he missed
or, perhaps, during the… swarming someone…. or maybe someones…. stomped on him.. a lot, on his throat and he can't, y'know, make any sounds anymore
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sarcasti-cally · 4 years
birthday surprise
so, koganegawa’s birthday is today, July 9th, and um.. where’s the love for my boy kogane? i felt like this was the perfect time to give him some love 🥰 ❤️ ❤️ (and to quench my thirst) this is the first time i’m ever writing a fic or even smut in general so please be nice :,) just gonna casually tag @bokutokoutarou since you wanted to be there when i post my first ever fic so here i go. 🚶‍♀️
dom!koganegawa x reader????? woahh
s m u t
words: 3063
Drool was slowly pooling from your mouth as you just woke up, the sun beaming straight into your eyes, causing your eyelashes to flutter and flip your body to face away from the sunlight. Before you could close your eyes again, you reached out for your phone on your pillow and went to check the time, which is a routine you developed without noticing. 
1:53, you noted. But, you immediately stood up and wiped the drool from the corners of your mouth to realize that it was July 9th. Shit. You cursed at yourself in your head while frantically throwing on whatever you saw. 
Black shorts and a baggy t-shirt representing your school, Date Tech. You went to the bathroom to see what you overall really looked like taking into consideration that your hair must have been a bird’s nest from moving a lot in your sleep. 
You didn’t think the shirt you chose to wear would cover your shorts, but you shrugged it off. Hopefully some idiot doesn’t think that you’re not wearing anything under it. Thankfully, your hair wasn’t all that much of a mess- i mean, it was still a bit frizzy and in a loose ponytail, but who really cares? Definitely not you.
You threw on some white crew socks with some black shoes you saw under your bed. While you struggled a bit to put your shoes on, you heard something coming from your bed. It was your phone vibrating. 
“I swear to god, if it’s some annoying son of a bitch-“ you stood up and tripped since you were trying to put on your other shoe standing up while your foot’s in the air. As you peered over your phone, you saw that it was a notification from Koganegawa and you sighed in relief. 
When you had your shoe on you grabbed your phone and went to go and read what he messaged you.
“Hey, Y/N! I know that you might still be asleep, but i wanted to let you know that i’m having a birthday party which starts at around 4, and that you’re invited! I can’t wait to see you there. Even though it’ll be a small little party, i think you’ll REALLY enjoy it. Aone, Kaname, Futakuchi, and Sakunami will be there. I hope to see you there soon!” sent at 11:27 AM
As you read 11:27 AM your expression was covered in horror, but.. It could’ve been worse. For example, maybe it was sent at 9am and here you are just sitting on your ass, waking up at basically 2PM. You smiled a bit thinking of the scenario in your head, visualizing what you would act like if they actually happened. You quickly stopped yourself, though. something was a bit off in this text. You reread it at least 5 times to finally recognize what’s wrong with it. 
“uh kogane, you didn’t even give me the location” sent 2:07 PM
Sadly, you weren’t really the patient type and when 10 minutes had passed you started to get a bit antsy. Your leg was basically vibrating based off of how fast your foot was lighting tapping against the ground. 
Fuck it.
You were now furiously knocking on the door- at this point you don’t know if it was either knocking or punching it with the side of your fist. Like the idiot you were, you didn’t even try to use the door knob. When you were tired out from yelling and knocking on the door, that was the time when you decided to use it. 
And, it worked.
“Kogane! I’m coming in..” you slowly dragged out the n’s in the word “in” as if you were screaming “ready or not, here I come!” in a classic game of hide and seek. 
When you walked in, you could see streamers and balloons around the house, the little “Happy Birthday!” sign greeting you. Food was spread out in the kitchen, the dining room table was all set up with a birthday table cover and everything. You could clearly see the effort he put in based off of the mess he made in the living room. You could see the plastic bags the decorations must have came in when he bought them scattered around the living room. His house looked like a little kids birthday party, but in a good way. He really did go all out. The poor guy did this all by himself. You frowned at the thought, and then suddenly had a sly smirk on your face. 
You quickly took your shoes off and began to quietly walk around the house, wanting to surprise him and give him a big old innocent birthday hug. Now that the thought crossed your mind, you totally forgot to get him a birthday present while on the way here, but you didn’t know the party would be at his house- that could be your excuse. You nodded to yourself, agreeing with the thought. 
His home was oddly quiet, but you continued to walk around the house. Eventually, you came upon a door that was slightly opened and you peeked your head inside without hesitation. 
Koganegawa was slowly stroking his long, veiny cock with his right hand, his hips thrusting up into his fist every now and then. Some strands of his hair were stuck to the sides of his head due to the sweat that was forming on his body. The little groans he let out was causing your thighs to clench together, trying your hardest to not picture what he would look like between your legs. This dirty thought of yours caused you to let out a small moan, quickly slapping your hand against your mouth, hoping he didn’t hear. You slowly sat yourself on the ground, trying to even out your breaths since it was such a close call, but you were cut off when the door right beside you swung open. You screamed in surprise and fell on your back. You could clearly see Kogane’s unattended, throbbing cock against his boxers. Goddamn was it bigger up close.
“Uh.. Happy birthday?” you awkwardly announced, trying to break the cold, uncomfortable silence, waving both of your hands in a celebratory, jazz hands motion.
He grabbed your wrist, helping you off the ground and led you to his bed. He stood in front of you, hands on his hips staring at you, obviously expecting an answer. 
Instead of giving him an answer right away, you took this as a chance to admire the sight in front of you. His toned body was enough to make you drool, his abs glossed in sweat and goddamn.. his fucking thighs. They were pretty nice, not gonna lie, you smirked to yourself. Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if he just stood there all day. He should be put in a museum. Your eyes slowly went to his-
“Y/N! I’m still here! What were you doing outside of my door??” he yelled, hands out in front of him, expressing his question more through his movement. 
“Listen, I- You.. You didn’t answer my goddamn text!” you replied, your eyes darting to the other side of the room, trying your best to not make eye contact with him. “So i.. came to your house, and when you didn’t answer the door i just.. Walked right on in.” you were putting your best efforts to lighten the mood but it wasn’t exactly working as you hoped it would.
“Then you decided to watch me jack off my dick behind my door, too, right?”
“What else would i have been doing? fucking idiot..” your voice trailed off at the last part, not wanting him to hear. 
“Would you like to repeat what you said, Y/N?” he teasingly asked, cocking one of his eyebrows up. 
“Uh no, fuck off, yeah?” you attacked right back. You leaned forward, your elbow resting against your knee as your head rested in the palm of your hand. You stuck your tongue out at him like a child, waiting to see his reaction. 
He hummed in response, looking down at you with his arms crossed. “Y/N, are you even wearing anything under that?” You almost choked as you held in your laugh. I guess he was the idiot. 
“Yeah, I am. Do you think i’m stupid or something? I would never leave the house with no pants on. Bold of you to assume that.” his eyebrow was still in the same position as if he didn’t believe you. You stood up from the bed.
“Kogane, look” he tilted his head at you and you lifted your shirt up. He immediately looked away and you had to repeat yourself. “No, look at me, idiot! I’m wearing shorts, see?” he slowly turned his head towards you and he looked puzzled. This man is as stupid as an elementary schooler, you don’t know how he’s still alive by now. 
“So i’m guessing you have a birthday present for me?” he joked, but your mind clicked. It wasn’t your birthday hug idea, but something else. 
“Actually, yes, I do. Can you sit on the bed for me real quick?” he quickly sat on the bed, oblivious to what he’s getting himself into. 
You slowly got onto the bed and sat around him, your arms wrapping around his waist, your hands inching their way to his boxers.
“What are you-“ 
“You already know what i’m doing, it’s your birthday so just let it happen, okay?” he nodded with a gulp, and you continued your ministrations. 
Your left hand slowly lowered the boxers off of his legs, causing his dick to spring up against his stomach. He groaned at the feeling, which made you eager to continue even further. You didn’t expect for his dick to be so long. It was average girth but holy shit was it lengthy. Your right hand began to stroke his cock, slowly at first, immediately teasing the tip with your thumb, wiping the precum off and onto his shaft. Feeling him shiver against your body made your cheeks flush and had your right hand slightly shaking in excitement. He noticed this and took action by wrapping his large, rough hands against yours, guiding your hand up and down at a quicker pace than you had before. His moans were becoming more apparent and louder, signaling that he’s close to his release. Kogane’s hands never left yours as his grip tightened, going even faster. Feeling how eager he is to cum and just by watching him help you jack him off is making you even wetter than you were before. 
“God, Kogane you’re so goddamn cute..Feeling your hand against mine while you guide me to fuck your cock with my hand is so fucking hot..” you felt his cock twitch at your words and you smirked through your bright red cheeks, lowering your head against his dick and filling your mouth with his long cock. Kogane threw his head back in pleasure while pushing your head down against him, his cum filling your mouth, making you choke. You remain still, though, allowing him to wait out his release. 
He lifted your head up off of him and when he looked at you with his cum dripping down the sides of your mouth, he immediately became hard again. 
“Didn’t know you were that eag-“ you were cut off when Kogane grabbed you by the hips and threw you right under him. The way he towered over you made you want to cower under a blanket and hide, but at the same time it just turned you on even more. It was almost like a prey being hunted by predator scenario.
“Kogane what are you-“ the smirk on his face was like one you’ve never seen before.
“Oh, how the tables have turned.” the sly little dumb smirk he still had plastered on his face made you want to flick him upside the head, but realistically you couldn’t since you were vulnerable as all hell under him.
He didn’t hesitate whatsoever to pull your shirt off of you. Already, your shorts were gone and the same with your bra. You were lost- it was like a switch was flipped with him. You didn’t know he had a side like this to him. 
Kogane went up to your neck and purposefully breathed against your neck causing you to jump. He soon started to leave small, gentle bites on the same spot, letting him leave a long lick against it, hurriedly wanting to whisper against your ear something god knows what where he got it from. 
“I’m going to fuck you senseless until you learn who’s the boss around here, okay sweetheart?” chills were sent down your spine, your heart thumping in your chest, positive that he could hear it. Your cheeks were the brightest shade of red to the point it looks like a child got into their mom’s makeup. But, you didn't know if he watched some really hardcore porn or what, but did not know at al that he had that in him.
His two, long fingers were suddenly teasing your entrance, causing you to let out a small moan, but you acted quickly as you covered your mouth with your hand, not willing to give in to him. Not pleased with your actions, his fingers delved inside if you, pushing in and out of you at a rather quick pace, making sure to curl his fingers in all of the right spots. 
“Can you not hide your moans from me? Pretty Please?” he gave you those puppy dog eyes that you always hated. You shook your head. He shrugged in response and positioned himself against you, your eyes widening in shock. Before you could stop him, question him, or anything, he was already buried inside of you, letting out a loud grunt. 
“I’m going to fuck you really hard, Y/N. I know you like that. You like it when guys fuck you until you can’t walk, right?” he emphasized the last word by slamming his cock deep inside of you, straight towards your g-spot. You basically screamed by the intense feeling, and he only just started. 
“Finally opening up to me, pretty girl?” he pushed your legs up by your head and began to drill his cock into you nonstop. His tight grip on your hips was bound to leave a mark afterwards. The sound of his hips slapping against yours could’ve been enough to make you cum alone.
He pulled out of you and you glared at him.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry.. Come here.” he motioned his hands for you to come towards him. He led you towards the wall.
“Jump” you obliged and he pinned you against the wall, making sure to not waste time by quickly inserting his pulsing cock inside of you. 
“Fuck!” he looked at you, giving you a quick peck on the lips before he started to move inside of you. His thrusts began extremely slow, obviously teasing you. 
“You know what I want.” Kogane’s thrusts became even slower before they came to a stop.
“No, I don’t, i can’t read min-“ your snark remark was cut off as you were given a hard, rough slap on the ass. You looked at him, and he nodded as a signal to go on. You sighed.
“Fuck me.” You sarcastically said in a dull tone, making him annoyed on purpose.
“Come on.. you know you want to. Quit lying about it, Y/N!” he began to rub your clit with one of his fingers as he waited.
“I want you to fuck me till your hearts content. I want you to fuck my pussy until i beg you to stop so i want you to quit messing around and get on with it already!” a small whine was released at the end of your words, but Koganegawa seemed satisfied.
“Whatever you want..” He grinned, He pushed himself further against you, making sure you were well propped up against the wall, and began to thrust at a rapid pace, causing you to grab onto his shoulders to give you more support. 
“God fucking dammit you’re so tight..” your walls were clenching around him like a vice. His cock filled you up so well, but the fact that his dick was brushing against your cervix was throwing you off the edge. It was impossible to think that someone could fill you up so good, and so perfectly. 
“Fuck, fuck! Please don’t stop, Kanji! Right there, right there!” his cheeks flushed at hearing his first name slip past your lips. The pace that he is holding at the moment, you could basically say he was using you like a sex doll. He was like an animal in heat, he showed no signs of stopping whatsoever, and it didn’t help that you used his first name.
“Say it again, please.” he whines against your ear, his hot breaths driving you to the edge even more 
“Kanji!” you moaned, practically chanting his name. He loved the way you said his name. The way his cock thrusted in and out of you at such a quick pace while your cum was coated around it, was the second hottest thing next to Kogane. The way he moaned, the skin slapping against skin was too much.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” you screamed, but to your surprise Kogane kept on thrusting in and out of you, chasing his own release. You knew he wasn’t going to stop until he came.
“Kanji, please cum, I’m begging you Kanji! You fill me up so good, I love the way you fill me up is so perfect just like you baby-“ and that was it, that’s all that took.
“FUCK! Y/N I love you I love you!” he came inside of you, slowly moving his hips inside of you to ride out the overwhelming feel of pleasure. Your tongue was lolling out of your mouth at the overstimulation, and Kogane let out a small chuckle before carefully carrying you to his bed. 
“Where the hell did you learn all of that from, Kanji?” you said through heavy breaths.
Futakuchi leaned on the door.
“From me.” he pointed at himself with a proud smile before walking off.
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raveneira · 4 years
Since Yashahime is such a dumpster fire Im just gonna rewrite the sequel to what I THINK would have been the better alternative to the whole SessRin situation and also some story elements that could really be improved and would make this series alot better.
For starters, if we HAD to go the SessRin route then I would make it take place 21 years after the end of final act, Kagome was 18 when she returned to the feudal era and 3 years had passed at the end of the final act which made her 21, Rin should have been about 11-12 at that point, if we count 21 years from then, Kagome would be 42 while Rin would be 32-33, meaning when the twins were born Rin was 18-19, I know that might make ppl a bit uncomfortable still but atleast she would be a legitimate adult where you can atleast say "alright...Im KIND of ok with this, I still dont like it but atleast she is technically an adult capable of consenting and not a literal child being taken advantage of"
Thats if they HAD to go the SessRin route, then I would atleast make it done tastefully where it doesnt promote pedophilia, plus the old gang being in their 40s wouldnt be that big a deal because they'd still be capable of fighting.
Now for my PERSONAL take on how the sequel should have taken place, SessRin wouldnt happen at all, because the beauty of their relationship stemmed from this ruthless cold hearted demon who hated humans, learned to love and care for a small child to the point of nearly crying when he thought he lost her for good, there are all different kinds of love and the love Sesshomaru had for Rin was pure and innocent. He was someone she adored as her savior and caretaker and she was someone he cared for and wanted to protect, to me that bond was far more impactful and meaningful than anything romantic or sexual building up between them, but simply two people whom the other simply cannot live without because they mean THAT much to eachother. Such a pure and sweet relationship did NOT need to be twisted into a romantic and sexual light. Rin could have continued to adore Sesshomaru and he could have continued to check up on her and bring her gifts as he did in the final act until Rin decided she wanted to travel with him again.
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Now onto the rewrite, as I stated SessRin WOULDNT happen and their bond would remain as it was in the OG series, so who would be the twins mother? well if we HAD to go the half demon route to show Sesshomaru's development full circle, and we didnt wanna undo Kagura's death because it was a critical moment for Sesshomaru's development, there were several other routes that could have been taken.
1 Create a new character and develop her over the course of Yashahime through a series of flashbacks as we unravel the mystery of what happened to everyone through the girls travels. If you want to go the angsty route you could have her die giving birth and have Rin raise them as a sort of surrogate mother figure, kind of like Clementine with AJ.
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2 Use an already established character, one possibility being Nazuna, a human girl that debuted back in the early OG series, she had black hair and black eyes but as we see from Yashahime, the girls clearly didnt inherit their mothers looks as in the OG series Rin's hair was black and her eyes are brown while Setsuna's hair is brown and she has blue/purple eyes while Towa has red eyes, features that neither of their parents have. They also have a random red streak in their hair for some reason. 
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So based on this, Nazuna would be a good possible candidate as she was a teenager in the OG series and would be an adult by the end of the series when she would give birth. [Correct me if Im wrong about her age but she looks like a teenager, but if Im wrong then I would just adjust the timeline to where she would be an adult at the time she gives birth]
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Another potential candidate would be Momiji, true she may have been anime only but since this is an anime only sequel she is a plausible candidate. She has red/auburn hair which would explain the strange red streak in the twins hair. Like Nazuna, she was a teenager in the OG series so she would also be an adult by the time she'd conceive and give birth.
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Another candidate would be Kaname Kururugi, a game exclusive character, but the fact that they went through the trouble of creating a complete OC and fleshed out her backstory to such a degree and allowed her to build relationships with established characters, including Sesshomaru, its safe to say they could have incorperated her into the anime canon considering they already had an established foundation they could have just built off of and meshed it into the anime. Plus she has brown hair and blue/purple eyes just like Setsuna.
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Now that we have all the potential candidates, who's the one that seems the most plausible? In my opinion, I would personally go the Kaname route because she has such a deep and fleshed out backstory and they actually took the time to even animate scenes specifically for this game, so she does TECHNICALLY make an appearance in the anime, just not in an actual episode. And just like Kagome, she could have grown fond of the feudal era as well and wished to go back and somehow found a way to do so at the end of the Final act or maybe a month or year later after Kagome returned.
So going with the Kaname route, I'll begin my rewrite.
Being as Sesshomaru hasnt seen her since she was 15 like Kagome and vanished for several years, when he finally sees her again she will now be 18-19 when they reunite and a relationship would start to build and ensue.
Continuing where the game left off, Kaname would continue on with her normal life as Kagome did and eventually graduate when she is 18. She would still often think about her time in the feudal era and miss all the people she spent time with and bonded with there, one person specifically being Sesshomaru.
^ A refresher for those who forgot the Sesshomaru ending.
As she comes home from graduation, another Doll Festival of Wishes is being held and it reminds her of Sesshomaru whom she wishes to see again, she goes and buys one of the dolls and writes his name on it as she did when she first returned home, thinking to herself that its no use and is probably a waste of time, but with what little hope she has left, she does the ritual anyway.
Afterwards she goes over to her father to help him with the festival, who like last time asks her to go get something from the storehouse. As she enters the storehouse, the hole in which she fell through before has been patched up, as she walks through the storehouse, she walks on the patched up floor which caves in when she walks on it and she is once again transported to the feudal era.
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She once again lands in a forest not far from where Kaede lives, as she wakes up, she is greeted by Sesshomaru, who had saw her unconscious on his way to visit Rin and watched over her till she woke up. Overjoyed and also in disbelief, she hugs him which surprises Sesshomaru who isnt used to recieving this type of affection but he doesnt push her away, nor does he reciprocate by hugging her back.
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As she lets go she tells him how much she missed him and everyone there, then, noticing Rin wasnt with him, asks him where she was, worried that something might have happened to her. He reassures her that Rin is fine and that he was just on his way to visit her at Kaede's village which relieves Kaname. She goes with Sesshomaru back to Kaede's village where she reunites with everyone much to their surprise but they are all very happy to see her again.
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Anyway Im not gonna do a play by play step by step storytelling so Im just gonna mention the main story beats and you guys can fill in the blanks for yourself.
Anyway after the happy reunion and catching up, Sesshomaru prepares to leave back on his travels which saddens Kaname who had longed to see him again and only got to be reunited with him a short time. Reluctant to be apart from him again, she asks, or rather insists he allows her to come with him on his travels. He tells her that if she comes with him it'll be a dangerous journey for her, she replies confidently that she can take care of herself and promises to not be a burden to him. Reluctant but not willing to argue, he tells her to do as she wishes and flies off. Kaname hops on A-Un and soon follows, and the two begin their travels together.
Thats pretty much how'd we leave off the final act, atleast a month or two after, you can decide your own timeline.
As for what happened on their journey and how their relationship developed will be shown through a series of flashbacks over the course of Yashahime as we solve more of the mysteries.
In episode 15, we'd get the same flashback but with Kaname being the one to give birth to the twins with Rin, Kagome, Sango, and Kaede there for her as support. It is said that when Sesshomaru and Kaname found out she was pregnant, he brought her back to the village where she could have a safe pregnancy and birth. Of course Sesshomaru isnt the mushy type to stay there with her through her pregnancy, but he does visit from time to time when giving gifts to Rin but also goes to check on her and see how she’s doing, although he doesnt admit thats what he’s doing.
After the twins were born, everything plays out relatively the same, but instead of just taking the twins without a word to her, he atleast reassures her that he's taking them someplace safe from harm, although he cant explain to her right now what that harm is, Kaname says she trusts him.
As I said, things play out relatively the same after that.
As for Rin, what exactly happens with her? well if we MUST pair her off with someone, it should be Kohaku, someone she has an established relationship and bond with that is closer to her age. Whether or not they have kids I'll leave up to you to decide, but I like the idea of Kohaku having a little demon slayer son to carry on their legacy. It would be interesting seeing his bond with Setsuna since Rin would essentially be like a sister figure for the twins although they dont remember her, it would be interesting and sweet to see Setsuna develop a bond with their son who for the sake of simplifying things, we'll call him Korin.
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Korin, if we want Rin to be an adult at the time she gives birth, would be 4 years after Kaname gives birth to the twins when Rin is 18-19, making Korin 10 in the present. Like the twins, Korin has no memories of his mother since she was sealed away in a tree for whatever reason, so the only mother figure he's ever had has been Setsuna, which would be an interesting dynamic to explore since it would be similar to how Sesshomaru filled a parental role for Rin who didnt have anyone at the time.
Moroha would NOT be this uncaring about her parents, infact she would be insanely curious, maybe even furious wanting to figure out why they abandoned her and vanished without a word since nobody seems to have told her anything that happened. She would want answers and wouldnt stop until she gets them. The OG crew if we MUST have this mystery drawn out, would tell her that it would be better if she found out the truth for herself and that any answers they give her wouldnt be the answers she wants. So Moroha's driving force in the story wouldnt be about some stupid bounty hunting debt, although she could still be a bounty hunter, but her main motivation would be trying to discover the truth about her parents and why they abandoned her.
Also this BS with Koga giving her up would NOT happen, it just wouldnt, that is BEYOND OOC for him to do and I will not be having it. Instead, Koga would be IN character and not let Moroha out of his sight, he would treat her like kin like the rest of the wolf demon tribe, maybe even give her special treatment because of her connection to Kagome. Koga would train Moroha himself, not going easy on her because he wants her to be strong enough to fend for herself, concerned because of her being a quater demon and having her demon powers sealed, he’s hard on her to toughen her up to not have to rely on it. 
If we must include Yawaragi, then she would be sort of a bodyguard assigned to watch over Moroha by Koga for when he cant. The storyline of the rat armor would still relatively be the same but instead of selling Moroha off to some shady bounty hunter which Koga would never allow or forgive her for doing, she simply introduces him to her as a long time friend, Moroha would take interest in the bounty hunting business as an opporunity for training, and potentially finding info on her parents since Jyubei seems to have alot of connections and intel that’ll be useful in her journey. Yawaragi instead of pursuing the key alone would bring Moroha with her when they are approached by the shady demon whos name I cant be bothered to remember, he blackmails her with the key telling her to fight Moroha if she wants it, Moroha scoffs at this telling him that she wouldnt do that and that they’ll both fight him together to get the key instead, but to her surprise Yawaragi attacks her.
Everything plays out relatively the same, Moroha is hurt at her betrayal and lashes out at her. Yawaragi, like in the episode uses this fight as one final lesson for Moroha, with full intention on dying by the end of it. Moroha is hesitant to fight her because she still cares about her as she was like a second mentor and somewhat mother figure to her. So to get Moroha to fight seriously she lies to her by saying that everything was a lie and that she never cared about her etc I wont go into a ton of detail, Moroha is reluctant to believe her but is eventually convinced when she attacks her full power, seemingly with the intent to kill her. This pushes Moroha to fight seriously as well, remembering what she taught her about using her clever thinking and successfully strikes her down. 
After this she goes over to her and Yawaragi admits to lying to her so that she would fight because she knew chances are the shady demon wouldnt have given her the key and since the rat armor was close to killing her anyway she decided she would rather die by Moroha’s hands rather than being crushed to death by the armor. Moroha would be devestated and guiltridden since she is the reason she was in the cursed armor to begin with, but Yawaragi reassures her that it isnt her fault and that it was her own negligence to see through the trap that resulted in this outcome. As a reward for defeating her, she gives Moroha her sword [yes Moroha wouldnt have her sword until now] and tells her to get stronger with it so that she wouldnt have to rely on her rouge, but win using her own strength. Moroha promises her that she will and Yawaragi passes away shortly after that. Everything plays out relatively the same after that.
As for the twins their motivations can mostly stay the same, but they also wouldnt be so uncaring about their parents, or specifically Towa wouldnt. Towa would be furious at her father and want to find him and maybe even kill him for abandoning them and causing them to be separated with seemingly no regard for their safety. Setsuna can maintain her non caring attitude, but given Towa's upbringing in the modern era, it makes sense for her to be furious at her birth father's neglect after experiencing what a loving home and father feels like.
As for what happened to Kaname, like I said you could go the angsty route where she died giving birth, or you could have her be kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip to blackmail Sesshomaru into doing the enemies bidding. You could have it where Sesshomaru was able to prevent Rin from falling into the enemies hands but not Kaname. Or maybe Kaname sacrificed herself for Rin, agreeing to go with the enemy in exchange for them sparing Rin, which is what leads Sesshomaru to sealing Rin in the tree to prevent them from potentially coming back for her. You guys can come up with your own conclusions there, these are just some scenerios off the top of my head. But for the sake of the rewrite we'll go with Kaname being kidnapped and used to blackmail Sesshomaru.
I’ll make an actual rewrite in a separate post with how I would PERSONALLY make the sequel, this post is just me tweaking and making slight alterations to the way Sunrise chose to write the sequel, the separate post would be how I feel the sequel could have played out instead for the better.
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Desert Flower [Chapter Three] That Which Lurks [Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez]
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The morning after the awkward dinner I wake up to a loud knock on the door. Easing up from the warm confines of my bed, I yawn in exhaustion and answer it, meeting the cyan eyes of the pale man who escorted me back to my room the previous day.
 He stares at me in silence as I attempt to remember his name.
 “Ulquiorra? Good morning. Is there something you wanted?”
 He hums. “Lord Aizen has requested your presence in the sun room for breakfast.”
 “There’s a sun room here?”
 I am in shock.
 Yama told me the sun never shines upon Las Noches because of the strange environment it resides in. He was obviously mistaken.
 “Get dressed,” Ulquiorra orders, ignoring my question. “I will be in the hall. Do not keep Lord Aizen waiting.”
 Strange. He has an interesting way of addressing the man. I wonder if all the wayward souls – as Rudbornn dubbed them – address him as such. No matter. It’s not my concern.
 I force a smile. “Yes, of course. I should not keep Sōsuke waiting. Give me a few minutes to freshen up.”
 Closing the door with ease, I rush into the bathroom to change into something more fitting of the meeting. A proper bath is out of the question; I fear keeping Aizen in wait any longer will warrant unwanted annoyance from his cyan eyed puppet, if he is capable of such emotion. I change into a white sundress with a vibrant caerulean floral pattern along the side, and rush to meet with Ulquiorra.
 He barely casts his eyes at me and shoves his hands into the front pockets of his casual dress pants, leading me down the hall. I pace in order to keep up with his long and quick strides, and once we arrive at the doorway to the room, he leads me inside.
 I stare in complete awe at what I see.
 The walls are made of frosted glass – I assume for privacy reasons – but natural illumination uncommon in Hueco Mundo spills in from the ivy-covered roof and warms up the small but welcoming space.
 “Do you like it?”
 I hum and look at Aizen, who rests on a posh chair, dressed in navy button down.
 “It’s gorgeous … and convivial.”
 The warm rays of the sun shine down on me from above.
 “How is this possible? I heard the sun never rises here.”
 Aizen grins and motions for me to sit. “Join me and I will be more than happy to explain.”
 I comply, eager to learn, taking the chair across from him; a round eating table rests between us.
 Aizen sends Ulquiorra away and in comes the help with plates of delicious smelling food. They set them in front of us, then depart, leaving us.
 I wait tolerantly for him to enlighten me, drinking a mimosa from a champagne flute.
 “The sun neither rises nor sets over Hueco Mundo,” he starts.
 I pucker a brow.
 “All you see – he pauses to motion with his slender fingers – is an illusion to a less than inspiring idea. The heat you feel is a series of electric lights hidden behind the frosted glass.”
 An illusion?
 I hum and glance around in awe. “How interesting.”
 Aizen grins. “I’m happy you think so. I had it designed for you.”
 “For me?”
 He nods. “The palace can be … tedious to some. Your comfort is important to me.”
 “That is generous of you.”
 I feel my face heat up. His words are saccharine to my ears. I cannot read this man.
 “May I ask … why me? Is it because of my family name?”
 The Omura are a noble clan; one of four, but not as famous as the Shihoin or Kuchiki clans. My families one purpose is to guard the blueprints used to forge ancient weapons and artifacts passed down from the ruler of our land. I doubt Aizen has an interest in old, decaying papers; not when the King is holder of the true weapons. Courting me will not get him closer to these weapons, or the Realm of the King.
 So then why?
 Aizen reaches forward and touches me on the hand. His warm eyes stare deep into mine.
 “Because I like you, and I have ever since I laid eyes on you.”
 My face burns in embarrassment. How do I reply to this? My vocal cords struggle to make a noise.
 Aizen stands and hovers over me, leaning down to kiss the crown of my head. “I hope in the time you spend here; you can learn to like me too.”
 I can barely breathe.
 He lifts my head and leans in.
 Is he going to kiss me? Oh dear.
 “Sōsuke I––
 The door suddenly opens and interrupts me. Gin hums, grinning at us.
 “Sorry to interrupt, but Kaname is ready.”
 Ready for what? I breathe easy.
 Aizen clears his voice and stands. “Of course.”
 He rests his hand on my bare shoulder. I shiver at his icy touch.
 “I apologize for cutting this short, but I have urgent business to attend to. Another time, Yuina.”
 Gin waves at me. “Bye-bye!”
 He and Aizen leave. A woman comes in moments later; a dark-haired woman with heated rosy eyes. She stands against the door and stares at me in awkward silence. Perhaps she is my escort; she isn’t dressed like the help, but she is in all white.
 I sip at my mimosa.
 “Do you want a drink? There is plenty.”
 I motion towards the pitcher, more than somewhat full.  
 She snorts and trudges towards me, taking a seat. Picking up the flute, she takes a drink.
 “This is nice,” she mentions with a grin. “Though you must think you’re something unique to get treatment like this.”
 I raise a brow. That was unwarranted.
 “Pardon me?”
 She gives me a heated look.
 “Lord Aizen is too good for you,” she states. “You deserve none of this.”
 I frown. “I do not disagree that I do not deserve this, but your opinion is unwanted.”
 “You’re unwanted,” she retorts like a scorned child.
 Standing, she slams her clenched hands down on the table, breaking a plate that covers the dining cloth in scrambled eggs and bacon. Her strength and rage are nothing to joke about. I sit down the flute and grit my teeth. This could turn bad.
 What has her so riled?
 “You are nothing to him,” the woman screams.
 This is sad.
 “Stop this,” I demand.
 She widens her wild eyes. “You don’t get to order me around, worm. Menoly! Come here.”
 The door jerks open and a familiar man comes in. I mirror the woman’s scared and shocked expression.
 “Grimmjow!? Where is Menoly?”
 He grins. “Who knows, worm. Now get.”
 “The hell I will,” she sneers. “I have business with her.”
 Grimmjow walks closer, back hunched. His electric eyes stare heatedly at her. “I won’t tell you again.”
 Her shoulders sink in fear, but she growls at him, then shoots me a look. “We’re not done yet.”
 Storming passed him with her nose in the air, she leaves us in a rush. I watch in suspicion as Grimmjow takes her seat, drinking down the mimosa from the pitcher.
 He wipes his mouth and glances at me. “I’d say ya owe me. That worm is weak, but to someone like you, she would have busted your skull.”
 “And? I never asked for you to save me. I am not a damsel.”
 Grimmjow laughs. “A badass are you. Were ya gonna sick your guard dog on her?”
 I have not seen or spoken to Shigeru since I arrived, but I assume he is fine, resting in the guard house with the porters. In spite of this, I take offense to his words.
 “I do not need a hero to save me, and even if I did, I would undoubtedly not call on you,” I snap.
 He grins. “I’m no hero.”
 No joke.
 I remember the moment I initially met him inside the banquet hall, blood under his nose and marks on his face; marks he no longer has. He is a problem child, someone who acts out for attention.
 Standing, I frown. “I pity you.”
 I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to face him. His wild eyes are electric.
 “I told you not to give me that damn look, woman.”
 Heat burns my face. Being so close to him, I can smell the mimosa on his breath. My hand rests against his bare chest. His tan skin feels so warm and welcoming.
 “I am not scared of you,” I say under my breath.
 Grimmjow grins. “You’re trembling.”
 Am I? Fear is far from my mind.
 Biting my bottom lip, I yank back my hand. “Leave me be.”
 “Not a chance,” he retorts.
 Did I offend him? I certainly did not mean to.
 “Forgive me,” I utter.
 He snorts and leans in. “That worm better get in line, because I’m not done with you either.”
 Letting me go, he treks passed me, bumping against me as he does, then leaves.
 I take an uneasy breath. What does he want with me?
 Asking never crossed my mind.
 But excitement did.
 The imagine of his warm skin beneath my tongue devours me.
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mistbornthefinal · 4 years
Madoka Magica Aniversery Analysis: Part1
 Prologue In Heaven
(just in case this is a retrospective of a 10 years old anime, there gonna be spoilers. If you’re for some reason interested in this post and haven’t see Madoka watch it first than come back)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica begins with our titular character running through a surrealist checkerboard hallway until she finds an exit. That exit opens onto a balcony which overlooks a destroyed Mitakihara.
Cue Magia as we are shown half-glimpses of Walpurgisnact. Against this devastated backdrop stands a single girl who we will later in the episode will learn is Akemi Homura. Unfortunately she is clearly outmatched by the forces arrayed against her.
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Needless to say Madoka is distressed by the carnage. A strangely calm voice cut’s in which is quickly revealed to be everyone’s least favorite bunnycat Kyubey. Kyubey states that not only is this situation too much for Homura but that she knew that before coming here. After being slammed into the giant eldritch tree by one of Walpurgisnact’s attacks Homura notices Madoka and attempts to call out to her but whatever she has to say is lost in the distance.
Kubey then tells Madoka that she has the power to change all this, the power to change fate, to banish all this unavoidable carnage and sorrow. All she needs to do is make a contract with him... 
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Madoka finds it hard to believe that such power exists within her but she seems to be earnestly considering his offer. Before we get a solid answer we cut to Madoka awakening in her bed, turns out it was all a dream. (Or was it? cue Connect!)
The common narrative about Madoka is that the first two episodes are basically bait. That they present a happy façade meant to lure in the unsuspecting only for them to be slapped upside the head by Episode 3′s big twist. If I have any big thesis for this particular essay it’s that this is not the case at all, and this opening sequence is exhibit A.
This whole sequence is basically is basically the core of PMMM boiled to it’s bare essentials. Madoka beholds the horror’s of Kyubey’s system. Kyubey’s tempts her to become part of that system with the possibility of changing things while Homura struggles to avert Madoka’s contract and thus her tragic fate by solving things without her. Right here in EP1 scene 1 Madoka lays it’s cards on the table and tells us what it’s all about. Indeed in EP12 Kyubey’s offer here will prove to be far more valid than he likely intended. 
The rest of the show is about brining us back to the point where the “dream” left off and explaining how exactly we got there. (which makes sense since we will later find out the dream is the end of Timeline 4, and our series opens at the start of Timeline 5) Given that our secondary protagonist is a time looper it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that our narrative is a little circular. 
In our next scene we meet Madoka’s family. Madoka checks in with her dad(Kaname Tomohisa) and then helps her adorable baby brother(Kaname Tatsuya) wake up her rad as heck mom (Kaname Junko).  As Madoka and her mom get ready for the day together Ms. Kaname press her daughter for the latest gossip. 
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(the only acceptable Madoka Magica waifu, seriously everyone else is like 14)
We get two other characters namedropped here both Hitomi and Kazuko, Madoka’s teacher who viewers familar with Japanese social conventions will instantly assume Junko knows since she refers to her by first name. We learn that Hitomi got another love letter and that Kazuko and her boyfriend are nearing what Junko believes is a critical point in their relationship.
Madoka is then faced with a choice between 2 types of hair ribbons. Junko urges her to go with the red ones telling her that her secret admirers will love them. Madoka protests that she doesn’t have secret admirers (Homura would disagree) to which Junko replies that they secret to being attractive is believing so regardless We then get a brief scene at the breakfast table but Madoka realizes she’s late and bursts out the door with her obligatory anime toast.
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On the way to school she meets up with her friends the aforementioned Shizuki Hitomi and Miki Sayaka. They discuss Hitomi’s love letter situation and Sayaka notices the new ribbons and then teases Madoka about getting dating  advice from her mom.
At homeroom we learn that Junko was eerily prescient re:Sensei love life. Madoka’s teacher (Saotome Kazuko) just broke up with her boyfriend due to a dispute over breakfast preparation, and she decided share her feels about the matter with the class to hilarious effect. After exhorting the Girls not associate with Men who demand the  Kazuko announces they have a new transfer student.
Before we tackle Homura’s introduction let’s quickly go over what’s being done in this last sequence, because this isn’t just mindless fluff. First and most obvious we’re getting introduced to almost all our secondary characters, but we’re also introduced in a subtle way to some of the themes we’re going to be dealing with. Take note in the first scene we get with Sayaka the conversation revolves around unrequited love, and then the very next scene is about a relationship that failed because the parties involved didn’t communicate their expectations of each other.  This sequence also flows very well because the first conversation between Madoka and her mom sets up both her later conversation with her friends and Kazuko’s rant.
Now that we’re done with that, enter Akemi Homura. To Madoka’s shock and our lack of shock it’s the girl from Madoka’s dream. While to whole class is fascinated by the cool and beautiful transfer student Homura only has eyes for Madoka, asking her show her to the nurses office. On the way Madoka attempts to make conversation but is thrown off by how Homura seems to already know the route. When Madoka calls Homura by her family name she visibly reacts and then tells Madoka to just use her first name.
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(Madoka’s school is all glass all the time, the architecture in this show is cursed)
Homura then spins around and gives her out of nowhere cryptic ultimatum. “Don’t change who you are or else you will lose everything and everyone dear to you.” While a first time viewer is likely to be as baffled by this as Madoka it still sort of works to establish stakes. It sort of works because we just got those fluffy slice of life which establish how blissful Madoka’s daily life is and thus how much she has to lose. 
Then we get a montage of Homura being the best at everything before we cut to afterschool as Madoka is sharing her strange conversation with Homura with Sayaka and Hitomi. Neither are sure what to make of her words or Madoka’s claim to have met her in a dream. After Hitomi begs off due prior engagements Madoka and Sayaka head over to the CD store, with Madoka namedropping Kamijou as the person Sayaka is shopping with. 
We then get a intercut of Kyubey running from Homura who is shooting purple bolts of magic at him. At the CD store Madoka hear voice begging for help she follows it into an area that’s under construction. A heavily damaged Kyube than fall out of the ceiling in front of Madoka. Suddenly Homura is there demanding she get away from “that thing” but unfortunately it’s not in Madoka’s nature to abandon injured fluffy things. The two of them are at an impasse before Sayaka interrupts things with a fire extinguisher. 
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The two of them book it with Kyubey in tow while Homura is distracted but she quickly dispels the cloud of fire extinguisher gas. She moves to give chase but before she can things get weird. The world is overwritten by a surrealist mosaic something that upsets but does not seem to surprise Homura.
What we will later learn is a witches barrier engulfs Sayaka and Madoka as well. Which means this as now a good time as any to discuss the aesthetic of witches and their labyrinths in a bit more detail. While the strange mixed media collage used to represent witches and their workings was and is a trip for a lot of new viewers of the series, this wasn’t a new thing for Studio Shaft who produced the series. 
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(If you we’re familiar with the studio when this show was airing this sort of thing would be par for the course)
Even in 2011 Studio Shaft had built a reputation on having a weird house style that the brought to their productions. Indeed the blending of photographs of real objects into the animation is something they did before in Hidamari Sketch. Sill it cannot be denied that Inu Curry took Shaft’s house style to a new height of weird. 
Back at the plot Madoka and Sayaka are being menaced with scissors by cotton balls with butterfly wings. We also get a more prominent appearance of the witch runes (they were in the opening title card as well) these are a cypher that was surprisingly quickly decoded by the fandom. In this case the Anthonies (that’s what the cotton ball monsters are called) are talking about how Madoka and Sayaka are “unknown flowers” and thus shall go to the guillotine.
Before Gertrude’s familiars can make good on that, a new character appears. She wears the same uniform as Madoka so it’s quickly established that she a senpai at their school but before introducing herself she transforms into her magical girl form and blows away the Anthonies. All while her theme Credens Justitiam plays of course. 
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The destruction of the familiars causes the labyrinth to recede and Homura quickly catches up to everyone. Homura and Mami have a tense exchange where Mami offers to let her hunt the witch and then no-so-subtly threatens her. Homura elects to back down for now.
With Homura gone Mami heals Kyubey’s injuries and the bunnycat get’s right back to his business. “Hey kids wanna become meguca?” Cue Mata Ashita (if you’re watching the blueray version).
Now that we’ve gone over the first episode in detail let’s talk a bit more in terms of how it fits into the overall structure. Like I said before the first two episodes are not just a false front to lure people into watching the “real” show. Were that true the show would have sucked and I wouldn’t be talking about it 10 years later. 
Not only is the visual tone of the series present from the word go, but the first two episodes set a baseline without which the twists and revelations of the later episodes wouldn’t be meaningful.  This episode in particular gives us a surface level introduction to all but two of our named characters. It also leaves us with a lot of questions, some of which prime us for the big exposition dump in the next episode while others will run for most of the series. 
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goodlucktai · 5 years
Prompt :) Tanuma gets mild to moderately ill, and the only person around to take care of him happens to be Nishi, who is surprisingly great at it. Cue Tanuma realizing yet again that the friends he’s met through Natsume genuinely love and care about him, in a way that has nothing to do with Natsume at all. (I am a *sucker* for my son feeling *appreciated* and *loved*)
Two hours after his father left, the front door rattles open again. 
It takes Kaname longer than it usually would have to figure out that’s probably not a good thing. 
But by the time he lifts his aching head, and starts puzzling out how he’s going to deal with a potential burglar when just sitting up causes the whole room to spin, a familiar face is peering into his bedroom. 
“Oh, you’re up,” Nishimura says brightly, stepping further inside. “Didn’t wanna wake you if you weren’t.”
Kaname stares. He wonders for a split second if he’s hallucinating. 
“You look like you’re gonna fall over,” Nishimura goes on, frowning at him. “Lay back down, dummy.”
No, that’s definitely Nishimura. Kaname lays back down. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks, watching as his friend sets a plastic bag on his desk and shrugs a backpack to the floor. “I thought you had plans.”
“I did, up until my friends got sick. You and Natsume are like magnets for every single bug that goes around, I swear.” Nishimura takes a seat in Kaname’s computer chair, spins it once on principle, and stops himself when he’s facing the bed. “We can go some other time.”
He spent the last two and a half weeks gushing about the new Natori movie, all but vibrating with excitement every time it came up in conversation, and now he’s poking idly through some comic books he’s already read as though one is just as good as the other.  
Kaname feels a stab of guilt. It goes straight through him, pinning him down. 
“Sorry,” he says. It’s important that he says it. “You could still go if you wanted to.”
“Duh,” says Nishimura. “Obviously I don’t want to.”
“Obviously,” Kaname parrots weakly. 
It turns out Nishimura has come prepared. The plastic bag, bearing the familiar 7-Eleven logo, contains bottles of Pocari Sweat, a cold compress, and little plastic cups of grated fruit. He sets up shop with the relative competence of someone who knows what they’re doing. 
Kaname watches, blinking slowly. The guilt gets smaller and smaller, like every companionable second is another blanket laid over top of it to make it quiet. 
It’s really nice to have a friend here with him, even if Kaname isn’t very good company. He’s never had a friend come over when he was sick before. 
“Well, your old classmates were missing out. They sound like morons anyway,” Nishimura says plainly, reading Kaname’s mind. Or maybe he said that out loud. “You did, Tanuma,” Nishimura goes on, grinning by now. “Man, you’re out of it. Drink some of this.”
He twists the cap off a bottle of Pocari before handing it over. He’s at ease in this role, sitting on the edge of Kaname’s bed so Kaname has something to lean against when he’s a little unsteady sitting up. He lifts the bottle out of Kaname’s hand when it starts to list, and doesn’t seem to mind that Kaname’s head has found a home on his shoulder. 
“How come you didn’t go to Natsume’s house?” Kaname mumbles. 
Almost immediately, he regrets the question. He’s not sure if he wants to hear the answer. Isn’t it good enough that Nishimura is here, whatever the reason? Isn’t he lucky that his friend came to see him, even if Kaname was only the second choice?
“Both his parents are home, what’s he need me for? You didn’t even have any electrolyte drinks. Totally hopeless.” Nishimura digs his phone out of his pocket and holds the screen where they can both see it as he scrolls through Youtube playlists, completely prepared for the inevitability of Kaname falling asleep on him. “When you wake up, we’re gonna bully Acchan into bringing us dinner.”
Kaname can’t help it; he laughs. His yokai fish are swimming in shadows on the ceiling, and his friend has found a baby goat compilation to watch, and Kaname feels much better than he did twenty minutes ago. 
“Pancakes,” he decides.
“Whatever you want, buddy,” Nishimura says, with the easy sincerity of someone who means it. 
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mihai-florescu · 11 months
I can't believe it's already almost the end of another era...honestly I'm soooo curious as to what exactly is going to happen in the next one. Do you have any hopes on what you'd like to happen or what you're looking forward to? If so, penny for your thoughts?
I've been thinking about it... my biggest variable is kaname. I expect the big alkakurei event will touch upon his condition. And then there are 2 paths if he wakes up: he continues being an idol, or he doesnt. If he does, the issue regarding the name will have to be resolved. I also expect he wouldn't remain in Reimei, he'd transfer to Yumenosaki. Speaking of, there is no more Yumenosaki or Reimei to begin with... they're ES academies. Most of our cast is going to be made up of graduates (everyone who witnessed the war...), I think we're definitely walking away from the school setting slowly but surely. I'm interested in the current second years as they complete their school life, but anyone else... I'm sorry but I really really don't care... they might introduce some new students though, maybe a first year who will look up to Aira, that could be interesting. From underachieving kouhai to senpai.
I was also thinking about the foreshadowing we had at the end of ! era. The first that comes to mind is Wonder Game, regarding Tsumugi and Newdi. I'd love for them to introduce the agency director, but I see that more as a one off Switch climax event rather than him becoming a relevant main character. However, we are probably going to get 2 new units, in Newdi and Rhythlink, to even out all agencies' numbers.
The second foreshadowing I can think of was Subaru mentioning the situation in Reimei and Himeru. I don't know if anyone expected that throwaway line to be foreshadowing back then... so we could definitely get something that will have been obvious only after it comes out.
However, there's also the elephant in the room I've kept for last. Bishojo senpai. The way enstars has been addressing the male dominated idol industry and the rising discomfort with this new status quo. They explored it a bit with Negi in 1.5, then had Bishojo senpai talk about it, but I don't know if they'd introduce more girls IN enstars itself. There were speculations of a spinoff but I really can't say.
If they *do* introduce more girls and other idols who just don't fit the mold ES is carving, I would really want Sakura nee to be one. I've been holding onto her comment about having the ability to be a better idol than Kohaku for a year. Have her meet Kaname if he wakes up, I think a conversation between them could be veeery interesting when they remind each other of their respective siblings... I do feel like the Oukawa sisters will come back in the alkakurei event btw so we shall seeee. Im not getting my hopes too high up though.
Now for wishful thinking that I don't expect in a million years for multiple reasons. Can I please get Maguro... I don't think they'd make her an idol 1. Because they'd have to factor in her being a wheelchair user 3d model in all mvs, I'd be really pleasantly impressed if they did put in the commitment to do that though (unless they removed the wherlchair altogether in which case :/), and 2. I don't think she ever expressed interest in being an idol herself to begin with. Then, as much as I'd love some engirls to come back, I'm gonna hold onto that hope for 5 more years.
Let's see... I think that's enough for now. What are your wishes?
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] 挽夏のミステリーブライド (Late summer Mystery Bride) Event Story: Part ③ Translations
*Sutamai Master-list *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei *Scenario Writer: @eno_bara (榎戸乃ばら)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Special Stages
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (!? His clothes…This is the same pattern, just like what happened with Shindo-san earlier!)
Rei: (Hang on. When did this dream even start?)
Miyase: How about we talk whilst taking a leisurely stroll out in the gardens?
I wasn’t able to turn him down. Not only because I was stunned into silence by the confusion, but also— Because Miyase’s smile had a hint of loneliness in it.
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Garden ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (It’s evening now.)
The garden was a sight to behold, bathed in the golden ways of sunlight. It had been maintained just as perfectly as the inside of the Castle itself. I blindly followed after Miyase(?). My mind was clouded with confusion and a tinge of fear as he walked alongside me.
Miyase: Do you like plants?
Rei: Oh…Umm, I do. Although I don’t actively make an effort to grow and raise them.
Miyase: Then you’re the same as her.
Rei: Huh?
He came to a sudden halt, a serious expression on his face.
Miyase: …Lunarias and Halcyons won’t survive this heat now, will they?
Lunaria? Halcyon?
Rei: (They’re flower names, right…?)
Miyase: Do you know of flower language?
Rei: N-No…
Miyase: Halcyons speak of a “Memorable Love”. And Lunarias are-
Miyase: “Please notice this love of mine”
Rei: ……
He gently grasped my hand, enveloping my hand in his as I stood there, stunned. His fingers were intertwined so tightly to mine that it’s icy coldness made it hard to breathe.
He started forwards, pulling me in tow.
Rei: Err…Where are you going?
Miyase: There’s a flower that I fancy here. I want to show it to yo-
Miyase: Whoaaa!?
His hand slipped from mine and he had a great fall the moment I noticed that it was gone.
Miyase: Ow ow…
Rei: Are you alright!?
Miyase: And here I thought that I could use this guy since he possesses the knowledge of flower language. That and you don’t recoil from his contact.
Miyase: Is it even normal to stumble and fall this hard over such a tiny little rock without noticing it’s existence at all!?
Rei: M-Miyase-san…?
Rei: Ah!
Rei: (He disappeared again…)
And then, another voice called out from behind.
???: --Alright. A man’s got to have a build like this after all!
Rei: (That voice…)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Garden ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (I knew it…It’s Kirishima-san!)
Rei: (This is kinda starting to get a little scary, truth to be told.)
Rei: (If this is truly a dream, that what exactly am I doing back in the world of living reality? It’s terrifying to even think of the possibilities…)
Kirishima: Rei.
Rei: Y-Yes?
Kirishima: Are you seeing another guy right now?
Rei: What!?
Rei: (How sudden…What kind of dream is this for him to be asking me something of this sort?)
Rei: Hey, answer me.
Kirishima: If there’s someone you’re seeing right now…
Kirishima: --I’d feel really downtrodden about it.
Even if this was an unexplainable dream of mine, I can’t help but to feel a small pang within the depths of my chest at how sad he looked.
Rei: I’m not seeing anyone right now.
Kirishima: Really?
Rei: Really.
Kirishima: HELL YEAAAH!!
Rei: Wha-…
I suddenly felt my feet leaving the ground it had previously been rooted to. He had lifted me up with both arms and my vision spun as he spun me round and round.
Rei: I’m gonna fall…!!
Kirishima: Won’t let ya’.
Kirishima: Actually, aren’t ya’ rather light? It feels like I can just up and carry you off to god knows where.
Kirishima: --WAIT, NOOO!!
Rei: (Kirishima-san!?)
Placing me back onto my feet, firmly on the ground, his head started distorting in the same way that Yui did earlier.
Kirishima: What’s with this guy and his crude reactions!?
Rei: (It’s the same as before…)
Kirishima: Gah!! Enough already! I can’t get any closer to my goal of getting closer to you like this!
Kirishima: This is so salmon!
Rei: Sal…Salmon?
Kirishima: No! I wanted to say “desperate” but this guy’s mouth just ran off on its own!!
Rei: R-Right…
He’s going to do a disappearing act again isn’t he? And he did, just as expected.
Rei: Maybe I’m too tired. That’s why I’m seeing such a weird dream.
Kaname: You’re not.
Rei: !
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Garden ☆⋅⋆
Kaname: This isn’t a dream.
Kaname: So what kind of man are you willing to open up your heart to?
Rei: Kaname-kun…?
Kaname: Is someone younger impossible for you?
Kaname: If so, then you’re the same as that person.
Kaname: I wasn’t even someone she would have set her sights on right from the beginning, but yet I endured and persevered.
Kaname: …………
Rei: ……?
Kaname: I endured and persevered, and yet…
He suddenly lifted his hands up, his outstretched hands encircling around my neck. I could feel the intent behind Kaname’s actions. He would be capable of strangling me if he so wished, by just simply adding on a little force behind his actions.
Rei: Ngh—
Kaname: Why am I still suffering even in death?
I couldn’t sense any life within the depths of his eyes. This isn’t Kaname.
Rei: L-Let me go!!
I started into a run after I managed to shake his hands off my neck.
Kaname: …………
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (Really! What exactly is going on here…!?)
Rei: (Please! Let me hurry and wake up if I’m dreaming--!)
⋆⋅☆ Investigation Planning Division ☆⋅⋆
Yui: …………
Watabe: Seems like Rei-chan isn’t picking that up?
Yui: --Yeah. I think that they should be reaching said Castle soon enough.
Natsume: I wonder if they’re aware of the fact that the place they’re staying-over at is actually a reknowned paranormal activity hotspot.
Watabe: How’s the site Yui found?
Imaoji: …Well, it’s really up on the net.
Seki: Based on this Paranormal Site—
Seki: It seems like the Old Castle Izumi’s being put up in is sorted under the “confirmed existence of ghost” category.
⋆⋅☆ Investigation Planning Division ☆⋅⋆
Watabe: Here, let me see. Ooh……
Watabe: It says that “The famous seer Tennouji Sakurako claims that the ghost of a Young Noble wanders the Castle Grounds, chained to the place by a strong sense of loneliness”.
Yui: This site also writes that “An un-named girk has also reported to have heard his voice”.
Natsume: You mean they talked to him?
Yui: It appears that the girl in question had suffered a big blow from work and had let out a big sigh in the Old Castle.
Yui: “Don’t worry about it all on your lonesome. There are people who worry about you just nearby.” It said.
Yui: --It appears that she’s now living happily ever after, having consulted a trust-worthy senior of hers about this incident. It sparked conversations between them and they got married.
Natsume: What, so it’s a good ghost?
Watabe: Telling her to consult someone about it instead of mulling over it alone. I think I might be able to relate with that.
Imaoji: He was a Noble, so I suppose he had an elegant and graceful aura about him too.
Imaoji: So I suppose that his actions and the way he carries himself might be close to how Watabe-san does it.
Watabe: A ghost like me that lives in an Old Castle…
Watabe: I’m envious of you, Rei-chan.
Watabe: Just joking! Haha!
Natsume: …That’s a little hard to imagine.
Watabe: I’d bet.
Yui: And this Occult Research site has that young man’s picture put up.
Watabe: Let’s see, let’s see—Woow, that’s one lady-killer right there.
Natsume: I’d say he’s more in Shun-san’s lane rather than yours, Watabe-san.
Watabe: Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ll hereby be passing the ghost baton over!
Imaoji: Ghost…In other words, it’s something like ”Bancho Sarayashiki”?
Natsume: They are at a pretty old place after all!
Yui: (Sarayashiki…with a Ghost of a Noble that resembles Imaoji-kun?)
Imaoji: One…two…three…
Imaoji: --Ahh. Rei-san, would you like to join me in counting the plates?
Imaoji: Of course, I wish to thank you properly as well, so how about lunch next time?
Imaoij: Oh. But are ghosts even capable of eating?
Yui: …………
Natsume: Kotaro-san? You’ve got a rather deep crease in the middle of your brows.
Yui: I was just thinking about what form the ghost would take and what it would talk about If it really existed.
Yui: Come to think of it, I’ve read a thesis that a Paranormal Researcher wrote once.
Yui: If I recall correctly, he wrote that ghosts tend to borrow the forms familiar to the person they appear to through their memories.
Imaoji: So there’s a chance that the ghost might appear in front of her in the form of Seki-san if they crossed paths?
Seki: As me…?
Natsume: Seki-san as a Noble, turned ghost, that haunts an Old Castle?
Seki: --Izumi. I’ve become a ghost tied down to this place.
Seki: I don’t know if I might appear translucent to you, but can you try touching me?
Seki: …I’m worried that I may not be able to carry out investigations properly in my current state.
Seki: About whether I’m still capable of protecting you all— And whether I can still protect you, Izumi.
Natsume: …Ahh…He’d make for a pretty cool ghost, I think.
Watabe: A penny for your thoughts?
Natsume: I’m currently imagining how shocked she’ll look when she tries touching him, only for her hand to pass right through.
Seki: How detailed…
Imaoji: Ghost stories are really something that everyone can enjoy even after we’ve all become adults.
Watabe: What are your thoughts on it, everyone? Are you the type who believes in the existence of ghosts? Or are you the logical and down to earth kind who believes that everything has a reasoning behind it?
Seki: Let’s see—
Yui: Oh, this call’s from Izumi. I’ll pick it up.
Yui: --Izumi?
Yui: Hallucinating…?
⋆⋅☆ Investigation Planning Division ☆⋅⋆
Imaoji & Seki: (She’s hallucinating?)
Natsume & Watabe: ……
Rei: “Like how I thought that I had been together with Shindo-san and how it’s suddenly night outside the moment I stepped out of the room and--”
Yui: Calm down, Izumi. First, tell me about your current situation. And then, tell me about what you’re seeing right now.
Yui: You’re together with the Kujo Family, right? How about consulting Shindo Kiyoshi about this matter a—
Rei: “Sorry, that was a lie. Ahaha!”
Yui: What…?
Rei: “There’s nothing unusual going on where I am right now and I’m having loads of fun here!”
Rei: “So, please don’t, worry about me.”
Yui: Hey, Izumi? …Izumi— She hung up.
Watabe: Was something up with Rei-chan?
Natsume: What was this hallucination she was speaking of?
Yui: Well…I don’t really know. It’s just a feeling, but she was acting weird.
Imaoji: Impossible…You mean to say that the young man’s ghost actually made an appearance?
Watabe: What if you try dialling her again?
Yui: I tried, but it didn’t get through.
Seki: Izumi…
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
???: (…Haa. I tried every means and end to assimilate the people from her memories, but it’s still tiring to do so.)
???: (I already know, from the little conversations we’ve had; that she’s totally different from Kiyo-san. That’s someone else. What am I wavering about?)
???: I’m sure this boredom of mine will never cease to end for all eternity. Am I doomed to spend eternity here, suffering in the grasps of those wretched emotions?
???: That’s…
???: --I’d hate for that to happen.
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Haa…Haa…
I ran and ran, with all my might. And now, even though I’ve finally reached the Study with its large Mahogany doors open—
Rei: No one’s here…Where did everyone go?
Hinata: I’m here.
Rei: !?
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Rei: …Are you…Are you Shion-kun…?
???: No.
Rei: !
Ayanokouji: My name’s Ayanokouji Hirokimi.
Ayanokouji: I’m the one who owns this Castle.
Rei: Wha- What do you…What…? What!?
Ayanokouji: Kiyo-san would never have acted in such an unsightly manner.
Rei: Kiyo-san…? So then, you must be a ghost, for lack of a better word?
Rei: Are you possessing Shion-kun?
Shion: Honestly speaking, I’m not possessing him or anything like that. It’s not like I’m borrowing his actual body here after all.
Rei: ……?
I didn’t understand what he was saying at all, other than the fact that “my fear still remained unanswered”.
Rei: Will Shion-kun…the “bodies of those you’re borrowing as vessels” suffer from any…adverse effects?
Ayanokouji: I could curse them.
Rei: !?
Ayanokouji: But I can also choose not to.
Rei: So did you curse them or did you not…?
Ayanokouji: Which would you prefer?
Rei: No curses please!
Ayanokouji: I see. You’re actually speaking to me rather normally right now. Aren’t you scared of me?
Rei: I’m truthfully scared about the whole cursing business, but you’re in Shion-kun’s form right now. And half of me is accepting this as my current reality, while the other half is certain that this is all just a dream.
Ayanokouji: This is not a dream. And I won’t be cursing anyone either.
Rei: What?
Ayanokouji: I only approached you because you resembled the person that held my affections.
Rei: Oh! Do you mean the girl in the Album?
Shion (No, the ghost!) nodded.
Ayanokouji: But you’re different after all. Kiyo-san was a beauty. A much more beautiful, kind and brilliant woman than you are.
Rei: (That…That actually stings quite a bit…)
Ayanokouji: But I still think that the grass is greener on the other side, even if there isn’t discrimination between ghosts and the living. That’s why I have a request.
Rei: A request?
Ayanokouji: I wish to be liberated from here. I want to be released from the confines of this Castle.
Rei: …I’ll try searching for some sutras that might exorcise you from here so could you do something about the radio waves in here?
Ayanokouji: No, not that. There’s something tying me down to this place; a regret.
Rei: Regrets?
Ayanokouji: I want to know what happened to her. I want to know if she carried on to live a happy life.
Rei: --!
Ayanokouji: I took my own life and was swallowed by a moment of darkness. I only found out that I was unable to leave this place when I came to.
Ayanokouji: I thought I was done here. And that I wouldn’t be bothered by anything anymore. Even the eternal boredom I was subjected to didn’t faze me.
Ayanokouji: But today, someone had finally moved my heart. Even if it was just a little, I wished to get close to another—
Ayanokouji: Therefore, I cannot return back to suffering alone in boredom.
Ayanokouji: I think that if I knew of what happened to Kiyo-san…To the person I’ve always loved.
Ayanokouji: I think that’ll be enough to allow me to be liberated from this place.
…It was hard for someone like me to even imagine what he must have been going through. But I felt like there was no reason to refuse his request.
Rei: Alright. I’ll try looking it up.
Rei: By the way, what’s Kiyo-san’s full name?
Shion (ghost) held out something.
Rei: This is…a photo of Kiyo-san?
It was a photo of her holding a Tabby Cat in her hands, smiling brightly and warmly at the camera. Her name, address and phone number were written on the back.
Ayanokouji: Please.
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
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