#hinomaruzumou hcs
dulcetscen · 5 years
could i do a request for fluffy and sweet headcanons based around ushio hinomaru with a fem!so who is quiet and shy?
Hinomaru never thought he would end up with someone as timid and reserved as you. Opposites attract pretty strongly sometimes, and the relationship that you and Hinomaru have is the epitome of that.
He knows how shy you are when it comes to being around others you’re not comfortable with, so he never has a problem speaking up for you.
When you began dating, he made it a point to never let anyone get away with talking over or down on you - you deserve the utmost respect, and Hinomaru would make sure you got it.
Despite your personalities being the complete opposite, Hino secretly loves how shy you can be. To him, there’s something feminine with how shy you can be, which only makes him adore you more.
Hinomaru can be a bit brass, a little too much at times. He doesn’t always notice how much he’s clashing with your quiet nature, but he is quick to notice when you are uncomfortable or quieter than usual.
Dating someone who has a larger personality than you do can sometimes be tiring, and there are some days where you wish that Hinomaru would think things through a bit more than he does.
Hinomaru brings the best out in you, though. Dating him has made you try things you’d never try otherwise, it’s made you think about things in a different way. Dating Hino has also helped you gain a bit of confidence in yourself, too.
“Don’t ever let anyone think you aren’t deserving, [f/n].” “You’re worth that and so much more, alright?”
Hinomaru respects your personality though and will take a quiet day every once in a while to just spend with you.
As different as you are, Hinomaru loves different. And he loves you even more.
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dulcetscen · 5 years
Ooh could I pretty please have hc for Tsuyoshi Kanamori having a crush on his s/o when suddenly he gets love letter, he doesn't know who it's from. After a few weeks he keeps getting small gifts and letters when the person tells him,they want to confess and he finds out that its his crush
- A confession letter was the last thing Kanamori would expect to find, so when one fell into his hands from his shoe locker, he spent a couple moments examining it in disbelief. It could’ve easily been a prank by his sumo team mates, or even a couple delinquents that didn’t know who they were messing with. But as he read it he realized it wasn’t a prank, but a complete revealing of the feelings you had towards him - the only thing missing was your name or a way for him to know that it was from you.
- He kept the letter in his school bag, rereading it almost everyday until about a week later when he received another short note in his locker, with a small trinkets related to something that you liked. By the end of the week, he had a small collection of items and notes that you left him in secret - but he still didn’t have the slightest idea that everything was coming from you.
- On the Friday of that week you leave Kana one final note that instructs him to meet you in the courtyard after school to finally confess to him in person. With him being the serious captain that he is, he did so well hiding his excitement and somehow managed to walk over to the courtyard without skipping with happiness. The moment he saw you sitting on one of the half walls though, all rationality went out the window.
- “[y/n]! What are you doing here?”
- Out of all the emotions he felt, he was mostly afraid. Was this entire thing a prank on him? There was no way that you - the person he’s been crushing on for the longest - could possibly have a crush on him…
- He was all ears (and nerves) as you spoke to him, explaining how hard it was for you to finally gather up the courage to meet with him.
- “The letters were the best way for me to tell you how I feel. I was hoping the small gifts would help you figure out it was me ahead of time, too.”
- It all began to make sense to him - he could see it now, how all the small gifts each represented a part of you and your personality. A part of him secretly hoped that it was you all along, but for it to actually pan out that way? Kanamori was over the moon.
- So before you could even get out the words to officially confess to him, he gathers you into his arms in the tightest, most yearning hug. He didn’t have the words to describe what he felt at that moment, but any synonym of the word ‘happy’ would suffice.
- Knowing that you had similar feelings for him made nothing else matter, and from that moment on he could finally call you his.
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