#hints of pogbur
ra1nyd4yzz · 10 months
November 16th, the fall of Wilbur soot
Warnings: smut,riding,talk of Wilbur being a terrorist, character death, Wilbur's kind of a dick at the start
taglist: @abbs-writes-nsfw @gaywizards70
Notes: I wrote this in one night because I had a massive urge to write and someone suggested I should write pogbur smut, so I did :) I hope its ok and not completely shitttt
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You walked around pogtopia trying to find Wilbur, he's been more distant lately which has made you more needy and desperate. You peaked your head around a corner and found him staring off into space as he smoked a cigarette.
“Baby?” You looked at your gorgeous but tired boyfriend, he didn't respond, his thoughts consuming everything around him as he stared into the ravine with dead eyes.”babe?” you said louder and you took a step in front of him.
“Hmm..” Wilbur spoke in a bored, dull tone; it sounded like he didn't even care. “What do you want?” he kept staring into the ravine, taking drags of his cigarette,his expression barely changed, it was like he wasn't even trying anymore.
“Where have you been wil? Me and niki baked cookies!!” you seemed so happy compared to wilbur “so..” wilbur exhaled and took another drag of his cigarette, he didn't feel like talking and his lack of emotions showed it but you never give up when it comes to him!
“I don't want or care for those stupid cookies'' he started to walk away from you, flicking his cigarette butt onto the ground and stomping it, your heart shattered, and you held back tears, instantly your mind started to overthink “do you still love me?” you blurted out by accident, you had a sad look on your face.
Wilbur stopped and sighed, he hesitated for a second before turning on his heel to look at you “of course i do” there was no love in his tone, he showed a small bit of emotion for a millisecond before he was back to looking completely dead.
“Do you really? We haven't kissed in months nor have you touched me….we hardly even talk anymore all you care about is blowing up stupid marburg and defeating stupid schlatt..” you felt bad to say this but it was the truth and you were always a truth speaker.
“Yeah well i'm a little busy being a terrorist” wilbur rolled his eyes at you which hurt even more. “God you're so annoying and clingy” he sighed and rubbed his eye, he grumbled and then turned back to look into the ravine, his emotions completely switched and went back to cold and dead.
“I love you..” you gulped “i just want you to touch and love me again wil..” you teared up “am i that disgusting?” you weren't ready for his answer, you were already so emotional and you loved him so much and he just hasn't been showing you that he loves you too since the fall of l’manberg.
Wilbur groaned in annoyance “just go away.” he said his voice was dull, he was so cold and apathetic towards you. Did he really love you? Or was it out of pity at this point? You muttered something about Schlatt loving you more than Wilbur ever did.
Wilbur whipped around to face you, his emotion changing immediately. You could see his expression full of coldness and anger. “What did you just say?” his glare burned holes into your eyes and his tone became much more stern and harsh.
“I said maybe schlatt would show his love and love me more than you actually love me” your tone just got sadder and sadder, a tinge of anger was in there but it was mainly sadness,desperation and neediness.
Wilbur clenched his fists and started to walk towards you, the anger inside of him pouring out of every cell in is body “did you just say that monster would love you more then me” he got right into your face and glared into your soul, when he said the last part you could hear a hint of sadness you knew deep down no one could love you like wilbur loves you.
You gulped and stepped back, you could still feel his hot breath on your face and lips “yes.” you said with a little bit of hesitation “are you fucking serious right now!” he yelled, it echoed throughout the ravine.
Wilbur couldn't believe his own ears. His eyes were dead set on you, he really did look like he wanted to snap at you but he didn't, you were the love of his life. “I should be the only one that you love. Not Schlatt or anybody else for that matter” he was completely livid and this was not an emotion he showed often.
He raised a clenched fist and you flinched, you knew he wouldn't hit you and he did not “sorry..” you whimpered out, his anger started to fade away and he looked at you again with softer and calmer eyes, he was calm again and it was like the argument never even happened in the first place.
Wilbur put his hands on either side of your cheeks and looked into your eyes, he seemed so sweet and charming again, your eyes softened as you looked back into those gorgeous dark chocolate brown eyes of his”i love you so much, and so what if we dont touch each other? We are still very much a couple and I love you more than anybody else in this stupid world we live in..” 
He softly smiled at you and his thumbs rubbed circles into your cheeks gently, “I'm needy wil and doing it myself doesn't cut it anymore..” you leaned into his touch more, you haven't felt the familiar, comforting touch in so long.
“I need you wil..you ruined me and i need you…please..” you said desperately and needily, you gave him puppy dog eyes, he still looked at you with a smile and looked down at your lips he leaned close to you. “Okay, okay…just for you my love” he took one last longing look at you before he then leaned in and gave you a deep passionate kiss, with no love to spare”
You kissed back hungrily, your hands went to his hair and you leaned up on your tippy toes,his hands went from your cheeks to your waist, then to your ass and he grabbed at it, you pulled back and started panting heavily “B-bedroom..please..now.”
He took a second to look at you and then chuckled “you’re as needy as ever aren't you?” you nodded and he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the bedroom. You quickly walked with him, he walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed, his legs laying out and his back resting up on the pillows.
You quickly got onto the bed and straddled his lap. “I can see you've missed a few things eh..?” he winked at you and then started to kiss your neck and whisper sweet nothings to you as he did so, you started to roll your hips on his needily, the friction making you moan quietly.
You started to undo his belt and he kept kissing your neck “your fucking gorgeous sweetheart” he muttered as he trailed purple and red marks down your jaw and neck. You took off his pants and boxers and took off your pants and underwear and lowered yourself down onto his cock with no prep.
He let out a groan and threw his head back, you started riding him and moaning loudly, you moans and his groans echoed throughout pogtopia, not even 20 minutes ago you guys were arguing so everyone could hear and now you were fucking and everyone could hear the sound of skin slapping and your moans made it obvious.
His hands went to your waist and his nails digged into your sides, that made you moan louder “w-wilbur! P-please!” you were so close “please what princess?” he asked in a sweet tone “c-close..please..let me” you were moaning so loud “go ahead sweet girl” he stroked you hair as you let out a loud moan and came, you were getting tired but wanted to keep going, wilbur came and you laid your head on his chest.
His dick slowly came out of you as your pussy began to leak of his cum and yours mixed together, he stroked your hair and pulled the covers over you guys. “Such a good job baby…you did so well for me” he praised and you slowly fell asleep as he hummed to you.
It was literally the morning after you and Wilbur fucked and what you didn't know was that was the last time you and Wilbur would fuck ever.
well you guys won the fight between Pogtopia vs Manburg, you went to turn to Wilbur to celebrate. But he disappeared, and then when it all blew up, you saw Wilbur and his father Philza in a room. Philza had shielded Wilbur from getting hurt in the explosion.
But now Wilbur was shoving a diamond sword in wilburs hands and he looked like he was begging Philza to do something, you were too far away to hear. Philza shoved the diamond sword through wilburs stomach and tears filled your eyes.
You just saw the man you loved, the man you made love too only hours ago….die and bleed out at the hands of his father, you couldn't believe it, you wanted to scream and cry and yell and run over to him, but you couldn't move, and even if you could it would have taken ages to get to him.
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24-hours · 2 years
i dunno if you got the previous ask, but may i have a pogbur/pogtopia wilbur mood board? hints of missing lmanbur is all i ask, romantic or platonic is fine. the rest is up to yall. thank you if you accept the request. <3 - piper/pogbur
Hey Piper. Sorry we missed your last ask. I’m going to have to turn this down. Uh romantic implications between the Wilburs (lmanbur, pogbur, etc, etc) makes both of us uncomfortable. I know you stated it could be platonic but I don’t think either of us could do it either way. Apologies that we can’t do this one for you pal, hope you find someone else that can. -Sincerest Apologies, Mod Boo
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
Okay, so, I’m an absolute fool for the Immune AU. Something which has only been strengthened by more recent streams with Sam really becoming Tubbo and Tommy’s tired Dad as well as Tommy at the very least having what looks like a true immunity (jury is out on Tubbo). When I have the time I fully intend to write an Immune AU fic! I just have a couple additions I want to make.
I think Karl and Foolish should absolutely be Immune as well. In fact, to me it feels like they should have been the ones to build the portal but they had to stay behind to make sure the others got to the other side safely. This adds in a lot of interesting angst potential since the characters of Sapnap and Karl are technically canonically engaged. I strongly dislike shipping when the people playing characters share so many similarities with the characters themselves, but I think in honor of it technically being canon there’s room to forgive if people want that kind of angst. Otherwise it can just be regular angst over having had to leave Karl and Foolish behind. Maybe just making Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap a really close platonic trio instead for the people who still don’t really want to involve any hint of shipping, canonical to the story or not.
Another idea I’d like to purpose is the idea of partial, full, and pseudo immunity. Full immunity is found in the people like Tommy or Sam who outright are ambivalent or hateful towards the egg. Even locking them into the room with the egg for hours on end wouldn’t change their opinion (just significantly piss them off in the case of Tommy). Partially immune people are the ones like Puffy or Skeppy who find the strength to resist it but will slowly wane over time if they’re exposed to it too much. We can even add Punz to the partial immunity list and add in hints of the overprotective mercenary big brother au, possibly being more loyal to Tommy than the egg but ultimately loosing his life to protect the group. Finally we have the pseudo immunes like Eret and in my own opinion Tubbo. Either they’re so loyal to someone that they can refute the egg or they have a special blood line that gives them some protection, but their ability to rise above the egg’s manipulation is more so through sheer force of will than an actual immunity and even they too eventually start to crumble. Hell, maybe Tubbo stayed loyal to the very end and Punz sacrificed himself to give Tommy and Tubbo an extra week together so that Tommy could come to terms with things.
If you’re looking for SBI hurt/comfort then make Techno pseudo immune because of chat and Phil partially immune. Techno could hold out super long and we get an emotional heart to heart between Tommy and Techno only for Techno’s greatest weapon against the Crimson, Chat, to become his greatest weakness as the Crimson figures out how to make chat be quiet and in turn lulls Techno into its grasp. Phil on the other hand might have partial immunity but after being captured is tricked by the Egg into thinking that it can bring back Wilbur (which it kind of does by capturing Ghostbur and reviving a super messed up Wilbur.) Where as Pogbur was mentally ill, he genuinely loved Tommy. The first time Tommy confronts him in the button room there’s tnt under the room and it’s implied Wilbur doesn’t press the button because he doesn’t want Tommy getting hurt. He got really sick at the end, but he still loved Tommy. While I am all for an evil and abusive Wilbur during the Pogtopia arc within certain aus (cus sometimes Villain Wilbur is fun), canon Wilbur really was just sick and while that doesn’t excuse all of his actions, it speaks to a redemption arc and it isn’t fair to demonize him if a fic wants to go the route of him being sick instead of a villain. Crimbur would be the exact opposite. Only further edged on by a now sick Phil essentially trying to “repair” his family as a twisted way to make amends to his two youngest (something we might even see mirrored in an infected Techno who could perhaps realize how fucked up some of his actions were. Like offering to sell Tommy back to Dream for the favor, bluff or not it wasn’t a chill move y'all.)
I have a couple more interesting ideas/plot points that I would love to share, but, well, since I’m actually planning to turn this into a fic it wouldn’t be any fun if I spoiled everything. If this tumblr’s curator is chill with it I wouldn’t mind dropping a link here when the first chapter goes up.
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
*shuffles back into the blog
I’m back! And now I have decided that Fundy is going to be Connor, Eret is going to be Kara, and Niki is going to be Markus. Which means Niki is going to be leading a revolution for all the androids!
I have some sort of coherent plot for this. For one, in Fundy’s story we’re going to have him partnered with Wilbur. Wilbur’s going to be a mix of Pogbur and just a hint of Depressed Soot in here. 
Fundy, like Connor, is designed to go hunt Deviants. And he’s also being monitored by the Cyberlife company 24/7 so that’s stressful. Of course over time he’s going to slowly deviate and there are some catalysts like choosing not to go with his programming to the fact that Wilbur’s little brother keeps on annoying him and making him lose his cool a little.
Niki is going to be one who is helping in a bakery and the family who owns it actually does treat her like a person. I’m not sure who the family would be but they do treat her like one. 
The catalyst that makes her deviate is when someone tries to threaten the bakery. She fights back and unfortunately she is mistaken as the thief and gets shot and lands in the dumpster.
She then finds Jericho and decides to go and be the one who gets everyone to do a Revolution to get androids their freedom. They will not be pushed around again and they will not let the injustice their people face go ignored any longer! Jack is with her 100% but uh...Jack I don’t think using Nukes is going to convince them that we should be given freedom.
Eret is going to be mainly sanctioned in a home that is...absurdly empty. The foster parents said that their job is to watch over a kid named Tubbo. Over time Eret finds that the foster parents barely even go to the house and that Tubbo doesn’t really seem to be happy here.
A bit of investigation later and Eret finds out that Tubbo really isn’t happy here and that he wasn’t really had a stable life at all. So Eret does the one thing that seems reasonable. Deviate and run away to find a better life for Tubbo. That won’t have consequences in the future!
They’re going to go and slowly see Tubbo as their little brother and Tubbo is going to start warming up to them and along the way they somehow adopt another android named Ranboo who has a bad memory.
Now I have no idea on what we do for the endings since the game is a choice game at its core. So you guys are going to have to help me on that one. Man there is so many possibilities with this!
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