#hira wondering bc it's such a genuine realization
hiraya-rawr · 2 years
am i. . . obsessed with diluc?
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stayxlix · 9 months
the urge to reread 1000x more times and comment on every single line of this part 😩 look what your writing has done to me…
buckle in for a long one ✈️
starting off real strong with a peek into felix’s backstory + his past with the each of boys. each paragraph dedicated to a stray kid made me feel so so much more for otde felix (which was already astronomically high). and the HYUNLIX. not to jump too forward but reading this and seeing the parallel and how hyunjin interacts w mc is so interesting and well written (not to mention felix’s view on being human and how it shapes who he is, AMAZINGLY written 👏 👏 )
AND THE TENSION? i could feel my own heart racing the way you wrote their escape from Hira’s, Yeonjun’s involvement, the scene with mc and the guards, EVERYTHINGGG god and i can’t wait for you to get into the connection between Hira and MCs mom 😭😭
— also felix constantly keeping mc by his side, barely ever letting go. yeah .
““Dude she has a name..” Jisung grumbled from beside you.” THATS BESTIE RIGHT THERE my jaw was literally clenched bc of the tension but this made me burst out in laughter 😭😭 i love love love jisung and mc together, literally my second fav duo besides lix/mc (although chan and mc 🥹)
— also so so interested in jisung’s past? i’m so curious who he lost my poor boy :(
“"You have a steady hand, y/n. You'd make a good medic."” i’m ngl i blushed a little 🥰 i love how the bond between mc and the boys is getting stronger with time + the jeongseung moment was so precious, genuinely am the MOST excited to see mc grow her bond with all 8 boys 🥹
“A pink blush crept up to his ears when he twisted around, glancing over his other shoulder to where the boys had piled into the rover a few feet away. “Yeah, right.." he stammered” DEBBY RYAN EAR TUCK IM SCREAMINGGGG their bond is just so precious 😭😭
and of course THE MIDNIGHT DIP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). the passion between them is so apparent through your writing, i never thought you could top the last chapter but DAMN… i’m blown away. and i’m so glad they were able to take the time to realize how important they are to each other and communicate 😞 my babies are joking around tgt they’re all grown up !! i’m so excited for lix/mcs relationship to develop even more, lix already sees her as a possibility to love, i just need him to take it 🫠💔
MAN and speaking of, that last fucking line AS ALWAYS. literally cannot put into words how much i adore the last section of this chapter, it’s so heartwrenching and i’m already itching for the next chapter, how do you do this every time 😭
thank you do much for ANOTHER amazing piece, i hope you take the time to rest and take care of yourself 💞 the world you’ve built through this series is PHENOMENAL and i’ll never ever ever get over how amazing this is
president of the greedy coconut club 🫡 signing off!! i have so many unspoken praises for you and this fic i cant word correctly in my head and this is already so so long but thank you so much for taking the time to read through our messages anyway 🥹 i hope you have a wonderful day/night 💞💞 - 🍄
HI MY BELOVED🍄💕 ah can i just start by saying that you are truly the sweetest.😭😭 i got your ask around midnight last night (right before i went to bed) and when i read the first line it completely erased my lingering nerves about posting the new chapter, so from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for this.🥹 it means a lot to me, more than you probably realize.💕
lets dive into things, shall we?? i’m all buckled up and ready to go🚗 (i made mine a car instead of a plane bc i am terrified of flying lmao)
starting off real strong with a peek into felix’s backstory + his past with the each of boys. each paragraph dedicated to a stray kid made me feel so so much more for otde felix (which was already astronomically high). and the HYUNLIX. not to jump too forward but reading this and seeing the parallel and how hyunjin interacts w mc is so interesting and well written (not to mention felix’s view on being human and how it shapes who he is, AMAZINGLY written 👏 👏 )
OH. MY. GOD. THIS PART. THIS FUCKING PART. as fun as it was to write oh my lord did it drive me crazy. i swear i spent DAYS on this part alone.😭 it took ages for me to get it right, esp the hyunlix paragraphs (if only you could see the MESS it started out as lmao) i was so picky about it because their dynamic is something i’ve been so eager to explore, but i think i’m happy with how it turned out. and im really excited that you mentioned the parallel in how hyunjin interacts with mc.🤭 if there’s one thing i love in any type of media it’s a good parallel.🫠
honestly this whole beginning part ended up being one of if not my favorite parts of the chapter because lixs past and how he came to build relationships with each of the boys is such an important part of the story for me. so it makes me thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it.🥹 makes all that time and effort worth it, you know??💕
AND THE TENSION? i could feel my own heart racing the way you wrote their escape from Hira’s, Yeonjun’s involvement, the scene with mc and the guards, EVERYTHINGGG god and i can’t wait for you to get into the connection between Hira and MCs mom 😭
omg i’m so happy the tension and suspense came through for you in this scene.😭😭 i had such a fun time writing it (even though i put them through some major stress here lmao). and the connection between hira/mcs mom is also a storyline i’ve been excited to dive deeper into ever since hira was introduced last chapter, so i definitely can't wait to see what you think as it unfolds.🤭
also felix constantly keeping mc by his side, barely ever letting go. yeah .
lixs protectiveness towards mc is just..yeah..i could go on and on but just. yeah.🫠🫠
“Dude she has a name..” Jisung grumbled from beside you.” THATS BESTIE RIGHT THERE my jaw was literally clenched bc of the tension but this made me burst out in laughter 😭😭 love love love jisung and mc together, literally my second fav duo besides lix/mc (although chan and mc 🥹)
i had to tryyy to throw a little bit of comic relief into all that stress, i’m just so glad it actually made you laugh😂😭 it warms my heart to hear that you enjoy their interactions because i’m equally as excited about the mc/jisung duo.🤭 chan and mc too ahhdkejdfkek they have a unique connection that will definitely be explored more as the story progresses. her relationships with those two (and lix ofc) will be the death of me i swear. my beloved bias line</3
also so so interested in jisung’s past? i’m so curious who he lost my poor boy :(
aah jisung :( hes a complex character and his past is a bit of a mystery rn, but i promise there will be more revelations about his background later on…tbh ive got a whole storyline for him floating around in my head that ive thought about making into a separate one shot some day but im probably getting ahead of myself there..
“You have a steady hand, y/n. You'd make a good medic."” i’m ngl i blushed a little 🥰 i love how the bond between mc and the boys is getting stronger with time + the jeongseung moment was so precious, genuinely am the MOST excited to see mc grow her bond with all 8 boys 🥹
id be lying if i said i wasn't feeling a certain type of way about minho when i wrote this chapter lol.🫠 the slow build up between mc and each of the boys really has been one of the most rewarding parts of writing this story so far. in tv shows/movies i always find myself drawn to strong platonic relationships/friendships (even more than romantic connections a lot of the time) so i think that’s why it means so much to me that you say you’re most excited for her bond to grow with all 8.💕
“A pink blush crept up to his ears when he twisted around, glancing over his other shoulder to where the boys had piled into the rover a few feet away. “Yeah, right.." he stammered” DEBBY RYAN EAR TUCK IM SCREAMINGGGG their bond is just so precious 😭😭
“DEBBY RYAN EAR TUCK” OH MY GOD SAME.😂😭 i LOVE the idea of otde felix getting all flustered in front of the rest of the boys when it comes to mc.🫠 literally obsessed.
and of course THE MIDNIGHT DIP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
THE MIDNIGHT DIP. 💀💀LMAO I CACKLED. this is the only way i will be referring to this scene from now on. if there was a scene i struggled with more than the beginning then it was definitely this one. i spent the majority of this past week (or two) focusing on this part alone because (along with the fact that i wanted it to be a pivotal moment in their relationship) writing intimate smut scenes like this is such a hurdle for me, and ive certainly doubted my ability to convey the passion that i envision between lix/mc so its really reassuring to know that the time and effort i put into these moments makes a difference for you.🥹💕it makes me excited to keep pushing my boundaries so that i can continue to include scenes like this moving forward.<33
MAN and speaking of, that last fucking line AS ALWAYS. literally cannot put into words how much i adore the last section of this chapter, it’s so heartwrenching and i’m already itching for the next chapter, how do you do this every time 😭
you are too kind.😭😭💕 writing those final moments is always always one of my favorite parts about every chapter and it makes me so happy to know that this one resonated with you just as much as it did with me, even if it was a bit heart wrenching.🥹
president of the greedy coconut club 🫡 signing off!!
yeah so basically..this whole last part of your ask turned me into a sobbing mess.😭 actual tears.😭 thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to share your thoughts and reactions president🫡 i am flattered and BEYOND grateful that you have allowed my little story to reach you in this way. your feedback is invaluable, it’s always wonderful to hear from you, and ill never get over that either. your words mean a lot to me, and i’m truly touched by your dedication to this story.
don’t forget to rest and take care of yourself too, okay??sending all the love in the world your way my🍄💕 and i hope you know that my askbox is always open for you, even if you just want to come say hi.🤗💕
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