queen-scribbles · 2 months
From the "questions you may not have thought of" list, for…hm…well, whichever of your LOTRO kids each question best calls to! #1, 6, 18, 19, 26, 42?
Prepare for a mixed bag and only some multi-answers. :D
1.What was their childhood nickname?
Rhia's dad used to call her Petal bc she was always coming home with so many different kinds of flowers, it was easier to be all-encompassing than pick one flower to be her nickname. xD Cele was called Draug (Wolf) a lot in his youth bc he has the tenacity, drive, and solitary tendencies of one.
6. Do they prefer cats or dogs?
Aelin definitely prefers cats, I feel like the rest don't have a preference, especially Hal with his menagerie xD
18. What noise do they find the most irritating?
Ironically, nothing puts Tera's teeth on edge faster than the sound of metal against a whetstone. Yes, even when she has to do it herself. She hates it.
19. What's their favourite animal?
Hal it's all of them. :) Cele I'd say foxes, Hira's is deer, Tera horses/ponies, Aelin is cats, Ziinnia it's birds, Rhia it's shrews. Yes, they're pests, but they're ADORABLE
26. How do they take their tea and/or coffee?
Oh, Cele 100% drinks black coffee. xD
42. What languages do they speak?
Hal knows Noldorin Quenya, Nandorin, Sindarin, Common, can speak to animals(at least enough to call them for help), and I feel like A) Esmeralda taught him hobbit-speech and B) he's gonna pick up Rohanese while running around Rohan. He want to learn Khazdûl, but the more guttural sounds are really hard for him.
OC Asks
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4th-make-quail · 2 months
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i return from the heroforge mines, staggering into the light once more to present: HIM! Caulthurin Hiraneth! Since Fallen London has no races, i figured i'd let myself go completely ham on cute details so charm points include: broken horns, big fluffy arms and bugbear stature, FLOOFY TAIL, and fucked up voidy black eye >:3c
he's an old rifleman who uses a cane, prone to deep obsession for knowledge seeking, and gonna get absolutely fucked up to the core Seeking the Name hehe
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
From the weird OC asks:
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? For Hira and Cele?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’? for Hal and Aelin?
and What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? for Rhia?
Also, if there's one you've been particularly excited to answer and haven't gotten yet -- here's an excuse! Also PS I'm so taken with all of their designs wowow 😍
First off, I love that you split the Elves up that way, bc even if Hal and Hira are siblings, personality/vibes-wise it would be Hal & Aelin, Hira & Cele. xD
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Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? For Hira and Cele?
Hira is a forthright and tough love kind of girl. She's going to be bluntly honest, would like it if people return the favor for her. Definitely the type to prefer hard truth over easy lies.
Cele it sort of depends? He leans naturally more toward giving tough-but-well-intentioned love, but he knows he does better receiving gentle love so he tries to read a situation to see which will work better rather than just default to tough love all the time.
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How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’? for Hal and Aelin?
Well, Hal considers Aelin his friend after he spends a couple thousand years talking to her while she's asleep and not contributing to the conversation, so he uses it pretty loosely. (He helps her friend Harthalín keep vigil while Aelin's recovering from being stabbed with a morgul blade High Elf intro yay) He also shrugs and rolls with it when Esmerelda Boffin declares him her friend after they've known each other, like, 6 hours and spent most of that time catching frogs and pranking her cousins sooooo :D
Aelin is a little more strict with it, just bc she's more withdrawn, especially in her recovery phase. She doesn't have a high threshold on being a 'friend' exactly, it's more that she prefers solitude while getting caught up on 3000 years of history and that's overwhelming enough without having people be all chatty and social with you. So she tends to shy away from people entirely in search of quiet. Part of how she and Hal become actual friends after she wakes up is bc he's 100% happy to just sit and read in the same room together and similar activities. There is she wants to talk, but also happy leaving things quiet.
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What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? for Rhia?
She is extremely--and I do mean extremely--interested in and knowledgeable about lace-making. She loves to sew and all adjacent activities(so knit, crochet, quilt, weave etc), but lace-making became an area of special interest for her and she started learning everything she could about it, all the techniques available, which styles are more common in different areas, all of that.
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For that bonus: What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? with Tera
Tera first notices her teeth. She has a little bit of a gap between her upper front teeth that feels super noticeable to her, but hardly anyone else even registers, and the ones who do think it's cute. Other people notice either the red hair or the eyes first, since she has hazel/grey heterochromia.
Weirdly Specific OC Asks
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Guess what Hira bought? :D
I love the detailing on the tunic, it's so pretty.😍 It fits her very well, as does the turquoise circlet(even if that's largely hidden behind her hair lol).
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
From the uncommon questions, how about #1 for each of your LOTRO kids? :-D
1.What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? (for the purposes of this, I assuming "nothing" means nothing physical; read a book, craft something etc)
Hal can make it a very long time. In fact, one of his favorite things to do is sit in the woods leaning against Trinket and just listen to nature for hours on end.
Hira it depends. She's a tasks-oriented person, so she needs Something To Do. She's a Hunter, so if she's hunting and in "Work Mode", she can make it several hours perfectly still with nothing to do as she waits bc that's Her Task. If she's just relaxing, she definitely gets fidgety faster without something to do. That something can be sewing, playing an instrument, braiding her brother's hair, whatever, but she needs something or she goes nuts pretty quick.
Aelin can sit for a fairly long time without outwardly doing anything, but she's probably reliving memories in her head, and since she was a) part of the Last Alliance's battle against Sauron and b) originally from Beleriand :) she's probably gonna be very quiet, withdrawn, and melancholy for the next couple weeks minimum.
Cele is terrible at patience and not particularly good at relaxing. 😅 He's very justice/accomplishment motivated, so he wants to be Doing Things. I'd give him an hour, absolute max, with nothing to do before he's climbing the walls or running off to run drills or something.
Rhia has too much energy to sit still for more than 20 minutes unless absolutely necessary lol. She's braiding flower crowns for herself/her bear/Meneldir(he actually wears it for five minutes and that's SUCH a victory) or playing with mud or something.
Tera is more contemplative, I think she could make it aa couple hours with nothing to do before she started getting antsy. She's probably running drills or plotting out her to-do list in her head though.
Ziin it depends. If she sits still for too long with nothing-nothing to do, she'll fall asleep lol. Just curl up with her pets and take a long nap. But she can go maybe a couple hours sitting still before she gets to that point.
Uncommon Asks
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Hal bought new boots and Hira got a pretty dress(Arwen’s Dinner Dress, dyed Dark Mossy Green) today, and I’m a little closer to memorizing the layout of Minas Tirith. \o/ Also
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ofc my diehard animal lover took care of the horses. New favorite daily for him. :D 
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This made me giggle, as Hal is ~200 years older than Hira and regularly cites his extra century or two as why He Knows Better as Her Older Brother(she pulls out the letters from Esmerelda Boffin detailing everything she and Hal got up to in the Shire as proof age does not equal wisdom xD).
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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The LOTRO anniversary outfits are so pretty, and my kids look so good in blue. Also, I did an absurd amout of running around to make this happen:
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Behold, Hira's pretty new dress! Bc the long-sleeved ones were no good for running around in sweltering heat. :D So much of her stuff is green, I decided to go with the dark clay dye this time, and I think it looks really good on her.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Hira finally has a mount that doesn’t jingle! xD Her only other one is a Yule one(the elk I think), who is very pretty, but the noise gets annoying if traveling a long distance. And courtesy of her big bro, she also got the Waking wood armor/quiver, just need to find some boots that go with it better
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Okay, I've mostly made up my mind about who gets what pets from the LOTRO faire, but one question remains:
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
tagged by @dingoat and @roamingswtor
3 ships
Ryn/Red is occupying a lot of my brain right now, for obvious finishing-tLBT-reasons, lol. I love them and their "so smart about everything else BUT blind idiots about my best friend being in love with me" energy. Tall genius idiot nerd babies <3
Ody/Chance still has me in a bit of a chokehold ngl. They're just hovering in the background, intensely bittersweet with their potential and the loss and I can't stop thinking about how they both went through the grieving process of at least thinking the other's dead and how long it takes Ody to even start healing and AUGH ...now I wanna write them more
Hiraneth/Celebaros (two of my LOTRO OCs) It started as a joke, they're my two most reckless children in that game, so I was laughing about them finding kindred risk-taking spirits in each other. (they're both Elves, gotta do something to bring Excitement to those millennia-long lifespans) It turned into realizing they also share an anger about what the Dourhands did to Edhelion and have no self-preservation instincts, and would die to protect people they care about and and and-- spiraled from there. I also greatly enjoy the mental image of Hal silently freaking out that his little sister chose THE ONE PERSON more reckless than she is to fall in love with. So yeah. Started as a joke and it's a real thing now lmao
First Ship
If we're counting 'clearly established as the romantic relationship at the outset' stuff then Belle/Beast, but if it means more 'first thing you shipped without explicit canon confirmation' then Teyla/Ronon from SG:A
Last Song
Hang Tight Honey//Lainey Wilson (her new single, and it has such strong Dolly Parton vibes, I love it)
Currently Reading
The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese,which my aunt recommended and I'm loving it so far. It is very long, and I'm maybe 1/5 of the way through?
Last Film
The Mummy(1999) 25th anniversary screening at a local theater or The Mummy Returns, watched at home, depending on which counts.
Currently Craving
Crab cakes. crab is so insanely expensive rn it's really hard to justify spending the money, lol but I'm getting close to a Treat Yo'self moment there.
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
I wanna flesh out my LOTRO kids more, but none of the ask games I can dig up on my blog feel like they're the right questions.
So I guess if there's anything you wanna know about one of my main... *counts* seven, ask away!
There's Halthiras(main main), Hiraneth, Celebaros, Aelinril, Siltera, Rhianlin, and Ziinia
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
30, 32, and 34 from the OC asks for Hal :)
30. do they smell like anything notable?
Fresh-turned soil, ozone, new plants, juuust a hint of bear musk sometimes if he's been napping against Trinket.
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
the aforementioned napping against Trinket, since she is a 400 pound brown bear. She's his companion and he's pretty sure she views him as a large, peculiarly hairless cub, but to people who don't know about their bond it sure looks odd.
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
Nobody special. Hiraneth's older brother. animal lover. Halthiras of Rivendell(Imladris if he's talking to fellow Elves). Honorary Boffin(he's probably proudest of that one, lol. He really (platonically) loves Esmeralda). Inn League member. Well-travelled but loves the idyllic pace of life of the Shire so much he almost wants to stop there and not continue on.
OC Asks
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
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Got new outfits set for my elf siblings bc I unlocked another cosmetic outfit slot with the sale. :D Look at them, they’re gorgeous.
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
Grrrrr, stupid winter weather respawned and ko’ed Hira just before I could down a potion. Yule Fest is hard at lvl 8 :P 
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