#his 11 yrs younger wife who had their child at 23 and seems to have quit her scientific research
rotzaprachim · 2 years
one thing that’s kind of poking at me a lil bit ficwise is kind of. unpicking the threads of Galen and Lyra and Jyn. I think there’s a fandom and to an extent a canon tendency to make her early childhood in Lahmu into Those Good Years, and to an extent that’s part of the structure of a film with a running time- the opening, before everything Goes Wrong. but I can’t stop thinking about how, if not fearful, then deeply paranoia-laced and isolated Jyn’s early childhood must have been. your father is on the run, your father took you and your mother with you in the night, you know literally no one else but your mother and your scientist father who has made himself a god? there’s such a kind of, cold, isolationist biblical patriarch narrative edge to the opening shots of lahmu and the Erso family as purposefully isolated and separated from everything. I’m not sure it’s quite a horror story- thought it sure has potential to be- but I do think there’s room to deeply unearth and nuance the situation there a bit. after all, by the time rogue one starts Galen and Lyra are terrified, and the story begins in many ways with their fear. what is it to be a child of that? 
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Hannah Newland, Wife of John Christian Burgess
A Short Biography of Hannah Newland
By Marilee Burgess Cook
Hannah Newland was born on May 10, 1758 in Norton, Massachusetts. She was the second of seven children born to Anthony Newland and Patience Woodward.1
“Her father served in the Revolution , and may have been injured, and died, as his wife Patience was receiving assistance from the court for her and her family. Mary her older sister was born in Easton, Bristol Co., and Abiah, Jabez, Sarah, Abner and Rubba (Ruby) were born in Norton.* Several Newland families were early settlers of Norton. Hannah and her family resided in Norton. However, her grandparents, Ezekiel and Sarah Woodward of Taunton, Massachusetts, sold land situated in Taunton, and removed to Providence, Rhode Island. Ezekiel left a will naming his wife and children, mentioning his daughter Patience. Ezekiel died there in 1760.
Hannah's father Anthony's service is reported in Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, (Vol.1 l,p.268) as:
Newland, Anthony, Norton. Private, Capt. Seth Gilbert's (2d Norton) co. of Militia, Col. John Daggett's regt., which marched in response to the Alarm of April 19, 1775; said Newland marched April 21, 1775; service, 7 days; reported enlisted into the army.
Anthony must have died during 1775, leaving his wife a widow. (Anthony 's death was not listed in the Norton Deaths.) The city of Norton paid for the support of Hannah's mother.”2
Hannah met a man named John Waters and eventually became pregnant. She and John tried to get married but when their marriage banns was announced they were forbidden
Hannah was about 19, when the Intention of her marriage to John Waters was denied by t by the Selectmen.   The Norton record shows:
“John Waters, was residing in Norton and Hannah Newland, both of Norton, Entered and "cried one Time and forbid the Select Men. (No.48) 15 Feb. 1777 in Norton.
Hannah Newland of Norton in the same County, single Woman & Spinster appeared in Court acknowledged herself guilty of fomication & having had a Bastard Child born of her Body in Taunton the 14th of August last. (1777)
It is therefore considered by the Court that she be & hereby is sentenced to pay a fine of five shillings to be disposed of as the law directs pay cost of prosecution standing committed till sentence be performed. And the said Hannah or ... the accused one John Watters resident of Norton of being the Father of said Bastard child who being present made no defence. It's considered by the Court that John Watters is the reputed Father of said Bastard Child & that he be duly is sentenced to pay the said Hannah the sum of four pounds or laying in, & the first month,charges & twenty shillings cost before the ... by her expense & from the end of the first month, which will be Sept. the — to pay weekly and every week two shillings & six pence till furth ..." Of Court. And that he become ... as ... in the Sum of L80 with two sufficient... in the Sum of L40 each that the said John shall do & perform as aforesaid, all to save the Town of Norton  harmless ... The maintenance of said bastard child. Starting till sentence be performed.
Source: Bristol County, MA. Court of General Sessions 1777-1801, pp.5-6 Burgess (S244 Hunt) (US/Can 901269 Document #2a) (Note: Document difficult to read)”3
It is generally thought that she did not marry John Waters.  Her son, who went by Benjamin Newland, was named after her, not after John.She brought Benjamin into her marriage with John Christian Burgess.  The eight children from their marriage referred to Benjamin as their uncle, not their stepbrother.4
Hannah and Christian moved to the Lake George area in New York. They went on to have eight children. Frederick, John, William, Hannah,  Phillip, Lemira (Elsie), Sarah and Martin.  Her youngest child, Martin, was only about 4 years old when her husband, John Christian Burgess, was killed by a falling tree or limb. After Christian’s untimely death, Hannah married a Jeduthan or (Geduthan) Dickinson.(or Dickson.)
“Oral history says that son William, as a young man, worked for “his stepfather, Geduthan Dickson.” This would indicate that Hannah had remarried.”(A casual check of the New York Census for 1810 and 1820 does not list a Geduthan Dickson/Dixon/Dickinson/Dickenson/Dickerson.)”5
Jeduthan Dickinson is listed on Family Search as the husband of Hannah Newland.  He was born about 1755 in Massachusetts.6
Cindy Burgess Aldredge included in her research notes that she presented at the Pine Valley Family Reunion that  “Hannah later married Jeduthan Dickinson who was a blacksmith.”7
A search into Revolutionary War Military Records revealed a Jeduthan Dickenson who was a blacksmith, so Ms. Aldredge could have taken her information from this record..
“Dickenson, Jeduthan, Taunton. Descriptive list of men dated Feb. 20, 1782, age 23 yrs; stature 5ft. 6 Va in.; complexion, dark; hair brown; occupation blacksmith, birthplace Taunton, residence Taunton, engaged for town of Taunton; joined Rufus Lincoln's co., Lieut. Col. J. Brooks's 7th regt; term 3 years. (p.74l)”8
Other records indicate that there were other soldiers with similar names.  Records of Jeduthan Dickinson and Jeduthan Dickerson were also located9. It is possible that Hannah did not have to go far to meet Jeduthan.   “Several Dickins, Dixon, Dickinsons, etc. were early settlers in Warren and Washington Counties,New York.”10
Delbert and Barbara Roach, who wrote a wonderful book about Hannah’s son William, included these paragraphs about Hannah.
“A Hannah Dickenson is listed in Ellisburg. Jefferson Co..N. Y. in 1830 (No.033). She was a single female and under the age of 70. Directly below her name in the Census record it looks like a Levi ?Bennett. His name was difficult to read, but he was a younger man. Jeduthan Dickinson's name was not found in the 1820 or 1830 Index of New York. There were other Dickinsons, living in Ellisburg, and others living in Jefferson County towns. Hannah could have married a Mr. Bennett after the death of Jeduthan. There were a number of Bennetts there, and also in Warren County, N. Y. Source: Lois Burgess Beck, Alpine, Utah;
After the forced move from Missouri, William Burgess and his family, except Harrison, settled in Adams County. Illinois, close to Lima, with the Pulsiphers. In checking the 1840 Census of Adams County in Illinois, we found that a female between the age of 80 and 90 was living with William and his family. The 1842 Census of Nauvoo. taken by the Aaronic Priesthood has "Living with (William's family) 1842" is "Bennet. Hannah." When our son, Floyd Roach visited Nauvoo in August 2004 , he went to the Land Office. There he obtained the Sexton record for Hannah Bennett which says:
‘Hannah Bennet died Mar. 20. 1843. age 87. I month 12 days. Old Age’ This date is nearly the age of Hannah Newland who was born 10 May 1758 in Norton, Massachusetts – It would seem Hannah was very close to the family for them to know her exact brth date. This is a strong indication she is HANNAH - the MOTHER of our WILLIAM BURGESS”11
Levi Bennet is listed as a third husband to Hannah on Family Search. As of the writing of this biography (September 2017) the temple work is being done for him and he and Hannah will soon be sealed.  According to church records, Hannah died as a baptized member of the church.  We believe that she died in Nauvoo although records have not been located yet to document this.  Her baptism is referred to in the St. George Temple records.
“It was also found through searching the Index to St. George Temple Endowments that Hannah Newland's endowment was done 3 March 1877 by Sophia Minerva Burgess Utley, gt. gd. daughter, Harrison's daughter. In the space for the baptism was written "in the Church," which means she had been baptized in her lifetime.”12
Hannah had an interesting life with many ups and downs.  Like her husband Christian, she did not leave a written account of her life.  Nor did her descendents write about her. It would have been wonderful to have more insight into her personality!  We thank her for raising 9 children, especially William, our ancestor, of whom we do have an account.  He was an honest, hardworking and loving man and he undoubtedly learned these traits from his wonderful parents.
1Family Search, Hannah Newland, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/LDPG-12H/details
4Ibid Schwalm, M.A.
5Schwalm, M.A.
6Jeduthan Dickinson, Family Search Database, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/L67W-QF5/details
7Aldredge, Cindy Burgess
8Roach, Delbert E.
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