#like more complicating of Galen Erso please more complicating of it
rotzaprachim · 2 years
one thing that’s kind of poking at me a lil bit ficwise is kind of. unpicking the threads of Galen and Lyra and Jyn. I think there’s a fandom and to an extent a canon tendency to make her early childhood in Lahmu into Those Good Years, and to an extent that’s part of the structure of a film with a running time- the opening, before everything Goes Wrong. but I can’t stop thinking about how, if not fearful, then deeply paranoia-laced and isolated Jyn’s early childhood must have been. your father is on the run, your father took you and your mother with you in the night, you know literally no one else but your mother and your scientist father who has made himself a god? there’s such a kind of, cold, isolationist biblical patriarch narrative edge to the opening shots of lahmu and the Erso family as purposefully isolated and separated from everything. I’m not sure it’s quite a horror story- thought it sure has potential to be- but I do think there’s room to deeply unearth and nuance the situation there a bit. after all, by the time rogue one starts Galen and Lyra are terrified, and the story begins in many ways with their fear. what is it to be a child of that? 
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thornfield13713 · 3 months
There is something really interesting in the way that Jyn and Cassian are...they are at once parallels to each other's experiences, and they are their own role-reversal AU.
Like- we first met them as an apparently-apolitical rogue and a dedicated member of Rebel Intelligence. This is quickly complicated on Jyn's side, when we find out about her past with the Partisans, that line of Saw's about her being the most devoted member of his cadre, a true believer, before she was abandoned, allegedly to protect her from those who would use her as a bargaining chip against the Empire (apparently under the impression that Galen Erso had a lot more influence than he did.) Which- That sounds a heck of a lot like the sort of thing Luthen Rael would do to me, and we see him visiting Saw in S1 of Andor, which would be...roughly around the time Jyn was abandoned. Either it's going to happen very soon or it's already happened, and I'd lay money that it happened because Luthen found out that Saw had Galen Erso's daughter among his partisans. Cassian's narrative remains fairly straightforward throughout Rogue One, but is then complicated in Andor.
Jyn had a childhood on the run from the Empire, but not actively fighting it, until she was taken from her home by Saw. Cassian had a childhood fighting the Republic (which, as this show and others have made clear, was not so different from the Empire from the perspective of the outlying worlds) until he was taken from his home by the Andors. Even the circumstances of how they were taken are opposites - Saw was entrusted with Jyn by her parents, Cassian was abducted from his community by the Andors who...while well-meaning, still never gave him a choice and certainly never stopped to consider that he might have a family and community that they were tearing him away from. Saw encouraged Jyn to fight the Empire, trained her to do so, whereas what we see of Clem Andor is him urging Cassian and others not to make trouble. To keep his head down and not protest, because those who do will be killed.
In the same year, 5 BBY, Jyn is cut loose from the Partisans and becomes a much more self-interested criminal in order to survive, and Cassian joins up with the Rebellion, abandoning self-interest in order to dedicate himself to the cause. Notably, even during their more self-interested period, both of them are still fighting the Empire in smaller and more self-interested ways - Jyn's list of charges at the start of Rogue One makes that clear enough, and Cassian is, even before he is formally a rebel, still apparently stealing principally from the Empire. They've just both given up on any way of making any sort of large-scale difference. And, if my theory about who it was that wanted to use Jyn is correct, these decisions have a lot to do with one man, who indirectly brought one of them into the rebellion and drove the other away from it.
I just- This is the least of the ways in which Andor is fascinating, I know. But a lot of people have written a lot more eloquently and knowledgably than I could about the ways in which this show is very smart politically, and says a lot about the nature of fascism, radicalisation, police states, the prison industrial complex and the workings of colonialism. Much has also been written about where the show falls short (challenge: can we have a reasonably prominent black character who survives more than a couple of episodes, please?). I'm just bringing this one forward because it's an aspect I haven't seen discussed as much, and because character development and parallels are always interesting to poke at, particularly with two characters whose final fates are so closely intertwined. Their stories spiral around each other, never quite touching until the very end, but they've been on parallel roads this whole time even if neither of them can see it.
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inebranlabl · 9 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐘 . . . an independent, mutuals only, low activity multi-muse 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 muses from star wars, myth, the hunger games, dune, the boys, gotham along with original characters. legendized by 𝐀𝐌𝐄 , she / her, 30+ , cst. warning! due to the nature of several characters this blog will contain dark themes, including, but not limited to: war, death, torture, murder, gaslighting, gore & abuse.
affiliated with: @alootus , @debelltio & @wornkindness
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an exploration of . . . overruling fate, the belly of the beast, rising from the ashes, family is deeper than blood, the anatomy of a monster, cosmic awakening, all roads lead here.
information prompts find me : @acharnemcnt
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& featured muses Grand Admiral Sloane , Karitza Ren ( oc ) ✱
& canon Norra Wexley, Sinjir Rath Velus, Mas Amedda, Finn, Duja, Perrin Fertha, Maarva Andor
& ocs Narka Zaila ( First Order agent )
𝐌𝐘𝐓𝐇 Mara, demon king of desire & Ammit the devourer
𝐎𝐂𝐬 Anavi Celestara, lady in waiting ( lockridgeverse ) & Ophelia Genesis the drowned oracle
𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐍 Brimsley ( moving from @fivepaces )
𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌 & 𝐃𝐂 Oswald Cobblepot
& by request Galen Erso, Clem Andor ( star wars ) John Sterling ( bridgerton ) Chani Kynes ( dune )
✱ featured muses are located on side blogs attached to this blog, due to high focus.
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i.   I’m mutuals only which means I only write & interact with blogs when we are both following each other. This blog is low activity so I will be fairly slow. But I am a plot oriented writer, so I will be focusing on establishing storylines with my mutuals. I have have a very busy personal life, so I tend to follow a very limited amount of blogs, for my own sanity and so that I can develop deeper, ongoing plots. 
Also, FYI, I am usually mobile bound and this is not my main blog, so I am not always logged in here. Therefore, it can take me up to a week or two to follow back at times.
ii.  For my own comfort, I will not follow blogs that don’t have rules, a name & age requirement, or writing posted. Primarily rules — posted on your pinned post or somewhere easily visible/accessible. I do not interact with writers under the age of 21. Please do not lie about your age. I will unfollow anyone who is racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, uses white washed fcs/characters or is unjustly discriminative. If you regularly vague or attack other writers for petty things like ships or fandom takes, I will unfollow. 
iii.   Please do not godmod or metagame. I will also softblock if I have made several attempts to interact with no reciprocation. I don’t mind turning memes into threads but please ask first, or I will not reply. ( Everyone gets 2 initial freebies without asking ).
iv.  This blog contains dark and potentially triggering themes. Please be safe! Some of which include: murder, manipulation, kidnapping, gore, torture, war, death genocide & abuse. All listed triggers will be tagged cw/tw “the trigger”. Sexual content will be tagged cw suggestive. I absolutely do not support, condone or agree with any of the thoughts or actions of my villain muses. Nor do I write them to portray such. For me, they are simply literary elements and writing them is a narrative exploration.
v. First of all, I respect everyone's ships. If I am not fond of a ship you enjoy, that doesn't mean you should not enjoy it freely! Ship hate is not tolerated here.
I enjoy dynamics of all types but I am little more hesitant with romantic ships. I just prefer to plot and develop our muses first to see if the chemistry is there before jumping into a ship. Please do not force or hint ships. Rather, if we are writing and plotting together and you think there is potential, just ask! The worst that will happen is I suggest an alternate dynamic.
Note that several of my villain muses are toxic & complicated people and therefore ships with them will not be healthy or conventionally romantic. I will warn you & ask for consent before engaging in this type of ship with said characters. That being said... while I am open to toxic dynamics, I will not write abusive romantic relationships. And I don't feel comfortable writing hero/villain ships where one muse has tortured, abused or traumatized another muse.
&. Hi! I am Ame. 30+ , my timezone is gmt -6. Welcome to my blog! Pardon my dust, I am still working on it. It was meant to be a small friends only space because I have limited time to set things up, but I have opened it up a little more. I do 90% of my writing from mobile and am pretty busy working and volunteering with a cat rescue so I will be quite slow at times. But I am so excited to meet you & create amazing stories together.
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i. Grand Admiral Sloane & Kartiza Ren ( @inarretable ) are located on side blogs attached to this blog. You can find more in depth information on these muses on their individual blogs. Threads and asks for Sloane and Karitza will be posted on their side blogs but you are free to send asks for these muses to this blog and/or the side blogs.
ii. Karitza Ren is an knight of ren oc for the star wars sequels that is currently affiliated with a group of knights. More information can be found here
iii. My portrayal of Oswald Cobblepot is based on the Gotham tv series with influences from various DC comics and my own headcanons.
iv. Ammit & Mara are myth inspired muses. Therefore there will be myth & minor religious references on my blog. I am drawing more from the myth aspect when writing these muse. That being said, these characters are simply based on myth and not meant to carry religious symbolism or accurately portray religious/mythological figures, as the narrative may take them down a different path.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Grace, Too - Director Orson Krennic x Reader (Rogue One)
🎉🎉 !!Fic Number 200!! 🎉🎉
Hollllly crap we made it. We MADE it. And as he was fic number 100, 200 had to be Krennic. HAD to be.
@wltz-bby​ @mandy23b​ @happyskywhale​ @missunsympathetic​
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Author’s Note:  Good god. Oh... This SONG has a lot to answer for. 
So, I was introduced to these ‘Courtly Love’ ideas, and I thought they sounded like a lot of fun, so I have a few requests based around these based on conversations. This was the first one I attempted and uh, yeah we ended up with this glorious wordcount.
Also, for my dear requestor and also dear friend @sagitariusrising​ Happy (Belated) Birthday! 😘💜💙 I hope this fic is everything you wanted!
Grace, Too - The Tragically Hip
Disclaimer: Premise/Idea not mine - although I did make some executive decision changes that I hope you still like / Rogue One characters not mine / some small Catalyst references.
Prompt: “A true lover is constantly and without intermission possessed by the thought of his beloved”
Premise: Orson Krennic has himself an obsession. You remind him too much of someone he once knew. Orson Krennic is dangerous. This much you know, but you are not about to heed your own warnings....
Words: 17,100
Warnings: Swearing / Possessiveness/Obsession/Yearning / Smut - like Sinday/Sunday smut. 
He said, I'm fabulously rich C'mon, just let's go She kinda bit her lip Geez, I don't know I come from downtown Born ready for you Armed with will and determination And grace, too The secret rules of engagement Are hard to endorse When the appearance of conflict Meets the appearance of force But I can guarantee  There'll be no knock on the door I'm total pro here That's what I'm here for I come from downtown Born ready for you Armed with skill and its frustration And grace, too
He had to admit Eadu was not his favourite planet in the galaxy. Susceptible to many a storm, Krennic had never known it not to be pouring whenever he arrived. He probably wouldn’t even have thought about travelling over at all, were his old friend Galen Erso not stationed there. True, it was an integral facility to the Death Star, but Krennic didn’t need to be here to survey operations, just receive the odd mail or two with updates. Krennic would much rather be at the heart of the weapon his was engineering; it was his project and his baby. But, he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to see Galen, and this was fairly important. He grimaced as he looked out at the rain again, hopefully this wouldn’t take too long either… *** You weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to the constant rainy patterns of weather here. No-one had ever really given you the uniform for it – having said that, how often did you really spend outside these days? A lot of your time was spent in labs pouring over facts and figures and complicated algorithms. You spent almost as much time in the labs as Galen did, which was certainly personal choice rather than because you were forced into long hours. You had two specialities: lasers and gem stones; you’d heard about the development of synthetic Kyber crystals and Galen’s work before, but you’d never beheld a real one until coming here. With the amount of effort you were putting in, you were starting to become a technical expert. (Also a little disappointed to say the least when you found out that synthetic Kyber hadn’t really worked as expected.) Still, when you and Galen weren’t working on your pet energy project – allegedly what this had been for in the first place, until the real reason for Kyber research came to the fore – you were working on the Death Star. Which was some glorified super laser, that needed Kyber to work and… well, precision focus, as any good laser should have. Kyber wasn’t only going to be used as a power source, but also to make sure that this laser had range and trajectory… and didn’t waver off that. Besides, looking at the design, although it would collectively become one laser, it started at multiple points across the span of the dish. If just one of those was wrong, would the laser even fire at all? So standing outside on the landing platform, having been summoned out here because apparently the Director of the whole project would be arriving, in the cold and wet was not your ideal start to the day. Especially as you’d been standing here for what felt like close to an hour. Where the heck was this guy? You’d heard a lot about Orson Krennic before now; not all of it was great, some of it was hearsay, but there was a lot of information you found interesting to say the least. He’d been working on this project (with or without Galen) for most of his adult life, so it didn’t surprise you that he’d be coming all the way out here for an update. You had only ever had the pleasure of being copied on emails to Krennic and the way he responded sometimes was downright scary. You were glad you’d never had to give him bad news… but with your project being what it was, it wouldn’t be long before you did have to face the wrath of his block capitals. Finally the sound of a cruiser cut through the air, by the distinctive sound it was a Delta-class T-3c. Yeah, you had a slight passion for ships too. You all stood to attention on the platform, fighting off the shivers from the wind chill, squinting for visibility through the sheet rain and trying not to get blown over either. When the door to the shuttle opened Galen stepped forward, to welcome your visitor. He was possibly around Galen’s age, and held a confidence and self-importance about him as he strode forward down the ramp. But he had grace, too. You were almost taken aback by the way Krennic smiled as he shook Galen’s hand firmly, conversation fairly urgent. You couldn’t even lip read them from here, but body language was easy to interpret and it didn’t take long for Krennic to have your boss on the back foot. But it wasn’t panic, only surprise. Galen beckoned the Director towards the facility but Krennic shook his head. This visit was clearly only to be brief; you weren’t about to have your first interaction with him after all; he wasn’t about to view your work, inspect it closely and criticize it. Maybe you were glad of that. The conversation wasn’t as fleeting as you thought, a lot of back and forth that had the rest of you shooting each other looks and wondering how much longer you had to stand to attention in the freezing weather. Eventually Galen gestured to all of you – you supposed he was saying ‘if you can’t come in, or stay very long, at least meet my team.’ Krennic seemed to consider this for a time, his eyes sweeping the line and freezing on you. Your breath caught for a moment – maybe it was just your imagination, but his gaze was certainly lingering on you, and those bright blue eyes of his were nothing short of captivating. You didn’t think you’d seen a blue like it anywhere in the galaxy. It felt like hours but it could only have been seconds before he turned back to Galen, they exchanged a few words briefly once more before Galen nodded and they shook hands again. Oh, he really was just going to leave? The Director walked brisky back towards his shuttle before turning and calling back something else that he’d clearly forgotten. Galen yelled something in response and Krennic half smiled, before his eyes flicked over Galen’s shoulder and returned to you. Yes. You were right, he was certainly focused on you. There was a rumble of thunder overhead and the lightning cracked across the sky. You had never minded the lightning; you found the colours and patterns fascinating. But those blue eyes were immediately illumined by the bright white flashes and you found yourself swallowing hard, you couldn’t place the look on his face but you weren’t sure it was so appropriate. That image was sure to haunt you. Krennic turned back, slower this time, and you found that you’d been holding your breath for quite some time.
Suddenly you didn’t think that you would mind receiving an email in block capitals from him at all. *** Galen was probably the least subtle he could possibly be when he was trying to be subtle. He’d been tiptoeing around something with you for a couple of days and it really was starting to annoy you. You slammed your stylus down on the table with a frustrated sigh and turned to him. “Galen, please, whatever it is… just tell me. You’re making me nervous!” He blinked a few times, taken aback by your tone – as if he hadn’t been making it very obvious. “I- I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.” You laughed, “Now I certainly will! What’s going on?” “…It’s not my idea, but it is my decision.” “What is?” You suddenly became scared yourself, “Are you firing me-!?” Galen’s eyes widened and he held his hands up, “What? NO, no… quite the opposite. I am…” He paused and thought to rephrase his question, “They need a crystallographer on the Death Star. A good one. Someone who can keep up with the team here. One who knows what she’s talking about.” You blinked a few times, before you understood, “You’re… sending me to the Death Star?” “Yes. B- but only if you want to go!” Wouldn’t that place you directly under Krennic’s authority? Why was it suddenly an exciting prospect? “I would be honoured. This is- your decision?” “They asked me for recommendations and there was only ever one choice.” That had you beaming, “Thank you for the opportunity, Galen.” “Well, I know you won’t let the facility down. And you’re always welcome back.” You chewed your lip thoughtfully for a second, and couldn’t help but ask: “What is he really like?” “Who?” “The Director.” Galen didn’t really answer the question, although a smile twitched on his face, “We met in the Futures Program. I’ve known him a very long time… I can’t say he’s ever changed.” “So he’s an adult teenage boy?” Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, but Galen laughed. “Well, he has qualities that you’d be forgiven for thinking he was one.” “Huh.” You nodded, “I’ll keep that in mind.” “But he is brilliant, of that there is no doubt. The Death Star project may have been going a long time, but I doubt anyone else could have completed it the way he has. Sharp. Intelligent. You’ll like him, I think.” You wondered if you already did. “Well, we’ll see if I’m begging to come back any time soon-!” He chuckled gently, “Well, I certainly hope not.” It didn’t take you very long to pack up, you were practically living out of boxes as it was. And you weren’t sure if you were nervous about having to move or not. You supposed you were in two minds; you’d actually get to see and be on the Death Star while you worked – sure the plans were one thing but, once you got a feel for the actual structure, maybe you could even be a little more experimental… The advantage of being on Eadu was you could hide away in a lab and make the 10,000 mistakes to get to the one (usually accidental) breakthrough. You were the only one judging yourself here, it was quiet; out there, and under Krennic, all eyes would be on what you were doing. You’d maybe be given the leeway of 2 or 3 mistakes but none more than that. And everything would be urgent. Needed yesterday! It was a good thing that you could work under pressure. Leaving was hard, and as you hugged Galen goodbye you couldn’t help but feel a pain in your heart: “I wish it didn’t mean leaving.” “You deserve it.” “Maybe. I hope I get to come back, eventually.” “We’ll certainly welcome you with open arms!” “Take care of yourself, Galen.” “And you – if he gives you any trouble, come straight to me.” You nearly grimaced, “Noted, but I really hope it doesn’t come to that!” *** The cruiser that picked you up wasn’t his, and you were glad the journey wasn’t as long as you expected, so you didn’t have too much time to overthink what was happening to you. In fact as the Death Star loomed into view your mouth was agape – you weren’t sure you expected the sheer size of it: easy to look at some numbers on a datapad but, when it was in front of you, you thought you might have bitten off a little more than you could chew. You were equally pleased and disappointed that Krennic was neither there to pick you up or greet you on the station – mostly because you didn’t seem to be able to find any appropriate words to say. The bustle of engineers, technicians and general command staff told you you were a million miles from your lab on Eadu, and you found yourself unable to communicate in anything other than one word awe filled sentences. Thankfully the Officer who greeted you seemed to understand, and as she walked you to your lab (everyone was obviously eager for you to start!) she chuckled warmly, “Don’t worry, I was exactly the same when I arrived here. It’s a lot. You’ll get used to it – and from what I understand you’ll be a very welcome addition to our team.” “Thanks,” You swallowed hard, “yes, I understand there’s an expectation on me here.” “Well, the Director only wants the best of the best.” She keyed you into the lab and then handed you your pass, “If you’re here it’s because you are the best. And he wants you.” You tried hard not to think about that in any way other than for your work, but it was hard. Ever since that look he’d given you as he left, those vivid blue eyes filled your dreams – including those that you’d rather Krennic kept out of. As she continued talking, she snapped you back to reality: “Anyway, I will leave you to get settled in here, all your things will be sent to your quarters. I’ll have someone sent up with all the details and your datapad.” She grinned at the door before she turned to head out, “Welcome to the Death Star!” *** You spent your time unpacking all your laboratory kit - some of this work you’d only trust to go right with your own gear that much was certain - before you started examining the lab closely. Everything was, as expected, state of the art, they had every machine it was possible to get in order to aid you on your quest to get these vectors just right. If the work wasn’t quite so serious this was almost a wonderland for you. As you continued to stare around the lab, making mental notes of exactly which you would need and would be the most useful for your work, the lab doors slid open again to another visitor. You turned to explain yourself away as the new girl but immediately froze. Standing opposite you, also seemingly glued to the spot and an unreadable look on his face, was none other than Director Krennic. You weren’t sure you expected to see him so soon, and you were still thoroughly unprepared for it. He recovered better than you. “I was told my new hire had arrived. You-” He paused for a minute, head tipped, before a small smile appeared on his face, “You’re from the Eadu facility!” After all, Krennic hadn’t asked only Galen for help in recruiting – you just had the best credentials. But he certainly recognised you from that platform. “Yes, Sir, Galen sent me – he said you were looking for a good crystallographer.” “Yes. And you’re here, welcome. It’s good to finally meet you in person.” “The honour is mine, Director, I look forward to working with you.” You swallowed hard, “Believe me, it is me that is honoured… uhm?” “Oh, Y/N, Sir.” Then you blushed forgetting yourself, “Ah! Officer L/N!” That smile became a gentle smirk, “Would it be so awful for me to refer to you by your first name?” “…I’m sorry, I… It’s how we do things on Eadu, I… realise that I am not there anymore Sir, forgive me.” You could feel yourself getting hotter. “You need not be forgiven, Y/N. I’m happy to do things your way.” Krennic placed a datapad on the table in front of him, “It’s all set up correctly, I made sure of that myself. I have to make sure my researcher is well equipped on the first day of her job, after all.” On top of it he lay another access card, “You’ll need that for your room, your ID will allow you access to almost as many files as me, I figured you’ll need them.” Krennic’s blue eyes fell back on you, “Anything you can’t access you come directly to me, and anything else you need, the same. I will make sure it reaches you promptly.” “Yes, Sir.” You nodded through his explanation, “Thank you.” Krennic nodded back, looking around the room, “Tell me, how do you like the lab?” “It’s certainly state of the art. There’s probably not another one like it across the galaxy. There’s a lot I would like to explore with these devices once I’m finished with my work for the Battle Station. Time permitting.” Krennic shrugged, “Do what you will with the time that you have free. I expect you’ll work hard.” “Yes, Sir.” “Good.” He winked stepping back from you, “I will leave you to get settled, and may I welcome you to the Death Star! I’m very excited to see what you can do for us!” And by that smirk on his face, yes, you could bet… Krennic hurried back to his office cursing himself. Yes, he wanted the best – and he had absolutely no doubt that he would get it with you. He’d read every CV in great detail; obviously he’d paid more attention to those from Galen, considering the weaponry was coming from that lab, but Galen had neglected to mention that you were with him on Eadu in his note for you. You were Galen’s first choice, and Orson Krennic was not about to go against his friend’s advice. It was just your look. Not just physically, but that look on your face – he couldn’t shake it.  Now he could bet that your personality would be similar just to curse him… He didn’t fall in love often, not hard. Orson could fall in and out of ‘love’ with people very quickly – always liked to keep a string of bed mates, if he didn’t fall in love, and didn’t necessarily care, then he wouldn’t get hurt. And he hardly needed to put in much effort, a little bit of flirting and an expensive drink was all he usually needed. Besides, now Krennic had this rank bar and a reputation, so he probably needed even less: sometimes people were trying to pick him up – he couldn’t say he wasn’t flattered. On the occasions he did though – it usually had the proficiency to mess him up. You reminded him very much of a girl he’d known in the Futures Program – back when he was young and reckless. Okay, Krennic could back track on that sentence, young. That, first love, fast heartbeat, can’t stop staring, ‘only thing in the world that matters’ kind of feeling. The kind of love that at that age would make him naïvely think it’d be forever – where their ambitions would meld together and everything would just work out. Even if they had no idea how. Krennic would stand by it as a real love, a feeling he had chased since he lost her. He’d fallen that hard again since – sure – but never in the same way. Orson didn’t think you could ever get a ‘first love’ feeling back. And he certainly didn’t want to ever feel like he did when it ended again. But you, and your face, and your body, and that look you gave him – all Krennic could see in you was her. Turning to his datapad for a second he had half a mind to see who your parents were, then stopped short of himself. ‘Don’t be stupid, Orson, she’s too old for that!’ – even if marginally. It made him curious about you though, what if your personality was the same? What if all of these factors culminated in him… feeling like that about you. He almost cursed at himself. ‘Don’t be stupid, she works for you, and you’ll shake it. It’s just the shock, it’s two or three glimpses of her face – you’ll be able to pick out all the differences in no time. Then you won’t think about what you loved and lost… or yearn for it back.’ Krennic scoffed at the very idea of him yearning, but brought you up on his datapad anyway. A smirk started to spread its way across his face as he lingered on your photograph. Well, he certainly wasn’t averse to one of you getting messed up in the process of this partnership…
 Krennic was right, one of you was going to get messed up by this; and it seemed more obvious now that person was going to be him. He wanted your personality to be different to hers, then he could form some distinction - and for the most part you had differences, you were your own woman. The problem was Krennic let himself get obsessed over the similarities, those small details that wouldn’t have mattered to anyone else. And if he was honest those parts of you that were nothing like her just messed him up even more, because he liked those too. He liked you for you. It worried him.
You busied yourself with your work and tried to keep out of everyone’s way. You very much hoped it might be ‘out of sight out of mind’; but knew with the importance of the project you wouldn’t have that luxury. That had you experimenting until the early hours of the morning sometimes - and you always sent Krennic an update email last thing before you went to bed. Just so he never had to come looking himself: you’d heard all about him, but now you were here you’d witnessed it yourself. And Krennic screaming at people in corridors was not something you were that ready for. You did not want that wrath coming down on you, so you tried to keep one step ahead of the man that knew this station inside and out. What amazed you was, as you placed your datapad down for the evening and settled into your sheets, more often than not you’d receive a ‘ping’ to let you know of incoming mail. You’d ignored it for a while but - being too curious - investigated, only to find Krennic had sent you a thank you note. ‘What the heck is he still up working for!?’ Well, this became a regular occurrence, and tonight was no different - only now you waited to see if he’d reply and you smiled as it came in. ‘Why can’t everyone do this?  Do you know how well this Station would run!? Thank you. As ever. - K.’ You hovered over the reply button, as you had nearly all week. Every single time the knot in your stomach made you panic and you bailed out. Not tonight. ‘You are welcome, Director. Just doing my job. It’s getting late, you should probably get some rest.’ As he had, you signed off with your initial. It took him all of 5 seconds to reply, ‘I could say the same.  Goodnight, Y/N. – K.’ ‘Goodnight, Director. Sleep well.’ You grimaced as the message flew off to the other side of the Death Star, was that a step too far? Oh well. Couldn’t take it back now!
Eventually your reports got shorter, not for lack of trying, but progress was slow. And you always tried to make ‘nothing really happened today’ last for as many pages as possible. But you realised quickly that Director Krennic was smart enough to read between the lines; he never asked for more than you gave him, but as he started asking you for progress updates, rather than waiting until you sent them, you knew he wasn’t far off the point where you might start receiving those dreaded block capital emails.
It wasn’t like what you’d done up until now wasn’t hard; it was. It was just now you were at a snagging point and you really didn’t want to have to redo what you’d already done to get past it. It also wasn’t something you could easily bypass. And you couldn’t ignore it. If you got this wrong that laser didn’t work - and it’d all come back on you. This calculation was going to take time you didn’t have - NOBODY had - and the pressure was starting to get you frustrated.
You didn’t actually receive a block capital email, but an impromptu visit to your lab. And the colour must have immediately drained from your face - to counteract the way your heart decided to beat like a kick drum - because Krennic raised his hands in almost apology. “Thought it might be quicker to ask you rather than you to write up a report.” “Well you already know it’s not going well.” “I know woolly language when I see it. You don’t need to use filler with me. If you’re stuck just say so.” “Forgive me, Sir, but I don’t exactly want to get yelled at, and there’s a lot at stake here.” You cursed yourself internally for being so comfortable with talking to him like this. But decided that it might be best to speak your mind. “Why would I yell at you?” You gave him a pointed look that Krennic understood, but he didn’t think you quite understood the question. Why would he yell at you? Instead he cleared his throat, “I understand… Why don’t you, walk me through it?” “Can you help?” It wasn’t meant to come out so disbelieving, and you thought you’d put your foot in it about 10 times during this conversation already - but Krennic just shrugged. “I’ll see if I can assist. Maybe I’ll have a perspective you’re not thinking of.” You took a breath, “Okay...” “Okay.” He gave a firm nod, and sat at one of the lab tables, “What exactly are you trying to achieve that you cannot?” You took a deep breath, “Think of holding a laser pointer,” you collected one, and as a demonstration you pointed it at the blank wall and clicked it on; “Even with a steady hand, or two hands, there’s movement.” The dot wasn’t wiggling much but Krennic nodded along, “Well, this station is just a massive destructive laser pointer, with 8 different lasers all coming together… so in fact there’s 9 laser pointers in total. Even a millimetre out can be the difference between this laser working, or catching on something we don’t want it to and blowing up Imperial Forces, or - god forbid - the entire station…!” You walked over to a little holder you’d rigged up, placing the pen upon it and stepping back: “Crudely speaking when focusing a laser through Kyber it should keep the laser's trajectory steady with pinpoint accuracy, whilst also maintaining the power and range of the laser. It’s a multipoint system, if even one of those points is off, the whole thing fails. And what better to take the power of a laser created by Kyber than…” “Kyber.” You smiled enthusiastically, “Exactly!” Krennic looked back at the dot on the wall, “So what’s your snag?” You turned the datapad to face him, “This.” He raised an eyebrow immediately, “That’s… a lot of numbers.” “Yes. And every time I calculate it, it’s an error. And it needs to balance because it’s got to work between-” “Nine lasers.” You said in unison. “Correct.” You smiled, liking that he was getting it. “I don’t expect Kyber not to be able to take the force, it’s the making sure we’re hitting it all just right. To check how much the crystals might refract the energy. To make sure there’s not a power surge… I just can’t get the power balance right to get the trajectory… not to do something ridiculously wild.” “Or make the whole station virtually useless.” “Yes. And the thing is that the number is nearly always the same. You know, like… I’m point-5 out, and yet I can’t figure out where that is coming from. Freakin’ crystals, and Kyber is notoriously the worst!” You placed your hands on your hips, “I’ll get it. I just need time.” He nodded, “You have time believe me.” Krennic stood, “I believe I should leave you to it.” “But the completion of the-” “Let me worry about that. You worry about getting my vectors right. You have time.” That he could promise you. Krennic didn’t want you to panic, he thought that would throw this project into even more disarray. He needed you with a level head and at your best mindset. He thought he knew how to do just that. You flushed, “Thank you, Director.” “Don’t mention it, Y/N.” He paused as he got to the door, turning back to you those blue eyes caught yours and you nearly jumped at the dark flicker across them. “I look forward to reading your report, tonight.” The way his voice lowered like that, how that smooth tone he usually kept laced with a growl had you struggling to breathe as he left, and you had to undo your uniform and catch your breath. ‘Geez, what was that!?’ Did you have a thing for your senior commander? A real thing!? Sure those damn eyes were always haunting your dreams, and he was nearly always your daily closing thought (but he put himself there, didn’t he!) but… this was more than that, this was a physical reaction - and you were sure he was eliciting an emotional one from you, too. “God dammit, Y/N,” you breathed, looking back to the door and wishing he’d come walking back through it, “could you have a worse idea-!?” *** He had to be honest he wasn’t sure why he had no semblance of control around you; it should have been easy to control. Krennic spent his life trying to control his emotions… okay, maybe not very well but he did. You had him smiling all over the place. He far outstayed his welcome in the lab whenever he found reason to go down there; and Krennic certainly found plenty of reason. Usually if he visited anyone at their work station he was either none too pleased with them, or he wanted their report - and quickly! - before he swept himself off to another meeting or urgent matter around the station. He liked the sound of your voice explaining things to him; and how every question he asked was met with not just an answer, but a good answer. Instead of a string of ‘I don’t know, sir’s. Nothing Krennic asked of you ever seemed like trouble either; then again he supposed you wouldn’t really want to refuse the Director of the Death Star what he wanted. It was obvious you wanted to remain here, and you were trying to do your very best to figure out all these algorithms alone.
Krennic sent you an assistant and even got you on calls with people in similar fields. The assistant stayed with you a little, until it got a little too complicated even for them and you dismissed them with thanks - you’d got a step closer, that’s all you could ask for. Eventually though, you had to reach out to Galen - and Krennic wanted to sit in on these calls. You wondered if it was because he thought the two of you would spend the majority of it dragging him - you rather thought you might be giving him a string of compliments with half the chance to do so. And the three of you started to break your work down to basics. Krennic’s new perspective aided more than you really wanted to admit to him, but he had this attitude that made you think he wanted to be useful here - and it made you more than a little suspicious. Maybe he really was spying on you both…
Krennic wasn’t sure if he wasn’t forcing the relationship to grow beyond appropriate parameters, all discussions did still revolve around work after all, but was happy that you were forthcoming. Spending more time with you meant he could analyse you more - and whilst you still very much reminded him of his ex-lover, you were becoming your own person. The person who filled his thoughts. You were almost his every waking moment. When in your lab together, even when Krennic was listening to every word, he was watching your body - the way you moved was fluid as you eagerly explained something and demonstrated. But meticulous and calculating when you were working on a screen - absolutely none of your energy was wasted that could have been used to think on the problem. And yet even every small movement you made was significant. Usually to cross through or correct a calculation. Change your vector arrows around a little. Krennic liked watching you do this too, because when it was all correct you gave this small satisfied smile, and even though it was to yourself, it was very endearing - it was one thing he always looked forward to seeing.
Tonight, as ever, Krennic was agonising over waiting for your report. No matter how exhausted he might be when he finally retired to his quarters for the evening, he always knew your end of day email would come through and Krennic forced himself to stay awake for it. Mostly so he could read too much into the string of ‘flirty’ emails that followed it, but he couldn’t have been the only one who read that energy. After all, sometimes he gratuitously flirted back, and you still kept responding. As soon as he heard that ping he rushed across the room to read it. You reporting was always concise even though you managed not to leave a single detail out - and now he knew more about your work, it was easier to understand and for him to scan through. Krennic would be more thorough tomorrow. ‘Thorough as ever, Ms. L/N. – K.’ ‘I like to make sure you don’t need to ask questions.’ ‘Where’s the fun in that? – K.’ ‘It helps me sleep better.’ ‘Me not ask questions about your reporting? – K.’ ‘Goodnight Director. Please get some sleep!’ He remembered the first time that he’d read that goodnight from you, how he’d stared at those words for a long time - heart stilled. It didn’t help him sleep at all, far from it. In fact nothing about you seemed to help anything - except Krennic thinking on you.
You were impressive - dare he say that you had more skill in your particular area than maybe even Galen did. That, added to the weight of his constant Futures Program reminder, kept you at the forefront of his mind constantly. Krennic found it very hard to concentrate on his own work; and his thoughts wandered, particularly in meetings he found to be less than stimulating. He’d poured over your CV and your previous published research time and again. Read all your imperial records and anything Intelligence could get hold of on you. Krennic knew almost everything there was to know, and yet he wanted to hear it all from you. And you seemed less than forthcoming with information that was personal. That almost worried him - maybe you weren’t looking for anything other than a professional relationship with him. Krennic wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to keep it that way; eventually he’d have to make some kind of move - he couldn’t let you go without you knowing. He wasn’t about to let you be the (other) one that got away. Not both of you. Time ticked on this evening, and he lay in his sheets wide awake. Work was making him drowsy; and he’d been up and down trying to work himself to sleep, but every time he put his datapad down and switched off the lights he was alert again. Krennic glanced at the clock and groaned, watching the minutes race towards his alarm. Unsurprisingly it was thoughts of you that were keeping him awake. Usually you were on his mind at night; you were certainly the last one before he turned the light off, but usually he could drift to sleep perfectly fine. Not tonight. Krennic placed his hands palm down on his stomach, inhaling and exhaling slowly: wasn’t that how you did it? Deep, slow, calming breaths. That evidently made things worse, and his breathing patterns this time brought with them fairly vivid images that occasionally he’d seen in dreams. Certainly none of them were very professional - and all of them were about you. ‘Stars-! Orson, stop it!’ But he couldn’t, and his mind wanted to play tricks on him, trying to make him imagine what it would feel like to touch your bare skin, to hear you moan quietly, the way you might say his name in elation. He growled to himself as heat gathered a little lower than his hands were. He moved them, breaths already short and sharp and not at all where he’d intended to be at… “This is a bad idea.” Orson groaned softly and bit his lip, squeezing his eyes shut bringing all those images back; did he really have any better ones? *** It wasn’t a lie to state you were getting closer. At least to the point where Krennic started to make jokes in meetings that were clearly meant for you only. And when you looked up to him unsure if it was appropriate to laugh and he’d almost dare you to, you knew they certainly were. He’d always ask for a score out of 10 in his emails to you now. And it was refreshing for you to find a similar relationship to the one you had with Galen here… well, maybe you shouldn’t have been surprised. They were good friends after all, and there had to be a reason for that. Krennic also made a habit of being wherever you were. And you weren’t sure that was so endearing. You understood why he would want to be around your lab - maybe not as often as he was, but then… perhaps you knew the reason for that too, you just didn’t want to hope on it - but not why he’d turn up in corridors he had no business being in. Or would end up in the cafeteria at the exact moment you walked in. He even ended up in staff briefings he’d specifically asked someone else to take either so he could sit or stand near you. You couldn’t help but find some of this behaviour odd: was Krennic stalking you? Was he looking out for you? Was he protecting you? You couldn’t imagine it was just coincidence - and part of you hoped it wasn’t. You just couldn’t really tell his intentions. That’s what scared you the most.
By now you’d heard the coffee room chat about Krennic - seemed he had a bit of a lady’s man reputation. Pretty smooth at getting you into bed, but would love you and leave you just as fast, and on-to-the-next-one. Were you simply the next one? Because as much as by now you wanted to be, you certainly didn’t want to be one on a list… love you was okay… but leave you? You weren’t the type of woman who would put yourself in that position. For him would you?
It made you a little more cautious around him, and suddenly that made your relationship slip. Because you didn’t know if you should be flirting with him or joking with him as much as you were. This pull back from you didn’t faze Krennic too much, just made him try a little harder. For you it then became obvious what he wanted. And you had to do your damndest to control yourself. You both did.
You were using every ounce of your Imperial training to try to ignore your feelings, to make sure your face stayed level and revealed nothing. You always tried to keep your eyes on his face; instead of the wandering they wanted to do - even when he wasn’t directly talking to you. That didn’t mean that when he was walking away from you, or simply keeping busy in your lab, you weren’t discreetly checking him out. You had to wonder what he looked like out of that uniform, considering he looked so gorgeous in it. You were inexplicably drawn to him, but you weren’t sure if it was his power you were attracted to: the rank bar on that uniform told everyone exactly who was boss and he walked like he owned every corridor in this place. He didn’t even need to exert his influence in meetings, everyone knew he was the most important man in the room. When Krennic had something to say everyone listened, even when he said it quietly. You’d never known someone to command that kind of attention, and considering that reputation you were not the only officer - of any gender - who fawned over him. You were just the best at hiding it. That charisma he exuded really was something to behold; he was just far too confident. Maybe a little conceited in it too, but you were sure you’d be powerless to it. The Director probably had the ability to walk up to you and say “Come to bed with me” and you’d go on that alone, you knew if he was so inclined, he could just say it like that. It was probably in your favour that Krennic liked to be a little more suave. Krennic seemed like one for class and grace. Or was it that you really were attracted to him, that you had some kind of undeniable chemistry. That you would almost count him a friend. That you just liked being in Krennic’s aura and talking to him about work… you’d even started to open up to him about personal stuff, where you’d grown up, your family… how exactly you’d ended up a crystallographer who was working here on laser vectors. And most importantly how much you loved storms, planetary or solar - this seemed like something you had to let him know. Just a silly little fact, perhaps, but to you it really meant something. It was little moments like that, when he laughed at your stories, that you thought this really might be mutual attraction, rather than someone Krennic just wanted to get in bed.
Yet, you had an effect on him also and he tried to hide it as well as you did. You caught it, only because you knew the look of someone trying to contain themselves. You saw it in the mirror or polished surfaces of this battle station all the time. Krennic quite often clenched his jaw around you, he had this habit of staring at you like he was staring through you; and sometimes he would just stare forward if you were next to him. That almost annoyed you, because you wanted to be able to look into those crystal blue orbs just once... But if Krennic was watching you, then it was an altogether different story, and if he ever caught you catching him, that look in his eyes didn’t disappear; it was hungry, and although it stirred something within you that you had to fight even harder to control, it scared you a little too - and in the back of your mind it lit a spark that became a raging fire. And you had to know, would he act on that look too? You made a vow, before you’d finished your work, before you’d left this battle station - you would find out.
Today hadn’t been so bad by all accounts; the test you’d set up you would have to leave overnight, so you got out of the lab on time. Maybe you’d even get an early night tonight. Maybe you’d persuade the Director to one of his own with your report email; you thought he probably needed it. A frown pulled its way across your face as you arrived at your quarters with the door open, and you poked your head around it, gasping to find other officers moving things around, and carrying what appeared to be boxes of your stuff. You hadn’t authorised this! “What’s going on!?!” You blurted, a little angrier than you’d meant, “What are you doing!?” Then you froze for a second; had you read something wrong? You knew something was up with him… but maybe you were supposed to have acted on it by now? Maybe your work was taking too long - was he pissed at you? Did Krennic want you off the station!? You looked to the most senior officer, “Am I being thrown off the project?!” “No.” At least you could breathe then, “We’re simply moving your quarters.” “Moving my quarters?” You couldn’t help but be confused: had you missed that email? It seemed a little too important to just be sprung upon you. “On whose orders!? I haven’t signed off on this!” “Director Krennic’s.” That shut you up almost immediately. ‘Oh well shit, what’s he moving me for!?’ You swallowed hard, not even caring if it was visible. “Well, in that case you better show me where I’m moving to…”
Once you got there - and they assured you that your key card would still work - you realised that you hadn’t just moved to any old room. Krennic had moved you to a commander's quarters, and it was plush to say the least. You had so much more room in here. The bay window stretched at least half the room and you couldn’t help your small smile; ‘he remembered’. Your little stories of staying up huddled in a window frame to watch storms in nearby, or passing, solar systems and planets. You shook your head slowly to yourself and picked up your datapad again, figuring out where exactly you were on the ship - further from the labs, which was a minor inconvenience. It seemed that at least there was an elevator close by that you could use to get to the right floor and then it’d be a straight walk. What interested you though was, looking at the schematic, you appeared to be just two corridors away from Krennic’s own room. That was not coincidence. “Son of a-” suddenly you found yourself laughing. Why? So he could walk past your room every day? So he had you closer? And looking at the rooms around, probably as close as he could get: you were surrounded by his senior command team.
You moved through the room, and started to notice little details that he’d had placed here; books by your favourite authors, or researchers… your favourite music. Maybe you’d told him far too much about yourself. But it was the fact he retained the information that had you impressed. He’d even left you a box, tied with ribbon in your bathroom, and when you pulled at it you found it was filled with very expensive toiletries, that you knew he wouldn’t have been able to come by easily, in all your favourite scents. Nothing is coincidence at all… is it Krennic? Was he trying to woo you - was this all part of a game plan; you could only conclude yes. And by the way your heart was currently beating in your chest, you had to say it was working.
Moving back into the main room and sitting back on the bed with your datapad, ready to send your report for the evening, you’d failed to notice the letter lying on top of your sheets. You pulled your finger across the top of the envelope and unfolded the card carefully: ‘Dear Y/N, Welcome to your new quarters. I believe someone of your talent is worthy of somewhere a little nicer. You will find me just down the hall if you need anything, and please do not hesitate. I hope you enjoy your stay here. And, should there be a storm, that you enjoy the view. Director Orson C. Krennic Head - Imperial Weapons Division’ The card also seemed to be scented, which you had to raise an eyebrow at; ‘who uses scented note cards?! What’s that all about!?’ You put it down to having more money than sense and placed the card on your bedside table, before getting back to what was really important.
As expected, even when it was a little earlier in the evening, Orson Krennic responded to your email almost immediately. ‘Earlier than usual? You really are efficient, Y/N. – K.’ ‘Thought I would get an early night in Director… in my new quarters. You should to.’ - You weren’t meant to imply together, but you also didn’t care if that’s how he read it. ‘Any thoughts? – K.’ ‘They are very nice, thank you. Although in future a little more notification would help!’ ‘Noted. And as you are closer, you can deliver your reports in person now – K.’ You raised an eyebrow, why would that make any sense? ‘When I can send it over email?’ Why... would you? Even when closer the time it’d take you to walk to his quarters, give him the document and walk back, would still be far longer than an email. ‘Consider it. – K.’ ‘I will!’ You weren’t sure you would, but that was what he wanted to hear. And of course you’d play to that whim. ‘Good. Goodnight, Y/N – K.’ ‘Goodnight Orson.’ You stared at the email after you’d sent it and almost screamed. What were you doing-!?! Why were you addressing a senior officer by his first name!? What was he bringing you to? You placed your head in your hands and took a deep breath. ‘Okay, it’s one slip and you can say you were tired and apologise profusely later…’
You threw your tablet on your table too and snuggled back under your new plush sheets. The bed was cozy and soft and suddenly you couldn’t be happier that Krennic had arranged for this. You closed your eyes; it was this time of the evening you liked to try and ground yourself. It was clear that both of you wanted each other to some degree, but you were the one that had to be sure about this and the most careful. You had more to lose here; Krennic had the ability to kick you off the project, not just out of his bed… if you ever got in it. But by now you were pretty sure you would end up in it. It was more a matter of when. He was powerful, you’d covered that. But Krennic was also dangerous, that much was also obvious… dangerous in terrible and delicious ways. So perhaps, as well as everything else, you were drawn to that danger. You wondered suddenly which side of him would show up more when it was just the two of you alone… in conditions more intimate. Would that power completely consume you; did you have any chance at all? You weren’t sure you wanted any at just the opportunity to be pinned under his body. To run your hands over his skin. To answer all the questions you had, and see if all those water cooler rumours were true… (You hoped to God some of them were.)
You were close to drifting off when your eyes suddenly snapped open. Krennic was your favourite pre-sleep thought, and your subconscious tonight brought you a revelation. That note card was not scented. You scrambled around for it and held it close to your face, inhaling. That was what Krennic smelled like - you should know because you’d always thought he smelt pretty good, it was a fairly subtle scent when on his skin - here it was a little stronger, which is why it had taken you so long to pick up on it.
That damn man had sprayed his note to you with his cologne. *** You decided that Krennic knew far too much about you. On the morning after your move you opened your door to head back to the labs, so you could check on the results of your testing, and Krennic was two steps from your door. You were startled by his sudden presence but he offered nothing but a small smile and a casual, “Right on time, Ms. L/N.” “Uh- I- Director.” You wouldn’t exactly say you greeted him as he felt in step with your walk towards the elevator. “How do you think your testing went?” “Well…” You took a deep breath, instantly regretting it as that cologne seemed to surround you completely. Now your senses were looking for it. Your stomach knotted and you felt the immediate urge to press your thighs together and groan. Dammit. “Well?” Krennic pressed, eying you when you didn’t answer. You hoped your face wasn’t flushing even though you felt hot. “It’s a make or break test. I certainly hope it’s worked.” You could hear that strained edge to your voice, you knew for certain Krennic would have picked up on it. As you turned into the elevator you immediately reached for your button, the Director was two steps ahead of you and your hands brushed. You withdrew yours immediately, and knew you must have been red by now. “S-Sorry.” “No, my apologies, I just wanted to help.” You stared at the floor of the elevator for a good few minutes, holding your fingertips in your other hand. Why did it tingle like that? You didn’t actually ever think you’d physically touched him before, had you? Even when you’d been so close previously in the lab. But it’s not even like it was his skin. In fact, for someone with such a reputation, Krennic had very little skin on display at all. Did he ever not wear gloves? Not that you could recall. ‘Stop-! Y/N! You sound so repressed! You’ve seen naked men before.’ Your eyes flicked back to Krennic, staring at the ceiling, and you swallowed hard. Sure, but you hadn’t seen him naked. The rest of the ride was conducted in silence, because you didn’t trust yourself not to blurt out anything you shouldn’t, but as you left Krennic took a step to stop the doors from closing. “What, not even a goodbye?” You paused in the corridor and turned back to him, unable to stop yourself from smiling that he actually wanted that from you. “Goodbye Director, have a good day.” “Not likely, but work permitting. Good day, Y/N.” and as the doors slid closed on him you caught his wink, and could swear he was smirking.
You stood outside your little lab for a long time before you entered. You admitted to yourself you were delaying the inevitable but you needed to. After all, if this was a complete failure then you might as well throw out almost a years’ worth of work. Well, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but at least all the months you’d been up here on the battle station. You’d need a good stiff drink and to cry in bed for a couple of days at the very least. Oh, and you’d probably be fired, reputation in ruins… You keyed yourself in and flicked on the lights. What you had done was rigged up a few small versions of the Death Star and set each of them to different vectors. The pieces of Kyber you were using were tiny, but they would still work in principle with your laser pens.
You stared at the points on the wall in turn. One had disappeared completely, which was all but useless to you. It didn’t mean that the calculation wasn’t steady: it could have just meant that the trajectory was way off. Either way, you could discount that as a failure. And the next one; giving a similar waver to when you’d shown Krennic what ‘steady hands’ really meant. Although minimal, you’d already explained why you couldn’t stand for it. That left the last two. And the results looked fairly similar even though your vectors were different for both. You had to call the result unexpected: perhaps there were two ways to do this. You looked back to your little models and then to the points, waving your hand in front of the lasers. And then you smiled, and that small smile became a grin, became a laugh of triumph. Although both were near perfect, the third one had a far stronger beam of light. There was your power. The second most important part of the project. The station had to do what it was built for when the laser reached its target, after all. “We have a winner.” You whispered to yourself walking back to your table. Now you had to report these findings and scale them up to full size. Working in other contingency factors - after all that laser would not be travelling through clean air in a lab and hitting a solid smooth wall. That would be fun.   Still, you couldn’t wait on his report to tell him the good news. ‘Report spoilers: It works!’ There was a long pause between emails, and you could picture Krennic sitting at his desk, relief flooding him, smug little smirk on his face that this was finally going to get done - the finish line seemed in sight now. You hoped you’d made his day. When the email came back you couldn’t help but read into it a little more than you probably should have, and yet you also thought he wanted you to: ‘This sounds like a cause for celebration... – K.’
You did not in fact bring the report to him by hand, and neither did he ask it of you, but from that day forward you were called into his office daily briefings. And suddenly you got to realise just what your research meant to the people working on this station, because the first day you walked in, expecting to see just him, the room was full of his top engineers and each and every single one of them was applauding you. “Now the real work begins.” Krennic was leaning against his desk, arms folded, with eyes only for you. “Welcome, Y/N, to the team that will build your concept. From physical engineering to coding. I will assist in overseeing you, but the team are now at your disposal. From now, until test day.” Your eyes couldn’t help but light up, even though you knew you should have probably been professional about this. “Thank you, Director.” You beamed, “I look forward to working with all of you. Let's make this vision a reality, for the Empire!”
Suddenly this was better than anything you’d had with Krennic before - you almost had non-stop contact with him, from walking out of your door in the morning, to retiring for the evening. And you were happy to find that he provided both the perfect intellectual and humorous stimulant. You also noted how many crew members now looked at you with nothing but jealousy. Despite the fact nothing had happened between you yet. The way he regarded you was now even more open. Every look that followed every little flirtatious comment or innuendo was extremely pointed. Sometimes his eyes would even darken. It scared you enough to have you shy away from him; but also had you scared at how much you desired him. You just wanted him to touch you, just the smallest taste. To be honest you didn’t care what he did, as long as he did something. Krennic could bend you over his desk in front of your entire engineering team for all you cared anymore.
Speaking of your engineering team, you’d never seen a group of people work harder or more efficiently, and seeing them turn all your data and tiny models into tangible pieces for the Death Star was wonderful. You gasped to see the sheer size of the Kyber they had harvested to give your vectors pinpoint accuracy. “I have never… seen Kyber like that!” And the way Krennic got all smug again, “Only the best for you. Of course.” “You flatter me, Sir.” And that little knowing nod he gave you back. Once everything started to go into place, and you got word that Galen was almost finished with the laser itself (you received many an email from him about how proud he was and so many others from your friends back on Eadu that you almost cried, thanking them again and again for their participation in even the smallest part of your research), that the dish was currently in the process of being assembled outside and you couldn’t believe you were doing this. You couldn’t believe you were about to be a part of history. Your name was going to be right up there. Never even in your wildest dreams... As you could take a little more time over your reports these days, and there was far less for you to really comment on, you did start to present Krennic with physical copies. Usually just before you headed off for the evening you would drop them off on his desk with a small smile, and he would drag them towards him. “Glad to see you are taking my advice.” “Well, as you seemed fairly adamant I did it, I thought I had better start, Director.” “They do make for good bedtime reading.” “I’ll bet…” Only for the last week you’d started spraying them with your perfume, very subtly at first, but steadily the scent became stronger, and oh, he had noticed. When the doors closed behind you this evening he held the report to his nose and inhaled, groaning as heat coursed through his body. Krennic couldn’t take it any longer, he knew exactly what you were doing. Both of you were dancing around it, and now neither of you were being very subtle, either. But this was the final straw - because he wanted this scent all over him. What it would feel like to pin you beneath him, have your body against his as you whined and called his name, what it would feel like to finally be inside you… He’d certainly thought on it in quieter moments of the evening enough… *** Tonight your report was late. Not for no good reason; you had a lot of data to review. Galen kept sending you updated laser figures to get you as close as possible with your final vectors. Oh, you had no doubt that the Kyber could take it. You’d given a wide berth for the perimeters; but still, you wanted to check and triple check. On your head be it if you didn’t and everything went wrong. Still you wanted to stop by Krennic’s office to let him know why it would be late, as you always seemed to bring it to him around this time these days.
Krennic looked up as you walked in, without even knocking, but he hardly cared about that. His eyes narrowed at the lack of papers in your arms. “Where is my report?” Your face scrunched a little, “If you’d let me get a word out Director, I would tell you. I have a lot of data back from Galen that I want to check and double check before I send it over to you. I want to give you as accurate data and results as possible. So it’ll probably be late, or later than it has been these past few weeks.” Krennic tilted his head, eyebrow raised “Late?” He didn’t sound very appreciative. “Only about as ‘late’ as used to be normal.” He rose from his chair, and those blue eyes locked on yours, “Late-late bedtime reading? This from a woman who says I should be going to bed earlier.” “This once!” You protested as he rounded his desk. “You think that’s good enough?” You didn’t understand why he’d be mad at you, and Krennic didn’t sound mad… but the words he was using… “Well I didn’t think you’d mind.” “Oh, believe me, I mind.” “I-” You were about to tell him you were sorry - although really you had nothing to be sorry for - but he didn’t stop beside you. Instead Krennic stood behind you, a little too close for your liking.
You froze immediately as his voice lowered to a whisper, reaching out to brush a lock of hair behind your ear. The scrape of leather against your skin made you shiver, and you only wished it was his fingertips. You bit back your moan. “I am alone in my quarters after 2200 hours, it sounds like I’ll have data to review with you: that’s an order.” You swallowed unsure of the kind of response he wanted, “Yes, Sir.” slipped out of your mouth and he seemed satisfied. “Good girl. I want it on paper, as you’ve been doing recently.” “Yes, Sir.” “Well then…” He stepped away from you and you realised that you’d barely breathed for the past few minutes, “You best get to it, hadn’t you?” “Yes, Sir.” What was wrong with you!? Was that all you could say!? When you turned around he’d already moved away, crossing the room. “Good. Now go. And don’t make me wait, Y/N.” Krennic glanced over his shoulder at you, blue eyes burning, “As I’m sure you know by now, I am not a patient man.” *** You had to admit the pressure was on now. Because you did really want to present him with a decent report. (Just in case he wasn’t messing with you and he would be pissed if you didn’t turn up at 2200 with the correct figures.) And you sat back in the lab speed typing your way to the end whilst also trying to be as careful about Galen’s calculations as possible. You were right of course, his new figures still worked perfectly within your own. You looked at the clock, 2130. And the Director had told you not to be late. You printed the report and rushed back to your quarters; your heart was beating on overdrive. Was this about to be the encounter you’d always imagined? The throbbing ache between your thighs you’d also been trying (and failing) to ignore since he’d brushed his fingers to your skin earlier certainly hoped so. You barely had time for a quick shower to freshen up, but you took it anyway before changing and spraying yourself with that same perfume you’d been dousing your reports in, and hoping you wouldn’t run into anyone in the two corridors that you would have to traverse.
You checked yourself in the mirror as you gathered the hard copy of the report and your datapad for back up. You looked flushed, but still pretty at least. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself for your walk - you had a feeling you were about to end up being even more so… You paused suddenly and turned to the window; the colour of space had suddenly caught your eye. Purples and blues fogged in front of you, instead of the usual endless rolling black flecked with stars. It shimmered every so often and you recognised it instantly. ‘An Ion storm is coming…’ you breathed. You hadn’t noticed because your lab had no windows, but you were overjoyed that you hadn’t missed it. You allowed yourself to marvel it for a few seconds more before you realised you were about to make yourself late. Padding down the corridors you were pleased to see that there was no-one on route and you reached his room at exactly 2159. You waited for that minute to tick over, and at 2200, you knocked.
“Enter.” Krennic’s voice called you, with a sultry edge to it. And you bit your lip gently. At the sound of his voice his door slid open, and beckoned you inside. *** If you thought your room was spacious and had a generous window, this one was something else. Krennic’s quarters had a window that swept almost the entire far end of the room, and your eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to those vibrant purples and blues again. The lighting was fairly dimmed but you recognised it as ambiance; Krennic was setting a mood here. That feeling stirred once more in the pit of your stomach and you swallowed hard, the room had all the amenities, and you wondered why the hell he even wanted an office as well as this. Probably because he didn’t want everyone in his room, you guessed, but he had a desk and everything here. You scanned across the room to the bed; at least king sized, the sheets looked comfortable and luxurious. Why didn’t that surprise you either.
Footsteps approached from your left and Krennic swept around the corner from whatever had been keeping him occupied. He halted, immediately tipping his head to survey your body - instinctively you pulled the papers up to your chest and hugged them close. “I-I believe you asked me here to take you through a data review, Sir. And I made sure to print them all.” He hadn’t even traced his way up to your face yet and that smile became a grin, became a smirk. Krennic stepped forward - bless you for actually printing the damn report. He held his hand out, “Indeed I did.” You offered up the paperwork and he walked back to his desk, beckoning you to follow him. He could already smell the perfume on the documents, biting back a low moan. He had no intention of reading them tonight. In fact you hadn’t even sprayed the documents with your perfume, but there was so much of it on you that when you’d held them close it couldn’t help but transfer across. Krennic set them, and your datapad, down on his desk and turned back to you, now a little further into the room. Your hair was down to natural length and framed your face delicately. There were no shoes on your feet either. But your dress… oh… Ending just appropriately long enough to cover everything, the silk slip dress - in your favourite colour, Krennic remembered - plunged pretty low, thin straps looped over your shoulders and, he couldn’t see yet, but it had a low back too. At least you were dressed appropriately for where your evening was going to go. Krennic swallowed, aware of his own arousal as he made his way slowly back over to you, again, instead of stopping in front of you he rounded your body. Where he was close the cape brushed against your bare skin and you had to bite your lip hard not to whimper. Why was just the feel of it so sexy? Was it really the thought of being covered in it and nothing else? Would he wear it if you asked him to…? No, maybe not for your first time together… you didn’t think he’d want you making too many demands of him.
“I checked the weather for today and it looks like there will be a good ion lightning storm in the area. We can’t exactly move out of its way so… I thought you might like to observe…” “You remember a lot of things about me, Director… this one I might just have to thank you for.” Even as he disappeared behind you again you kept your eyes front on space, although you couldn’t help but be curious if he was going to touch your hair again. It hadn’t escaped your notice that he was finally gloveless. I really AM like a repressed maiden! He halted, and somehow it felt like he was even closer than before; was Krennic’s breath on the back of your neck just your imagination? You shivered involuntarily and even if you couldn’t see him, you could picture that smirk. His voice was at a husky whisper, already threatening to drive you wild. You didn’t dare press your thighs together, despite your desperation. “This dress is certainly not regulation uniform, and as per the rules, that would mean it needs to be removed.” You didn’t even get the chance to wonder if Krennic was going to do it himself as his large hands rested on your shoulders for a moment. You couldn’t help but tense; it seemed like such a foreign concept, his bare skin touching yours. You wondered if his hands would be calloused with all the work he did. He certainly didn’t mind getting dirty. But he was an architect at heart, and his hands seemed pretty smooth, assured, and warm… he was so warm… Krennic caressed his fingertips over you and you really couldn’t have helped that small whine even if you’d have tried. You were still picturing that delicious little smirk in your head, and you wanted to kiss it off. Patience… At this rate you’ll be getting to do more than that... His fingers slid under the straps, pulling them off your shoulders agonisingly slow, but Krennic didn’t attempt to help the fabric down your body, instead he just let it fall. It pooled around your feet and you swallowed hard again, hearing the slight chuckle in his voice before he tsked you. “You didn’t think to wear anything underneath?” “Well I thought about it, but-” You gasped as his hand grasped your waist, sliding down to your hip, his other brushing your hair back to expose your neck. Krennic’s first kiss wasn’t even tentative; but it was teasing and you shook under his touch. He smirked into your neck as he continued to kiss a trail. You bit back a groan, closing your eyes to the sensation of his lips on your skin, sighing for certain as his tongue ran over you. Had you told him this too? Or did he really know far too much… Finally having him kiss you after all this time was something that you almost found indescribable, and the heat between your thighs made you press them together as discreetly as possible - he’d get there you were sure of it, but that ache demanded attention. Krennic inhaled - and somehow that perfume smelled even better on your skin. He growled, grazing his teeth over your jugular, pulling your body back into his. “Oh… Y/N… you smell so good.” You gasped again as this time his arms locked around your waist to hold you in place; so close that his cape once again brushed your skin, you simply lay your hands over his. His still clothed body pressed up against yours felt simply divine and you knew Krennic was about to drive you insane, on purpose. As those kisses to your neck became a little hotter - and you started to imagine all the marks about to be left on your body - you couldn’t resist tipping your head back to sigh his name. You couldn’t be sure which he wanted to hear, but surely he would tell you if it was his first name. Maybe he didn’t want his lovers to call him that… you remembered your promise not to become just one on a list, but you didn’t want to think too hard on that right now. Much more enjoy the moment. You leant your body weight back against him, suddenly feeling tiny in his large hands. He smirked into your skin again, pulling back, one hand coming back up to turn your face to his.
“My, my… You’re already so flushed and… responsive.” That little smirk was so gorgeous you had second thoughts about kissing it off. You were already aware of how heavy you were breathing. Krennic bit his lip and somehow that made him sexier, “Have you thought about this?” You nodded, hardly seeing the point of lying. “A lot?” You knew the blush on your cheeks was only getting deeper as you nodded again. Krennic chuckled, “At least I’m not the only one…” He held you in place by your chin, “Whatever your fantasies are, you can tell me. But I can promise I’ll be better.” He studied your face intently, “Would you like me to kiss you, Y/N?” You wondered if that was a stupid question, eyes flicking to his lips and back to that intense stare he was giving you, “Y-Yes.” Surprisingly his kiss wasn’t as rough as they had been to your neck, but he showed no mercy when deepening it, and his tongue wasn’t about to let yours assert any dominance. You could taste hints of alcohol and caffeine, and something sweet - although you could hardly remember what they were serving in the canteen now. When Krennic finally released your lips to let you breathe, you were panting even harder - how was it possible to feel that power even in his kisses; you were going to be completely at his mercy all night and right now it was a delightful prospect. The wealth of experience he had meant he could surely show you a thing or two. The next graze of his lips to yours was fleeting, and he drew from you a whine. By his smile exactly what Krennic wanted. His hands wandered as he pressed a kiss into your shoulder, down the run of the pulse in your neck and over your clavicles to your breasts. Keeping those steely blue eyes on yours you were hardly able to look away as his fingertips brushed over your sensitive nipples. Even your attempts to stifle your groans didn’t work and you closed your eyes to his touch as he circled his fingertips around one. “You are so fucking beautiful…” He nudged your head gently with his own to expose your neck to him once more, “And you sound fucking beautiful too…” “K-Krennic…” You mumbled his name again, once again fixating on his fingertips as he moved them across to your other breast, repeating the same teasing circular motion before he kneaded you. You thought you’d read somewhere that you could orgasm just from this - and right now you’d believe it; feeling that sticky sweetness on your inner thighs. At this rate you weren’t going to last until Krennic touched you there. “Maybe we’ll have to make this your regulation uniform.” His voice was husky, “I’m sure I could have that rule changed just for you.” You shuddered again as he pinched your nipple between his fingers playfully, “Would you like that?” “O-Only f-or you.” You might as well go for it; he might as well know exactly how you felt. “Ahhhh!” Krennic vocalised like he’d just figured it all out, “Should I just keep you here? Or in my office? I hold a great many meetings there, though… I’m not sure I would like them all staring at you in your uniform.” He growled into the next kiss he placed to your skin, “I get jealous too, you know?” Well you did now.
Krennic straightened himself to full height, still supporting your weight his hands travelled down your body agonizingly slow; almost as if he was committing every inch of you to his memory. You already knew he liked details - and he was an architect; so it was Krennic’s business to know detail. Just how much could he remember about a lover? How much of you were you prepared for him to discover about you. His fingertips traces over your ribs, down and across your bellybutton and just below your stomach when he paused and his eyes left you. For a moment you’d quite forgotten that you were in the middle of an ion storm, and you wondered what exactly had dragged his attention away from you. The illumination of his face in the first strike of lightning made you gasp. And all you could think of was those eyes in the rainstorm on Eadu. The first time you’d ever seen him, an image that still haunted you. That was no doubt responsible for you now being naked in his arms like this. You turned to the window to watch the lightning for a moment too, flashing across the purples, blues and pinks of the cloud. “Isn’t it beautiful.” You breathed gently, and you heard him chuckle, “I don’t think you’ve looked in a mirror.” This time he pressed his kiss to your temple, and it was almost sweet. But now Krennic had you distracted by the storm - so his fingers traced lower and before you knew it he was pressing down gently on your clit. Your body gave a lurch into his and he growled again. Moving his fingers into your folds, you moaned head tipped back onto his shoulder, “Krennic…” “I knew you wanted me, Y/N, but like this?” His fingers moved through your wetness, teasing your entrance for a moment, and making you shudder, moaning his name again. “I can see that desire in your eyes wasn’t lying…” Krennic was smirking again as he watched you react to his fingertips, dragging them back towards your clit, “How many times have you been this wet around me, hmm? How many times have you thought of me doing this? Do you touch yourself and think about me? Is that what you do?” “Y-Yes-” Your thoughts were hardly coherent at this point, and as soon as his fingers touched your clit again, in teasing circles, you cried out; “Oh, Krennic, please!” “What else do you do to yourself when you think about me, hm?” He put a little more pressure on your clit as he rubbed it, “What do you think about? Me touching you like this? Or me fucking you? What set you off, hmmm? All that water-cooler chat? Believe me I know what they say... How would you like me to do it, Y/N? Do you want me to try to be gentle, or do you want it rough?” As if you really cared; your body shuddered again and you attempted to help the friction by closing your thighs once more, ache becoming a throb. “Uh uh.” His foot jammed between yours and forced your legs to widen for him, “I don’t like cheaters, Y/N.” You moaned once more as those little circles got faster and rougher, “Please, please! Krennic I’m begging you…” You whined, and your voice shook as you could feel that pleasure building, he couldn’t stop now. You wouldn’t let him, “Do whatever you want to me… just fuck me.” He nipped the top of your ear this time, “The pleasure will be all mine.” This time as the lightning flashed it illuminated your body, and Krennic was right, your dips and curves were flawless, you looked ready for him, you felt ready for him… like you were made for this very moment. Krennic moved his fingertips faster - and this time he pushed his body into yours. Your gasp at his grind into you was for one obvious reason; you could feel how hard he was getting. Oh, fuck... Your body shuddered once more and you mewled, positive that you were even wetter now. He knew it too, by that chuckle. “Oh? You want me don’t you? I know you know how wet you are… You want me so fucking bad…” That husky whisper was driving you crazy and you knew Krennic wasn’t going to let up on it, “You feel so hot, so fuckable… Oh, Y/N, I can’t wait to be inside you, but you’ll have to wait for that.” This time your groan was a little strangled, “That’s it, be a good girl… cum for me.”
If it wasn’t what he was doing to you it was his voice alone that sent that shot of pleasure right through you, burning head to toe with no mercy. You cried out again, but this time it was his first name you used - and you hoped he didn’t care. Panting as you felt the sweat begin to gather on your skin. Your legs shook a little but he held you strong. “Good girl.” He removed his fingertips from your clit, once again pressing a kiss to your neck, “But, you know as well as I that this is hardly over…” You rested your body against his chest for a minute, and he carded his fingers through your hair; it was almost soothing as Krennic twisted it between his fingers, “How about we use the bed now, hmm?”
“…Y…Yes…” You could only hazily agree, would he actually fuck you now? You were throbbing again - sure he’d said he wanted to be inside you, but did he know how much you needed him inside you? “Go on,” Krennic pushed you forward with his hand to the small of your back, you stumbled a little but didn’t fall and he observed your walk, the curves of your ass - the lingering of your arousal on your thighs. “Hands down.” He followed you across the floor - he was aware of how uncomfortable he felt, with heat in just the right places, and the way his pulse was running just to look at you. But he had to take this slow. The goal wasn’t just to bed you, it was to erase every other man from your memory too, so that he was your one and only waking thought.
You had to admit your confusion, but placed your hands out on the sheets in front of you to support your body, Krennic made you keep your feet on the floor and for a second you wondered if this was how he was going to do it. It seemed like a waste of a good bed, but your brain was hardly running your feelings here and that throb between your legs was so desperate for something that you didn’t care how you got it. Instead of hearing him shed clothing, or even just undo his zipper, Krennic’s fingers ran your spine. He really was about to commit every inch of you to memory, you weren’t kidding, before he traced them over your ass. You were half expecting him to slap you, but that didn’t happen either. In fact his fingers went right back to your wetness, and you shivered again; Krennic’s movements this time were less teasing as he pushed his fingers into you; you cried out - he didn’t even bother with one at a time. But at least there was something dulling that ache for a second; although you knew what your body really craved. The storm illuminated everything in the room, and far more regularly than before, as his fingers pumped in and out of you. The hums he was making were satisfied, and part of you wished you could see what they looked like crossing his face. In fact the thought that you might not get to see his face almost disappointed you. But you realised something else, the colours the storm were throwing everywhere, the very sound of it - with how much you enjoyed them anyway - and Krennic here with you, was only serving to turn you on even more. And he noticed. “Oh?” This sounded almost curious, “So lightning makes you even more wet, or is that just me?” You swallowed hard, against the feeling of his fingers stretching you, you were desperate for him to get naked now. “To… be honest, no-one has ever fucked me in a lightning storm.” “Huh. Maybe they should have tried, I figure they’re missing out.” You whined again, “Krennic please… please… I can’t take much more of this… fuck, I… I need you.”
You weren’t sure if Krennic did it because he was listening to your plea, or if he was simply just ready to do it himself, but the next thing you knew he’d removed his fingers from you and flipped your body so you were now on your back, on the bed. And as your eyes locked with his you realised exactly what you would have been missing out on. Although serious, those eyes were so incredibly dark and lust rimmed, and hungry for your body, that you thought you might come undone again right then and there. He placed his thumb delicately against your lips for a second, tracing them, before smirking again, “Open your mouth.” You blinked, but finding no reason not to do what he asked, your lips parted, tongue grazing his fingertip. Krennic immediately smirked, “That’s a good girl.” Before he slid the two fingers that had just been inside you, into your mouth. You moaned gently at the sensation. “I bet you taste so good, don’t you?” You could feel yourself blushing again, unsure exactly how to respond to that besides another muffled moan. He withdrew them, eyes narrowed even though he was smiling.
“And you do exactly what I say…” Krennic drew himself back to height, dragging his eyes down your body and as he did so he reached up to his shoulders, undoing the fastenings for his cape. Oh, you were going to get to watch Krennic undress? You moved to help him, but his eyes raised back to your face - and this time the bright white flash made those eyes of crystal blue let you know that he wanted you to stay absolutely still. “You look ready for me darling. Are you?” You nodded, hoping that the look on your face was as pleading as you thought it was. “Born ready for me…” Krennic’s voice this time sent chills through you with how commanding it was, “Mine.” You watched the cape fall to the floor and wished again for that silky texture to brush against your skin, perhaps you would ask him again later. He undid his tunic and shrugged himself out of it; Krennic wasn’t exactly bothering to put on a show for you - but it still felt like one, running his hands through his hair with a breath out before he undid his shirt. Slower now, button by button as he looked into your eyes, that little teasing smile on his face only made your lips part. This man was so gorgeous. And you were here, in his quarters, in his bed. You out of the many hundreds of women on this Battle Station - and all of them beautiful - Director Orson Krennic wanted you. He threw his shirt behind him too, before settling his hands on his waistband. You studied him for just long enough, he was built more toned than chiselled, and his arms and chest were particularly defined; there was a scar on his left-hand side, just above his heart, and you wondered what the story was with that. Maybe in a quieter moment you would ask, but that was not a story for right now. You traced back to where his fingers were waiting for you to take him all in and this time you bit your lip, you’d already felt him against you but you still weren’t sure you were adequately prepared… Undoing his zip with as much tease as his buttons Krennic let his pants and boxers fall at the same time. Your eyes widened, and you swallowed hard ‘Oh, holy shit...’ Your heartbeat picked up pace and you felt yourself clench greedily just at the sight of him. You bit your lip a little harder and raised your eyes back up Krennic’s body to his face, “I want to let you know - although it sounds like you do know - that every single one of those rumours is SO fucking true.” He smirked, “I might have started one or two of them myself.” You almost laughed, “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” He gave a shrug, “Well darling, don’t we all want to project the best version of ourselves?” Krennic joined you on the bed, settling himself between your thighs again, pulling your legs around him, “Now I’m going to prove the rest of them true, whilst also letting you in on some things you don’t know.”
You had every right to moan as loud as you did as he pushed into you, feeling completely filled right away. Definitely true - part of you felt you might be smirking very broadly into your coffee in the mornings from now on. Instead of covering your body Krennic stayed in that kneeling position with your legs crossed behind him, hands gripping your thighs and nails digging into your skin. You almost wanted his nails to leave marks, for there to be bruises that lingered for more than just a few days where he gripped you - just to prove it had really happened. If this is a dream please don’t ever let me wake up. He growled as you adjusted to each other, voice husky once more, “You’re so tight.” Your sigh came out a little choked with your breathing as - at first - he moved slow, hands gilding softly over your skin as he lay his palms flat. But he still had enough pressure on you; Krennic was still in control. Right now, being in control was the last thing you were thinking of.
Those slow movements of his were a facade, but they had you already moaning - body tingling as you got used to the feelings of Krennic being inside you. You wondered if you should be trying to be quiet? How many other senior officers had rooms around Krennic’s that could potentially hear this - did Krennic even care? What if they knew it was you though? You weren’t necessarily sure you wanted the reputation that might come with being Krennic’s bed mate, even if it really was only going to be tonight. As if he knew what you were thinking Krennic pushed into you a little harder, causing you to cry out a little louder than before - no point in holding back. “Let me hear you, Y/N. Let me hear those delicious little moans of yours. You can be as loud as you want here, I won’t tell anyone…” He smirked, “You might as well let yourself - because this is going to be the best orgasm of your life, or it’s going to be nothing. I don’t do half measures.” That seemed like an odd form of encouragement, but hot enough to get you mewling again. And he didn’t slow his pace. Instead Krennic dug his nails back into your skin, thrusting into you harder and rougher. You arched your back up, pushing your hips into his to take him deeper and deeper. Usually you weren’t so loud during sex, but with your eyes closed to the ecstasy of it all, each thrust received a moan that steadily grew louder and louder until you were pleading him: “Oh, Krennic… Oh please, more… Harder, Sir, please… please don’t stop…” This was clearly only urging him on as he found another notch in his pace. You might be one for thinking this was the best sex you’d ever had as you opened your eyes to focus on him once more; Krennic’s skin was starting to get that dewy look as sweat started to build, leaving his hair to look a darker shade of grey. And that lightning… oh, that lightning. Watching that storm behind him made the pleasure even more intense. The backdrop was stunning to an already flawless view - what more could you possibly ask for?
His sex was deliciously rough, and it was all you could do to watch his body, the way his muscles moved with each thrust, the tension running from his shoulders, down his arms, through his fingers and the little indents from his nails you could see in your skin. You almost wanted those fingers back inside you again too. Krennic growled as that thought led to you clenching around him: “What are you thinking about?” You looked to his face, obviously you were already flushed, but if it were possible to turn a deeper shade of red you were now. “...Please…” You voice wavered and you realised where this was all heading, “Please Krennic harder… Please I want to- I want to- let me cum for you.” That smirk was just plain dirty, and as he placed one hand under you to raise your hips a little more his next thrust found your sweet spot. You cried out even louder - hit with a shot of pleasure more intense than any you thought you’d ever felt. “Fuck-! Director-! Please!” He chuckled, “I have a first name, Y/N, you can use it.” Did he want you to use it? Did he ask everyone he took to bed to use it? You gasped again as white-hot heat shot through you head to toe and your legs locked around him, pulling him even deeper as you tipped your head back. And he knew as well as you did: “That’s a good girl, that’s my good girl.” Krennic continued to thrust into you until you had to squeeze your eyes shut, head tipped back you very nearly screamed his first name as your body shook and you came undone.
 Your short, sharp pants didn’t really have any time to become afterglow, or some slow paced ‘love making’ for him to ride into his own high. Oh no, Krennic wasn’t finished with you yet - and although he lingered at a slower pace for a little - you could feel yourself building up again, heightened by the climax you had just felt. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes and you got the feeling that Krennic was not about to be termed a selfish lover. But a possessive one; your body was his, and he wasn’t finished with you yet. You cried out as he took that pace up again, you could feel him getting harder inside you, every little twitch as he continued those rough thrusts. “You ready for more?” You nodded weakly, moaning again, this would be the third time in one evening. Even if these two were in quick succession. “Yes what?” The commanding tone in his voice and the way he squeezed your thighs a little harder made you shake again, “Yes, Orson. Please… please, baby… I- I’m ready.” As you said his name this time Krennic pushed his body forward so that his hands rested above your shoulders, catching your lips in a harsh kiss. Your hands immediately shot to his arms, over those toned shoulders, and your fingers tangled in his hair. This time his kisses swallowed your moans, and the higher in pitch they got the more he knew you were ready to let go again. With him all over you like this, the scent of that cologne filled your senses. Krennic thrusted into you one last time and let you cry out into his shoulder. He could probably go a little longer - but he’d build you up to that in due time, he couldn’t ruin you on your first time with him. As you clenched around him, just as greedily as before, Krennic growled - hot breath in your ear as your own ecstasy became his. And now you were his too.
He let you continue to embrace him as you both panted, moving his own hands to gently caress your sides, your stomach and your thighs. Although the only sound was your breathing, and you could barely think of anything else, hands carding through his hair and watching those beautiful blue eyes focus on nothing in particular. Until the lighting strike flashed closer to you than before, causing him to look out the window. You followed his line of sight. “It really is gorgeous…” You weren’t sure if that muse was supposed to come out of Krennic’s mouth, but it made you smile. “Mhm… And I need to have sex in storms more often.” He chuckled, turning back to you and kissing your neck, softly, “Well, you know who to call.” Krennic pulled out of you gently, smirking again to see yours and his arousal lingering on your inner thighs. His. Before he lay next to you, eyes still on the storm.
You wondered what the best thing to do now was, as your high unwound. Ironically you didn’t think your body had been this relaxed in a while either. Should you leave? Should you make the decision to leave him before he kicked you out himself? You wondered if that was the polite thing to do. You didn’t know if Krennic was the type to really sleep with someone. When he would be at his most vulnerable. You weren’t sure he would want to show that side of himself to anyone. You decided you would show willing, and would let him know that you would leave if that’s what Krennic wanted - you weren’t about to outstay your welcome. Instead, Krennic did the unexpected and, finally settling down in the sheets, he pulled you into his arms, showering you with delicate kisses and touches. Aftercare... You snuggled into his body, sighing in sleepy content and closed your eyes as he pulled the sheets further around you. Did you dare believe this was happening - No, and yet it was. You were really here, in the Director’s arms. And he wanted you to stay. Krennic pressed a kiss to your forehead, and you could already feel yourself drifting off in his arms: “We’ll review your report in the morning.” *** When you awoke, the lights in his room were up to their brightest day setting. Krennic’s free hand was wandering over your thighs absentmindedly as he lay on his back, your datapad in his other. You tried to concentrate on that small smile on his face, those blue eyes of his, just how good he looked comfortable and relaxed, and out of uniform. You hadn’t noticed the collection of freckles across his chest in the dark of the storm last night either. Suddenly you wanted this moment to last forever, no matter now impossible. This coupled with the travel of his hands, even at this time in the morning, was making you sigh blissfully.
Krennic’s eyes flicked from what he was reviewing to your face as he turned his head slowly. “This report is good. Perfect, even. The ion storm messed with some systems last night, that can’t be helped. But we should all be back online to work later. I agree with your data, consider it reviewed.” Your head tipped curiously. “Systems are down? So…” You bit your lip wickedly, “We don’t have to leave?” Krennic placed your datapad on his bedside table and rolled over, hand moving to between your thighs, he could read that mischievous little smirk of yours perfectly. “Not until much later if I have anything to say about it.” You blinked once slowly, opting to voice your single concern now, before anything got out of hand, it was a whisper that seemed so out of place. But maybe that made it the perfect time. “I don’t want to be just a one-time thing.” Krennic’s eyebrows knitted for a second, before he smiled gently, other hand moving to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb before he tangled his fingers in your hair, bringing you back to his lips. “Trust me, that was never a consideration.”
Thank you SO much for reading, oh my gosh I’m slightly emotional over this one. I NEVER thought it’d be this long. And it’s 200. Like... there’s 200 of these things!? 
I didn’t think I would get past one. And it’s ALL because of you guys! 
Thank you for all your love and support - I know I keep saying it but I truly mean it. It means the world to me. 💙💜
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chamerionwrites · 4 years
Alsoooo. if you are still doing character thoughts asks: Draven
How I feel about this character
MY MINOR ROGUE ONE FAVE. It’s a complicated kind of love, because he’s my excuse to explore ugly political subjects in space and I’m not interested unless he genuinely is at least 20% Unmitigated Bastard, but Draven is a fabulous elevator pitch of a character - principled enough to join a doomed little cause, ruthless enough to be its designated hit man - of a sort that you rarely ever get in Star Wars, and I can’t help but love a character who opens up a story that way.
Everyone I ship romantically with this character
Mon Mothma, as discussed here - to make a long story short the best description of this ship is “built-in threesome where the third partner is The Rebellion” and imho that’s narratively sexy.
Also, General Merrick/Blue Leader was extremely charming in his twenty seconds of screentime and Draven is the exact opposite of charming, so somewhere along the way I encountered this and unexpectedly went oh no, now I have headcanons. And then there’s the version where it’s wartime and dealing with their private life is like the 100th priority on everybody’s list so Merrick/Draven/Mothma happens in various combinations and it’s kind of a poorly-discussed hot mess. (My professional opinion about the Rebel Alliance is that almost everyone there is both stressed out and excruciatingly aware of their own mortality, and thus falls into one of several categories: (1) too busy and/or freaked out by their own emotions at the thought of losing people, (2) banging like a screen door in a hurricane, or (3) some bizarre blend of the two.)
Idk if you can call it a ship when it’s divorce, but I’m also very attached to my headcanon that Draven got married young and it was a trainwreck and he had a slightly spectacular quarter-life crisis where he walked out on his marriage and defected from Imperial Intel all in one go, because at least in this particular respect he is the classic cop/soldier/spy trope of Workaholic With Poor Emotional Communication Skills.  
My non-romantic OTP for this character
CASSIAN ANDOR, good god, those two acted an entire John le Carré novel with their eyes in like five minutes of shared screentime (during which - I have to stop and point this out because it boggles my mind that the character dynamic feels so well-developed - Cassian never speaks a line of dialogue directly to Draven) and I am absolutely serious and sincere when I say that I would watch an entire trilogy of movies based on that dynamic alone. Please give me the fraught psychological spy&spymaster dance in space. PLEASE.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Depending on who you’re talking to, it’s either that assassinating Galen Erso is honestly a pretty understandable decision and it was just the way he went about it that was super shady, or that he is not some kind of heart-of-gold-under-the-crusty-exterior archetype but genuinely a bit of a bastard all the way down, albeit one with redeeming qualities. Basically fandom seems to fall into one of two camps on the question of whether Draven is a sympathetic character or a jerkass, and I’m off in my own little corner waving a “Draven is a sympathetic character and a jerkass” flag.
Also, I’m into the popular fanon that there are some surrogate father&son undertones in his and Cassian’s relationship but I’m only on board insofar as we acknowledge that (at least according to offscreen canon) Cassian’s real dad was straightup murdered by the government Draven worked for at the time, and the relationship there can be meaningful and human but some part of it is always going to be deeply fucked up. And quite frankly most of fandom does NOT want to go that hard - not that I entirely blame them, but “it’s far more interesting if you lean into the awful parts” is a hill I’ll die on here (and also, is it really Star Wars without problematic father figures? Jyn has two).
What I wish had happened in canon
Listen, in the ruthless economy of storytelling all minor characters are to some extent cannon fodder; I respect your right to slaughter your cast in a story set during wartime. What I cannot imagine is why you’d choose to do it in such an unimaginative way as the comics writers decided to kill off Draven. Generic Desperate Rearguard Self-Sacrifice is just…that’s not why Draven is there. That’s not what he exists in the story to do. He exists to pose awkward questions about moral compromise and democratic decision-making and the ways war fucks people up even in an indisputably just cause.
Narratively speaking, the FUN thing to do with a character like that is to make him live with his choices. Make this guy live long enough to face the New Republic state-building. Make mister unsanctioned-assassination-for-the-greater-good take part in the attempts to stick the landing from scrappy revolutionaries to the people in power. Make him confront the ways the late Republic already was the Empire in all but name - he would know, if anybody saw the Republic’s nastiest underbelly it was an intel officer - and whether they’re going to replicate the same old patterns (I know DLF doesn’t have the range for this but come ON). Make him confront the people (up to and including himself) that he used as weapons because they were desperate and it was necessary, and maybe he’d make all the same choices over again but what does that do to somebody in the long run, you know? There’s that devastating line from The Spy Who Came In From The Cold: “In our world we pass so quickly out of the register of hate or love–like certain sounds a dog can’t hear. All that’s left in the end is a kind of nausea; you never want to cause suffering again.”
THAT. I want Draven to live long enough to experience that specific, exquisite badfeel.
TL;DR - I don’t object to Draven getting Vader-choked because I have a soft spot for him (I’m a Rogue One fan okay, I love stories that tenderly knife me in the ribs). I object because it’s the most boring possible narrative choice you could make, and particularly given he’s a slightly unusual sort of character for Star Wars it seems a shame to waste him. Give Mon Mothma someone to harmonize with while she’s singing Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, FFS.
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gffa · 7 years
“I’m gonna read some other stuff this week!” I think to myself. “I’m not gonna read just STAR WARS fic! I’ll mix it up!” A week later, well. Here we are, crying about Star Wars like always. From the prequels to TLJ, let’s cry about ALL OF IT. STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ Five Questions by naberiie, luke & rey & background finn/rey, some tlj spoilers, 3k    Before Rey stands the elusive Luke Skywalker - ace pilot, Master Jedi, war hero, legend. She was sent to bring him back and was ready with the answers General Organa had given her - “He’s been away a long time. He’ll have questions.” Rey did not expect that some of his questions would be about her. ✦ Reeds by ambiguously, mira & jedi & cast, 4.6k    When Mira was eleven years old, two Jedi came to her door. ✦ breathe by ignitesthestars, finn/rey & cast, tlj spoilers, ~1k    The Falcon has beds, but for as few people are left of the Resistance, there are still too many of them to fit comfortably. Used to sleeping in tight places, Rey asks Poe to wake her up when it’s her turn to fly and finds a corner to curl up in. ✦ Just To Sleep Underneath Your Bed by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, mild d/s undercurrents, some darker themes off-page, attempt at non-con, 46k    Anakin struggles with desires that he isn’t allowed to act on. Obi-Wan shouldn’t be surprised when his student rebels. ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, anakin/padme(/obi-wan eventually) & obi-wan & ahsoka & mace & jedi, 1k    “ANAKIN SKYWALKER! WHERE IS MY FANCY ASS NABOO WEDDING INVITATION?” ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 22.2k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either. ✦ untitled + untitled by lurkingcrow, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke, 3k    It feels like one of her dreams. How many times has she found herself in the old days, chasing after her master as they rush through empty corridors, only to wake to a much colder and darker reality? ✦ Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You) by Callioope, jyn/cassian & galen/lyra & bodhi & baze & chirrut & kes/shara & cast, 84.2k    When Orson Krennic landed on Lah’mu, Lyra Erso made a choice. She chose her daughter. Now they move from planet to planet, identity to identity, rebel cell to rebel cell, until they wind up at the center of the rebellion. ✦ On the other side by esama, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon, 41.5k wip    Dozen years ago Obi-Wan went into AgriCorps - now Qui-Gon Jinn is taking a new padawan. Somehow, this is Obi-Wan’s problem. ✦ Backstep by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    Back to the wrong start. ✦ Not Quite The End by Fish_and_Celery, luke & obi-wan, force ghosts, ~1k    “I was always afraid I’d take after my father,” Luke said. “It should have occurred to me when Ben slaughtered the new Jedi and fell to the dark side that I was taking after you instead.” ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, bondage, ~1k    Please consider that one night, when their relationship is still new and they’re still exploring their kinks, Obi-Wan asks Anakin if he would like to try out being tied up. ✦ everything will glow for you by waterandsilver, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertone, 2.4k    Sometimes when Anakin kisses, Obi-Wan has half a mind to remind him that he’s not in battle anymore. ✦ Flatmates by maraudeuse, luke & han/leia & obi-wan/anakin & cast, force ghosts, 5.5k    After the end of the Galactic Civil War, Luke, Leia and Han decide they need a break and move to Coruscant together to figure out their next steps. They certainly don’t expect to be sharing their apartment with four very insistent Force ghosts. ✦ untitled by darthrevaan, obi-wan & anakin & shmi, sith!obi-wan, ~1k    Anonymous asked: any au, anakin has a miserable cold full details + recs under the cut 
✦ Five Questions by naberiie, luke & rey & background finn/rey, some tlj spoilers, 3k    Before Rey stands the elusive Luke Skywalker - ace pilot, Master Jedi, war hero, legend. She was sent to bring him back and was ready with the answers General Organa had given her - “He’s been away a long time. He’ll have questions.” Rey did not expect that some of his questions would be about her.    Oh, this was such a lovely and beautiful read, it’s such a good look at Rey’s character, her steps into this bigger world and her care for Finn, how he’s connected to her thoughts in so many ways, how he helps give her something to touch on with her growing Force powers. But also it’s such a wonderful look at Luke, the dry humor and tired but still genuine hope, the kindness in him, and how he’s a little weird but still so very Luke Skywalker. There are ton of lovely little moments (Rey discovering things on the island! watching Luke meditate! discovering the Force in a more real way, finally being able to touch it! her joy at these things is wonderful) and this is the feeling I wish TLJ had given me, that bright and warm and good feeling about the hope and wonderfulness in the galaxy, even in times of darkness. It’s a lovely read that I absolutely adored. ✦ Reeds by ambiguously, mira & jedi & cast, 4.6k    When Mira was eleven years old, two Jedi came to her door.    Oh, this was another absolutely wonderful and beautiful read, it gives such lifeto Mira Bridger when she’s young and it breathes such lovely detail into the world she lives in at the time and the way the Jedi approach her family. It fits so well with Rebels and TCW and what we know of the Jedi, the way they’re a little strange and people distrust them so very strongly, but they’re kind and warm and aren’t here to steal away any children. They sit and talk with the Bridgers, they talk to Mira and there’s this gorgeous sense of how Mira doesn’t really want to go, but she also maybe wishes she could go, just a little, to give shape to these powers and feelings she has. There’s the currents of destiny underneath the story, which is something I’ve been thinking about re: Star Wars, how destiny is absolutely a thing, but it’s so much more understated and elegantly illustrated here!    The fic does a beautiful job of not only the world and the brief moments we get with the Jedi (who, even from outside the pov, felt nicely depthful!) but gives such weight to Mira’s character, she feels real here, I cared very much about her! She was a child, but one who knew things, who still saw the world as a child but also as someone who was connected to the Force in that way Force-Sensitives have. I love the details of where Ezra got his name from, I love the web of connections being weaved here, and I love the writing. I mean, yes, my heart soared for how spot on the Jedi are to TCW/Rebels, how this is exactly in line with how we see them, it’s such a warm, good feeling! But also that this is Mira’s story is wonderful because she is wonderful here. Such a great read! ✦ breathe by ignitesthestars, finn/rey & cast, tlj spoilers, ~1k    The Falcon has beds, but for as few people are left of the Resistance, there are still too many of them to fit comfortably. Used to sleeping in tight places, Rey asks Poe to wake her up when it’s her turn to fly and finds a corner to curl up in.    I really enjoyed this short piece as a post-TLJ fic! It’s complicated on both their sides, so much has happened over the last couple of days, so much has changed since then, but there’s still a connection between these two, they still touch on each other to steady themselves. There’s an adorable bit of teasing, but even beyond that there’s something very real and important in this connection and, oh, it definitely did my heart good. ✦ Just To Sleep Underneath Your Bed by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, mild d/s undercurrents, some darker themes off-page, attempt at non-con, 46k    Anakin struggles with desires that he isn’t allowed to act on. Obi-Wan shouldn’t be surprised when his student rebels.    While reading this fic, I felt like it was something I would have seen 10-15 years ago, that it was in that style and I can’t really put it into words what I mean, other than that the tropes seem more of that era. And it’s not to its detriment, I actually felt this strong wave of nostalgia for it, because it was also so incredibly engaging at the same time, even when I thought I would be craving a more modern style to fic. And that’s the thing here! If the fic had been described to me, I’m not sure I really would have gotten it, how it was going to affect me, because I’d have turned right around on the mention of the non-con/etc. But–and part of this is that the fic really lines up with my views on other things, so it put me in the right frame of mind–somehow that worked for me, because it was born out of Anakin’s desperate attachment, which does get billed as “attachment = any affection” a bit, instead of the canon “possessive relationships” but it’s not in a mean-spirited way and when you step back and really look at Anakin’s behavior, it is possessive and obsessive, it’s coming from a place that Anakin Skywalker is very much prone to, and so his actions (the attempted non-con, the getting involved with skeevy people) stem from that and so it made sense to me and I bought it! If you have a hard nope at these things, you might still want to pass it over, but if you’re sort of on the fence like me, I would suggest picking up the fic anyway, because this Anakin is more of a mess in a way that’s brought to the surface, but is absolutely one I see in him.    Where the fic really got me is in how well it absolutely nailed that underlying d/s theme, which was super fucking satisfying to my id, like, holy shit, so satisfying, because Obi-Wan definitely has an iron hard commanding voice when it’s needed and Anakin practically reverberates in place every time Obi-Wan gets strict with him, even when he’s in trouble. Anakin’s authority kink is definitely on parade here and it’s so goddamned good and spot on for his character, especially when you combine it with that stubborn unwillingness to let his deeply rooted attachments/borderline obsessions go. He’s younger here, but not to the point that it broke me on the dynamic, especially when this fic is all about how Anakin really, really wants that authority over him kept in place, that even as he struggles to be seen and respected and praised, it’s still there–the fic really does a great job at showing that, at really threading it through the entire story.    This is all stuff I’m feeling from the fic, rather than that it’s stated outright, which is another thing I loved, because that makes a story all the better for me when an author achieves that, because it’s not easy! And the writing is engaging, I read this in about two sittings because I absolutely could not put it down, it just swept me up and was like, “Here, a fic for your id and it’s really getting down what it wants to get down!” in a way that I enjoyed so much. Which is all before the sex that finally happens and, holy crap, was that some incredibly satisfying sex, like there was no way I could read anything else for awhile after this because it was so satisfying. Anakin has wanted this forever and it plays into the d/s undercurrents and the noise is fucked out of his head for awhile and it lasts for several pages and it was honestly like this fic wondered how it could best please me in a (long!) sex scene? And then just fucking nailed it.    So much slow opening of Anakin up with fingers and long, long moments of “you’re not going to come until I say so” and then Anakin getting the noise thoroughly fucked out of his head when Obi-Wan is finally inside him and fucking him hard and deep and completely. So much of Anakin turning over and presenting himself to show the absolute mess his Master has made of him, because he’s sated and because he knows Obi-Wan will be weak to that, because it’s proof of how Anakin finally has gotten what he wanted. So much fingering Anakin afterwards, swollen and sore around the rim, who loves it for the proof it offers and the thorough wrecking of him, he wants to just be fucked into absolute utter pliancy. So much of Anakin desperately wanting another around, so he straddles Obi-Wan and rides his dick like a thing possessed, until Obi-Wan grabs hold him and fucks him even harder because Anakin is beautiful and needy and greedy and perfect. So much of Anakin’s stubborness and greed mixed with how desperately he loves his Master, how he really does try to be a better person and how he matures throughout the fic, but he’s still Anakin. So much of Anakin wanting his Master in him again and again, because only when he’s filled up does he finally feel like he’s not missing something, not empty, because he wants that affection, because he wants his Master’s heavy hand on him, because he’s such a brat sometimes, but in that, “My sweet, dangerous Anakin” way that is perfect.    It’s also a nicely long fic and I actually really loved the ending, it was perfectand so very Anakin and the right place to end the story, I’d been hoping for something like that and then it happened! But it’s also charismatic in a way that appeals to everything I want from it, it’s one of those that I’m going to read again someday because I want to really take my time with it, and it’s one that had some ridiculously hot sex–every time Anakin would rub his fingers over his entrance or every time Obi-Wan would slide fingers into him, the way Anakin would shiver or shake from it, the way there’s such hunger for each other, and the way there was truly a sense of “wow, Anakin just got wrecked and finally he feels content!” woven into it, the way Anakin finally got the dicking he wants so desperately, all of it added up to this fic that was just so very, very rewarding a read for me! ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, anakin/padme(/obi-wan eventually) & obi-wan & ahsoka & mace & jedi, 1k    “ANAKIN SKYWALKER! WHERE IS MY FANCY ASS NABOO WEDDING INVITATION?”    So, there was a question of whether or not the Jedi can get married (Anakin not being a reliable narrator) and whether or not the Jedi can fuck (they can, absolutely) and it just kind of ballooned into a hilarious thing and then Fishy wrote beautiful, beautiful crackfic where Anakin has no idea why the Jedi are so weird around him, but the truth is THEY WERE JUST WAITING FOR THEIR WEDDING INVITATIONS. They know, you’re not subtle, Anakin, and I read all of this with such a :D face (until about ¾ths of the way through, then it was legit irl cackling) because it’s so adorable, charming, and fun. The whole thread was a blast, but Fishy’s fic just made it that much better, truly a treasure blessed upon our fandom. ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 22.2k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either.    Chapter 5: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. I was really delighted to see this one updated, as I really like the undercurrents going on in it, that there are some rather sharp edges to the unresolved feelings, especially from Obi-Wan and Padme, who aren’t often explored in that sharp sense. Obi-Wan especially here has a brief moment of being really sharp in a way that doesn’t break his character, but also isn’t just the perfect, soft, gentle man he often is as well. And it was really satisfying for me, in that way that made me think about all the times that Obi-Wan has let things slide because he’s trying to achieve a greater good! But also more of the explanations of who Rusty is! I really am fond of that droid and it works so well, I love this whole fic already! ✦ untitled + untitled by lurkingcrow, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke, 3k    It feels like one of her dreams. How many times has she found herself in the old days, chasing after her master as they rush through empty corridors, only to wake to a much colder and darker reality?    In an AU where Anakin didn’t fall to the dark side but the galaxy still fell, it takes awhile for Ahsoka to find him and his family again. These two ficlets are lovely, they’re a small piece of a bigger AU, but function just fine as they are, and have really lovely emotional weight to them. Ahsoka seeing her Master again, seeing the little kidlet with him, meeting the other kidlet, seeing Obi-Wan again, how much that means to her, how much that brings her home again, the sense of family and love there, is all beautifully done and is both bittersweet and incredibly warm. It’s just the right amount of angst and just the right amount of emotional impact–that scene where Ahsoka realizes it’s not just Anakin, but Obi-Wan, too, and that there are kidlets there, that’s a moment where it feels like her whole world opens up again, and, oh, it’s lovely. ✦ Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You) by Callioope, jyn/cassian & galen/lyra & bodhi & baze & chirrut & kes/shara & cast, 84.2k    When Orson Krennic landed on Lah’mu, Lyra Erso made a choice. She chose her daughter. Now they move from planet to planet, identity to identity, rebel cell to rebel cell, until they wind up at the center of the rebellion.    I didn’t know how much I needed a Lyra Lives AU until I tucked into this one and just immediately got swept away. I really enjoyed the way this still felt like the Jyn we know from canon, from the movie and novels, while also being different because so much is different here when Lyra lives to be able to protect her daughter. It allows for room to nudge things just a track or two over from the canon and that means a whole lot of changes–many explored, some only lightly touched on–in a way that really felt organic and well thought out. It’s not an easy fic, but it is a fix-it one and it’s still a Jyn/Cassian fic at its heart, but also it’s a Jyn fic and all her complicated, prickly, tightly wrapped up issues layered over that soft heart of hers. I bought this fic every step of the way, it does the heavy lifting of the changes to the plot that such an AU would demand, and it gives a satisfying conclusion, like, yes, this is exactly what I wanted! And as a nice little bonus, it’s the only fic I can think of where Obi-Wan lives past ANH to join the Rebellion, even if it’s not explored for more than a moment and it’s not guaranteed, that brief moment was wonderful. But this is a Rogue One fic at its heart and, oh, the whole cast is there and it’s such a good read. ✦ On the other side by esama, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon, 41.5k wip    Dozen years ago Obi-Wan went into AgriCorps - now Qui-Gon Jinn is taking a new padawan. Somehow, this is Obi-Wan’s problem.    I do have a couple of caveats about this fic. I spent the entire fic being distracted by how much of it was explicitly contrasted against canon, not in the AU aspect, but in the basics of the GFFA. The final chapter also swerves really hard into anti-Jedi territory (simply as a warning for those who aren’t here for that!) in ways that don’t really work at all with canon–which I spent the whole chapter wanting to argue with until I realized that this was only a JA/JQ-based story, rather than based on George Lucas’ Star Wars Jedi. So the problems with the Jedi here are based on those books rather than canon, which settled my mind a lot!  And I don’t mean this as a backhanded compliment, genuinely it’s about finding the right mindset to going into a fic and I think it would help readers! The second is that there’s something really sad and bittersweet about this story, that there’s nothing of the Obi-Wan Kenobi we know left, that this version is almost a completely different person, his character and reactions have almost nothing left of the man from the movies and shows, in a way that made me miss him the entire way, I had such feelings about that!    Okay, I know I’m giving this a bit of an ear-pulling, but genuinely I would not put this on my list if I weren’t recommending it honestly. I do mention caveats because, if you’re using my recs, you probably have certain tastes and would want heads up about things or I think certain warnings can put me in the right headspace for a fic and I want to help with that if I can. The thing about the fic is that the writing is, as always, smooth and polished, the author has a tremendous way of writing cleanly and with enthusiasm for what they’re going for! The sheer love for aquaponics and that aspect of building up the world radiates through the entire fic and I loved that so much, I could have read an entire 50k on the set-up of the water tanks and plants and fish! The detail in describing all those plants was clearly a blast to write and it shows, the enthusiasm is so, so infectious for it. And while I wish there had been more Obi-Wan & Anakin interaction, because their relationship is at the heart of the Star Wars and to have them in the room together without touching on that feels a little aching to me, they do get a cute scene later, and bb!Anakin is so much fun to read. I genuinely want to recommend it for the aquaponics (such a Star Wars thing to do!) and for the cuteness of moppet!Anakin, those things really engaged me hard in this fic! ✦ Backstep by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    Back to the wrong start.    I am so very into time travel fic and body swap fic, so while this is a quick start and it’s still early yet, I enjoyed it a lot! The fun of the build-up to the reveal, the anticipation of where this is all going to go, it’s spot-on for what I wanted from this set-up! ✦ Not Quite The End by Fish_and_Celery, luke & obi-wan, force ghosts, ~1k    “I was always afraid I’d take after my father,” Luke said. “It should have occurred to me when Ben slaughtered the new Jedi and fell to the dark side that I was taking after you instead.”    I admit, I almost turned around at the summary, because I’m not here for missing the point that Luke wasn’t speaking the truth when he went on his rant to Rey, but the note about them being the author’s favorites made me curious and the fic isn’t really what I feared it was going to be. Instead it’s this quiet little reflective piece between these two characters who had such an important relationship, it’s a calmer and more honest look at the course of their lives, the sense of wry humor and willingness to keep going even when they’re tired, that they’re both such good people that I really enjoyed about this. I love the quiet sense of hope here, it’s very fitting to Star Wars. ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, bondage, ~1k    Please consider that one night, when their relationship is still new and they’re still exploring their kinks, Obi-Wan asks Anakin if he would like to try out being tied up.    Headcanon posts aren’t usually long enough to work for fic, but this one was at least 600 words and I’ve recommended shorter fics and, honestly, if it had more paragraphs and a little tweaking it could have been a fic! Also, it’s my blog, I rec what I want. XD And this just hit that *___* place for me, that id-pleasing, embracing of the tropes it presents (Anakin lies being tied up and Obi-Wan likes fucking the noise out of Anakin’s head) and some really, really pretty imagery and some very saitsfying sex described. I am so here for Anakin getting tied to the headboard and then a lot of very happy fucking! It’s a pick-me-up for those who really like this sort of thing. ♥ ✦ everything will glow for you by waterandsilver, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertone, 2.4k    Sometimes when Anakin kisses, Obi-Wan has half a mind to remind him that he’s not in battle anymore.    I’ve probably recommended this fic before, but I don’t care, because I reread it again after seeing it on subskywalker’s fic recs list and it’s one of those that’s just exactly what it promises, in the best way. It’s a pwp fic with happy, eager participants, with Anakin who is hungry and greedy and demanding and bright and brilliant and wants Obi-Wan to just fuck him now, that coming is nice and all, but he wants more. And Obi-Wan who wants to fuck him just as much, who loves this brilliant, bright, greedy, hungry, bratty man and cannot resist him. I love how there’s really much angst about it, just that they have to wait for the right time and then banter the entire way through, until Obi-Wan finally snaps and fucks him, which manages to shut Anakin up for a brief moment. It’s just really joyful, wonderful sex that everyone involved–the reader included!–had funwith and I loved it. ✦ Flatmates by maraudeuse, luke & han/leia & obi-wan/anakin & cast, force ghosts, 5.5k    After the end of the Galactic Civil War, Luke, Leia and Han decide they need a break and move to Coruscant together to figure out their next steps. They certainly don’t expect to be sharing their apartment with four very insistent Force ghosts.    This is total fluffy crack in pretty much exactly the way it says on the tin! It’s one of those that’s just entirely warm-hearted and adorable to read, the kind where you want everything soft and cute and happily ever ever, where it’s one big pile of domesticity, including the Force Ghost House Guests! There’s a lot of cute scenes and little details, lots and lots of little moments that are rather slice of life in the really fun way, and just that it’s one of those fics I needed after some of the angst in this fandom. Super cute!! ✦ untitled by darthrevaan, obi-wan & anakin & shmi, sith!obi-wan, ~1k    Anonymous asked: any au, anakin has a miserable cold    This probably won’t make perfect sense without being familiar with The Black Library, but context is basically that Jedi!Anakin has found himself landed with a Sith Lord who is just quietly running a library and, oh, hey, his mom is here, too. In this ficlet, Anakin gets sick and I am always here for sick!fic, especially when Shmi is there to be no-nonsense with the both of them, yet warm and kind, while Anakin is miserable and Obi-Wan is annoyed. It’s just PURE ADORABLE.
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rivulet027 · 6 years
I was tagged by:  @tptigger
 Current word count for the year:
Posted it’s 36,197. Unposted It’s about 10k more as I’m not done posting the Wynonna Earp crossover of doom and I’m participating in Marvel Big Bang this year.
Number of stories posted to ao3:
21 unless you don’t count the drabble or the double drabble then it’s 19.
Pairings written for:  
Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Mick Rory/Pay Palmer
Barry Allen/Cisco Ramon
Several Hartley Rathaway pairings
Galen Erso/Bodhi Rook
Rose Tico/Rey
Poe Dameron/Finn
Godai Yuusuke/Ichijou Kaoru
Fandoms I wrote for:
Power Rangers Dino Charge, Power Rangers Dino Thunder, and Power Rangers 2017
Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash
Dark Matter
Jupiter Ascending
Doctor Who
Star Wars (Pre Rogue One and Post The Last Jedi)
Kamen Rider Kuuga
MCU (Black Panther and Thor)
Wynonna Earp
Teen Wolf
Though a lot of these are crossovers.
Story with the most kudos:
Mollify has 81 kudos. It’s a Zari PoV Ray/Mick fic scene extension for Ava, I
Second most at 58 kudos is Trouble with is a pre series Mick from Legends of Tomorrow meets Parker from Leverage
Story with the most bookmarks/story with the most subscriptions:
Mollify has 13 bookmarks
Story I’m most proud of:
 Complications and Trouble because I wrote it for a friend intending it to be a simple Waverly Earp discovers she actually a Winchester fic that grew into an over 10K fic. I’ve posted the first three chapters, have written the fourth and fifth, and just need to finished writing the sixth and it will all be posted.
 What’s ahead:
 I’m signed up for Marvel Big Bang, Rare Male Slash Exchange, and Power Rangers Femslash Fic exchange.
 I’m also working on several other fics including: a Rhodey centered MCU fic, a Sam/Rhodey fic, and a Sam/Bucky/Clint fic that’s keeps growing.
 I have several fics that I started before this year that I want to finish: Gokaiger MCU fusion and a Dino Charge/Gokaiger/Marvel 616/MCU crossover.
 There are several WIP’s from last year I want to finish, but I’ve hit that mindset that I want to finish a fic before I post it. I’d also like to add a pre series Lisa Snart centric fic to the LoT/Leverage crossover series I started this year.
If you’d like to answer this please consider yourself tagged!
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shu-of-the-wind · 7 years
foster parent au pt iii
pt i   pt ii   pt iii
CW: some implied racist BS, some major assholery, and K telling someone to fuck their mother in Mandarin.
“You are acting strange,” says Kei.
Cassian doesn’t look up from his coffee. Two sugars, milk, and all the essays from his eighth grade world history class, and he still apparently does not have enough of a shield to keep Kei from commenting. Then again, nothing keeps Kei from commenting. It’d be like trying to stop a tsunami with a plastic spork. “I’m tired. It’s been a long week.”
“It’s Wednesday.”
Cassian lifts one shoulder in a shrug, and uncaps his red pen. “Long week.”
Kei scoffs. “That is fallacious.”
He scratches out a misspelled word, and says, “Sure.”
“You are humoring me,” says Kei. “Do you not want to discuss what is making you act so strange?”
“I’m at work,” says Cassian. “So not really at the moment, no.”
“I see.” Kei sips at his tea. “I hope you are aware that no matter how unpalatable I may find hearing about your romantic escapades, if there are issues, I would be obliged to listen.”
Cassian can’t decide if he wants to laugh or choke.  How does one say the one person I never thought I’d see again in my lifetime is apparently the mother of two of my favorite students? “There are no romantic escapades.”
“Of course.” Kei peers down his long straight nose. “You’ll note that I used the word obliged because I have no desire to listen to your romantic escapades—”
“There are no escapades—”
“—I have a duty as your friend to listen to your problems and tell you how to fix them. Out of the two of us, I have more common sense, after all.” He sips his tea, and then adds, “Indubitably.”
“Indubitably,” says Cassian, and writes clunky sentence—rephrase in the margin of the paper he’s working on.
“Hey,” says Lumiya, over by the refrigerator. “Kei, I swear, if you took my lunch again—”
“Why would I ever steal your lunch?” says Kei. “They almost always smell terrible. Besides, even if I did, you avail yourself of my tea without my consent. It would be fair game.”
“That tea’s communal.”
“Cao ni ma,” says Kei, and does not smile. Lumiya huffs, and wanders off.
“Do I want to know what that means?” Cassian flips the page on the essay.
“Is that a rhetorical question? I do not know what you may or may not want, Cassian. You are aware of this.”
“It was rhetorical.” He taps his pen to his mouth. Rose Tico can usually write something much more sophisticated than this. Late night or bad week? “Forget it.”
“I shall not, but if I must change topics.” Kei thieves a fry out of Cassian’s bag of fast food. “Mothma is displeased today.”
“I’m trying to grade, you realize.”
“You are more than capable of listening and grading at once.” He takes another fry. “There was an incident with a parent yesterday morning. Apparently a boy in Lumiya’s homeroom accused one of the foster children of theft.”
Cassian nearly puts his pen through the paper. “Don’t call them that, Kei.”
“It’s a logical descriptor. And I do not have classes with them. Neither of them have any inclination to take Mandarin.” Kei sniffs. “Besides, I do not know their names. I do not bother to remember students I do not teach.”
“Finn and Rey Erso.” Both of them have been absent from school for two days. Tuesday and today. And Jyn had shown up to see Mothma on Tuesday, for some reason. “I haven’t heard anything.”
“Apparently there was a fight. The foster mother spent two hours in Mothma’s office and emerged very displeased. I observed it personally. I had to use the photocopier in the administration office, and I could hear the shouting through the wall.” Kei steals a third fry, and then a fourth, and finally Cassian shoves the bag over to him. He’s not hungry anymore, anyway. “Both of the foster children were involved, as well as Armitage Hux and a handful of ninth graders.”
“I should have been informed. Rey is in my homeroom class.” And she’s bright and sweet and with just enough of a stubborn streak that it….doesn’t surprise him that she threw herself into a fight alongside Finn. “Why didn’t anyone inform me?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” asks Kei, quite seriously.
Cassian does not answer. He leaves the staff room.
Mon Mothma’s been the principal of Yavin Prep for almost ten years, and from what he’s gleaned from old yearbooks, her office has never changed in all that time. Same books, same globe, same broad windows. Mothma looks the same as she has in every photograph, short red hair and lines around her mouth. She lifts one finger when he comes in, and says, “I’ll call you back,” in to the phone before settling it back in its cradle.
“I was going to call you in during the lunch hour,” she says, before Cassian can open his mouth. “So get off your high horse, if you please.”
He deflates. He can’t help it. People don’t just tell Mon Mothma no. “I only just heard about it. But Rey is in my homeroom, and Finn Erso is in my world history class, I should have been told—”
“It’s complicated,” says Mothma, and rubs at her temples. “Honestly, I assumed you would have heard about it before now. It’s all over the school, and you’re usually the teacher I can trust to have his ear to the ground.”
Cassian opens his mouth, and closes it again. He sits down. “I’ve—been distracted. Lately.”
“Does this have anything to do with why you were late yesterday?”
“Not in the least.” Just—why he hadn’t been able to focus much in class afterwards. “What happened?”  
Mothma sweeps her thumbs over the marks beneath her eyes. “Depends on who you ask.”
“Apparently a group of high school boys led by Armitage Hux jumped the Ersos on their way home from school on Monday. Ms. Erso claims it was an incident of bullying. Mrs. Hux says that Finn Erso stole her son’s laptop, and he and his friends came to ask Finn to give it back when he and Rey attacked.”
“Bullshit,” says Cassian.
Mothma frowns. “Cassian.”
“I know those kids.” He curls his hands around his kneecaps, digging his nails into his jeans. “The Ersos—they’re good kids. Good students. They’re not thieves, and they’re certainly not stupid enough to pick a fight with high schoolers twice their size.”
“I know that, but you have to admit, Cassian, they’ve not assimilated well. They’re rowdy, they’re disruptive in class, they both come from—fairly unique circumstances—”
“Are you saying that because they’re foster kids--” He stops, before he can add and minority students. He knows Mothma better than that. She might be oblivious sometimes, but she’d never say something that outwardly bigoted. “They’ve been burned by other schools. They have reasons.” 
“But those reasons aren’t helping them at all at the moment. They both have histories of violence, and in a he said she said situation there’s going to be enormous pressure from the board to examine this in a manner that falls in line with what the PTA wants.”
Cassian shifts his hands off his knees.
“Don’t make that face at me, Andor.” Mothma sighs. “There’s going to be a meeting tomorrow with Armitage Hux and his mother and the Ersos. Ten AM. I’d like you to be there.”
“Of course.”
“Thanks.” She rubs at her eyes. “Hopefully this doesn’t end in an expulsion.”
That’s it, apparently. He’s not going to get anything more. Cassian stands, and turns to go.
“If it helps,” says Mothma. “I’m inclined to believe Ms. Erso about the circumstances.”
“Good,” says Cassian. His teeth hurt. “Because those kids need all the support they can get.”
There’s an accident on the main street leading into the school, which means they’re almost—but not quite—late when Jyn finally puts the truck into park and says, “I know this is a good school, but it looks a little like juvie.”
Rey snorts hard through her nose. She’s been quiet all morning, clicking away at her fidget cube instead of talking, the way she does when she’s worried and not wanting to admit it. Finn, between them in the front seat, says, “And you’d know, Black Cat.”
“Don’t test me, monster. I went in once, I can do it again.” She turns off the engine. “Any nasty surprises either of you have forgotten to mention?”
Finn and Rey look at each other. Rey rocks back and forth once, and then says, “No?”
Of course it’s a question. She really doesn’t like that it’s a question. Jyn “Fine. Out of the car. And fix your tie, Finn. If you don’t make a good impression then I’m going to have to punch somebody in the administration to make sure they don’t notice and I already jammed my knuckles in a motor once this week.”
Her pick-up’s old and shitty, and she feels….grimy, in comparison to the other cars around. Yavin Prep might look like a juvenile detention center from the outside, but it’s an expensive school, and all the cars in the lot are pricey. There’s a reason she works two jobs, and it’s to make sure both Finn and Rey can stay here and hopefully get a decent chance at maybe, someday, going to college if they want to.
Bodhi would say she’s being stubborn. Bodhi has said she’s being stubborn, for not accessing the trust her father left her. Jyn would rather light herself on fire than have anything to do with her father, though, so even if she’s being stubborn, she’ll take bone-deep exhaustion and too much coffee over touching Galen Erso’s money before she has no other choice.
The administration office is a step up from all the admin offices she’d had to slink into, during her school years. There are actual paintings on the wall, not prints. A nice carpet. The fax machine isn’t trashed. The chairs aren’t cheap. Jyn can’t sit. She stays standing, and taps at the edge of her phone with a stubby fingernail until Rey nudges the side of her shoe and hisses for her to stop. Which makes it worse, because she should be the one calm, right now, not Rey and Finn. She catches the secretary watching them, and stares at the woman until Mrs. Naberrie (at least, according to her nameplate) has to drop her gaze to the desktop.
“Jyn,” says Finn, and tips his head to the wall. “Chill.”
“I’m chill,” says Jyn.
Finn rolls his eyes, and starts tapping his foot on the floor.
“Mrs. Erso?” It’s Mrs. Naberrie. She’s half on her feet, now, tucking gray, curling hair behind her ear. “If you want, I can take you and Finn in to the office, now.”
“It’s Miss,” says Jyn. She shoves her phone into her jacket pocket. “Thanks.”
Rey tucks her hand into Jyn’s pocket, too, just for a second, and hums.
Mon Mothma must be in her late forties, a small, slim woman with bright red hair and dips around her mouth that seem more like frown lines than dimples. Her handshake’s firm, without ceremony. There’s already a mother and child in the principal’s office (and she never, ever, ever thought she’d be back in a principal’s office again, but that’s how it goes, apparently): a redheaded, freckled woman and a redheaded, freckled boy, both with sour-milk skin and tilted mouths like they’ve smelled something off. There’s a vile dark bruise on Armie’s jaw, and his lip is split, but—and she feels vicious when she thinks this, still cold inside—not nearly so bad as Finn’s injuries. Because Armie Hux hadn’t been attacked by eight boys at once.
Jyn does not offer her hand. Neither does Armie Hux’s mother. Jyn puts her hand on Finn’s shoulder, instead.
She notices Cassian last, somehow. Maybe because he’s lurking near the window, staring out of them with his hands locked behind his back, strict as a soldier. Jyn focuses hard on Mothma, and refuses to pay attention.
“Thank you for coming in, both of you.” Mothma drops back into her seat, and folds her hands on the table. “I understand that the situation is complicated—”
“Nothing is complicated about this,” says Armie’s mother. Her lip curls. “I want that boy expelled for attacking my son.”
Finn does not flinch. He doesn’t look up. It’s only because Jyn has her hand on his shoulder that she can tell he’s shaking, just a little.
“That’s not the purpose of this meeting, Mrs. Hux.” Mothma taps her forefinger to her desk. “The goal here is to come to an understanding. Considering the circumstances—”
“There is no considering of anything, Ms. Mothma.” Mrs. Hux shakes her hair back out of her face, and tucks one leg over the other. “That boy is a thief who attacked my son, and I want him out of this school. Armitage deserves a school where he feels safe to attend class instead of being harassed by some juvie reject—”
“Excuse me,” Jyn says, and Finn goes stiff under her palm. “Don’t you dare—”
“Mrs. Hux, I understand that you’re upset about what happened, but this isn’t helping anybody—”
“Finn,” says Cassian, and Mothma goes abruptly quiet. “Did you take Armitage’s laptop?”
“Of course he did,” says Mrs. Hux. “The boy’s a criminal, from what I’ve heard—”
“You shut your mouth about my son,” says Jyn, low and cold. “Right now.”
“Finn,” says Cassian again. He’s softer, this time, somehow. “Did you take Armitage’s laptop?”
Finn looks at Jyn. Jyn looks at Finn.
“I didn’t,” says Finn, quietly. “Sir.”
“Of course he did,” says Mrs. Hux, “to sell it, most likely—”
“I didn’t.” Finn digs his fingers into her wrist, hard enough to sting. “Me and Rey were just walking home, we didn’t do anything—”
“I saw you take it,” says Armie Hux. He lisps, just a little. “You jimmied my locker open and you took it—”
“I wouldn’t want your stupid laptop, I have one at home—”
“That boy,” says Mrs. Hux, “took my son’s laptop out of spite, and I want him expelled, and I want his mother to compensate the cost of the machine—”
“Like hell,” says Jyn.
“Armitage,” says Cassian, but Mrs. Hux shouts over him.
“That boy is a criminal and a thug and I want him removed from this campus immediately, Miss Mothma—”
“This is an exploratory meeting,” says Mothma. She doesn’t raise her voice at all, but something in it—Jyn’s not sure. Mrs. Hux snaps her jaw shut so fast there’s almost a click. “Nothing is going to be decided here. If you aren’t comfortable with that, Mrs. Hux, you can leave, and we will continue exploring options without you present. Is that understood?”
Mrs. Hux says nothing. She huffs, and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Mr. Andor,” says Mothma. “You had a question, I believe.”
“I wanted to know what time Armitage saw Finn bust open his locker.” Cassian leans back against the windowsill, and does not smile. “That’s all.”
“What does that matter? He saw it, that’s the proof you need—”
“Humor me,” says Mothma, and smiles, thin-lipped. “Armitage?”
Armie Hux looks at his mother, and then at Cassian, and says, “I don’t remember.”
“You were in the hallway, clearly,” says Cassian,. “Your locker’s a few yards down from the chemistry lab, isn’t it? Was it morning? Afternoon?”
Armie looks at his mother again. He shrugs. Jyn curls her hand back around Finn’s shoulder, and holds on.
“I don’t see the point of this,” says Mrs. Hux.
“Armitage,” says Cassian. “You saw Finn taking your laptop out of your locker. Were you on your way to class?”
“I guess.”
“Which class?”
Armie shrugs again.
“Why didn’t you tell a teacher?”
“You saw Finn break open your locker and steal your laptop and you didn’t tell a teacher?” Cassian cocks his head. “Seems counter-intuitive to me.”
Mrs. Hux bristles. Color flushes up her throat, like she’s being filled with boiling water. “I don’t like what you’re implying, whoever you are—”
“Mr. Andor is one of our history teachers,” says Mothma. Jyn could swear the woman is preening, just a little. “Like I mentioned before, Mrs. Hux, I requested he attend this meeting on behalf of the student disciplinary committee.”
“Why is Armitage the one being interrogated here? That boy is the criminal—”
“If you don’t mind,” says Cassian, “I’d like him to finish his story. Surely you won’t object to that?”
Mrs. Hux snaps her mouth shut again.
“Art,” says Armie. “Third period. Before lunch.”
“Monday morning, third period. That’s when you saw him take it?”
“Yeah.” Armie shifts, and sniffs. “Yeah.”
“And when did you talk to your friends?”
“I talked to Ben in art class. Told him what happened.” The kid shrugs. “He talked to some guys in the high school division. Y’know. They wanted to make sure I’d be okay. Talking to him.”
“I wouldn’t have done anything,” Finn bursts out, and Jyn digs her nails into his shoulder. “I didn’t go near your stupid locker—”
“You’re sure it was third period,” says Cassian again. “Absolutely sure.”
“Yes,” says Armitage. He looks at his mother, and then at Finn. “He took it out of my locker, third period, on his way to chemistry class or something, I don’t know. Maybe he ditched. I don’t know what kids like him do during school, but it was definitely Finn.”
“Finn was in class with me during third period on Monday,” says Cassian, without inflection. “World history. Third period, Monday morning. We were talking about the Ottoman Empire. Finn turned in a paper on its fall during and after the First World War. I have him marked in my attendance book.”
Armitage Hux says nothing. Mrs. Hux is scarlet. Finn looks like all the holidays in the world have just smashed together into a piñata.
“Thank you, Miss Erso,” says Mothma. The corner of her mouth ticks up. “If you and Finn will wait outside for a few minutes, I’d appreciate it.”
There should be something to say, she thinks. She should hvae something to say. When she stands up, though, there’s nothing. Jyn nods, and in spite of herself her eyes flick to Cassian, where he’s still skulking by the window, his head down, hair kind of draping in front of his eyes. He’s watching her, she thinks. Without blinking. 
Jyn dips her head to him, just once, and pretends her heart isn’t twisting in her chest. 
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psst! thoughts on Lyra Erso, especially what you think might've happened if she had somehow survived? does she get to meet Beru and Breha, do they form a little club of middle-aged women in the Rebellion?
The crystal was…interesting. 
Breha had wandered over to the cluttered table out of vague interest—amid the looming structures and finicky-looking equipment, the table was the only thing she trusted herself not to damage. It was a chaotic mess, tools and rock samples and notes scrawled on flimsi all scattered, stacked haphazardly. But Breha’s gaze had been drawn to the innocuous white crystal immediately. She couldn’t help picking it up, turning it over in her hand. Someone had drilled a hole through one end, and threaded a cord through it, as though it was meant to be worn as a pendant.
It felt oddly warm against her skin, like something living.
Breha thought of Leia inexplicably, and for a moment she panicked—but Leia was fine, stuck in yet another strategy meeting. She would be there in the mess for dinner, probably arguing with Captain Solo, or trying to bite back a grin as Luke teased Lieutenant Antilles. Leia was fine. She was—
Breha startled at the sound of a loud grunt, too-close behind her. When she whirled around there was a helmeted sentient sticking out of what had previously been a gaping hole in the ground. The faint sound of hammering, voices, could still be heard drifting up from depths unknown.
“Oh!” the human woman—at least, Breha was reasonably sure; it was hard to tell under the layer of grime—said. She hauled herself up and out of the hole, stumbled to her feet. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was here. Have you been waiting long?”
“Only a moment or so,” Breha demurred. Now that she could see all of her, the sentient was definitely a human woman, dressed in something that may have, at one time, been a Rebel uniform. (It was encrusted with entirely too much dirt to be called that anymore.) She had repurposed a blaster bandolier, and stuck it full of what looked like laserscopes and spectrographs. 
There was a pickax at her hip.
Breha cleared her throat, tried again. “I was told Lyra Erso—”
“You must be with Acquisitions! They said someone would be coming by for the wishlist.”
“It’s not a wishlist,” Breha said, but she couldn’t summon her usual fierceness, the accompanying lecture about the importance of resource planning. 
So this was Lyra Erso.
Your husband killed my husband, Breha thought dizzily. She’d forgotten how to breathe, what came after exhale.
“Yes, yes,” Lyra Erso said, waving a hand dismissively. She had come to stand beside Breha, and was sifting through the cluttered mess of the desk with purpose. “I swear on the Force, the Rebellion has become almost as bad as the Order was when it comes to paperwork…”
Breha blinked. “The Order?”
Lyra Erso froze, a sheaf of flimsi in her hand. Breha watched a complicated expression flicker across her face, and then slide away. “Oh. That’s—I mean the Jedi Order,” she finally said, stiltedly. “I was…a youngling. At the temple on Coruscant. In another life.”
Now that Breha was looking, she could see that the lines around Lyra Erso’s mouth, her eyes, were not cracks in the dirt—she had to be just older than Breha, and that was a strange thought, that Galen Erso’s widow was the same age as Bail Organa’s.
“AgriCorps?” Breha hazarded. She wasn’t sure if there was a politer way to say, so you never made it to padawan.
“Engineering division. Mining geology and geoengineering, mainly.” Lyra Erso straightened up, and looked Breha in the eye. “You?”
“I was not in the AgriCorps,” Breha retorted dryly. Lyra Erso pulled a face, and Breha found herself adding, “But I knew many Jedi.”
“Ah. From Coruscant, then?”
“Alderaan,” Breha said, and Lyra Erso jerked, stumbling a few steps back, away from Breha. All the blood had drained from her face, and Breha watched her throat work as she swallowed.
“My husband was a senator on Coruscant for many years, though, and counted some of the High Councilors his friends.”
“I know,” Lyra said weakly. She looked as though she wasn’t breathing. “I—heard stories of Senator Organa. Though more from…My husband was a engineer. He worked on military contracts, so he—”
“I am aware,” Breha said, and she wasn’t able to keep the ice and fury out of her voice this time, not entirely. Lyra flinched.
“I should—get you that list,” she said quietly, and Breha stepped aside so she could continue searching through the mess of the table. Finally, she slid a piece of flimsi out from beneath a strange corckscrew-like tool and a hunk of black rock. Held it out to Breha.
“Let me know if you can’t decipher the handwriting.”
“Thank you,” Breha said, and turned to go—
Breha turned, drawing herself up, but Lyra was only just standing there with her hand outstretched. “My crystal, please.”
Breha blinked, and Lyra pointed at her hand. Breha uncurled her fist—she’d forgotten, and the white crystal was still in her palm. It was strangely cool now, and her hand was clammy around it.
“Is it valuable?” Breha asked, stepping forward to drop the crystal into Lyra’s open palm.
“Only to me,” Lyra said, curling her fingers around it so tightly that her hand trembled, just slightly. “It was my daughter’s.”
There was a particular tone of voice they all knew too well these days; it spoke only in past tense. “I’m sorry for your loss,” Breha offered, but it sounded weak even to her.
“Yes, well,” Lyra said. She smiled bitterly. “The sacrifice of Rogue One will be remembered by the Rebellion for as long it as endures, isn’t that right? I think your daughter said that, at the memorial.”
Breha remembered, with a suddenly awful pang. Jyn Erso, Leia had read aloud, but Breha had been numb, Breha had been sobbing bailbailbail with every beat of her heart and howling for Alderaan from her very spirit and she hadn’t thought—
“I should go,” Breha said, feeling suddenly very clumsy, and young, in a way she hadn’t been for decades. “I’m—needed elsewhere.”
“Of course,” Lyra Erso said, and despite her grubby uniform and the bulky tools, there was a fearsomeness to her, this old woman with her grief. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your duties.” 
Breha could feel Lyra Erso’s eyes on her as she climbed into the speeder, and left the mining camp in her exhaust.
“What in the nine hells did you say to Lyra?” Beru asked, the moment she had set down her mess-tray. 
Breha glanced up from her datapad, idly marking her place in the Intel report and then banishing the file. “I don’t think I know any Lyras.”
“Erso. The geologist.”
That had been days ago, now. “How do you know Lyra Erso?” Breha asked, raising an eyebrow at Beru, who huffed softly.
“I’ve spent my whole life building, maintaining, and repairing water vaporators,” Beru said, stirring the fortified vita-gel into her stew. (Breha wrinkled her nose, she couldn’t help it; she was perpetually amazed by how much Beru and her nephew seemed to enjoy dehydrated food.) “It turns out mine drainage tech isn’t that different, so I consulted on her project.”
“Well, I didn’t say anything to Erso,” Breha said. “I was there for Acquisitions. I got her requested list, and left. I was perfectly polite.”
Beru hummed noncommittally. “Fine, but were you polite, or were you—queen-polite?”
Breha blinked. “What’s ‘queen-polite’?”
“Oh, you know,” Beru said, gesturing unhelpfully with her spoon. “That way you get whenever Draven speaks over you, or Han teases Leia too much. Polite, but with a lot of cold underneath.”
There were times Breha missed being a queen. People showed proper respect when you were queen.“I do not do that.”
“You’re doing it right now.”
“I am not.”
“Leia does it too. Gets it from you, I imagine.”
Breha wasn’t sure whether to take that as a compliment or not, and so settled for looking icily at Beru. Beru sighed. “You know that—even if Galen Erso hadn’t built a means of destroying the Death Star, you can’t hold his wife accountable for his actions.”
Breha felt her face go hot, and she resisted the urge to defend herself. (There was nothing to defend. There wasn’t.) “I’m not going to discuss this.”
“You’d like her, you know,” Beru said after a moment, and smiled sunnily when Breha glared. “Lyra, I mean. And you would. She’s very…No one is going to convince her to be anything but what she is.”
“What she is is at least partly complicit in building the Death Star,” Breha scoffed. Her datapad buzzed, and she glanced down—just another message from the Director of Logistics, reminding her they had a meeting. “We’re all too old to learn new tricks these days.”
When she looked up again, Beru’s face had fallen, and she was picking at the stew with a faint scowl. Breha swallowed. “I didn’t mean…”
“It seems to me,” Beru said quietly, “it wasn’t long ago you were a queen and I was a farmer’s wife. Now you buy bombs, and I drain underground rivers. I think—all we do these days is learn new tricks.”
Breha was not sulking, because sulking was something badly-behaved children did. She hadn’t sulked since she was a spotty adolescent, and every whim of her mother’s was cause for angst; she had no intention of taking the habit up again after forty-odd years.
…though Breha had also spent the last forty-odd years as the unquestioned Queen of Alderaan, whose will was the law of a world, which might have helped.
“Just—deliver the equipment, please,” the Director of Logistics said with a sigh, rubbing the spot between his eyes. “It’s already been loaded onto the speeder, all you have to do is bring it to the camp.”
So: sulking.
When Breha arrived at the camp, the sun was low, and the orange light of it only sometimes broke the tree cover. Yavin was strange in the dusk—Alderaan had always been bright and clear, cool, and the dark fell quickly. None of this dreamy haze, the sky streaked with chemical color.
The miners were gathered around an open fire, doing nothing much that she could make out. They rose to their feet as Breha brought the speeder down, switched off the engines. 
If Lyra Erso was among them, Breha couldn’t pick her out from the other dark shapes around the fire.
“Acquisitions! I brought your—machine,” she announced, waving at the heavy durasteel thing that had weighted down the back of the speeder. “But I’ll need help unloading it. It is probably best to do before it gets fully dark…”
Breha would say this of the Rebellion—it attracted the sort of people who were already in motion by the time you finished asking for help. Before Breha could put more than a few thoughts together, she found herself with her shoulder pressed to the heavy durasteel frame as someone shouted cheerfully, “Lift, you sons of banthas!”
In front of Breha was Lyra Erso, though the shape of her was barely discernible in the half-light. It was such a surprise that Breha nearly startled away, dropped the machine—though the heft of it was the only thing weighting her down just then.
Breha wondered if Lyra Erso was wearing the crystal around her neck right now. It was too dark to make out out anything but vague shapes.
By the time they finished moving the machine, Breha was sweating and ready to lie down there in the grass if it meant her arms would stop aching. It was disheartening to feel so suddenly elderly and infirm, when all the miners were laughing, ambling back towards the fire and talking among themselves. They were all very young, strong and alive and laughing.
(Breha tried to imagine what it would be like, to look for your daughter among them, and not find her, keep not finding her. She exhaled.)
At last, there was just Breha and Lyra, standing there in he dark grass.
“I spoke to Beru,” Breha said, in absence of anything else to say.
“Oh,” Lyra said, and even in the dim light from the fire, Breha could see her eyes dart to her. “Did you?”
“She says I’d like you.”
“Hm. She told me the same thing,” Lyra said.
“Meddlesome old biddy,” Breha muttered, and Lyra laughed. It was so unexpected that Breha stared. 
“I didn’t—I mean, aren’t we all these days?” Lyra asked, grinning. “Better a meddlesome old biddy than anything else.”
Breha craned her neck, to look up at the machine—it had grown dark enough that she could just pick out the shape of it against the dark tree cover, the few stars. Breha had persuaded the transpo to part with it on the condition that the Rebellion make it look like his ship had been sacked by pirates. 
Breha had been the Queen of Alderaan, Jewel of the Core, and now she helped two-bit transpo agents commit insurance fraud.
“Beru says that all we’ve done since coming to the Rebellion is new tricks,” Breha said, turning to look at Lyra. In the flickering firelight, she was pale enough to pass for a ghost, a dead woman—and that was appropriate, wasn’t it? Wife to a dead man, mother to a martyr. Two old women standing in the dark, who ought to have been dead before now.
“I suppose you had better learn, then,” Lyra said.
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tellmevarric · 7 years
More Like You
Written for Day 5 of Bassian Week - Force Sensitive Bodhi Rook
For someone who claims to not believe in the Force, Baze is certainly very mindful of it. And when he sees something very familiar in Bodhi, he goes to the one person who he knows could actually help.
I took something of a different take on this prompt because this was what spoke to me the loudest so for all that this is about a Force-sensitive Bodhi and his relationship with Cassian, they don't technically appear in the fic itself. Though they are the topic of conversation.
This fic can also be found here on AO3.
It came as no surprise to Chirrut that Baze was the one who noticed what was going on with Bodhi first. For all that he claimed to have turned away from the Force, for all that he was indeed out of balance with the Force and for all that pained Chirrut, Baze had always had an affinity for the Force that Chirrut admired when they were still young acolytes in the Temple of the Kyber. He had always suspected that Baze could have had a better connection than even his own fleeting ability to grasp the threads of the Force if he had only just believed in himself more.
But that had never been in Baze’s nature sadly. What was in his nature was to be attuned to someone else’s sensitivity to the Force. Usually that was Chirrut and for all his grumbling he had always made room and time for Chirrut’s Force sensitivity and for all his grumblings and denials, he had never truly doubted what Chirrut could see and feel through the Force. No matter what else he might claim to be or not to be, no matter how much he might deny it, Baze Malbus was still, in his deepest heart, a Guardian of the Whills.
So when Baze came over and sat down next to him with a huffing sigh, his mood heavy and contemplative, Chirrut did nothing more than simply wait. There was no point prodding at Baze when he was in this sort of mood. Doing so would only drive him back into his shell. No, this sort of mood required patience and gentle coaxing to get to the source of it.
“Bodhi,” Baze began before falling silent again.
Chirrut waited then offered a small prompt. “Yes? A fine young man. Courageous. Good pilot. Very respectful of his elders.”
He said the latter with a broad impish smile. Since their return from Scarif… or more specifically since their recovery from the terrible wounds they had all suffered there… Bodhi had called both Chirrut and Baze – but particularly Baze – every Jedhan word for ‘respected elder’ that possibly existed. Baze grumbled about it but even without his sight, Chirrut hadn’t missed the almost paternal way Baze treated the young pilot, up to and including the heavy looks he directed at Cassian Andor, who was slowly inching his way emotionally towards Bodhi. Chirrut found that particularly amusing because Cassian was so clearly inept at it – unsurprisingly given what he had revealed about his life in his angry words to Jyn after Eadu – and Bodhi was, as far as he could tell, well aware of what was going on and was simply waiting patiently for Cassian to sort himself out. Bodhi didn’t really need Baze’s protection in the endeavour but he didn’t seem to mind it either.
Baze gave an irritated grunt and Chirrut leaned against him in a silent apology for his teasing. Baze immediately shifted to give him more support and Chirrut smiled softly. They’d almost lost each other on Scarif and in the aftermath neither felt inclined to stray far from the other, both physically and in every other way.
Baze was silent for a little longer then he said, “I think he feels the Force.”
Chirrut gave a start and his hands tightened on his staff. “Like the Skywalker boy?”
They’d met Luke Skywalker in the aftermath of the destruction of the Death Star. The young man, shining so brightly with the Force, had come to see them specially. To thank them for their courage and bravery that had allowed him to finish what Galen Erso had started. It had been interesting. Jyn had been awkward but pleased that Luke had recognised her father’s contribution. Baze had been distinctly uncomfortable around the potential Jedi and Chirrut had simply basked in the strength of Luke’s connection to the Force. Bodhi, however, had been star struck, which had left Cassian stiff and uncertain and unhappy beside him until Bodhi had clutched at his arm and babbled at him about flying… or more specifically flying Cassian on his missions. Chirrut had a suspicion Bodhi’s response had been quite deliberate.
“No,” Baze replied. “More like you.”
Chirrut contemplated that thought. He hadn’t reached for the Force since they’d woken up in the medbay on Yavin IV after Scarif. He’d meditated, yes, but he hadn’t sought that oh-so-elusive connection to the Force that so often eluded him but sometimes came at his call. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to but it wasn’t always easy and it drained him sometimes. He simply hadn’t had the energy to spare.
“Does he know?” he asked.
Baze hesitated for a moment. “I think he’s aware on some level but not completely.”
Chirrut raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“He gets twitchy when anyone talks about the grenade,” Baze said after a long pause.
Chirrut hummed his agreement. He had noted how Bodhi started to stammer and change the subject whenever that incident came up in conversation. Neither he nor Baze had seen it – metaphorically speaking in his case – but they had heard Bodhi’s initial explanation on the shuttle as they escaped Scarif. Bodhi had been jittery and anxious and thus wound up to a fever pitch, still working more on adrenaline than anything else, and what he’d said then did not entirely match what he’d later told the Rebel leaders. He hadn’t lied; he’d just left out a few things he’d told them. Like how he had known the grenade was coming before it landed and had reached out and tossed it in just the right direction to take out the stormtroopers who had been aiming at Chirrut. Like how he had known exactly where Baze and Chirrut had been when he come to rescue them in the shuttle and where Jyn and Cassian had ended up.
“And this thing with Cassian,” Baze continued.
Chirrut chuckled. “You disapprove?”
“No,” Baze replied. “Bodhi knows what he’s doing. Cassian needs to get his head out of his backside.”
Chirrut patted his arm. “Be gentle with him, dear heart. You heard what he said to Jyn. That sort of life doesn’t make it easy for him.” Baze grumbled and Chirrut patted him on the arm again. “And Bodhi does have it well in hand. Though how does it support your thought he is Force sensitive?”
Baze was silent for a long time but Chirrut was happy to wait him out. “He does what you used to do,” he finally said, his voice a complicated mix of exasperation, amusement and fondness.
Chirrut was startled into laughter at the reference to their days back in the Temple. Baze rarely referenced those days since the Temple fell and even more rarely the days of their youth after Chirrut had realised what his feelings were for Baze and that Baze did in fact feel the same but was reluctant to make any move that might jeopardise their friendship.
“Oh my!” He giggled at the memory of his own antics and what it must look like for Baze, Bodhi and Cassian. “So that’s what he’s been doing! I knew he was in control of the situation but I hadn’t realised what was actually going on.”
He’d been so proud of his Force sensitivity back in those days and had used it shamelessly as he’d ever so slowly chased after Baze. Making sure he always knew what sort of mood Baze was in, where he would be and making sure he was always the one there to share any triumphs and soothe any fears and pains.
“It was familiar,” Baze said so dryly amused that Chirrut started giggling again.
“Is Cassian being as stubborn as you were?” he asked, shifting so that he could poke Baze in the side repeatedly.
Baze caught his hand with an annoyed grunt and pulled him close. “I don’t know. Did I look pole-axed every time you appeared out of nowhere?”
Chirrut felt the same sense of faint regret that came every time he thought about the days before he’d lost his sight. It was very faint these days. He’d spent far more years blind than he had sighted and very few memories of what he had once been able to see remained clear. Most of those that did were of Baze.
“No, you mostly looked annoyed,” he said with a pout.
Baze gave a soft huff of laughter. “You might need to tell Bodhi to ease up a bit then.”
Chirrut caught the unspoken words underlying that statement and he smiled softly. Baze might have rejected the Force but he was still mindful of it despite that. There was little that Chirrut could do to teach Bodhi. Force sensitivity didn’t really work like that. But he could ensure Bodhi was aware of what he was doing and was mindful of that.
“Perhaps after he’s captured his Cassian?” Chirrut suggested with a grin.
“I don’t think that’ll take too much longer,” Baze replied, his tone indicating he was satisfied that he’d brought the matter to Chirrut’s attention and was happy to leave it with him. “I saw Jyn lecturing him.”
“Who? Bodhi?”
“No, Cassian.”
Chirrut chuckled. “That should be sufficient.” He patted Baze’s leg and got to his feet. “I think we should help it along a bit, don’t you?”
Baze sighed but got to his feet nonetheless. “You can’t help meddling.”
“It’s not meddling when it’s going to make our friends happy,” Chirrut replied. “Now come.”
Baze sighed wearily. “Yes, dear.”
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certifiedskywalker · 8 years
Romance and Probability  - Galen Erso
Request : Could you do a Galen Erso x Reader in which the reader has been in love with him for quite some time but they are young and scared that Galen might not like them romantically? But somehow they tell him and end up sharing their first kiss with him?
I don’t know how this is, it might be bad. This was my first time writing for Galen so if you want something better I’ll write it! Enjoy!
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You were one of the youngest Imperial technicians to work on Eadu, which subjected you to higher expectations. Or so you thought it would. As it turned out the leader of the science division, Galen Erso, was pretty easy going. Which was refreshing to see in the Empire since everyone else was either always serious or too busy to even look at you.
It wasn’t like that with Galen though. He was kind, and despite his high ranking position in the Empire, he didn’t seem happy with what he was doing. His team, which included you and four other scientists was working on a super weapon for the Empire. Galen was hard working, but at times you’d see his face fall and his emotions become unveiled. You only spoke to him about it this once. You spoke to him more, kindly and trying to get him to open up more. He didn’t though, he’d change the subject to progress reports or a clever idea he had. You had almost given up until you were invited to a party hosted by Orson Krennic. It was a small get together with the science division and a few guards of Krennic’s to celebrate the naming of The Death Star.
At the party you overheard Galen and Orson speaking to one another.
“You may be happy to know that no one in any sector has seen your daughter.” There was a pause in his speak and from the corner of your eyes you saw Galen’s face. His features were emotionless, despite his thin lips in a frown. “I only wish that things had turned out differently and both Lyra and your child were here as well.” He shot Galen a sly smile and walked away cape flowing dramatically behind him. You turned to hide your face from the commander, and when he passed you turned back slightly to look at Galen. His eyes were downcast, and his hands were in tight fists at his sides. You carefully walked towards him, arms out slightly as if approaching a wounded animal.
“Galen?” You asked in a small whisper. His brown eyes looked up at you, sad and watery. His longer gray-brown hair fell to the sides of his face. “Y/N. How are you?” His voice was rough, as if struggling to make it seem normal. You just stared at him, and he knew that you had overheard his conversation with Orson. A single tear fell down his cheek, “Forget what you heard and what you’re seeing, please.” His voice was weak, there was no hiding now. You stepped forward and reached up a hand to wipe the tear away. “It’s okay,” you pulled your hand away, “you’re not the only the Empire has hurt to get you on their side.” Galen studied you, as if trying to memorize the way you looked at him. It wasn’t as a suppressed scientist broken by the Empire, it was with hope.
After that, you and Galen grew closer. He even opened up a little about his late wife and his child Jyn; and you just listened. It was all Galen needed really, a sounding board and nothing more. You felt like you were doing good despite where you were. You were doing something that even the Empire could not undo. You were giving Galen Erso hope that he wasn’t the only one that wanted to destroy the Empire from the inside. Your relationship evolved so much, Galen entrusted you with details about his plan; the flaw he had built in the Death Star.
“How did I not notice this!?” You asked while looking at the blueprints Galen had in his room. He smiled at you has your eyes studied the papers. You turned to look at the older man and felt your heart lurch. The soft smile on his lips was a rare sight and it made your whole heart happy. He deserved to smile more often. You felt warmth go to your cheeks and you turned back to the blueprints. That type of thing seemed to happen a lot more recently. Whether it be an accidental brush of hands, prolonged eye contact, it all just left you in a mess. Your feelings from Galen had grown quite out of hand in the past few months. It got to the point where you grew so nervous around him, you had to distance yourself for a while. You used the “I wasn’t feeling well” excused which made Galen worried for you and made you want to scream. Your feelings complicated everything.
There was yet another party, this time to celebrate the first successful test run of the super weapon. You had been doing one of your weeks of avoiding Galen, but decided it would look rather odd if you didn’t come to a party that celebrated your team’s work. You swallowed your nerves and walked into the party hall. It was mostly high ranking officials chit-chatting over expensive drinks about the Empire’s progress. It wasn’t like the parties on your home planet with warm and tasty foods, dancing, loud music. It was nothing of the sort. Some people didn’t bother to change out of their uniforms. You had at least made yourself look presentable. You walked over to a table that had many drinks on display. You picked one up and held to your eye level to study the dark red liquid.
“It’s Bespin Port, quite expensive.” You turned around slowly, as not to spill the fancy drink. Your eyes landed on Galen, who was dressed in a pressed gray suit. Somehow he made the simple color look imaginative and you couldn’t help but look at him. When your gaze made it to his face you saw that the corner of his lips quirked upward in a half smile. “You look wonderful, Y/N.”
You felt the blush on your cheeks but for the moment you just ignored it. “Thank you, Galen. You look good too.” You mentally slapped yourself at how stupid you sounded. He gave you a smile though, and held out his hand. You took it, gingerly and followed him as he lead you through a crowd of people to a small balcony.
“I may just be a scientist,” Galen started, turning to you, “but I can read social cues, not just graphs.” You looked into his eyes and found yourself wordless. Nothing could be sad to justify how you’d been acting. It wasn’t fair to leave him in the dark with no explanation. He may not see you the way you would like to be seen by him, because you’re younger, but you couldn’t stand it anymore. You took a breath and looked out at the landscape before you.
“I have been really enjoying your company, Galen.” You looked up at him and saw one of his eyebrow raised in confusion. Or so you thought, really Galen just wanted to hear you say it. It had been so long since he felt this way towards someone, since he’d felt this good about what’s to come. You groaned, “I like you.”
That was all he needed to hear. You took a step towards you, hands holding your arms. He leaned down slightly in question before you finally caught on. You stood on  your tippy-toes and your lips landed against his. It was soft, and it ended all too soon. “I thought you wouldn’t, it was probable that…” you started but you felt to bashful to finish. You closed your eyes, pressing your forehead to his and felt the nerves fade away. He reached a hand up to cup your cheek, bringing your face back so he could look into your eyes.
“My dear, romance and probability don’t mix.” You both smiled at each other, basking in the feeling the one gave the other. A feeling of Hope.
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