#his bio is so long i might also write a tldr
ofwaywards · 11 months
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( alex fitzalan. cis man. he/his. ) ⸺ 🐏 greetings, bighorns ! walking around campus, sporting his twin brother’s necklace, we’ve spotted WILLIAM BARLOWE, a twenty eight year old who contributes to our thriving community as a FARMER. according to our intel, he’s been around the sanctuary for one year and what we know about him, aside from the fact that he does agree with the decision to close the gates, is that he spent years roaming while mourning his family, was a boy scout for nine years, and loves astronomy. doesn’t that make him fantastic ? we think it does, and that’s why we appreciate him so much, grateful for what he gives to our community.
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        about.   biography.  statistics. connections.
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
hi :) I’m kinda new to tumblr and tgm, do you have any tips to not get blocked by people bc I got blocked by one of my fave tgm blogs even though I followed their rules (age/not blank blog) and I’m kinda sad about it :(
Hi honey! I’m sorry you got blocked. I of course can’t speak for any other creators on here, but here’s some tips about what I look for/what I decide to block.
If a person has their age stated, that’s already such a relief! I, however, do sometimes choose to block people who doesn’t have a blank blog either. For me, I want my followers and readers to be interactive with me.
This site is a blog site, like your account and your page is your blog - which is why it’s called re-blog. Tumblr was big because back in the day, you had a separate website for your blog, and you had to click in on your fave blogs to catch up on their content - on tumblr, they put all of your fave blogs in one place, and you could now interact with your fave bloggers and put THEIR stuff that you liked on YOUR blog, which was so groundbreaking!
I tell you this because I feel like people forget, and some people on here might not even be old enough to remember what blogs even were.
So, when I see a blog followed me, I look for age, if they have that, I look at content. I block users who haven’t reblogged anything recently (say January this year is the last post, that’s a block for me), and if I’ve noticed said user liking my fics - but they haven’t reblogged ANY fic from ANY user on their blog that’s a block too. If you don’t want to even just click a button to reblog instead of like, I don’t feel like sharing my fics with you.
And that’s another thing, how you interact with the fic. It bothers me that fics are just expected to drop like it’s a fucking six second tiktok that you just throw together. The really good fic writers on here? They’ve been writing for years. They’ve put time and hard work into perfecting their craft. If you look at book series - how long do you usually have to wait for the next installment? Years, usually.
So asking an author for “part two?!?“ can and should be seen as extremely rude. Because for us that is not you telling us you liked the story, that’s you dissatisfied with the end and wanting more, without giving us anything but impatience and pressure. I’ve seen some people say they’re shy or don’t know what to write but imma be a cunt and say that’s such fucking bullshit.
It’s a fucking blog. Like??? “Cumslut96 wrote that they loved the descriptive language of the blowjob scene” how the fuck will I know who that is? Like I don’t go “that must be Lisa from down the street!”
And not knowing what to comment? Also bullshit - literally just write what the fic made you feel. And if it didnt make you feel anything, why’d you even want a part two? We’re literally creating shit for free (or in my case, I pay 12 dollars a month to give y’all gifs) and like the least you could do is leave a comment about what you liked. It’s what inspires and makes writers want to write more, there’s no shortcuts for that unfortunately.
Tldr; age in bio, reblog frequently with variation, treat your content creators with respect, and for gods sake don’t write “just here for the fics” in your bio 💀
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dreamingofmuses · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions: RP Edition
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Howdy all, Ash here. I've been having a think while with family this week, and I've decided I'm going to implement some new 'resolutions' to try and help make writing in 2024 be way more successful than in 2023. This will include things from the running of blogs to jobs I really want to get finished. I'm putting them under a read-more to keep the dash nice and clean.
I will say, this has taken me an hour to write up, and I'd recommend you doing likewise if you think there's little ways you want to improve.
Overall Running of Blogs
I'm going to experiment a new approach to running the blogs. For this, I'm going to put all active blogs to low-medium activity. In other words, even if I am personally lurking on mobile, I won't be constantly writing things if I'm not able to. (Work is just about to get super busy and I'm anticipating chaos)
A queue/schedule function will be used for all blogs. I intend to dedicate one weekday evening to working without interruption on replies. Taking commutes to the city and family visits into account, this is looking to be a Thursday, which is the only day I am neither travelling to the city nor have a guaranteed family visit. Of course, this may fluctuate, but that's what I'm hoping to work with, assuming those things stay as they are.
However! What all this means is that I am going to tentatively take skullandbowties off hiatus. With that blog being quiet, it should be possible to juggle it better now. Plus, it's officially off-season so the demand for him from new blogs ought to be low. I'm very smart :D
I also plan to update all pinned posts. I am aware some of them are marking a vacation from months ago.
Individual Blog Maintenance
Create "New Here?" posts to add to the pinned posts/info tags. This is going to be a very quick crash course on what to expect from the blog, especially where some characters might diverge from fanon expectations.
FINISH. WILF'S. BIO. It's not actually relevant to anything being written on the blog itself at present, but I really want to flesh out his character and show that he was stuck in stories for years, decades even! The doc has the word count to 4,888 at this precise moment. This is a mix of summary and brainstorm. Since it's getting a 'little' out of hand, I intend to have a 'tldr' at the start that people can read, and then longer versions if they're curious to get the full story. Maybe even have it that they can jump to particular parts but... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Likewise, Noah's version of Space needs to be finished. This one is going to be a summary, but it's a case of making sure the pieces are in place sufficiently to have parts match canon Space, but also make it clear that there is a lot of differences between canon and what he went through, with his plot entirely spiralling away for 'Part 2'. This is at 5,794 words, and the ending has yet to be ironed out...
(I am going to stop creating needlessly long-winded projects for myself that realistically add nothing of value to my blogs. These two projects are exhausting...)
Theauthorlives is returning to a very small multimuse. Any muses that aren't ones I genuinely enjoy writing are being fully archived, unless they are muses that get no traction but I want to keep the possibility open. Details of that will be shared when I do this.
Redo some muse icons (not all of them!). Though the selection I have for particular sets is a lot, I still feel like I'm missing some expressions or poses. I would like to remake one batch of icons for three characters, and finish iconning a third. Replies seem to be shifting toward iconless, but I like them for asks or IC commentaries.
OOC/Mun Related stuff
Following matters that have happened both online and IRL, I've decided to take a step back from actively engaging with people. My focus will be people that I have been in good communication with for the last twelve months (as well as people I don't talk to frequently but am on friendly terms with) rather than people I feel I have to 'chase' after. Saying that, I'm going to try and not let past experiences meddle with anything in with new writing partners - whether these are brand new to the community or people I've not had the chance to properly interact with prior to this. Just be aware that I might not be super outgoing at first. (This is where setting limits and boundaries is good practice, everyone! Don't sell yourself short, and don't spread yourself out too thinly!)
Which is where I now say I want to send even more asks! Not just memes or sentence starters, but general questions about headcanons or muse opinions. I want to get people thinking more.
My stance on Discord still stands, in that it's solely for OOC stuff, but I'm not giving it out to everyone. However, I have been in two group servers that have little-to-no connection with writing rp threads in them. I would hope that I can fully regain my sense of comfort using Discord as a whole.
Art related
Despite socially stepping back, I still want to keep some semblance of 'community' where my blogs are active so people don't feel isolated. For instance, I want to do something that encourages invasions of ask boxes. That was good fun to watch as the chaos began to spread, and when people are good-humoured to go along with my silly ideas.
I want to have one huge art-related event at some point this year. I'm not entirely what or how to do it, but I think it would be a great excuse to practice something. Portraits, comics, something like that. I'll have a think. (For those who remember, the water gun event was supposed to have an art conclusion but plans for that fell through.)
I want to try and upload drawn responses to heythereneighbor once a week if I can. Obviously, this is depending on how busy it is.
I'd also like to try doodling more on other blogs? But I'm not sure if this is even something people want to see anymore. People might prefer I focus on writing if I have free time instead of doodles or little comics.
... the writing blog. I need to do stuff with that in general. Whoops.
Finally, I want to do what I can to the best of my abilities on a particular day. I've always told people over the years that real life comes before rp, and I still stand by that. Whether I'm around or not every day isn't the end of the world. The communities I write in are a lot slower paced than they were when I started, which is great! I need to remind myself that I don't need to be writing just because I have a bit of free time.
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plantfeed · 10 months
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welcome to marina, NATALYA FYODOROVA ( cis woman, she / her ) ! they are a FORTY NINE year old who has lived on the island for SIXTEEN YEARS. word on the street is they’re currently living in MARINA HEIGHTS and works as an ESTATE AGENT. everyone also says they look a lot like RACHEL WEISZ. what do you think? — NORA, 27, she/her, GMT. pinterest. blog tag.
ok i started writing stuff specifically for marina and then opened up her old bio to copy some stuff and didn't realise how much i had so apologies for the Longest Intro You Have Ever Seen !!!!
i was gonna leave most of this in google docs but tbh it might be relevant for connections so CTRL + F if u need to find something or ask bcos its a fucking manuscript
THIS ISN'T EVEN THE FULL ORIGINAL THING - THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A SUMMARY - ITS ACTUALLY FUCKED HOW LONG HER ORIGINAL ONE WAS. if you love to read and want to hear more about her there are even more bullet points about her childhood and growing up here. im struggling to get my head around it tbh.
summary of natalya.
tw: violence, addiction, overdose
TLDR: russian military brat and ballet prodigy, moved to moscow at 17 to work for the bolshoi ballet.  at the tender age of 23 she married her sugar daddy rostislav ‘rocco’ fyodorov (an art dealer from saint petersburg, but also a document forger & money launderer with ties to the mafia). he was the great love of her life. they got divorced and remarried and divorced again. after her second divorce from rocco she married and divorced a film critic with pretty serious addiction issues. most of the nineties were a blur spent at drug-fuelled orgies in moscow. at 26 she gets remarried to rocco. she misses the tempestuous up and down of their relationship, she misses being owned by someone. they fight like criminals and fuck like animals. at 27 she gives birth to will, and two years later, she gives birth to maura. 
after the birth of her two kids they reinvent themselves & move to the states for a fresh start without crime. rocco starts working as a junior art dealer for a gallery in north carolina. he stops going by ‘rocco’ and instead by ‘rusty’, a non-threatening, cuddly moniker for rostislav. he plays the part well, forges himself a few letters of recommendation to go with his fake diplomas and is eventually promoted to gallery curator ($$$$). for several years milf rachel was a stay at home mom, which suited her perfectly. rocco uses the advance on his salary and builds them the dream house. things are good. but despite moving, and changing their lives for the better, trouble follows them. a former colleague turns up with the age old adage - one last job. rocco turns him down. several months later, they send another messenger. it turns out rocco owes a lot of people a lot of money. rather than run from it, he pays them off. the salary he’s worked so hard for starts to dwindle, but he wants out of it. money’s easier than bloodshed. soon, there’s talk of downsizing. natalya refuses to leave the house he built for her - the house she deserves. so she lowers herself to getting a job. for several years she was an uber driver, picture her turning up in a black convertible blasting bach. after working as an uber driver for several years she got a job in real estate, first as a lettings administrative assistant, then a lettings negotiator, eventually moving on to be an estate agent of luxury properties. after a few years in real estate, footing the bills while rocco bats off the debt collectors, she starts to think that she can do this breadwinning thing on her own. 
it’s been several years now since the first of the mafia’s debt collectors arrived with the offer of a job. they should be in the clear by now. there’s no logical way to explain why rocco would owe so much - feels like it’s simply to punish him for turning down a job. despite the money that continues to leave their shared account, the trouble never stops. the debts never disappear. give an inch and they’ll take a mile. it’s been over a decade since they left the criminal world entirely, and yet it continues to follow them. it’s not just rocco and natalya’s lives on the line any more - they’ve got kids, kids she’ll do anything to protect (including have her husband killed, if needed). but she’s clever enough to know that a crime of passion will never cut it in a court of law. she encourages rocco to take out a life insurance policy, to protect her and the kids if anything happens. there’s been a lot of unsightly figures hanging around his gallery as of late - he’s noticed it too. she knows that in the case of a murder, a life insurance policy is usually only valid if it was issued more than two years ago. two years and a day later, rocco is found dead in his study - letter opener to the throat. first ruled a suicide, then later ruled not a suicide due to conflicting evidence, then later ruled inconclusive.
the next year, natalya is the picture of the grieving widow. on the outside, she never leaves the house without being top-to-toe in black. on the inside, she’s unspeakably, sickeningly happy. the gardener, pablo, who she’s been seeing in secret for years becomes a permanent fixture of the home. the kids are shipped off to boarding school, courtesy of rocco’s life insurance and a generous donation from the gallery to support their education (it’s what ‘rusty’ would have wanted). trouble doesn’t come again for years, until natalya returns home one day to find her daughter maura in the garden with one of rocco’s former colleagues. he tells her they’re sorry to hear about rocco, and that if there’s anything they can do to help, to let them know - they’ll be keeping an eye on her. she’s never been a religious person, but there’s something about the way that he says it that puts the fear of god in her soul.
two months later, she sold the house rocco built for her, took her two kids and moved to marina heights. they were nouveau riche here, a fresh start, no dirty washing on the laundry line, no mistrusting neighbours who’d heard one too many explosive fights or witnessed shady characters at their doors,  none of the years of scrimping and saving to afford their property. by this point, natalya is well established in the world of luxury real estate. i’ve never seen selling sunset but probs somethin like that. she chose marina to move to because they already had some family ties there (the romanovs)
tw death traumacore drowning drugs. 
natalya’s the younger sister of vaughn romanov. it feels good to be back with family - not only is she off the map, but if every one of rocco’s former colleagues tracks her down again, she now has the added security of vince’s team to look out for her and the kids. she feels safer here. will doesn’t like it, but will never likes anything. he’s always been the stranger of her two kids. she doesn’t have the same affection with him as she does with maura.
maura grows closer to rowan. she’s a teenager now, and hanging out with her mom all the time is no longer cool. they grow apart. if she wants a piercing, it’s rowan who takes her. if she wants to drink wine and watch real housewives, it’s rowan she’s doing it with. in maura’s absence, natalya tries harder with will. for the first time, she knows things about his passions and interests. they drink wine have julia roberts thursdays. 
a few years after moving to marina, maura is found face down in the pool after a house party to celebrate the end of exams. she’d just been accepted to stanford. they find drugs in her autopsy report. at first, natalya blames rowan. later, she begins to love rowan like a daughter in maura’s place. it’s a weird relationship. will finds the whole thing fucked up, blames his mother for maura’s death, for never enforcing enough discipline on them, and gets a place of his own in tower hill, leaving natalya alone. she’s constantly begging him to come back, but a house that large only ever feels cold and empty to will. he blames natalya for maura’s death because in the years leading up to her death, she wasn’t as close to maura as she was to will. 
natalya envied her youth and beauty. she envied her closeness with rowan and adrienne - her sister-in-law, and perhaps the mother maura wishes she had. she spent maura’s teenage years with a bottle in her hand maxing out credit cards on expensive lingerie which meant maura acted out. their whole family has had drug issues. maura was 18 when she died, and despite their relationship being pretty all over the place, natalya’s kind of made her a martyr. her room remains exactly how she left it, walls lined with posters of teenage heartthrobs, dirty underwear still under the bed. no one can ever say a bad word about her or they will face the full force of natalya’s wrath. she drinks iced coffee like it’s going out of style. she’s full of grief and spite and materialism and cocaine. 
she looooooves to harp on about how she never went to college and how everything she got she earned herself through hard work and tenacity, but it also came from several void pre-nups to wealthy (if somewhat sketchy) characters. this woman is also such a white collar criminal like she knows the legal loopholes and she works them. she’d have so many offshore bank accounts. she evades taxes. will she ever suffer the consequences? idk.
history / backstory.
tw: violence, addiction, overdose, murder,,
— natalya was born in volgograd / bолгогра́д, and  grew up in a russian military family who moved around a lot. developed an attachment disorder because of it. she’s very closed off, doesn’t trust easily, can come across as very haughty and hostile, but on the flipside when someone has earned her trust she’d go to fucking war for them.
— moving to schools a lot meant she hardly ever made friends who weren’t kids on the base. her friends were books and her ballet shoes. there wasn’t time for loneliness with the amount of characters she had living inside of her head. she had a close friend at one of the schools she went to when she was 10 - 12, called aleksei, and (possibly because she didn’t have too many other friends) the strength of their friendship was insane. he was also an incredibly smart kid but pretty much her opposite, quiet in all the ways she was loud, reserved in all the ways she was impulsive. the two of them spent most of the school days outcasts, but people left them to their own devices. 
— one day, aleksei came into school with train track braces, and a girl in their maths class named anya compared him to the characters jaws from james bond. natalya retaliated by stabbing them in the hand with a compass and she was subsequently transferred to the school on the military base soon after.  despite being a pretty violent and strong-minded child, she’d never had too much trouble with authority figures and her family assumed she would also end up in the military. she had the right personality to be a deputy or a general and showed promise from a young age in terms of agility, tenacity and discipline BUT she only ever viewed her training at the military school as a means to an end. she wanted to graduate school and move to moscow to audition for the bolshoi ballet.
— she started dancing when she was maybe five or six years old. she was one of those kids who always knew what she wanted and never deviated. when asked in class what they wanted to be, most kids would say an astronaut or a princess, but even from as young as seven natalya knew she wanted to dance for the bolshoi ballet. being from a military family, her schooling was inconsistent because she was constantly moving to different locations, and she struggled to keep any friends, but ballet was something that was consistent throughout her teenage years. 
— moved to moscow at seventeen to audition for the bolshoi ballet. trained with them for nine months before becoming a chorus dancer in the nutcracker. she lived with five others, also dancers for the bolshoi ballet, and for the next few years she would live, breathe, eat and sleep dance. in her early twenties, natalya became a recurring dancer for the bolshoi ballet company. she was by no means famous, but she became well known in the circles who frequented the opera houses. 
— one audience member who she had managed to charm both on and off the stage was moscow-based art dealer (and benefactor of the ballet company) rostislav fyodorov. they met at a charity gala, and again at several vip events in the royal opera house. several years her senior, he was smitten with her, offered to pay her tuition for the ballet school if she agreed to meet with him once a week. she did, they entered into an arrangement and soon she became quite financially dependent on him. she was 21 at the time and studying at the bolshoi ballet school, and he was 44.
— a knee injury meant she had to step back from the company and she hated not having the limelight or enough money to live the life she wanted. she eventually retired from the ballet school at 23 when she agreed to marry her sugar daddy, rocco. she was a trophy wife for a few years and in these years began to realise that as well as working as an art dealer, her husband was loosely involved with criminal activity, mostly in the counterfeiting business, but occasionally laundering money by disguising it through the art galleries donations.
— when natalya became pregnant with their first child he agreed that there’d be no more crooked business because he didn’t want to put their family in jeopardy, but he continued to make counterfeit passports. they move to saint petersberg. will is five and maura is three. when they returned from a holiday to italy one christmas, they found their house had been searched by a former colleague turned rival of rocco’s. they decide to start afresh. they sold the house in saint petersberg and the holiday home in italy, changed their surname and move to the states.
— for several years, things were good. they were the new family in a quaint north carolina suburb, full of mystery and intrigue and constantly smelling of chanel no 5 and cigarette smoke. rocco got a job as a curator in a gallery.  natalya did the grocery shopping in six inch heels and a fur coat. someone eventually tracked their family down and natalya came home from a pilates class one day to find her loving husband rocco with a letter opener lodged in his throat. they had no evidence of forced entry or any leads as to who committed the crime. in the following years, natalya took the role of the grieving widow very seriously. lots of ppl from the neighbourhood who she’d never bothered to get to know brought round sympathy gifts. 
— this was the first time  in 3 years of living in irving she actually made any friends in the town outside of yoga instructor. jst bonding with local housewives through grief, love that for her. started going to PTA meetings and being more involved in the community.
— eventually the money started to run out so to keep up with her shopping addiction she had to get a job. she was an uber driver for several years (uber driving a PORSCHE) before getting an administrative role with a lettings company and working her way up.  
— she now works part-time in real estate (only part time because she needs her spa days and her me time), mostly selling properties on aquila drive and orion avenue, but she still spends how she did when they were on an art curators salary so is always having bills notices sent to her which she just ignores. her son is worried they’re gonna end up losing everything, but at least rocco had paid off the mortgage before he kicked the bucket. natalya, once a trophy wife, and now a bored suburban widow is pretty  irresponsible with money n feelings. loves to spoil the people she loves. will impulse buy you a car.
— mother of william fyodorov (WC!!) and maura fyodorova (deceased). came from nothing and nouveau rich. made her money as a ballet dancer and later became the sugar baby of one of a former drug cartel leader turned art dealer, rocco fyodorov.  was spoiled with blood money and soon became a bouje bitch.  married rocco after she became pregnant with their first child, william
  — when they first went to the states natalya didn't speak a word of english and her kids, who were bilingual, often had to translate for her because she refused to learn english out of spite for at least the first six months. now she is fluent in english having been in irving 20+ years but still speaks with a slight european twang. 
— literal cocaine off the dashboard mother, doing the school run totally high. presented this well put together dream woman but there was so much dodgy shit going on behind the scenes and her eldest son will started to resent her for this n their relationship grew fractured.
— the fyodorov family are  literally rebeka's family from elite before i even knew elite existed. rocco and natalya made a fortune through counterfeiting art and money laundering so they could live in a nice white-picket-fence-house with a sea view. rocco has been pushing up the daffodils for years after a trade deal went sour, or that’s how the story goes. no one really knows what happened. there was no finger prints and no signs of forced entry.  since then, natalya has fully committed to the 'grieving widow' role while bedding all of her 25 y-o sons friends. 
— natalya was closest to her younger daughter maura, who died a few years ago, after overdosing at a party.  by the time maura died, rocco was already six feet under the sod following a trade deal gone sour. grief stricken n with no one to vent to, natalya uses sex and alcohol as a escape mechanism. kind of washed up and incredibly lonely but you wouldn’t know because her lipstick and eyeliner’s always on point. loves a power suit. dresses mostly in monochrome, emerald green, indigo, navy blue or red. dark wash only.
— when they moved to the states and changed their names, rocco made them both burn their fingerprints off. she wears gloves all the time, mostly lacy ones, because of this. her obsession with gloves started when rocco bought her her first car - a red lamborghini - and she used to buy leather driving gloves to feel like a pin up girl. now she uses gloves to hide what she believes to be the only ugly and disfigured part of her, but in reality it’s barely noticeable at all, she just puts a lot of importance on beauty and youth and is quite a shallow, materialistic person.
— highkey reliant on c0k3. don’t know how her nose hasn’t collapsed tbh but she’s high functioning. always the emotionally unstable hot woman on the balcony swilling a glass of wine with her titties out. borderline sociopathic
— has a vial on a necklace containing a tiny bit of rocco’s blood and he was buried wearing a pendant with some of hers. straight ppl are fuckin gross but she’s not straight she’s actually bi or pan and had an affair with her yoga instructor shortly before her husband died. was she tryna get him out the way or was it genuinely nothing 2 do w her? who knows. not me.
— good at throwing knives. does it to relieve tension. it was a hobby during her military school days and she took it up again as a way of feeling in control of her body when her knee injury meant she had to take a break from dance.
— great at tying knots and very resourceful. as a teenager her room was always full of pulley systems it was some wallace and gromit shit. in her 20s she did a brief stint as an aerial silk performer. she’s currently experimenting with shibari, a japanese type of rope bondage, with a guy she’s sleeping with as a way of exerting control.
wanted plots.
— other middle aged ppl who used to attend her lavish dinner parties that she'd throw w her brother which were basically an excuse to show off all the nice art shit she had from ripping people off back in russia
— women she does yoga with. honestly i would love a milf squad. natalya is the samantha. materialistic, brazen cougar girlboss who says exactly what she thinks. ambitious but also her ambition is to be lazy and lounge around all day in nice underwear while her husband works long hours to pay for her spar days and she fucks the pool boys.
— local people from marina heights who came around with meatloaf and pasta dishes and grandma’s favourite recipe when she first moved to marina after her husband had tragically died and she just spent weeks wearing black and sobbing and thinking fuck i should have been an actress i am wasted on this town
— she is bored of working in real estate and looking for husband number four. if you play a rich middle aged man or your character has a rich middle aged father who lives in marina we cld do a nice plot there when she’s ‘seeing’ their dad. bt it wldn’t be too serious as tbh she loves to spread her wild oats. 
— at the same time, she’s a massive mrs robinson cougar n loves seeing younger guys. it’s something about the power dynamics. before rocco died she only ever dated guys who were way older than her and who she could be financially dependent on and now she doesn’t have to worry about paying off the mortgage she’s kind of content to just mess about with whoever she thinks is cute and maybe spoil them with a nice rolex watch every now and then. she misses her wild orgy days and desperately needs to be seen as sexy and attractive and desirable which is probably why she likes fucking younger guys to deny the fact that she’s nearly 50. wld love some hook up plots with anyone who is friends with her son who’s in his mid to late twenties, i might add him as a wanted connection just to have some drama, who knows.
— someone who works in the police / as a detective / as a journalist who is snooping around bcos they think there is something dodgy goin on w her which there absolutely is.
— a jogging group???   found family dynamic / someone who had shitty parents and comes to her for her shitty advice and they do face masks. anyone else who works as a realtor??  friends of her son?? idk i want everything
tht’s it for now. THAT'S IT FOR NOW, SHE SAYS, LIKE THIS ISN'T A 9 PAGE GOOGLE DOC. FUCKIN HELL. hmu if any of this resonates with u or your small possum children, i will feed them grapes out of the palm of my hand xx
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lesbian-bird-talks · 4 years
On: Appare-Ranman
This is my first official post, so hello and welcome! My name is Pidge, pronouns in the bio. 
This blog is entirely for me to just rant and rave about the anime I’m watching, probably long after they’ve finished because keeping up with seasonal anime would take much more out of me than I am willing to give. 
I don’t know how to work Tumblr well so don’t mind me too much if things look shitty! I’ll figure stuff out eventually.  Also, everything will be going under the break for people who’d like to avoid spoilers! Appare-Ranman came out in April of this year, but I know there are people like me who like to wait until a series is fully out before you go back and binge it. There will also be a TLDR at the start if you’d just like to read that!   
TLDR; The anime is okay. My favorite part was the relationship between Kosame and Appare, but I really wish they had done more with the interpersonal relationships between the other characters. The fight scenes are lackluster, there are large plot holes that aren’t ever explained, and most importantly one of the more important side characters is a black man with a noose around his neck. I’d give the anime a 2.5 - 3/5. 
Lets start this off with a basic summary of the narrative. Appare-Ranman centers around the duo Appare and Kosame. Appare is a genius inventor with big dreams and a lot of ambition, but less than great social skills. Kosame, on the other hand, is a cowardly swordsman who’s tasked with the job of looking after Appare. Due to a series of events, the pair end up in the middle of the ocean, stranded on a steam ship Appare built, and have to be rescued by a freight ship. The pair end up stranded in America, and enter a cross-continental race to earn the money to head back home. 
When I first saw the plot synopsis of this show I was super excited! I really like the idea of having such a contrast between old-school Japan and 1700′s America. On that aspect I wasn’t disappointed. What DID disappoint me were some of the more gaping plot holes in the story. The first of which being how in the HELL are two Japanese men fresh off the boat communicating with Americans? 
A freight ship captain might be able to speak Japanese since his business is overseas, although him having a translator would be more realistic. But what about the other citizens? Why can Appare walk right up to the owner of a car shop and ask him for a job? Eventually I let it go while I was watching, but it irritated me that it was never explained.  The plot itself doesn’t have too many big twists and turns. And when it did, I can’t say I cared about them all that much? 
Jing’s race helped to reinforce the themes of doing the impossible and not letting others define what you’re capable of, but it felt very hamfisted in it’s message about femininsm and “girls can do the same things boys can”. I got tired of them repeating that so much, and I really wish Jing had been the one to punch that smug bastard at the end of the race instead of her boss. He doesn’t get the right to defend her after not even giving her a chance until she nearly crashed. 
Kosame killing the person who killed Hototo’s family felt,,,very rushed. And something that should have been used as an experience to develop Hototo’s character, who I believe stayed pretty static along with the rest of the cast, was instead used to develop KOSAME, who apparently lost his mother as well.  Speaking on that - I laughed at the scene that showed Kosame’s mother getting killed. I giggled at that shit and you wanna know why? Because the way it was set up was ridiculous. 
The murderer hops out of the bushes, he slashes his sword across the mother’s back, and then just... runs away down the street. 
We do not learn why he does this, we just see it happen. It’s meant to be a dramatic reveal about Kosame’s past and yet it’s almost comedic in it’s suddenness. But I also laugh at a cockroach singing scat so what the hell do I know? 
The latter half of the story doesn’t really contain any huge flaws, and most of it’s weaknesses come from the fact that the cast itself is fairly weak and I just couldn’t get invested in the stakes. When Sofia got kidnapped I just didn’t care all that much. The only two things I knew about her character was 
a. she could drink a lot 
b. she took up her mother’s role as Al’s caretaker
That was virtually it. If she lived or died I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. Which is really bad when this is meant to be the climax of your show, this is when I should be the most invested. 
Most of the characters are fairly one note, with none of them having anything that makes them particularly stand out beyond their odd choice in fashion. 
Speaking of odd choices in fashion, lets talk about Crazy TJ
The singular black character in the show, and you put a noose on him? Your singular black character, and you decide that you want to make him violent with questionable morals? Your singular black character, and you make him as unempathetic as you possibly can?  I love anime god BOY HOWDY do I hate how racist anime can be. 
Crazy TJ isn’t the only one-note character, though. Most of the supporting cast don’t have much going for them. What can I say about Jing? That she’s a feminist who likes to race? And what about Al? The only three words I can think of to describe his personality are “rich white boy”.
I’m unsure of how I feel about Gil, though. On the one hand I think he pairs well with the idea of “the only limits you have are the ones you set for yourself”, with Gil being the immovable object to Appare’s unstoppable ambition. But at the same time he just felt very...over the top. And there was never any time given to explain just how he rose to power or why he may be the way he is, or even why he’s doing what he is. He’s just an indiscriminate killer, and those sorts of characters can be fun, but it’d be nice to know a bit of his history so we can know more about why he is the way he is. 
All in all, there wasn’t much that stood out to me character-wise. They were all fairly bland, although there were a few interactions outside of the main three that I found to be really cute, like the relationship between Tristan and Hototo. But for the most part none of these characters would be all that interesting for me to watch go on an adventure outside of the happenings of the anime. 
The exception to this being Appare and Kosame. Mostly Appare. 
Out of all the cast I really do think these two have the most character development, with Appare learning how to care for and rely on other people more and Kosame learning how to take risks and opening his mind up to new possibilities. I really love their dynamic, and seeing them interact was probably the best part of the show for me. Kosame and Appare are like an uncle and his weird nephew who have a really wholesome relationship. If these two didn’t play the lead roles then I don’t think I would have even finished this show. 
And I especially love Appare. He is my son. My little baby boy. I love him with all my heart 
All in all Appare-Ranman is an okay anime. The concept is interesting, and I did enjoy watching the characters race cross-country, but a majority of the cast is fairly bland, the plot and writing fall short in areas I feel are important, and there’s literally a black man with a noose around his neck. It has quite a few problems, but I like the overall message of not letting other people define your limits for you, and I really enjoyed watching Appare open up to Kosame and the other people taking part in the race.
 If there was another season, I’d like it to possibly be done with a different writer. And for Crazy TJ’s design to lose the noose. That shit is gross and I don’t understand what the character designer was doing when they put it on there. 
This rating is pretty arbitrary and not based on any scoring system, but I’d give Appare-Ranman a 2.5 - 3/5!
This isn’t the best review by a long shot but it’s just my personal experience while watching the anime over a three-day period. At the end of the day, these are all my opinions! If you disagree feel free to tell me, or maybe point out something you think I overlooked, just please keep it respectful~
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Inuyasha Sequel: a rant
Put this up this earlier on a post I re-blogged, tried to edit a part or two where I didn’t like the way I had phrased it, and ended up messing up the whole format I wrote this in. Luckily I wrote this as a draft earlier anyways! So I did a some fixing and now I’m just copy-pasting it again and making it a text post instead. This will be very long and a little nit-picky but I wanted to make a post ever since I heard about the upcoming sequel to Inuyasha, Hanyō no Yashahime. I did put a TLDR at the end for those who don’t want to read everything. Not sure how many people in the fandom still follow me and will see this, as it's been a long time since I was actually active in the fandom, but it's hands-down both my favorite manga and anime of all time and I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately so I had to post something. Before reading this be sure to read all of the translated character bios for Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha so that this makes sense.
When I first heard that Inuyasha would be getting a sequel I was excited! But after reading up on it, to be completely honest I'm not feeling this sequel anymore. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but hear me out. Firstly, it seems like Rumiko is mostly involved in the character design aspect and the writing is up to Katsuyuki Sumisawa. The music will be produced by Kaoru Wada which is great! And from what I’ve seen and read online a number of others who worked on the original series will reunite so hopefully the story will go well. However, knowing Rumiko isn't personally writing and not knowing how much input she has or will give makes me unsure about watching. The original Inuyasha anime followed and was based off of the events in the manga, and there was no manga prior to this for it to be based on. Depending on what happens this could be an alright sequel or a total miss. Unfortunately sequels in general are known to be disappointing in some way. 
Secondly, if I hear anything about Rin being the mother of Sesshomaru's twin daughters I'm out. This part will be a SUPER long and in depth explanation on why I think this way, feel free to skip if you're not interested. Please don't come for me on this, I'm here to explain my thoughts and feelings on the sequel and the theories around it so far, not start an argument. I'm more than aware that there's plenty of controversy out there on this pairing and personally I do not support it. I never saw their relationship as more than a friendship, or something akin to child and guardian as Sesshomaru and Jaken are basically Rin's caretakers up until she goes to live in the village with Kaede. He definitely cares for her deeply but I can't see it in a romantic way, being that Sesshomaru isn't even a character focused on romance to begin with. He learns compassion through Rin's second death but that doesn't mean he loves her romantically. As a reminder his main goal is to seek power and be powerful, and it's stated that he needed to learn compassion and grief in order to mature. It's what helped him learn to wield the Tenseiga at its full potential. In addition, she was really young when they first met and still was when she went to live with Kaede. The idea of Sesshomaru (an adult) having romantic feelings for a kid under ten years old (around eleven at the end of the series, and still a literal child in all ways) and waiting for her to age with the intention of marrying her sits totally wrong with me. Age wise I realize that Inuyasha is decades older than Kagome and that his father was much older than his mother, Izayoi, as well. The difference here is that Kagome was a teen when she met Inuyasha (who not just physically, but more importantly mentally was also a teen) and clearly Izayoi was old enough to conceive Inuyasha and give birth. As far as the audio dramas (more specifically "Asatte") go they're generally considered as an outtake reel and are essentially parodies, or a form of satire. Some will debate on this but realistically there’s plenty of reasons this is true, and those who take the time to properly check them out understand that. For me I've always had a headcanon that at some point in her teen years Rin would inevitably develop a one-sided crush on Sesshomaru and that he would ultimately set boundaries and reject her, seeing her as more of a close companion than a love interest and wanting her to live with someone she can grow old with. He gave her the choice to follow him and it's most likely that she would, but I think that once she began aging he would want her to have somewhere to settle, given that he enjoys roaming and seeking out other powerful beings to battle. It's strange to me that they decided to give Sesshomaru hanyō/half-demon children in general but based on the artwork we've seen it's fair to guess that they might have made Sesshomaru and Rin a pairing in this sequel.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I want to clarify that if you ship them together I'm not writing this here because I want to hate on your ship for no reason, or in order to create an argument on if the pairing makes sense, these are my thoughts and opinions on the matter and I’m voicing them because it’s what I believe. I already know that somebody won’t like this and will take it personally. People usually say that once Rin is an adult the pairing is acceptable but I disagree. I find it quite creepy that someone would think it would be alright for an adult to wait around for a kid to grow up with the intention to marry and/or sleep with them. Watching from a distance is the same exact thing, after making an impression on the child... let’s not normalize this. In this situation it would be grooming. We all have our own opinions when it comes to our ships and fandoms and I try to respect that but I can’t get behind this one.
Next we have the apparent lack of parental figures for the heroines. Where are the original Inuyasha characters at? Moroha's character bio says she barely knows her parents (Inuyasha and Kagome, our former main protagonists) and has been alone since she was young! It makes me think either something has happened to them or some kind of bizarre event separated them. And sorry, not related, but why does she transform by PUTTING LIPSTICK ON?? That part threw me for a loop.
When it comes to Setsuna and Towa their parents are absent too. I find it difficult to believe that Sesshomaru wouldn't keep track of his children given how he treats Rin and reacts to her going missing in any capacity. Especially if he happened to be fond of whoever their mother is. One daughter works as a taijiya/demon slayer for Kohaku and the other mysteriously transports to Kagome's era and is raised by Sota (I thought we had finished with the time jumps when the well closed but apparently not. When the Bone Eater's Well closed after Kagome's return it gave a sense of finality and closure to the story, and showed that Kagome had chosen where she was most happy and felt she belonged. I think that bringing the theme of time travel back into the sequel makes it feel repetitive, like something right out of a predictable fanfic. Props to Sota for taking in and raising a child who showed up out of nowhere though).
Another thing that came to mind when I read these character bios was why Inuyasha and Kagome's daughter and Sesshomaru's daughters are the exact same age. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. It only struck me as odd because suddenly everyone is having kids at the same time. And so far there's no mention of other characters like Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Jaken, Kaede, or Miroku or Sango's three children or where they are. One might expect that a story focused on the children of some of the original Inuyasha's main characters would feature appearances from those who had important roles in the previous series and their children. Which brings me around to wondering what made twin daughters a trend? Two sets of twin girls is a unique choice (Sango and Miroku's twin daughters. For such a small group of parental characters, what are the odds of two sets of twin girls? Where is the creativity and again why the repetition?).
Lastly, Sesshomaru's daughters lack some of the common yōkai/demon characteristics we see on Inuyasha and other characters. Their ears are human, and they have no markings or otherwise (that I noticed) with the exception of Setsuna's mokomoko/fur which is similar to Sesshomaru's. So perhaps they take more after their human mother? Given that Inuyasha seemed to inherit strong genes from his father it's interesting that they did not. Their ages also interest me as they appear to age the same way as humans do. Yōkai/demons are known to have a longer lifespan than humans and appear to slow down or almost stop aging at some point. Perhaps this confirms that the slowdown in aging occurs once they reach the equivalent of a human teen? 
Overall Inuyasha was a fantastic manga and great anime on its own, and I never got the feeling that it needed a sequel. As a stand-alone it was everything it needed to be. I thoroughly enjoyed both formats of the original, though I do have a tendency to disregard certain parts of the anime. I always preferred the manga more when the anime dragged out certain scenes (Shichinintai/Band of Seven arc for example) or straight-up excluded, changed, and added others. Taking that into consideration the sequel might end up being the same for me in that way, but rather than one scene that plays out for too long or an excluded, altered, or unnecessary added scene, if it’s not any good I’ll simply disregard it altogether. When the anime comes out I certainly plan to try watching it out of loyalty to the fandom, and due to the fact that it's "technically" canon (without Rumiko being the writer I don't necessarily consider it canon, much like how some folks do or do not consider the movies canon) but I get the feeling that I'll wind up giving up on it in disappointment.
TLDR; Overall I'm left questioning if the sequel is worth watching (for me) given what I've read and heard so far, but nonetheless I will give it an optimistic try! I'm currently wondering how much we'll see of the original Inuyasha characters, if we get to find out what happened to them, if the number one pairing I'm not fond of will make an appearance (and cause me to drop the whole thing), and questioning parts of the character backstories and designs (why is there a repetitive and recurring theme of time travel and does it end up hindering or ruining the story, why do the protagonists all lack parents, and why do the hanyō/half-demon characters lack common yōkai/demon traits and does it make them more human than demon?).
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rpmemedumpster · 5 years
Hi, I'm an old Role Playing veteran. I've been trying really hard to get back into the semi literate rp world (do people still use these terms??) but all of my old rp sites and forums have been long shut down. Do you have any advice for me on where I can start my rp journey again?
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Hello! I have no experience with forum rp, i only used to rp through private messages on DeviantArt, so if any followers here would like to chime in with more advice that would be superb! I have an rp aid tag that might help as well.
Anyway, tumblr is a pretty good site for rp if you ask me, because of the format. You’ve got your inbox people can send messages to and publish, and the nature of text-posts I’ve always found super helpful. I’m going to go into this assuming you’ve got no knowledge of tumblr rp so I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending or anything but I wanna be thorough!
Firstly! You’ll need info on your character (on tumblr, these are frequently called “muses”). 
A muse can be a canon character from a piece of media, or an original character. This information is best held on some kind of about or bio page, however those who roleplay on mobile cannot edit their blog pages to my knowledge so many have been hosting their bios on google docs, and linking to them in their description! This is the most important thing, because if nobody knows anything about your character, it’ll be hard to rp.
Next, a rules page!
Many will not want to rp with anybody who don’t have one. A rules page includes basically a little bit about your boundaries. Whether or not you rp with ocs, whether or not you engage in sexual rp, if you like to ship your character, things you need tagged, ect. If you don’t know where to start, it might be a good idea to look at some other folks’! I found that very helpful in my start on tumblr.
Get some kind of promotional post, and utilize the tags!
Some people create pretty graphics, I’ve got templates for them in my resources tag. Other people tend to do something a bit more simple, just an icon of their character perhaps and a little short advertisement of their character in a text post. People can find you if you use the tags. Say, if you’re roleplaying as Naruto, you’re gonna wanna tag the post as: #naruto rp, #manga rp,#anime rp, ect. For something like an oc you might want to tag it as: #oc rp, #fandomless rp, and any genres you might want to rp in such as #horror rp, #crime rp, #historical rp
Lastly, reach out! 
Sometimes the tags, especially original character ones, can be super flooded to the point where you might get lost in a sea of posts. Following people in my opinion is a good way to get noticed, because often they’ll check your blog out and maybe follow back. Some people are particular with who they interact with and there are some community specific terms I’ll link below but it never hurts to reach out and ask people if they’d like to roleplay.
Community terms: (some may be missing but i tried my best)
rpc: roleplay community
muse: a roleplay character. Can be an original character, or a character from an existing work. Sometimes real people as well such as youtubers but this is frowned upon generally.
mun or mod: the person who writes the character
ic: in-character
ooc: out of character. Can also be used to say a particular portrayal is poorly written, or not true to canon. (ie: this ___ blog is so ooc)
fc: face-claim, some blogs may used icons of actors or models in place of drawings for their characters appearance. FCs may also be from comics, manga, or cartoons.
mun fc: icons on ooc posts from the mun, different than the blog’s character.
private: (usually) will only roleplay with people who they follow, and also follow back
selective: this person may be choosy with who they chose to write with
semi-selective: this person is more open about who they write with, but will still deny some blogs
nonselective: this person will most likely right with just about anyone
musings: reblogged posts that often are something their character might say or think
thread: whatever particular rp scene that is being written. Usually takes place in the form of a text post.
meme/starters: something to be sent into the inbox for rp. Can be ooc or ic depending.
multiverse: multiple “verses” or timelies. Used for AU’s or for separating multiple ships.
multiship: this blog ships with multiple characters, each existing within separate timelines so that the character is not dating 10 different other characters at the same time.
multimuse: this blog has more than one character.
f2f: face-to-face, the characters are interacting in person
blog or online: a more meta (i guess?) style of rp where the characters are interacting on their tumblr blogs or otherwise online
one-liner: usually just dialogue in a response
para: a single paragraph in a response
multi-para: multiple paragraphs in a single response
novella: very long thread responses
group: a roleplay group! I don’t actually know how these work but that’s what this is.
indie: independent rp, not affiliated with a particular group.
fandomless: usually for an OC, this is an original character not created to exist within a pre-existing piece of media. tldr; not a fan oc/fan chara
self insert: an oc that exists to be the mun within the rp space.
Other helpful stuff:
new x-kit: very very helpful and a must-have as this will allow you to tag asks on desktop, check mutuals right on your dash, and most importantly trim posts so they’re not super long.
sessionbox: if you have more than one character you rp, and have a separate blog for each of them, this extension allows you to be logged into multiple accounts in different tabs
fancy text generator: lets you get text 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕤 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘, just by pasting in the plain text!
BeFunky: collage maker for moodboards and such
I hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to send another ask!
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the-cabalist · 4 years
The Final Issue of Zed and the State of this Blog
I just finished reading the last issue of the Zed comic and I am moderately disappointed as well as frustrated. This post is going to contain Zed spoilers so read at your own risk, there’s a TLDR below the cut because this is long.  You can read the final issue here before you check my summary out.
TLDR: Jhin was not unmasked, Zed is ultimately a hero regardless of what the closing panels of the comics may indicate, Kusho is the ‘true enemy’ hinted to in the teaser text for the comic, and the fate of Jhin is entirely uncertain and left ambiguous.
If you’ve read the final issue of the Zed comic I don’t think you really need the me to review the events for you. Shen and Zed work together to defeat Jhin and free Akali. The fight scenes are pretty appealing, and stick to character very well. Jhin only ultimately loses because Akali is used as a McGuffin. A McGuffin is a plot device used to solely advance the plot and offers nothing else to the scene. In this case, one of Zed’s shurikens cuts Akali free from her binds and she gives Jhin a proper clobbering, then threatens to kill him with Whisper. There’s some good writing in this. What makes Jhin lose isn’t some inherent lack of skill or being outnumbered, it is that he loses to what he doesn’t anticipate or calculate. Jhin always has the upper hand throughout the rest of the comic because he seems to know what Zed and Shen will do at every turn. The sudden abruptness of Akali’s interference is fitting for what would beat him. Akali’s move to kill Jhin without any apparent ‘honor’ is also fitting for her character. She is a rebellious young woman with little to no grasp of honor, it reflects in her character in game and it reflects in her leaving the Kinkou order. After she threatens to kill Jhin and aims at him, Zed is the one to save him by shoving Akali over. He essentially repeats history, doing exactly what Kusho did to save Jhin in the past. He shoves the less experienced, impulsive student away to keep Jhin alive for some outside reason. For Zed, it was seemingly an act of honor to not kill because Shen insisted that Jhin be kept alive to face proper punishment.
After they beat Jhin, he mentions that he didn’t escape Tuula; but that he was freed from Tuula. This seems to imply that Jhin had no intent of escaping prison, which is oddly compelling to me? It’s no doubt that when he was in prison, he wasn’t changed at all. Though somehow he achieved a state of life that he enjoyed, not compelled to commit more performances? The monks do state he was a very bright student who mastered arts left and right. He was kind, quiet, and humble; so this must mean that while Jhin can’t change who he is truly is, he can achieve a life in which he is no longer a threat and has other things to engage himself with? I’m all for that possibility for Jhin. For all his talk, it humanizes him more than I thought Riot ever would, and it hits again on Kusho’s words that ‘No thing is wholly good or evil.’
It’s a shame that after this, the comic ultimately dissolves into nothing and essentially destroys Jhin’s character by putting the final nail in his coffin. After his brief chat with Zed, Shen and Akali are left standing over Jhin as Zed himself goes off to visit Kusho. In this scene we aren’t really told what happens to Jhin, and I have gone through the comic multiple times looking for something, anything with any answers or hints as to what happens to Jhin. Do they send him to prison? Do they exile him from Ionia? Do they torture him? There’s nothing that I can find in the lore pages for Zed, Shen, Akali, or Jhin himself that has been changed to reflect this. Jhin’s fate isn’t known, but being imprisoned destroys his character, maybe even more so than being unmasked.
It is worth mentioning that Jhin’s lore page was updated after the comic was released. The following two paragraphs were added to his biography: Whoever his shadowy patrons might be, they have endowed Jhin with nearly unlimited funds, and seem unconcerned by the growing scale of his “performances”. Recently, he attacked members of Zed’s Yanlei order, and mass murders and assassinations bearing his signature “flair” have occurred not only across Ionia’s many regions, but also in distant Piltover and Zaun.
It seems that all of Runeterra might be but a canvas for the atrocity that is Khada Jhin’s art, and only he knows where the next brushstroke will fall.
This first paragraph is just a simple retelling of what happened in the comics. The second paragraph however seems to contradict the comic somehow? If Akali and Shen stand over Jhin after he is beaten and there is nowhere for him to run, how is all of Runeterra a canvas? Shouldn’t he be imprisoned? Where will they imprison him if that is the case? Is he imprisoned in Piltover or Zaun instead? None of this is answered, and the updated bio page leads me to believe that he isn’t imprisoned. Though, if he isn’t imprisoned, then the conclusion of his conflict with Zed and his allies makes no sense; how could he escape when face down in front of both Shen and Akali?
I’m looking for any information of any kind regarding what happens to Jhin, because the comic is a bullshit cliffhanger ending. If Jhin is imprisoned, he is a dead character. How is he supposed to perform in prison? How is he supposed to break out if he initially had no intent of breaking out at all? If Jhin is beaten, where is the terror, the uneasiness? What is the point in writing a character that is now locked in a cell for what can only be assumed for life?
Now, this ambiguity regarding what happens to Jhin causes a ton of problems for this blog. I like to keep Jhin as close to canon as possible; I have just made him more emotionally compatible with others so he can more easily build relationships of any kind with other muses. If my muse is now locked up in some prison, defeated and no longer scary or interesting, what am I supposed to do? If I were to stick to canon, he can’t actively seek anyone out; ever. The only other character on the entire roster that is in this situation is Urgot, another one of my personal favorites. He was easily stomped by One Punch Vi and is now locked up somewhere in Zaun/Piltover with no lore or nod indicating that he will break out anytime soon.
So, I need to think on what I will do. Canonically, Jhin is no longer a character in the lore. He is done, imprisoned, and there is no organization or person who seeks his services so he will likely stay there forever until he dies. If he’s back in Tuula, he’ll probably live out his life with the monks there. If he’s in Zaun or Piltover, maybe he can mock Urgot for the duration of their stay.
It truly is such a shame that it came to this. Riot’s sheer incompetence at writing fiction has gotten them again, and now they’ve essentially nullified one of the more appealing lore characters. 
I won’t be archiving this blog for now, but if I can’t figure out some sort of workaround for Jhin being removed from the lore I really cannot justify myself as being a pretty canonical blog without just removing all interaction. I honestly can’t think of any other lore change or rework that has had this effect. Leona change? Big, but there’s still a character to work with there. Reworks? There’s still a character you can use. This situation leaves nothing, and it is a sad way to go out when issues 1 - 5 portrayed Jhin very well.
Feel free to tell me what you think, i’m sure other people have things to say about this comic.
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maqichour · 5 years
*inhales* hi ! i’m roni ( she/her ) , i’m nineteen , i’m from california and i must confess : i’m a fake very very clueless as i’ve never been in any sort of hp rp before . . . but i’m also rly Determined so i’m gonna fake it ‘til i make it ! but anyways , this is marc and he’s a loser ?? i’m rly bad at writing bios but . . . i tried ?? but yeah , pls read about him below ! also give this a like if you’d like to plot && i’ll message you asap , though i’m probably gonna message everyone anyways omg
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   dusty stacks of old, worn out books you’ve collected but haven’t yet found the time to read . . . forgiving someone no matter how hard it may be . . . the hand that pulls you back up when you fall . . . fields of sunflowers at sunset . . . doing what you think is right even if others are against it . . . the warm and calming sounds of a piano filling the room . . . lying in the grass for hours, soaking up the warm sun .
 if you’re looking for MARC MCKINNON, you’ll probably find HIM in the HUFFLEPUFF dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY-ONE year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like ALEX FITZALAN. they seem AFFABLE, COURTEOUS & FRANK to me, but apparently they’re also STUBBORN, OPINIONATED & FICKLE. maybe that’s why their patronus is A BASSET HOUND. ( cis male / he/him )
。・ * ✧ about !
marc was never as bright or quick as his sister, often finding himself among the average ( and even sometimes below ) , though he never really minded, finding comfort in knowing he’d at least tried his very best. 
even as a child, marc was kind and gentle ( much like his parents ) as well as curious and full of his own thoughts and opinions. as he got older, the more he believed his opinions were always right and was more adamant towards them. one of his earliest thoughts was regarding the attitude and morals held by most purebloods-- he simply didn’t understand them, and almost hated being stuck with the label, as well. he kept it to himself for a while, but soon learned his parents felt the same way, and everything made sense to him. he knew he was right and it was then he vowed to speak his mind more frequently rather than hide his opinions.
marc always felt deep down that he was a hufflepuff and hoped for nothing more when first attending hogwarts. any fear he might’ve felt about getting sorted into any other house was quickly buried-- he knew in his heart he wouldn’t get them, and his heart was rarely wrong. he only hoped his sister would be there with him, but he knew she’d be fine on her own in slytherin, and she was, mostly. marc, on the other hand, struggled his first year trying to find his own place within the school and within his house. it didn’t take long, though, and people were sort of drawn to him -- his friendly and polite disposition almost like a beacon -- and he soon found himself climbing the social ladder, not entirely realizing how or when it happened. 
he still wasn’t the brightest student, but he had found certain things he did excel at, such as herbology, astronomy, potions, care of magical creatures, and charms ( though he also thoroughly enjoyed muggle studies ) as well as  quidditch ( as a chaser ! )  and even becoming a prefect for his house.
marc is most often spotted chatting with friends in the hall ( and constantly making new ones ) , helping anyone and everyone in need of it, or just . . . arguing. though in his free time, he loves to read, play music, and just like ... walk around exploring ??
。・ * ✧ etc !
house : hufflepuff
patronus : a basset hound
clubs / etc : quidditch ( chaser ! ) , prefect , potions club , astronomy club, charms club 
pets : a toad . . . name tbd
zodiac sign : scorpio ( 6 november ! )
positive traits : affable / courteous / frank / open-minded / determined / loyal / patient / optimistic / confident yet humble / etc
negative traits : stubborn / opinionated / fickle / adamant / disorganized / etc
inspo : amy santiago , michael scott , winston bishop , jessica day , etc
im rly bad at writing bios so i don’t think i got to properly convey everything i wanted to so !! time to blab ?? slash ( / ) a tldr ?? okay so !! 
marc spends a lot of his free time reading but he’s kinda a slow reader bc he gets distracted easily or can’t find the free time but he rly does love to read ??
loves loves loves plants n herbology ??
is rly rly friendly n loves company n loves people he’s just a people person i guess??
isn’t the most talented ever but he’s okay with that because he knows his strengths lie more in other things !! 
he doesn’t know what he wants to do in the future and if u ask him , he’ll give u a different answer each time ( though his go-to’s are usually something about wanting to work in hogsmead or as a herbology professor even though he knows either might not be the best fit , like , socially??  )
follows the rules but sometimes wishes he was a bit more rebellious ??
but he likes to wander around a lot and if people question him he’ll pull the prefect card 
basically he’s ..all the stuff in his musings tag n aesthetics and that scene from spider-man homecoming where peter’s like “i can be intimidating” ( this one ) except ..he can sometimes but that’s usually just bc he’s rly loud n passionate about his opinions omg he’s rly just a softie i wish i was better at elaborating but i’m not but trust me you’ll see dhfjd
。・ * ✧ connection ideas !
i’m so ! bad @ this but uh
best friends / ( fr )enemies / unlikely friends / bad influence / any friends ???
exes / flirtationship / unrequited crush ( can go either way ) ?? 
forgot to mention . . . but marc is bi so !! these are open to anyone n everyone !!
idk let’s wing it !
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saidbyes-blog · 6 years
( FRIEND OF GRANT'S ) ebony harrison ( 24 / she/they ): demigirl & friends who seemingly clicked despite emotional distance, and acquaintance of mallory's. ( nina nesbitt ) ( PACE / 20+ / SHE/HER )
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hello ! so, i’m typing this up straight after acceptance ( lmao, talk about eager ) so hopefully anything i inevitably forget, i can add between now and when this’ll actually be posted, so you actually have some decent info to work with ! but i’m pace ( which is obviously an alias but,,,, pls just call me pace ! ) and my pronouns are she/her ! and moving on to the one you actually wanna know about... 
—– ❀ okay, so !! as you can see above, ebony is a friend of grant’s ! on the surface, they seem to just ‘get’ eachother, but of course ebony is completely oblivious to who he really is and what he’s capable of. however, because ebony isn’t the most open and uhh,,, Not-Closed-Off as people, it kind of works ? in a,,,, neither of them ask too many questions kind of way ? it’s mutual, y’know ?she kind of sees him as a guy who’s Not Like The Other Guys ( while lowkey a voice in the back of her head is like ALL GUYS ARE LIKE THE OTHER GUYS ) and they just seem to Understand eachother. but ebony can be a sceptical little fuck, and she’s generally just Wary in general sometimes, but she also wants to believe that some people are good and their intentions are as they seem and it’s Pure. even if she EVER got creepy vibes from grant, she’d either be like CREEP EVIL NASTY BYE SEE YA or convince herself she’s making it up because of relationships with people in the past. but ofc, the worst part is that he’s never given her any reason to think grant is anything but just a nice, charming guy who’s maybe a little pretentious and quiet but that’s basically the worst thing about him, and if it were to happen now, she’s in too deep for it to be a red flag. yoikes. but we all know that to everyone else he just looks like a,,, Nice Guy. either way, he’s a friend, and their lack of actually being as close as they may seem isn’t that weird for her ( which i shall explain in a different bullet point bc this is long ! )
—– ❀ she isn’t a complete plum, and won’t turn a blind eye forever, but in the recent months/so far, she’s come to grant’s defence, thinking that anybody who’s pointed the finger at him is a) unoriginal and b) has clearly never met him. she thinks it’s cruel and unnecessary. like, her pov is that he lost his girlfriend, who told the story of what happened/was going to happen to her, and it’s as simple as that, in a ‘why would mallory write about that otherwise’ kind of way. she’s applying logic to it and i’m like oh,,, honey,,, you sweet summer child,,, plus, grant’s manipulative ass is looking all kinds of charming and innocent and whatever. HOWEVER, things slowly unfolding and eventually ebony beginning to question things ! yes pls ! internal conflict !
—– ❀ however, ebony also briefly vaguely knew mallory ! she attended a few of her yoga classes ages ago, and it’s a complete coincidence that ebony knew the both of them. if/when grant ever mentioned mallory to ebony, the name wouldn’t have clicked, and since she never met her outside of the classes, it took her a while to click why mallory looked so familiar when everything blew up after her death. it kind of weirds her out that someone she knew was murdered, and that it never clicked that Grant’s Girlfriend was the one who taught those yoga classes, but it’s just a complete coincidence ! 
—– ❀ TW FOR ABUSE MENTION: ebony hasn’t read the book, and doesn’t plan on it. she might one day if she’s feeling impulsive and self destructive, but because of the subject matter, she’s avoiding it. it had nothing to do with being grant’s friend ( even though most people would probably question if it’s the Moral and Ethical thing to do, that doesn’t even cross her mind -- she’s not the most moral of people tbh ) and has more to do with the fact that she’s been in an abusive relationship in the past, herself, and she’s just like............nope. ( / end of tw ! )
—– ❀ she didn’t grow up in new york, and has only called it home for for a few years. but she also travels a lot, and is very flaky, and can disappear for periods of time just to show up announced a few weeks later. it’s not weird for her to drop off the grid for a bit ( sounds safe, ebs ) and it’s not weird for her to ditch social circles and local hangouts in general and just ghost, and she’s also lived in several different states across the country. she cannot commit to anything ever, including places. it’s actually odd that she’s been in new york for so long, but she loves the energy and the spirit of the city. and it’s massive so if she tires of a certain spot, she can drift elsewhere ! plus.........plot convenience. 
—– ❀ sometimes she might feel a little out of place tbh ! she’s not an academic and she definitely didn’t come from money, and doesn’t have an abundance of it now, either. she’s a bartender, as that’s always her job when i play her lmao, but i might give her another too but i’m still flipping back and forth so..... tbd !
—– ❀ TW FOR DEATH: a bit of background: she was born in california to amelia robinson & david harrison, a young couple who hadn’t been together all that long when they found out they were expecting, but were madly in love nonetheless. david was completely devoted to his daughter, but he sadly died when she was seven. after his death, some hard truths to swallow came out about him, and her already distraught mother was even more heartbroken. life was pretty rough after his death and her mother couldn’t really cope anymore and became someone that ebs ended up not really recognising, and she became kind of cruel. she’s since forgiven her mother for who she became and therefore how she then treated her daughter, but they’re not close. ebony left cali for a few years after turning seventeen, and when she returned at twenty, she found her father’s broken watch, which she sometimes still wears now. it looks out of place on her thin wrist, especially since the damn thing doesn’t work, but she likes it nonetheless and refuses to get it fixed. in ways like that, she can be,,, a little pretentious ( again, why her friendship with grant works ) and while we’re on the subject of that..... ( / tw ends ! )
—– ❀ her personality is a little messy. she can be very........difficult ? especially as a friend ? though she’s kind-hearted and forgiving and can be very gentle, she’s also temperamental and vague and selfish. she doesn’t mean to be selfish, but she just is. it’s,,, probably infuriating to some people ? as well as the fact that she’s very easily misunderstood due to being hard to understand. yet she also doesn’t like people making the effort to try and understand. yet also wants someone in her life who does understand her. like.........she wants something, but won’t let anybody make the steps to get the thing she wants ? like.............jfc, ebs. she also cannot deal with anything, and it’s not uncommon for somebody to think that everything is going fine and they’re getting on with her great, but then shit hits the fan and the real things happen and she’s like !!! bye !!! so, again, she’s a bit of a flight risk right now. bc like...... well, a murder’s a pretty big thing, my dudes. but also, in her mind, one of her friends is going through some Big Stuff what with his girlfriend being “murdered by her ex” so although most people would be like “gosh golly i should be there for him” there’s a part of ebony that’s like “cannot............deal...............want.......................to yeet.........” but because it’s his Trauma to deal with, it’s easier for her to stay. for example, if something happened between herself and grant that was mutual ( no matter what it was ) that caused angst, that’d be more of a reason for her to Yeet because it directly effects her ? if that at all makes sense ?
—– ❀ quick thing about gender and pronouns !! gender is messy and complicated ( to her ) and she accepted that long ago, but she identifies as a demigirl. her pronouns are she/her, HOWEVER she really appreciates when people use they/them when she hasn’t explicitly stated her pronouns to somebody. she just ,,, thinks it’s the respectful thing to do, but it also makes her feel Valid. she mostly identifies with the gender she was assigned at birth, and tends to present very femininely, but that doesn’t make her any less nb, y’know ? and she doesn’t like people,,, forgetting that she’s Not A Woman ? a lot of the time she’s worried people won’t see her as being nb and even her nb friends she’s sometimes convinced will just forget she’s Not A Woman ?? however, she’s okay with sometimes being referred to as a girl, but always on her own terms. like.......her mobile header literally says ‘sad girls club’ but like..... on her own terms, y’know ? so tldr: if we could pls refrain from referring to her as like ‘the woman’ or ‘the girl’ in threads, that’d be greatly appreciated !
—– ❀ some extras if you want to see/read more about the goblin: stats, playlist, pinterest, aesthetic, old drabbles*, old about/drabble. she doesn’t have a full bio, as the last one i wrote ended up being over 7k words and honestly.........who has the time
* if you click this one, please be aware that trigger warnings apply for abuse, as well as vague/tiny mentions of pregnancy.
extra connections !!! if u want !!!! idk !!!
—– ❀ friends from out of town ! if anybody is from anywhere else in the u.s outside of ny, or they spent a lot of time somewhere else, they totally could’ve known eachother a few years ago. bc ebony has lived in several different places, i can probably wiggle things around and make it work no matter what state they’ve lived in !
—– ❀ friends ! as you might’ve gathered from the rest of the intro, ebony can be a little Difficult, but she’s still kind at heart, and can be soft, and thoughtful ! so, friends that have no problem with her, friends who call her out on her bullshit, friends who she’s ditched in the past, friends she parties with, friends who have tried to Fix her, friends she trusts more than most, etc etc ! as the great sutton foster once said, anything goes !
—– ❀ fwb/hook-ups/flings/exes ! whether they’re things of the past or kind of ongoing, it’s pretty open ! ebony likes people of any and all genders, and ( not dissimilar to mallory, actually ! ) has no problems spreading her love around. which is basically the beating-around-the-bush way of saying she has a lot of sex with a lot of people, and i support her ( ... eh, when it’s healthy ) but one night stands, friends that have no problem keeping things causal, people she dated for a while, something that started casual but Feelings happened and it’s messy, all kinds of stuff is good to go !
—– ❀ people who were also in the yoga classes mallory taught at the time ! it would’ve been a while ago but if the Yoga Peoples would’ve been there back in the day too then perfect !
—– ❀ grant’s other friends ! people who met through grant ! we all have that friend we met through a mutual murderer, right ? or someone who eb met through grant and they can’t fucking stand eachother ? someone she met through grant but then shagged and now it’s awkward ? people who were actually friends with eachother first and one of them introduced grant to the other ? people who she only met at mallory’s funeral bc they were both there to support their murderous pal ? having the two of ‘em meet unrelated and then find out casually like oh shit u know my good bitch grant ? wild ! all kinds of shit !
—– ❀ roommates ! what are the realistic chances of a group of roomies all knowing either the gal who got murdered or her boyfriend ? slim as fuck but plot convenience !! maybe two or three roomies ? ny’s expensive and ebony isn’t a rich gal !
—– ❀ tbh though i also really love just.......... throwing the characters into a situation and seeing how things go, and having people meet for the first time and stuff, but i also love pre-plotted and intenser stuff, and messy/complicated plots work really well with eb ! i love all kinds of things, i’m down for w/e. while we’re on connections though, i tend to suck with plotting and i’m sometimes a little slow with ims, but i just want to make that Known so it’s not taken personally or anybody thinks i’m not interested anymore or anything ! i’m definitely replying, i promise !
okay so if you read all of this, you’re a saint and greatly appreciated ! apologies for the rambling ! feel free to drop by if you’d like to plot or anything like that ! ps. pls enjoy the fact that i scheduled this while watching the ted bundy thing on netflix, bc it tickled me. bit too fitting huh lads. 
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dolyns-blog · 6 years
hi guys, i’m ruby and this is gwen. this is my first time in an appless rp, so please let me know if there’s anything i’ve missed/did wrong. i only have gwen’s profile and bio page up (likely i won’t get to writing an actual plot page, but i will write some ideas below) — please see below for a tldr, though!
daughter of a muggleborn and a pureblood, gwen was raised in her mother’s home—a dwelling for an old, traditional pureblood lineage.
her mother’s side of the family never really accepted the fact that her mother married a muggleborn, and so they’ve become very estranged despite her still living there.
her father left when she was young, unable to handle living in the house full of talking portraits, ghosts, house elves that all curse at his name.
gwen grows up with her mother in the house, under the watchful eyes of portraits and ghosts and house elves who’ve all had their own opinions
there’s a lot of terrorizing here, lots of insults and screams that shake the walls. 
by the time she’s entered hogwarts, by the time she’s in her sixth year, gwen already feels very very aged.
personality wise: this has her painted as a very patient, old painful soul type of persona. (or, just really tired and a bit depressed)
she is more calm than most people, hates crowds, stays within her friend group normally.
a really chill/cool friend type, however she might be a bit judgmental of people even if she doesn’t often voice it to them.
has a bunch of weird habits/past times to keep busy, because despite hating crowds she doesn’t like it when it’s completely quiet.
at the end of the day she does have a bit of a difficulty expressing intimate feelings to people, given the fact that she’s very used to keep things locked up.
*note her personality is still rather hard to gauge for me but i hope to develop her better as time goes!
visits her mother every weekend at st mungos without fail.
plot wise, i would love to divulge into more interesting connections. the norm in terms of exes (people that gwen adored but did not have it in her to fully be “all in” or as expressive as one might’ve liked), dated once or twice and ever hit it off, etc. in terms of friends, any variety would work as long as they vibe, gwen doesn’t particularly have any qualms against anyone unless they step on her toes first. 
i would love a st mungos plot, someone gwen’s only ever seen in the waiting room because they also have a relative that’s in the hospital. 
as well as some plots exploiting her fears in ghosts etc! pls lmk if you’re interested in any thankss
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fmdxjerome · 7 years
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
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-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hi r/Entrepreneur, this a collection of "Don'ts" that I've come up with after being in the Instagram game for a while. It's about a 7 minute read, I haven't done a TLDR because I think the titles of the points would be a enough for anyone in a hurry :) The original article is here for anyone who wants to read it there or give me some love. Without further a do...7 Deadly Sins of Instagram MarketingSome basic wisdom gathered from managing several social media accounts, running countless campaigns and growing a pet blog to to 75k plus followers (don’t judge the stats, I’ve neglected growing it lately OK!). Avoid doing these things and you will get some great traction with your Insta-Endevours.1 - Trying to make every post an advertInstagram, or any social media platform is not for sticking your product in a person’s face. You know who you become when you do that? You become that one guy that everyone knows, who’s constantly trying to sell you something. You’re the digital version of that. Don’t be that.Instead, use your profile to congregate people that enjoy your content that will likely be interested in your product. Your profile should be a home for your customer. If you’re selling beard oil. You shouldn’t be posting your product in the foreground of every photo, not even in the background. You should be finding models with killer beards, videos of barbers doing their styling on a customer, beard maintenance guides. Build social arbitrage. If you’re providing entertainment, information and value to your customer, your product will sell itself. Every now and again, promote your product. And for fuck sake make it personal, don’t talk in corporate-language. We’ll get to that..2 - Loading every post with every somewhat relevant hashtag under the sunLook it’s fine to load your post with hashtags as long as they’re relevant and thought out. You get 30 hashtags and each one has the ability to lead a potential customer to your content. Is your product related to cats? Cool, #cat and #cats are probably the most mediocre hashtags you could tag your content with. Why? Because they’re not targeted at all, completely broad and off the mark when you’re trying to find enthusiastic cat owners. Instead think of tags as small communities. Say you product is a cat toy — you’re looking for cat owners, who are enthusiastic about cute fluffy things and regularly active with their pets. Try tagging your content with #dailyfluff, #petscorner, #kittenlove. Try finding large blog accounts that have their own hashtags, that they use for selecting content to feature, use them. Don’t just load a post up and wait for magic to happen, find a good mix of small and large hashtags to grow your account. Tagging all your content with hashtags that have 20 million photos attached to them will only drown your content and make it compete with thousands of other photos. Pro Tip #1 — If a significant part of your audience (say 15% or more) is from a different country or has a different first language, it may be worth it to use a few of those 30 hashtags to cater for that segment by using their language.3 - Neglecting the CaptionHave you seen a post with just hashtags under it, without a caption? If you have, you’ve seen the Instagram equivalent of a pizza without cheese. Is it a pizza? Sure, it’s got the sauce and all… Am I eating it? Get that abomination out of my face.The caption is the content, just as much as the picture is… Instagram lets you post a picture and a maximum 2200 character caption. You’re absolutely nuts if you don’t use that to your advantage. How bland is a picture on it own? A picture says a thousand words but 2200 characters is about 400 words extra. That’s almost half a picture and you could probably use it to 10x the value of your post. Why do you think memes are so popular? It’s not because of the picture, it’s the picture and caption combined that’s making that fucker go viral. If you’re selling wine and you post a picture of your co-founder and yourself having wine together, why wouldn’t you caption that and describe what’s happening. If I saw the picture and read “Nothing beats enjoying a lovely Sauvignon blanc and some cheese on a Sunday afternoon by the coast, with your best friend — Have a lovely weekend everyone!” — I’m now instantly craving wine and cheese, and likely to be your customer at some point since you conveniently sell the wine I just saw. As opposed to seeing the picture and not knowing the context at all. Be smart, write a well written caption.Common Sense Tip #1 — Don’t neglect your profile Bio either. Describe what you’re about and invoke some interest — and for fuck sake, utilise that 1 link you get. Link them to your latest product, e-mail list, video, god… something… If I see one more blank bio or one less link, I’m going to shoot myself.4 - Spraying, praying and making it rain when approaching influencers to promote youNot all influencers are created equal and just because an account has 100k followers, doesn’t mean it’s going to be effective for your purposes. You might be thinking. “Well yeah, we have to check if the followers are legitimate, we have to check the engagement rate and make sure it’s a real account.” You would be correct in thinking that, and if you weren’t thinking that, please do that before committing to a promotion… What I’m actually talking about comes after all the vetting has been done. My problem is with marketing campaigns that set a budget and go nuts with any old account that appears to be somewhat related to your product/service. Even if these accounts have been vetted and confirmed to be real, you need to apply the same principles as we covered with the hashtag situation. The influencer accounts have to be relevant to you niche, highly targeted, have enthusiastic followers that trust the influencer. No matter what your product is, there will be accounts out there that are pumped about that product, so find them. When spending your money, don’t go wide and shallow, go for depth where it counts. 7–8 generic 100k accounts will be less effective than 3–4 high quality accounts, even if they’re less than 20k each.Pro Tip #2 — Micro-influencers seem to be the best bang for your buck these days. These are accounts with less than 10k followers who have built deep trust with their followers not unlike that of a friendship. Their followers are highly engaged and will take their recommendation at high regard. They’re also very lovely to work with for the most part and will go the extra mile if your product fits their audience. Start DM-ing ladies and gentlemen.5 - Not keeping up to date with the rollout of new features that could greatly benefit youHow many of you have created a serious strategy or routine for Instagram stories and Instagram carousel? Scratch that, how many of you even regularly use those features? Instagram’s story feature has eclipsed Snapchats by 2 fold as of the beginning of this month. That’s 300 million users that are actively engaging with this new feature. A feature that lets you embed locations, links and even polls… polls! People crave expressing their opinions and Instagram Stories lets you give your audience just that! Look if you aren’t getting aroused by that piece of information, then this article is not for you.You need to keep up with what Instagram is doing and you need to follow the stats that inevitably become available for those new features. This isn’t even a Instagram thing, it’s a marketing thing. Create a strategy around what you’ll share using stories and carousel, how frequently you’ll post them and how best to engage with your followers using them. You can do so many things with Carousels. You can treat them as comic strips if it works for your business. If you need to hire someone to tell your business’ story, then do that. You’ll find thousands of young up-and-coming marketing professionals, that would kill to create Snapchat and Instagram content to tell your story. Just make sure you’re at least experimenting with the new stuff.6 - Not engaging with your followersIf you’re serious about selling and serious about Instagram, you better be replying to comments left right and center. If your post has 4 comments and 2 of those aren’t from you replying to the other 2, you’re doing it wrong (the exception being people tagging each other). If you have a direct message in your inbox that you haven’t replied to or acknowledged, reply! If you are replying, but you’re doing it in corporate lingo resembling that of a PR statement, you’re coming off as disingenuous.Remember when we talked about the micro-influencers in our second pro tip. They have built trust by befriending their followers. Friends talk and interact with each other, don’t take each other too seriously and are there to help. Be that friend for your follower and they just might become your customer.Pro Tip #3 — As much as we want it to, Instagram doesn’t solely revolve around our content. Engaging with our customers means engaging when it’s their content as well. Sounds hard? It could be if you’ve got a fair few followers but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your best in this department.7 - Being out of touch and not tailoring your content.Have you ever seen an Instagram post that is a cropped flyer with the caption that goes something like — “Hello dear followers, we are extremely excited to announce that we are running a new program called x and we are inviting you to join our e-mail list so we can update you on our upcoming blah blah blah” — this isn’t an e-mail, this isn’t a flyer, this isn’t a notice board. This is social media, learn to be social for god sake. When you try to become a part of a community, a platform, you need to tailor your content for those eyes. If you go around like you’re at a networking event handing out business cards, you’re just not going to get any business here. You need to appeal to your audience AND optimise for the platform. No matter how much I love burgers, I’m not going to get excited about a burger joint that’s on Instagram posting clear cut stock image bullshit and captions that sound like the human equivalent of a terms and conditions copy. For all the people who haven’t seen this… you haven’t seen this because those profiles never ever grow. They do exist however, they are there and they are infuriating.Instead of doing that, make sure the photo/image is actually aesthetically pleasing or interesting. This is an image platform after all. Also, make your caption informal. It can still be professional and informal without going full suit and tie. Define the purpose for your Instagram account, research how hashtags work, observe how your followers interact with you on the platform and tailor you content accordingly.Hey guys, if you enjoyed this I'd appreciate some love on the actual article here
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fyrborn · 7 years
pls talk to us about the dragons and their different personalities.
anonymous ❖ here’s the worst tldr list, but this is more in depth sorta
me: i’ll get to writing the bios tomorrowme @ me: stop lying 
          &&. in all seriousness, i will get to them, but school is starting soon. smh prop you should have gotten your shit together with this blog. anyway, don’t be like me and make a multidragon blog and expect yourself to write in depth bios lmao
         to make this clear since all dragons share this: they’re PRIDEFUL and INTELLIGENT. i know i joke about the best way to not getting yourself eaten is by calling them pretty, but it kinda is in a sense. after all, when you look at a dragon, you see a monster and beast, things along those lines. you don’t exactly see the beauty in serrated, sword long teeth that’s got charred flesh stuck in between or the smoldering ruins they leave behind. it doesn’t bother them if you call them otherwise, but it would hold their curiosity to judge you in seeing if you’re sincere or at least give you time to look for an exit ( viserion tends to be very vain and balerion likes to puff out his chest ). after all, winning their favor would be in your best interest when encountering them.
         they are intelligent creatures and they do understand human speech. they know what you’re saying regardless of whatever shit you’re trying to call them in a cheery tone. it’s like in hp when draco called buckbeak an ugly brute. talk shit, get hit buddy. meraxes is the most forgiving, just saying, but even she has her limits. they are in tune with their rider’s feelings through their bond and it’s one that is magical and more. it’s why the dragons can be called without any verbal message or command. the dragons communicate through a variety of sounds too, which ( aside from body language ) communicates what they’re trying to get at. i’m going off my own hc that the dragons do share their own experiences with one another. they can show each other images, sounds, scents, touch, and feelings depending on how close they are. this could eventually be something their riders might experience if they’re close enough. again it’s their own jurisdiction on whether they want to share or not. sometimes if the bond is really strong there’s no hiding it. 
         also to make this clear, just because you’re their RIDER does not necessarily save you from possibly getting injured or snapped at. they’re WILD no matter how long they’ve had a rider for. there is no TAMING of a dragon ( dany got snapped at y’know ) and once a dragon sets their mind to doing something, they’ll do it regardless of being told no. along with that note, the dragon chooses the rider, not the other way around.
                                        and now we get into what y’all really want.
balerion: is founded on this need to survive as he was one of the five dragons that was brought over from the doom. i’m not saying they didn’t feed him or anything, he can hunt on his own quite well, but i’m sure he most likely fought the other fledglings for food. and as he grew, he became more outwardly aggressive in dominating and suppressing the other dragons. most likely if these dragons didn’t die from natural causes, balerion would have killed them himself when they started to toe the line with him. honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t partial to cannibalism. with how much he ate and having all the free skies to fly, he grew into what massive size and fire power he was known for. pretty much this is the part that makes me laugh too when jaime??? in the show was saying drogon was full grown. drogon is like a fourth of his size. he wouldn’t make an impact if they collided in the air and balerion would eat him alive. aren’t ya glad he’s dead?
         i’m trying really hard to remember what word fits him, but it’s not arrogance. he knows what he’s capable of and he has the right to act as he does. balerion has an air of superiority ( it doesn’t help that he does look down at you from his snout ), but it’s a very imposing and tangible type of atmosphere when you meet him. he wants your respect. he won’t ask for it. he DEMANDS it. which raises the question that i made early on my dash, about how anyone could have possibly controlled balerion. anyway, balerion does not go out of his way to be cruel. none of the dragons do actually, they kill for a reason and not for sport ( chasing is fun though ). he can be quite sweet ( surprise!!!! ) to those he trusts. no, he won’t roll over and wag his tail like a puppy ( they’re more feline like when it comes to body language anyway ), but he will make the softest sounds and nudge you as gentle as possible for a scratch ( not that you can really do much at his age ). 
                           here’s a sample that i wrote for some meme on my other blog:
 the skies are his to rule and he fills it with dragon song. from deep within his stomach, presses out through chest and vibrates through throat, it comes in ROAR meant to signify his presence. how any creature, small or large ( all insignificant ), can not make note of his presence was surely foolish. for even the BLIND can see his strength, let it roll over them and know how immense of a beast he was. for even the DEAF can hear what mighty beast he was, feel the way the EARTH quivers underneath wing stroke. even the SILENT can utter gasping screams when BLACK FIRE scorches land and all its inhabitants. they should all know and see just WHO it is that truly bears the CROWN.
  crimson gaze settles upon silver scales that GLEAM in sunlight. and dragon song once more makes itself heard, though not of his own and balerion only eyes the CHALLENGER with disinterest. such a fledgling ( by his standards ) can screech in defiance and utter his PETTY challenges all he wishes. it would not matter. HE WILL CRUSH THIS ONE’S SKULL BETWEEN HIS TEETH. maegor be willing ( or unwilling ), he will know what is BEST for them both and let him tear this silver one apart.
                                                             FOOLISH THING 
  he has lived a HUNDRED YEARS AND MORE. he has seen and faced battles FAR GREATER than this child of blood and fire has ever seen much less been in. dark shadow is cast and falls below the city ( human nest ). how such fragile creatures take to hiding, so unlike the human child that sits upon his black scales and holds onto scarlet tinged horns and spines. a whisper from maegor, a language that HE KNOWS SINCE HATCHING is given. kessa īlon zālagon zirȳ, balerion? he need not ask such a thing. the dragon will show what FIRES BURN within his chest.
                                          DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME? 
  how can such a SMALL DRAGON hope to compare to such a beast like him? great jaws part and reveal curved teeth, CRUELthings that have CLEAVED armored men in half and feasted upon their horses like human children eating sweets. he calls then, to this QUICKSILVER dragon. wingstrokes carrying him far and he is met with open aggression. clawed feet latch onto his, but by far, he DWARFS this little sky lord. one can not simply DEFEAT A KING like he.
                                                    A CENTURY TOO YOUNG 
    teeth SINK through scales with such ease and reminds him of humans in their worthless metal armor. and it is just like them that he will end THIS IMPUDENT LORD’S LIFE. nostrils flare as he breathes in, feels VOLCANIC HEAT rise up from his chest and PITCH BLACK FLAMES spew from the depths of his throat and rush to burn at joint where bone connects wing to body. there is a cry of PAIN AND AGONY, but that only fuels such eagerness for the kill. a sharp jerk of his head, power given by thick neck muscle, and he makes QUICK WORK of this dragon. jaws slacken for just a second before snapping back shut. with one final SNAP, the wing tears free.
vhagar: vhagar and meraxes were born after balerion, both of who are female. they are close to one another not just because of how close they were hatching, but also being girls essentially ( they got each other’s back like visenya and rhaenys!!! ). she is very forward in what she wants and how she wants it. there are no warnings with vhagar, save with visenya of course, but generally it’s best to tread very lightly with her. she’s the embodiment of i’ll take it with fire and blood and would die fighting. vhagar is very into proving to everyone she’s capable of handling herself. while she’s not a tactician of any sort, vhagar does use the field to her advantage and not to mention her size. more or less that first started with picking fights with balerion when she was old enough. she is not scared of balerion whatsoever and often would get the upper hand of things despite being slightly smaller. she’s a quick thinker and ferocious when it comes to fighting ( more like sore loser lbr ). vhagar sadly does have a short temper, so often enough she will kinda explode when things that have been annoying her build up, but as quick as it starts, it’s also quick to go away. 
         she is pretty smug though. you know that scene in httyd where toothless kinda laughs at the other dragon he spat fire at? yeah that’s vhagar when she beat balerion. i hc that there were two major fights between the both of them, which could have ended up with either of them dead. in both cases, vhagar had the upper hand and she used the environment to her advantage. the first time was in dragonstone and vhagar nearly drowned balerion if it wasn’t for meraxes knocking her off. the second time was in king’s landing within the dragonpit because of some spacial pressure. they’re used to open skies and being able to fly freely, not being kept in one place completely. it’s a good thing they kept the fight short or the city would have all burned. 
meraxes: is the most forgiving of dragons. or rather, the most TOLERANT of them. by all means, she’s not docile. please don’t think that. she surely is the most patient and willing to wait ( to think before she leaps! ) to see what happens. she’s inquisitive by nature and finds herself rather content with lazing in the sun. though it’s not to say she’s not as ferocious as the other two in the skies. by all means, meraxes is no push over. she just has an extremely high patience, especially when it comes to balerion and vhagar. only when it’s a life and death situation will she intervene in their fights. otherwise she lets them go at it until they go into a stalemate. meraxes certainly does have a more motherly nature and often enough does coddle rhaenys should she see her upset. to a certain extent, she does find human children amusing and might allow a few curious ( and brave! ) to try and climb on her, but she’ll shake them off or push them away when she’s had enough.
        ( i gotta think about her more because she’s not as developed as i hoped aside from #she protec and #she attac)
drogon: he shares a lot of aspects with balerion ( death reincarnate! ), but because of how he was raised ( since i write balerion already hatched and wasn’t bonded at first to aenys ), he’s very tied to daenerys. in a sense he DOES want to be his mother’s son. he adores her and will do what he can to make her happy and content, but it’s also with this love that brings him such CONFLICT. you’ll see this especially when he becomes bigger than a small dog. he wants to be FREE to do what he wants without having to come back to dany and he kinda wants to come to her on his own terms. i mean ever since they were young, they mostly stayed within their mother’s view. and now they’re large enough to go somewhere without people trying to catch them in a sense.
        drogon wants to be the first. first ( lmao ) and foremost is to SURVIVE. after all, there were people trying to separate him and his brothers from their mother and there is nothing more powerful than fear to be your guide LMAO. essentially he doesn’t want to be in that position again. he wants to be able to be the one who protects himself, his siblings, but also his mother and that is a huge driving force ( also generally what gets him to rush right on back ).  and there, again, is this WILDERNESS that even dany can not tame no matter how much she can try. the best way, thankfully so, is through compromise. i think the fact that drogon had snapped at her the first time was shocking to her. drogon has always been gentle with her and to have this happen is eye opening. but aside from that!!! he does push his weight around. with his siblings, he makes it very clear that he is the one in charge. not to say that neither of them won’t challenge him from time to time. though this was mostly when they were younger and around the same size, though drogon still having a little more growth on him.
        he is a very stubborn dragon and he likes making it known that you should not test him, no exceptions even with dany ( ie snappity snap ). and as he grows larger and older, drogon definitely does find his own way in things. and honestly??? going into a fight with dany on his back is also kinda fun for him in a sense because hello prey drive, but also charred horse is pretty nice. viserion and rhaegal already ate humans so??? it’s not like he can miss out!!!
viserion: call him the PRETTIEST dragon you’ve ever seen and he’ll wait for you to compliment him more. viserion is VAIN and he likes to be praised ( fastest way to his heart ). the one thing he noticed right off the bat when he became more aware of his surroundings is that he is the color of the metal objects that people so covet, which only adds to his ridiculous ego. now i’m not saying that he’s going to stare off into a mirror all the time, but he takes a lot of time and pride in his appearance. however, i wouldn’t go as far as to count him out when it comes to a fight. just because there’s some blood being splattered or there’s some mud involved, doesn’t mean anything. being vain also means he’ll defend his name and reputation through his own force and means. so he does at times get into fights with drogon and rhaegal, but it stops once he’s makes his point ( or when drogon makes his point lmao ). hence why he grows more and more aggressive when he’s older.
        he is a very CONSERVATIVE dragon ( no politics \ o / ) and by that I mean he only does things when he deems his energy and time is worth it. this applies to moving too. big cats, for example, they only use enough energy to leap from one platform to the edge of another platform. no more and no less. viserion is like that and he is a very graceful flier because of it. though this does make him appear to be the LAZIEST dragon as he’s often seen basking in the sun while rhaegal might be off doing spiral dives for fun. speaking of his brother though, both he and rhaegal are the closest with each other because of the time they spent with each other when they were chained up, but also because of the fact they get along really well??? they work very well when it comes to hunting together and it’s really coordinated ( think ambushing when they were younger ). but!!! viserion is PROTECTIVE of rhaegal and keeps an eye on him and like siblings, they’ll back each other up. they do nest together and they don’t often stay away for too long from each other. it’s more so for reassurance than it is because they’re dependent on one another. 
                                                            he hates the cold. 
rhaegal: the smallest and by far is not coddled. in fact he would actually get angry if you do things for him ( not that he doesn’t appreciate the sentiment ) because he likes to EARN things. he is a hard worker and it’s so much more SATISFYING to him if he does. he doesn’t have an inferiority complex, but he does turn everything into a COMPETITION. he shares traits with vhagar in the sense that he wants to prove himself. hence why once he sees drogon do something, rhaegal is the one who will surely follow since he wants to also beat viserion to the punch. he is TENACIOUS in anything he tries to do and if he doesn’t get it right the first time. drogon might have been the first to fish in the seas while they were traveling on boat, but rhaegal would have been the second to dive right in. you’ll find him rather brave and bold. when he was younger he wouldn’t hesitate to fight back larger and stronger opponents and i wouldn’t put it past him to make a go at horses when he was on the ground or even dorthraki riders when they’re close by. and as he grew, it’s not surprising when he becomes the most TROUBLESOME of dragons when it came to having to find his way with wow growth spurt lmao and finding how to fly properly. all wings and kinda lanky before filing out. tbh, rhaegal isn’t the most graceful of dragons to fly since he relies a lot on speed so his movements can be sharp when there are turns and he likes to test the limits of his capabilities ( honestly imagine nearly crashing if it wasn’t for viserion or drogon to cushion/ help him pull back ). 
        surprisingly, he’s also the most SOCIAL of all dragons and CURIOUS of them. which makes him a bit more easier to handle in comparison to his brothers when he was younger. so it was alright for dany to essentially hand him off to someone else close to her to hold ( like jorah or missandei ). it’s why he’s rather SOFT when it comes to those close to dany and will often take it to kinda check in on them ( he’s got a good heart!!! ). though it might come unwelcomed when he scares the heck out of you. rhaegal, as i mentioned above, is very close with viserion. even before they were chained beneath the pyrimids, they grew to rely on one another more than they did drogon. rhaegal has been one to sleep next to viserion and at times will share food ( if he’s generous ). though they do have their fair share of fights for the meal. and i gotta write a sad dragon now smh.
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