#his cat isnt doing too well either and thats like the biggest thing that nona left behijd
gingerwithglucose · 3 years
#havent vented in the tags in a HOT MIN#so just to catch yall up 😎#me and one other girl are working doubles while p much everyone else either isnt working or has 1 shift#one of my OTHER coworkers is most likley going to call off saturday and sunday leaving me to pick up her shifts#which i wont do but i will have to say no to ppl which is super awkward#one of my mangers sucks#customer service in restaurant industry sucks in general bc there are SO many entitled and rude ppl#im staying wjth my grandpa rn and its SO HARD bc every little thing reminds me of my grandma who passed away in novemeber#im literally jn her room and just seeing all of these little reminders is so hard#im also worried about my grandpa bc i dont think he eats much when im not here and hes just like alone now#his cat isnt doing too well either and thats like the biggest thing that nona left behijd#also he gave me one of her sweaters and it smelled like her which i hadnt expierenced in so long i almost cried#im really not looking foward to working these last few shifts I really just want to go home#but then i also really dont want to leave my grandpa all by himself i worry about him so much#i had this feeling about nona that she would die before thanksgiving (just had it in the back of my mind) and she did pass before#and when i was packing to come up here i had the hoorible thought that he would pass away while i was staying here#and it just scares me so much but i think its just because im really stressed rn and i just want to go home#whoo ok i feel a lil better now#only good thing about tumblr is i can do shit like this#its cathartic
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