#his eyebrows are the real dark magic here amirite
renbyten · 1 year
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Sorry, I could NOT get this skrunkly trash man and his meme-able face out of my head till I drew this!
Please enjoy the blank template chaotically for all your Viren shitposting needs:
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Eight: In A Garden ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Tenten ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“...you’re kidding, right?”
“Cuz it’s fun, dude!”
Sasuke deadpans. “...dressing up in costumes and acting, in real time...is fun.”
“Yeah! LARPing is amazing! A few friends of mine from my old school were into it when we were kids! And since I’ve been getting back into contact with ‘em, I asked if they still did it? And they do! And we are totally going to a session and -”
“But -!”
“That is the dorkiest thing I’ve ever heard of. I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.”
“But Sasuke -” Naruto begs, curling fists under his chin. “I told everybody we’d be there!”
“You need to stop making promises on my behalf, Naruto.”
“C’mon, man! You tellin’ me you’ve never wanted to be, like...a badass knight? Or...or a mage? You never played games like that?”
“Yeah. Games. Where I sit and be myself, playing a game. I’ve never thought I should become the game.”
“Dude...do you know anything about cosplay?”
“...yeah. I do.”
“Y’ever looked at some really hot cosplay girls?”
A light tint of pink colors the Uchiha’s face. “...I’ve seen them, yeah.”
“Well, it’s like that...only they actually stay in character. And you get to interact with them, in character! And you can have battles, and sit in a tavern, and look awesome! I promise you’ll have fun. And like I said, it’s mostly people from my old school! You wouldn’t even know anyone there to be all embarrassed in front of!” Naruto nudges him in the ribs. “We’ll get you looking awesome, and they’ll just be impressed!”
Sasuke heaves a long sigh, staring at his friend skeptically. “...and what, pray tell, did you have in mind for me to wear?”
Sensing he’s convinced him, Naruto gives a wide, devious smile. “Oh, I think you’re gonna like it…!”
The event, as it turns out, is being hosted in a large park across town. Good, Sasuke can’t help but think. Fewer chances of being spotted by someone he knows.
Because while he’ll never admit it...he does look awesome. But...that also plays against him for looking like he’s taking this seriously.
Donning a thief build getup, his scheme is black and a midnight blue, with highlights of silver. It’s actually made of leather, for the most part. The armor, at least. He’s got boots, trousers, a tunic...and his armor. A chest plate, bracers, shin guards...the whole works.
And he hates that Naruto was right. Though he tried to resist...the more he looked at himself in the mirror...the more he thought he actually looked...really cool. And he can totally pull off a thief character.
Otherwise, he’s just a human - no pointy elf ears or orc makeup. That...would be taking it  a little far, in his opinion. Wielding a foam dagger, he only has a scar painted over an eye.
You know, just to add to the badass image.
Getting out of Naruto’s car, they soon see the ruckus. A fair number of people - more than Sasuke expects - are out in the grass. A gazebo seems to be a make-believe tavern, coolers of drinks (non-alcoholic - they’re still minors, after all) and food are made up to look like chests. There’s a fair amount of variety in the costumes - both in terms of characters, and of skill level. And no one seems to be ripping on each other. They’re just...having fun. A few people spar with their false weapons...others sit and talk with tankards. One guy even looks to be selling potions...which are just funny colored water.
“Sooo...whaddaya think?” Naruto asks, leaning against his friend to jostle him, wiggling his eyebrows.
“...looks like a nerdfest.”
“An AWESOME nerdfest!” the blond declares, lifting his broadsword. He, of course, is a knight...with armor Sasuke will admit is even more impressive than his own.
“So, where are all the girls?”
“Oh! I think Shikamaru said they were having a, uh...a photoshoot? In the gardens. If I had t’guess, they’re probably all there getting their pictures done before their hair or whatever gets messed up. Wanna go see?”
Sasuke goes pink. “...that won’t be weird?”
“Nah, we’ll just...get our pictures taken, too! It’ll be totally fine,” Naruto insists, waving a hand. “I really do wanna get pictures, though. I want this moment immortalized! Sasuke wearing LARP getup...I’m gonna show your kids.”
“Tch, whatever…”
They head up the hill to where the kept gardens of the park are grown. Sasuke’s been here a few times, but mostly when he was a lot younger. The park really isn’t his favorite haunt anymore. At least, not unless something is actually going on. While his mother used to take him and Itachi all the time in the Summer when they were kids...they’re both a little old for that now. Itachi���s in college, after all.
And, as Naruto said, there’s indeed a few photographers hanging around, snapping pictures of various roleplayers. Most of the ones up here are indeed girls. Barmaids, mages, princesses, knights...anything and everything, really.
“See? What did I tell ya? Aren’t they beautiful?” Naruto whispers, nudging Sasuke again. “Check them out!”
Grunting, Sasuke gives him a glance, not wanting to be...overtly obvious. Pretending to be watching the goings-on, he scopes out a few of them. They’re pretty, sure...but none really catch his eye too dramatically.
“Please, Hina?”
“I-I don’t know about this, Tenten…”
Glancing, Sasuke spies what looks like a weaponsmith talking to a girl in a long coat, which she clings closed with embarrassment.
“But you look awesome! It turned out so great! Shouldn’t you want everyone to see it?”
“I mean...I guess? I don’t know, it’s just...e-embarrassing…!”
“Dude, everyone here is in costume! No one’s gonna make fun of you! We’re all nerds here, right?”
“Besides, if anyone gives you trouble, I’ll knock ‘em one!” the one called Tenten assures her, drawing an oversized hammer from a belt at her hip.
Her companion smiles, gaze dropping as the current group moves out from in front of the camera.
“Ooh, us!” Naruto insists, tugging Sasuke forward with a yelp.
“Just you two?” a photographer clarifies.
“Uh...I guess. Unless anyone wants a group shot with us?”
“We’ll join in!”
Everyone looks over to Tenten, who hauls her friend forward by a hand. The other keeps her coat closed. “Got room for two more?”
“Yeah, sure!” Naruto quickly agrees.
“C’mon, Hina! You gotta take the coat off!”
Pink with embarrassment, the one called Hina pauses...then peels the garment aside.
Sasuke’s eyes go wide.
Donning fake elf ears, her hair is long and dark, straight as a blade to her tailbone. Pale lavender eyes match a few layers of her dress, which has several materials of various shades of purple. A delicate circlet with violet gems sits on her brow.
...wow...she looks like the real deal.
She’s beautiful…
“...oi, Sasuke. We gotta pose.”
Snapped back to the present, he blinks, realizing he’s...still in the garden. And everyone’s looking at him. Oh crap, was he staring that badly?!
“Sorry about him, he’s a little spacy sometimes,” Naruto snickers. “Thieves and their short attention spans, amirite? If it’s not shiny, he’s not paying attention!”
Scowling, Sasuke knows he’s trying to cover for him. “...better than starting all manner of brawls just to prove your chivalry, you dunce.”
“Ha! See? Such a kidder…”
...huh...this is actually...kinda fun.
The four of them pose for a few photos before they let someone else have a turn.
“So can we get copies of these?” Naruto asks one of the photographers.
“Yeah, they’ll be on our website.”
“...website?” Sasuke repeats. They’ll be online?!
“What, like anyone you know is gonna be looking at this kinda stuff, right?” the blond counters, pouting.
Likewise, Hinata goes pink. “Tenten...you didn’t say they’d be p-public…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know!”
As their more...exuberant friends try to work out the details, Hinata and Sasuke are left to the side, glancing to each other. “...your costume is amazing,” he offers, trying to make conversation.
That gets her to perk up. “You...you think so? I made it myself!”
“What?! No way!”
“Oh...I just bought mine, I’m not...crafty or anything.”
She laughs softly into a hand. “That’s just fine. We all do this differently. I just...r-really like making clothes! Maybe I could make you something sometime, um…?”
“Oh, uh...Sasuke.”
“Okay guys, they’re gonna keep ours under a password! Apparently they do that for private shoots, and...they’re making an exception for us! So we can see them, but...no one without the magic word can.” Naruto gives two gloved thumbs-up.
“Oh, g-good,” Hinata sighs in relief.
“Now, onward! To the festivities! There’s battles to win and ale to drink!” the blond then announces, leading the charge back down to the belly of the park. Tenten follows with a cackling laugh, wielding her hammer.
“...well, I guess we’re hanging out?” Sasuke asks.
“I guess so,” Hinata laughs.
     ...this is really random xD I kinda wanted to do something else, buuut I don't have a dedicated verse for it (yet), so...maybe another time, lol      I've never done LARPing...I watched a few friends do it BRIEFLY, and uh...they were some of the very low budget kind xD Which is fine! But means in truth, I know very little about it, so...hopefully I didn't get anything wrong, lol!      ANYWAY, I'm FINALLY done with the ship week I was doing on Tumblr, and uh...oof, am I burnt out. I'm surprised I got this done, tbh ^^; So hopefully I'll be a bit more...prompt from now on. And a bit more wordy. Doing two daily writing things at once is uh...a bit much, lol      But anyway, that's all from me for tonight~ I'm very tired, so time to crash! Thanks for reading <3
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