#his main two followers are a suicidal boy who eats his shit up and begs for more
itsdetachable · 1 year
Okay. BUT. What if. Instead of a CEO of a multimillion dollar company in AU's Knives was like. A professional agoraphobe. Who did computer programming stuff freelance with no regard for morals. Also he wrote and released computer viruses for shits n giggles. What if.
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enigmasalad · 6 years
Falling Apart
(Inspired by @sugarglider9603 ‘s and @galaxy-lilies-main spiderverse au and an ask on it saying if virgil died what if roman became a villain. WARNINGS: Mentions of explosions, graphic things, murder, loss and mind control. )
Have you ever seen anyone fall apart? Roman has, and what a tragic, gruesome event it was. Roman remembers the day clearly. Spidergale and Royal Slinger were called to an emergency revolving around the subways. No one knew what it was, just that they had to get there quick. So here Roman was, swinging from building to building with the love of his life to save civilians once again and please their fan base. “Whoever rescues the most people or stops the situation first will get to choose where we go for date night. How about that Gale?” Roman proposed as he swung forward. Virgil chuckled and swung in time with Roman. God Roman could never get over that laugh. “You’re on Slinger. Prepare to eat at Petrov’s.” Virgil remarked with his signature sass. “But we always go there!” Roman whined. “I like Russian food okay? Don’t judge!” Before Roman could remark again, they heard people screaming. In an instant, both stuck to the side of a building to observe what they were up against. People were pouring out of the subway entrance. That’s when they heard someone scream “It’s a bomb!” Great. Roman fucking hated bombs. The two heroes rushed into the subway station. Following the path where people were running from, they easily found the subway stop that they needed to go to. “Fuck.” There was a whole subway filled with people, screaming and banging on the windows to escape. As they could see, the doors had a strange bomb stuck on it, sealing the poor passengers inside. “Alright Slinger we need to break the windows and start getting people out! Why don’t you start on that while I defuse this son of a bitch?” “Copy that Gale.” Roman hurried to a window farther away from the bomb. With a punch the glass shattered into a million pieces. “Never fear, Royal Slinger is here! And Gale.” “Fuck you.” Virgil grumbled, examining a wire. Roman smirked for a millisecond before addressing the passengers. “I need you to be as calm and orderly as you can while Spidergale stops that bad boy. No pushing, shoving or sudden movements okay?” Once he was sure everyone was on the same page he started helping them out. Once they were out he instructed them to run like hell, which they of course did. Roman was in the muddle of helping an elderly woman out when he heard Virgil make an ‘aha!’ noise. “The bomb’s defused but I don’t know for how long. There’s a possibility its remote controlled.” He said. “Meaning?” Roman asked just to make sure. “Meaning we should try to haul ass.” Roman put a business man onto the platform while Virgil began to help people out as well. Roman helped a pizza guy onto the platform as Virgil went to the last people, a woman and her baby. “C’mon Miss. I’ll help you guys out.” “Oh thank you Gale!” Roman was about to turn back to the platform when his Spidey sense started tingling. Uh oh, it was behind him. Roman seemed to turn around in slow motion. The child the woman was carrying started beeping. “FU-“ “VIRGIL!!!” Roman suddenly couldn’t hear. He didn’t need sound to understand what was going on. That child was a bomb in disguise. Even though Roman couldn’t hear, he could feel a blood curdling scream escape his throat. Days passed and Roman could still see the haunting image in his mind. They were burying Virgil today. Or, what they could find of him. Roman fucking laughed. They couldn’t find all the pieces of his dearest and yet they were fucking burying him today? That’s absurd! He couldn’t give his love a farewell kiss or a flower because Virgil wasn’t fucking together. Roman couldn’t hear Grandma Storm or Patton sobbing. He couldn’t hear the speech that Logan had made. He could see Logan physically struggle, but Roman didn’t care. His eyes were focused on the coffin. Virgil would probably complain that his coffin wasn’t “edgy” enough because it was white. He could hear his love’s voice. God this was awful. Roman blinked and suddenly the coffin wasn’t there, just a headstone. He felt a hand on his shoulder and somebody hugging him. He looked down to see Patton hugging him tightly. He turned to the side to see Logan, trying to keep his stoic persona, look at him with sorrow no human should ever have. Wait, was he crying? Fuck. Roman had been crying and he didn’t even know. He could hear Thomas say something but the words were muted by..his own sobs. Roman finally fell to his knees, carrying Pat with him and wailed. Have you seen anyone fallen apart? Logan has, and it was unexpected. Nothing was the same after the loss of Virgil. Grandma Storm quickly passed three months later because her body couldn’t handle the stress and grief. Victory dinners at restaurants felt dull when they’d be painfully reminded about the one empty chair. The headquarters just felt off. Logan would often wake up at night and hear Thomas crying. What was the worst thing of all was how Roman handled all of it. For the first year Roman was in between lethargic, depressed and angry. Some days he wouldn’t get out of bed. Others, he started taking on challenges way bigger than himself. The worst days was when he’d spend a whole day sobbing. His wails would echo through the headquarters. It was so haunting Patton would cover his ears and quietly cry, begging silently for it to stop. Logan would cover Patton’s ears with his hands or turn cartoon music all the way up until you couldn’t even hear your breath. The second year is when the switched flipped. Roman, instead of moving on with his grief in a healthier way as suggested by Picani and Logan, turned aggressive. He’d get into screaming matches, took on suicidal missions, and had even beaten a villain so hard he died in the hospital. Thomas organized an intervention and of course everyone was there. Patton was sobbing and begging for Roman to get some help. What happened next was terrifying, and Logan’s own fault. “Virgil wouldn’t want you to be like this Roman. He’d want you to sing and laugh and be ridiculous.” Logan expected Roman to give in at this, but that’s not what happened. Something flickered in Roman’s eyes. Suddenly Logan felt himself be slammed into a wall. He couldn’t breathe because Roman was strangling him. Roman screamed with a rage almost inhuman. “Don’t you dare fucking say that name! Don’t you fucking dare tell me what he’d want! You putas didn’t even help!” Logan suddenly gasped for air as he felt himself fall to the floor. Thomas, Emile and Remy were holding Roman back, shouting at him to calm down. Logan coughed as he felt Patton rush in and hug him tightly, sobbing at the top of his lungs. That’s when Roman broke free. Through Logan’s blurry vision he could see him quickly run off. Remy and Thomas went to chase him, but Emile rushed over to see if he needed help.
And that’s the last they saw of Roman or Royal Slinger. And that’s when Venganza de Rosas emerged. The first encounter with Venganza de Rosas would haunt Logan forever. A disturbance had been reported so naturally the Spider Gang rushed in to save the day. They were horribly wrong. What, or who they found was Spider Bite. He was impaled by multiple black and red metal roses and limp, blood in a pool below him. Logan rushed to check for a pulse. “Oh god, Oh god please! No more!” Patton sobbed. Logan felt bile rush up but forced it down. There was no pulse. Logan backed up to tell Patton the grim news but something caught his eye. Above Spider Bite was something written in blood.
Venganza de Rosas More and more crimes belonging to this “Venganza de Rosas” person sprung up. Bank robberies, heists, heck even murders besides Dolion’s erupted in their faces. What was the most frustrating is that every time the gang resolved a situation, five more popped up. They had no clue it was the beginning of a bloodier battle. It was realized when a figure attacked Thomas. They attacked the man while he was on patrol. The villain must have left Thomas to die with his spinal injury in an alley alone, but luckily Dream Weaver was patrolling over there that day. Thomas would live, but his spinal injury could take years to heal. He was bound to a wheel chair and hearing MJ sob was enough to make Logan storm out of the hospital room in a flurry of mixed emotions. Everything suddenly became a massive shit storm. Cotton Candy Spider went missing for three whole months before they found his body in the sewers. Dream Weaver, overcome with grief of both of his loved ones killed himself. It’s been five years since Virgil died, two years since Roman stormed out, three years after Dolion’s death, eight months since Emile was found and three months since Remy committed suicide. The Spider Gang was crippled. Logan never let Patton go on patrols anymore. Ever. Patton fought every chance he had but one sharp order made him give in. Patton helped Thomas and MJ anyway he could, but he wanted to go save people. Finally In the first time in years, they had a stroke of luck. Logan was ambushed by the figure. The person was probably male, was slightly above average height and had some muscle on them. They wore a black and red mask with bloody roses on it. What was most odd was the suit. They wore a red and black floral tuxedo, but instead of a tie they wore a scarf. Logan dodged an attack and quickly scanned the suit cause no way in hell would a villain just wear a freaking cloth tux by himself. Logan was shocked at the results. It was made from Vibranium. What was the most shocking was the advanced analysis of the DNA Logan had installed just for Venganza de Rosas. Roman. It was fucking Roman. “Roman?!” Venganza de Rosas laughed, heck cackled with malice. This was Roman, holy hell. “Took you long enough Specs. What, it took two murders, a spinal injury and an ambush? Very slow of you!” Roman snarked. “What the fuck Roman?!” Logan growled out. His hands shook and his insides were cold. All this sorrow and rage built up over the years was ready to erupt. “You killed our friends, your friends, for what?! Fun?! Revenge?! All because we all wanted you to get better?!” Logan spat. Roman scoffed and turned around. “You all were never my friends.” With that a loud cloud of smoke floated into the air. Even though Roman was a murderous mastermind he could still be idioti-. Patton hadn’t seen Logan in hours and grew worried. He repeatedly sent messages, checked Logan’s helmet cam, everything. Patton refused to cry. There was no way Logan could be in trouble! He was smart, quick and strong! He was safe right? Right? Suddenly the supercomputer dinged. Patton hurriedly pulled up Logan’s helmet cam. The camera showed nothing but black, but Patton heard a voice. A rough, gravely and wheezing voice. “Subway..platform…seven…help.” “Logan! Logan are you okay?!” Nothing. Patton wasted no time. No way in hell was he going to lose another family member. No way in hell was he going to lose Logan. He suited up and rushed out of the headquarters. Patton barely remembered the trip to subway platform seven. Unfortunately, he knew the way very well. Because that’s where the platform Virgil was blown up at. Patton hadn’t been there in a very long time but he knew it was abandoned due to the danger to the structures the explosion caused. And of course when Patton entered, it was empty. Or so he thought. Weird noises could be heard. Machinery and music floated through the air. Patton gulped and quietly crawled onto the ceiling towards the noise. Along the way he saw..odd objects. A familiar hoodie. Framed ballet shoes. An MCR T-shirt. Patton’s eyes widened as he remembered these items. They were Virgil’s, so why were they here? The music was growing louder and louder as Patton got closer to what he knew was a chamber. What he didn’t expect was to see so much odd technology. There was strange machines with wires and computers. Tables were covered in advanced, almost government level science equipment and strange things in vials. A vinyl player was on another, more empty table. The biggest thing in the center was covered with a large sheet. Patton quietly made it to the ground and out of curiosity walked to the machine in the center. He pulled the sheet and covered his mouth at the thing in the tank. “Patton?” Patton whipped his head around. A cry erupted from his lungs. “Logan! You’re oka-“
Patton cried out as Logan slammed him onto the ground. Patton looked up into his lover’s eyes and gasped in shock. They were blood red. Logan’s eyes weren’t blood red.
“It’s all okay now Patton. Roman is going to fix everything! Our bad luck will be gone and a new world will emerge! We’ll be a family again!” Logan deliriously said with a grin that was way too wide.
“Logan stop it! Stop!” Patton cried, pushing, punching and squirming under the weight of his love.
“Its going to hurt like hell at first but it’s worth it! I promise! Ill be here for you my love!”
Patton had little time to notice the smoke creeping in through the vents. The smoke seemed to seep into his bones and mind, burning everything that told him to resist into a crisp.
Patton screamed in pain, as his eyes changed blood red. Logan’s kiss was the only thing to mute him.
Blurry eyes blinked. What.was going on? Memory seemed useless, for everything was blurry visions of glass. But now..legs worked. That had never happened before.
The glass door opened and shaky legs stepped into the world for the first time. The lights were bright, but a quick eye rub cleared everything up.
“Ah! It worked! How are you feeling?”
A man. There was..a man.
A gasp could be heard. Voice! The throat had a voice! There was never voice! The man grinned and took hands into his own.
“Good, good! Do you know who you are?”
The man smiled kindly and kissed the hands.Blood rushed to cheeks, making them warm.
“Your name is Virgil, and you’re my heart. My love. My beloved king.”
Virgil blinked. Love? The word seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place it.It was..nice.
“Come my love. Let us get you dressed and we can talk more. Im certain Patton has clothes laid out for you. Of course everything will make more sense when Logan inputs your memories.”
Virgil nodded, all tension gone. However he still had one question.
“Who are you?” he asked, voice raspy from lack of use.
“I’m Roman, my love. And we will rule this world together with an iron fist.”
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just-fan-fics · 5 years
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@jellyfishpoptart : have a request! The reader dating Bellamy but being friends with Murphy in season one and having to deal with the fall out of the hanging.
pairing: bellamy blake x reader
set: season 1
warning: suicide by jumping, not a really happy ending 
a/n: thank you for the request! I hope it’s what you were hoping for or at least it’s kinda close. Also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistake, English is not my main language. Hope you enjoy :)
Your stay on Earth hasn’t been really chaotic as you expected since the motto on the camp was “Whatever the hell we want”, and that’s basically what everyone was doing. Your boyfriend was the one who came up with that, and even though you support him you think that without rules one day everything will go downhill.  
You’ve met Bellamy before being imprisoned. First it was only looking at each other when you crossed on the hallways of the Ark. You didn’t have the courage and you were pretty shy when it came to ask someone out. One day you were eating alone on the cafeteria when he sat in front of you and started talking to you, like he already knew everything about you. And it wasn’t until your third date when you gather enough courage to kissed him. You knew everything about him, even the fact that he was hidden his little sister on the floor of his room because according to the Ark rules, parents were only allowed to have one kid, so the oxygen would be enough for many more years. You were imprisoned way before the guard found out about his sister, floated his mum and imprisoned his sister as well.
The one who was getting the more fun was your best friend John Murphy. He was always trying to pick up a fight with Wells, the Chancellor’s son. You have known him before you two got caught on the Ark and locked on that cells. John’s mum was really sick and the only thing she needed was medicine that the Ark wouldn’t give her because the medicine needed to last a long time, so John and you would sneak out and stole the medicine for her mum, until he’s mum died and you two were sent to jail.
You were looking at the woods when someone startled you hugging you from behind. “What are you doing?” you turn to face your smiley boyfriend. “nothing really” you say putting your hands on his shoulders. He lends down to kiss you, when a scream broke the air. You look at Bellamy and followed him to where the scream came. You froze, and covered your mouth with your hands looking at the now death body of Wells Jaha.
“It was Murphy” someone says lifting what looked like a handmade knife. “hey, where did you found that? I’ve been looking for it” Murphy says walking through the shocked people that couldn’t stopped looking at him, with hate. “Why is everybody looking at me?” he says looking around. “Murphy, come here” you say trying to protect him of whatever they were thinking of doing to him. “We should hang him” someone says “Yeah, hang him!” everyone starts to scream along, screams of joy. You couldn’t believe it, you knew John, you know how dick he could be but you knew that he wouldn’t kill someone.
He looks at you, and you can feel the fear on his eyes, he walks to you and you hide him behind you. You look at Bellamy begging him to stop this madness, to do something. Someone grabs you trying to get you out of they way. “Don’t you dear touch her” Bellamy says putting you behind him, protecting you. In the meantime, they’ve managed to get Murphy and put a rope around his neck.
“Bellamy is your call; you should kick the box” a boy says pointing at the box Murphy is steeping on so he doesn’t choke. You take Bellamy’s arm and he looks at you, you look at him pleading with your eyes to do something.
He looks around him watching everybodys faces and then he looked one more time at you, but this time his eyes were saying sorry, apologizing to you. “Please” you beg looking at him while you cried. “Sorry” he said before walking toward Murphy. You run after him to stop him but someone grabbed you from behind and you couldn’t move. You fight with all your strength to get away but its useless.
“Stop it! It was me!” You turn to see Charlotte crying. You wasted no time and cut the rope with an ax. You hugged Murphy. “Are you alright?” you ask, but his eyes were on Charlotte. He pushes you to the side and walks to the girl. “We should hang her” he said. No one screamed or agreed with him and that angered him. “You all are just shit, hypocrites” he said pointing at everyone “because it was me, you wanted to hang me, and now that the guilty comes clean, no one wants to do shit because it’s a little girl? Well, because I can so whatever the hell I want…” he says walking to Charlotte, but Bellamy puts the little girl behind him. Murphy only smiles in disbelief.
We’ve been running on the woods for what it feels like hours. Bellamy, Clarke and Finn are running trying to protect Charlotte, Murphy is running with other three guys to get Charlotte and you are running behind them trying to talk to them.
You caught up with them, Bellamy and Finn are protecting Charlotte and Murphy is threating Clarke with a knife on her neck. “Murphy” you say walking to him “don’t move or I kill her” he says looking at you “I know you Murphy, you are not a murderer” you look at him in plead “I know that what they done to you is wrong, but we can talk and agree to something so everybody wins”
Murphy looks at you and he let go of Clarke. “There is only one solution” Charlotte says making everyone to look at her before jumping of the cliff. You look wide eyed, tears on your cheeks. Bellamy runs to John and punch him on the face. “From this moment on, you are banished, I see you near our camp and I’ll kill you, do you understand?” Bellamy threatens him.
Murphy runs away and everybody starts walking back to camp, he comes to you and caress your cheeks but you move your face. “I get that you wanted to protect that little girl, but you could’ve done the same thing to Murphy, talk to him, find the truth before hanging him, because if you would’ve asked I would’ve tell you that he was with me the whole day so he didn’t have the chance to kill anybody” “Why didn’t you say anything?” “I tried, but you were more focused looking for what everybody wanted than for what I wanted” you say and clean some of the tears that starting falling. “Go and rule your camp, but don’t expect me to help you, because I won’t” you say and walk back to camp, leaving him on that cliff.  
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itsdetachable · 1 year
Okay. BUT. What if. Instead of a CEO of a multimillion dollar company in AU's Knives was like. A professional agoraphobe. Who did computer programming stuff freelance with no regard for morals. Also he wrote and released computer viruses for shits n giggles. What if.
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