#his name is semore and she isn't going to see'm anymore. Get it?
royalaliceflush · 5 years
Okay...so maaaybe sassing your teacher gets you in trouble, it’s not her fault for trying to help a student that was falling behind and all Alice wanted to do was try and help out for once since she was actually paying attention to the lesson for once, while she might seem like a good student, all she prefers doing is the assignments, the lectures were always so draining... but if she had to compare it to blood sucking? Okay, she’d rather not. 
More importantly. During class the teacher had asked, “Miss Alice, why are speaking during my lecture?” To which Alice replied, “Why are speaking during my conversation?”It got several standing ovations and rather...upset teacher to the degree where she got detention.
During detention, Alice stuck her down like she had a needle stuck in the back of her neck, “Reiji-san is going to kill me.” Unless she was lucky and managed to run away before that happened, no...she’d never make it, those Sakamaki brothers are terribly good at keeping chains on the “guests” that live with them. 
Letting out a sigh, it didn’t last long as she heard someone take a seat next to her, picking her head up, Alice recognized him, he was...in her class. 
“Hey, you're...Alice-chan, right? I’m Seamore. I’m in your class and I just had to say... I thought what you said was bloody brilliant. Ah. Forgive my tone, I’m partially English. My family is originally from England. And you? You look to be a foreigner. I do recall you being a transfer student.”
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Turning her head to the side, Alice brought a hand to her chin, while looking almost sweetly to the boy. “Um. Yes, I suppose we can go with that.” Feeling shy, Alice apologized for disturbing him if she did during class to which he laughed and pursued a bright conversation with the girl for well over 10 minutes or so before Alice realized she needed to get up to use the restroom.
While Seamore made a joke about her, Alice laughed loudly before exiting the room. It had been a long while since she smiled this much, it felt good. 
Humming as she walked down the hallway, Alice then disappeared into the women’s bathroom for what only felt like a short spell, excited to get back she ran all the way there but furrowed her brows when she couldn’t find Seamore? And instead...there was Laito.
“H-Huh?” Did Seamore leave to go to the bathroom, with Laito being here... she couldn’t be sure and carefully entered the room. “Don’t tell me...you got detention for flipping someone’s skirt, but you didn’t want to come in right away because you’re a delinquent like Ayato. Or.... a lazy cat like your older brother, Shuu.” 
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