#his westie ass wouldn’t last a day
theklaapologist · 1 year
I will never understand selfshipping because wdym “imagine your villain f/o having a soft spot for u and only u 😍” like if I shipped myself with Laito Sakamaki I wouldn’t want him to have a sOfT sPoT for me I’d want him to see me and immediately shit his pants??????
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thank you @highkeyshipper for the tag, I don’t have that much WIP currently, so here’s the last lines of what I am actually working on currently, heh :))))
ashley barnes/ashley westwood 
"Wine's for posh twats, innit, boss?" Barnesy asked, standing in front of a wine island with two four-packs of Carling in his hands in their local ASDA one day, and Westy laughed all the way to the tills. "It tastes all the same. And the corks are a pain in the ass."
"Lich', come on, it's just an interview. I always give them in Portuguese, what's the issue now?" "You should be showing some progress." "But I have progress! I just don't wanna make a fool of myself in front of the cameras." "You're awfully self-conscious for someone who's made a name for himself by turning around with a ball at his feet." Antony chuckled; he loved when Lisandro got cheeky. "It's different, though. It's on the pitch, it's fine. But outside the pitch?" He shrugged, curling his lip. "I'm not a good speaker. I like to have fun, I don't care what to say afterward."
and then those WIPs that have been sitting in my WIPs since forever as they are chapters of unfinished fics, lol
rakidrić Will you let me? (omorashi kink, don’t mind me)
"Luka - " he tried to protest, looking his boyfriend right in the eyes. He then shook his head. "You don't need to do it." "Well, I don't have much of a choice now, do I." On any other occasion, Ivan would mock him for being a mood-killer, someone who would ruin the romantic feeling of the moment, but he couldn't even bring himself to mockingly disapprove of Luka's actions or words right now.
rakidrić Barcelona
"Be careful with that or we'll end up in a club or something." Luka took a breath to assure him that he wouldn't mind that but stopped before speaking up. He would mind that. A club? A dance club? That wasn't really his style - and Ivan must have known by now. Of course, he would follow Ivan anywhere, but a night at a dance club wasn't exactly his idea of a perfect date. "I'm just joking - " Ivan explained when Luka didn't react. "Oh, yeah, I know - Sorry - "
A sea was storming inside of me (Souness living in the closet and having a meaningful talk with Keane, haha)
"Why don't you live the way you want then?" "I can't start now." "Why not?" "So I don't regret all those lost years." "Were they indeed lost?" Souness raised his eyes to look straight at Keane. Were they? He had a good life. He had everything he could ask for. He had no right to complain. He shouldn't want more, he shouldn't feel entitled to more - and yet he felt like he deserved something more, maybe, just maybe, he deserved some happiness? He's had magnificent years with Karen - and even before that, he had a fabulous time with Danielle. What more did he want? Wasn't it just some greedy lust and perverted ideas about what life should give him - what he could have - and didn't have - but desired - "Yes," he answered. "No matter how good they were."
klopp/coutinho With or without you (ffs I would love to finish this, but it has only these lines lol. also, I think my style changed since 2018, so I’m not sure I wanna write the second chapter now or completely rewrite it?)
"Phil?" "I told you to never call me again." As much as he tries, Philippe's voice doesn't sound decisive at all.
I don’t like tagging ppl but if you’re a fic writer working on something currently, I wish you all the inspiration and time to get your ideas finished <3
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hrhxainsley · 6 years
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Trident Task # 5:
Basic Character Questions
First name?: Ainsley 
Surname?: Dùghlas
Middle names?: Freya 
Nicknames?: Ains, engeltje
Date of birth?: October 12th, 1997
Age?: Twenty
Physical / Appearance
Height?: 5′3″
Weight?: 120
Build?: Small, slender
Hair color?: Chestnut
Hair style?: On an average basis, it’s a ponytail or in loose waves
Eye color?: Blue/hazel (more blue)
Eye Shape?: Hooded
Glasses or contact lenses?: Neither
Distinguishing facial features?: A small spatter of freckles on her face that she always covers with makeup.
Which facial feature is most prominent?: Her eyes
Which bodily feature is most prominent?: All in all, it depends on the person. She’d consider it her chest, some would consider her ass.
Other distinguishing features?: None
Skin?: Fair
Hands?: Small, delicate-looking
Make up?: Always. She’s always wearing at least foundation, eyeliner, and mascara
Scars?: Above her right eyebrow from when she was playing and fell through a glass table when she was six. 
Birthmarks?: A freckle on her right wrist..
Tattoos?: None, but she wants one badly.
Physical handicaps?: None
Type of clothes?: She generally wears comfortable, casual clothes in the form of jeans and nice shirts on a day to day basis. If she’s going somewhere nice, she’ll dress up accordingly. Back in Scotland, she generally wore some form of heels with her outfits.
How do they wear their clothes?: She wears her clothes fitted.
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc): Pristine, mostly. Her shoes were very well-taken care of.
Race / Ethnicity?: Caucasian
Mannerisms?: Fidgety. She likes to keep busy in some form or else she grows irritated. She often drums her fingers or cracks her knuckles
Are they in good health?: Ainsley does her best to stay in good health by eating right and does yoga every morning
Do they have any disabilities?: None
What words or phrases do they overuse?: Her most overused word is ‘like’ or ‘bitchin’
Do they have a catchphrase?: “Oh, fuck me” is what she says when she’s inconvenienced
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?: As of late, she’s become quite the pessimist
Are they introverted or extroverted?: Before the island, she was rather extroverted, but lately, she’s become more introverted as a defense mechanism
Do they ever put on airs?: Oh, absolutely. Especially at the beginning of her arrival to the island.
What bad habits do they have?: She often cracks her knuckles and her neck, argues with someone even if she agrees with them, and can be quite selfish
What makes them laugh out loud?: A dry sense of humor
How do they display affection?: She generally doesn’t believe in PDA, but in private, it’s often with small, absent touches or with happy looks and smiles
Mental handicaps?: None, really.
How do they want to be seen by others?: Tough and untouchable
How do they see themselves?: She views herself as such. Tough and untouchable. She’s really not.
How are they seen by others?: Probably a gigantic pain in the ass.
Strongest character trait?: The lengths she’d go for the people she genuinely loves and cares about. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for the people she loves. 
Weakest character trait?: How apathetic and selfish she can be towards the people who aren’t people she loves. Generally, if something doesn’t directly affect her, she won’t show any interest. 
How competitive are they?: Extremely for no discernible reason. Someone could tell her she couldn’t beat someone in something and she would say a great big ‘fuck you’ and attempt to beat them, even if there’s literally zero chance of her winning. 
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider?: Snap judgments. She’s impulsive af.
How do they react to praise?: Outwardly, she takes it with grace, but inwardly, she does Amy Santiago’s victory dance.
How do they react to criticism?: One of two ways. She’ll either say ‘fuck you’ or she’ll play it cool, then agonize later.
What is their greatest fear?: Emotionally, it’s that she’ll never get home or that something happens to the people she loves and she can’t do anything to stop it. Otherwise, it’s spiders, snakes, and clowns. And needles.
What are their biggest secrets?: That she deep down wants someone to get her to knock off her shit and see her for who she is and love her. Despite the fact she’s terrified of intimacy and commitment.
What is their philosophy of life?: “It’s only illegal if you get caught.”
When was the last time they cried?: When she saw Fia and realized in happiness that she has her sister and in sadness when she realized she’d been taken as well.
What haunts them?: Her brother’s death. She’s never fully gotten over it and he was her hero and her best friend.
What are their political views?: She’d be considered a Libertarian, in OOC society.
What will they stand up for?: Without a doubt, she stands up for whoever can’t stand up for themselves. Children, animals, she’ll knock someone out over it.
Who do they quote?: She likes to quote TV shows such as Friends, Rules of Engagement, and such.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?: INDOORSY AF.
What is their sinful little habit?: If she’s fooling around with someone and has a rare moment of spending the night with them, she takes it upon herself to wake them up with oral.
What sense do they most rely on?: Out of her five senses, it’s her sight. Otherwise, she relies solely on instinct.
How do they treat people better than them?: She treats everyone with equal annoyance and disdain.
How do they treat people worse than them?: See above.
What quality do they most value in a friend?: Someone with her same values and would go an equal distance she would. Honesty, sarcasm.
What do they consider an overrated virtue?: Integrity. If no one’s looking, do whatever the fuck you want.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?: Her fear of commitment.
What is their obsession?: Hummus and pita chips. That’s her one vice.
What are their pet peeves?: Obnoxious people, mostly
What are their idiosyncrasies?: Knee bouncing, clicking her tongue when focusing on something or in tune with some sort of song she knows
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Ainsley’s family is BIG. She has her parents and six siblings. Even though her brother is dead, she still counts him.
What is their perception of family?: No one comes before family. Ever.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: She’s the youngest girl but has a younger brother.
Describe their best friend: She has her sister and Aria. To her, her best friends are her family.
Ideal best friend?: Someone who doesn’t put up with her shit and kicks her ass into doing what she needs to do.
Describe their other friends: She doesn’t really have many friends.
Describe their acquaintances: People she parties with
Do they have any pets?: She has a Westie named Finn and a cat named Sebastian
Who are their natural allies?: None
Who are their surprising allies?: None.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: Got into everything out of curiosity to know how they work. Had snarky one-liners that had her mother gasping and her father laughing.
Did they grow up rich or poor?: Rich. She’s a Scottish princess, after all.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?: Nurtured as best as they could and did their best to bring her everywhere.
What is the most offensive thing they ever said?: It’s hard to pinpoint exactly which one.
What is their greatest achievement?: She once successfully calmed down tensions between one of her brothers and another royal.
What was their first kiss like?: Messy. Awkward. Gross. She tries not to think about it.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?: Pushing them away when she was in love with someone. 
What are their ambitions?: She aspires to be a liaison for the crown, to help with more charities.
What advice would they give their younger self?: To stop pushing people away and that she’ll be okay.
What smells remind them of their childhood?: Coffee and popcorn.
What was their childhood ambition?: To marry another royal and be a queen.
What is their best childhood memory?: Visiting Italy with her parents and going on a gondola.
What is their worst childhood memory?: Her brother’s death.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend?: Actually, no. Her pets were her friends.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment?: When she realized her sister had been taken as well.
What past act are they most ashamed of?: Disappointing her father when he caught her in bed with a prince from another country. Nothing had actually happened, but the disappointment in his eyes told her everything. 
What past act are they most proud of?: She helped train service dogs and it gave her a sense of accomplishment.
Has anyone ever saved their life?: She nearly drowned when she was four and the gardener pulled her out of the pool.
Strongest childhood memory?: Traveling with her parents on holiday and seeing a sunrise following a thunderstorm with them.
Do they believe in love at first sight?: No, but she absolutely believes in lust at first sight.
Are they in a relationship?: No, but she’s fine with being single.
How do they behave in a relationship?: She doesn’t know how to. The second it gets too serious, she bolts out of fear.
When did you character last have sex?: Almost two weeks ago
What sort of sex do they have?: She normally has sex for instant gratification, but she wants to experiment.
Has your character ever been in love?: Once and it terrified her, so she bolted and has regretted it ever since.
Have they ever had their heart broken?: She tries to not put herself in that position, but when she’s genuinely interested in someone and they’re interested in someone else, it hurts.
How do they respond to a threat?: Normally with a threat of her own.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?: She’ll never strike first, but she’ll give a verbal beat down first.
What is your character’s kryptonite?: Animals. Kittens, puppies.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?: Her photo album.
How do they perceive strangers?: She doesn’t do well around strangers until they have something in common.
What do they love to hate?: Romantic comedies and love songs
What are their phobias?: Trypanophobia (fear of needles), pediophobia (fear of dolls), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights)
What is their choice of weapon?: She used to have a pocket knife she kept on her person at all times as a form of self-defense, along with her taser.
What living person do they most despise?: Her former bodyguard.
Have they ever been bullied or teased?: Not particularly. Growing up, she was always semi-liked
Where do they go when they’re angry?: Waterfalls. They’re her escape.
Who are their enemies and why?: Too many to count.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job?: Princess
What do they think about their current job?: She hates responsibility at the moment
What are some of their past jobs?: None
What are their hobbies?: Yoga, horseback riding, swimming, reading, listening to music, word searches, trivia
Educational background?: Scottish equivalent of high school, has an undergraduate degree in history
Intelligence level?: She would be considered intelligent
Do they have any specialist training?: Nope.
Do they have a natural talent for something?: She’s naturally talented with animals. She loves them and they love her.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?: She did dance growing up and she can hold her own but isn’t spectacular
What is their socioeconomic status?: Upper
What is their favorite animal?: A horse
Which animal to they dislike the most?: Snakes
What place would they most like to visit?: Bahamas
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?: A sunset following a massive thunderstorm
What is their favorite song?: Samson by Regina Spektor
Music, art, reading preferred?: Music. Absolutely.
What is their favorite color?: Rich purple
What is their password?: Her PIN is 1717 (17 is her lucky number) and her password is usually F1NN1717
Favorite food: Chocolate/caramel gelato
What is their favorite work of art?: Cafe Terrace at Night by Van Gogh
Who is their favorite artist?: Monet
What is their favorite day of the week?: Sunday, the day of rest.
What is in their fridge: She tries to not go into the fridge
What is on their bedside table?: Her daily vitamins, her hairbrush, and a water bottle. Back home, her phone charger, her headphones, and a book would be added to that.
What is in their car?: Phone charger, backup headphones, a spare change of clothes, her gym bag, an emergency fund of bills and coins, and a travel makeup bag with mini versions of the makeup in her bathroom
What is in their bin?: In her bathroom, it’s her makeup. Foundation, primer (both face and eye shadow), eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and many different shades of lipstick, plus finishing spray. She keeps her hair products in another bin.
What is in their purse or wallet?: Her wallet has her cash, cards, and pictures of her pets, plus her gym membership card. Her purse has a pack of gum, a package of Wisps, her wallet, and a hairbrush.
What is in their pockets?: Nothing at the moment.
What is their most treasured possession?: Her necklace her brother gave her for her birthday one year. It’s in her jewelry box in Scotland.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel?: She believes it’s her brother.
Do they believe in the afterlife?: Absolutely. 
What are their religious views?: She was raised Catholic and she believes she’s more spiritual than religious
What do they think heaven is?: Where her dead family members are, the ones who did good and helped others, along with dead pets.
What do they think hell is?: She believes it’s for people who did their best to hurt others, those who hurt children. 
Are they superstitious?: Absolutely.
What would they like to be reincarnated as?: A parrot
How would they like to die?: When she’s old.
What is your character’s spirit animal?: Lana Del Rey
What is their zodiac sign?: Scorpio
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?: Violating their trust.
What is their view of ‘freedom’?: Being able to say what they want, think how they like, and not have to answer to anyone.
When did they last lie?: She’s often brutally honest.
What’s their view of lying?: She doesn’t do it and hates when others do.
When did they last make a promise?: To keep her sisters safe when she found Fia.
Did they keep or break their last promise?: So far, she’s kept it.
Daily life
What are their eating habits?: She eats fruits and veggies, mostly. And white meat.
Do they have any allergies?: None, but she’s considered a picky eater.
Describe their home: Her home in Scotland is small, one bedroom and one bathroom with a decent-sized kitchen. Her decor is grey and purple, with comfortable furniture.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?: A sort of in between. She has things she likes and uses, but knows how to throw things away.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?: Shower, then breakfast, then her makeup/hair routine before heading to her duties.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon?: Read, catch up on shows, honestly doesn’t leave her place on a Sunday, so there’s no need to fix her hair or wear makeup.
What do they do on a Friday night?: Depending on who she’s not tired of, she’ll go to a club or a party with them or out to dinner. Possibly a trip.
What is the soft drink of choice?: Pepsi.
What is their alcoholic drink of choice?: Coke and bourbon.
What is their character archetype?: The Vixen
Who is their hero?: Chloe McGuff on “Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23″
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?: Rosie the Riveter
Are they comfortable with technology?: Absolutely. She has all forms of social media in Scotland
If they could save one person, who would it be?: Her brother
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?: Her father
What is their favorite proverb?: “Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has the chance to be young again. So don’t waste your time.”
What is their greatest extravagance?: A hydromassage table. 
What is their greatest regret?: Not listening to her parents and going out the night she’d been kidnapped.
What is their perception of redemption?: Someone who says they’ve changed their ways and actually follows through.
What would they do if they won the lottery?: Find someone who desperately needs money and give it to them anonymously.
What is their favorite fairytale?: Stories of the Fox
What fairytale do they hate?: The Little Mermaid
Do they believe in happy endings?: Yes, she does.
What is their idea of perfect happiness?: Being surrounded by family and the people she loves.
What would they ask a fortune teller?: She does not believe in fortune tellers.
If your character could travel through time, where would they go?: To the past and save her brother.
What sport do they excel at?: Dance
What sport do they suck at?: Volleyball
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?: The ability to manipulate probability. 
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nick-writes · 7 years
5 moments for rowen and micah and the one that started it. vague mentions of sex & emotional/physical abuse
rowen sees him in the hallway, the first time. the hallway, of all the incredibly mundane places to meet the person who changes your life. micah looks up as he passes, but his eyes go right through him. it’s a far cry from the hard faces he sees on most east siders. 
then the hallway becomes incredibly important for them. there’s one place where they’re guaranteed to see each other, to brush past each other so close he swears he can feel micah’s hair standing up. they develop codes, so vague but so specific that rowen blushes at the merest glance. 
sometimes, late, when ro has a reason to be there and micah doesn’t have much else to do, they lean against the school lockers and their fingertips graze, the smallest feeling and the most electrifying. it’s as close as walking down the hall holding hands as they can get. 
there’s a small shop, just beyond the tracks -- or before it, depending on which side you ask. the unfortunate souls still in high school stop here before and after the gauntlet, buying snacks and shoring up their strength. 
it’s also the place micah buys candy bars and slips them into ro’s bag, his fingers snagging the crinkled ends as he reaches for a pencil. he tapes each wrapper into an old notebook, buried under his socks. he’d never thought much about candy until it became presents, but then he’d never thought much about the east side until he’d met micah.
rowen tries not to look like he’s following micah home, but it’s comforting to tail the east kids as they make their way back and over the tracks, nearly all of them going inside the little shop just there. he gets too obvious one day, standing out in the street with his gaze aimed in the one direction it shouldn’t -- but micah has gone in and he hasn’t come out yet. 
of course, he has a sweet tooth, but ro doesn’t like to go home until he can see his boyfriend setting off on his own way. 
he takes the conversation as it comes, rolling his eyes when there’s a comment about how a train should just come as all those east kids are crossing and keeps the relief internal when a dark head leaves the shop. there’s still a candy bar at the bottom of his bag, the end wrapped around itself, and he keeps his fingers on the edges of it as he walks home. 
they move fast. 
his thighs are still quivering, and he’s a mess as he shifts and gets out of micah’s lap. despite stickiness, he curls up next to him, and wonders what the owner of this car will think. micah weaves their hands together, turning his over to kiss his knuckles, and pauses. the stillness is new. 
finally, he speaks, “after graduation...i always wanted to take one of these, and just go. put these tracks in my dust and find somewhere without a divide. and i thought that wasn’t possible, but now...” 
“but now?” ro prompts, leaning into him and looking at their hands. micah’s are rough against his and covered in enough oil he knows without looking there are smears against his hips and ass. he’ll keep the stains for as long as he dares, even knowing a blip from his shower routine is enough to set a suspicion off but. but he can’t think about him here, not with micah so close. 
“you should come,” he says, slow and shy, and suddenly, he can see it. he can see something after graduation that isn’t the police academy, that isn’t wondering when the lines on his back will be opened again, that isn’t slow suffocation meant to be happy. the future isn’t something to run away from. 
“yes,” rowen breathes, and in the next breath, he’s in micah’s lap again, hands cupping his face as he kisses and touches and feels him and the future is unknown again. 
“what’s her name?” his mother asks, over dinner, and only a well-established set of manners keeps him from dropping his silverware. 
he was careful, he always is. they only give each other hickeys below the neck and he always walks home slowly so he’s not too flushed. their moments are hardly moments sometimes, and yet, his mother is asking. his mother has always left him to his father, and he can’t help but think it’s a trap.
“who?” he asks, swallowing. she knows everyone -- if he gives her a wrong name, she’ll know instantly. and if he borrows a name, then that creates even more trouble. he can’t help but wish foolishly that micah was next to him -- but if he was, then he wouldn’t be micah. he’d be another soulless westie, and he wouldn’t give a shit about rowen. she glances at him, and reflexively, he wipes his mouth with the napkin. 
that was another lesson well-established. 
“i’m not blind, rowen,” she says, and he has to think that yes she is. she’s blind to him, she’s blind to what happens when his father comes home with that look in his eyes. she’s blind to anything outside of this small dining room, extravagant as it may be. “you’ve been lighter, more far away than usual.” 
“i’m sorry,” he says, automatically, and not without a touch of fear. if it’s something she’s noticed, then how can he know if his father has noticed? or if she’s confided in him, how long before he demands in words and fists to know who he’s with? 
this is a world he wants to escape. 
“bailey,” he lies, even as he draws micah’s name into his thigh over and over again, until it turns into forgive me, please forgive me. 
he wonders how much people think they know. 
he told the youngest jensen once to slip out the fire door, since he could see his father’s deputies’ cars outside, just waiting to catch an east sider for something, and rian looked askance at him. he knows better than to interfere, mostly, but he can’t help but do it all the same. maybe after this is all over, when they can come back one day, they’ll remember him and won’t hate him. 
so he interferes, in keeping jeremy holloway’s temper turned away from the east girls. he picked up a book once, passing it back to a name he can’t quite remember, and saw the tension build in the crowd standing behind her. and he knows even if he was just rowen, they’d still be uneasy -- but his last name means they hate him, and sometimes it’s appropriate. 
micah’s friend is shot one weekend, left to bleed out as his family watches, kept back by the police force his father commands. when he dares catch anybody’s eyes that week, they’re full of the same thing. it should’ve been you. his boyfriend’s hands faltered when an ‘accidental’ shove sent rowen into the lockers. 
he turned it into applause, and later he turned it into healing when he saw the scrape. 
and his friends expected him to cry about it, to bite his lip and see another east kid dead, but they don’t know about his father’s belt.
what they know is lies heaped on top of each other, over and over -- and what they don’t know is how fragile it all is. 
he needs just enough time to get out of here, to sneak into the restroom, and change his shirt. he shouldn’t have run the risk today of wearing a lighter t-shirt, shouldn’t have given into his own thoughts about the light blue looking better on him. there’s a black shirt in his gym bag, not entirely clean, but it’ll hide the thin stripes of blood welling up under his shirt. 
and all the while, micah nevins is stone, sitting upright in his chair and looking straight ahead at the board. even here, where they’re both in trouble, the teacher has turned a blind eye to rowen’s constant shifting and clearing his throat. he’s sure if micah moved, even to scratch an itch, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. 
maybe it’s that realization, even as small as it is, of the differences and privilege between them that catches him as he stands up to the clock hitting one hour, tripping over his own feet. the teacher leaves without looking behind her, hurrying away to her own classroom.
automatically, micah steadies him, and in his hurry to pull away, he twists his back and it stings, red running together in his mind as he breathes in and out through his nose. 
“...rowen?” micah asks, tentatively, and it’s clear it’s the first time he’s ever said his name. “are you -- did someone do that to you?” 
and rowen thinks of all the lies he’s ever told, from falling off his bicycle to being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. he knows his excuse, he’s shaping it now with a smirk and an incredulous tone. 
“sure, yeah,” he starts, swallowing past the crack in his voice. “someone just came along and beat me with a belt for kicks, used the buckle-end, because why not, right? nahhh, i just, you know, i got into some shit.” his voice is pale, faint despite it all, and he should look micah in the eyes. he should. 
he looks up, and micah’s gaze is just as steady on him as it had been on the board. if anyone were to come in right now, they’d see him half-slumped with red blossoming through his shirt and micah holding him up -- they’d assume the worst, but they wouldn’t know the truth. 
but micah does, now, and rowen takes one long deep, shuddery breath. 
“he made me give him my belt,” he whispers, the truth coming on exhale.
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Hush, Hush The Conclusion
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Summary: Caught in the cross hairs, literally, it’s at the harrowing hour of your demise that your brother Daryl realizes that his best friend Dean Winchester has been sleeping with you behind his back the whole time.  Will you survive?  
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daryl Dixon Sister!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Daryl Dixon, Sister!Reader
Word Count: Cue Westy- so many.
Genre: Angst. TW: guns, gunshot, wound care, blood, guts
Listen to What Kind of Man by Florence and the Machine 
Everyone was up in arms, about the latest arms’ deal that was going down between the Dixons and the Campbells.  Samuel Campbell
 Dean’s father’s in laws after the death of Dean’s mother Mary.  Daryl and Dean were butting heads about when the deal should go down, where it should take place, and who should be there to stand guard.  They were already down to just the two of them, Dean’s youngest brother Samuel backed of the business once he saw his own father shoot someone dead.  Dean couldn’t remember the last time he saw his brother and knew he’d be the last person to come running to help.  Dean’s father too, Old Papa Winchester, wasn’t up to snuff nowadays. The exchange with the Campbells was going down at dusk, three days out.
The exchange between you and your brother was minimal.  Daryl was obviously preoccupied with the sale, which he didn’t think you knew of, but being Dean’s gal on the weekends, nights, and therebetween, you knew more than your share. Hell, you could have been there as an extra set of hands.  You knew how to work a gun.  But no, Daryl kept you as far out of the family business as he could and that just pissed you off to no end.  So you did what any little sister would do when her big brother told her,
“Mind your own, YNN,” Daryl grunted, “this ain’t about you.”
You told him to screw off, “Ain’t about me, no you’re right, it’s about us and this damn family business fuckin’ Merle left to us to handle,” you spat, lighting up a cigarette, inhaling the menthol and releasing it.  
“Keep thinkin’ I don’t know shit, Daryl, but I’m in this far deeper than you could even fathom in that thick skull of yours.”
You slammed the door to the house, left for Dean’s, and hoped he was willing to fuck the anger out of you.  
You were absolutely right about that.  
“Hey, Darlin’,” Dean greeted you as he side eyed the entranceway to his home, looking to see if Daryl had followed you, “looks like someone needs some tender lovin’ dick, huh?”
“Shut up and fuck me already,” you ripped off his flannel, reached up under his damn kilt and grabbed his cock, pumping it to it’s fullest.  You had barely had time to remove your clothing as Dean tossed your slender body onto his bed and began to fuck you like you wanted; rough and loving, leaving marks along your body, bruising your hips bones with his thumbs and fingers, sucking marks into your breasts and neck. He had to stop when he saw the tears, thinking he had hurt you, he pulled you into his side as you both sat against the headboard, and you cried into his shoulders.  
“Fuck you both,” you grumbled, “I know what’s going down in three days and I swear to God you’re both in over your heads.”
Dean knew she had known but hearing her say it out loud put a whole new spin on how he felt about the deal. “Baby, it’s goin’ to go off without a hitch, I know these assholes, they wouldn’t turn on a Winchester or Dixon.  They’d have my father to answer to if they did.”
“But you said it yourself, Dean, they are assholes.” you carded your hand through your hair, ugly crying was not your thing, so you tried to cover your eyes with your hot magenta colored hair.  To no avail; Dean’s pads of his thumbs rubbed circles on your temples attempting to calm you down.
“Right, Samuel Campbell is a full on asshole, ripped many in his lifetime too, but his daughter, my mother, was the light in his life, losing her, well, that was the bond between my father and him; that’s the white flag, babe.”
“My mother,” Dean swallowed the lump in his throat, “she’ll be watchin’ us that day.”
Little did he know, you’d be watching over them too.  
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Three days passed and it was time for the drop off.  They were meeting behind Charlie’s Bar where the old fields were, dusk came, and went, and the Campbells were late.  YN had taken the spare motorcycle in her brother’s garage, kicked it to start, and peeled out towards Charlie’s.  She was hoping she’d be in time to, do what, she didnt’ know, but what came, was nothing that either family expected.
Daryl spotted her first, coming in fast towards the field where his truck had been idling with the merchandise and he looked to Dean,
“What the fuck she doin’ here, man,” he snarled.
“Hell if I know, I ain’t her keeper,” Dean feigned interest and made sure the merch was intact.  What Daryl didn’t notice was how hard Dean’s fingers were trembling at the sight of YN Dixon.  He knew she was wreckless, hell their love life and relationship was one for the books, but to show up at this trade off?  
She was crazier than her brother.
What no one noticed, sans the incoming Campbells, was the glock that she had in her back waist band, and before Daryl could get them to put their guns down, one shot rang out.  Daryl clutched at his chest but pulled back a clean hand and that’s when he saw Dean running over towards YN who was thrown from the bike, landed in the willows, and was screaming out in agony.
“What the fuck, Campbell,” Daryl pushed the older man in the chest, “we said no guns.”
“Tell that to your sister there,” he grunted as he pushed Daryl off of him, his nephew and niece aiming their guns at Daryl’s head.  
“Right, you seemed to have forgotten the damn memo too, you assholes,” Daryl walked through their stand off and rushed to his sister’s side.
“What were you thinkin’, YNN,” tears were running down his face, as she laid in Dean’s arms, shaking uncontrollably.
“I w-was th-thinkin’ I wansn’t gonna watch the men I love die, not today,” she grit out.
Dean’s breath hitched as Daryl registered her words and waited for the sucker punch that clocked him straight in the jaw, but he held his own.
“Not now, Dixon, we need to get this bullet out, before she bleeds out,” Dean spat blood from his busted lip to the dirt and laid YN on her back.  
“This is gonna hurt like a son’a’bitch,” he tore open her shirt and inserted two fingers into her wound, as she squirmed in pain, gritting her teeth, as Dean searched for the bullet.
“Where’d you  learn this shit, Winchester,” Daryl queried in between tears and snot.
“Dad was a Marine before arm’s dealer, he taught me field care,” Dean cursed as he missed the bullet, shoving it further into her abdomen.
“Call 9-1-1, Daryl,” Dean tossed him his phone, as the Campbells turned heel and burnt rubber, eluding the deal and the possible police.  
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While they waited for the ambulance, Charlie the little sprite that she was, came running out when she saw the blinding lights of red, white, and blue.  Police and an ambulance arrived, carted YN Dixon off, while Charlie escorted her to the hospital.  Daryl so angered with the possibility of losing his sister and finding out that his best friend was fucking her behind his back, he lost his mind, took one swing at Dean, and they fought until Dean was on his back, Daryl’s bloodied leather glove dripping onto Dean’s damaged face.
“You had one job, Winchester, one,” Daryl spit to the ground, “and because you couldn’t poke your dick in someone else, she’s layin’ in the hospital, barely alive.”
“This ain’t just my fault, you controllin’ son’of’a’bitch,” Dean didn’t bother getting up from the cold, muddy ground.  
“I love her.”
“So do I,” Daryl turned on his booted heels and left Dean to wallow.
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As YN laid in a coma, Daryl and Dean went their separate ways.  They tried to stick together for YN’s sake but each time one of them was visiting her in the hospital, security had to be called to break them up.  Soon, Sam came back to town, to keep Dean company and decided to set up a schedule for them to “miss each other on purpose” and visit YN at the same time.  
While Dean was working at Charlie’s, in walked Daryl.  He tried his best to keep his composure but Dean just nodded and rolled his eyes as Charlie nudged him to be civil.
“Beer me,” Daryl ordered and Dean grabbed a chilled bottle, decapped it, and slid it towards his former best friend.
“How’s YN?” Dean asked, to which Daryl looked up from lidded eyes, and nodded towards the door that led to the back of Charlie’s where Dean and YN used to meet secretly.  Dean swallowed unsure of what Daryl was trying to get across, he didn’t want to get his hopes up, it had been weeks since he last seen YN and she had tubes in her nose and a ventilator down her throat.  He tossed the dirty towel he was using to scrub the counters and headed to the back door.  He pushed it open and he heard Daryl shout after him,
“Go easy on her, she’s fragile, you prick!”
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“Hey baby,” YN grinned, behind sunglasses and the fence, “miss my fine ass?”
Tagging: @d-s-winchester @jodyri @nothin-after-79 
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