#hisa looks for pain in the ass
katsushika-division · 2 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Rintaro Himura
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 ~ ~ July 16th ~ ~
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”
Login Lines:
“Fucking shit why the hell do people keep bothering me today? Oh goddammit, not another one. What the fuck do you want?”
“You’re giving me of all people a gift? Fucking why? My…birthday? Shit that is today. No wonder people kept bothering me.”
Voice Lines: 
“Finally 27, huh? Not that it fucking matters. I’m set to be hanged for my crimes one day. Today is just another day closer to that shitty moment. Just thinking about it makes me want a smoke.”
“Normally I don’t give a fuck about my birthday but Touya does for some damn reason and he wants to celebrate it. Even fucking begged. Ugh…he’s lucky I don’t have the heart to tell him no.”
“People have been asking me if I want a drink to celebrate my birthday. Like hell I want a drink. I swore never to touch that shit in my life. An insane pyromaniac I may be, but I refuse to become a drunkard like that bastard of my father.”
“I promised Akari that we’d spend the day together today. Just the two of us. Just like when we were younger before everything went to hell. It’s going to be great. I have to make up for all the years we lost together. Now to go find her.”
“Well if it isn’t the Old Man. Here to give me a gift? Hey, now any more emotion from you, and people will think you're losing your fucking touch, Old Man. Damn…you really do fucking care. I’ll process how to feel about that shit later, but first, let’s see what the hell you got me.” 
“Score! I needed a new one of these. You're not fucking wrong about that. The garage is my spot for whenever I need to unwind. Either to work on my bike or make meth. I have to get money somehow! Chuohku barely gives us anything! So what if I sell high-grade meth to fuckers on the streets? Then don’t fucking ask Old Man.” 
“Fuck Touya! How many times have I told you not to fucking jump on me? It's not that important Touya. Just fucking another day for me. *groans* Okay fine we’ll celebrate goddamnit, you pink thing. Ugh, you’re lucky you’re one of the few people I tolerate this shit for.”
“.....Touya what the fuck is this? …You better start fucking running. Now. TOUYA YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR GIVING ME THAT OFF ALL THINGS!”
“There you are, Akari. Ready to hang out like old times? You didn’t have to get me anything I’m fine with getting no gifts. God knows what I fucking did to deserve you as a baby sister Akari. *smiles sadly* I will never fully believe I did enough for you as a kid but the fact you think I did makes me glad.”
“You spent all week on this Akari? It looks sick as fuck! Of course, I fucking do! It’s from my precious baby sister who worked a long ass time on it. You could give me a rock off the side of the road Akari and I’ll treasure it until the day I fucking die. Now come on we got a full day ahead of us.”
Akihisa Lines:
“Happy Birthday Rintaro. *rolls eyes* What else would I be doing? *scoffs* Me? Lose my touch? As if. No, but as much it pains me to say this, Rintaro, you are one of the only people in the world who means something to me. Now consider yourself lucky enough that I got you a gift.” 
“You seem to be the most calm and relaxed in the garage, Rintaro. So I assumed you'd appreciate a new tool set. …Really? Making meth in the garage? Why on Earth? …I'm going to pretend you didn’t say that last bit, Rintaro. I’m getting a headache thinking of all the potential ramifications.”  
Touya Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Rin-chan! Hehehe! Sorry, but I’m just so excited! It’s your birthday! Come on, Rin-chan! We have to celebrate! It only comes once a year! Plus, I got you a gift too! Yeah! Hope you like it~!” 
“It’s a vibrator you silly goose! I'm always in a good mood when I use one, so I- Rin-chan? Why do you look angry? Don’t you like the present I got you? Eh? RIN-CHAN I’M SORRY! HISA-CHAN HELP ME!”
Bonus! Akari Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Rin-nii. I am, but first, I got you a gift. No. You’re my older brother and I’ll be damned if I don’t get you a gift for your birthday. So I spent the last week working on it making sure it’s perfect. You deserve that from me at least after everything you did for me as a kid. So here. I hope you like it.”   
“I know it’s not some of my best work. Really? You like it? I didn’t think you would. You’re not really the necklace wearing type Rin-nii. *giggles* I like to think I could do better than a rock from the side of the road. Hahaha! Okay! Let’s go then!” 
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i love you so. (please let me go.) | Hisakata | Trial 3 | Re: Love
It’s all so much.
There is a shame deep down in Hisa when it’s revealed that this was all his fault. He didn’t wake up this morning knowing it was his last; If he knew he would be dead before dinner there would have been things Hisa would have done, would have finished, and said. There is so much he wants before he dies. It’s too late though. So he takes every kiss, every hug, and word. People here love him, if not love then respect, if not respect then they simply know his quickly approaching death isn’t fair. He tried to save Rowan. He tried.
There is so much he wants to say so he tries his best.
Loic’s face is grabbed between his hands, pulling him down closer to his face.
“I love you so much, Loic. I love you. I love you. I love you so much and when, not if, when you get out of here I want you to do what you love most, okay? You’re also going to find someone who loves you as Loic. Someone will see someone so loving and gentle and beautiful and wonderful, even more than how I see you. Okay? Do what you love and find love. That is what I want for you. Let me be a happy memory.”
The two share one more kiss before Hisakata, with great reluctance, breaks himself away from Loic. His walk back to his podium is slow. The fish clip is slipped into his hair as he steps up to it.
Much to his own embarrassment, Hisa is still crying but he is also smiling through it all.
“Thanks for trying to lawyer up for me but it wasn’t gonna work. This place ain’t a real court. I was dead the moment I let Rowan go. I’m… I’m really sorry. I am. I’m sorry I killed Rowan. I’m sorry I was trying to press it on Jinpachi. I’m sorry I’ve been an ass and a shit stirrer. I’m sorry it took me until now to believe that a lot of you love me.
It feels really good.”
What else can he say?
“... When you all find whoever is behind this… Beat the shit out of them for me, okay? If that person is in this room then fuck you, man. Fuck you and your stupid death cult running around in FNAF reject costumes. If your goal is to have some poetic, meaningful death at the end of this then fuck you. I hope you’re spared and forced to live a long, borning, uneventful life where you’re miserable and mundane every goddamn day. If your goal is to live long and wondrously then I hope you have a painful end.”
The little angry fire is smothered as soon as it comes. Hisa just laughs a little tiredly.
“I made some promises here and I feel like shit that I can’t keep them… When you guys get out can someone find my dog? Loaf is very spoiled and I’d like for him to stay that way. Please give him a raw food diet and lots of belly rubs. Also you need to babytalk him to clean the eye gunk or he won’t stay still. If any of you meet the Imai family tell them to eat shit and die… Can you find Jitaro Wakabayashi and tell him that I’m really sorry for how I was after Kuragari died and even how I was after I came back. Tell him he’s a really good dad for taking care of a couple of brats and… That I love him.”
This is it, huh? He never thought this is how his death would be. In a room full of people who are crying over him. What a bunch of babies. Ahah…
“Fuck… Fuck you guys,” He laughs with wet cheeks. “Fuck you guys for making me believe you assholes! This feels really good. Being cared about or whatever. Feeling loved… I wish I could have one more minute feeling this way.”
Hisakata Imai takes a deep breath and looks around the room.
“I love you, guys. I really do.”
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hisaribi · 5 years
60 Books challenge
So, I doubt I’ll be able to fulfill this one, but I’m taking @athenadark ‘s idea and kinda running with it!
I do want to read more, for this purpose I have kinda google sheet where I counted the number of pages I’ve read this year. It’s kinda difficult to count with e-books, so if I didn’t finish it I didn’t really have a chance to count it. So, basically, with keeping in mind that I started counting somewhere in May, and also sometimes didn’t even consider some fics or articles or whatever... yeah, that’s a lot of words... so 7171 pages and 50 finished books + fics of all lengths + articles was my result in 2019, and I wanna do better, yeah!
So I’ll go with it, but with a few changes, I guess? 50k+ fics are considered being a book and counting as one. Because I’m writing a thesis, I’ll have a lot of articles and so on, so 50+ of them = 1 book. I guess the joined amount of small fics where it’s 50k words also are kinda like a book? Books I started last year and finished this year are also in it. Hmm, I may add something else.
Plus I kinda want to have reblogs/posts where I write something about the book, so I’ll reblog this post to kinda have everything in one place, yeah?
Masterpost of all challenges of 2020
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.147 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 147 “Awe” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Right after the ethereal dragon appeared to protect Yona, we see bewildered looks from both sides. The dragon warriors apparently used the last of their strength and lost consciousness. Gobi is trembling... so these are the four dragons from the legend... The other priest-assassins (?) all heard the rumors but didn’t think they were true. One of them asks if they belong to King Soo-Won.
Gobi gets suddenly jealous and thinks it’s very unfair for Soo-Won to have the powers of the gods at his disposal. But it looked like they were protecting Princess Yona, who is currently helping the anti-war faction. He wonders what kind of relationship Soo-Won and Yona have. Still lost in his wild thoughts, almost crazed with bloodshot eyes, he adds he wanted to marry Tao to the King, but now that the dragons have appeared he wants to know more about them (and use them for himself). Ah, but he also needs to kill Kouren... There’s so many things to do! (it’s interesting to note that here he doesn’t use any honorifics for Kouren! He must really hate her, or he has a deeper bond than we thought)
Yoon calls the four dragons and begins to panic because they won’t wake up. He asks Hak what they should do. The soldiers on Gobi’s side poke Shin-Ah and say he won’t move. Gobi fears they’re dead, but the soldiers tell him they’re only unconscious. They began to touch Zeno and inspect him, marveling at the gods’ powers made flesh. Yona demands they let them go, as they’re very weak right now. The soldiers won’t accept: how come this power is Kouka’s alone? Would said it should be Kouka’s in the first place? The founding legend is already suspicious and they don’t know how much of it really happened. This is not a power a brutal country like Kouka should hold.
Gobi is happy, the stupid citizens are taking his side without him having to do anything. He wanted to surrender Princess Tao to Soo-Won as a hostage, but now that he has the dragons he no longer needs to suck up to the King. He pretty much believes the dragon warriors appeared here for him to use as he pleases. The high priest asks his soldiers to carry the dragons away so they can try to invoke the dragon god again (I believe he’s talking about the shield).
Yoon catches hold of Jae-Ha and says they can’t. Don’t they understand? The four dragons aren’t a tool for this war! As the soldiers try to pry him away, Yoon starts crying. Jae-Ha and Kija were badly injured. He doesn’t know what happened with the surge of power back then, but what if it meant the dragons will never wake up again?
One of the soldier is about to punch him, but Hak pretty much flings Yoon out of reach and cuts the ropes holding the dragons back with his spear. He hoists Jae-Ha on his right shoulder and carries Kija with his left arm despite his own injury, then starts walking to take them to safety. While some soldiers are trying to stop him, others take Shin-Ah and Zeno away to hide them.
Flashback to one of Tao’s informants telling Yona about the dragon warriors facing off Yotaka and Mizari in town, unwilling to fight back, then of Yona answering she won’t help them win the war since she doesn’t want people from Kouka or from Shin to suffer again. This is probably what Hak is reminiscing, because after that he silently asks Yona and Jae-Ha how they’re able to get rid of their hatred like that.
Hak: I want to kill everyone here. Soo-Won too. I want to kill each and everyone who hurts the people I care about. *angry look*
Just as he is about to swing his deadly spear (sorry about this sentence - this isn’t an M-rated fic ^^;), Argila appears to kick some ass. Voldo cuts the remaining ropes from Shin-Ah’s and Zeno’s necks and tells the citizens to wake up (and they began to wonder what the two of them are doing here). Argila thanks Hak. He knows the bodyguard has been holding back on fighting to free his companions because it would bring about the war, so he promises him he’ll give them a good beating in his place.
Gobi: Argila! Voldo! Aren’t you two members of the anti-war faction too?!
Argila: Shut up, old man! I will protect Princess Tao and little kitties’ happiness!
He adds the four dragons actually saved Tao’s life. Voldo says he will never forgive Gobi for what he did to Neguro. Gobi pretends he doesn’t know what this is about. Voldo notices Yotaka’s absence and asks the priest if he did something to him too.
Tao intervenes and tells Gobi he’s not worthy of the anti-war faction. He’s just a fiend poisoning people’s minds. Gobi replies her words have never reached them in the first place. Nobody is even looking at her right now.
Author notes: Thank you to everyone who went to the signing session on August, 26th! I’m quite shy so I couldn’t properly chat with you, but I’ve still enjoyed it a lot~!
Yona says she’s heard Tao’s plea, and she will definitely become the bridge between the two countries. She tells her about Soo-Won’s agreement to open negotiations with Princess Kouren. Gobi disagrees: he should be the one to take part in the negotiations if they wish for a peaceful resolution, not Kouren. That’s why Kouren should die right this instant, for the sake of this country!
The archers are pointing their arrows on her. Voldo shouts Kouren’s name, but Kouren simply calmly says to Gobi: “Above your head, watch out.” Mizari appears in the air and strikes down at the assassins, provoking quite a bloodbath. He stops when he sees Kouren and asks her how she knew he was there. She tells him she recognized his peculiar stealthy footsteps and bloodlust (how poetic!). Gobi is visibly annoyed to see Mizari is still alive. Kouren asks him to step back, he’s done enough. Mizari answers with an angelic smile that he promised Neguro he’d kill all her enemies for her so he came back to protect her.
Back in the Wind tribe camp, Yotaka wakes up to the sound of Tae-Woo cleaning (?) his spear. He asks where he is and tries to get up once he got his answer... but collapses from pain (he’s shown crying chibi-style). He asks the General if he’s their war prisoner, and Tae-Woo simply tells him they’ll return him once he’s nursed back to health. Once again, Yotaka stands up and tries to run away, then collapses right outside the tent he was in. Ayame who saw everything comments he’s a troublesome fellow. Other Wind tribe girls appear and start touching Yotaka’s hair, marveling and saying they’d love to make a fluffy scarf out of it. Yotaka somehow starts to panic, then becomes strangely interested as soon as they say they’ll give him oil to make it all pretty again :P.
Then we see Nobu running to Tae-Woo to warn him that Soo-Won and the Sky tribe have arrived.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Turns out we won’t learn anything about the dragon shield yet since our dragon warriors are out of commission. I can’t say I’m fond of Gobi’s new crazed side. I thought he would be an interesting character and contender, but his reaction to the dragons’ powers makes it look like he just took a shot of Nadai or something. Which I would be fine with if I didn’t believe it’s probably not the case. Come on Gobi, I still have hopes for you, show me that you’re not just another disposable villain like the Sei rulers!
We already had an inkling Hak wouldn’t be so forgiving from his thoughts in the previous chapters, and now we know he might actually endanger the peace negotiations. It makes it very likely he’ll tell Yona he won’t be there during the talks with Soo-Won.
Next chapter: Tae-Woo gets his ass kicked by Soo-Won, Gobi becomes the new worship-Hiryuu-through-Nadai lord and the Princess-trio must face him alone, possibly to be saved by Prince Charming Soo-Won on his white horse.
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rktxshi-blog · 8 years
☠ ` Silence
Trigger Warning: Death, Violence, Gore, Comatose  @dahyexrk | @rkcheonso
Even the air smelled different here. Its cold breeze sends a chill through his body. He savors the feeling, like a mother soothingly cradling her child; a welcoming embrace. Japan. Osaka. Home. 
The roaring engine of a Dodge Charger, bringing a soft smile on his lips. Eyes still shut tight, by only the sound of the raving vehicle, the teen can vividly visualize everything. “Yo, asswipe. Gonna stay out here and freeze to death? Or you planning to jump in sometime this year?” A distinct dialect is spoken between natives; breaking through his clear imagining. 
“Nice to see you too, fucker.” Beaming down at the rolled down the window of Akio’s car. The man himself, leaning casually behind the driver seat. 
“Get your ass in the car, Mori.” 
Without further instructions, Toshi made he’s was to the front seat of the vehicle, two more faces popped up from the backseat; Kenji and Haru. It felt like a lifetime since his last seen their grinning faces, the boyishness in their round cheeks gone as they all entered the early stages of manhood. Everything seemed more defined, his friends - no, his family - the city’s icy air, the bold tree branches glaring down at the freezing citizens who stumbled about on the sidewalks. 
Yes. He is finally home. 
A meeting with the main family within the vicinity is always a must when one comes back to town, and when the main family ‘offers’ you an assignment, one must do exactly that. Which is why he was stood in one of the city’s narrow dark alleyway. Hidden within the shadows in a rather cliché manner. Both Haru and Kenji equally tucked away in strategically coordinated spots of the same dark pathway. 
It was an extraction mission. Someone from the branch family got into deep with a smaller fraction and needed assistance getting out. It was an easy enough mission. Hence why Toshi decided to agree to do it so easily, it was the least he can do with what the main family has done for him all these years. Especially during the times when Hisa left. The older Mori twin made a home for himself within the criminal household. 
Akio’s headlight suddenly blacked out on the other side of the road. Their target was on the move. Toshi had been given a picture of the branch member a few days prior, amongst him and the rest of his friends. He was the only one who can instantly identify the man, even in the barely lit place, purely because of his ingenious mind and memory. It goes to say, it was the reason why the main house favored him the most when it came to their field men. 
Despite that, his excitement and momentarily naiveness, caused him to enter into this trap blindly. For the person, they were told to extract, profusely walked along the snowed pavement with two lackeys. One of them was Akio, with a gun in his hand directed on toward’s Haru’s concealed direction. The first gunshot was heard, followed by a sound of a dropping body. 
Toshi’s memory soaked every detail of the happenings like a sponge. The way Kenji dived towards him, shoving him away from his hiding spot and yelling for him to run. He shouldn’t have turned back. The vivid morbid scene of one of his childhood best friends shooting another on the back, would forever be embedded in his memory. Like all other memories. 
It doesn’t take a genius to know he was next. The sudden excruciating pain piercing his lower back, and just as soon as that bullet broke into his skin, another was fired successfully sinking just above his beating heart. He crumpled to the floor. His crimson blood pouring into the snowed covered pavement. Dramatics aside, he knew he was going to die. 
“The clan doesn’t like loose ends. You know that, brother.” Akio stoically commented, with Toshi’s eyes barely open, he caught a sympathetic look cross his ‘brother’s features. Akio doesn’t have it in him to kill the fallen teen. So instead he killed Toshi on the head, knocking him out completely, before abandoning his bleeding body to die in the cold streets of Osaka. 
He didn’t expect to wake up in a hospital. In fact, the teen genuinely thought he was dead. But as his eyes fluttered open, the clinical white light glared down at him. Lids blinking rapidly to gain focus, his body felt as though an eighteen-wheeler truck ran over him, seven times. Glancing around him, he found the source of the beeping noise beside him. The machines that were keeping him alive, and relatively sedated. 
“…To…shi?” His dark orbs snapping towards the presences that hovered over the door. Dahye slowly took a shaky step towards him, he tried to offer her a smile. Toshi ended up coughing instead. Which understandably awoken the slumbering girl, who rested by his bedside. 
If it were any other time, he would have laughed at the comical sight of his twin sister. But the tattletale signs on her tear stained face, had him clenching his eyes shut for a second. A quick flashback of their conversations weeks ago flooding his mind, ‘better get shot there, than stay here.’ The irony. 
“Hi..ro…” Her voice, forever the sound of home to him, draws Toshi back into reality. He could hear the sudden movements of Dahye calling for the doctor. His eyes remained on his twin. “You’re awake.” She stated softly, Soyeon’s voice clear despite her clouded orbs. 
Toshi had been discharged from the hospital five days later. With his body only quarterly functioning normally, he stood motionlessly staring through the glass window that stood as a barrier from one ICU room to another. Kenji is alive; but only barely. 
His best friend’s face looks younger than it should, too peaceful for someone who’s been shot in the head. The doctors can’t determine when the other will wake up, or if he ever will. Toshi knew even if Kenji does wake up, he would never be the same person as before. The damage done to him goes beyond physical harm, the fact is Toshi’s doesn’t have much faith that the other would have a properly functioning cognitive if he does wake up.
At least he has a chance of waking up. Haru doesn’t.
Just as he was informed a couple of hours after he woke up of Kenji’s condition, they told him of Haru’s fate too. The latter was found dead on the spot in that alleyway. Apparently, he died seconds after he was shot, or so the autopsy said. 
Kenji is in a coma. Haru is dead. Akio had done all this under orders for Toshi’s swift end. 
“Toshi… we have to go.” Soyeon’s controlled voice penetrated through his trance. Watching Kenji for the last time, Toshi allowed his twin to take the lead this time. 
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Do I seem Anxious to you? | Hisakata ft Ikko! | Trial 3.3 | Re: Mika, Futaba, Loic, Jinpachi
As much as Hisa doesn’t like Jinpachi right now… He’s right. If some of the people here didn’t care about him as much as they do it wouldn’t be such a fight to prove his innocence. It pisses him right off, and pissed off he gets.
He rolls his eyes at Futaba,
“Ooooh, of course you’d rather it be Jinpachi. Are you still mad about me calling you the mastermind to your face? Get over it.” 
Not the time but–
“Fuck you, Jinpachi. You’re shoving your dirty work on me. We can connect anyone we fucking want to the murder. Do the rules say they gotta physically be there? Getting the shit slapped out of you or not, nothing is stopping you from messaging each other about it and deleting shit.”
He’s honestly not sure if you can delete messages. His anger is getting the best of him.
“And I’m fucking TRYING. You got damn assholes gonna keep repeating ‘give me a defense! Give me a defense!’ I. AM.” 
His fist bangs loudly against his podium, rattling the plate on top of it. 
“I’m scared of heights! I don’t want any fucking exposure therapy in a creaky ass cult wheel! I wouldn’t risk my fucking neck for Rowan!”
Over and over, his fist bangs the podium.
“All of this bullshit because WHAT! A blood smear on the OUTSIDE of a door that ANYONE could have ran by and smeared it on. This is your fucking bullet proof defense this is me?! Why don’t the rest of you get the balls like Futaba and just ADMIT IT you want it to be ME. You all came here with it set in your mind that it’s me so you’re all stickin’ your heads in the sand about any other possible outcomes!” 
The plate shakes and trembles over the edge and breaks. His skin stings in pain. He doesn’t stop. 
“Where the fuck is Jinpachi’s defense!? What if I think the blood is the fucking plant, huh!? Isn’t that the more obvious frame job!? None of you want to look at Jinpachi for such obvious fucking reasons! You’re all so fuckin’ –” 
The skin is rough and bleeding from the force. Eyes sting with tears of frustration. His fist raises and threatens to beat down again...
  ...Until his wrist is caught in a gentle touch. Not a grip -- those fingers don't even encircle with enough force to immobilize -- so much as a silent plea.
Ikko's podium is empty, her long figure now stooped over Hisakata's podium next to her. She doesn't draw back her hand from his, but it's clear she isn't trying to restrain him so much as remind him of something he already knows. Something he's been fighting against all trial, actually trying to prove his innocence, despite how he's tried to twist the world against himself every day before today...
"...You're hurting yourself."
And she drops his fist, finally, to gesture him over to stand with her. Ikko's never been good at reading people -- and on a regular day, what she can read is Hisakata's seething hate towards her. But he doesn't look like he can bear being right next to Jinpachi any longer, either. If it's between a rock and a hard place... for whatever reason, she seems compelled to offer him a hard place next to her.
There is confusion that overpowers his rage, breathing heavy as he eyes Ikko’s sudden act of kindness. It grounds him. Slowly he walks over to her side, putting her between himself and Jinpachi. His hand rummages through his pocket before sliding a watch onto her podium. 
“... Sorry I stole it, Denda. I was–”
No point in explaining himself, not right now. 
“... I don’t know what else I can say to you people to prove my innocence. Jinpachi and I can say the same fucking defense and you’re all going to turn on me anyways. You all already made your choice. There is literally nothing I can say or do to make you think it’s not me because again. You’ve already decided on who to vote on before any of you took a step into this room.”
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hisaribi · 5 years
50 New movies challenge 2020
Yeah, and under New Movies, I don’t mean films that’ll air this year, but films I didn’t see before. I’ll reblog this post and add a short summary and my thoughts.
Basically, it’s to kinda broaden my media input and so on. There’s some classic but also some newer films a lot of people would be ??? about, yeah
Masterpost of all challenges of 2020
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hisaribi · 5 years
Masterpost of challenges
Yeah, sounds weird, but I do have a few challenges for 2020, and because it’s only 4 hours till New Year and I have nothing better to do, I’m creating this masterpost, yay!
Books (21/60)
New movies (14/50)
New series (1/10)
Games (1/10)
Also, I kinda have life challenges, but I'm not in the mood to have them in English:
1 hour a day to learn smth new (9/366)
Once a week to go out somewhere like cinema, theatre, art gallery or lections (2/52)
Move dat ass (10/357)
A thing in the portfolio a week (0/49)
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hisaribi · 5 years
play 10 games in 2020
You know these people who have too many games in steam or smth like that and never play them? That’s me, hi. So I wanna finish or at least play like 10 games of the amount I have
btw, you can add me on steam: hisaribi
or PSN: who_is_hisaribi
Gonna reblog this post with the summary and links of games I did play, yay!
Masterpost of all challenges of 2020
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hisaribi · 5 years
15 New series challenge 2020
TV-shows, Netflix and other streaming platforms, anime, etc. challenge! I‘m kinda bad at this one, in 2019 I only watched like one completely new, so I’m gonna take my time and get to know something new as well!
Masterpost of all challenges of 2020
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