stingslikeabee · 5 months
@hisroyalmagnificence found the concierge
The fact that a hotel manager had business elsewhere in the city was not uncommon. Theirs was a different world that existed in the shadows of the general population and which had progressively expanded over the last decades, but still - alliances, partnerships, inspections and investments were done with those who did not necessarily trade gold coins from their presses.
What caused Melissa to grow concerned at first was the lack of communication - Magnifico did not often turn off his phone or failed to respond his wife. After all, theirs was a bond that surpassed etiquette and protocol. But maybe he had ran into someone from the High Table and devices had been collectively apprehended as tradition mandated... Perhaps she was worrying too much.
Until the first tape came in, delivered to their door in a nondescript envelope and by a street kid that merely said he had been paid to drop the package addressed to the concierge. It was an old cassette, but luckily there was an ancient TV and VCR set which was still functional in their surveillance room - but as soon as it started, Melissa wished it was all but an old, somewhat grainy movie.
There was no way that Magnifico - that her Nicolás - was in chains, strapped to a wall. Not him.
And yet, that was precisely what the video suggested; since the technology used was old, neither sound nor image quality were great, but the shows of torture were evident. Someone had kidnapped a Continental manager (off consecrated ground) and were subjecting him to unspeakable things while recording it all and sending it to his family. The first thing Melissa thought of was that she had to rescue him - immediately followed by a meeting with their daughters.
Now, the three beautiful daughters they had were no longer toddlers - instead, they had been groomed to take specific positions in that world of theirs. Rosalinda was next in line for manager; Narcissa had turned into a talented sniper and Florita was an expert in crafting poisons and working with toxins from their gardens. Each and every of the girls had a skillset, and they would need all of them - including Melissa's own training as the firstborn to a Welsh crime syndicate.
Together, they kept receiving and watching the tapes delivered every two hours or so - tracing the delivery kids was likely a dead end as they really were the homeless children that roamed around the district and who would have never been behind a master plot of that size. Instead, they joined forces in trying to see beyond the obvious, painful torture - any signs on the walls, trademarks on boxes, voices and hints that could disclose a location.
Melissa immediately contacted her peers; the girls used their own connections and pooled all resources together, from old-fashioned intel gathering to modern-day triangulation of Magnifico's phone and last known locations on CCTV. At some point, there was just one building that had been vacant within the designated perimeter which had seen suspicious movement of black cars parking around and people shuffling inside. That had to be their target.
With decisions made and all information available pulled up - from the map of the sewer tunnels to the nearby constructions for a good placement for snipers - Melissa did something that she never thought would happen: she unlocked the armory and grabbed most of the arsenal available there with her children. That damn book of his - the concierge had thought that it would protect him more than the fencing classes the brunette forced Magnifico to take.
Now, while she placed guns into holsters and checked the comms, Melissa felt her heart sinking - they were not too late, were they?
They would be able to reach Magnifico in time from whoever had taken him - there was no other possible scenario in her head. And, with a simple look at her kids while they got into a van to take them to the place he was likely being kept at, Melissa knew that the girls shared similar thoughts.
They would bring Nicolás home.
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
Magnifico stood when Melissa did. He kissed his wife goodbye, sorrowful that their business meeting was adjourned. The manager knew he would see her shortly for dinner, but it was difficult not to miss her during the time between. As Melissa walked toward the door, he topped off his wine — only to make a sharp aah. There was one last item left he needed to share.
The silver - haired manager leaned against his desk. A hand slipped into his trousers pockets. "Mi corázon, un minuto. That man you hired for the kitchens . . . Leon Hawk. You should know he handed in his resignation to me this morning, effective immediately. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news ; I understand you had high hopes for him as a pastry chef."
Magnifico stared over the rim of his glass and sipped his drink. "I overheard him last night saying rather loudly to his fellow staff members that he believed you were visiting the beds of our regular guests. He did not like my response."
A dark chuckle left the manager then. "There will be no paperwork to see to, my love. I can assure you that Mr. Hawk will not be seeking employment in this city or country again. Unless the rats are kind enough to regurgitate him as a whole." Magnifico pushed away from the furniture then and headed back to his seat. "His work companions have been given a sharp reprimand, as well. Do pardon them if they are quiet, and — you have my blessing to find someone to fill Mr. Hawk's position at your leisure."
At that, Magnifico looked up. Though he grinned quite charmingly for her, his eyes were cold and hard. The now - missing employee may have meant nothing with his gossip, but he had shared it nonetheless. Slander was as good as a physical threat to the manager, who watched over his wife and children closely.
unscripted asks . always accepting
The peculiar sound that Magnifico made upon finishing his drink had Melissa pausing, heels turning over the polished floorboards even before he called out to his wife. It had been a while since the concierge had been married to him - and before that, the woman served long enough as his employee. The current manager of that Continental branch could be a lot of things (as she would be quick to enumerate herself, particularly in the past) - but he wasn't without manners.
He would never appreciate fine wine like a common person did with a cold beer after a hard day at work; Magnifico did not care for behavior that made him look anything less than immaculate (save for his bedroom etiquette) or brought him closer to the type of men who worked for Melissa's father. The manager's words about their somewhat recently hired kitchen hand were even more surprising - Melissa was concierge for a reason; the higher authority on hotel grounds did not concern himself with menial things like performance reviews.
But when he glanced at her over the rim of his glass and disclosed the actual reason for his involvement - it all made sense. A small smile lifted the corners of the woman's lips, a concerning gesture for one from outside that world but perfectly understandable for those living in the shadows and surrounded by a peculiar code of conduct. Returning to the office proper, Melissa's steps were slow but deliberate, making it back to her husband.
The notion that the woman slept around was not novel - there weren't many females doing her job (at least in their region), and Melissa had never been shy about relying on some of her more obviously feminine assets to get something done. And while she had not been in the habit of sharing a bed with clients... It was true that the brunette did sleep with her boss at one point.
The impressive ring on her hand was proof of how that had ended, after all.
At the description of just how the poor man had been fired (or rather, killed), Melissa chuckled too. However, hers was a gesture entirely based off humor, somehow impressed that Magnifico had quite the ability to be graphically descriptive but wouldn't stand five seconds watching it. The woman knew that he had people for that - trusted executioners who undoubtedly carried not only the sentence but also intimidated his peers; but the orders came from the man now behind his desk.
A large, remarkable piece of furniture which was made into a temporary seat for Melissa, the concierge perching atop the surface if only to lean forward with a hand and touch him, cupping the face of her husband gently. A sigh of adoration was released in tandem with soft strokes of a thumb over his cheek, enjoying the facial hairs and the smooth skin as the pad of the digit moved.
"Have I mentioned how much I love you today?" the concierge asked - but it was a rhetorical one. Chuckling and shaking dark tresses out of habit, Melissa moved even closer to place a chaste kiss to his forehead, profiting from the added height boost offered by the desk while Magnifico remained in his chair, like a king in his throne. "I love you, mi vida. I am sorry he turned out to be a disappointment - I will place a new ad for the position and start interviewing shortly."
Seemingly satisfied after the kiss, Melissa returned to solid ground and retraced her prior path towards the door - but this time, the woman paused before crossing the threshold without any interference from Magnifico. She merely looked at him with a particular glint in her honeyed gaze - dangerous and unforgiving just like the light that had been in his blue eyes a moment before.
"Never apologize for protecting your family, Nicolás. You know I would do the same for you and any of the girls - no questions asked."
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
Magnifico clicked his tongue thoughtfully and waved a hand. That dismissed the last of the staff members who were assisting him in the wine cellar, which was currently also serving as a sort of general storage of all of the hotel's spirits. The legendary party to ring in the New Year was only days away, and it was up to the self - named King to approve the drinks that would be offered.
After the scurrying footsteps were gone, Magnifico turned toward the last individual left with him. He smiled pleasantly for his wife. As always, she had exquisite taste ; the proposed menu, spread out before him in sparkling glasses, was exceptional. It would certainly live up to the memory of festivities past.
"You have a remarkable talent for this," Magnifico said, nodding smartly. "I'm sure our guests will very much enjoy indulging themselves on your selections."
After a moment, the manager reached out. He laid a hand gently on Melissa's rounded belly. Their first child moved beneath his palm. "I'm sorry you cannot do the same, mi vida. If only she had been a Christmas baby." Magnifico chuckled. His brilliant eyes flicked across the room, to his private stash that was never included in the official inventory.
" — but that is alright. Let her be safe in there, for a little longer. Besides, I have something special for our private celebration after she arrives. Did I ever tell you, Melissa ?? The champagne that we used to toast at our wedding . . . it was such a delicious small batch and so special afterwards that I couldn't resist. I tracked down every bottle left in the world and stashed them here, under our palace. " Magnifico drew his hand down, placed it on Melissa's hip, and sighed. Underneath the edge of his collar glittered the expensive chain that held his own mementos for their growing family.
"I'll open the next one the minute you ask."
unscripted asks . always accepting
It was remarkable how Melissa's reactions to the flattery offered in return for her job had changed over the years. As soon as the Continental traded hands, the concierge had been arrogant to the point of rudeness - of course she was splendid; the place would have burned down if she stepped away for five minutes considering the inexperienced management.
But now, after marrying the same man she once called 'impossible' and 'the bane of her existence'? The woman smiled pleasantly, and basked in the warm, soothing feeling of being appreciated. It was true that making the right selection of wine for such an important night and considering the menu to be offered was something Melissa took pride in, but even more so with Magnifico's approval.
At his following words and affectionate touch, the concierge smiled and joined him - palm over palm, both calmly experiencing the joy of new life in a world surrounded by so much death. A conscious choice to create a legacy and one that Melissa would fight like something feral to protect - but no longer alone. The manager's joke about the slightly delayed birth date was shared by his wife; but the revelation of just what type of bottles had filled his private storage area left the brunette speechless.
"Nicolás..." the true name of the man escaped under murmured breath, eyes scintillating under the subdued light of the cellar with a mixture of wonder and incredulity which eventually combined into fond resignation. But of course he had done it - it was just his style. Money meant nothing to someone in possession not only of a coin press but fortune like his; sourcing every bottle of that particular Dom Pérignon vintage should have been just another menial job for his exquisite tastes.
Melissa's right hand moved up, finding Magnifico's face and brushing a thumb over his cheek fondly; it dropped to the neck then, followed by the honeyed gaze of a content mother and wife, anxious and happy whenever she looked at his growing collection of pendants for his most precious treasures. Not gold in a vault, not this time - but the three of them and the future children they had talked about, if all went well.
A fitting legacy for a king and his queen.
"I cannot wait until the doctors clear me for that toast, my darling. Our wedding night was one of the best of my life - I would never refuse another sip of that champagne," the woman chuckled, moving in closer to press a kiss to his lips and enlace him around the neck. But, unlike their own special day when vows were exchanged, the embrace was much less intense in light of the daughter to-be-born in-between their bodies.
"You are impossible, my love," Melissa chuckled at long last, still reeling from his confession about the flamboyant gesture in selfishly keeping all that champagne for themselves. She would have thought him silly and insecure for it before - but now?
"And I adore you for it."
Melissa would kill (and die) for him.
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stingslikeabee · 6 months
Rosalinda was a bright child, who took notice of every small change or new decoration in the palace. She knew these rooms better than most, even at the tender age of eight ; yet, her illustrious home still had the occasional surprise for her.
It was a warm summer afternoon. The eldest Princess of Rosas walked hand - in - hand with her mother down the grand main hall. Rosalinda was dressed in a rich red, as she often favored, and wore small pieces of gold jewelry selected for her by the Queen. She could have been off playing with her siblings ( both currently in the care of her father ), but it was more fun for her to follow Melissa around during her formal duties.
Suddenly, in the middle of the floor, Rosalinda stopped. The princess frowned thoughtfully at a large portrait on the wall. It was her father, without a doubt, but it occured to her for the first time that the beautiful brunette next to him was not her mother. Amaya's likeness to Melissa and the inherited Queen's crown had evidently fooled the girl for years. Rosalinda looked between her mother and the mysterious woman twice before she spoke.
"Mamá," the princess said softly, brow furrowed. For a moment, her expression bore a striking resemblance to her father's face when he was troubled. "Who is . . . that ?? Why does she have your crown ??"
Rosalinda looked back up at the image, unsure of it. She thought that perhaps this woman was repeated elsewhere, only once now that she thought about it - but that didn't answer her question.
unscripted asks . always accepting
It took her daughter stopping in the middle of the hallway for Melissa to realize that it was one of the palace rooms where something from Amaya's time lingered. The second woman to serve in that role had nothing but genuine appreciation for her predecessor - even more than that, perhaps; Amaya had comforted and inspired a young girl to grow and improve herself, to eventually reach Rosas and fulfill her own wishes.
Smiling at Rosalinda's question, the current monarch let go of her hand to crouch for a bit, lowering herself to the same eye level of the oldest princess. Melissa pushed a strand of dark hair behind an ear and smiled at the beautiful pair of cerulean orbs looking back at her. Even if they were moderately confused at the moment, they were still as mesmerizing as the ones that Magnifico himself exhibited.
"That, my darling, is Amaya. She was once married to your father like I am today," the woman clarified, choosing to go with the truth first. It had never occurred to the queen that they had never spoken about her before when Amaya was such an important figure for not only the kingdom, but Melissa personally. "Unfortunately, she passed many years ago due to an illness. I only met your father much later."
Caressing the cheek of Rosalinda with a thumb, the reigning queen added, "Amaya looks after all of us, sweetheart. She is kind, compassionate and a source of light when times are dark. She took care of your father before I could do it, and I looked up to her when I was your age. I wanted to be queen to do some good; I wanted to help others like she did."
The woman then stretched herself up, but used both hands to reach out for the child. Although Rosalinda was no longer a baby and did not care to be treated like one, she did not protest when Melissa hoisted her and held the princess in an embrace, only so they could walk closer to the portrait and the girl had the chance to look at Amaya better.
"I call her a saintess, my love. She comes to me in dreams when I am not feeling well, and I hope she comes to you too if you are ever in need. To wear her crown... Is a blessing. I am very grateful for her protection and I hope to always be deserving of it," Melissa elaborated with a soft smile on her features, but gazing at her daughter next instead of the portrait. The princess looked intrigued, but no longer suspicious.
"One day, you will have her crown when you're queen of Rosas... And I hope you can feel her warm embrace too, Rosalinda," Melissa explained, and the heir to the throne gasped in surprise - her crown? But apparently, her mother's talk about the role of a queen and the duty to the people resonated with the young girl's heart; she ended up nodding, determined.
"I see, mamá," the princess declared, confusion clearing up from her lovely face and smiling at Melissa instead, "I am happy we have Amaya, then."
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
They rounded the bend arm - in - arm. The eldest princess of Rosas did not physically resemble her father, not in the way her sisters did, but she shared so many of the King's mannerisms. Rosalinda walked with the same sure pace, held her chin as high, and carried herself with all of the confidence she could muster. Her free hand held up a portion of her skirts in the hope that it would stop the shimmering fabric from catching on any of the delicate flowers in the beautiful garden.
Magnifico smiled down at his daughter. A crease formed below his eyes as she slipped her fingers free of his shirt and bounded toward her mother, who had been working in this magical oasis. Rosalinda was normally such a serious girl — but in this comforting, intimate place, she threw her arms around the Queen's neck with no hesitation. At fifteen, nearly sixteen, the heiress was only a little shorter than her mother.
"Mamá," Rosalinda gushed in greeting, squeezing the older woman tightly. She stepped back after, brown eyes sparkling in the afternoon light. Loose chestnut waves fell over her shoulders.
"We were just discussing my party. Papá is insisting, even though I told him I don't need it. There was going to be a wish - granting that night, and I would rather see the people of Rosas be given that than receive gifts of my own."
Rosalinda sighed and turned to face her father. She leaned against the Queen, cheek on Melissa's arm. "What do you think, Mamá ?? What would you have us do for my birthday this year ??"
unscripted asks . always accepting
It had taken some time from the palace staff to get used the sight of their queen working in the middle of the bushes and trees, sometimes hidden from view behind the flowers and seemingly unbothered by the dirt on her hands. Almost two decades later, that was no longer the case - the royal servants knew better than question or even frown at their monarch's unique habits, a simple legacy from the days of a commoner and something she was skilled at.
Well, more than that - there was magic at work, too; a courtesy from Magnifico himself in a display of kindness that had been unparalleled until the arrival of his daughters. Being surrounded by her gardens and personally supervising their beehives was something Melissa enjoyed and no one questioned it. If anything, it made for an easy time finding the queen whenever she was not in the usual rooms indoors.
The steps of her family brought the older woman back to reality - and to promptly welcome their oldest, the queen's hands suddenly clean of any speck of dirt as a courtesy of the wizard watching both, no doubt. Melissa pressed a kiss to the princess' forehead by means of a greeting, and then fussed with her long hair for a moment - not because anything was amiss and simply because she adored doing it. The resemblance between mother and daughter was, after all, quite impressive (despite the temperament being much more aligned with her father's).
"Oh, so you have come to me to mediate a conflict? I am honored," the woman chuckled, knowing it was nothing that dramatic but nonetheless aware they would appreciate the subtle flattery. Both individuals were highly susceptible to that sort of technique, after all, even if Rosalinda's weaknesses were better hidden thanks to the influence of a secondary guardian and not just Magnifico. Nestling the daughter against that arm, the queen looked at the king himself - and his smile was a proud one, full of love for his family. No one of his blood - let alone the heir to the throne - should not have a birthday celebration.
"I think it is preposterous to skip your special day, cariño," at that, Magnifico's smile grew a bit wider; "But I also think we have to look after Rosas and granting wishes is our commitment to them," Melissa observed, feeling the gentle nod of their eldest at her side.
"So what I would propose is a combination of both - why not making one of your birthday celebrations the granting of someone's wish? As future ruler of Rosas, it would show to the people how much you care for them and how their well-being is one of the most important things to you. Your choice, my dear - you go with your father later to the tower and you choose the one you want him to grant."
Rosalinda's excited gasp made Melissa smile - the diplomatic solution had a good public relations' side, while also appeasing both of the egos involved. Looking at Magnifico, it was time for his wife to cant her head slightly with a smile, eyes glimmering with a combination of affection and pride.
"What do you think, Nicolás? Not a single soul from Rosas would have anything but adoration for both of you. A wish granted by our beloved king with the blessing of his heir - whoever gets this one is surely very lucky."
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
@hisroyalmagnificence . from here
'Just Nicolás was never good enough.'
The words that poured out of Magnifico were not what Melissa had been aiming for with her touches and declarations - but more importantly than that, the faint green that flashed in his eyes and seemed brighter than it should in the usual darkness of their chambers gave the queen some pause.
That was never a good sign - it was precisely the sort of evil that the brunette fought to keep at bay, in the same fashion Amaya had once done.
"Let me go with you - we can do this together," the woman said in a calm, soothing tone (or so she hoped); but Melissa was clearly not inclined to allow Magnifico to be alone at a time like that. That he wished to go to the princess was positive - they were his blood, his greatest legacy in addition to Rosas. And in moving off the man and returning freedom of movement to the king, the brunette was also following his command - generally a smart move when her husband was going through an episode.
Instead of open confrontation, gentle manipulation and enveloping him with love worked best; dealing with Magnifico's ego and sense of self had been an ability honed with time, after all. Once Melissa found solid ground, she needed but a minute to round the bed and find the slippers, smoothing the fabric of her nightgown next and combing the long chestnut tresses with her digits; a makeshift braid would do for the moment.
A heavier robe with beautiful embroidery (most of them roses) was added as an outer layer, and they exited their chambers together. Melissa did not say much and offered no resistance to the pace Magnifico wished to adopt, but she did reach for his hand. Support was offered in that fashion, through linked fingers instead of pleas and by remaining at his side while doors were opened and closed swiftly (but silently) thanks to his usual magic.
By the time they reached the princess' rooms, they were asleep - dreaming sweetly while the little decorations above their beds (ever in movement as a result of the magic that filled them) kept watch over the children. Nothing seemed to be amiss - luckily, the trio's magical powers appeared to be causing less mischief when they were unconscious as they got older.
Melissa made no movement then - the queen merely held Magnifico's hand and followed his lead, eyes on the king and worried for the pain that likely tainted his heart.
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
what sky are you?
sunrise no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up. you defy expectations and stay true to yourself. you are a leader - maybe not in a traditional sense in that others follow you, but you've carved out your own path in life. you are kind but unyielding. you have strong opinions and values. there's a part of you that just wants to make everyone else around you happy, but you know your limits - that you can only share what you have to give. you may seem unassuming to others at first but in time they will watch as you grow into something incredible
tagged by: @holyguardian (ahh ty this was lovely!) tagging: @hisroyalmagnificence . @jxgi . @ivory-paragon . @desiccation (give me your templar blorbo) . @shinrasfirst (YOUR choice) & you!
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
tag nine people you'd like to know better
I. favourite colours: black, blue and silver used to be it, but these days I'm more over shades of green, purple and more colorful stuff in general? I think turquoise is my current favorite.
II. favourite flavours: warm spices! I love cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves. I also really enjoy paprika on the savory side of things, which made living in the Netherlands easier for me, haha.
III. favourite genres: pretty open question here - but I really enjoy sci-fi and fantasy for mostly everything (videogames, movies, books, shows) while my music style is mostly rock-based but with so many crazy pop varieties.
IV. favourite music: my favorite bands are all Japanese (GLAY, LUNA SEA and BUCK-TICK are my top 3, and I'm still processing the loss of Sakurai Atsushi, really). But a look at my Spotify wrapped will tell you that I can listen to mostly everything, particularly if ship-inspired. Some artists I've been listening to a lot lately have been Gabriel o Pensador and Gloria Groove.
V. favourite movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl.
VI. favourite series: Star Trek (TNG and SNW are my favorites!), Doctor Who, Community, Penny Dreadful (the original one with Eva Green), Brooklyn 99, The Good Place.
VII. last song: 'Até Quando?', by Gabriel o Pensador.
VIII. last series: 'The Continental'. Wanted more lore than fighting scenes but it still made me write up an entire verse, haha.
IX. last movie: 'Saltburn' - I watched it with Dawn aka my bestie and we had very similar reactions to it. Very pretty aesthetic-wise, weird (lazy?) choices for plots and often uncomfortable to sit through.
X. currently reading: nothing that is not work-related, I really should pick up this hobby again as I used to.
XI. currently watching: I am currently obsessed over 'Beef' - I started it because of Ali Wong but damn. Daaaaamn. This show is like an incredibly well-directed trainwreck and I'm hooked, not gonna lie.
XII. currently working on: new routines, mostly exercising! I really want to be healthier in this next year.
tagged by: @drippingheart (although the tags did make this post vanish for a while, hehe~) tagging: instead of tagging nine people I'm just going to pester a few mutuals who have been online lately such as @hisroyalmagnificence . @desiccation . @lnsknndy . @holyguardian . @cybrvce & you!
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
available verses (public and private)
This is a masterlist of available verses for Melissa, public & private. This post will be updated as new verses are included and other verses are retired; please note that private verses are exclusive for the writing partners mentioned below while public are available for anyone (also available under the verses page and the google docs for mobile users).
Retired verses (public or private) are listed for archiving purposes and are not available.
Active general verses:
v: FFVII v: FFXII v: FFXV v: FFXVI v: the Evil Queen v: Yakuza v: Killer Queen v: House of Flowers v: Path to Nowhere v: the Continental
Active exclusive verses:
- exclusive with @dojimakaichou: v: Yakuza ; dragon king AU v: Yakuza ; detective AU v: Yakuza ; Addams Family AU v: Yakuza ; medieval AU v: Yakuza ; vampire AU v: Yakuza ; merfolk AU v: Yakuza ; first lady of the Tojo AU v: Yakuza ; space federation AU v: Yakuza ; wild west AU v: Yakuza ; American dream AU v: Yakuza ; werewolf AU
- exclusive with @kansaisdragon: v: Yakuza ; bodyguard AU
- exclusive with @cwarscars: v: FFVII ; secretary AU v: FFVII ; wolfsbane AU
- exclusive with @healthkits: v: Americana
- exclusive with @mencnfire: v: Nightingale
- exclusive with @sierra6x: v: Blood Moon Rising
- exclusive with @strongfuck: v: Atlas and the Sun v: the pool of Mnemosyne
- exclusive with @withthedoubleg: v: the Eyes of the Dragon
- exclusive with @hisroyalmagnificence: v: wish you were mine
- exclusive with @finalslay: v: tale as old as time
- exclusive with @hyperionhero: v: daughter of Calliope
- exclusive with @saishuu-heiki: v: mother of calamity
- exclusive with @antielevator: v: there are more things in heaven and earth than we dreamed of
- exclusive with @sweariff: v: clap your hands if you believe
- exclusive with @lncarnon: v: a golden cat in a black night
- exclusive with @backwaterscum: v: mending these broken wings
Retired general verses:
v: Alice in Borderland v: Kingdoms of Gaia v: Jazz Age
Exclusive retired verses:
v: Once Upon a Time v: Sucker Punch
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stingslikeabee · 5 months
confess your secrets to me and I'll tell what you need to hear
this does not have to be the end of you you did not deserve that, you did not deserve any of that. one of these days you will feel safe again, you will open your heart and you will find it everywhere. do not be afraid - there is so much love and warmth searching for a way to get to you. tagged by: gently stolen from @hisroyalmagnificence tagging: you, dear reader! :)
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