a-titty-ninja · 5 days
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sansan9 · 17 days
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mechadeimos · 4 months
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tomatosareinmyhead · 2 months
Hitome just be like
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kurayamineko · 1 month
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googledetective · 10 months
go on and save yourself
and take it out on meeeeeeeeee
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thaida-quintus-amat · 8 months
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This site makes me want to learn Japanese.
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As the years go by, Tsuna may become covered the scars, so here I begin to work on the first of them. What you guys thing? --- Con el paso de los años, puede que Tsuna se llene de cicatrices, pues aquí empiezo a trabajar en las primeras de ellas. Que les parece?
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redsamuraiii · 4 months
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Shiokari Pass, Hitome Senbonzakura, Hokkaido
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yunoteru4ever · 8 months
Hey, you got any info on the sales regarding the visual novel, and its remake? Just trying to see how successful/well known it might have been for Japan.
I didn't have any info at all when you sent this, but after digging deeper on the matter, I can safely say: I still don't have any solid info. :P
I mostly tried searching Japanese sites for any discussion on or reference to "未来日記13人目の日記所有者" sales numbers, and I came up completely dry. All I can tell you is two things:
We have to logically assume that the existence of the enhanced/expanded "RE:WRITE" re-release implies that the first release was profitable enough to justify putting in that additional work + manufacturing the new production run. So I presume the first release was "successful"... even if we have no idea what the metric of said "success" would be.
VGChartz estimates about 10,000 units of the "RE:WRITE" version were sold through to customers — though that's ofc based on VGChartz's notoriously unreliable methodoogy :P
(For anyone unaware: VGChartz reps speak directly to a small number of retail shops who are willing to repeatedly provide stas of their location's physical sales over a given period of time. From there, the VGChartz crew assumes that every similar retail location in that entire country had similar sales, so they simply multiply the initial data out x the number of similar retail shops in the nation, resulting in the extrapolated numbers by they print. Which is some pretty shitty logic. But because it's preferable to the absolutely zero data we most typically receive on game sales, people do still sometimes cite VGC's numbers as a possible baseline.)
Sorry I can't be of more help. If anyone else can track down any further information, please let us know!
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kimonohitsuki · 2 years
People change in ten years
"Irie Akiko watched in surprise the man who was staring at him with a kind smile while chaos was unleashed in the kitchen of what appeared to be a mansion, his hair was brown and expected on top, however, there were braids that steadied him underneath, giving him, along with his spiercings, a clear rebellious image quite contrasting with his friendly attitude.
-- So you came from the past? -- He questioned sitting down at the table and with a hand gesture asking her to accompany him.
-- DON'T SAY THAT TO HER, TSUNA! - Screamed Irie in panic in the background.
-- Sho, I think you made that very clear by your scandal seconds before. -- A young woman with long blonde hair joked.
-- My dear are right, you practically gave up the game. -- Ironized the young man with purple hair, similar to a pineapple, also present in the room.
As soon as her brother went back to ranting about how this shouldn't be happening, more and more people started showing up in the big kitchen overlooking a beautiful garden.
However, nothing seemed to really shake the brunette who poured himself a cup of tea and then offered him a cup of coffee.
-- Did you know that tomatoes are american fruits? -- He questioned, as casually as possible, resting his chin on the back of his hand, giving more prominence to his earring with a striking black feather on the tip.
Maybe it was his tone of voice, his charisma, or the contrasts in his looks, but despite the gunshots and screams all around, the young woman found herself immersed in that anecdote about tomatoes.
And when she realized it, a smoke enveloped her, taking her back to her time."
Kate Kyou Hitome, Tsuna. Akiko's vision from Target 434.
Portuguese version
"Irie Akiko observou surpresa o homem que o encarava com um sorriso amável enquanto o caos se desatava na cozinha daquela que parecia ser uma mansão, seus cabelos eram castanhos e esperados em cima, entretanto, haviam tranças que o firmavam por baixo, dando-lhe, junto a seu spiercings, uma clara imagem rebelde bastante contrastante com sua atitude simpática.
-- Então você veio do passado? -- Questionou sentando-se a mesa e com um gesto de mão pedindo que ela o acompanhasse.
-- NÃO DIGA ISSO PARA ELA, TSUNA! -- Berrou Irie em pânico ao fundo.
-- Sho, eu acho que você já deixou isso muito claro pelo seu escândalo segundos antes. -- Brincou uma jovem de longos cabelos loiros.
-- Minha querida tem razão, você praticamente já entregou o jogo. -- Ironizou o jovem de cabelos roxos, semelhantes a um abacaxi, também presente no cômodo.
Assim que seu irmão voltou a esbravejar como aquilo não deveria estar acontecendo, mais e mais pessoas começaram a aparecer na grande cozinha com vista para um lindo jardim.
Entretanto, nada parecia realmente abalar o moreno que se serviu de uma xícara de chá para logo oferecer-lhe uma xícara de café.
-- Você sabia que tomates são frutas americanas? -- Questionou, o mais casual possível, apoiando o queixo no dorso de sua mão, dando mais destaque ao seu brinco com uma chamativa pena negra na ponta.
Talvez fosse seu tom de voz, seu carisma, ou os contrastes de sua aparência, porém, apesar dos tiros e gritos ao redor, a jovem se viu imersa naquela anedota sobre tomates.
E quando deu por si, uma fumaça a envolveu, levando-a de volta ao seu tempo."
Kate Kyou Hitome, Tsuna. Visão de Akiko do Alvo 434.
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a-titty-ninja · 6 days
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sansan9 · 1 month
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mechadeimos · 2 months
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baosart · 2 years
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A fanart of Hitome from Plus-Sized Elf
I hope you like it :)
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kurayamineko · 1 month
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