#hitoshi eventually apologies. emphasis on eventually. but i guess it probably won't take him longer than it took Bakugou.
pocketramblr · 10 months
For the 5 Headcanons game...
Shinso replaces Katsuki as Izuku's childhood bully
Now this is tricky, since it's not just a find and replace but hmm... How do we make this work...
1- First, they must be ✨ childhood friends.✨ So I guess they are. Go to the same nursery school, etc etc. Want to be heroes, collect All Might merch. Then Hicchan's quirk comes in and Izuku thinks it's soooo cool. But the other kids are... Scared. Hitoshi ignores them. When Izuku's quirk comes in, they'll be heroes together. They'll prove everyone wrong.
Izuku's quirk doesn't come in.
2- they go from the "would be villains" to "the freaks" in the eyes of their classmates. Hitoshi can't stand it- he can prove them wrong on the first count by becoming a hero, but... How do you prove you're not a freak, exactly? Well, you can try by getting away from the other one. Pushing away, if need be.
3- Hitoshi is aware that Izuku would be the only "acceptable" target for brainwashing at the school. He still doesn't use it on him, because spite to not be a villain. This will come back to bite him later, because Izuku would have loved to help him practice make his quirk stronger, but nope. Instead he has little idea how to use it, and little other methods to fight. Meanwhile, Izuku is cleaning a beach.
4- Hitoshi straight up didn't know Izuku got into UA until he came by the room before the SF to scope them out. Izuku also didn't know, because Hitoshi didn't tell anyone about getting into the general course. Hitoshi stares at him. Izuku stares back. "Hicchan!" Hitoshi's finds his words. "They say other students can get into the hero course at the SF, if we knock those unqualified out. Thanks for keeping my seat warm, Midoriya. Can't wait for everyone to see what a fake you are at the SF." (Bakugou, annoyed, who doesn't know anyone here and doesn't care: "oh my god can you two extras have your dramatic reunion somewhere not in the middle of the doorway when people are trying to leave.") Hitoshi ducks away. The class asks Izuku a million questions about who that was, and he avoids them, mostly. He wants to go look for Hitoshi, to ask him how he's been, but he's a bit shaken by his earliest friend not making it into the hero course. Was it because of Izuku- does he think he faked quirklessness for years, should he try to explain- but Hitoshi is already gone.
5- Izuku doesn't warn anyone about Hitoshi's quirk, because it doesn't seem fair to. He feels guilty about this later, when Ojiro drops out. The first round fight is highly emotionally charged. It's personal, now, and Hitoshi will spit anything at him to get him to talk. Izuku bites his tongue to keep from reacting, until Hitoshi calls him cruel for leaving him to play quirkless, when he could have saved him all that loneliness by having a heroic perfect quirk and sticking up for him. Izuku snaps, "you left me, Hicchan," and is pulled under brainwashing for the first time in his life. Then, he breaks out of it on his own, for the first time in either of their lives. That's when the real fight begins, no holds barred and no fear to draw blood. Izuku finally shoves Hitoshi over the line. Finally, he speaks. "All I wanted was to be a hero with you, Hicchan. I guess, if we make it separately, that's still better than nothing. Good luck."
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