#hiveswap Fiamet
dammarchy211 · 1 year
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Ahem I haven’t done this in awhile
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Hi @joeymets for the collaborative discord funny they drew one too<3 (sorry idk what account of urs to tag—)
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bigbangjustified · 2 months
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catabolic-seeds · 1 year
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I’ve taken the hiveswap screenshots very well
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actuallyirradiated · 1 year
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March 31 2024 edit: super late edition lol, but it’s definitely more likely that she found this human stuff (from Jake or something?) and moved in. I’m definitely keeping the idea that at least some of this is modeled after Earth Stuff tho
Something from SAHcon! I’m assuming this is Fiamet’s respiteblock cuz she says the desk is hers (therefore the room lol). This shows us:
1. Fiamet’s recuperacoon is like a human bed!
2. she has a globe of Earth on her shelf!
Clearly she knows about Earth and this whole situation Joey’s in based on her dialogue in another screenshot where she says Joey not returning will cause planet-wide destruction, but the fact that she knows about Earth and appears to have modeled her room in a “human-ish style” is:
1. really cute of her
2. indicative that she actually likes Earth! And has the ability to research/observe humans to some extent outside of empire knowledge considering humans aren’t in whatever empire database Mallek searched. Even her desk isn’t modeled like how we see some other trolls’. Her husktop is like an old human PC while Mallek has a sleek laptop (plus whatever troll smartphones they have, I’m just saying this design choice was on purpose since they have better tech is all). Not sure if it has THAT much to do with her knowledge of Earth but her desk, literal bed, and a globe OF EARTH says otherwise!
Mallek could’ve been wrong about the empire having no record of humans since in Joey’s timeline Earth has already been in touch with the condesce as Betty Crocker for decades, but Hiveswap and homestuck are supposed to be centuries apart on Alternia while only decades have passed on Earth. There’s some timeline stuff eluding me here ig (edit: they’re in different universes! I got confused while writing lol)
I’ll edit this post more later, but here are my thoughts for now. Just brainstorming, I think I missed some stuff but let me know what any of you guys think!
Edit: here’s the other image I was referencing!
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snowdife · 2 years
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pinktatertots99 · 1 year
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i mean, how could i not jump onto this news of act three?
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eridan-ampora · 2 years
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4acidstars4 · 2 years
faimet is totally a lime (big fat theory made by a clownfucker)
hai guys just passing by and adding to the possibility of faimet of being a lime, so some ppl say that limes could be lowblooded seadwellers since eqquius(or was it aranea?) said that once in the comic(i have no fucking idea where that source abt eqquius saying that is im sorry) abt limes vs seadwellers and/or highbloods/the condense killing all the limes n shit but some people disagree cause if we all agree that karkat is a mutated lime then why doesnt he have a tail or anything seadweller-y? well to answer that isss,,, mutations too, faimet is most likely a muted lime as well cause she's pretty much the only troll we see so far with a tail, and karkat's ofc if he actually is a lime is his candy red blood, but why do i say he is a lime(if limes are seadwelling?) is simply cause of crab dad, he's essentailly the only 'seadwelling' lusus (most crabs need water to survive, crabs in order to live out the water have to keep their gills wet and i am not gonna try to find out what kind of crab karkat's lusus is considering it lived that far without water its a fuckin monster crab, unless tap water is ok) that takes care of a 'landdwelling 'troll we see (unless i missed something then im stupid) aside from gamzee's lusus but i think that wouldnt count? since marvus canonically having a land dolphin lusus purples might just have the same thing as limes aka having mostly/lusii that are half land and water animals(...dwellers..?), also if this idiot theory proves correct(low chance) then limes could have been highbloods since theyre pretty much almost like purplebloods (if it werent for ig being as weak as lowbloods??) and are the caste that are really good at pacifying (that also being a power?!?!??!) the most violent caste so yes faimet is a lime 101% (i am ready to get called stupid i wanna learn)(also yeah this turned more into a lime theory than a faimet theory lol)
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dailyhiveswapkids · 7 months
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hermodmaxxing · 2 months
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some gifs from the act 3 sahcon panel! sorry fiamet is so low quality i dont know what happened to her
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daily-fiamet · 2 months
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I return, for only a moment. Happy 2 years to Fiamet, and happy 14 years to Doc Scratch. They’re fighting this time!! I’m going to dip again after I post this, but before I do so, I am very happy to say that I am going to return soon! Things in my life are being resolved, and soon I will have more freedom to act online. Not quite yet, though, but the forecast says I could be making a full return next year, perhaps even sooner than that. In the meantime while I am gone, I’d like to leave a challenge to anyone who sees this and is interested: redraw this image! You can change its aspects as much as you’d like, as long as it keeps the premise of “Fia versus Doc”. Be creative!
That is all from me, Fiamet Nation… for now. }o{
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hsoppositezodiac · 3 months
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Last ones!
Tbh I feel like Fiamet is a limeblood disguised as a violet, which would make her a purple in this AU. Theres no reason for her to disguise as a olive though. Why would she?
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chrisnosochkin · 3 months
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Fiamet lesben
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catabolic-seeds · 1 year
Fiamet Rambles
Ok.What if: Fiamet larping as a Seer of Doom 
(Warning Joey of the danger ahead) 
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But she’s a prince of mind  ( A revolutionary, destroying people’s old worldviews. Seeing as she’s a Tetrarch, she’s probably a good strategist too. Destroys through judgement and logic) 
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nebulous-tundra · 9 months
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they're my toxic yuri couple
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cookiiemancer · 1 year
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