#hizashi imagine
specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Present mic x reader - I love you, I love you
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You were sitting on your couch, rubbing a hand up and down your sternum as you tried to easy the dull pain that you were feeling.
You were so focused on the TV that at first you didn’t notice your phone was ringing.
Brining a hand up to your mouth, you coughed slightly, and you looked at the petals in your hand, taking a shaky breath.
This time you saw your phone ringing and you answered, sticking it on speaker as you stared at the petals.
“Hey Hizashi.”
“Yo! Yo! What’re you doing right now?!”
You set the petals down on your coffee table.
“I’m just at home, how come?”
You could hear voices on the other end and the sound of music, he was definitely at least a little tipsy at this point.
“Come to the bar yo!
You sighed.
“Sorry Hizashi, I’m not feeling well right now but have fun.”
With that you hung up, and you noticed a few other messages coming through.
Midnight: are you not coming out this week?
Aizawa: I’ll tell him to stop calling you until he’s sober again. Do you need anything?
You reply back to both of them and turn your phone off, coughing up a few more petals.
You knew how this went, you knew how bad this was going to get if you didn’t do anything about it now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything.
You felt ashamed about having this disease, you felt ashamed about what it meant that you had suddenly developed it.
You knew your options, everybody knew the options, you either die to the disease, you have it removed along with your feelings, or you confess and pray those feelings are returned.
You didn’t know what to do, and as the weeks went on it slowly started to get worse and worse to the point when you were sat in the teachers lounge at UA you had a white knuckle grip on your shirt to try and ease the pain in your chest.
You didn’t look up as the door was opened, but you did when you heard his voice.
You glance to Hizashi before glancing away from him.
“Hey…” he said quietly.
It wasn’t like him to be so soft, so gentle when talking, so you furrowed your brows a little bit.
You smile a little bit at him, and turn back to your work, and he sat in a chair next to your desk with a frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing, I’m alright ‘zashi.”
He narrowed his eyes a little bit, clearly not believing you.
“You’re not alright don’t lie to me.”
You sighed a little, setting your papers aside as you looked up to him, offering him a small smile.
“It’s complicated that’s all, but I’m really fine I swear.”
He leant forward a little narrowing his eyes at you.
He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms.
“You’ve never hidden anything from me, why’re you hiding this?”
“Look ‘Zashi, I said I’m alright, really. Okay? You don’t have to worry I promise.”
You stood up, pulling your jacket in and walked over him, placing your hand on top of his head as you walked past him.
“Come on! I know somethings wrong and you know I’m not gonna stop until you tell me!” He called back.
“I know!”
You left, and made your way back to your apartment, finally able to let out the series of coughs that you had been holding back all day.
It was worse than you thought as you sat on your couch, staring at the petals that just seemed to keep falling, the pain in your lungs getting even worse.
After a while there was a knock on your apartment door, and you shoved the petals under the couch to open it.
“Oh, hey Aizawa, what’s up?”
The other pro hero narrowed his eyes a little at you and held a single petal up in his hand.
“I know you have it.”
You grabbed him back his capture scarf and pulled him inside and slammed the door shut.
“Don’t be showing it around dumbass!” You hissed.
Aizawa glared a little bit at you.
“You know how dangerous it is hiding this (Y/N)!” He hissed.
“I know!”
Aizawa crossed his arms as he stared at you with a slightly cold expression on his face.
“Confess to them.”
“Then get the surgery.”
“Well those are your only two options! Be lucky I haven’t told anybody else yet because right now Hizashi is going mental because he thinks he’s pissed you off!”
You went quiet for a moment feeling a little guilty you made your best friend feel that away.
“He does…?”
“Yes! So either you go tell him what’s going on and let him help you or I will.”
You panicked a little bit, grabbing your brother by his arm.
“You can’t!”
Aizawa narrowed his eyes a little at you, then they widened slightly in realisation.
“You love him, don’t you?”
You lowered your head a little bit as you nodded, staring at the ground while tears burned your eyes, and that painful feeling in your chest came back.
You tried to hold the coughing back, but you still coughed slightly, petals falling into your palm.
“I can’t tell him…”
Aizawa sighed, resting your head in his chest.
“(Y/N) you have too, please? Or get the surgery, because I’ll be dammed if I stand aside and watch you die because of this stupid disease.
You sniffled a little bit, gaze fixated on the flowers at your feet.
“Please just tell him okay?”
“I..I can’t…”
Aizawa walked over and sat you down on the couch, wiping a few of your tears away.
He left the room for a few moments before coming back with a glass of water, handing it to you and he sat on the table in front of you.
“Why can’t you tell Hizashi you love him?”
“Because I know he doesn’t love me back…” you whisper.
Aizawa sighed softly, placing his hand on top of your head.
“You won’t know that until you tell him how you feel…”
You shook your head and Aizawa sighed heavily, he knew how stubborn you were, and when you were scared of being hurt you would do anything to refuse to acknowledge what’s hurting you.
You had a heart of gold, and that was your downfall, it always had been.
“Just get some rest alright? We’ll figure this out I promise.”
You sniffled a little and laid down on the couch, letting him cover yoh up with a blanket and he began to clean the petals all over your floor.
As much as you didn’t want to rest, your body had other plans, because if you were asleep it didn’t have to respond to the intense pain in your chest.
You soon fell asleep, and when you did Aizawa pulled his phone out of his pocket and left the room.
You didn’t notice the opening or closing of your front door, or that you had been moved from the couch into bed to sleep.
When you woke up, your chest felt worse and you slowly sat up while trying to take deep breaths.
“Aizawa…?” You called.
You could hear footsteps coming down the hall, and the door was opened and Hizahsi stood there instead with a glass of water in his hand as he walked over to pass it to you.
“He left a few hours ago.”
His tone wasn’t loud or cheerful like usual, it was soft, and slightly sad.
You nodded, sipping at the water in the glass, trying to resist the urge to cough but you couldn’t, and you coughed a few petals and some blood into your palm.
You tried to hide it but Hizashi was quick, he took your hand in his, carefully removing the petals and wiping the blood with a tissue.
He stayed quiet as he took the glass of water from you and set it down on the nightstand.
He look at you, and carefully took your face between his hands, running his thumbs along your cheeks.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” He whispered.
Your eyes widened a little, hand still covering your mouth to fight back some coughs, and he placed a hand over yours, the other still cradling your face.
“I’ll say it as many times as I have to. I love you.”
He kept whispering it over and over again, moving his forehead to rest on yours with his eyes closed, still whispering, and you closed your eyes as well.
After some agonisingly slow minutes, and him constantly repeating that he loved you, you felt the pain in your chest starting to ease up a little bit.
You slowly moved your hand from your mouth.
“I love you..” you whispered.
This made him give his signature grin, and he quickly leant down to catch you in a gentle but passionate kiss which lasted a few minutes before he pulled away.
He crawled over you, laying down at your side and rested your head on his chest.
“I love you so much… I’ll be right here…”
You nodded again falling back to sleep.
It would take a few days for the disease to get out of your system, but it wasn’t growing anymore, and as long as he stayed by you, you knew everything was going to be alright
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uwtloml · 3 months
can you do a text thingy of “Can you come over? *wink wink*” with aizawa, hawks, and other pro hero’s 🤭🤭
(also i love ur work ur so cool plz don’t die)
- 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘩𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳!
𝘧𝘵. 𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘢 𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘸𝘢, 𝘩𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘺𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘢, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘺𝘢𝘨𝘪
a/n: so so sorry it’s taking me so long to get requests done but i hope you enjoy!!
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taglist: @star-the-rabid-dog
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delaware-lemme-smash · 8 months
Hii! May i request some headcanons were mt. lady, sir night eye, present mic, eraser and all might react to their s/o wearing their clothes after sex? Like if they didn’t have any clothes with them what weren’t… dirty so they stole some! Sorry if this is boring but I thought it was kinda cute :)
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Hope you enjoy these, lovely!
Characters: Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye, Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Contents: gn!reader, mild nsfw
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Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady
Perhaps it was an impromptu tryst, because you’re at Mount Lady’s apartment and your only clothes are dirty. Perhaps your stuff got torn up in a fight with a villain and now you’ve come back to hers to ‘celebrate’, you find yourself left with nothing but your underwear. Perhaps not even that. 
You could sleep naked, but it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in. So you wander over to Yuu’s wardrobe (really a walk-in closet). She might only be a debut hero, but she’s very popular and spends a lot of time in the limelight. This translates to making absolute bank, and she spends a lot of it on beautiful clothes. Obviously, you’re not going to wear a gala dress to bed, so you grab a t-shirt that looks pretty old, and maybe a pair of yoga pants. 
Depending on your size compared to her, they might be fine, or they might be a tight fit. When she comes back into the bedroom, her skin gleaming from her nightly skincare routine, she stops in the doorway and pouts at you.
“If you stretch those out, you’re going to have to replace them.”
“...says the woman who turns into a titan?” The irony is too much for you.
“Only my hero costume stretches with me, duh.” A pause. “Your butt does look good in those yoga pants, though.”
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
It would seem that if you’re dating Sir Nighteye, you’ve at least got some sense of planning and responsibility. But you’re only human, and sometimes you’re going to find yourself caught short. Short on clothes, in this case. Even if your clothes are clean, you couldn’t fathom sleeping in your work clothes.
You wait until Sir Nighteye is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, before sneaking open one of his drawers and grabbing something at random. You end up with…
A pair of boxers and a vintage All Might t-shirt.
It’s hardly the sexiest of nightwear, but you make it work. He leans back into the doorway to tell you to borrow some clothing, and you’re lounging on his bed, all “Paint me like one of your French girls”. 
“I’ve been waiting for you~” you purr.
He nearly spits out his mouthwash, and disappears back into the bathroom to gather himself. You distinctly hear him chuckle under his breath, then clear his throat.
“If you want to entice me, darling, don’t wear the face of my former boss on your torso.”
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Hizashi’s always trying to get you to wear his clothes, anyway! He drapes his little moto jacket (the casual one, not the studded one he wears as part of his costume) over your shoulders a lot and tells you how great you look. 
Seeing his partner wear his clothes just gives him this little kick and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
You’ve got a variety of options in Mic’s wardrobe. In the t-shirt section, you’ve got a lot of band t-shirts, weird, bright coloured ones covered in fruit or English slogans, a few rare Eraserhead merch t-shirts he got done to piss off Aizawa, and if you want to borrow some boxers, you’ll be hard pressed to find some that don’t have a loud, zany pattern on them. 
If you want to be (moderately) sexy, grab a vintage band t-shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. If you want to make him laugh, grab the stupidest t-shirt you can find and pair it with an eye watering set of boxer shorts, especially if they have bananas on them. 
Hizashi grins wide enough to split his face in half at the sight of you in his clothes. It doesn’t matter if you went for sexy or stupid, really, because he’ll just try to get you out of them again, if you know what I mean~
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
This is one of those things that Aizawa doesn’t know he likes until he sees it for the first time. He’s probably dragged himself out of your post-coital snooze to get you both some water or feed the stray cat on his balcony, leaving you to ponder your clothing situation. 
When you open Aizawa’s wardrobe, it’s 75% loose black shirts and pants, with a few non-black items crammed at one end, including those infamous pink sweatpants. 
It seems he’s not totally averse to colour, just not when he’s working. He has a few t-shirts (gifts from Hizashi) covered in cats (as opposed to just covered in cat hair, like the rest). 
If you’ve cuddled him at all, which you have, thoroughly, you know that all his clothes are surprisingly soft and comfortable. He tends to end up with raggedy cuffs on his sleeves, but even so, the shirt has that soft texture clothing gets when it’s been washed many times. You dig out some random black shorts he has, though you’ve never seen him expose his pasty legs in public, so they must be old.
Shouta shuffles back into the room to find you asleep, curled up in your borrowed finery. There’s something about the sight of you lying in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking so warm and comfortable. It’s like a little gut punch of domesticity. 
“You’re meant to ask, you brat,” he says fondly, flopping onto the bed next to you. 
Still, he reflects, as he pulls you closer, that shirt’s gonna smell like you now. Maybe he should make you wear it every time you sleep over.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might’s still pretty nervous about being in a relationship so he’s not 100% sure of the protocol, especially when you’re at his place and you don’t have any clean clothes to wear to bed. He gets flustered and goes to see if he can quickly wash your clothes, forgetting the entire wardrobe of clean clothes right there.
All Might or Small Might, his clothes are going to absolutely drown you no matter what size you are. Toshi’s a titan. Any t-shirt you try to borrow is basically a giant nightshirt. 
Toshinori splutters a little at the sight of you swimming in the fabric of one of his shirts. Once he’s done coughing into his elbow, he offers you a toothy grin, his eyes crinkled up.
“That…might be a little big on you,” he says, tugging playfully on all the excess fabric. “Are you sure it’s going to be comfortable?”
You tell him that you like the feeling of the soft, loose fabric, and the fact that it smells a little like his cologne, even after being washed. He’s chuckles at that, wrapping his large hands around your waist, the fabric cinching in against you.
“Well, never thought one of my old shirts could look so adorable.”
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obsessed-dragon · 6 months
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Things your dragon boyfriend should have mentioned earlier 🐲
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
I have a request if that's OK can you do Yandere class 1a(romantic) (and Yandere eraser mic platonic ofc) x reader with powers like starfire or raven
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Sure and I'll go with the reader having powers like Starfire if that's okay with you and I sincerely apologize if this sucked
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You were a part of class 1A and over a period of time, they started growing obsessed and possessive of you so much that you weren't even allowed to hang out with students from the other classes. To say you had powers was an understatement, you were basically a walking weapon with your abilities of being able to fly, shooting laser beams from your eyes and hands, superhuman strength and agility. You aced the UA entrance exam like it was nothing and left everyone awed and speechless of your powers. You were soon sorted into class 1A after you received your acceptance letter and you became friends with your classmates, unaware of their darker masked desires and hidden intentions for you
You were book smart but when it came to figuring out the intentions your classmates had for you, you were quite naive indeed. The other day Monoma, TetsuTetsu and Kendou wanted to hang out with you and you agreed to hang out with them, when your classmates found out about your plans to hang out with some other class instead of them, they were annoyed and their jealousy bubbled inside him. They usually couldn't stand each other at times, each of them wanting to have you for themselves, however during times like this they were forced to work together. "HAH!? TF DO YOU MEAN HANGING OUT WITH THAT BLONDE RAT!? NO WAY!" yelled Bakugou as he muttered profanities and cursed under his breath while threatening to blast Monoma to the orbit. Uraraka, Momo and Mina had resorted to trying to guilt trip you by telling you that you barely ever hang out with them and you wanted to spend time with other people instead of them. Even the usually calm Deku and Kirishima had dark looks plastered across their faces, looking deep in thought while Iida was busy lecturing you as usual about how you shouldn't ignore your classmates when they wanted to spend time with you and besides, you also had homework to do and started listing out every possible reason why you couldn't hang out with the class 1B students
Eventually you ended up giving in and decided to have a movie night in the common room with your classmates since they just wouldn't stop with the incessant pestering. You don't know what it is they've done, but they've done something for sure since no one from class 1B decided to approach you the next day. Even Monoma kept his distance from you and scurried off in the opposite direction as your spotted a few scars on his face and hands which your dear classmates may or may not have caused. They won't allow anyone else to steal you away from them, you're theirs. From hanging out with Shoji and Koda and playing with Koda's pet bunnies to helping Sato bake his goodies and doing homework with Iida and Shoto to going shopping with the girls, you feel like your classmates are monopolizing your time way too much but you can't really do anything about it, how could you possibly prove that they're in the wrong for wanting to spend time with you?
Your teachers are of no help either whatsoever, Aizawa sensei and Present Mic think it's a GOOD thing your classmates are so protective and possessive of you. They're worried you might become reckless one day and your powers might end up hurting you which is the last thing they all want, so it's like a mutual silent agreement and understanding between them to keep an eye on you and protect you. Even if they have to get their hands dirty. Aizawa and Mic see you as one of their own kids to take care of and they take that role VERY seriously. The other day some random dude actually had the GUTS and audacity to try slipping in a love note into your locker while Aizawa was passing by and his eyes narrowed as he wrapped the guy in his scarves and gave him detention for the rest of the semester every day. If someone dares to make the mistake of bullying you, Mic would be the one to deal with that by using his quirk on them to make their eardrums literally BLEED till they apologize
Now, about your powers, it's a tricky situation. As much as they all love you for who you are and how capable you are to take care of yourself, they're also worried you might end up getting hurt one day because of them. No way in hell would Aizawa ever give you strenuous training tasks despite your whining and pleading, you could get hurt. They ALWAYS have eyes everywhere and they know your every move no matter what. Some of your classmates have literally resorted to stalking the living daylights out of you and you're still unaware of the secret cameras placed in your room, courtesy of Iida when you both had that study session a few days ago. Your every movement is now watched by all your classmates and your teachers as well. They don't even realize they're doing something wrong and they're lost so far in their delusion, they think they're just doing their jobs as good heroes in protecting you, their loved one and keeping you safe
Denki, Kirishima, Sero, Hagakure and Ojiro think your powers are cool but the rest of them are really worried for your safety. You always get lectured by Iida whenever you end up doing something risky and Deku would just be pleading with you to never do something like this again while Bakugou would lovingly insult you to knock some sense into your head. You are NOT to be fighting villains, they've all established that already and made that rule VERY clear. If there's a villain attack at some point, you'll be taken to safety because they do not want you engaging into such dangerous stuff. Look, you might have strong powers and you might be a good fighter but that still doesn't mean they'll let you fight villains and criminals, you'll always be seen as someone naive and sheltered in their eyes, someone they need to protect from the darkness of the world. But not to worry though, after the villains are dealt with (Or probably murdered), Aoyama will comfort you with cheese, Momo will make you some tea and Jirou will play some of her music for you as you'll spend the rest of your time surrounded by your classmates once again, your teachers pleased with the turn of events of the extreme lengths your classmates are willing to take to protect you. What sort of heroes would they be if they can't ensure their loved one's safety after all?
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
We really should talk about how twice now Aizawa's only warning that everything was about to go to shit was that Mic was in immediate danger
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animeniac-writings · 2 years
Child's Favorite Hero - BNHA Boys Preference
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Gender Neutral! Can be biological or adopted child, it matters not! no names or gender for the child either.
Ask for anyone else, boys or girls if you'd like! I just thought of this at like 3am and went with it.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero:,, he is so preening. Of course he's their favorite, he's the best of the best. His kid of all would know that too.
If your child says some other extra hero is their favorite: ?? Bakugo is furious. Ready to throw hands. 100% has gone toe to toe with some of his old classmates friends for being their favorite. You try reminding him they change their mind every week but he's already challenging Tokoyami to a death match.
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Midoriya Izuku:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will cry. Even if they've been saying it for years, every time they tell him he's their favorite hero he WILL burst into tears. Over time it will be watery eyes instead of break-the-concrete-waterworks, but he will always be emotional and so happy they he can make them proud.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Absolutely agrees with them! He's supportive of all hero and his friends and has appreciated every kind of hero! He's not jealous at all and loves helping them collect merch and ask for autographs for their 'best little fan' (alongside one for him too) and they bond over it.
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Shouto Todoroki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will be very surprised, though he's a strong and popular hero, he never really thought of what his child might think of him. He loved All Might at their age and never put too much thought into who they might admire, but when he finds out it's him, that he makes them happy, he becomes so very soft and hugs them. Shows up every time they ask after bragging that Pro Hero Shouto (The Best Hero!) is their dad.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Diligently listens to all their rants about their favorite hero! He's happy to encourage their love of heroes like he was never allowed, and will ask Midoriya for recommendations on merch his child might like. Bluntly asks the hero (even if their favorite frequently changes) for an autograph and tells them their his child's favorite hero, becomes very worried that he just made this up and coming sidekick hero turn to a literal puddle of tears.
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Kirishima Eijirou:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Manly tears, Deku challenging tears, he is so emotional. Kirishima always worried that he wouldn't measure up to other heroes, he's not the flashiest, not the strongest on the field, he's happy and comfortable with what he's achieved! But to hear he's their favorite? He loves your kid with all his heart already but now he's about to burst. You find him on his knees crying while they pat his back. Proudly brags he's their favorite.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He takes them to meet their hero! Eiji loves listening to them go on about why they like them and tells them how manly their hero is from experience. Will definitely get them merch like posters and hoodies, especially if they're not as popular a hero! He worked so hard for his Crimson Riot merch.
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Kaminari Denki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Oh man he is so stoked, listen he is a popular hero, fun and flashy, a Present Mic protege, but the fact this HIS KID thinks he's the greatest? Now that's something to be proud of. He brags about it in groupchat immediately. Hugs them as soon as they say it. If he didn't have such a good handle on his quirk, he would have fried himself from happiness.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He doesn't really notice how that mean's He's Not the best to them, Kami joins in on their praising of them! He is all for lifting up his fellow heroes and will tell them his greatest stories involving them, even if they're not close or really the nicest hero, he wont dampen your kid's view of them. Definitely takes them along to a function they'll be at without telling his kid.
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Tokoyami Fumikage:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He is very flattered at the praise of his young one, even for his little ray of light in the darkness of his world he did not expect to be seen in such a way. He tells them stories of his heroics (greatly embellished by Dark Shadow) and is very happy each time he hears your child say something about it.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: His child, biological or not, who follows him like another little shadow, standing beside him with a schooled expression and invites Dark Shadow to all their tea parties, speaks in the same dramatic dark prose as their father, favors the retired washing machine. Tokoyami isn't really sure what to make of that. He's not really a jealous guy but that stung a little. You remind him that they're only three. But they keep talking about how 'cool 'dark and mysterious' the appliance is.
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Shinsou has never been open or good with his own emotions, but he needs to go take a moment to himself after he hears this. After so much of his life being told he'd be a villain, working so hard to become a hero, Shinsou never thought he'd be someone's favorite hero. Even to his own child. They're often around flashier popular heroes, friends and old classmates he will never shake, with a collection of action figures and hero toys, but somehow HE'S the best in their eyes. Tells Aizawa about it immediately even though he really isn't saying much in shock.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's very interested in who their favorite is and in their reasoning, part of his reason for adoring Eraserhead was what they had in common, curious if your child is the same in choosing. Not as outgoing with Hero Connections as some of the others but Midoriya will not let him down when he asks for your kid to get to meet them, even if Shinsou himself is very stressed about the meeting.
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Mirio Togata:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Proud Dad Moment. You and your kid(s) are always his top priority and he wants to make you both proud, as person and as a hero. But to be told he's their FAVORITE? Wraps them in a big hug and says they're his favorite too. You bring it up later to tease him about their gushing about "The best hero Lemillion" and he gets so flustered.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Loves asking why that's their favorite and encourages them to talk about it! If he's met or worked with the hero he tells them all about it! Buys them a nice merch hoodie of theirs right after, he's so proud if it's one of his friends too (if it's Tamaki he will never hear the end of it). He likes telling them about his favorites too (but has them pinky promise not to tell.)
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Tamaki Amajiki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Please give him a minute, he is babie. Even after he's gained a lot of confidence overtime he still gets overwhelmed and never stops being shocked at his own popularity. But when his child? his greatest joy? says he's "The coolest and bestes hero there is!"?? He can't take it and wants to hide in your arms like old times. Mirio got the whole thing on video and he listens to it again at times.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He may be surprised by their choice but definitely listens! There's so many neat and strong heroes and wondered who they might like. If they ask him to let them meet their hero,, he asks Mirio to do it. Unless it's one of the handful of heroes that show up at his house already (Fatgum, Kirishima, Mirio, Midoriya), that's just. A lot.
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Toshinori Yagi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He may be one of the most loved and popular heroes in the world but he is so surprised and happy hearing them say he's their favorite! You're a little confused he's so affected but Toshinori is a soft man who loves your child and hearing he makes them proud has made him so happy. "I AM HERE!" (said in All Might form, with many tears, before coughing blood.) Also breaks down when they still say he's the best hero even though he can no longer be All Might.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: A little sad but not butthurt. You will find him moping around the corner after hearing them. He loves his fellow heroes and supports their decision and takes them to meet them! But also tries to "subtly" buy them extra All Might merch too... It's okay Toshinori. Midoriya still loves you.
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Aizawa Shouta:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Somehow this man who has never cared about popularity, is a pretty unknown underground hero with a 'dull' quirk, eyebags for days, and doesn't even like children (lies), has become the favorite hero of his own three kids. He understood Shinsou's admiration from similarities, and Eri has other heroes she loves, but your kid thinks he's the best too? Honestly he's very shocked but adorably flattered by it. Let's Mic talk him into one (1) small merch deal because they wanted something of their #1 Dad and #1 Hero.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's not surprised but will 100% critique their favorites and possibly chastise why, he will give them his personal accounts of the hero and grumble his own opinions while they gush over their favorite, but wont discourage them. Is frankly concerned if it's Dynamight though.
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Yamada Hizashi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Pray that Shouta is around when they tell him this or you'll all have hearing loss. He is happy, he is SO happy that his favorite little listener thinks he's the greatest hero!! There's an extra skip in his step for days, tells his radio listeners he found his true #1 Fan and is extra flashy in some safely televised battles and asks if they saw.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He droops, pouts, whines to you, Shouta, the entire teacher staff. He's not mad but definitely tries to suggest mention that he's a pretty cool hero too... He is wounded for life and needs kisses. Your child even slightly mentions that he's 'kinda cool too' and he takes that as a WIN, he is kinda cool. The coolest.
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I come to you today with this au from last year that I never posted, where Aizawa is a sad retired hero after the war and knits sweaters for his husband and children.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Present mic x reader - happy surprises
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Heyy, a cool idea would be Present Mic x reader where he’s on the radio taking calls and fan reader gets to call him. Add whatever you like of course just an idea lol, I’d love to see what else you come up with - Anon💜
Sitting on the stool, you were reading through the list of ingredients in front of you, listening to the soothing voice of your favourite radio talk show host.
You weren’t paying all too much attention to him, you were focused on getting everything ready for opening the bakery the next day, so when your phone began to ring you didn’t think twice about it.
Picking it up you stuck it on speaker, setting it back down on the counter.
“Hello, Blueberry Bakery, (Y/N) speaking, are you placing an order or picking up one?” You asked.
“Well what a formal greeting!”
“Mr Present Mic?!”
There was a loud laughter on the other end, you had to get up and mute your radio so you were able to hear him better.
“That’s right! You’re our lucky caller! So why don’t you tell us about yourself yo!”
You laughed a little awkwardly.
“Well, I uh, I work nights, I’m actually at work right now.”
“You mentioned a bakery, you got any recommendations!?”
You hummed a little, resting your chin on your hand as you looked at your phone.
“Depends on what you like, my specialty is cakes. I make them for all sorts of occasions, birthdays, weddings, that sort of stuff.”
“Amazing! Tell me more!”
You grinned even more as you excitedly began to tell him about some of the cakes you had managed to bake before.
After five minutes he announced it was time for the next caller after a few songs and you ended the call, gushing about how you were just on the phone with your all time favourite hero.
You grabbed your phone to excitedly text your friend when you noticed that the number in your recent call logs wasn’t blocked, it was an actual mobile number.
You decided to message the number, worrying it wasn’t safe for him to give out his number to random people like this.
You: hi, I was just on your radio show, I just wanted to let you know you haven’t restricted you phone number so anybody you call can see it and save it. Just in case you didn’t know how here’s how you find it!
With that, you sent the message with a photo on which part of his phones settings he needed to be on.
Setting your phone back down, you went back to your work, sleeves rolled up as you carried on with the various projects you were working on.
You worked through until early morning when you let the day shift in, and you grabbed your things, giving them all a wave as you went home to sleep.
Again, you were back the next night doing the same thing, looking through the orders that a few people were collecting after hours.
Setting them aside in time order, you put your apron on and got to work on the final touches for them, and one by one people came to collect them.
You usually had the same routine, so even after a few weeks you were doing the same thing, listening to the radio while working, though it wasn’t Present Mic on, since his show didn’t run every night of the week, it was still nice.
Hearing the buzzer go, you walked over and pressed it, letting the person in.
“On moment!” You called.
Setting the cake back into the chiller, you brushed your hands on your apron as you looked down at your list.
“Do you have the receipt you were given for your order?”
“Oh yeah! Here!”
Your head shot up at the voice, and you grinned from ear to ear.
“Mr Present Mic!”
He laughed loudly, slamming his receipt down in the counter.
“Yo! The caller from the other week!” He beamed.
You grinned sheepishly, running a hand up and down your arm as you took his receipt.
“It’s a real honour to meet you, you’re my favourite hero!”
“What?! No way?! Me?!”
You laughed, nodding your head as you lifted up the counter, letting him come through and you handed him an apron.
“I actually had a message saying they needed to confirm some final details when you arrived.”
Setting his receipt down you looked for the matching one and looked over it, grabbing the cake he had ordered and brought it out.
“They wanted you to pick some final colours and such, so if you let me know I can get it done right away.”
“Oh so many to choose from! Can I decorate it?!” He gushed.
You laughed a little, nodding as you took the cake to the work station.
“Go right ahead, we do need to remind you that if you decorate it yourself you can’t ask for a refund.”
“Not to worry!”
He happily began to work while you set a cake down next to him, getting to work on this one as well.
You looked at present mac as he decorated his own cake with a bright grin on his face, then went back to your work.
You finished the first part and left it there as you walked to the front, cleaning out the cases.
“Yo! This is so good! It didn’t even take you that long!” He gushed.
You laughed a little nervously.
“Thanks, I’ve been working here for years, my parents were bakers as well.”
“Amazing! Can you help me!?”
“Of course!”
Walking over, you washed your hands and stood next to him, listening to him as he excitedly explained what he wanted done with his cake.
You happily showed him what to do, and the whole time you were fully aware of his focused on his gaze on you.
Once you were done, you went back to your own work, and he watched your carefully, and you took the cake back, doing a quick tidy up which he helped with.
When you were done, you turned around to look at him, giving him a smile and he grinned brightly.
“Oh! I didn’t know if you got my message about thanking you!”
You furrowed your brows a little, pulling out your phone, and you looked through your messages, shaking your head.
“No, hold on let me check something.”
Present mic stood over your shoulder while you went through your phone.
“Oh yeah, never mind you went through to my unknown messages.” You laughed.
“Ouch! Didn’t even save my number!” He pouted.
He placed a hand over his heart pretending to be hurt about it and you laughed a little bit.
“It wasn’t my place to save, I just wanted to make sure you knew you were giving it out.”
“Much appreciated yo!”
He stuffed his hands into his pocket, leaning down a little with a grin on his face.
“Can I decorate another cake?!”
“Yeah, I was actually making one for myself for my birthday, go right ahead!”
You grabbed another cake and handed it over for him so he could decorate.
You were still in slight shock of him in your work, and as the night drew on to an end, he got ready to leave with his cake.
“Oh! Can I see ya phone?”
You nodded your head, handing it over to him, and he took it for a few seconds before handing it back to you, picking up his cake.
You walked him out, and he looked at you, giving you a grin.
“Let’s do this again sometimes (Y/N)!”
With that he walked away.
You locked up again.
When you got home you decided to see what he had done, and you noticed a new contact in your messages along with a missed message from it.
Hizashi: thanks for the cake!
He’d sent you a photo of him grinning with the grin with the cake in the background and you laughed loudly at how goofy he looked
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insomniaccat0107 · 3 months
thinking about aizawa who came up with his homeless man look purely for job reasons. i mean it's more likely for people at the middle of the night to not notice some hobo then the whole ass hero so aizawa usually has an advantage in a fight or info gathering.
and because UA teachers wear their hero costumes for classes aizawa looks how he looks.
and he and yamada find it hilarious when their students don't recognize them in public when they wearing their civilian clothes.
basically aizawa and yamada are in the different sides of spectrum called 'my students do not recognize me in public because of my hero persona'
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presentmicrophone · 2 years
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What if... pink Mic’s sound waves were heart-shaped?
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simply-trash5 · 5 months
BNHA Boys and Pro Heros as Types of Light Pt. 2
A lot of people seemed to enjoy the first round of this series that I did so I have decided to do another one! This second round was inspired by an anon who specifically asked for Iida...but I also included a few pro heros to round it out.
As always my inbox and ask box are open for requests of any type really--if you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to hit me up!
We will start under the cut with Iida <3
So when I think of Iida I think of Lamp light:
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Iida is like late night reading in the comfort of a large, worn, leather chair. He makes you feel warm to your toes when you're in his presence as if you could fall asleep, but knowing he is near you makes you want to be motivated to do better; to be better for him. He feels expensive and classy, but he feels timeless. To quote Taylor Swift, Iida truly never goes out of style--.
Now Present Mic is Neon Lights:
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He is loud and in your face. He is charged and full of energy at all times that sends a zing down your spine. I know this man smells like citrus and mint--am I projecting? Probably. Anyway, he is excitement. He is what it feels like to stay up past your bedtime; he is the head rush you never want to end.
Fatgum is Carnival Lights:
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Fatgum feels like having cotton candy. He is sweet to the senses--all of them. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the round rosy cheeks...He brings a smile to your face that cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try. He brings a sense of nostalgia to your soul when you're near him that feels like you're at a festival in your hometown and he has just won you a teddy bear...your heart might just explode.
Shouta Aizawa is the glow of a television:
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Late at night, long after the movie is forgotten but the tv glows...that is what shouta feels like. It's quiet, it fills the room just enough to show the shadows of your lover's face to see the planes of his peaceful face as you hold him. It shows the way he runs his fingers along your arm slowly...the glow of that tv has seen so many secrets; much like Shouta. He is trustworthy, steady, quiet.
Hawks is the faraway lights of the city:
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Hawks feels like when you drive just far enough out of the city to get away, but not far enough to know its not there. He feels like he isn't fully yours, but you will enjoy him while you have him. You will lean into him and kiss him while the blurred lights of the city shines behind you before he flies off to the other people you share him with. You'll remember what these lights look like forever and always hope that they will just be beautiful one day and not remind you that you share your hero with the world.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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It's been over a month since Hizashi and Shouta kidnapped you and you were going crazy out of boredom and with nothing to do. They assured you that living with them wouldn't be THAT bad since they could take care of your every need and you would never have to work again. 
To top it all, you were also quirkless but having a smart brain didn't exactly help either since hizashi and Shouta made sure to destroy all possible means of escape for you. They rarely ever punished you and most of the times, punishments included leaving you isolated for a few days and having your favorite things take away from you (YES, even the CAT!) but to be honest, life with them wasn't ALL bad... they were nice and caring towards you, in a sickly manner of course that sometimes made you want to barf
You were sitting on the bed that you shared with your captors and you were watching a movie on Netflix on your laptop. You were bored out of your skull and weren't focused on the movie. You missed your old life dearly and you've always wanted to be an author and get your work published. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you immediately started typing away on your laptop
After a few days, you finally decided to post your work online on Wattpad since you had a Wattpad account and you were an author there (Lol, I feel like I'm breaking the 4th wall). It had asked you to log in but failed even after you entered your password repeatedly. You decided to check your email to see if there was something wrong and when you entered your email id, you couldn't log into THAT too
''Hizashi, why am I not able to access my email?'' you screeched from the couch that you were sitting on while Aizawa and Mic were making breakfast for you. They came out of the kitchen sat next to you, cuddled you and Aizawa said, ''Now now kitty cat, don't tell me you don't know WHY we disabled your email now do you?'' 
''You. did. what?!'' you asked in a steely calm manner since you knew it would be pointless to waste your voice against them. ''Aww.. come on little songbird, don't be like that. We did it for a very good reason and it's for your safety. Who knows WHAT sort of emails you'll be getting from WHAT sort of people. They could try stealing you away and you would be in GRAVE danger without us and that's why you need ONLY us'' Hizashi chirped like he was explaining why he couldn't play with you 
''But.... I just need it for something. I swear I won't try contacting anyone! You guys can even be next to me if you want'' you pleaded with them as they traded curious and worried looks. ''Kitten, do you have a fever?'' Aizawa asked placing his hand on top of your forehead. ''Leave me alone, I'm fine'' you said grumpily
''What do you even need an email for anyway?'' asked Hizashi all curious like. ''Well, I've written a story and I want to publish it online so people can read it'' you said. Silence. That was NOT a good sign
After a few seconds, you heard Hizashi laugh and say, ''Oh you mean that action story which you wrote? It was quite good and amazing. Shouta and me liked it but tone down the violence all right baby? We don't want our precious little darling getting all violent thoughts now do we'' and started cooing
''Wait.... how did you guys even read it?'' you asked them confused as Aizawa said, ''From your laptop of course. You can't hide anything from us you know kitty cat'' and pet your head 
''So.... is it a yes?'' you asked them slowly. ''NO'' they both said in unison as you looked at them with sadness in your eyes and asked ''WHY NOT!?'' They hated seeing you sad. It broke and shattered their hearts into a million pieces, but they had to be firm with you
''We won't stop you from writing your stories and books. In fact, we'll encourage it but why do you want to share with the other underserving SCUMBAGS and filth who don't deserve to read your beautiful work?'' asked Aizawa. ''That's true and besides the internet is getting to be dangerous place nowadays so I think we'll have to limit your time of use on your laptop. We don't want to affect your health and it's all for your safety of course'' chirped Yamada enthusiastically as you leaned back in Aizawa's touch, silently crying as Hizashi wiped your tears away 
You were 100 percent sure that now they would CERTAINLY change the laptop password or make you use the laptop under their supervision for a limited time or not even LET you use it... but what could you do? You were helpless and powerless against these so-called pro heroes who wanted to save you from all the ''dangers'' in the society and you couldn't do anything but follow their rules and abide their conditions 
''Now come on and have some breakfast'' chirped Yamada and dragged you towards the kitchen as you saw Aizawa eyeing the laptop suspiciously. You knew you weren't going to use it any time soon, that was for SURE......
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
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Okay, but Mic bugging Aizawa through the narration is so cute
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actuallysaiyan · 1 month
I have a fic planned and it involves both Shōta and Hizashi and the song that plays in my head when I think of writing it is After Midnight by Chappell Roan
Soooo I'll just leave you with this
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black-and-yellow · 5 months
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something to think about
read more for avatar and world list:
Avatars worn:
Midnight by TalkativeDrew Shouta Aizawa! by TalkativeDrew Present Mic by SuccMyPiano Presentation Microphone by Yoyoco
Worlds (in order):
Three Lions Pub by Tony_Lewis Mirrim by IgbarVonSquid Happy Hill Dog Park by Dr.Kim Concrete Jungle Bar and Grill by RadishFriend (that one was a bit strange) The Greatest World Ever Made by IgbarVonSquid Wonka Experience VR by Starport55
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