xmaliwrites · 3 years
22:50 PM   —  [hizzie] hope confessing her feelings to marcel and rebekah
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The balmy sun was warming Hope’s skin. She was seated next to Marcel, silently enjoying the breath-taking New York’s sunset, both holding different milkshakes.
“You look happy, kid.” Marcel smiled as his ears captured a low laugh coming from Hope, whose eyes were now locked at her phone.
“Look what Lizzie sent me.” Hope turned her screen at Marcel, showing a picture of Lizzie holding an ice cream cone close to the camera, pretending that Pisa Tower was her ice cream.
“So, who is she?” Marcel finally asked, returning his attention to the view from the top of the roof.
“She is my friend. The Star Wars girl.”
“Oh, I remember.” Marcel hummed with a playful smile growing on his lips. “She is pretty.”
“Yea, she is.” A wide smile took over her mouth while her fingers were busy answering her, still laughing lowly about the photo.
“And you like her.”
“Yes I-“ Hope eyes widened, stopping her from saying the next words. “Hey, don’t do that!” She punched Marcel’s arm who kept laughing amused with the red roses flourishing on her cheeks.
“Don’t do what?”
 Rebekah’s joined them, after taking care of some bureaucracy issues related to her company. Swiftly, the girl seated on Marcel’s lap, wrapping her fingers around his neck.
 “Your nephew h-“
“Marcel, I will kill you if you try to say another word.” Hope whispered between her teeth, making Rebekah more curious.
“I feel offended. You trust more Marcel than in me?” Rebekah opened her mouth, pretending to be shocked.
“Fine, whatever.” Hope rolled her eyes, trying not to smile. “I was just showing him a picture of Lizzie.”
“Oh, the blonde Saltzman?” Rebekah smirked and looked at Marcel, exchanging playful gazes between them before grabbing her nephew’s phone. Rebekah analyzed the female centered on the phone, zooming in to see her outfit. Her fashion sense was amazing. “She is pretty. Why were you so shy about sharing the photo?” Rebekah handed back Hope’s cell.
 Hope pressed her lips tightly before placing the phone on the glass table in front of them. She could feel her cheeks burning with the pression coming from her aunt and Marcel. Was she that obvious?
 “Oh, you like her.” Rebekah stated, looking delighted at her niece whose eyes finally met her.
 Rebekah wasn’t blind. It’s been a while since she started to notice how Hope couldn’t stop babbling about Lizzie Saltzman. It started with silly things such as ‘Lizzie and I are going to this nice art exhibition next week’ or ‘I can’t call you tomorrow, I’m going out with Lizzie’. After months, Hope started mentioning her name almost every day: she was always talking about minimal details about the Saltzman sister, about her weird obsession for shoes, her talent to style her own hair, how the matcha latte made by her was really good and so on.
 “N-no I don’t.” Hope rolled her eyes, coughing uncomfortable.
“There is nothing wrong about liking a girl, especially Lizzie. She seems to be a lovely girl.” Marcel nodded, agreeing with her.
“Yes, she is. She is really special actually. I am just afraid of screwing everything up.”
“You? Hope, you are amazing.” Rebekah leaned at Hope’s direction, caressing her hand. “Hope, you of all people, deserve to be happy.”
 Hope raised her chin, looking at Marcel and Rebekah whose eyes were focused on her.
 “Do I?”
“Of course you do.” Rebekah laughed. “Besides, I would love to meet her. Her fashion sense it’s amazing.”
“I know!” Her face brightened up. “You should see her plaid jeans collection.”
  Marcel kept quiet, enchanted by those women in front of him whose mouths were talking about things that he couldn’t understand. The sparkle on Hope’s eyes made his heart flutter: he couldn’t tell the last time he saw her this happy. The reassurance of knowing that Hope had someone next to her that was able to make her eyes shine again, made Marcil grin at her.
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a/n: yes i pretended that rebekah doesn’t have a part of hollow inside her, let me dream >:(
wc: 662
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