#hkm bracket quarter finals
k3fanblog · 10 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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Link to the full bracket
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k3fanblog · 10 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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Link to the full bracket
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k3fanblog · 10 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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Link to the full bracket
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k3fanblog · 10 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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Link to the full bracket
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k3fanblog · 10 months
HKM bracket quarter finals overview
All polls in this stage will last a week. All 4 polls will go up at the same time. This post will be updated with links to the polls when they go live and results when they finish.
10.000 luchtballonnen vs. Altijd blijven dromen -> 10.000 luchtballonnen (82.4%)
Pina Colada vs. Dieper dan de zee -> Pina Colada (81.8%)
Love boat baby vs. Jij bent de bom! -> Jij bent de bom! (66.7%)
Als het binnenregent vs. Roller Disco -> Als het binnenregent (63.6%)
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Best K3 song bracket: HKM edition!
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Group stage overview
Round 1 overview
Round 2 overview
Round 3 overview
Quarter finals overview
Semi finals overview
Finals overview
We all had fun in the full K3 song bracket, but because the og songs were dominating I suggested to hold separate polls for the other 3 generations and over 20 people thought that was a fun idea. The first of those 3 competitions, the KKJ bracket, has been finished now so it is time to move on the the third generation: the HKM bracket!
HKM have 73 songs (unless I missed something) and a poll has shown a preference for a 64 song bracket. We hence need to lose 9 songs, which we'll do by dividing the non-singles over 9 polls of 5/6 songs. Only the song with the least amount of votes will not move on to the bracket, all other songs will get a chance!
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(The colours indicate the different albums, as I wanted to divide them more or less evenly over the groups.)
The songs from the group stage will then be placed in the bracket corresponding to their placing in the groups*
What will you tag the polls?
All polls will be tagged #Best HKM song bracket
When does the tournament start?
I'm planning to start on October 13th
How many polls will you post per day?
I have found that about 4 polls a day is nice for me in both a preparing way and being able to listen to the songs before voting way, so I’ll do that. The group stage will be posted over 2 days with 5 polls on one of the days though.
How did you seed the bracket/make the groups?
I seeded the bracket based on the songs' performance in the big bracket. (See this post for a full ranking of all 128 songs.) I did a similar thing for the group stage, but that was more coarse, as many songs only got 1 vote in the original group stage, so I got to also shuffle them around a bit to get a proper division of the different albums.
How did you determine what songs are singles?
A combination of the Discografie van K3 Wikipedia page and looking at what songs have video clips. With clips from specials it was a bit confusing, because not all felt like they should be counted as singles? However the group stage should make sure all actual popular songs get through to the main bracket.
Why is this in English?
Because I want to leave the option open for non-Dutch speaking people to be(come) K3 fans.
What happens if a poll ends in a tie?
I will let them face off in a 1-day poll, if that doesn’t give a winner, both will continue.
What happens if multiple songs in the group stage get zero votes?
In this case I will let them face off in a 1-day poll to determine a loser.
*OP reserves the right to switch the order of the group-stage songs in the final bracket based on results in the groups/earlier rankings (Because Winner Group 9 has a better rank than Winner Group 1 right now (because of reasons), while maybe Winner Group 1 proves to be much more popular. Though this was probably a bigger problem in the original bracket, where Winner Poule 20 was up against Tele-Romeo, the later number 2, and Winner Poule 1 was up against Bubbel which ended in 75th place.)
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Okay, while we’re waiting for the results of the quarter finals of the kkj bracket I have been thinking about the coming hkm bracket and the best way to do it, basically I have 2 options:
A 32 songs bracket, hkm have 73 songs of which 27 singles so placing the singles directly again doesn’t feel fair to the other songs so I would have a group stage of all songs to determine the 32 that will compete in the bracket. The kkj bracket is also 32 songs
A 64 songs bracket, this means only 9 songs will have to be eliminated, I would do this by placing all singles directly and putting the rest of the songs in 9 groups of which only the worst song doesn’t place
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