acoustics2017spring · 8 years
Voice from top of the slide sounds like voice right next to the listener at the bottom
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 7 years
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Coloring Book + Reader’s wishlist deck of cards
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acoustics2017spring · 7 years
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There has been a gas shutdown in the apartment complex I live in (since November!). Just recently ConEd finally restored the service. However, they did it by literally drilling a hole through every single floor and installing piping throughout the building.
The pipe is evidently not soundproof, and no sealant seems to be in place. As a result, I can clearly hear my neighbor’s playing Iggy Azalea’s Bounce out loud...
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 7 years
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the analytical sphere - examples above showing basketball statistics (left to right: league stats/team stats/player stats)
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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Objects: chopsticks;
Actions: picking up other various objects
Goals: document trails of chopsticks’ movement from picking motion
Using thumb, index and middle finger in pinching motion on “chopsticks”, which in turn to pick up various objects. The markers strapped on the chopsticks will then leave their trails on a piece of paper.
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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1. Underlay aftermath (for all drawings)
2. Picking up tape (only vertically)
3. Picking up tape (”scooping” allowed)
4. Tearing off tape
5. Picking up rectangular chipboard
6. Picking up tape (with brush on one chopstick)
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acoustics2017spring · 8 years
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Rotunda in Mr. Morgan Library
a. A bit noisier and more echoes compared to the study room (to left of plan) and the library (to right of plan) b. Bronze doors, variegated marble columns, mosaic panels, stucco ceiling/reliefs on the apse; c. Rectangular portion in plan: 20′ by 27′
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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1. Movement-Holes/Roommate’s Hair-Circles
2. Sorting elements by type (wall/door/flooring/furniture)
3. Presentation vs. Work Process
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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adr2-taeyoung-sp17 · 8 years
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