speckledsolanaceae · 9 months
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Chapter 53/53: Who We Are
Yuta has lived through a war. He can survive sleeping under the wings of a thief each night. All’s fair in love and larceny.
Explicit | 272k | Thieves and Fantasy | Slow Burn | Original Universe
Art by Hlio (Instagram). See the graphic's full art and more below.
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I truly cannot adequately express how unhinged both of these pieces made me. Hlio blew my mind, and commissioning him was a wonderful experience. If I so much as glance at these something inside me starts shaking.
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justfeelll · 1 year
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ippokampos · 1 year
_ _
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koinwnikaaanasfalhs · 8 months
ta vradia mou ginan prwina
kai oi meres mou pernane dixws hlio
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glikozi · 2 months
me katafilise o hlios kai ebgala fakides <3
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queersrus · 1 year
My current preferred name feels too feminine at this point, and I’m looking for a masculine/Gender neutral name that sounds masculine.
I really love books, Greek mythology, and Wicca. I want something common, but also spelled differently, and would sound perfect with a last name that starts with C. It really matters to me that it has a sort of charm to it!
Thank you so much!!
oh boy do LOVE this one <333
hermies/hermees, hekate/heckate/hekaitay, hekata/hecata, hero, heres, heras, heracles/haraclies/herecles, hyra, hiera, hadies/haides/haidies, haeds, hadis, hedes, haphestis, hlios, healeos/healios, helias, heleios, hectar, hectir, hectr
apollos, apollon, apolloux/apolleaux, apollus, apolleo, apello, apillo, apolle, apolli, arees, athene/athien/atheen/athean, athen(s), atheno, athemis, artem, artemo, artemi/artemie/artemy, artemis/arttemis, artemice, aremis, atleas, atlass/attlas/atllas/ahtlas/atlahs, atalas, aros, adanis, adenis, adones, addonis/adonnis/adoniis/adoniss, adonas, alixandr, ailexander, alexandar, aleixander, alexxander/allexander/alexannder, akhiles/achilies/achilees/achillees/achiles, ackilles/ackillies/ackilees/ackillees, aijax/ajacks/ayjax/ayejax, arion, aticus/ahticus
epollo, eres/eries/erees, ephrodite, eras, erros/eross, edonis, elexander, erion, ecko/eccho/echoe/eckoe
dyanysus/dianysus, dionnysus/deonysus, dionysis/dionisis, dmeter/demetr/demiter/demetter/demmeter
poisedon, posydon/posaidon, posieden/poseiden, poisadon, poseidonn, posedone, poseidn, pahn/pann, paige/payge
kronus/kronis, kaster/kastor/kastar/kastr/kastir
chronus/chronis, cronnus, caster/castar/castr/castir
yros, ydonis, yrion
iros, itlas, idonis, ilexander, irion
orionn, odessius/odesseus
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imaquotee · 2 years
Δε φαίνεται το χάος στο κεφάλι μου,
αλλά μπορείς μ' αυτό να ανακατεύεσαι.
Συναισθηματικά κεν@ ,
αλλά τα μάτια σου μου λένε όλα όσα σκέφτεσαι.
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endorphinized · 1 year
xrwmata anoiksh volta ston hlio sthn thalassa parea me enan skilo
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anwfelh-elpida · 1 year
Δεν εννοώ το μπλουζάκι 💜🖤
Ναι ρε εγω το καταλαβα σ αυτην πες το @hlios-skuthrwpos
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speckledsolanaceae · 1 year
5 23 24 for the both of them!
On it =] Under the cut!
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Wuld: Oh, god, anything. He might not be immediate unless he's desperate, given his restrictions, but he is persistent. But especially "anything" given he has almost no moral qualms. He was never taught that there is injustice in cruelty. He's been taught the opposite, if anything. If he has identified that he wants something, he will find a way to get to it. He'll choose the least messy path if he has options, because he has a very functional sense of self preservation, but if we get down to it? Anything.
Loezia: Nothing. At least, he'll convince himself he's doing nothing. Both Loezia and Wuld share a deep fundamental wanting, and both of them have some pretty dysfunctional ways of comprehending that wanting. They also both don't believe they deserve anything. It just looks very, very different on them. Wuld doesn't know what it means to own something, but he wants to. Loezia, on the other hand, knows what it feels like to have, but he exists in a sense of self that believes he should have died with everyone else when he was nineteen. Therefore, it is not his place to want, to have, or to gain.
Unfortunately for him, he does want, and it's too powerful for him to ignore—to the point that we get that manic mode at the start of Wist that I mentioned, where he's uncharacteristically reckless with his body, his feelings, his responsibilities, etc.
But he really doesn't think he should be doing any of this, so he tries to resist getting what he craves. His success is limited.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Wuld: Processing-wise, it's gotta be love. The most recent chapter tackles this in his conversation with Keptae (spoilers? for anyone who hasn't read it yet). He compares a human's inability to fly—and therefore the inability to know what they're missing—to his inability to experience love. He thought about Loezia when it came to being given a chance, but Loezia did not cross his mind when the conversation turned to love.
He's so far attempted to grapple with the concept of Loezia caring, and he hasn't been super successful. He has to redefine so much of the reality he's built in order to comprehend it, and it's not easy.
Express . . . Joy. Nothing to smile about in his life. Memes aside, though, he's experienced joy or happiness through Loezia, before he stopped using his source on him, and was befuddled by it. I think he felt joy as a child—at the very least before the age of four—but there hasn't been much room for it since then. He hasn't felt it and wouldn't know how to express it if he were to feel it, and I think it'd make him feel unhinged to experience either level.
Loezia: I think for both, it's grief. Yes, he's existed in a state of grief for fifteen years. No, he still doesn't know how to handle it, and he almost certainly doesn't know how to express it. No one prepared him for the loss he experienced, and how to deal with it if a loss of that scale were to occur. For every other emotion, he had a very strong and supportive upbringing.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Wuld: The biggest autonomous decision of his life was to kill the wife. It's hard to determine what other life-changing decisions he's made, except to include Loezia on his journey. If he hadn't killed the wife, he'd be haunted. It would consume him—the knowledge that she's out there. If he hadn't included Loezia on his journey . . . I don't know if he'd reach his goals before he died. He still hasn't yet, but his odds of finding out the truth are a lot higher with help than they are alone.
I think the decision to include Loezia is what has made his life different. Otherwise it would have been more of the same. For Wuld, Wist is the start of him finally being able to grab that knife, so to speak, and change his own life—like when he killed the wife. He hasn't had another moment of such liberating autonomy since.
Loezia: It's hard to say, with him, because all of the choices that he made are, well, very much the choices he would have made no matter what. I think there are some big turning points in his life that could have gone differently, though, if he'd conducted himself differently.
I think he could have decided to resist being sent back to Isdril, which means he never would have learned to see Avia as people. It's not likely, anyway, unless something else were to happen.
I think he could have decided to stay in Isdril with Taeyin. He would have been miserable. Though there's a possibility that someone could have dragged him out of it. As Taeyin conveyed, it's not like he didn't have options.
I think he could have given the pin back before they'd reached Geran. In which case he'd be shattered again, albeit differently, and suffering from loss once more (depending on when he gives it back, I suppose, and if he gave it back too late, Wuld might not have let him go anyway).
But for both of them, Wist is when their lives start to change, because the events that shaped them from the start were completely out of their control. They're stuck and static as they are, and Wuld is clawing his way toward understanding and self-determination, and Loezia is . . . almost cornering himself into breathing new life into his own lungs. This is, almost, the alternative life path, because otherwise they'd just continue as they are, more or less on a journey towards death.
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faseis-selhnhs · 2 years
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Το σ' αγαπω μου έγινε σκόνη, να σκεπάζει για πάντα τις δύο θέσεις μας.
Και εμείς κατεβήκαμε σε μια σταση μετά μα κανείς δεν έκατσε εκεί ξανά.
Γιατί το σ' αγαπω μου ήταν μόνο για σενα
Για το κορίτσι που βρέθηκε σε έναν άσχημο κόσμο.
Για το κορίτσι που βρέθηκε μόνο με τις σκέψεις του.
Για την πιο όμορφη ψυχή, σ' αγαπώ.
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hlios-skuthrwpos · 2 years
συναισθηματικά κενή, αλλά τα μάτια σου μού λένε όλα όσα σκέφτεσαι
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me8usmenhh · 2 years
Mono sthn Ellada 8a doume na exei hlio kai na xionizei
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444names · 2 years
greek names BUT excluding "a"
Beksicou Berometris Binos Bitzioros Boclis Bonstyllos Boropou Boulis Boulos Bouniol Boutinos Bridovos Cheorpulou Chiopou Chlos Chlou Chopolos Chrides Chriloubou Chrinos Chriorgios Chriorin Chrogrios Chrone Chronos Chropos Chropoulos Chroulou Chrys Clexopos Colidimo Colis Conidis Conos Copoullis Cosillos Cotis Coulos Coulosios Covidokos Cynis Cyonis Dekis Dekonikidis Delis Dembe Dembrini Demeris Demes Demis Demopodos Denis Derikis Desopoulos Dicos Dimis Dimiterip Dimop Dimos Dimoulos Dioulos Diplexopou Disidis Disteg Ditrisos Doros Doulou Dreki Drezoulos Drovozos Drulines Dukis Efkos Efsios Efstros Efthemetris Eiopoukis Ekides Eleodoudes Elevi Eligoskos Elopoulis Eloulos Embis Emeropoudis Emicovou Emonste Ephioulous Ephris Epine Eridis Erios Eudis Euditikis Eudos Euphidis Eusilis Eusos Evenni Evgeni Evros Fides Fikos Filidis Filos Firizinos Fitroulos Flexi Flydistos Flykos Forgos Forios Foris Fotinos Fotone Foulos Foulpoulos Frodorgis Fropou Geler Gelinous Geloulos Genis Geodo Geodos Geonou Georidimou Geortis Gercos Gerilides Gerios Geris Ghios Gides Gidesiotos Gidis Giopou Giorgios Giorios Giostos Giotopoulos Giotos Gioulos Giouloulos Giropoulos Giros Gizou Glexi Glychouyou Goulonis Goulopoulos Greecos Greni Grinos Gusimilis Hlios Honis Honstiri Hophy Houlos Igiotis Ilios Iolios Iopos Iopounis Iotis Ioulou Ippouncedou Ireodou Iropiridos Kessios Kevidis Khilipides Khires Khlos Kleximos Klios Kofikis Kofilis Kokis Kokolyzis Kokos Koliossis Kolipledou Kolis Kolos Konis Koniyminopi Konos Kophenos Kopolis Kopolos Kopou Kopoulos Kopousis Korgeos Kostiros Kotes Kotinos Kotouvelis Kotsilis Kotsonthil Koulopoulos Koulos Koulouropou Koustylis Kouzikos Kouzis Krelos Kridis Krine Krinos Krios Kriotsos Kroghios Krokos Kropos Ktrigos Kyrin Kyristris Kyrouphlos Lines Lioti Lopoulis Meiris Melikou Melis Melos Menis Meris Metopou Metos Michi Michris Micopoulos Micopouris Milis Miopou Mitis Mitopoulos Mitou Mitri Mitrostos Mopos Moukis Moulippe Mytopos Neklis Nelis Niconis Nides Nidis Nikides Nikis Nikistris Nikongos Nikopoudis Nikoris Odorgeos Opoulos Opulos Ordos Orotis Oroulos Otheoris Ouloulos Peldemes Pelinis Pelis Pepetrilis Pephylis Perigos Perini Perisis Perodos Pertros Petopuros Petris Petsonopos Petusitros Petzis Pezides Phidimenis Phigopou Philos Phritsos Pitros Podis Polis Pouletinou Poulis Poulonikos Poulostis Poulou Pouloulos Pousi Pretroulou Pristos Prokonis Pronisted Propoloulos Propoulos Prouros Ptohonysos Purios Regourettes Rikolos Riotis Rodis Rolinos Rorgionidou Rorkos Rouligos Roulos Seirini Seris Shipou Shippou Sides Sidimonis Sikis Silis Sillis Silvos Sinos Siothi Siotinelis Sioulos Skies Skilis Sklew Skopos Skotos Smopoundros Sogoros Solinos Sopou Sopoulos Sopsilidou Sopulos Sorikes Soteftelis Soulos Spelinonis Spilos Spionthis Spios Spiton Spyrines Spyris Stekis Stioulopous Stiridis Stlexopou Stomicovos Stonisos Stophinis Stopolis Stopos Stopou Stopoulos Stotopouros Stoulos Styliou Stylis Sufos Sufoulos Sulois Suris Teris Thedes Themes Thenidis Theodis Theolos Theones Theons Theopoumos Theorgeolos Theotios Therikhos Theris Theronikos Thides Thilvos Thois Thone Thyloullos Toninekis Tonistokos Tophonicos Topoulos Topous Tosis Tovis Trinos Troulos Tselokolis Tsenopos Tsiki Tsileris Tsilis Tsinick Tsinis Tsinthon Tsios Tsome Tsosteveris Tsoulou Tsovi Tsovoulos Tzenidou Tzikis Tzikon Velos Vidis Vophy Vopou Vopoulos Vopous Vrios Vrony Xelinos Xelis Xenetsotes Xeniconstes Xeninis Xenne Xylis Xyllis Xylos Zelis Zemos Zeudis Zogos Zogoumitris Zometussis Zomos Zopoulos Zorge Zouli Zoulos Zulis Zulos
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glikozi · 1 year
♡o hlios me katafilise kai evgala fakides♡
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geogiannposts · 1 month
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