#hmm if I write it Ares must join in to help his half bro train the Wrath of Troy
beastsovrevelation · 6 months
I had a dream that Apollo was training Briseis to become a warrior with divine strength. I don't remember the why, or how he got access to her, though.
Sounds like one Helll of an AU, no? She might not be able to save Troy (because fate), but she could avenge it by killing Greeks. She could even be the one to kill Achilles (she deserves her revenge, for being made a sex slave). Or, like Aeneas, she could later travel further into Europe, and be the ancestor to some great tribe, maybe even an empire.
I think, I'll put this idea on my notes (or dream journal, at least). What's with me recieving story concepts in dreams, when I already have an ungodly amount of wips.
I suppose, Apollo decided "I know what Troy lacks! A warrior prodigy teenage girl chosen one with trauma!"
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