#hmm we'll see how the fic goes i might change that opening passage entirely but i had to get something down to get it Going
lucky-draws · 2 years
erm im just posting some notes/wips/unfinished things/tossing my rubbish at you in case it's of interest on this fine wednesday.
i found i still have some incoherent to anyone but me notes regarding a fic i was going to write but never did concerning b/osselot in zanzibar land era.....
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maybe i still will write it but also maybe not. make of it what you will or won't anyway lol.
also here are a few discarded/unfinished/declared unfit for posting purpose doodles drawings from over the last few months :
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also idk if this is inchresting to many ppl but i thot id post some of my notes/draft passages from the most recent fic i wrote, until the spring. they relate to the first 2 chapters. (they're in order left to right lol sorry for posting awkward phone screenshots from google's drive.)
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and ALSO this is a freshly written opening passage from a fic in progress idk:
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concerning ocelot and kaz in the fledgling diamond dogs coma years days whatever. hopefully it will emerge sometime.
anyway happy sparkle on it's wednesday don't forget to be yourself byeee.
14 notes · View notes