#i wonder if i will end up changing the pov to my usual 2nd person ocie voice..but i want to try 3rd person again bc im out of practice w it
lucky-draws · 2 years
erm im just posting some notes/wips/unfinished things/tossing my rubbish at you in case it's of interest on this fine wednesday.
i found i still have some incoherent to anyone but me notes regarding a fic i was going to write but never did concerning b/osselot in zanzibar land era.....
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maybe i still will write it but also maybe not. make of it what you will or won't anyway lol.
also here are a few discarded/unfinished/declared unfit for posting purpose doodles drawings from over the last few months :
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also idk if this is inchresting to many ppl but i thot id post some of my notes/draft passages from the most recent fic i wrote, until the spring. they relate to the first 2 chapters. (they're in order left to right lol sorry for posting awkward phone screenshots from google's drive.)
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and ALSO this is a freshly written opening passage from a fic in progress idk:
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concerning ocelot and kaz in the fledgling diamond dogs coma years days whatever. hopefully it will emerge sometime.
anyway happy sparkle on it's wednesday don't forget to be yourself byeee.
14 notes · View notes
therand0mwriter · 8 months
Bare Your Soul
Alastor Hartfelt x Female!Reader
When the Hazbin Hotels second, more appropriate, commercial was interrupted by the news, Alastor decided to air his original, sarcastic, commercial. What no one expected was for the commercial to actually work.
"ɨ… աǟռȶ ȶօ… ɢɛȶ ȶօ ӄռօա ʏօʊ."
"𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽?"
Chapter 1 - The Hazbin Hotel
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[Update 02.08.24 - since I've had a lot of people come to me, pissed about the fact that I made Alastor's last name Altruist (even though I thought it sounded catchy), I changed it to Hartfelt. Yes, I know his last name isn't confirmed yet, but Hartfelt is the closest thing we'll come to a last name.]
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[A/N: (h/c)=hair color, (h/l)=hair length, (h/t)=hair type (wavy, straight, curly, etc.)]
[2nd A/N: When I put (s/c) and (e/c) you can do what ever color you want, you're a demon in this story, have fun with it:)]
*3rd Person POV*
Charlie came back from the meeting with Adam and was feeling down on her luck. She had no idea on how to tell everyone that Extermination Day was now sooner than they expected. But when her girlfriend, Vaggie, came bounding up to her and told her that everyone at the hotel had made a new commercial, her heart swelled and her eyes teared up.
Charlie and Vaggie joined the group in the main area to watch the commercial, but was sorely disappointed when it was interrupted by the news announcing that Extermination Day was pushed up by six months.
Alastor, on the other hand, seized the opportunity. "Well, my dear," He started, standing and turning to Charlie. "I could always air my original commercial. Now that the announcement of Hell's newest problem is out of the way, I'm sure it won't be interrupted by anything. I'll even broadcast it from my radio tower!" He ended with a flourish of his staff.
Vaggie then stood, standing in front of Charlie, "Hold on, can't we just re-air the better commercial?" Alastor's already large grin widened, "I'm afraid not, dear. The agreement was to only show it once!" The one-eyed girl let out an 'ugh', face palming. Charlie stood next to Vaggie and begrudgingly started, "Well, I guess that's all we can do. Go ahead, Alastor."
"Wonderful!" The radio demon shouted before disappearing into his shadow. "Maybe it'll convince someone to come here?" Charlie said to Vaggie, a sheepish grin on her face.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel just finished watching Alastor's original commercial, Alastor's grin more joyous than usual, Vaggie's eye was twitching wildly, Charlie was grimacing, and everyone else had looks of surprise. "I really hope nobody saw that." Vaggie commented, distaste clear in her voice.
In a dark room, where the only source of light was the television, sat a lone woman. She watched with wide (e/c) eyes as a commercial out of place from the other ones started to play.
"Well, hello there you wayward sinner! Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell! But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that? Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter: Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her  daddy issues by fixing you! Here, we offer fun things! Such as, somewhat functional staff! And 24 hour pest control. Custom rooms, and just look at this tacky parlor! Enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident. Wow! All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel! Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here."
The woman muted the TV after the commercial ended, still staring with wide eyes as she processed what she just watched. Eventually, she started to giggle. Then that giggling turned into full blow boisterous laughing. She placed her hand on her forehead, shaking her head until she calmed down. Once she did, she let out a tired sigh, her shoulders drooping. "This might be my only chance." The woman said forlornly, turning off the TV, enveloping the room in darkness.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
At the hotel, Charlie was pacing back and forth as her cat, KeeKee, was also pacing with her, swerving in and out of Charlies moving legs. "Okay! So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal! Just a little setback! Nothing we can't handle." At this point in Charlies rambling, KeeKee had run off, most likely finding a place to sleep. Charlie continued her worried rambling, "Just Angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?! And next time when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!" 
Vaggie came up to her girlfriend and placed her hands on Charlie's shoulders, stopping her in her tracks and her panicked rant, "Yes, we will." Vaggie sent Charlie a comforting smile, but that smile was gone when Angel spoke up, "Oh, please. Ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now," Angel paused, looking down to his phone to see multiple text messages from his boss, Valentino. "Ain't no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is. We just have to look a little harder for it." Charlie responded, a hopeful smile on her face. "Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts." Angel stated, turning his phone to Charlie to show multiple news headlines. "People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
When Charlie leaned forward to look at Angel's phone, a text message popped up. "Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" She questioned, her red eyes squinted in confusion. Angel's eyes went wide and he quickly brought his phone back to him, "Ah! Eh, nothing! My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news, too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah," Vaggie started. "That's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?" Charlie gasped, a smile growing on her face once more, "This is the prefect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" She ended, throwing her arms up in the air in excitement. "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all of this?" Angel questioned, turning his phone to the two women to show a fire and demons screaming in fear. 
"Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep." Charlie said and immediately after a loud explosion sounded, causing the girl to shout in surprise. The three turn to see a hole in the wall next to the bar. They then heard a dramatic voice come from outside, "Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face-" The voice, Sir Pentious, paused, looking from the hole in the wall to the balcony above it from his ship. There, sat Alastor, drinking from a mug that said 'OH DEER' on it. "Oh, there you are. Face my wrath!" Pentious continued. Alastor took a sip from his mug before turning back to the snake demon, "Who are you?"
"Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire!" Said demon boasted as Alastor went into his shadow, moving to stand next to Charlie, Vaggie and Angel who had come outside to see the cause of disturbance. One of Sir Pentious Egg Boi's turned to him, "Woo! You tell 'em, boss." 
Niffty had also came out from the hotel, climbing up Alastor's back and gasping with excitement, "Ooo! He's a bad boy." Alastor reached behind him and took ahold of Niffty by her scruff, placing her on the ground, "Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you." Pentious eyes were wide with disbelief, "I attacked you literally last week." The Radio demon tilted his head in confusion, a static hum coming from him. "We've done battle, like... 20 times?" Pentious explained, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Well, you must have been really bad at this." Alastor said, a smug tone in his voice.
"Silence! Now cower!" The snake demon shouted. "For when I've slain you, the almighty Vee's will finally acknowledge me as their equal!" Niffty had climbed back onto Alastor's back, gasping in excitement once more. She then paused, "Wait, who are the Vee's?" Alastor waved them off, "Oh, nobody important. Now, let's deal with the nobody in front of us." The Radio demon chuckled darkly, static sounding from him as giant black tentacle came from the ground, wrapping around Sir Pentious ship, shaking it.
One of the tentacles smashed into the cockpit, causing Pentious to shout in fear, "Ahh! Please! Stop!" Alastor chuckled at the sight in front of him, his chuckling turning into manic laughter. "Um, Alastor?" Charlie called out, "I think he's had enough." Angel grinned, "Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im."
The tentacles tilted the ship to where Pentious fell out of the cockpit and onto the cement with a crack. "Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor said, twirling his staff then leaning on it. Pentious slowly lifted one of his arms and slowly spoke, "Thank... you..." He then propped himself up, "For letting your guard down!" He quickly shot his tail out, taking ahold of the corner of Alastor's coat, ripping the edge off. "Haha! Yah!" Pentious shouted with glee, but immediately cowered as Alastor growled with anger, his antlers growing. "Oh, shit!" Pentious said before he was blasted off. He let out a scream of pain as green smoke followed him through the air as he flew.
When Pentious was out of view, Alastor turned to the three behind him, "Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Best of luck, chums!" He turned back around, waving goodbye. Vaggie then stepped forward, "Wait, you're leaving? Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." She stated. Angel added, gesturing to the large hole, "We need a wall." The Radio demon turned back to them, 'Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?" Alastor snapped his fingers, causing six black and white demons to appear from the ground as he walked away.
Angel giggled, pushing Vaggie out of his way as he made his way up to the largest black and white demon. "Hey, sweet cheeks." Angel started in a sultry tone, leaning one of his four arms on the demons shoulder. "What you doing later? I love me a man with a giant..." Angel pause, looking down at the demons crotch. "Tool." The spider demon finished. 
"Um, am I interrupting?" A new voice started. Charlie, Vaggie and Angel look to their left to see a female demon they've never met before. Her hair was (h/l), (h/c) and (h/t), her clear skin was (s/c), and her eyes were a brilliant shade of (e/c). On top of her head was a set of antlers that were decorated in little colorful flowers. The antlers went up and curled into each other, forming the shape of a heart. Also on the top of her head was a set of fluffy (h/c) ears, similar to a deer.
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[A/N: Something like this for your antlers. Image does not belong to me.]
"Wow! You look a lot like Alastor!" Charlie said, slightly amazed. The new female raised her eyebrow in confusion, "I'm sorry, who?" Vaggie then stepped in, a cautious tone to her voice, "Um, the Radio demon? You're not related to him, are you?" The new females eyes widened with realization, "Oh! Yes, I've heard of him. Don't worry, we aren't related. Are we that similar?"
Angel went and stood with Charlie and Vaggie, leaving the six black and white demons to do their job. "It's just the antlers and ears y'all got in common." Angel added. The female nodded in understanding and Charlie took a step towards her, a warm smile on her face, "So, what can we help you with?"
"Oh! Yeah!" The she-demons eyes went wide once more, remembering why she was there. She then became nervous, her hold on her suitcase, that the three others just noticed, tightened. "Uh, I saw your guys commercial. About the hotel. And I want to join, if that's okay?" With each word the female spoke, Charlie's grin grew wider and wider until she finally burst.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Charlie jumped up and down in excitement, running forward to take the she-demons hands in hers. "Yes, yes, yes! Of course you can stay here! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! We're going to help you get to Heaven! My names Charlie!" The said demon introduced, vigorously shaking the new females' hands. The blonde then stood next to the new she-demon, gesturing to Vaggie and Angel, "That's Vaggie, my girlfriend! And that's Angel Dust! Our other resident!" The two waved a greeting to the new girl, but before she could return it, Charlie was already pulling her inside.
"Here's our bartender, Husk! And over here we have Niffty! She does our cleaning! Oh! And these are my pets! Razzle, Dazzle and KeeKee! Oh! Let me show you all of the floors, the kitchen, the bathrooms-" Vaggie then stepped in front of Charlie, placing her hands on her girlfriends shoulder, "Charlie! Honey, we don't need to show her everything all at once. Take a breath and let her breath." And Charlie did just that, both her and Vaggie turning back to the new female.
"I'm sorry, during Charlie's excitement, we didn't get your name." Vaggie said, both her and Charlie sending a smile to the new female. The she-demon brushed off her dress, calming down from being pulled here and there. She cleared her throat before straightening her back and bowing her head slightly in a formal greeting, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), It's an honor to meet you, princess Morningstar. Same with you, Vaggie. I hope I can be a good guest and help you achieve your goals."
Vaggie's eye went wide with surprise at how polite this she-demon was being, the only other person she's met that's this kind was Charlie. It made Vaggie a little suspicious. Charlie, on the other hand, was warmed by the greeting as tears swelled in her eyes. Angel then stepped up to the three women, "Wait, you said you saw a commercial. Which commercial did ya see?" Charlie then gasped, "Wait! You saw our commercial?!" The blonde shouted, shaking with excitement.
(Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "Yes, I thought it was quite entertaining in all honesty." Charlie and Angel were confused while Vaggie squinted, "Wait, why was it entertaining?" (Y/N) gained a nervous sweat, "No offense, but I think my favorite part was about Charlie's daddy issues. I have no idea why you added it, but I liked it." She ended with a shrug. "Oh..." Charlie said dejectedly and Vaggie slapped her hand against her forehead. "Ugh, you saw Alastor's commercial." (Y/N) raised her eyebrow in surprise, "Really? I'll have to give him my compliments when I meet him."
Charlie shook her head and smiled again, placing her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, turning her towards the staircase, "Well, (Y/N), let me show you to your room. And please, just call me Charlie." The blonde said, referring to when (Y/N) called her 'princess Morningstar'.
Vaggie watched the two go up the stairs and disappear around the corner, her eye squinting with suspicion. Angel raised his brow at her, "What's with your face?" Vaggie ignored his comment, "How can someone in Hell be that nice? It doesn't make sense. Somethings gotta be up with her." Angel rolled his eyes at her paranoia, going and sitting back on the couch.
*Time Skip*
*(Y/N)'s POV*
It's been around an hour since you've arrived at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie left you alone for the moment to settle into your room. After you finished placing your last piece of clothing away, you sat on your new bed and sighed, rubbing the area where your shoulder and neck connect. 'Charlie sure is energetic.' You thought to yourself.
Just then, you heard static outside your door. You look and see a shadow move from under the gap. As the shadow disappeared, so did the static. 'What was that?' You thought to yourself. You stood and made your way to your door, opening it and peeking your head out. You saw a red figure round the corner, the sound of static following them. You look around for Charlie, Vaggie, or anyone you could ask about the being you briefly saw. But there was no one in the hallway. 'Well, let's hope curiosity doesn't kill the deer...' You meekly thought, leaving your room and following after the red figure.
When you rounded the corner, you didn't see the figure. You then listened for the static, faintly hearing it. You made your way towards the noise, peeking your head around another corner. You then saw a door that was out of place from the other ones. This one was wooden, and had a small window near the top. Then, a light flickered on above the wooden door. You look and see it's an 'ON AIR' sign.
You thought back to when you first got to the hotel. On the outside was what looked to be a broadcasting tower, you just didn't think it was still functional from how it was leaning away from the building. "Salutations! Good to be back on the air!" You then heard a voice that sounded like it was coming from an old-timey radio say. 'Is that Alastor?' You thought, your curiosity growing. 'What does the infamous Radio Demon look like?'
Without thinking, you approached the door and pulled it open to see a metal flight of stairs leading up. "Yes I know it's been awhile since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast, sinners rejoice!" You heard, what you assumed to be, Alastor say. You continued up the stairs, hearing a new voice you didn't recognized. This voice was clear, as if he was speaking to you in person, "What a dated voice!"
When you got to the top, you were met with another door, but this one was left ajar. "Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast!" You heard Alastor say. You peek through the opening of the door and finally laid your eyes on him, The Radio Demon. He had pale skin, red eyes, short red hair that turned black for the last few inches, deer like ears that were larger than mine sat atop of his head, a set of antlers that were smaller than mine also accompanied his ears, and a large, sharp tooth yellow grin.
He wore a red suit and monocle, his bowtie, gloves, pants and shoes being black (accented by red). In his hand was his staff that, what looked to be, an older version of a microphone. "Come on!" The unknown voice shouted. "Is Vox insecure pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?" Alastor responded smugly into his staff, lifting his shoulders in a shrug.
"Ignore his chirping!" The second voice, Vox, shouted once more, sounding irritated. "Every day he's got a new format." The Radio Demon added. "You're looking at the future, he's she shit that comes before that!" The TV demon bellowed with a singing tone. Unfortunately for him, his comment didn't bother Alastor one bit. "Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vee's!" Alastor sang back, his comment causing you to smile in amusement. "Oh, please!" Vox said, not knowing a better comeback. 
"And here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team-" Alastor was interrupted by panicked Vox, "Hold on!" But the Radio Demon continued to sing into his staff, leisurely leaning back in his chair, "I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea!" You had to cover your mouth to keep the giggle bubbling in your throat from slipping out.
"You old timey prick! I'll show you suf-suffering!" Vox's voice started to glitch. "Uh oh! The TV is buffering!" Alastor teased, propping his head on his hands. "I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little-" Before Vox could finish his sentence, he cut out, along with all of the power in Hell. You jumped in surprise at the sudden darkness coming from outside, but also at the fact that the only place that still had power was the broadcasting tower.
"I'm afraid you've lost your signal." Alastor continued, leaning forward, the air in the tower becoming sinister. "Let's begin, I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone." With every word he sang, Alastor's antlers grew along with his malicious grin. "Tune on in. When I'm done," Alastor stood from his seat, his form growing larger and more lanky. The red in his sclera turned pitch black, only his iris staying red. What looked to be red stitching started to appear all over his body and clothes, making him resemble a voodoo doll. "Your status quo will know its race is run," Red liquid started to leak from his mouth. "Oh this will be fun!" Alastor ended with a maniacal laugh, his pupils turning into little radio dials.
'So this is him... The Radio Demon.' You didn't know if you should be scared shitless or amazed by his power. Alastor returned to his normal form, taking a sip of his tea. He then suddenly spoke up, "Are you going to join me or just keep watching me from the shadows?" Alastor turned to the door, and I instantly knew he was talking to me. 'He's a powerful demon, of course he noticed me.' You thought, mentally face palming. You noted that he still sounded like he was speaking through a radio. 'How strange, but fitting for the Radio Demon.' You pushed the door open and stepped in, "I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
*3rd Person POV*
"I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." When the she-demon stepped in, Alastor paused, taking in her looks. (H/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, deer ears, and antlers in the shape of a heart with flowers. She wore a long-sleeved black dress that stopped mid-thigh, with small black buttons on the top of the dress, along with a thin black bowtie that sat above her exposed chest (but of course not exposing anything indecent). She also wore white tights, covering the skin on her legs. On her feet were black Mary Jane heels that completed her outfit. 'How strange,' Alastor thought. 'She doesn't look half bad.'
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[A/N: Something like this for your dress. Image does not belong to me.]
Alastor stood and made his way to the girl, "It is no problem, my dear! I broadcasted it for all of Hell to hear. Did you at least enjoy it?" He then twirled his staff in a flashy manner. The she-demon nodded, a small smile adorning her (thin/plump) lips, "Yes, I thought it was entertaining." Alastor's never-leaving smile widened at her words and he straightened his coat, "The names Alastor! Alastor Hartfelt! And who do I have the pleasure of being in the presence of?" He held out his hand to her, bending his body slightly to meet her height.
She stared at his hand, then back up to meet his eyes. Alastor tilted his head at her hesitancy. She started to stutter, embarrassed when she realized she had been staring, "S-Sorry, it's just that your eyes are much brighter up close." Before Alastor could respond or even think about her comment, she took ahold of his hand, shaking it. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), it's an honor to meet you. I am the newest resident of the Hazbin Hotel." She said, slightly bowing her head in respect.
Before she could take her hand back, Alastor brought it up to her lips, leaving a kiss on her knuckles, "Please, dear! The pleasure is all mine!" When he let go of her hand, (Y/N) placed both of her hands behind her back, out of sight to Alastor as she rubbed her knuckles. Alastor discreetly pursed his smiling lips afterwards, both of the demons thinking:  'Why did that burn?'
"So," Alastor started, tilting his head again. "You're the newest resident? How did you come about the hotel?" To his surprise, she started to chuckle. "I actually saw your commercial, and I have to say, I found it quite hilarious." She giggled, placing her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter at bay. Both Alastor's eyes and smile widened with glee, "That was the goal, dear! I'm so glad you liked it! But I have to say, I am surprised it made you want to come here."
At his words, (Y/N)'s laughter halted. Alastor took note of her mood change. "Yes, well, you did say in your commercial that this was a path to redemption. Even if it is misguided," She let out a soft chuckle at the memory. "I want to get into Heaven." Alastor hummed, "Why do you want to go to Heaven?" (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it. She thought for a moment, a mental battle clear on her face. Eventually, she gave Alastor a strained smile, "Personal reasons."
Alastor hummed again, 'Interesting...' He thought. "Very well!" Alastor started, twirling his staff once more. He then moved to the door, holding it open. "Shall we? I'm sure Charlie hasn't finished giving you the tour yet. We don't want her to be disappointed at your sudden absence." (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes widened and she took quick steps to the door, "Ah, you're right! It's rude to be late!" 
As (Y/N) made her way down the stairs, she missed the way Alastor looked at her. His head was tilted and his eyes were squinted. 'What an anomaly.' He thought right before following her.
*Time Skip*
Charlie had just finished giving (Y/N) the full tour of the hotel, with Alastor accompanying them and making little sarcastic remarks here and there, making (Y/N) chuckle (much to Charlie's dismay). "Well, what d'ya think!?" Charlie asked, grin large and holding her arms out wide, gesturing to the hotel.  (Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "It's nice." At her words, the blonde squealed, "Ah! I'm so glad you like it!" She then took ahold of (Y/N)'s  hands in hers, "Trust me, (Y/N)! I'll do everything in my power to get you redeemed and into Heaven!" 
Alastor took in the doe demons expression and could easily tell she was uncomfortable at her personal space being invaded. But, she continued to smile. "Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate your effort." She said, making the princess jumped in happiness. 
Just then, Charlie's phone went off with a notification. She looked at the message and gained a mischievous grin. "Oh, (Y/N)!" Charlie said in a sing-song tone, "There's something waiting for you in the foyer!" The blonde started to make her way, skipping in excitement while Alastor and (Y/N) followed behind at a leisurely pace. 
The doe demon sighed, but smiled nonetheless, "It's a welcoming party, isn't it?" Alastor looked to her through the corner of his eye, seeing her looking straight ahead at Charlie with a tired fondness. "How could you tell?" Alastor asked, already knowing the answer. (Y/N) softly chuckled, "Charlie is easy to read." The Radio Demon found this interesting. Then a question formed in his mind. He needed to gather more intel on this strange being. "Am I easy to read?"
Finally, (Y/N) looked up at him through her (long/short) lashes, her lips still holding that small smile, "No, you're an anomaly."
Alastor halted in his steps, staring at the doe demons figure as she got smaller and smaller, still following Charlie. When both of their figures disappeared around the corner, Alastor felt like he could finally breath. Multiple thoughts ran through his, now panicked, mind.
'Who is she?'
'Why is she here?'
'Can she read my mind?'
'She has to be fucking with me.'
'There has to be more to her.'
'She must be playing dumb.'
"Alastor? Are you still joining us?" The male snapped his head up to see just the person he was freaking out about. (Y/N) had stepped back around the corner, her eyebrow raised in question. 'Well you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer...' Alastor thought before disappearing into his shadow just to reappear next to the girl, making her jump in surprise. "Of course, dear! I apologize if I kept you waiting." (Y/N) smiled in response, "It's alright. No need to apologize." 
The two then finished the walk to the foyer in silence, being greeted by a loud 'Surprise!' when they made it to their destination. There was a large banner that said: 'Welcome (Y/N)!' in different colored paint, the bar was decorated in hearts, there was a table full of food and the center pieces were bouquets of wild flowers, on a different table were various card and board games, and next to the couch was a... karaoke machine.
Alastor noticed how (Y/N)'s shoulders dropped when she laid eyes on the singing machine. He leaned down to her height, "What's the matter, dear? Don't like to sing?" (Y/N) shook her head, "No, not really. I don't sing." There was another thing Alastor found interesting about her. Every one in Hell sang, even him.
Charlie came bounding up to both of the deer demons, "So, (Y/N)! It's your party! What would you like to do first?" The girl looked around and noticed everyone's eyes on her, waiting for her response. "U-Um, why don't you guys get a game of cards started while I go get a drink?" Charlie smiled and nodded, her, Vaggie and Angel heading to the game table. (Y/N) made her way to the bar and Alastor watched her every move. 
"What will ya have?" Husk questioned, his tone bored. "Do you have any wine or whiskey?" (Y/N) asked, taking a seat. "No to the wine, and for the whiskey, we only have the cheap stuff." Husk responded, gesturing to the bottles behind him. "Oh," (Y/N) hummed, thinking about what else she should order.
Alastor disappeared into his shadow, reappearing next to the doe demon, making her jump in surprise once more. "I believe I might be able to help you!" Alastor said. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a bottle of whiskey from his personal stash that was already 1/4th gone. (Y/N) squinted her eyes to read the label, and when she saw what it was, her eyes went as wide as saucers. "No way!" She started, looking from the bottle to Alastor. "Macallan 1926?! How did you get that?!" Alastor chuckled, pleased at how she knew how valuable the alcohol was, "I have my ways, darling. I only bring this out for special occasions, so consider this a welcoming gift, from me to you."
[A/N: Fun fact, a bottle of Macallan 1926 is worth over two million dollars.]
When Alastor reached behind the bar and took two brandy glasses, Husk took that as his que to leave, taking a bottle of the cheap whiskey and joining the others. Alastor filled the glasses a third of the way, gently sliding one over to (Y/N). She looked at it with furrowed brows, turning her gaze to Alastor, "Are you sure I can have this?" The Radio Demon tilted his head in confusion, "Do you not want it?" 
(Y/N) vigorously shook her head, not wanting to offend the male. "No! Of course I do... It's just, I don't feel like I'm worth it..." She ended her sentence, playing with the base of the glass in a nervous habit. Alastor's head stayed tilted, wondering what the girl had done to make herself feel too guilty to accept a drink. Alastor then straightened up, taking his glass in his empty hand, "Well, believe it or not, I think you're worth it. If I didn't, I wouldn't be offering you this drink now, would I?" He ended with a laugh. (Y/N) looked up at him with wide doe eyes, surprised at the Radio Demon's kind words. She gave him a genuine smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it, Alastor." 
Something ticked inside of the males mind at finally seeing a smile that reached the doe demons (e/c) eyes and how his name sounded coming from her voice. 'How strange,' He thought. 'I'll dissect that later.' Alastor went and stood next to the girl, offering her his left arm, "Shall we? Everyone is waiting for us." (Y/N) kept her smile, standing and linking her right arm with Alastor's, her drink in her left hand, "We shall."
[A/N: let me know if I missed changing any 'Alruist' to 'Hartfelt']
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Hey, Kiss Me? (Don't Mind If I Do)
Fandom: Resident Evil 8: Village
Pairing: Daniela Dimitrescu x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Rating: G
Summary: Daniela is used to being the flirty one, blowing kisses and making a pass at anyone who caught her attention. It just never occurred to her that the tables could turn on her.
Notes: [slams fists on the table] LET ME FLIRT WITH THE CUTE VAMPIRE GIRL. If RE8 had a dating sim spin-off in some alternate universe where Capcom REALLY wanted to capitalize on the game's success, one of my runs would definitely involve romancing the youngest Dimitrescu. For anyone else who feels me on this, this is for you too. I also tried writing this in 2nd person POV for a change. Hope it still turned out alright, it's my first time writing this way. Enjoy!
You had been working for the Duke for quite a while now. He took you in in your time of need and had been made an apprentice of sorts in the art of trading and bargaining.
You've met your fair share of oddities while settled in the village and running errands, including but not limited to: A man who can control metal and electricity on a whim, a talking doll who lives under a waterfall, and the numerous wolf-man hybrids that lurked around the vicinity. They were what most may consider crass company -- at least, that was what the Lady of the castle would say.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu was a frequent customer and a business partner of the Duke's, helping her in the sale of her vintage "wine" to intrigued buyers. This also meant that the two of you were frequent visitors to the castle on the other side of the village proper -- a vast estate that was entirely too large for just four women to occupy (even if one of those women happened to be nine feet tall).
Miss Bela was always the more polite and civil of Dimitrescu's daughters, offering a simple greeting whenever you would come by. When it was appropriate, she was always at her mother's side and paying attention to how meetings between the older adults would proceed, like a student eager to learn from the best. You figured that, as the oldest sibling, she might take over the business someday. You weren't sure exactly how that would happen, given what you knew of the family, but you really shouldn't prod anyway. At least, not now.
Miss Cassandra was more closed off, so to speak. It always seemed like she would barely acknowledge your presence in the castle, talking only when it was necessary and immediately leaving the room once she was allowed to. However, you would feel a prickling in the back of their neck when she wasn't around, like you were being watched from the background -- prey at the mercy of their predator. But every time you turned around, there would be no one there, not even a sound to indicate escape. A part of you thought you might have been pulled into some unwitting game, wondering what would happen if you did catch the perpetrator in the act. You weren't sure you really wanted to find out.
Then, there was Miss Daniela, whose attention seemed to lie in... other prospects. Like Bela, she offered warm greetings whenever you would stop by the property. Unlike her sisters though, who never really bothered with the Duke's apprentice, she always tried to entertain herself with your company. You had a friendly enough rapport with her that you could relax in her presence as well, so it was nice. You figured it was mostly because they rarely ever got outside company, and since the sisters stay in the castle a lot of the time, she always welcomed you with enthusiasm. And a smile. And a wink. And some passing remark about how nicely you dressed that day and that you must have been trying to impress her.
"I could just eat you right up," she would say with a giggle and a playful growl.
You've never been too sure what to make of her -- she always seemed to have her head in the clouds, only coming back down at the behest of her mother or when her sisters were persistent enough. You also never knew how to respond to her flirting apart from flustered silence, which only seemed to spur her on even more. It was like she was just trying to get a reaction from you, making a game of it. It was far different from the one her older sister seemed to be keen on playing, but a game nonetheless -- how far could she push your buttons and make you implode from embarrassment?
Honestly, it seemed to be working.
You had been well-socialized thanks to your training under the Duke, and of course the man himself was charming and likeable so a part of you liked to think it may have rubbed off as he raised you. But that was when it came to formalities and negotiations -- maybe banter, if you could really push it. You've thought about responding earnestly, but flirting was another ball game all on its own, one that you don't really play on purpose, and you frequently found yourself floundering at the face of it. Especially when that face was as pretty as Daniela's.
It wasn't like you thought she liked you that way or anything -- you genuinely thought she said all those things for fun, to amuse herself with how hot you got or how you would sheepishly shrink in on yourself. But you weren't going to deny that she was cute and that you may have just a small crush on her. Just maybe. Not that you would ever admit that out loud.
One winter day, the Duke entrusted you with meeting with Lady Dimitrescu on your own. She was informed of his absence beforehand -- something about attending to Lord Heisenberg's business -- and so you were left to take care of updates. In the meantime, you kept yourself busy in the guest area, perusing the dusty books in shelves that definitely needed some cleaning. It seemed like the castle could never have enough help.
As soon as you were left alone, with only your notepad and thoughts to keep you company, you felt the hairs at the back of your neck stand. You slowly looked to the side, eyes trained on a dark corner of the room. The light from the fireplace didn't quite reach that spot, making it quite the hiding place. Was something (or someone) moving from there? Are your eyes playing paranoid tricks on you? Was it Miss Cassandra playing her one-sided game again? Perhaps... you shouldn't interfere then.
You turned your attention back to the book shelf, looking high above you, wanting to take a closer look at the selection. You dragged a stool and a few stacked cushions to the shelves and slipped your shoes off, praying to whoever was out there that Lady Dimitrescu wouldn't find you like this. Oh, the scolding I'd get from Duke about manners -- you'd never hear the end of it. Stepping carefully onto the plush surface -- a few feet from the ground -- and finding your balance, you start to pick something out that had an interesting title.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Y/N," a voice echoed in the room, catching you off guard.
You jumped in surprise and lost your footing, falling backward as the cushions slipped from under you. Oh yeah, this was gonna hurt! But before you could make contact with the hardwood floor, a hand reached out and grabbed you by the waist, catching you in a rather precarious position.
"You could've hurt that cute little ass of yours," the voice cooed. Daniela seemed to have materialized from out of nowhere, wearing a mischievous grin and holding onto you as she practically hovered over you. Oh god, she was so close, you don't know where your body heat ended and hers started.
"Miss Daniela," you greeted, finally finding your voice. "Um, thanks for the save."
She pulled you up to standing on the stool and raised an eyebrow at you, smirking amusedly, "And what exactly were you doing so high up in the shelves? Aren't you supposed to be waiting here like a good little one?"
"I was just... looking at the books," you replied softly, "And falling for you, I suppose," you added as a joke, chuckling as you shook off your nerves from earlier. You were a little surprised she didn't start off with that line honestly, given how easy--
Daniela's smirk dropped at your response, eyes widening as she stiffened. Uh oh... did you say something wrong?
She blinked at you, mouth hanging open slightly as if she was trying to find the words. It looked like she gave up though, just looking away and stepping off the stool. Were you imagining that her cheeks just turned pink?
"Mother's waiting for you at the meeting room," was all she said before quickly making her exit.
It took a while before the wheels in your head started turning again.
The next time you came to the castle with the Duke, it was a warm day in spring. On these occasions, sometimes Lady Dimitrescu would be more open to a different venue of meeting than inside the castle -- "for a change of scenery," as she would say. The two of you met her and her daughters at the main garden at the back of the property, the sun shining generously on all forms of life.
When Daniela spotted you, she seemed almost caught unaware, but she quickly regained composure, throwing a smirk and wink your way -- her usual greeting. You couldn't help but duck down shyly, but nonetheless waved and smiled back.
The older adults took their business elsewhere, leaving you alone with the daughters at the lobby; well, more like a daughter, since Cassandra had already left before you can say another word and Bela had excused herself soon after. It was normal for you to be in the company of the redhead at this point. Not that she seemed to mind.
"Been a while since you've been back here. Betcha missed me, huh?" Daniela said, a charming smile curled on her lips. She stood next to you, seeming intent on leading you on a little walk around. Hey, you'd take any excuse to spend time with her.
You laughed softly, "Quite, Miss Daniela."
"You're still sticking to those formalities, Y/N? Come on, you can drop the 'Miss'." She sidled up closer to you, nudging your side. "You can even skip 'Daniela' altogether and just call me yours."
You unconsciously covered your mouth as you glanced her way -- she was being more straightforward than usual. You don't know if you were just trying to hide the blood rushing to your cheeks or trying to stop yourself from smiling too widely, but seeing the smug look on the other's face, you knew she succeeded yet again in flustering you.
"What's wrong? Did summer come early? You're looking kinda warm," she teased, bending down slightly to your face level. "Then again, you are hot enough for the both of us." Damn, she was too good at this. "You'd give the sun a run for its money, honey."
You took a few moments to collect yourself, standing up straighter and clearing your throat. Your eyes looked up to meet hers, showing a half-smile as you spoke with as smooth of a delivery as you can muster, "I'd always thought you would be the sun's rival, given how easily you brighten up my day."
Daniela nearly tripped when she took another step, only managing to catch herself on a nearby bench.
"Are you--"
"I'm fine! I'm fine, just, uh... stubbed my toe on something. Stupid rock."
There were no rocks on the path you two were walking -- unless one counted the flat rock ground. (It didn't.)
The rest of the day carried on as it normally would -- Daniela distracting you from the uneasy feeling of being watched from a proper walk with her usual demeanor, batting her eyelashes and telling you how she simply must teach you to dance some time. "Maybe then you'll learn to loosen up around me." But in return, you would sometimes reply with your own quips -- "Well I wouldn't be opposed to being closer to you, Miss Daniela." You weren't about to question where this newfound confidence came from; you may as well own it, right?
It was only after that visit, replaying the day in your head like you wanted to remember it for as long as you could, that a realization came to you -- the way her cheeks tinged pink and averted her gaze, how she was rendered speechless whenever you replied in the same way that was usually expected of her...
She's not used to being flirted back to.
Her self-esteem allowed her to accept most straightforward compliments with grace, so flattery did not faze her in the slightest -- but when it came to using disarming words? When charm and wit were used right back at her?
She floundered almost as much as you did.
Suddenly, you weren't just a prop in the game anymore -- you knew how to play it now. You knew uttering such sweet (and occasionally cheesy) phrases could make the youngest Dimitrescu blush harder than a maiden being courted. And by god, did she look adorable when she did.
You kind of understood why she did all that now -- watching someone get flustered and knowing you were the cause of it was fun. It was weirdly thrilling seeing her react like that, but then again you might be confusing that feeling with different kind of fluttering in your chest whenever you were alone with Daniela. Who knows?
One thought lingered at the back of your mind though: How long would it take before one of you broke and asked the other on a real date?
(Cassandra materialized behind Daniela as you bade her farewell for the day. She had been observing the two of you interact for a while, monitoring the redhead's "progress". She knocked her sister out of her faraway thoughts with a smack to the head. "So are you gonna admit you like them yet?"
Daniela seemed almost offended at the insinuation, "I would nev-- I mean how dare-- I don't like-- they're just-- I--"
The brunette only raised an eyebrow.
"They're..." She thought back to you, that cute little smile you wore whenever she tried to flirt with you, and how you suddenly rose to the challenge of using her own tactics against her earlier. It was kind of hot. "Okay, I guess. They're okay. They're fine." Quite fine. "That's all I'm gonna say."
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Tali’s Alphys-Centric Fic Rec List
I’ve been meaning to make this for a while!! All fics are oneshots unless marked as a series or with a chapter count.  Thanks to everyone who recced several of these to me on my 12am begging-for-alphys-fics post dfdksdl. These aren’t in any particular order. The “notes” section is my commentary about each fic. No fics are based on full AUs (ex. underswap, horrortale, etc). The only endgame Alphys ship included is Alphyne, though most of the fics listed are gen. Hope you can find something you enjoy here!
Extra Credit by FriedCatfish
Rating: G // Word count: 1,206 Summary: Undyne loses track of time watching anime. Set before the events of the game. Notes: Cute Alphyne oneshot! Short and sweet, very nice characterization
world comes pouring through by feralpheonix
Rating: G // Word count: 1,655 Summary: Alphys reunites with some old friends on the way home from taking care of business. Notes: 2nd person Alphys pov but it surprisingly works? A small moment with Alphys, Bratty, and Catty, which I literally NEVER see content for so it was really refreshing!! Takes place at/near the end of the pacifist route.
white lies to the dead by MiniNephthys
Rating: T // Word Count: 580 Summary: Alphys walks through Waterfall, talking to someone who's not there. Notes: Queen Alphys ending; Alphys “talks” to Undyne after she’s been killed. Hits me right in all the emotions ;;
Found Soul by LibraLibrary
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,331 Summary: Self-worth is a slippery, fleeting little devil, and the bastard flower that killed you isn't helping. Takes place during the final fight of the True Pacifist run, following Alphys from one purgatory to the next. Notes: Very angsty, definitely make sure you’re ready to handle Alphys’s suicidal thoughts, but a very good read! I love seeing the Lost Soul battle from her POV.
And I Feel Fine by Masu_Trout
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,685 Summary: The fallen human is human is fast approaching The Core, and Mettaton is ready to finally take the stage. Now, if only Alphys would stop worrying so much. Notes: Alphys & Mettaton friendship in the no mercy route, but manages to be surprisingly not depressing. Mettaton POV but definitely still deserves to be here. This fic does a great job of characterizing them both and it’s always great to see Alphys working in her element.
Experimentation by pickledragon
Rating: G // Word Count: 1,531 Summary: Alphys is, above all, a scientist. She may watch anime with religious fervor and make horrible Undernet shitposts in her free time, but she is good at her job. She knows what they say about her, behind her back. But when she stands there, time open before her, she resolves to collect data. Each experiment, intentional or not, brings new opportunities to change certain variables and observe others. Alphys is a scientist, after all. Notes: THIS FIC. it’s technically part of a series but it stands on its own (it’s the only one i’ve read by this author). EXCELLENT alphys characterization and writing style. Some Sans & Alphys friendship too which is always stellar. If you didn’t gather from the summary, it’s an alphys starts to remember resets fic.
Memory by Ash_yeet
Rating: T // Word Count: 19,962 // Chapters: 5/20 Summary: It's been two years since monsterkind have joined the humans on the surface, and Alphys is happier than she's ever been. But things can't stay great forever. She starts having nightmares, lapses in memory, flashbacks to things that have never happened. She hopes it will pass... sans is doing his best to adjust to life. When Alphys reaches out to him about her nightmares, he doesn't expect much. He quickly changes his tune. Someone is trying to come back. And they aren't what they used to be.sans and Alphys are trying to move on. But there's one thing they forgot: No matter how hard you try, you can't run from your past. Notes: I’ve only read chapter one so far, but it’s been really good! Looks like it’s going to involve Gaster in some way. Says it’s on short hiatus but was updated in April so doesn’t look abandoned.
Hot and Cold Blooded (Alphyne series) by perniciousLizard
Rating: varies by fic, usually G but a few T and one E // Word count: 36,516 // Works: 18/18 Summary: This series is a place to put all my Alphys/Undyne stories that aren't part of another series. Notes: this series has something for everyone; you can pick and choose which works to read. Most are feel-good fluff and humor, some hurt/comfort too. Some connect to the author’s Sansby series (which i also can’t recommend enough)
When Life Hands You Enantiomers by Kaesa
Rating: T // Word Count: 2,739 Summary: Alphys has a half-finished tile maze puzzle, reams of useless data, and a bunch of piranhas that can't tell the difference between lemon and orange scent. Sans has donuts. Notes: ONE OF MY VERY FAVORITES. Fun puns, science, alphys & sans friendship, piranhas, the opportunity to actually understand organic chemistry references,, it’s so good and fun
Friendshipping by AyuOhseki
Rating: G // Word Count: 4,564 Summary: Sans finds Alphys's secret Sans/Grillby RPF. This won't get weird or awkward or anything, we're sure. Notes: Hilarious Alphys narration, great characterization, it’s just so silly and warms my heart. I love terrible fanfic writer Alphys
social links by simplycarryon
Rating: G // Word Count: 2,525 Summary: Friendship's pretty neat, or so your video games and anime dictate. But you are not an anime protagonist, and you're not sure you know what friendship is any more. Notes: more solid sans & alphys friendship :D
See You Another Time by decamarks
Rating: T // Word Count: 18,500 // Chapters: 1/14 Summary: “Have you ever thought of a world where everything is exactly the same... Except you don’t exist? Everything functions perfectly without you.” Alphys spent a lot of time thinking about what it’d be like to start over. It wasn’t fair for someone like her to escape consequences. She knew that, yet the thought never left her mind—the thought that maybe, just maybe, she could get another chance; that she could abandon her life, her failures—everything—and start anew. But that would never happen. Sometimes, Alphys wondered. Would the world be better off without her? When unexplainable anomalies appear and begin to warp the world around her, Alphys discovers something she was never meant to know: the identity of the former Royal Scientist, and how he met his demise. Doctor W.D. Gaster vanished without a trace; he was erased from reality after an experiment ended in disgrace. Forgotten by the world, shattered across time and space—it’s like he never existed in the first place.And Alphys can’t imagine a better fate. Notes: This is a monster of a first chapter but definitely worth the read!! So much good stuff happening already. I’m a total wuss but I still love the cosmic/existential horror bits going on so far. Great Sans & alphys friendship and Undyne & alphys friendship so far.  All the amalgamates also feel incredibly well written. Can’t wait to see more of this one
(And here are a few of my own Alphys-centric fics as well)
Seventh Time’s the Charm by Taliax
Rating: G // Word Count: 1,519 // Chapters: 1/7 Summary: Six bad "dates" Alphys has been on, plus one that is actually pretty good. Notes: Alphys is my favorite and I love giving her a bad time. First chapter is a “date” she has with Sans. Next chapter which I have in progress is going to be Papyrus. (Alphyne is still endgame of course.) Set mostly before the events tof the game. Get ready for lots of second-hand embarrassment sdlfkjds
Support Character by Taliax
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,814 Summary: If Sans is determined to fight the human, Alphys is going to make sure he's prepared. Notes: Sans & Alphys no mercy route friendship, based on the headcanon that Alphys was the one to give Sans the powers/magic he uses to fight the human.
it's your best life (if it's the life that you're living right now) by Taliax
Rating: T // Word Count: 4,046 Summary: Through messages saved to Sans's phone, Queen Alphys gets a glimpse at lives that might have been.  With so many possibilities... how did this timeline go so wrong? Notes: Sans & Alphys friendship, Queen Alphys ending, mostly angst/hurt/comfort. I’m really proud of this one and it uses my main headcanon for how Sans knows about resets.
The Trans-Underground Alphys-Carrying, Match-Making Road Trip by Taliax
Rating: G // Word Count: 5,713 Summary: From her secret security camera, Alphys gets too invested in Sans's relationship with the voice behind the door.  This wouldn't be a problem if Mettaton didn't decide to take her ship into his own hands. Trying to catch up with a battery-powered robot is hard work, but telling the truth is even harder. Notes: This is a really silly fic with some hurt/comfort sprinkled in. Has some Soriel and Papyton in the background. Has some Alphys & Papyrus friendship as well which is always underrated in my opinion.
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gigglinggoblin · 4 years
Getting a Little Familiar
Tumblr media
Image used with permission from the amazingly talented Deepdiscourse, whose breathtaking hypnotic audio files and gorgeous photos (and video clips) are equally worth your attention and money! Go check out their work!
[pov: any, nsfw, 2nd person, reverse corruption, (initially) evil POV, hypnosis, magical mind control, mutual nonconsent (heavy), dolly, gender-neutral forcefem, pet play, breast fixation, kitten play, dressup, witch, femdom, praise, syrup mention, intelligence reduction]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh, you poor, hopeless little thing. This didn’t go quite how you’d planned, did it?
Don’t feel bad. It was a really very lovely plan to try and hypnotize me! And really, even if it’s not working out quite as you’d hoped, I think you’ll be much happier this way, don’t you?
Aww. Look at you. Trying to put words together when all you really wanna do is stare at my lovely breasts like a helpless, needy little toy.
So cute.
So helpless.
And so adorable, thinking you’ll be able to put any words together at all that aren’t “yes, Mistress” and “yes, please, Mistress” when I’m through with you. Maybe some soft mewing. Mm, yes, that sounds just lovely, doesn’t it, sweetie?
I can already see all those silly thoughts glimmering in your eyes, rising to the forefront, rising to the top of the waves like soft, pretty pink jellyfish. All those plans for posing as a sweet, obedient little apprentice, pretending to be all silly and dumb and pliant, all eager to please while you worked your little schemes.
Now, now! No need to speak, kitten. Those pretty lips of yours look so much cuter half-parted like that, breathing in nice and slow. Nice and slow. Matching my breathing. In and out. In… and out.
Watch... my breasts… rise… and fall~
Good pet!
And doesn’t that feel nice? That’s right. Just keep watching my tits and listening to my words. They look so soft, don’t they? So smooth. So easy to get lost in.
And it feels so good to listen to Mistress and let her words fill your pretty empty head, trickling in heavier and heavier by the second, like sweet syrup, just... drowning all those thoughts in pleasure.
Isn’t that right? Hush-hush, kitten. Of course it is.
Good pets love to listen to Mistress. Mistress has such a pretty voice, doesn’t she? So nice to listen to and sink down-down-down-down-down, so deep, all those thoughts tugging you deeper, and deeper, and deeper, so heavy and cumbersome, getting heavier with every deeeep breath you take in, and out, and in, and out, and...
*giggle* That’s right! You’re doing so well! Goodness, you’re so adorably suggestible. So pliable. I’ve barely had to work any magic; I just suggested you’d like to look at my tits and let my sweet voice do the rest... and down-down-down you went. I just told you to listen like a good pet, and you nodded along with every single word…
… and happily allowed aaaaall that sweet, slow, heavy syrup to flow into your silly open mind.
Isn’t that right, pet?
Aw, hush, kitten. Of course it is~
[Thanks for reading! There’s more after the break, but if you enjoyed this story and want to read more like it, there’s tons more content on my Patreon. For just a few dollars a month, you gain access to alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, erotic text-based roleplay/D&D games, and much, much more! If you can afford to, consider pledging, so I can keep posting Tumblr fics like this one on the regular! Thank you! <3]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Salamander folk” are a curiosity largely unique to witchcraft, homunculi created when a willing (or “willing enough”) mortal entices a witch into transmuting their being into something else. In this way, a witch can make a human something like a fey, and can change just about anything else she likes about the human in the process. Many witches favor catfolk and other beast-like features, but the witches have many options. Many, many options.
They just... they just really like catgirls, okay?
And in fairness, so do a lot of the girls who go to witches seeking transmutation. The transformation does not change gender, obviously, but it can be used to change certain physical aspects to be more within a person’s preferences, or, say, to make a cisgender boy look more feminine for the witch’s amusement.
(When a demon does this to a mortal, they are usually called cambions—true cambions, not the mock cambions arising from demon-mortal partnerings. It’s a much more... consuming process.)
Why are they called “salamander folk”? Not all labels make perfect sense. In this case, a “salamander” is old-fashioned magic slang for a partially-finished spell, implying a malleable sort of magic that has yet to be fully shaped. It’s almost never used in that sense anymore, though. It might be distantly related to the famous total immunity newts have to magic.
Many mortals deliberately seek witches out for this reason, desiring some manner of change to their form beyond mortal means, or else to become apprentices. Or, often, both. Many witches charge apprenticeship for a certain number of years in exchange, which isn’t always as mercenary as it seems. Apprenticeship allows a witch to guide and protect the salamander person through their transition, as well as to make sure that the transformation really is what they want. It can also make the transformation itself easier to effect—it’s not easy to change someone’s true form, and it often takes time and a mutual familiarity.
Notably, the reverse dynamic is quite common as well: Many would-be apprentices are expected to allow the witch to transmute them into different forms as a condition of being taught. This is ostensibly because the process of being transmuted involves tying spirits to the subject’s soul, and tends to make their overall form and connection with magic very malleable and easy to work with. These kinds of apprentices are called familiars.
Of course, some witches just want cute catboys and ravenpeople and dollygirls to toy with as they please.
Katrina of the Thousand Names is a particularly skilled witch, known less so for her raw power so much as her cunning, vast arrays of knowledge, and general good-naturedness. She knows hundreds and hundreds of spirits well, and is one of the most famously easy-going when it comes to transformations. If you know what you want, she’ll see it done for as small a price as cooking her meals for a few nights while she works the spell.
Of course, many seek to be her apprentices even if they aren’t looking for transformation, and she’s quite reasonable about this—as long as the apprentice acts in good faith. Many seek to steal her repository of powers to use for wickedness, even trying to hypnotize the witch into yielding them. These ill-behaved apprentices tend to find themselves serving a very different role indeed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My, my. Such an adorable, hopelessly malleable plaything you turned out to be!
I think this is all for the best, don’t you? You’re much better at being my pliant little doll than you ever were at being my apprentice. You’ll be so much cuter as my obedient, mewling, empty-headed kitten. And so much happier, too!
Oh, come now, kitten, none of that fussing. Kittens don’t need words, and neither do helplessly adoring little dolls. Doesn’t it feel so good to be nice and sweet and good for me?
No more schemes. No more plotting to steal all my secrets. Those all required thinking, and thinking is hard, and listening like a good pet is easy.
So... so... sooooo easy~
And listening feels so, so lovely, doesn’t it? Just letting my words take over. Breathing in and out so steadily, so hopelessly enthralled by the soft, gentle motion of my soft breasts rising… and falling...
All those plans required so many confusing thoughts, all swirling around in that silly head of yours. But all those wicked thoughts are being drowned in the sweet, wonderful syrup of my words now, aren’t they?
Can’t you just feel all that syrup flooding your mind, submerging every thought in a heavy, heavy sugary brainless docile trance?
All those thoughts about betraying me? All submerged, and so, so hard to pull up to the surface now, so deep, deep down as my breasts bounce slowly, softly, so, so softly...
All those thoughts about using my powers to make trouble? All drowned in warm, gentle waves of delicious syrup, caught like butterflies in amber, deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper as my voice goes on, and on, filling you with sweet, sugary obedient pleasure the longer it goes on, getting so, so hard to even remember anything else...
And oh... doesn’t it feel so much better to be sweet, kitten?
So much easier to be sweet.
So much easier to be a nice, happy, obedient bubbly helpful kitten for me.
And it feels so good to please me, doesn’t it, sweet thing?
So good to nod passively. So good to take my hand, so deeply hypnotized now, so deep-deep-deep under the honeyed waves and not even trying to resist anymore. So happy and dumb and heavy-headed now, just staring at my tits like a mewling, helpless kitten.
Aww, look at you squirming. So cute! Such a sweet little plaything I’ve found. Would you like to be a good pet for me?
Good pet!
Such a good, happy, obedient, needy, sweet little pliant kitten.
Aww, and don’t worry, sweetie.
I know how excited you were to use all my magic, to dress yourself up in my glamors, to bewitch and ensnare whoever gazed upon you. Of course I’ll be happy to let you! Oh, hush-hush, I insist!
Let me lead you into the dressing room, now, pet. There’s a good plaything.
I’m going to dress you up to look so pretty. I’m going to make you so gorgeous and adorable and eager to please. You’ll just be my cute, obedient, sweet dolled-up kitten. Just a happy little maid for me, isn’t that right? Hopelessly eager to help anyone who comes by. Helping others is going to feel so good for my good, obedient kitty.
I promise you’ll be every bit as spellbinding as you planned, sweetie. A pretty spellbound doll for everyone’s amusement. Everyone’s going to love you, and that’s going to feel soooo good.
Let’s go get you all dressed up and pretty, sweetie. There’s a good pet.
And maybe, once you’ve learned your lesson in a year or so…
… I’ll let you decide whether or not you want to stay that way forever~
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Park Jimin x Reader (2nd POV)
Words: 3.9k
Genre: Smut
Rating: Mature (18+)
Summary: There is a little misconception between you and Jimin. What do you do? You fuck your brother’s best friend in the bathroom.
Warning: Frenemy to Lovers, Jimin exists, teeny tiny jealousy on both ends, Yoongi makes an appearance, oral (female), mild dirty talk, protected sex, bathroom sex.
A/N: To my love, to my angel, to the darling serendipity, a happy birthday, Park Jimin.
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The simmering, roiling heat of a flame lit deep underbelly, the constriction of your chest just because you set your eyes on something vile, the natural grimace that twisted your face and brought lines to your forehead…
All were reactions you were well familiar with; all pertaining to deep, genuine hate.
Which is ridiculous because you shouldn’t – can’t – hate something that has nothing whatsoever to do with you; or so you’d thought.
Well turns out, you can hate someone who has nothing to do with you in the simply case that it is Park Jimin. Park Jimin had nothing to do with you, absolutely nothing.
And yet his name brought fiery heat to the apples of your cheeks, flushed down to your chest.
All he was; was your dearest brother’s best friend. That’s all he was. He was just some guy your brother had known for ages, trusted explicitly, would always have his back and most likely throw a punch for. That’s it. Nothing very special for two bros, who would die for each other?
His involvement with you should end with that. You’d think so, right?
But Park Jimin was everywhere.
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Park Jimin was the usual crème de la crème of the male species. He had fluffy raven hair that he had a habit of running his fingers through. Plump cheeks and lips gave his face a childish glow but his eyes…
His eyes would keep you up seven nights in a row and then some. They were a flecked deep mahogany; that radiated mischief and softened in giggles at the same time. All of that would still be okay to pass off – after all, hot men weren’t exactly a lacking commodity, it was the good hot ones that were rare – if not for the fact, that there was nothing usual about Park Jimin.
Your brother Dean, bless his heart, had never managed to grow up from the freshman boy phase that miraculously slipped past the years into graduation. You had followed suit at the same university, effectively moving in with him in his recently bought apartment as he started his interning in and out of the college odd jobs.
He also forgot to mention that aside from him and you, one other person was practically always there.
You had finished homework one day, venturing out to rummage through the kitchens for something to eat until your brother returned home with takeout for dinner when you had first seen him.
A simple black shirt and jeans and head faced you, a box of fruit loops upended over a wide open mouth. You had squeaked, ducking behind the sink. You were only wearing a pair of shorts and a huge shirt with nothing underneath and a stranger stood in your new home.
When he turned, mouth bulging from the amount of cereal in his mouth, his own eyes had widened and he’d choked, coughing out almost his entire mouthful.
“Fuck, I didn’t know there was a girl in here.” He’d spat out.
Of course, the first few moments where you’d taken the liberty to run straight to your room and get properly dressed, you’d made a few keen observations. Ok, it was only one.
The guy was smoking hot.
Dean had arrived when you came back out, painstakingly admitting to having completely forgotten about mentioning you to his friends and vice-versa. Jimin stood behind his shoulder, an easy smile on his face when you shook hands.
Now…you hadn’t been planning to have anything to do with him necessarily. He was still your brother’s friend and the small flicker of excitement you’d felt when Dean mentioned that Jimin was almost always there was mostly harmless.
So, when you heard your brother teasingly warn off Jimin from flirting with you and the retort was a short, ‘no thanks, I have enough girls lined up to keep my mind off your baby sister,’ your smile vanished, replaced by a disgusted grimace.
As lax as Dean was and as open about his relationships he was, you hadn’t thought that he’d be associating with a fuck boy.
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You didn’t know when your initial disgust and disdain of Park Jimin turned into full blown hate. Perhaps it was the incessant snark, the teasing…
Perhaps it was the fact that Dean hadn’t been lying about him always being there. The times when you had a boy over, even if it wasn’t a date – he was there, on the couch, stuffed with popcorn. The times you would mention going out to a café, or an arcade with a guy, he happened to be there – spotting you all too easily and coming over to say hi.
Or maybe, it was just him being the general hot asshole. He dripped sin and no matter how hard you tried to not notice and move on from the place where you had nothing better to do but look at him, he would tease you about how he riled you up.
You couldn’t escape him.
Which made no sense…because his demeanor meant that he wasn’t a fan of yours either. You spat back retorts as fast as a gun, had compared his dick to one of the moldy carrots in your brother’s fridge, and had once physically pushed him away from a guy you had made the mistake of bringing home.
You were sure, he enjoyed it. There was something about the flare in his eyes that made you curious, wondering if maybe he was doing it on purpose…if the push and pull was something he found exciting.
You wouldn’t be surprised at all if he did.
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The same held true for your place of work.
You had scoured and scored a job as a barista at the café and bakery nearest Dean’s apartment. The situation was lovely, the workers were friendly and the pay wasn’t unfair. You were happy in donning on a simply powder blue apron and doing the works behind the register every day.
Right up until Park Jimin began to show up there as well.
At first, you thought it was because Dean was the one dragging him there; having already warned you he was going to show up and scout out your new work place – just in case. You only wished he had done without Jimin hanging about, his own head swiveling about inquisitively before landing on you, sizing you up.
You couldn’t deny the flush of heat around your neck at his curious gaze and that made you angrier.
He had started to parade around in all his glory even without your brother about, smarmy smirks throw at you while he waited for you to serve him. He would blow kisses, raise an eyebrow challengingly when you threw disparaging looks at him.
And then one fateful day he took it too far.
He stood in line at the counter, you saw him first thing when you handed out change to the customers while another co-worker, Nina, handed out the orders.
You completely turned away from the counter when it was Jimin’s turn, not catching his eyes but ears working on hyperactive as he flirted heavily with the other girl.
Nina, for all her sweetness, blushed, stammered and nearly messed up his order which had you rolling your eyes in disgust. God, he wasn’t even that good. Why were girls all over themselves for him? You could at least give as well as you got.
The final thought had your head snapping up – in horror at you. Where had that come from? Since when had you wanted to be at the receiving end of Jimin’s flirtations? Granted, you always were the one he’d pick on, zero in on, whenever he was around but he did to annoy you.
You looked over your shoulder, finally meeting Jimin’s eyes, which were already on you. Nina had still not managed to get his drink done right, adding a bit too much sugar, you’d noticed than Jimin took but he only grinned – waving a hand to show it was all fine as he dropped a couple bills on the counter.
And then he threw you a cheeky, exaggerate wink, before turning on his heel and retreating back to his customary table.
That’s it.
You snarled to yourself mentally, tapping on Nina’s shoulder a little harder than necessary.
“I’ll do the customers now, you can handle the register.”
If there was anything off about your voice or your face, Nina didn’t mention it. She was probably way too into thinking about Jimin to be very observant anyway. She obediently moved to the other side of the counter, letting you stand to the front, now facing the rest of the line.
You couldn’t feel Jimin’s usual gaze on you, for the most part whenever you glanced at him; he was busy staring intently at his phone.
So, you swiftly handled and dispensed the customers, until one guy walked into your line of sight, hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat and a nervous look in his eyes.
“Hi,” He said first thing.
You put your server smile on. “Good morning, sir. Welcome and what may I get you today?”
“Just a simple black coffee, for Min Yoongi,” The man said. You thought you caught him burying his hands further into his pockets, your smile flickering uncertainly.
“Just a simple black…? No additions?” You clarified, pen hovering over the order slip.
“Yeah no, it’s just it’s embarrassing…I’ve never had coffee in a café before, I always have my homemade blend. But my coffee maker broke so…”
None of the above information was necessary, but you could feel a small smile twitching at the edges of your lips. He was cute, shy and blushing.
“A simple black,” You scribbled the order, passing it to the kitchens, “Perhaps, you should have that machine looked at,” You laughed.
The answering laugh was slow but bubbling. “Well, I mean I could wait a few days – depending on the coffee here.” He said.
“We do have good coffee.” You considered, lowering your voice as you motioned for him to move to the checkout line. A simple black didn’t take much long to make and the line was thankfully empty for now. The paper cup stood steaming on the counter, the name Min Yoongi scrawled over in the chef’s large writing. You grabbed it quickly, putting it in a carrier and placing it in front of him.
The man carefully lifted the cup up, taking a sip, before shrugging. “It’s not half bad. Maybe, I can come by if the machine stays broken.” He lifted hopeful eyes to you.
You couldn’t help but flutter slightly. “I’d keep our simple black lane open.” You teased back and he nodded, still smiling before pulling out the bills for the coffee. He slipped in another bill to your hand.
“A tip, don’t be too eager to spend it.” He flushed heavily, turning quickly on his heel to walk out, the bell tinkling at his exit.
You glanced at the one note curiously. It wasn’t too big of an amount but what mattered was the little red numbers at the base – a phone number. You grinned to yourself. He must have written his number out when you were packing his coffee. You slipped the numbered bill into your pocket, getting back to work to the line when you saw him.
Jimin’s eyebrows were drawn together, thick lips pursed tightly as he drummed his fingers on the counter. His eyes snapped to you immediately when you walked to him.
“Want something else?” You asked lightly, trying not to ruin the small lift Min Yoongi’s number had given you.
“Yes, I would actually, if it’s fine with you.”
You glanced up, eyebrows rising at the curt tone.
“Your little friend over there couldn’t get my order straight. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like a decent drink.”
“Park, you were the one flirting with Nina.” You scowled at him.
His jaw clenched. “Does that mean I have to suffer through a cup of torture?”
You determinedly looked down, writing down the order Jimin had wanted before, passing it to the kitchens to be processed. Jimin didn’t wait for you to ask him anything else, moving to the checkout line before you could say anything. You silently passed him his drink when it came and he took one sip, before wordlessly exiting the shop, your eyes trailing after him.
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You didn’t wait for the official lunch break. You knew he’d be gone by then and you didn’t want to talk to him about his stupid behavior in front of your brother. Grabbing a simple cappuccino to go, you tugged on your coat, exiting the shop, tracing his steps where you knew he would’ve gone – Dean’s apartment.
You didn’t have to go very far. He had stopped near a lamp post, leaning against his car, phone back out as he scrolled roughly on it.
“Hey, Park Jimin,” You arrived in a huff, fingers snapping under his nose that had him jumping – looking at you with a heavy glare in his eyes.
“Y/N, what the fuck,” He backed up into his car door.
“I should be asking you that question. What the fuck is your problem?”
The glare in Jimin’s eyes subsided, replaced with a cold indifference. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, that you’re usually a jackass to me but today you just crossed a few more lines. Why would you flirt with Nina if you didn’t like the coffee she made? And why would you take it out on me?”
“Whoa, ok, I’m not a jackass to you, ok? I was just teasing you with that girl; I didn’t think she’d be so bad at a simple coffee.”
You crossed your arms across your chest. “Doesn’t explain why you were being all stuck up and awful, simply because I served another customer before you?”
Jimin paused, eyes trailing over you. “He gave you his number, didn’t he? I know guys like him; they act all shy to get girls like you falling over them. You’re my best friend’s sister, Y/N; I’m just looking out for you.”
“That is such…” You tried to think of a bad enough word, but looking at Jimin now, the smug arch of his eyebrow, the tilt to his head – you knew he was vying for a fight, anything to get out of the fact that you had called him out on his behavior.
So you did the exact opposite.
“You acted like you were jealous, Park.” You prodded, watching his eyes widen in vindictive pleasure.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“No, no, that’s what this all is about, isn’t it? All the interruptions on my dates, all the intimidating the boys I hung about with…you were just jealous.”
Jimin was backing up now, his hand clenching his door handle. “Y/N, I’m warning you.”
“Oh please, how ridiculous could you get?” You snapped and so did he. His hand shot out; he grabbed onto the back of your coat, yanking you to him, chest pressing tight to his.
Unfortunately, your arm caught between your bodies, the paper cup crumpling from the pressure and splashing all over him. Thankfully, your coat took most of the brunt while his shirt soaked through with what was probably sizzling coffee.
“Son of a bitch,” Jimin jerked away from you, hands pulling away the fabric of his shirt from his skin.
“Oh god,” You dropped the cup in the trashcan under the light post. “Are you burnt?”
“No – no, but I need to get home. Fucking now,” Jimin growled, unlocking the car to roughly pull the door open. “Get in.” He called curtly and for once you obeyed, circling the car as he revved the engine, driving to your apartment.
The car ride was silent, except for the soft curses Jimin let out, squirming in the seat as the wet fabric cooled against his body.
Once home, you led Jimin straight to the washer, letting him unbutton the shirt so you could stash it and your coat in to wash them. Of course, watching nimble fingers work to pull away a sticky cloth from Jimin’s chiseled torso did distract you for a bit but then he opened his mouth.
“You’re paying for the shirt, you know. It was expensive.” He grumbled, leaning against the bathroom door.
You rolled your eyes immediately. “It’s just a shirt, Jimin, and machine washable, it’ll come out fine.”
“Sure, sure,” Jimin smirked. “Isn’t this awfully domestic of you, washing my clothes?”
You didn’t even deign to stand up to face him. “Fuck yourself Park,” You said calmly.
“Actually,” there was a heavy pause. “I think I’ll just fuck you.”
The next thing you felt was a hand at your chin, turning you sideways where Jimin placed his lips on yours fully.
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The squeak you let out was not the sexiest sound you could’ve made in that moment. But then, you hadn’t exactly expected Park Jimin to be kissing you in any way possible. His eyes were clamped shut while yours were blown wide open, watching his brow furrow with effort as he delved deeper into you.
Your hands had grabbed onto the sides of his waist, the curve smooth and cold under your slick palm, if not a little sticky too.
When he pulled away, perhaps to gauge your reaction, your mouth fell open about as wide as your eyes, watching him stunned.
“Yeah,” He huffed, “not exactly the most self controlled thing I’ve done.”
“But…what about all that shit about Dean and watching over me?”
“Are you kidding? He’d be thrilled if you and I got together – but he’d still knock my blinkers up and down the street for not telling him first. Which was what I was texting him about,” He pulled out his phone from his back pocket, showing you a text conversation between him and your brother.
You didn’t even glance at the screen.
“So, all that time when you were being a jerk, you could’ve just come up and kissed me?”
“Well, not really but,”
“Fuck, stop talking.” You groaned, dropping your head in your hand before growling. “Take it all off.” You dug your hand into his waist band, to drive your point home before reaching down for the hem of your own clothes, lifting and tugging it over your head.
“Oh, okay,” Jimin took a second to move, removing everything, your own jeans and underwear joining his on the bathroom floor before the both of you migrated to the wall next to the bathtub, kissing with fervor.
“You’re an idiot, just so we’re on the same page.” You managed to spill when Jimin’s lips – and better, his tongue and teeth – moved to your neck, lining the slope of your throat with harsh pink suckles.
“Babe, we both need to shut up if we’re going to finish this before Dean gets home.” Jimin looked up with a heavy smirk as he ran his tongue over your bottom lip, teeth digging in to part the seam of your mouth. You groaned, feeling him let go as he trailed his fingers down to your exposed breasts, thick fingers digging into the supple flesh, smacking one to watch it jiggle.
“Goddamn, if only I’d had the guts to just do this before when I saw you prance about the house in nothing but that huge shirt and panties.”
“Ironic, I’ve wanted you for roughly the same amount of time.” Your arms wound around his neck as he took a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it hard and rough, letting it go just as abruptly.
Your head thudded back, Jimin dropping to his knees easily. “I’ve wanted to eat this pussy for so long. All those times I’ve come over to see you on your stomach on the couch, or with some dude who probably doesn’t even know how do it -,”
“I thought we were going to shut up.”
Jimin threw you a dirty grin. “Make me.”
You smirked right back – if Jimin thought you were going to take the bait, he didn’t know you too well. Instead, you tangled five fingers in his sleek hair, yanking him closer to your core. “I will,”
His hands travelled up the expanse of your thighs, goose bumps soothed by his nails as his thumbs hooked into the apex of your legs. Jimin hummed against the burning skin, tongue placing kitten licks over the exposed clit.
If it wasn’t the sensation that had you leaning against the wall for balance when Jimin threw a knee over his shoulder, it was the fact that he never removed his eyes from your face.
His tongue traced over your glistening folds, dipping into your hole then fluttering back to your clit to suck it into his mouth, all the while his eyes burned into yours, as if he was devouring more than just your heat, your very essence.
You reached for his shoulders. “Come here,” You kissed him almost savagely, your taste on his lips as you plunged your tongue into his mouth. Fumbling with the free hand, you stroked his length, hands slickening in his arousal.
Finally when he pulled away, he went straight to the bathroom cabinet. “Your brother keeps his condoms here.” He explained.
“I don’t even wanna know why you know that.” You crinkled your nose, ignoring his chuckle as he rolled the sheath onto his shaft. Coming back to you, he kissed the wrinkle off your nose.
He grabbed your thigh, letting it rest over his elbows as he stretched one hand along the wall, holding it tightly in his. Tilting his hips at an angle, he fed his cock into you, a deep guttural groan escaping him as your velvet walls engulfed him tightly.
“I’d take a million ass beatings for a few minutes of this.” He grunted, his first thrusts slow and shallow, stretching you out before he was hefting his arm higher, parting your legs further.
The first angled deep thrust had you gasping, his lips sneaking over yours, subtly muffling the moans and whimpers by swallowing them.
Jimin maintained a steady pace, slow but deep, pushing himself to your limits, mouth wet over any inch of you he could reach, before he was pulling out, turning you to bend over the bathtub. Your fingers wrapped around its lip, tight and bloodless when he delved further back into you.
This time, however, there was nothing slow about him.
He entered you ruthlessly, fast, going even deeper if possible, his teeth clenched when you felt him lean over your, brushing away hair from your ears.
“Do you feel me, Y/N? You’ve been missing out on this.” He laughed, breathless when he reared back and then started plunging into you again, battering his pelvis against your ass.
The sounds of your broken whines accompanied the sharp slaps of your skin meeting his. His hands gripped at your neck, pushing your further down until your were completely bent in half, his head rubbing against your spot and then you were exploding – almost pulling away from him.
“Not done yet, babe,” You felt him enter you again, somewhere through the haze of your bliss, your orgasm seemingly endless as his ferocious speed kept you on the sweet edge of never quite finishing.
When he finally erupted, arms wrapped tight around your chest and waist, standing as he worded curses against your neck, you came once more, arching into the wall, before he rested the both of your exhausted bodies against it.
“We’ll have to talk to Dean if you wanna do this again.” You mumbled.
“Yeah,” He sighed. “But we still have some time.”
He glanced at you sheepishly.
“Round two?”
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d0llpie · 4 years
Tendou x Reader
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
Warnings: angst, mentions of insecurity, self harm (not explicit), sexual assault, ooc ushijima and smut, please let me know if i missed anything
Word count: 3k 
You sat up in bed and rushed to grab your phone beside you, it was only 7am you had plenty of time to get ready for your first day at Shiratorizawa. It was weird living in the Shiratorizawa dorms, you were so used to being at home and seeing your brother, Asahi every day. You came to stay at the dorms a week before school started to get a feel for the campus and to move in properly. You were entering your 2nd year after having to move away from Karasuno due to your brother moving out and your mum not being able to afford to have you live with her.
One week prior : 
Tendou had been stuck at the shiratorizawa dorms all winter since his mum had to attend a business seminar in Tokyo, an often occurrence, and didn't trust him alone in the house for the entire break. He was walking around the empty dorm hallways reading shounen jump when he saw a (h/c) girl struggling with a large bag and a tall man with long brown hair behind her. He watched silently as her (h/l) (h/c) bounced as she entered a room several doors down from where he stood. He didn't even notice the older boys eyes on him his hesitantly, he was too focused on you, he watched as you dragged your bags into the room and felt pulled to help you. His thoughts raced and he didn't want to scare you or confront the taller male behind you, so he turned around and decided to go back to his dorm room. 
Asahi watched him this whole time and wondered if you had noticed, you had but only out of the corner of your eye. You saw a tall slender figure topped with fiery red hair that stood up. You felt pulled to him and you turned to smile at him but when you did you saw him walking away. Your smile dropped but you brushed it off and continued moving into your dorm. 
"uhhh y/n...who was that?" asahi asked as he carried in your heavier boxes 
"not sure, i didn't think there would be other students here so early" you replied not giving it much thought 
"he seemed to be watching you, do you want me to stay here with you?" asahi asked, concern and anxiety written all over his face 
"no i'm sure it's fine, it wouldn't hurt for me to make a friend here before school starts" you said reassuringly 
"hmm okay, make sure to text me often and you know you can always come stay with me on weekends and holidays" asahi said sweetly. You nodded in reply and continued unloading your desk items.
After you had finally moved in you sighed and plopped back on your bed, Asahi chuckled at this and patted your head. 
"Asahi, what if i don't make any friends" you huffed out, half sarcastically knowing he'd be able to cheer you up
"Y/n, of course you will, anyone who gets to know you will love you, and you can join the volleyball team and you'll make friends with all your team mates within no time" he said as kindly as possible 
"Thanks Asahi" you smiled 
After you settled in and Asahi had said goodbye you got out your laptop and watched some anime before dinner. 
Over the next week you rarely left your dorm room despite needing to check out the campus, you felt comfortable with the dormitory building and occasionally saw the red head from moving day, he glanced away whenever your eyes met and you started to wonder why. You smiled at him a few times but he didn't return the gesture and it was starting to worry you. You needed to make at least one friend and you were determined to at least learn the name of the red head who kept stealing glances at you. 
The day before school started came and you were wandering the halls as some students arrived at their dorms, you once again made eye contact and instead of looking away you smiled and began to approach him, you noticed him glance behind him and you smiled at his reaction. He turned back towards you and as you approached you noticed his eyes, they were red and intense but drooped, giving him a tired look, 'cute' you thought. 
Tendou's POV: 
'shit shit shit, did i stare at her too much?' he cursed at himself internally. As you approached he noticed your (e/c) eyes and how they looked at him innocently, something he wasn't used to. Whenever he was on the court his opponents eyes showed fear and defeat, he thrived on that feeling but your eyes, eyes that showed the opposite, gave him a feeling of power, different to that of his opponents. He wondered what it was that you were thinking, he noticed you were new and he figured you were settling in early and would attempt to make friends today, he didn't guess he would be someone you be interested in befriending. 
His history with girls was nothing but disappointing, on the off chance he found a girl who didn't judge him for his reputation and looks, they ended up being interested in his stoic best friend, ushijima. He was used to this happening now and hadn't spoken to anyone in a while so he was nervous to see you approaching him so casually. 
"Hi, i'm y/n...i just moved here from karasuno high" she said brightly, a slight blush dusted her cheeks 
'cute' he thought, but quickly shook the thought away not wanting to have expectations that would inevitably be crushed. He realised he hadn't answered and scratched the back of his neck before replying 
"Hi y/n, i'm Tendou Satori, i'm a 3rd year" he smiled at the small girl in front of him as he became aware at their obvious height difference.
"Oh wow, and do you stay at the dorms all the time?" she said lightly, giving a warm smile. 
"Oh you noticed, i'm sorry i didn't introduce myself earlier, i don't usually stay here over breaks but i wasn't allowed to be at home by myself for the whole break, my mum didn't trust me" he chuckled lightly but could feel his face heating up at the awkwardness. 
The small girl laughed in return which eased his anxiousness, she looked up at him and inquired "Would you mind showing me where the gym is? I plan on joining the volleyball club but this school is huge" her eyes lit up as she noticed your obvious shock 
"You play volleyball?" he half shouted excitedly, earning a small laugh from y/n
"Yep, i'm a libero but i'm not sure if i want to play or be the manager, i guess i'll decide over the next few weeks" she stated happily, "Do you play?" she added on
"Yeah, i'm the middle blocker for the boys team" He said smiling 
"Oh yeah, i heard you guys have an amazing team, Ushijima is the ace right?" his smile dropped as you mentioned Ushijima, he wasn't surprised but he was slightly disappointed at your obvious interest 
"Uh..Yeah hes our ace" he said lightly 
"I thought so, my brother really wants to beat him, he's the ace of karasuno!" she said proudly and as he looked into your eyes he realised you weren't asking out of personal interest and he smiled at the thought. 
After you chatted some more he realised it was getting late and more students would be coming in to settle before school tomorrow 
"Well i'll see you tomorrow y/n" he said peering down at the small girl in front of him 
She smiled warmly and nodded, the same blush from earlier dusting her cheeks and he loved seeing how cute it made you look, he shook the thought away again as you walked back to your dorm, it would be amazing to simply have you as a friend and he didn't need anything more, so why did he keep hoping it was him that was making you blush? He went back to reading shounen jump on his bed to take his mind off of you. 
Back to current time
You went to the bathroom and washed your face and put on your new uniform, the skirt and blazer fitted you well and you felt comfortable, you hoped to run into Tendou again seeming he was the only person you knew. As you finished getting ready you realised you still had tonnes of time but you decided to leave early so you could get to see where your classes were. As you left your dorm room you saw someone leave the boys bathroom with a towel around their neck, some sweatpants and a loose tee. You recognised the familiar bright red hair but it was now down, damp and dripping onto Tendous face as he turned to meet your eyes. You blushed seeing his toned arms and the way his damp hair framed his face, he noticed this and smirked before giving you a small wave and entering his dorm room. 
You continued walking to class feeling embarrassed at your childish reaction and pushed the thought out of your mind for the day. 
Classes finished and you sighed happily knowing it was time for Volleyball, you grabbed your other uniform from your locker and changed into it before you headed towards the gym. A familiar red head caught your eye as you turned to see Tendou half running to catch up to you with a smile on his face. You smiled back at him and waited for him to catch up to you
"Hey, i told you i'd see you today, c'mon i'll walk you to the gym" he said confidently with a smirk 
"Thanks" you smiled back returning the gesture
Practise went well with the girls team but every so often you'd look across to the other court after hearing the ball slam down and you'd notice Tendou's eyes as he stared down the spiked whos ball he just killed. His eyes were filled with pride and he almost looked insane, you were impressed by his skill and he noticed you staring after a while and began to meet your eyes after each kill block. 
After practise you changed back into your uniform and left the locker room to see Tendou against the wall waiting for you. 
"Hey tendou what's up?" you asked 
"Not much, i saw your receives, they're impressive" he complimented looking into your eyes 
"Thanks, your kills were incredible, you even blocked one of Ushijimas spikes" you returned the compliment not realising his expression change at the mention of you noticing Ushijimas spikes 
"Yeah thanks" he muttered trying to sound normal 
You noticed his change in tone but didn't mention it, you both continued walking back to the dorms in silence.
When you arrived at the dorms you noticed the Ace of shiratorizawa, Ushijima, standing outside of Tendous dorm room. 
"Hey Wakatoshi, this is y/n" Tendou looked up at him before continuing "she's joining the girls volleyball team and just moved from Karasuno" the taller man stared at him with a blank expression before nodding his head to you, you smiled awkwardly and noticed his expression soften when you did. Tendou also noticed this and shyly turned towards you. 
"Well goodnight y/n, i'll see you tomorrow" he put a hand on your shoulder and you shivered, he noticed and pulled away quickly with a blush on his face
"Yeah, see ya" you said before nodding to Ushijima and going back to your dorm. 
After you had dinner you decided to take a shower and watch some anime before bed. Lying in bed you thought about your day, you hadn't made any friends in your classes but the volleyball girls were all really welcoming, which you appreciated. There was Tendou of course, Tendou. You wondered why he didn't seem to have many friends besides Ushijima, during practise you heard some say 'guess monster' after one of his kill blocks but you were too focused to pay it any thought. Maybe you'd ask him about it tomorrow when he walked you to practise. 
The next day of classes went by painfully slow, you were in class 5 and the homework was already being piled on, you assumed it would be harder than Karasuno but you definitely weren't expecting this much. During lunch as you were running past the cafeteria you noticed Tendou wasn't eating, he looked up and saw you and you exchanged a smile, he blushed lightly and you kept rushing past. 'Cute' you thought. 
Practise time finally came and this time you tried to engage more with your teammates. 
Tendous POV
He saw you talking to Miki, the girls team captain and he watched as you laughed with the team and dove for the ball. Semi noticed he was getting distracted and the setter came up to him 
"Tendou, got your eyes on someone?" he teased
"What? oh y/n? no i just met her a few days ago" he said defensively 
"Oh c'mon Tendou she was watching you pretty much all of yesterday's practice" Semi said rolling his eyes. Tendou looked at him with wide eyes, he noticed you glance over at him a few times but he didn't realise Semi could see it too. 
"Tch, she was probably watching Ushiwaka" Tendou roller his eyes and went back to practice. Semi's face softened and he stopped teasing Tendou, he knew he'd been used before to get to Ushijima and he always felt sorry for Tendou. 
After practise you put your uniform back on and walked out of the change rooms half expecting to see Tendou but he wasn't there. You said goodbye to Miki and the other girls and began to head back to the dorms, you noticed Tendou up ahead and started running to catch up. 
"Hey Tendou ! wait up" you called out and he turned to see you running towards him, he smiled 
"Hey y/n" he looked down as you started walking with him 
"So, i overheard someone call you the guess monster at practice, what's that nickname for?" you said lightly, regretting it immediately as you saw Tendous eyes widen and stare down at you 
"Oh that. Have you seen my blocks? I usually just guess where the spiker is going to hit it and my intuition which is often correct scored me the nickname" he smirked, bragging, but his eyes looked away from you. 
"Wow that's amazing, you really are an amazing blocker" you smiled warmly hoping to make him look at you. He turned to see you gazing up at him with those eyes, they didn't hold any intentions of embarrassing him with his old nickname, he'd grown used to seeing that look and was surprised to see you so happily staring at him. 
"Thanks (n/n)-chan" he grinned as he saw you blush at the nickname 
"No problem ten-chan" you grinned back cheesily. 
End of the week 
The bell rung signalling the end of the week, 'finally' you thought as you sighed at got ready for practise, Asahi was busy practicing for some training camp coming up so you'd have to stay at the dorms all weekend, you hoped Tendou would be there too so you weren't alone. You saw the tall red head waiting for you as you left the change room. He put his arm around your shoulder as you walked to the gym and you tried not to act flustered as your stomach filled with butterflies. Trying to distract yourself you asked him 
"Hey ten-chan, are you going back home this weekend?" you peered up at him 
"My mum returns on Monday and she's okay with me going home but i'll stay if you're asking me to keep you company" he smirked down at you and began laughing once he noticed the blush on your face. You poked his side and smiled at him.
After practice you were walking back with Ushijima and Tendou, you were in the middle of both of them and you noticed Ushijima watching you. You wanted to ask Tendou to hang out this weekend to get closer but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable so you figured it'd be less awkward if you invited Ushijima too. 
"Hey Ushijima, do you stay in the dorms over the weekends?" you looked up at him and felt tendou's arm around your shoulder tighten. 
"No, i'm visiting family" he said bluntly 
"Oh okay" you didn't think he'd want to hang out with you and Tendou so you kept walking silently, after a while Tendou dropped his arm and you looked up to see him looking away from you. 
Ushijima left and you and Tendou walked up the stairs to the dorms rooms 
"Hey Tendou, are you okay?" you asked
"I'm fine n/n-chan, why?" he grinned at you but you could tell something was off 
"You know you can tell me if i'm bothering you, i know you probably get sick of me following you before and after practise and i can tell Ushijima seems bothered" you looked up to see his eyes staring at you, his face looked so soft but his eyes were so intense and red. 
"What? No that's not it at all, i like hanging out with you it's just..I thought you might've been trying to get me to set you up with Ushiwaka..." he trailed off awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You looked up at him confused, you decided to clear the air by asking him if he wanted to hang out this weekend. 
"Tendou, do you wanna go somewhere with me tomorrow?" his cheeks were dusted with a light blush as his lips curled into a smile.
"Of course y/n, where do you wanna go?" he asked peering down at you
"I was thinking about the cafe around the corner" you smiled sweetly. 
"Sure, i'll come to your dorm room tomorrow at 11am" he noticed you blush at him taking initiative and he took it as a sign, he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear before laughing
"Goodnight n/n-chan" he walked into his dorm room leaving you, filled with butterflies. 
That night while you were lying in bed watching anime you started to think about Tendou, you liked him and so far he was one of your only friends besides the volleyball team. You didn't know why he made you so giddy, you'd only known him a week, you didn't think you liked him like that but you were excited for the cafe tomorrow. 
Tendous POV 
He sat up in bed just thinking about you, he wanted you as a friend but he needed to keep you at a distance. He was overjoyed when you asked him to hang out just the two of you but deep down he didn't think he could trust you. He thought about avoiding you tomorrow but decided he'd just make it clear you were only friends, despite how nervous he became around you.
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thelivebookproject · 4 years
Talking Books With @the-night-sky-is-beautiful!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Meet my fellow European, everyone!
Today we discuss compulsive readings, book advice, and reading internationally.
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Luise, she/her; country: Estonia; three adjectives to describe her: intelligent, kind & chill /end]
1. What do you think about planned/compulsive readings in schools?
well I quite like them. sure, the choices aren't always the ones I'd make and a lot of my friends usually find the books boring, but I most often find something good about the books. in our school we read about 6-8 books per school year and we can usually choose 3 or 4 of them ourselves. the mandatory books vary between Estonian classics or new (mostly young adult/teen) books. we also read 2 books in English (it's not our first language, Estonian is). I liked all of the books we read last year. I think it's great that it makes kids read more, but I also understand that some don't like reading at all. we should have more audiobooks in Estonian, then the kids who learn best from listening could have a more comfortable way of 'reading' too. one negative thing tho is that I often don't have the time to read other books that I'd like to read. I'm not the fastest reader but I enjoy it a lot. my personal reading list usually gets slowed down during the school year, but this year I've set myself a goal to better myself and read more.
[You can read new young adult books for school????? I have never ever ever met someone who had this. Am I too old? When I was in high school we only read classics! Spanish classics, at that.
However, I think it’s a wonderful idea!!!! Teens can’t always relate to classic books because the writing is difficult to understand, but by making them read contemporary books I’m sure people enjoy it a lot more.]
2. Last book you read in 24 hours?
Oh dear I’m not sure I remember... I don’t think I really even have done that with actual books (not children’s ones yknow)  I usually don’t have that much tims/attention and usually I just like a longer reading period more cuz then I can enjoy the book. 
3. Do you prefer 1st, 2nd or 3rd person POV?
I think 3rd person POV is the best in like novels and stuff and I like it the most. 1st and 2nd work in fanfiction tho haha
4. If you could get a literary tattoo right now, what would it be?
I think I'd get a small picture of Little My from Moomintroll
5. Is there any book advice that has stuck with you over a long time?
well I think the best thing is to enjoy the book and try to find a reason to read it even if it seems boring. I'd recommend finishing what you once start reading even if that is almost a year later or something. I have ended up liking a book even if I didn't really like reading it after all.
Free space!
also one thing I recommend to people who usually only read their own country's book: read from different places. a lot of amazing books are translated, not all great books are written in English. find hidden gems that have been translated to English (or your any other language) from small languages (like Estonian, not much of our literature goes international). I feel like as a person from a quite small country I'm very used to read internationally famous books translated and also some not so famous books too. I'm not too sure if people from the US for example even read books that aren't by an English native author (except some world classics). so yeah READ INTERNATIONALLY
[READ INTERNATIONALLY indeed!!!!! Here is my obligatory post about why translations are important]
You can follow her at @the-night-sky-is-beautiful​.
Thank you, Luise! This was lovely.
Nex interview: Saturday, 23th of January
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stillebesat · 5 years
Stille’s Sanders Sides Master Post (Updated September 9th, 2022)
Here’s my official Master Post of my Sanders Sides Fics! 
All of them can also be found on my Ao3 account NikaylaSarae. ^^;;
For Tumblr, the links to all my stories are below the cut. <3
The Brilliant 3 A.M. Idea  -Roman gets an Idea at 3am and must tell Thomas. -Inspired from Image posted by: organisoitukaaosteoria, Fic request: darude-sanderstorm
The Nest -Patton misplaces his cardigan and finds it in an unexpected spot. Inspired from series of text posts by: the-zebra-dragon and arc852, Fic request: sidewritings
That’s How You Know -Roman is feeling low after not getting a part he auditioned for and desperately wanted. The others step in to cheer him up. Song!Fic -That’s How You Know from Enchanted
Out There: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Logan finds himself alone in the apartment. So he does something he usually doesn’t do. Sing. Song!Fic -Out There from Hunchback of Notre Dame
Deep Heart: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -When Logan leaves the others in Patton’s room, Virgil takes matters into his own hands and ends up revealing a secret Patton wanted to keep hidden. (takes place at the end of Moving On ½) Inspiration from This Post Courage, Braveheart: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -Virgil had known since he was young that his chances for living long were slim. Still, he had hoped to have lived a little bit longer.
A Sweet Discovery -It’s 2 a.m. and Tiny!Logan is on the prowl for sweets. Tiny!Sides
It Takes Two -When Logan can’t convince Thomas to not give into peer pressure in a potentially dangerous situation, he turns to the Side he thought he’d never go to for help. Virgil.
Found in the Glitter -Working backstage is not always the easiest, especially when Virgil manages to get on the new guy’s nerves. Theatre AU
A Rainbow Connection -Roman’s on the run, desperate to escape the man who’s been able to control his entire life just by looking into his eyes. Hopping from airport to airport, Roman unexpectedly runs into the person who gave him the key to slipping from the Cobra’s mental control; Thomas Sanders.   Song!Fic
Shades of Truth: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - -Everyone has secrets, Roman knows this. But after dealing with Deceit in the most recent video and discovering that Virgil doesn’t like liars…he decides to come clean with a secret he’s been hiding from the other Sides.
Meeting Einstein -It’d been a horrible no good very bad and awful day, and all Patton wanted was to play with the puppies in the local pet store to cheer himself up. Instead he finds something completely different.
True Colors  -There’s a place in the mindscape that Roman only goes to as a last resort when the criticism from the others becomes too much. Unfortunately, it’s becoming an all too frequent occurrence.
A Work of Art -After a rough night of public humiliation at the hands of his old rival, Roman just wants to take a shower and get some sleep. His roommate has something else in mind though.
Contained-Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -You know what they say about Creativity. It’s best if it’s locked away.
FreeFalling- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith. Winged!AU
The Butterfly Effect- Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  -Roman has three chances to change his life for the better. Three chances to fix past mistakes. Three chances to totally screw it all up. But who said life is worth living unless one takes a little risk?
The Training Program-It’s five a.m.. Virgil hasn’t yet slept and Thomas is summoning him. That couldn’t be good.
A Hero’s Rescue Part 1  Part 2 -After being defeated in battle, the last thing Roman expects is to have a soaking wet hero show up at his doorstep.
The Beginning -Creativity has an idea. A wonderful, awesome idea. Now…if only Creativity could focus enough to make the idea a reality.
Little Lies - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  -All he’d been looking for when he’d revealed himself to Thomas was a little less work. One less secret to hide. One less thing to keep Thomas from knowing because his host didn’t want to know. To say it had backfired for Deceit was a bit of an understatement.
White Lies - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -Sequel to Little Lies -Deceit has been stuck in his ‘role’ as Dilyn for almost a year now. It’s about time he changed that.
CatScratch - Virgil’s learned to expect a lot of things helping the police solve murders, but he never thought that they’d actually find something that could crack his own unsolved case.
The Finish Line - After years of training, Logan Star is finally going to accomplish the one goal he’s had since his first High School track meet. Beat Roman Prince.
Growing Pains -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -For the past year Logan has been fighting to keep a part of himself hidden. Only now, thanks to Roman, he’s been compromised.
The Grade -Patton: I’m sorry I graded your tests in magic marker, but I just felt like it.
Seeking Warmth -If he’d known he’d be spending the rest of eternity freezing to death on Earth, Deceit would never have left Hell in the first place.
Spilled Milk -Logan never expected to get in the middle of a fight while at the self-checkout of a grocery store.
Egg-stenuating Circumstances -Why is it that the simplest of quests for Roman always end up more complicated than they should be?
The Rise of Deceit -With the Dragonwitch destroying the kingdom, the Crown Prince has a difficult choice to make.
Tattered -Part 1  Part 2 -Left to fend for himself, Roman can’t trust anyone…right?
Raindrops and Cookies -Most people would only be focused on getting themselves out of the rain. Patton isn’t most people.
A Special Delivery -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  - “The stork brings the baby to deserving parents.” He whispered, quoting the words from memory. “All the lost, forgotten, and alone.”
In These Tangled Webs: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 -It should be easy admitting to your roommates that you’re not entirely human. Only in Logan’s case it’s not. Not when he discovers that Patton is afraid of Spiders.
The Old Hoodie - 2 sentence prompt –Thomas glared at Virgil, eyes filled with hate, and held out Virgil’s old hoodie, obviously expecting him to take it and go back to who he used to be. “I don’t trust Dark Sides.“
I Miss The King: Part 1  Part 2 -2 sentence prompt -“I miss you… I miss the King” a sigh “Apparently, it’s the same for me.”
Infinitesimal -Logan isn’t quite sure why Roman thinks he needs his help at three in the morning.
To Break A Curse: 2 sentence prompt -Logan looked at Roman, eyes dark. “I need you to really think about what you’re saying, because you’re going to hurt Virgil even more if you do not.“  
Shutting Down -Having your phone die shouldn’t be that big of a deal…right?
Anxious to Touch - Virgil ca’t be around the others without hurting them, so he has to stay away. Only Deceit won’t let him do that.
The Path: A Tale of Trick or Treating - Remus(1) Patton(2) Emile(3) Remy(4) ???(5) Logan(6) Roman(7) Virgil(8) Diva(9) Duke(10) Prince(11) Picani(12) Logic(13)  Deceit(14) ???(15)  -2nd person pov. -You’ve been trick or treating at the Sanders Side’s homes for as long as you can remember, but this year things get a bit more…complicated.
The Interview: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 5 -A normal day at StoryTime! Inc. takes an unexpected turn when Logan goes to investigate why his coworkers have made a bet using Crofters as the prize.
Virgil’s Interview: -It’d been his dream to work for StoryTime! since he was a kid, and now finally, Virgil may be able to make it come true. Note: Virgil’s pov of Chapter 3 in The Interview.
The Olive Branch -They used to celebrate Christmas Eve without Anxiety there to ruin things. But this year Roman plans to change that.
These Black Wings -An hour ago Patton had been loved, wanted, celebrated. Now? He’s on the run for his life thanks to the large black wings that sprouted from his back.
Chimney Sweep -Sure. It’s great to be able to see visions of missing children…but being able to find them still alive is another thing entirely.
Meeting Romeo -A Prequel to A Work of Art. -It was unfortunate really, but someone had to tell the Romeo standing on the street that his Juliet he’d come to listen to day after day no longer lived in the apartment complex. It might as well be Virgil.
Dance with Me -Patton’s never had a father figure to bring to his ballet class for Valentine’s Day like all the other kids before. But this year…he might.
A Midnight Conversation -All Virgil expected when he stepped out onto the balcony was to have a quiet moment to himself. Note: Virgil’s pov of ch 2 of White Lies.
Warm Fuzzies -Two Sentence Prompt: Remy thought that he didn’t deserve love, not after everything he’s done. But, when Emile walked through the door to room 127, Remy’s heart skipped an unexpected beat.
A Shadowling’s Happiness  -Two Sentence Prompt: “Where the hell are you going!?” “To the subconscious,  and you can’t stop me.”
Scales- Prologue  Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Epilogue -Deceit hadn’t expected his absence from the Mindscape to be noticed by the others…until Logic knocked on his door.
Mother’s Day -Janus has never liked Mother’s Day.
Wanted -Remus knew one thing for sure. No one would ever want to Want him.
To The Moon - A Vague AU Prompt. -This wasn’t at all how Patton expected their wedding night to go.
The New Hire- Roman has never known his brother, Logan, to break a promise. Until now. Note: Roman’s pov of Chapter 4 in The Interview. 
Be My Dad- A Vague AU Prompt -Janus has no interest in being a parental figure to a kid, but trying to convince the universe of that is another thing entirely.
Moonshot-  Was it too much for Logan to ask to have just one date not revolve around sports talk?
The Sweater- Emile had said he was making a sweater for a friend. Only he neglected to tell Remy that this friend wasn’t exactly…well…human.
October ThirST -After seventy years of searching for his Soulblood, Virgil is highly doubtful he’ll find them tonight.
Lemon Drops -Patton just wanted to go somewhere where he wouldn’t be judged, wouldn’t disappoint…wouldn’t…screw up another relationship. (Takes place after SvS Redux)
The Path: A Promise Kept -sequel to The Path: A Tale of Trick or Treating -Trick or Treating may be cancelled this year, but that won’t stop you from keeping a Promise.
The Chaos Twins -prequel moment to The Sweater -Everyone has their hobbies, though Emile wishes his roommates’ hobbies were a little less…explosive.
On the Run -prequel moment to the Sweater -When life gives you an escape attempt, you run as fast and as far as you can to get away.
Nitemear -It’s not considered running away if you’re merely trying to find a more defensible position.
The Key is Confidence -Confidence. That was the key, his father had told him, to getting away with anything.
Among the Branches -Getting woken up at the crack of dawn by your landlord can’t be a good thing. Fractured Trust- Trust is a tender thing, easily made…and just as easily broken. Written for the Two sentence prompt -"Why don't you trust me Roman?" Patton asked tightening his grip on Roman's shirt. "P-Patton I-" Roman stuttered out fearfully.
A Mini’s Pep Talk -It shouldn’t surprise Roman, at this point, that on top of an already no good really really bad day he ends up getting attacked by another Side’s Mini-Me while looking for his own. (Takes place after SVS Redux)
The (K)nightmare -They say that the brain uses Dreams to help understand and solve problems one faces in the waking world.
Demon Comfort -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -Lurking under a Human’s bed should be downright dull for a Demon of Logan’s rank. And yet…he can’t help but be intrigued by his human charge.
First Contact - Things would be so much easier if only their human, Virgil, would talk to them.
Meeting Virgil (5x1) - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -Five times Remy tried to give Virgil a child and the one time he succeeded. A Special Delivery Prequel. 
Catch Me (If You Can) - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Remy would not allow himself to be seen as needy and helpless in front of the general masses. He had an image to uphold. One of perfect health, snarky comebacks, and general sassiness. He didn’t get sick.
Beneath the Moon - Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 -After all the research he’d done, after all the signs he’d been experiencing. Logan needed someone to tell him he wasn’t crazy. And Roman…Roman had always been the one most likely to believe in the fantastical, the impossible, the…supernatural.
Hello Darkness (My Old ... Friend?) - Part 1  -Is it possible to search for something…for someone…when you don’t even remember that they’re missing?
Dance Break! -Roman suddenly jumped up, a sparkle in his eyes, as he turned, seeking out the first person he can find and holding out his hand. “Dance with me!” (Written with @kieraelieson)​
Christmas Eve -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 -Of all the barriers that Janus expected to have to overcome in order to get his son a pet for Christmas, encountering his Ex, Roman, working in the pet store had never once crossed his mind.
Code: Blanket -Part 1  Part 2 -A friendship doesn’t stop just because one person decides to act like a dick. Especially when said dick is obviously in trouble.
An Unconventional Defeat -Patton knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young?
Into the Fray -It wasn’t like he shouldn’t have expected this. It seemed like any plan involving him and Virgil had a tendency to well…go astray.
No Longer Alone -Growing up in isolation away from people has been all that Virgil’s ever known. That changes today.
A Restless Christmas Eve -Even if it had been five years since he’d appeared in the real world, this still felt like it should have been a Virgil problem and not a Deceit one. He’d never had issues staying asleep before. Let alone ending up wide awake, feeling like he needed to–to–just move. Get out. Because of a stupid storm.
Out Camping - Part 1  Part 2 -A Father and Son Camping Trip.
Sanders Sides Art Portals AU-  Deceit  Roman  Patton Logan  Virgil
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negasonicimagines · 4 years
Want U Back ; “A Resounding Yes” (1)
h request: Does “could we get an ellie x reader fic?? doesn't matter what it is, we just miss you!!” count? I guess “!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Could I request literally anything with angst and hurt/comfort!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!!!!?!?!!!!??!?!!?!?!!!!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?” fits, haha!
synopsis: Ellie knows she fucked up the second she sees Yukio’s lips on yours. She knows your relationship will never be the same, but can she still regain what she took for granted?
author’s note: hey! sorry for being the worst! Also, do you guys prefer the selectively-omniscient 2nd person POV, or the rigid 2nd person POV that sticks to the reader’s thoughts? I played with Yukio’s original backstory in this, let me know what you think! Just so y’all know, this is only divided up because it’s suuuuper long! I have more to write, but I still plan to finish it soon!
warnings: emotional cheating, break-up, unhealthy relationship (that gets fixed), angst, if there’s anything else let me know! Also, this isn’t really a trigger but this fic will explore a lot of Ellie’s flaws and features her being a Not Very Good Girlfriend in the beginning, so if you really don’t care for the idea of her being a sucky gf, you might wanna skip this one. Also, TROS spoilers
“What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?”
“You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish,” Yukio responds with a giggle. 
“Damn it!” Wade told you the joke that’s so bad it rounds back to good earlier, and the first person- after remembering Ellie would probably just glare at you, of course -you thought to tell was Yukio. 
“Wade told me that one, too,” she explains. 
“One of these days, I am going to beat him to a joke,” you declare, looking to the girl with a smile and cluelessly stealing her breath away.
Maybe she should give you a hint, she thinks. The two of you are close enough already, sitting together on the floor in her room making shrinky-dinks for earrings. She could just grab you and… 
Well, now she’s blushing, thinking of a lot more than just kissing you. 
“Hey, ‘Kio, did you hear me?” She didn’t respond to your next attempt, one of many this evening alone. 
“Hm?! Oh, no, I didn’t, sorry…”
“No worries,” you chirp, and after a few beats of silence, Yukio asks:
“Aren’t you gonna say what I missed?” 
“Oh, it was stupid, anyways.”
“No way,” Yukio argues. “Go ahead.”
“What do you call a donkey with a million eyes and a million legs?”
“Ooh, I haven’t heard this one. What?” The genuine curiosity; the hope for a clever answer… It’s a little too much to take without letting out even a snort, but you manage.
“A monster,” you say, in your most deadpan expression possible, which happens to be a stupid grin at Yukio’s chuckling.
The smile fades, but not completely- never completely, not when you’re around -before she leans in, just a little. But, you know what she wants. A part of you wants it, too. 
You put a finger to her lips, gently stopping her.
“I- I haven’t broken up with her, yet.”
“You and I have been getting a lot more close. Even closer than before, which I didn’t even realize was possible, but too close for me to have a girlfriend who doesn’t know about it. And I… If I’m choosing, I’m choosing you. I should have before.”
“Before? Y/N, one of my favorite things about you is that you usually aren’t this vague,” Yukio remarks, and you scoff. 
“Can you blame me for being a bit nervous to confess that I’ve liked you as more than a friend for a long time? Like, ‘the only reason I even ended up with Ellie was because I really like both of you and she asked first’-a long time?”
“Not at all,” Yukio admits. “It’s getting kinda late, maybe you should head back… Do you want me to walk with you?”
“I’d rather she didn’t blow up on both of us,” you admit. Yukio’s your official roommate, but the potential for Ellie to level the house in her sleep has perks, including her own room. You sleep there, and your bed in Yukio’s room has been replaced with a futon. Guess it’s time to pack your bags. Should you start doing that before or after you tell her you’re leaving her for her other best friend?
“You’re doing it tonight?” She wonders, surprised as you scoop up the scrap plastic and throw it away. She picks up the scissors, and colored pencils while you put your markers back in their case. Tomorrow, the two of you can heat up your creations. 
“You’ve emboldened me… You usually do,” you tell her. She makes you feel like an equal when you’re together, and since she’s pretty damn great, your self-esteem gets quite the boost. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Yukio replies, blushing. 
“I sure hope not,” you tell her in lieu of a goodbye, and once the door is shut behind you, Yukio squeals in delight. 
As you head to Ellie’s room, the nervousness in your stomach starts to boil. You knock. 
“Y/N?” she questions. 
“Come in.” 
You enter awkwardly, but she doesn’t seem to notice the way you fiddle with the door to make sure it closes perfectly quiet, after that one time she got onto you for closing it too loudly. 
“Why do you even knock, anyway?”
“Just wanna respect your privacy. It’s your room.”
“I’d say it’s yours, too, but you don’t really spend a lot of time here anymore.”
“Never thought I’d see the day you were passive-aggressive,” you remark. Normally something like that would be teasing, but now it just feels biting, to both of you.
“I guess you could say love changed me,” Ellie retorts. Love. As if she loved you. The only sign she might is when she mumbles the words back to you. She never says it first, never holds you without you asking, only really kisses you when she wants to-
“I was just hanging out with Yukio,” you admit, snapping out of it. 
“Maybe she should be your girlfriend instead, since you like spending so much time with her.”
You know she’s probably just hurt, or jealous, or… Well, that’s irrelevant. It’d be a fair criticism if she wasn’t such a bitch about it. 
You take your chance: “Maybe she should.” 
And then you grab your go bag from the closet, as well as your other suitcases, the ones you used to move your things here in the first place. You start packing.
“Wait, what? What the fuck are you doing?”
“I said, ‘Maybe she should.’ As in, maybe this relationship has run its course and I’m better off with someone else.”
Ellie blinks. That’s a first, she usually doesn’t allow herself to be phased by the things you or anyone else says. 
“Well, let me clarify for you. That maybe is a resounding fucking ‘yes,’” she retaliates. Ah, that’s what it was. She wasn’t bothered in the least, she just needed time to come up with a good comeback. That’s your Ellie… Well, not anymore. 
It feels like it takes longer than it does, but eventually your things are all tucked away in your bags. 
“You’re not gonna take Gerard?”
“Why would I? You got him for me,” you tell her in lieu of a goodbye, heading back to Yukio’s. 
She opens the door before you even knock, but seems surprised to see you there. 
“I was worried she might try to chase you down,” she explains before you even ask, ushering you in. She takes your bags and sets them down on the futon. 
“As if she’d ever fight for me,” you assure her, but it just puts a frown on her face. She’s already wearing pajamas, so you figure you should change into yours. 
You swiftly do so, not even bothering to tuck yourself away in the bathroom. After all, the two of you have changed in front of each other countless times. 
Yukio’s stunned expression implies this time might be a little bit different, though. You can’t help the twitch of a smirk that graces your lips before you do head to the bathroom, taking the contents of one of the external pockets of your suitcases with you and completing your nighttime routine. 
“Can I kiss you, now?” Yukio asks as soon as you reach her. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed, and she asks the question like she’s asked it a million times and you’ve said no to every single request. You realize that maybe she has asked, in some subtle ways. A hand on yours to comfort you, a longing look in her eyes when you turn away… Maybe she’s been asking you to kiss her all this time, and you just didn’t see it. 
That maybe is a resounding fucking yes, you remember Ellie’s words from before.  
You lower yourself and press your lips to hers. She freezes in surprise before responding, tangling her fingers into your hair and you can feel in every motion how badly she wants this, wants you, like no one ever has, or at least not in a way they’ve communicated. Yukio kisses you like she loves you; she loves you. You smile into the kiss and she pulls away to see it, to see you.  “Wow…” you both sigh, before giggling. 
“Are you sure this isn’t too soon?” Yukio wonders. The fact that she cares to ask is enough to send the butterflies already in your stomach into a fluttering frenzy.  
“You of all people should know that relationship was over before I went to that room this evening,” you remind her. “That this one started before I kissed you, even.” 
You do feel a bit guilty about that part, but it just… Happened. Yukio was there when Ellie stopped being there, bored of you but unsure how to say it, you’re sure. 
Yukio nods, kissing you this time. It’s gentle, she’s gentle, but it’s still loaded with all the feelings you’ve been too ashamed to express these past few weeks.Yes, all of them. You pull away while you can still stop yourself, and nearly topple over with nerves. Yukio pulls you onto the bed before turning the lamp on and afterwards clapping to turn the lights off. 
“That’s new,” you note, still a bit breathless. “Hope you don’t mind me being a tease, but it is a little too soon for that.”
“You’re not a tease. We did what we were both comfortable with. If you’re not ready, neither of us are. Did you and Ellie ever…?”
“Oh, um, yeah. A lot.”
“Right, I guess I should’ve figured that out when you stopped complaining about being a virgin,” Yukio chuckles. 
“So, now we just… Sleep?” You wonder.
“I guess so, but…” The two of you meet eyes. Despite the agreement that you shouldn’t go farther than kissing, there’s still excitement buzzing in the air from the “new” relationship. 
“You can go ahead and transform, if you want. Might help you get in a sleepy mood.”
“Transf-? Oh, right… I don’t really do that anymore, not when I’m sleeping.”
“Why not? You told me it makes you feel safer.”
“Takes up too much space on the bed,” you mumble. “Plus, what if I accidentally claw something up in my sleep?”
“Did- Did Ellie say those things to you?”
Yukio is a sweet girl, but not nearly as bubbly and innocent as she pretends to be. There’s a dark side to her, one just like yours. 
“Yeah, but… You’re probably taking it a lot more serious than she meant it. She’s not like us, Yukes. She has normal parents, went to a normal school before all this. Doesn’t understand.”
“Doesn’t try to,” Yukio complains. “Would it help if I said it makes me feel safer?”
You give a noiseless chuckle. 
“I mean it. Think about it, wouldn’t you feel safer with a guard leopard sleeping next to you? A mamushi curled around your arm ready to strike any intruder?”
“I guess you’re right. Couldn’t you just Rey Palpatine the shit out of anyone who tries to attack us, though?”
“Remind me of that travesty of a movie again and you’ll have to worry about being Rey Palpatine’d yourself. But, uh, yeah, of course I’m right. And Ellie’s more of an idiot than I thought she was,” Yukio says, and you can see her adorably smug smile shining bright in the moonlight. 
“Hey! She’s still our friend!” 
“Yeah, once she gets over me stealing you,” your new- oh, wait, you should probably ask what you are, you realize -remarks.
“Something tells me you’ll figure out soon that there isn’t much to get over. Uh… What are we, now?”
“I’d be honored to call you my girlfriend,” Yukio tells you. “Now, will you please transform into a cute creature for me to cuddle?”
“Didn’t think you were this much of an animal-lover, Yuks,” you remark. 
“I’m a you-lo…” She trails off, realizing what she was saying. “-ver.”
You slip under the covers to strip back down, afterwards beginning the transition. You feel your hands shift into paws, feel even the barely visible hairs on your skin thicken and darken as the features of your face shift and contort into something else entirely. You pop your head back up and Yukio laughs, smoothing the ruffled fur on your head and face. 
“You are so beautiful,” she tells you. You’d thank her, but it’s a waste of energy. You were taught how to push your thoughts into the minds of others like speech by some of the most powerful telepaths ever, but as you have no more psychic energy than even a non-mutant, it’s tiring to use that ability; therefore, any other form of communication is preferable.
You choose to nuzzle her hand, and she’s grinning ear to ear. It’s not every day she gets a real-life teddy bear, well, before now. You’d be happy to do this every day, though you might get bored of the bear aspect.
Yukio bear-hugs your neck, pulling you close. You really do feel more relaxed, tired from the transformation and comforted by her embrace. You give a low grumble, nervous to fall asleep on top of her, even a little bit. She looks inquisitive before seeing your point and releasing you so that you can lay back. You turn over, and she spoons you, nuzzling her cheek against your new fur. 
Your eyes slip shut, and your breathing slows to match hers as the two of you fall asleep.
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cognitivefunk · 4 years
La Papessa and La Morte: A Courtship
@amagicalduckling​ So I hope this is alright! It’s Nova x Reader (from 2nd person POV) with Nova flip flopping dominance, with an isekai reader insert hahaha. 
Fandom:  La storia della Arcana Famiglia (otome) Pairing: Nova x Reader  Rating: E - Explicit (smut, porn with somewhat of a plot) Warnings: Blood (Vampire AU), biting, oral, secondhand embarrassment Word Count: 5,559
*Disclaimer all characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18+ images below are from the official artwork from the game (Sarachi Yomi - HuneX)
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The air was warm against your skin as you walked the street at night. The soft sound of crickets and the occasional rustling of leaves from the warm summer breeze that kissed your skin were the only other sounds apart from your own footsteps on the paved flagstone ground beneath you. It was a familiar path in Regalo, one that you took almost every night on your way back home since your arrival. The days seemed to bleed together, and it was difficult to think of a time when you weren’t a part of this humble island. You weren’t from this region originally. In fact you weren’t even from this reality, having lived a perfectly normal life in modern day society before waking up in this place. Your memories were largely fragmented, and you found it easier to not dwell on the things you were unable to remember, instead focusing on your survival here.
So far, you had flown largely under the radar after the Tarocco had chosen you to host La Papessa: The High Priestess but you knew that soon you would likely be integrated into the famiglia as a member of the major arcana. You had always had a strong sense of intuition, and perhaps that’s why La Papessa had chosen you to wield the power of precognition. If only it had been a stable power. Alas, your current ability was far from perfect, and you would receive fragmented visions of what was to be. Visions that may or may not come true based on the free will of others, or outside intervention to alter the course of future. Perhaps if you trained your power you could improve the accuracy of the visions that plagued you, but it would likely prove to be a long journey ahead.
You kicked a pebble, watching it skip and dance along the path before you as you became lost in thought. Your eye caught sight of a dark alleyway, causing your body to freeze; the mark of the Tarocco tingled on your forehead, hidden beneath your bangs, and began to emit a hazy lavender and cerulean mist around you. Your bangs lifted as the power danced to life, your eyes misting over, the present melting and fading into a prospective future. You saw a young man with dark black hair which reflected blue highlights, but his eyes were a vortex of cobalt and crimson which seemed to bleed into his sharp gaze like blood on water. Usually you would see these visions as a sort of spectator, but you couldn’t help but think that his gaze was locked onto yours.
His fingers twitched at the hilt of his sword which hung from his hip, nestled against his black uniform, the crest on his collar signifying he was a member of the famiglia. The crimson continued to bleed across his vision until not a speck of blue remained, a dark shadow casting over his features as he lunged forward. You let out a silent scream and turned to run, stumbling over a curb in the road as the vision melted away, leading you back to reality where you were sprawled out on the ground after tripping over the dip from where the stone ended and faded to grass. Thankfully, you had landed on the softer of the two surfaces, but your tights had been scratched on the way down and you let out a groan of frustration knowing you would need to buy a new pair. You decided it would be best to not dilly dally around and picked up your pace on the way back home for the night.
Morning rays peeked through the curtains in your modest bedroom, filtering light through the room to wake you. You blinked your eyes blearily, wondering what time it was for the sun to already be peering through your room. “That vision must have really taken a lot out of me,” you mused to yourself, pushing the blankets off of you when you heard a knock at the door. It sent a small wave of panic through you since you were still in your nightgown and you hadn’t been anticipating company today. “Just a minute!” you called to the stranger outside, scrambling around your room to get dressed and make yourself decent. You multitasked by brushing your hair with one hand while digging through your dresser with the other. You decided that time was of the essence and darted to the closet to tug a dress over your head after changing into clean undergarments. You smoothed your clothes out and answered the door, a cheery smile trying to mask the embarrassment you felt from being caught sleeping in.
Your eyes trailed up to a large man with no hair and a bold mark of the arcana on his right temple and wrapped around to the back of his head. What was probably most striking was his lack of eyebrows, yet there was a tuft of hair that sat neatly on his chin. A cigar hung from his lips, and it appears he had begun smoking while waiting on you to get dressed. You had heard of a man fitting such a description and realized he must have been Dante, an esteemed member of the family who generally patrolled the seacoast. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” you asked, doing your best to use formal language, a reflex to identifying his status.
He waved a hand in a casual manner, in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere and grinned widely, his broad features softening at the simple gesture. “Good afternoon,” he placed his hand out to shake yours, and you grabbed it in what you hoped was a firm and professional handshake. It was almost comical how small your hand looked in his grasp and he let go quickly as not to prolong contact. “My name is Dante, and I am the Executive Chief of the Arcana Famiglia. Can I borrow a moment of your time?” You stood to the side, opening the door wider and waving your arm in gesture for the man to come inside. “Please have a seat; I’ll make us a cup of tea!”
As Dante sat at your small, rounded kitchen table, you turned the handle on one of the gas burners to light a fire, the clicking noise filling the silence of the room, and the fire offered a comfortable background noise. As you pulled two cups from the cupboard and sifted through your tea collection to divvy up among the cups Dante cleared his voice and began to speak once again, “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced like this, but there is something important I must discuss with you.” The kettle whistled, and you poured the hot water into the cups, allowing the tea to soak in each cup, providing a small bin to toss the tea bags away once it came to the right flavor content.
You placed sugar and a dainty teaspoon out on the table before offering Dante a cup of tea before grabbing your own and taking a seat across from him. You had known this day would come, you just weren’t sure when. Weeks ago, you had a fragmented vision of someone from the family visiting, but you weren’t able to see a face to the stranger until now. “Is it about the Tarocco?” you asked, preferring not to beat around the bush in this situation. You lifted your bangs, showing the mark that was etched into your skin, standing out starkly on your forehead, before letting your bangs cover the stigmata once more and moving to blow on your hot tea instead.
Dante made a gruff noise of agreement, nodding once and stirring his drink idly. “Indeed it is. I’ve been instructed by Papa to inform you that you are to report to the headquarters and accept your assigned role as a member of the famiglia. We will offer training on how to wield your arcana, as I’m sure you may have realized can have rather dangerous side effects if left unchecked.” His eyes were sharp, but there was warmth to them that allowed you to relax, given the situation. It was framed like a choice, but you knew better. “Will I be able to keep my house here or will I be required to move?”
You had hoped to keep your privacy and be able to commute, but this too, you assumed was not a choice. Dante looked at you sympathetically and shook his head, “I’m afraid not, especially for a new recruit, for security reasons it’s best that you pack your things and come with me. If you like, I can wait outside while you get your things,” he began to offer, not wanting to intrude too much considering he was the one in charge of uprooting you from your current way of life, but you shook your head and offered a smile. “No, it’s alright. Enjoy your tea, I don’t have many items anyway so it won’t take me long to pack my things.”
Dante smiled, sipping from the cup offered to him. “You’ll have another chance to come back and get anything you aren’t able to bring today. Normally we would give you a larger notice, but given your ability, time is of the essence.” He fidgeted slightly, and you wondered what he of all people would be nervous about. But that nagging voice in the back of your head told you it had to do with last night’s vision. The one that had been stronger than the others, and left you feeling on edge.
The mansion and housing quarters were expansive and your jaw dropped in awe when you were shown around your new living accommodations. It was fancier than your tiny home from before, but knowing that it didn’t truly belong to you made your heart pang for some reason. The maids were gracious and helped you put your things away while you were swept away to a large room to discuss your new job. The meeting was swift, but Mondo, Dante, and Jolly filled you in on most of the details you would need to know to get started. Sumire was also present during the meeting, primarily offering moral support, but also as a source of wisdom and comfort, having worked as a fortune teller for many years.
You learned that you were to work alongside the Cups division, but with special supervision from the intelligence division, or in other terms, Dante. You were nervous meeting so many people in one day, and it almost felt like a dream with how surreal and quickly things were moving. One minute you were sleeping in on your day off, the next you were a member of the local government and receiving duties to protect the people of Regalo. You silently cursed the arcana, which was becoming more of a plague with each passing moment than you first realized.
You came across a room that appeared to be an office of some sort with a notepad in hand to make sure you had gotten the right place. You knocked tentatively only to receive a “You’re late,” in response from the other side of the door. You turned the handle and stepped in, nearly jumping out of your skin when the owner of the voice turned around. Dark hair, which reflected blue light and reminded you of the night sky neatly framed the man’s boyish features. His sapphire eyes narrowed in annoyance at your hesitation and you stepped inside, gulping quietly and offering a handshake to cover up your nervousness.
He glanced at your hand for a moment before taking it briefly in by far the quickest handshake you have ever experienced before he let out a small sigh. “My name is Nova, and I am the head of our security division, leader of the cups. Dante has already filled me in about you, La Papessa,” his words were curt but there was  no real hostility held within them. It was like night and day when you thought of the way he had looked right through you in that disturbing vision. You looked closer, and couldn’t see any of the red in his eyes either.
The intensity of your stare caused him to furrow his brow and fidget slightly, clearly uncomfortable. “Is there something I can help you with?” his words broke your concentration and you blushed, suddenly feeling awkward. “Oh, uh, sorry for staring. You looked familiar, that’s all,” you offered a half-truth as explanation, hoping it would ease the tension. He frowned and shrugged his shoulders, “Well probably, I do patrol the area frequently, I’d be surprised if you hadn’t seen me before.”
Bizarre as it may be, that was the start to your stay at the headquarters of the arcana famiglia. Instead of sulking about your new situation, you threw yourself into your new line of work. You might as well make the best of the situation, seeing how you had gotten used to life on the island once before already. Nova did not go easy on you because you were a girl, and subjected you to several long and grueling duels, many of which you did not leave unscathed. You had no prior fighting experience, but working with the mafia family, it was integral that you learned to not only defend yourself, but to be able to defend others to maintain the peace of Regalo. It was amazing, truly, how the family was simultaneously feared and loved by the locals of the island. Once blood was spilled, he always ended the duel and instructed you to clean up for the day and practice harder for the next sparring lesson.
The patrol work was rewarding, but you couldn’t help but notice how Nova was never on the daytime shift. You wondered if it was more dangerous at night, only to be reminded of that scene again, the one that sent your primal fight or flight instincts into overdrive. He couldn’t possibly be a vampire, right? Did those even exist in this world? Sure, there was magic with the Tarocco, but supernatural creatures were on another level. Or so you told yourself. There had to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for the lucid vision. Maybe it hadn’t been a prophetic vision after all. Maybe it was just a dream that had gotten you in this state of confusion.
Night had fallen on another day and you were helping Luca and the maids clean up the kitchen after dinner. You had helped cook that night as a way to give back to the others for being so friendly and open with you during your stay. It was nice having a pleasant camaraderie, and you were really starting to feel like you were part of a team together. As you placed a stack of dishes into the sink, you heard a crash come from across the hall, near where Nova usually got ready for his nightly patrol. You shook the water from your hands, “I’m going to go check on that. Thank you for helping me with dinner tonight!”
The others smiled and told you not to worry about anything as you took off around the corner to inspect the source of the noise. It looked as though something had fallen in the hallway and you called one of the maids over to see if they could clean up the broken glass so nobody got hurt. You wanted to investigate the source to see what had happened here. Maybe a stray animal had gotten inside? Some of the paintings on the wall were lopsided, as though somebody had leaned against them on their way out of the main hall. You stepped outside and your hand found its way to the weapon on your hip, gripping it for a sense of security. Something didn’t feel right, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
You found yourself walking the security route, the same one that Nova was taking that night, noticing not many people were out at this hour, even though it was late summer at this point. A deep sense of déjà vu crept up on you as you approached a dark alleyway. Your pulse was picking up, and you could feel your heartbeat in your ears as you turned at the sound of rustling coming from the alley. Your eyes were met with the crimson gaze of the man you had sparred with many times before. There was something wild about his gaze, and it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“What are you doing here!?” his words sounded pained, and he slumped against the rough wall next to him, his breaths strained as he clutched at his chest and winced. You stepped forward, pushing the worry from your mind as you tried to focus on determining if he was hurt instead. You slowly put a hand out in front of yourself, to show him you were approaching, much like you would do to a wounded animal. He screwed his eyes shut and took a shuddering breath, a pathetic whine emitting from his throat. Something was definitely wrong with him. When you were within an arm’s length from him he panicked, “Don’t come any closer. I can’t..I can’t..” he couldn’t finish his thought, he could smell the blood in your veins. The sound of your pulse was rushing in his ears, beckoning him. But he also didn’t want to lose control and really hurt you.
He opened his eyes, a vortex of crimson swallowed the blue in his gaze, and his pupils constricted. He lunged forward and grabbed your wrist, pulling you toward him and pushing you up against the dirty wall he had just been leaning on. He was slightly shorter than you, but you were of similar height. He shuddered, locking his eyes onto the curve of your neck, watching the quiver of your pulse as the fear settled in. He grit his teeth together and punched the wall beside you, a dent from the force crumbling beneath his fist. “Nova?” you found your voice, noticing how it cracked from how dry your throat had suddenly become. You wet you lips with your tongue and let out a shaky breath of your own.
As preposterous as it seemed, you were able to put two and two together. “Do you need blood?” your question weighed heavily in the air, and you could feel him tense in front of you. He stayed still while your eyes darted around, trying to think of the best way to handle this situation. You had gotten to know the male in front of you rather well over the past few months you had been in his company.  You knew that he wouldn’t ask for it, and it seemed to be causing him great pain. You were actually impressed because it seemed he was fighting his obvious bloodlust with everything he had. “It’s ok.”
His eyes snapped back to yours in an instant, daring you to repeat what you had just said. “Nova, it’s ok if you need blood. Just..be gentle, ok?” you offered sheepishly, casting your gaze to the side, feeling embarrassed for some reason. “Don’t regret it later,” was the only warning you got before his fangs sunk into the flesh of your neck. There was a sharp sting at the start of his bite and he groaned loudly, nearly wantonly, completely overwhelmed by the taste of your life essence on his tongue. It sent a shiver down your spine, and he swept his tongue back and forth over the widening wound, a tingling sensation replacing the pain.
Your body started to heat up, everything felt too hot, and you panted softly, lost in a murky haze while he drank from you. He pushed his knee between your legs, steadying himself, allowing him to wrap his hands around your body. One hand settled at the nape of your neck, cradling your neck toward his mouth, while the other trailed down along your hip, gripping into the soft flesh with another shudder running through his body. You unintentionally moaned and he responded in earnest, sucking a hickey onto your neck, right on top of the puncture marks on your skin. He pulled back, his eyes lidded with an unmistakable lust that lit a fire in your belly.
“Nova,” you breathed, and he leaned forward, capturing your lips in his. He pulled your lower lip into his mouth, gently biting until blood filled your mouth and he used his tongue to sooth the wound, tasting you. He pressed his hips closer to yours, a bulge forming in his pants, showing you how excited he was getting. “Y/N..” he whispered against your lips, moving to kiss you with a sensuality you did not know he possessed. Normally he was rude, and a little hot-tempered. But at this moment, he had cast a spell over you and you didn’t want it to stop. His touch was needy, and he pushed at the fabric of your skirt, his lips capturing your jaw as he gave into his pent-up lust.
The sound of a throaty, velvety chuckle broke the spell and your face turned a darker shade of red, mixed with the horror of getting caught. Nova stiffened, his hands frozen in place as his own face turned crimson. His eyes returned to their deep sapphire color and embarrassment etched across his features. He dared not turn around and wanted to disappear, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He contemplated using La Tenebra Addormentata to escape the embarrassment, but he didn’t want to deal with Debito once he woke back up.
“My my, what do we have here~ I didn’t think you had it in ya!” Debito’s voice was filled with amusement as he teased the younger male, stepping out of the shadows to lean against the wall beside the both of you. He leaned in closely, far too close for comfort, his handsome features taking on a flirtatious grin. “Hey, Bambina~ If things don’t work out between you two, you just let me know,” his fingers dexterously reached out and wrapped a lock of your hair around his finger, bringing it up to his lips. “Or, I could join you right now if ya like?”
Nova looked like he was about to explode, his embarrassment dissolving to anger. There was metaphorical steam coming off of him as he glared at the other man, smacking your hair out of his tanned hand. “Debito. Enough.”
The mischievous man merely chuckled once more and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Never miss an opportunity squirt,” he put his hands up to signal he didn’t want to fight when Nova’s hands started to unsheathe the katana he was carrying. “Whoa, whoa, hey I’m just kidding! Jeez, calm down,” the man let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck and turning so he was facing the entrance to the alleyway. “Anyway, how’s about you two lovebirds call it a night, hm? I’ll take it from here, but only ‘cause I owe ya one. Now get out of here before someone sees you. Unless the offer is back on the table that is?”
Nova grabbed your hand possessively and gave a curt nod, having sheathed his weapon in favor of heading back to the mansion. “Thanks, Debito. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He started walking, leading you with him. You looked back to Debito and gave him a small smile, mouthing thank you. He grinned back and gave a wink, “Oh we’ll talk tomorrow alright. Ciao Nova! Bambina~”
About halfway through your trek back to the mansion, Nova picked you up with surprising strength, in order to sprint back to his room, undetected. He set you down on his bed, brushing a hand through his hair, and letting out a heavy sigh. “I’m…sorry about what happened back there, I—“ he cut himself off, unsure how to properly apologize for biting you and then trying to fuck you in an alleyway. His cheeks were still burning, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t from physical exertion.
You couldn’t help but giggle, seeing him like this was absolutely adorable. He fidgeted with his uniform, setting his katana down near the door for easy access. “Nova, it’s fine. Really, I would have pushed you off if I didn’t want you to keep going,” another giggle spilled from your lips, and specks of crimson started to form in Nova’s sharp gaze.
“Do you think you could push me off?” his tone was firm, and he approached you, pushing you back on the bed and straddling your hips, hands on either side of your head. “I’ve been holding back so much. You can’t even handle sparring with me on most days. Do you really think you could escape?” there was a cruel laugh that ended the statement. He pressed his lips against your jaw, and you could feel your pulse quickening. Was it fear or something else entirely? Your head felt dizzy.
“Y/N…do you have any idea what you do to me?” he murmured softly, almost a whine. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I want you so bad…” his confession had you reeling. You had to admit, you had feelings for the young man pressing you into the mattress. Even if you were still a little afraid of him due to his unpredictable bloodlust, you really did care for him. “What is it you want?” you breathed, reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, smiling when he leaned into your touch affectionately.
“I want to touch you, I want to drink you…I want to lo-love you,” the last part was quieter, as though he was afraid to say the words out loud. Your smile widened, “You idiot, I like you too.” You brushed your thumb soothingly over his cheek, turning your head to kiss one of his hands. He let you take his hand in yours, and lift it to your mouth, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you began kissing each of his fingers individually. His gaze was intently fixated on yours, and you flicked your tongue out onto his middle finger, bringing the digit into your mouth and sucking gently, letting your teeth graze his skin ever so slightly.
Those eyes of his darkened, and were swirling with crimson and sapphire, almost sparkling in the dim light. “Please don’t tease me,” he groaned, shifting his hips above yours. You could feel his bulge growing again, and you rolled your hips up, creating friction that made him gasp. “Y/N..Don’t. Tease. Me,” he grit his teeth, giving you a look of warning as he pulled his hand from your mouth. “I won’t be able to stop.”
“Then don’t stop. Better yet, lay down,” you offered, gesturing for him to take your place on the bed. He was hesitant but moved to lay down, his eyes questioning you with a glint of excitement. You straddled his hips, grinning widely while your fingers busied themselves unbuttoning your blouse. Nova’s face flushed a bright red, watching as you slowly disrobed down to your bra. He shakily placed a hand on your breasts, cupping them over the fabric and holding back a groan. “Can I see them?” his voice was cautious, reading your face for any uncertainty. His sincerity was heartwarming, and your face flushed suddenly feeling shy under his hungry gaze. He was still a man, inexperienced as he was.
You reached behind your back, unhooking the bra and letting your breasts spill out into his waiting hands. He kneaded them in earnest, pushing your breasts together and reveling in the softness. “Beautiful..” he was mesmerized, pulling you down toward him. He took one of your breasts into his mouth, his fangs barely grazing over a pert nipple, sending electric shocks of pleasure down your spine and setting your skin ablaze in his wake. He sucked on one nipple while using his thumb and index finger to play with the other, gaining confidence every time you writhed or mewled at his actions.
He pulled away from your breast, his chest heaving with arousal. “Can I taste you?” he asked, his eyes darting down to where your skirt was hiking up over your thighs. You gulped, your mouth suddenly feeling dry again. He gestured for you to sit on his face, but you didn’t want to be the only one receiving pleasure, so you turned yourself so that your head was facing his groin, and his head had access to yours. He ran his hands up and down your thighs, tugging your stockings down so he could kiss the soft flesh of your thigh.
The feeling was ticklish and you giggled before gasping loudly when you felt his fangs pierce into your flesh unexpectedly. You shivered at the gentle lapping that followed, and busied your hands with his pants, fumbling with the button before you were able to open his pants to expose his boxer shorts, strained against his hard length. You felt fingers press against your clothed core, running along the length of your panties. He could feel how wet you were getting and it made his cock twitch.
You tugged at his pants, signaling him to lift his hips so you could get his boxers down and free his aching cock from its confines. Your underwear followed suit, leaving you exposed to him. “Lean closer” he instructed, gripping your thighs down toward his face, and you positioned yourself so he could comfortably lick the length of your dripping heat, lapping at you languidly. You let out a low moan, your hips twitching against him instinctively. You took his penis into your hand, stroking it and feeling the velvety texture on your fingertips before slipping the tip through your lips, sucking on the head.
It was Nova’s turn to moan, reverberating against your pussy, which sent vibrations throughout you. It was a strange but delightful sensation. You took him further into your mouth, doing your best to suppress your gag reflex, and using your hands to pump what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, swirling your tongue around his length. He buried his face between your thighs, hips bucking against you while yours rutted against his mouth, both of you lost in pleasuring the other and being pleasured in return. The heat coiled in your belly, and you let go of his length with a deep moan, rolling your hips into that wonderful mouth. “Nova, I’m so close! Aah-aah,”
It was almost too much stimulation. He gripped your thighs tighter, using his fingers to massage against your clit while he wrote love letters with his tongue, silently begging you to release for him. You came, your head spinning, singing his name on your lips. He continued to run his tongue along your core, cleaning the essence you spilled as though it were his sole purpose in life. You jumped a little at the sensation, even the lightest touch sensitive now that you were coming down from your climax. You went to take him back in your mouth but he stopped you, gently moving you off of him and sitting back on the bed with his hands supporting his weight. “I…want to watch you,” he stated, and you smiled, slipping off the edge of the bed to kneel between his legs instead.
You took him back into your mouth, looking up at him through your lashes and watching the blush roll across his cheeks while he watched you suck him off. “Could you…use your…breasts?” he sounded so shy when he asked, but the heat in his eyes encouraged you to no end to do as he pleased. You cupped your breasts in your hands, pushing your chest out to rub against his cock, sucking on the head once before bobbing your head up and down, setting a comfortable rhythm.
The dark haired man dared not close his eyes, watching intently, trying to catch his breath while he watched you, and you could feel him thicken in your mouth, pulsing beneath your touch. You could tell he was close, and he grabbed your hair, pushing you down onto his cock while he rutted against your mouth. He moaned loudly as he spilled his seed into your mouth, encouraging you to swallow it by keeping your head in place as he thrust shallowly, riding out his orgasm.
You let his cum slide down your throat, swallowing everything he had to offer before he let you go, collapsing back onto the bed, blissfully satiated. You crawled back up onto the bed, laying on his chest, and playing with the collar on his uniform that had become disheveled from your activities. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. “Stay here tonight, I need to ensure you’re well rested for tomorrow’s lessons,” he was obviously using that as an excuse to have you sleep in his room, but you decided not to call him out on it. He decided to rest alongside you, stroking your hair absentmindedly and watched you drift to sleep in his arms, smiling before kissing you on your forehead. “Don’t ever leave.”
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
Quarantine Series (Part III)
Remember their Relay V Lives last April? Yes, those have inspired me to write the next two installments of this series. 
For this one, the GIF below says it all. Isn’t it exciting? I got it from Tumblr too but I can’t seem to find its source, so please let me know who this belongs to. Thank you!
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: I already said what you needed to know about this piece above, so I would just like to add that Johnny’s outfit here is inspired by this photo of my first love Adam Driver. Dang, I really have a thing for big, tall men! 
POV: 2nd person
Word count: 1,200+ words
“Get up, loser! We’re going to exercise!”
Johnny Suh screeched, banging open your door to report of this so-called mandatory activity. “Why are we going to exercise?” You whined, burying yourself deeper into the comforter. “No buts, ma’am! We’ve got to shake that ass to get that toned bod!” Your housemate said, removing the blanket that covered your body and twirling you to look at him. But before you could even complain that you didn’t want to, your eyes widened at his outfit.
“What the hell are you wearing?” You shrieked, absorbing Johnny’s chosen workout attire of a bandanna, skimpy tank top (with ‘Let’s Get Physical’ printed on it in silver glitter), and a pair of neon booty shorts. “The weather’s hot, baby. And maybe I want to show off the fruits of my labor so you and Mark will be motivated to work out even more,” he said, now showing off his rainbow-striped tube socks and retro sneakers.
“You look as if you stepped out of a cheesy 80s aerobic video, but whatever,” you grumbled, finally getting up from the bed. “Can you give me five minutes to change?” He responded with a thumbs-up before he screamed again in the hallway. “I’ll let you do ten push-ups if you don’t comply with that time!” You could only roll your eyes at his words before you search your closet for a pair of jogging pants.
Four minutes later – for fear of doing something you didn’t even know how to do properly – you emerged from your room and saw that Johnny had already set up the living room with mats, kettlebells, and weights.
“Wow, you’re early,” your instructor said, eyeing you from head to toe. “For a beginner, you sure dress well,” he gave you another thumbs-up, which you replied by flipping the bird on him. “Mark Lee! Where the heck are you?” His booming voice made the younger guy come out, who wore all black for his workout attire. “I see you’re in black, Mr. Lee. Maybe we’re going to mourn the loss of your excess fat after this,” Johnny snickered, earning giggles from you and your fellow attendee. “Now, let's get it!”
Although Mark was fitter than you, he was showing signs of fatigue from the routine that your instructor demonstrated. You can say the same for yourself, but you didn’t want anyone of them to see how exhausted you are. However, Johnny was still in high spirits by teaching you guys how to do exercises with the kettlebell and even pumped up the music. To be honest, you didn’t want to take his workout seriously because his playlist was all over the place – aside from the aforementioned cheesy 80s aerobics music, he also had promiscuous rap songs and even techno headbangers from the late 90s. As much as you wanted to laugh at how the playlist shifted from Vibez to Crazy Frog, Johnny berated you when he caught you not following instructions.
“Miss Park, please! If I catch you not following again, I’ll make you do 10 more,” he hissed while moving the kettlebell up and down.
“Can we get a break, please,” Mark groaned, looking paler than usual. “We’ve been at it for 20 minutes, hyung. Please?”
When the brown-haired guy dropped the kettlebell on the mat, you and Mark rushed to the kitchen to get some drinks.
“Don’t drink anything that isn’t water or any sports drink! We’re not yet done!”
Johnny’s exercise routine took 45 minutes, and it ended with you and Mark lying on your respective mats in pain. “Am I that out of shape?” He huffed, looking up at the ceiling. “Nonsense, you’re fitter than I,” you replied, your breath still catching up with your exercise. “Look at me, I might die anytime soon.”
“That’s even more nonsense!” Your instructor sat beside you with a huge smile on his face. “You did great, baby! I never thought you were that flexible,” he handed you a bottle of Pocari Sweat, which you accepted wordlessly.
“How about me, hyung?” Mark’s question was answered when Johnny threw another bottle of the sports drink at him.
“This was really fun! Maybe we should do it twice a week. We don’t have much to do during this quarantine anyway.” He was ecstatic at how he made you and Mark tired from exercise that his eyes were practically glowing.
“Who says we don’t have much to do? I can list a lot of things I can do during this quarantine that doesn’t involve exercise,” you grumbled, sitting up so you can now drink your Pocari Sweat.
“You and your sedentary activities,” Johnny scoffed. “Why don’t you and Doyoung make a club? You two are practically holed up in your bedrooms anyway.”
“There’s a certain joy of staying inside, Mr. Suh. For someone who isn’t an extrovert like you, you wouldn’t understand.” You placed the bottle on the floor with a thud, shaking Mark a bit.
“Hey, noona. Calm down,” he whispered, scooting closer to you. “And please, don’t fight. If there’s one thing I don’t want all of us to do, it’s that.”
You stared at Johnny, who returned the gesture. You had a stare-off that lasted for fifteen seconds before you heard Mark stand up and go back to his bedroom, mumbling something along the lines of ‘never-ending sexual tension’ and ‘dense as fuck’.
“But seriously, Essie. Exercise is good for everyone. I don’t need to remind you that, right?” You couldn’t look at the guy beside you, who talked with such a soft and loving voice. You could only nod in response and looked at your lap. “I’m going to make this a regular thing, and of course, you and Mark could also hold activities of your own that all of us can do.”
“I’m guessing Mark will make us perform a song together, considering all of us play instruments,” you chuckled, remembering the times that he gathered everyone in the living room so each one can perform a song of their liking.
“I think so too,” you heard Johnny move closer to you, “and I wonder what’ll be yours?” When you looked up, he linked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Maybe eat,” you said matter-of-factly, making him laugh. You felt his abs as he did so, and you tried to move away, so you don’t completely become a flustered mess. He didn’t let you and tightened his hold.
“It’s all balanced then,” he kissed the top of your head before letting you go. “Our next session will be two days from now, so talk to Mark which one of you is in charge of tomorrow’s activity.” He helped you stand up, and in return, you helped him clean up today’s set-up. “I think I want to go first, I want us to eat something I haven’t eaten in ages…” you mumbled after packing away the last of gym equipment into its respective cabinet.
“Oh, is that so? But still, talk to Marky.” Johnny jerked his thumb toward the younger guy’s bedroom. “Yeah, I know. But thanks though for today.” You grinned, giving him two thumbs-up. “And thank you as well, my grumpy baby,” he messed your hair with his hands, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s feast.”
“Same here,” you laughed, now dashing toward Mark’s room. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Lee here.”
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zipegs · 5 years
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i’ve been toying around with the idea of posting a fic rec list for a while, and finally decided that if i do, it might be nice to focus on newer and/or underrated fics in the fandom! some of my absolute favorites are on this list, and i highly suggest checking them out (and leaving the lovely authors some comments and kudos!)
this got pretty long, but it’s organized alphabetically by ship name (including gen) and then by length inside each ship!
Trysails by saltstreets  /  2k, t
“I know I can’t do much,” Blanky said, “but you can always talk to me. If you’re so inclined.”
A (very late!) offering for Tender Tuesday, "a friend in need".
okay!!!!!! okay!!!!! hear me out on this one!! this fic is wonderful. i’m a sucker for fics dealing with edward’s suffering during the worst of crozier’s captaincy, and this one is so good. blanky is so wonderful in this; i feel like his tender, kind side frequently gets overlooked in favor of his bigger, bolder attributes, and this fic truly delivers on everything i’ve been missing! it’s really gentle and sweet and i urge you to give it a read!!!!
in the low lamplight by stelleri  /  338, g
It’s endless freezing rain outside, but the house is comfortably warm.
short and sweet! a really lovely little slice-of-life modern au
state of grace by aes3plex  /  860, m
He doesn’t mean to see it. He never does.
bridglar may be the most featured pairing, but this is told from irving’s pov and also contains irving/little and references to hickey/gibson. really sad, conflicted little peek into irving’s mind (and some nice, soft bridglar as well!)
passer iagoensis by greenery  /  3k, g
Night falls on the Beagle and Henry Peglar has just finished reading his very first novel.
Set in 1832.
this piece is so good!! it has some really beautiful (sad) foreshadowing of the franklin expedition, and is just... so soft, with some wonderful romantic tension!! and it’s funny! darwin and fitzroy are wonderful in this, and i’m always here for fic that deals with peglar learning to read (which this does!!!).
the beggar’s opera by pyotr  /  990, e
for all of his usual anger and surliness it was almost fun to fluster francis, to rile him where he could not retaliate. sophia had spent all her life under the thumb of some man or another; she loved francis in part because she always had the upper hand.
sophia is my queen and that’s all i’ll say about that. seriously though, this piece is just... *chef’s kiss*
A Cheetah Never Changes His Spots by onstraysod  /  1.2k, m
Being the particular friend of James Fitzjames has its drawbacks, as Henry Le Vesconte learns during the expedition's first carnivale. But it also has its advantages, as Henry learns once the carnivale is over.
Written for Day 1 (A Special Disguise) of the 12 Days of Carnivale.
on beechey island, fitzjames reveals clio’s cheetah to the men. or... something like it! this piece is really a blast; fitzjames is in rare form, francis is glaring form the sidelines, and le vesconte is an absolute champ. and the ending is wonderfully witty and racy!
wake me up, wake me up my darling by norvegiae  /  1.4k, g  /  mcd
James Fitzjames feels like a new man.
The old James Fitzjames lies on the cot in front of him, cradled by the man he wishes he could have had more time with.
set during 1.09, this fic is a really poignant, heartwrenching piece in which james comes to terms with the reality of his death, and of his life, as he watches francis grieve. very sad, and wonderfully written!
what the stars give us by WetSammyWinchester  /  1.7k, t  /  implied death
"They may know space, James, but you know what it means to truly fly."
70s scifi (space program!!!) au. really great translation of the terror; the mood in this is so good!!! and the little flashbacks are fantastic. it’s pretty sad, but it hurts in a good way.
Take Your Turn, Take A Ride by courfairyac  /  7.5k, e
Francis agrees to accompany his friend to a masquerade, and stumbles onto something quite unexpected.
In short: Festivities! Voyeurism! James in a dress!
listen... fitzrossier is my new weakness, and this is a really fun, hot, canon-universe (pre-expedition) au.
salvation by scribomania  /  250, t
The Concordia brings them survival, but not salvation.
featuring hodgson and little, and jopson. for a survival au, this little piece hurts!!! it’s so short, but it packs a punch. really, really good.
but no one remembers yet by disastermovie  / 885, t
“From the mutilated state of many of the corpses and the contents of the kettles, it is evident that our wretched countrymen had been driven to the last resource—cannibalism—as a means of prolonging existence.”
—excerpt from Dr. John Rae’s report on the fate of the Franklin Expedition to the Secretary of the Admiralty (written from Repulse Bay on July 29, 1854)
sad little epilogue concerning sophia and lady jane dealing with their grief
the weary world rejoices by disastermovie  /  1.3k, t
Fitzjames goes to his first Christmas party after the survivors are rescued. It doesn't go well.
this!!!! fic!!! i can’t even do it justice, it’s just so good. the slow build of james’s panic, the caroling and gaiety as a backdrop... it’s just so painful in the best way. i’m incoherent; pls just read it,
la belle dame sans merci by drowninglovers  /  1.7k, g
Nobody is quite sure who the first one to start making her clothing is, but one day she scampers over the shoulders of the ABs as they line up for lunch wearing a tiny shirt to match her pants. It’s nothing special, no fancy detail, navy blue like most everything else they wear. Whoever made it must have cared a great deal, to make sure it fit her perfectly.
this is incredibly fun!!! just some good, wholesome fic about boys dressing up their favorite lady. 10000/10 would recommend.
Come Here, Fellow Servant by whipstitch  /  1.9k, t
The sea is dangerous, but so too is the open sky. And in that case, Cornelius determines, a friend is an unexpected boon.
okay, i made a rule that i wasn’t going to include wips on this rec list,  but i had to put this guy on here. it could be read as a stand-alone, actually, which is what i used to convince myself to include it. peglar realizes that hickey has no fucking idea what he’s doing, and tries to help him, kind, caring sweetheart that he is. this is a really, really nice little piece—i love everything about it.
lie alone by greenery  /  2k, g
He turns the page. And maybe this is it. Maybe writing a letter to young Tom Hartnell is reason enough to leave the berth.
really nice oneshot featuring two good boys (hodgson & hartnell) and their wholesome status as pen pals
the crooked kind by darrenjolras  /  2.3k, m  /  non-consensual voyeurism
“You and I, Jopson,” Hickey says, and Jopson startles at those words alone, turns an affronted gaze his way. Hickey bathes in the glacial blue of it. Like being thrown overboard. “You and I aren’t so different, you know.”
Based on that Hickey/Jopson scene. You know the one.
the terror bingo fill: court martial
not totally gen, but also not really hickey/jopson? twisted, but very much in character; hickey is his delightful self in this, and his verbal sparring with jopson is very well done and quite fun to read!
Touch Her Not Scornfully by skazka  /  2k, e
Stolen moments down below.
this fic is just... really fucking good!!! it’s a fantastic look at the very early days of gibson & hickey’s relationship, and an intriguing little venture into billy’s head.
And That is How it Starts by Intrepid_Inkweaver  /  1.2k, g
It starts with a handshake and a warm smile at their introduction at Greenhithe.
a really sweet, lovely canon-divergent piece. written in 2nd person pov. these two are just such a good, wholesome pairing and this fic really does them justice!!
let loss reveal it by disastermovie  /  1.6k, t  /  mcd
Tom could never quite see himself taking a wife.
this shit fucking hurts!!!!!!! it’s a beautiful glimpse at irving & hartnell’s relationship, told through hartnell’s introspection, and is written really, really well. also did i mention that it fucking hurts???
Lookout Blues by ClockworkCourier  /  2.1k, g
John and Tom Hartnell talk about the future while they wait on a new shipment.
hello??? 1920s au??????? the world-building is so tangible in this, even in such a relatively short piece. it’s a really lovely little conversation between the brothers, and i absolutely loved their little discussion of irving.
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet by drowninglovers  /  6.3k, g
If this is to be the last time they interact (and it likely will), Tom wants it to be memorable.
survival au survival au!! tartnell runs into irving at john’s grave, and convinces him to stay with his family until new year’s. it’s kind of bittersweet, with some really great flashbacks (and discussions of said scenes!), and oh man is it soft!! just! really beautiful and tender, and the ending is just so cute!!!!!
the chaos moves by itself by bluebacchus  /  1.3k, e  /  violence, mcd
Hodgson's mind cracks and the heavens flow in.
(Written for Day 7 of Halloween TerrorFest: A disquieting metamorphosis and posted separately because I don't want to taint my main post with borderline vore)
fair warning... this fic is fucked up, but in the best possible way! the religious imagery!!!! the philosophy!!!! just!! god.
Allegro, B Flat Major by whalersandsailors  /  5.3k, g
George is freshly moved from his childhood home, ready to tackle the school year and his newfound independence all at once.
Too bad he's lonely, miserable, and homesick.
He turns to music when adulthood becomes unbearable, and when someone knocks at his door and leaves an anonymous note, George discovers another music lover not too far away.
have i mentioned i love george hodgson? because i love george hodgson. this fic is a beautiful modern au featuring our own georgie playing his way through his feelings (literally). the buildup to the reveal of george’s secret admirer is wonderful, and had me rooting for them from the start! really sweet, stunning fic for a pairing i’d never considered before!
get out of the wind by Cicadaemon  /  1.6k, e
Edward Little is smitten with a certain bartender.
modern au. really lovely, wholesome, and happy; just what these boys deserve!
The Thylacine by Gigi_Sinclair  / 1.7k, t 
"Thylacines. That's what Sophia called them, all those years ago in Van Diemen's Land. Dogs with tiger stripes, cats with pouches. They stretch their jaws at him, as Francis struggles to sit. The movement makes his head spin. He pushes the discomfort aside. He has no time to entertain it; he must escape."
also features cracroft/crozier. this is a really clever, funny piece set during francis’s withdrawal; poor francis is a bit muddled in the throes of his fever, and gets caught up in a memory from van diemen’s land. i absolutely loved little and jopson’s reactions in this, and especially jopson and crozier’s conversation the next morning.
Prelude in D Major by scribomania  /  2.7k, t
Hodgson is very fond of the musical apparatus in Terror's great cabin; Edward is not.
For the Terror Bingo square "denial".
i’m a big big lover of terror lieutenant nonsense, and this fic absolutely delivers! just absolutely delightful.
When the Lights Go On Again by Gigi_Sinclair  /  4.1k, t
"Edward Little's ancestors were Naval officers, almost to a man. Nevertheless, from a young age, Edward's eyes turned to the sky rather than the sea.
He longed to fly, as high and as frequently as possible. In the Royal Air Force, he got his wish. He was happy there, thriving, rising in the ranks apace and doing what he always wanted to do. Then came the first of September, 1939."
wwii au. edward is a squadron leader in the royal air force, and jopson is a corporal working for group captain crozier. i’m weak for wwi and wwii aus to begin with, and this one is done beautifully. while it doesn’t hand-wave the trauma and heartbreak of war, it doesn’t hit you over the head with it either, and the result is a really soft, bittersweet, hopeful piece.
a lily for my love by whalersandsailors  /  3.7k, m
Solomon never thought that soul-signs were real, and the stories he heard about them made soulmates sound more like a prison sentence than any fairy tale romance. It is not until he finds a soul-sign on the skin of a very dear friend that he realizes their importance, as well as their undoing.
this piece is!!! beautiful!!! very poignant, and really had me feeling for solomon. i love what’s been done with the soulmark conceit—it’s not just a simple “we have soulmarks, we’re soulmates!!!’ au (which i’ll admit to enjoying too), but a really thoughtful take on the trope. the slow way tozer puzzles everything out is wonderful, and i love the glimpses we get into several of his friendships & relationships. 
to help you remember by whalersandsailors  /  1.2k, g
An anniversary, during which Weekes presents Morfin with a gift, and Morfin struggles to remember why.
do you ever just get clotheslined by a pairing you’d never even considered before? because that’s what this fic did to me
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gruvia4ever0910 · 4 years
Starting Point
I'm driving my car going to school, and I'm excited that I'm coming back, not because of attending classes, but I missed my friends. I haven't seen them for 2 weeks because I got injured in our practice game. I'm the captain of the school's hockey team.
I was not able to attend our first day of school because of my injury. I told my friends not to visit me in my home because I will only get insults from them, especially from flame brain. I also heard from him that there was a new transfer in our school, and he is leaving me hanging, but I don’t care much about it.
I arrive at the school, and I immediately spotted my friends. I know that they had an idea of me coming back today. I parked my car then planning to surprise them, but I failed because some of the girls were already screaming my name. So annoying.
Natsu: Look who's back! Hey, ice prick!
Gray: (walking closer to his friends) I'm about to surprise you all…
Cana: You know that it’s not going to work…
Gray: Yeah (sits on the bench beside Erza) …
Laxus: How's your foot?
Gray: (raises his right foot) Better now, and I can’t wait to play again…
Loke: Do they know that you are coming back today?
Gray: Of course, Sting is probably hiding now (smirks) …
Natsu: Since you're better now. Let’s fight!
Gray: You know that I will not back down flame brain!
Natsu and I are always like to fight with each other, but it is more like insults, nothing physical, well sometimes. However, before we even lay are fists to each other, Erza already crashed our heads to each other, and it really hurts.
Natsu: Damn it Er ---
He looks at Erza, but he immediately lowers his head because of her death glare, and he just rubs his head.
Gray: I just healed from my injury…
Erza: It was your foot, not your head…
All laughs at Erza's words, we can’t really win against her. We continue with our chats since we still have an hour before our class.
It's been a week, and my life has been very peaceful. No one is trying to harm me, but I still receive some glares. Although, that is the only thing that I can get from them. I don’t need to hide, or be scared, but I am not letting my guard down. I don’t know what can happen here, so I'll just do what I always do. Be alone.
As I am walking going to my class, someone blocks my way, and it is Lisanna.
Lisanna: Hi! (greeting Juvia lively)
Juvia: Hi…
I met Lisanna 4 days ago, Lucy introduced her to me. She is also their friend, and sister of Mira. They both have white hair, and both are beautiful.
Lisanna: I'll see you on Saturday, okay?
I remember that they are inviting me on Lisanna's birthday this coming weekend, but I am not sure if I'll go. These people, why are they being good to me? But they seem trustworthy. Maybe, I can let myself be more open, but I am scared. Should I try?
Juvia: I'll try…
I'm in the middle of an argument with Natsu because he intentionally kicked my foot that was injured. It just healed and this flame brain is wanting me to come back in the hospital. As our argument continues, something caught my eyes, actually it is someone, and she is talking to Lisanna right now. Is she the one that Natsu was talking about?
Natsu: Hey!
I came back from spacing out because Natsu flicked my forehead.
Gray: What was that for?!
Natsu: That's what you get for ignoring me!
He smirks then turns around.
Natsu: Oh, you saw her already…
Gray: (frowns) Why is that?
Natsu: It is supposed to be a surprise…
My eyes are still looking at the girl with the blue hair. It is the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. I can only see the side of her face because she is still talking to Lisanna, but I can tell that she is beautiful. I want to see her up-close. Then I got interrupted when Loke joined us.
Loke: She is a beauty, isn’t she?
Gray: (glances at Loke) What are you talking about?
Loke: (taps Gray’s shoulder) Don’t deny it. You are staring at the beautiful bluenette over there (pointing his mouth at Lisanna and Juvia) …
Gray: I am not (getting annoyed) …
Loke: You can meet her later, but if you are interested in her, don’t bother…
I understand what Loke is trying to say. Loke is a playboy, so if his next target is the new girl, I feel sorry for her. I'm just curious, not interested, and I'm still in the process of moving on because my last relationship didn’t end well. I can’t believe that I was cheated on.
Gray: You just met her…
Loke: That is the fun part…
Natsu: Stop it Loke! She is a nice girl, and the others likes her. She can be our friend and stop playing with girl’s feelings…!
Natsu walks away from us, and Loke and I look at each other. Natsu has a point, Loke was never serious in his past relationships, I just hope he'll change that behavior of his. Loke is about to open his mouth to talk to me, but our school bell rings, which means we have 10 minutes to go our class.
Gray: Let's go…
I am walking in the hallway with Lisanna, and ready for class. Then out of nowhere someone's arm is wraps on my shoulder. I got surprised and it make me drop my phone.
Lisanna: Loke!
Loke: I'm sorry…
I glance at Loke for a second then I bent down to get my phone on the ground, but someone is already picking it up for me. I look up and stare at the man I've never seen before. I didn’t mean to stare at him intensely, but he is so handsome. I can feel my cheeks getting warm, but I immediately throw away the unnecessary stuffs that running in my mind. He is also just staring at me with his dark blue eyes then he reaches out my phone at me.
Gray: Here…
I felt a shiver runs up my spine when I heard his voice. It is deep, husky, and muscular, but it is somehow comforting. I took my phone from him and bow.
Juvia: Thank you…
His face doesn’t have any reaction, and he just went inside the classroom. So, I guess he is our classmate too.
Natsu: (appears in front of Juvia) Good morning Juvia…
Juvia: (smiles) Good morning to you too Natsu…
Loke taps my shoulder, and I look at him.
Loke: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startled you…
Juvia: It’s fine…
I, Natsu, and Loke were walking in the hallway going to our class. The girls calling my name was getting on my nerves. I don’t like them saying my name, so I just ignored them. Then Loke began walking ahead of us, and I saw him putting his arm on the blue-haired girl I saw earlier. She dropped her phone, Lisanna shouted at Loke. I walked past them and picked up the phone, and in just a heartbeat, we were already looking at each other.
She was staring at me with her big midnight blue eyes that are so beautiful. I never thought that she is more beautiful up-close, but I didn’t give in. I ignored her pretty face while still looking at me, but I just gave the phone to her; she bowed and thanked me. After that, I went inside the room, and sat on my chair.
I watch Natsu and Loke enter our room, the new girl is following them. Natsu sits on the chair in front of me, and she sits on the chair near Natsu. While waiting for our professor, I see Natsu throws a crumpled paper at her. Is he trying to flirt with her? He already has Lucy, but I know Natsu is not like that. She looks at him and raises her brows.
Natsu: Do you have something to do in your vacant later?
Juvia: (shakes her head) Not really, why you'd ask?
Natsu: Good, because Lucy is wondering if you can join her and Levy to do homework later. She is asking me. (showing Juvia the text from Lucy)
Juvia: (smiles) Sure, I can just tell her later…
Okay, so I don't need to worry. After the short talk with Natsu, Cana is the next one talking to her right now.
Cana: Juvia, let's hang out…
So, her name is Juvia, what a cute name. I could have asked Natsu and Loke for her name earlier, but I don’t want them to think that I'm interested to her because I am not. Her voice is cute too, it sounds so angelic.
Juvia: I would like to, but I just started with my new work ---
Cana: I know where you work, we’ll go there sometimes (smiling brightly) …
Juvia: (smiles back at Cana) Sure…
As I am looking at her talking to Cana, I caught Erza smiling at me. Why is she smiling at me? Better to ignore her, so I turn my head to the other side, and just watch the other students outside from the window.
We are waiting for our professor to come in, but he is running late. I'm in charge in this class if our professor is not yet here. I'm a 3rd year student already, but I'm joining my 2nd year friends in this minor subject that I wasn't able to register last year, which is Accounting 2.
I'm observing my classmates and they are in their best behavior, although they are still chatting with one another, it is not that loud. I saw Natsu throwing a paper to Juvia, and they were talking quietly, after that I heard Cana asking Juvia to hang out, and I look at Juvia because I also wants to hang out with her and get to know her more. I really like her, she is simple, very polite, and she is smart, but she is still shy around us.
While I'm looking at Cana and Juvia, I get a glimpse of someone's eyes staring at Juvia. I smile because my friend who just got back is checking Juvia out. Is Gray interested in her? He caught me smiling at him, and I can see that he became embarrassed, but I know Gray, he is not the type of person that will show his emotions easily. He rolls his eyes and looks away.
Little while later, Professor Jura finally came inside our room.
Jura: I'm sorry for being late. We just had a little meeting. Uhm by the way, Mr. Fullbuster, welcome back.
Gray just smile at our professor, and just a within a second, his back to his usual expressionless face.
Jura: And one last thing… Ms. Lockser?
Juvia looks at our professor nervously, and she looks so cute. This girl is making me want to pinch her. So adorable!
Juvia: Y-yes...?
Jura: Principal Dreyar, wants to see you later. So, if you have a free time, go and see him in his office.
Juvia: (nods) I will, thank you…
Jura: Okay, let's start our lesson. Natsu!
Natsu is starting to doze off, his head is about to fall down, but when Professor Jura called his name, he sat up straight like nothing happened.
Natsu: Yes Professor?
Jura: Summarize our lesson few days ago…
Natsu clumsily opens his notebook then began summarizing what we discussed last week.
I am heading to the principal office right now because Professor Jura said that Principal Dreyar will be expecting me in my free time. I talked to Lucy and Levy earlier after class that I'll be meeting them at the cafeteria because I agreed that I will be joining them to do our homework together. I am now standing outside the principal office and I knock. I heard Principal Dreyar’s voice and told me to come in.
I open the door, and I see him having a conversation with someone. He smiles at me and gestures at me to sit down, so I sit down on the couch.
Makarov: Juvia, this is Professor Aquarius…
Juvia: (bows) Hello, I'm Juvia…
Professor Aquarius looks at me, she is not smiling or tried to talk to me. I gulp because I am getting nervous right now.
Makarov: Relax child. Professor Aquarius will not bite you… I asked for you here because I would like you to meet Professor Aquarius. She is our coach in our school's swimming team…
I confusingly stare at Principal Dreyar, is he trying to get me in the swimming team?
Makarov: She will be needing a new member, and the tryouts are scheduled next week. I'm wondering if you would like to join the team.
Aquarius: Do you swim?
Juvia: Y-yes, I do…
Makarov: You don’t need to answer us right away child. You still have a few days to think about it, but I really hope that you can join the swimming team because of what I heard you have potential. I don’t want to waste some talents like yours…
Aquarius: Well, Principal Dreyar will not recommend you to me if he knew that you don't have the ability, but here is the form (slides the form towards Juvia that was already on the table). If you want to join the team, just fill this up and look for me. (stands up) I'm sorry to leave early, Principal Dreyar, but I have an important meeting right now…
Makarov: It's okay, go on…
Aquarius: (looks at Juvia) I'll be expecting you next week.
Professor Aquarius excused herself then left the room.
Makarov: (smiling) You can go also child and enjoy your free time. We’ll talk again sometimes.
Juvia: (took the form from the table, stands up, then bows to Makarov) I'll be going now, Principal Dreyar.
Our first period in the afternoon are over, we walk out from the room because we have a free time for 2 hours, and we are going to meet Lucy and Levy at the cafeteria. Natsu is walking too fast, I guess he really wants to see Lucy so bad. They are making me sick; our schedules are mostly the same, and they just saw each other during break and lunch, and now they are going to see each other again.
Natsu: Ice prick, come on. Lucy is waiting for me…
Gray: You'll go ahead. I'll see you there…
Natsu: Okay… (began running and left Gray)
I am walking down on the stairs, and again I ignore the girls who are calling my name. When I am on my last few steps, I saw Juvia leaving the principal office, and she looks troubled. I wonder what happened. I am standing on the last step of the stairs, I am not sure why I did that, but Juvia just walks past me. Did she not see me? I am not expecting her to greet me or anything, but I guess she is not like the other girls.
I start walking behind her, and just keeping my distance. She keeps walking, and I can tell that we are both going to the cafeteria, maybe she is also going to meet Lucy there because I remember her conversation with Natsu earlier.
Then I can see one of my teammates, walking his way to Juvia, like he is catching up with her. What is Sting doing? He walks past Juvia but stops as well in front of her. Juvia looks like she didn't notice him, so she bumps her head on Sting's chest.
I’m on my way to the cafeteria now, I'll apologize to Lucy and Levy for being late, but I can’t stop thinking about what Principal Dreyar told me. Am I ready to join a swimming team this time? I'm afraid to experience the terrible things that I received from my previous team before. I am not saying that it will be the same, but it is really hard not to think about it.
However, I really do miss to be in a water again and the feeling of it embracing my body. Should I go for it?
I'm looking at the ground while walking, this is what I do when I'm thinking. Then I suddenly bumps into someone, I look up worriedly, and a blonde-haired man is smiling at me.
Juvia: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to --- I was not looking ---
The man in front of me is just smiling at me. Do I look stupid right now, so he is making fun at me?
Sting: It's okay, actually, I wanted to talk to you…
Juvia: Talk to me? Uhm, I going to meet with my classmates right now. Sorry, but I need to go.
I'm confused, I only saw him today, and he wanted to talk to me. I'm don’t want Lucy and Levy to keep waiting for me, so I slide to his left side and walks again, but he grabs my wrist with force, and it made me face him. I am now annoyed, and I'm on the point of pulling my wrist from his hand. "Juvia!". I heard a man's voice calling my name. The man grabbing my hand and I both looks at the man approaching us.
It's Gray, the man I encountered in our first period this morning. Lucy told me that he is also their friend, and just came back after having an injury.
I stopped when I saw that Sting and Juvia were talking to each other, but it didn’t last long because I think Juvia brushed him off, but Sting still followed her, and grabbed her wrist. Sting held her a bit strong, and I can see it in her face that she was not liking it at all. I don’t quite understand Sting being aggressive, he is not like that, but I need to stop him.
Gray: Juvia!
Juvia and Sting looks at me. I am walking towards them then stands beside Juvia.
Sting: Gray…
He is still holding Juvia's hand, so I look at him then glance coldly at their hands. Sting immediately let go of Juvia's hand, and she hides behind me.
Gray: What are you doing Sting?
Sting: I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just want to talk to her.
Gray: Well, you've gone a bit too far… Natsu and the others are waiting for us in the cafeteria, that is why she is in a hurry.
Sting: Do you know her?
I look over my shoulder to check Juvia behind me, and I can tell from her face that she is irritated, I look back at Sting and smile.
Gray: Yes, she is our friend…
Sting: Oh, (nods) okay. I'm sorry again…
Gray: You should apologize to her…
I move a little on the side, so Sting can apologize to Juvia, her face is more relax now. She is not frowning anymore. So, I think she can talk to Sting now.
Sting: Juvia…? (Juvia looks at Sting) I apologize for my action earlier. I really didn’t mean to do that… Forgive me…
Juvia: It's fine. It just surprised me…
Sting smiles in relief; I know his apology is sincere. Sting is my teammate and also one of my closest my friend, so I knew him well.
Sting: Thank you…
Juvia: (slightly bows) Excuse me, I'll better go…
Juvia is now walking away from us, and I am just watching her from my spot. Sting on my side is mumbling some words.
Sting: I screwed up big time…
Gray: We'll talk about that later; I need to go and see Natsu and the others.
Sting: (looking sadly on the ground) Okay, I'll see you later at practice… Oh! (looks Gray) Welcome back Captain (smiling) … I'll go now…
We are waiting for Juvia here in the cafeteria, but she is quite late. She said that she will be going to the principal office because she was told that Mr. Dreyar wanted to talk to her. Maybe it is really important that is why she is taking so long. I'm not bored though, because I'm with Natsu, and our friends.
Levy: Do you think Juvia will come and see us?
Lucy: Of course, I know she will…
Natsu: You can start doing your homework while waiting for her, and she can just join you later…
Levy: I'm quite lazy now to do our homework…
Lucy: (laughs) Yeah, me too…
Natsu: (hugs Lucy) So, this means I can still hug you (hugging Lucy tightly) …
Loke: Get a room, you two… (looking at then disgustingly)
Natsu: Jealous because I can hug my girlfriend anytime… (Lucy is blushing)
Natsu is being so straightforward, it is making me embarrass, especially we are with our friends.
Cana: There is our new girl…
We all look at Juvia who is walking towards us, but we also notice Gray is trailing behind her.
Loke: Are they together?
Cana: (stands up) I like to know it as well, but we should go to class now Loke (pulling Loke's shirt and it made him stand up) …
Cana and Loke left for their class, they greet Juvia, and they both tapping Gray's shoulder, which he doesn’t have a clue why they did that.
Juvia: My bad Lucy and Levy, I hope I didn’t make you wait that long…
Levy: It's alright. Come and seat beside me…
Juvia sits beside Levy, while Natsu approaches Gray halfway from here.
Lucy: We still have time, I'm sure we'll be able to finish this before our last class…
Since Juvia is already here, I stand up and walk closer to Gray then we both sits down on the other vacant table, and let the girls focus on their homework.
Natsu: Why are you following Juvia?
Gray: (frowns) I am not following her. What makes you say that?
Natsu: Is that why you let me go here first?
Gray: Look flame brain, I don’t know what you are talking about. It just happened that I was able to see her coming out from the principal office then Sting approached her…
Natsu: Sting did what?
Gray: I don’t know, maybe he wanted to make a move to Juvia, but he failed…
Natsu: Why? What did he do?
Gray told me that Sting approached Juvia in a wrong way, and it made her uncomfortable. He added that he just helped Juvia from that small misunderstanding.
Gray helping a girl is very rare, after his breakup with his ex-girlfriend, he barely talks to girls he doesn’t know, or just met. Well, he is always like that. Anyway, I don’t really like that ex-girlfriend of his, not just me, but all of our friends. I'm glad they are over. Don’t get me wrong, I'm not hating her with a useless reason, but we actually do have some reasons to hate her, but we didn’t want to interfere with his relationship because we respect Gray's decision, although we did argue about her before. She seemed sweet, and innocent when she was with Gray, but I caught her before, not once, but twice.
I was with Lucy when we saw her in the café near my apartment, she was with her group of friends. Lucy and I became spy that day, and to be honest we had fun being one. She was badmouthing Gray in front of her so called friends, like Gray doesn’t gave her enough attention, Gray was hurting her physically, and I know that Gray will not do that to a girl, especially to his girlfriend. I told Gray about it, but he didn't believe me and Lucy, so we let him be. We didn’t talk for a week, but then ice prick approached me and apologized. Of course, we reconcile, he's my best friend.
The second time I caught her, I was with Erza. It was Gray's hockey team championship game; Fairy Tail University vs. Lamia Scale University. Gray with his skills, they won the game, and Gray was the best player. That explains it why he is the captain.
After the game, we were all outside the rink because Gray pleaded us to wait for that girl. Even if it was against our will, we still accompanied him. While we were waiting, Erza saw a nearby dessert shop, she wanted to buy her favorite strawberry cake, so she just grabbed whoever her hand reached, it happened to be me. We were about to past another alley, but Erza suddenly stopped. There we saw Briar; yes, that is her name. Briar was kissing another man in the alley.
Erza went back to the rink on her own, and I hid behind the wall. Few minutes later, I saw Erza dragging Gray, when they reached the alley, Erza pointed her finger at Briar, who was still making out to the guy. Gray didn’t like what he saw, he walked towards them then punched the guy, and without hearing Briar's explanation, Gray glared at her then left. Matter of fact, her explanation was no longer needed.
Enough with Gray's past lover, we joined the girls where they are seated. Gray sits beside me and he is in front of Juvia. We didn’t bother the girls to do their homework, because if we do, Lucy will be mad at me. I notice Gray is stealing glances at Juvia, I cannot blame him though, Juvia is a beautiful girl, and being her classmate with all of my minor subjects, she is smart as well. I think Juvia will be the best girl for Gray, I just hope this idiot already moved on.
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
As The Dust Settles: Chapter 10 (Dabi x Geten Slowburn)
Previous Chapters: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Dabi spent his Friday evening slouched over the counter, occasionally sipping from his whiskey. The bar was quite empty for a Friday night, with only a few customers scattered around the chairs and stools. 
“Hey,” Dabi called. The bartender, a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties, looked at him. 
“What else can I get for you, sir?” He asked politely. 
“Is this place usually this empty at this time?” Dabi swept an arm around as a gesture.
The bartender chuckled. “If anything, I gained more customers, probably thanks to you lot. You’re part of the League, right?” 
“Were, I suppose,” Dabi said boredly, but straightening up to rest his head on his palm. “Why?”
“You guys defeating the army depressed the hell out of some of ‘em. Usually their doctrine frowns upon drinking – something about wasting their days when they could be practicing, but after their commander was overthrown, I saw a big turnout that night. Largest I’ve ever had.”
“You keep saying them…” Dabi frowned, recalling something Hanabata had said. “Are you the 10% of people in Deika who aren’t part of the army?”
“Damn right. I’ve no intention of joining their crazy mission.” The bartender looked at a customer at one of the tables, nodded, and started to prepare a drink. “Only thing that sucks is getting caught in the crossfire.” 
“Ah.” Dabi took another sip. “You look alright for a guy whose city was nearly destroyed.”
The bartender waved his hand dismissively, the other placing the finished drink on the counter for collection. “I ain’t talking about what Shigaraki did. I like the guy. He taught these delusional people a lesson. My problem…” He leaned in slightly closer, lowering his voice. “Is with the army themselves.” 
“Really? I thought you would hate me and the League,” Dabi said.
“I got no issue with you folks. But I hate the soldiers. Especially the ice-man. Apocrypha, or whatever his name is.”
“Huh.” Was Dabi’s response, though his mind was whirling. He didn’t need that girl on his mind, though he was curious enough to ask, “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s merciless, cruel. I don’t know if you saw, but during the fight, I heard from some of these guys here, he took out so many of his guys just to get rid of the army of clones from Bubaigawara Jin.”
“Right…” Dabi’s mind flashed back to that glacier that sent entire houses into the air, along with the blood of both Twice’s clones and the Liberation Army. He was both disgusted and awed by the audacity of that move. Now, he felt more disturbed than anything. “Yeah, I was there. You were safe?”
“Yeah, my house was on the other side of the city. I didn’t go out that day when I saw all the soldiers marching towards the centre. Wherever the army gathers, it’s good to not go there,” The bartender said. He paused, and then added grimly, “Some of my friends didn’t heed that advice.”
“Oh.” Dabi swallowed. The statement sounded like a backhand threat or a lash of anger, but looking at the man’s face, he strangely did not detect any sign of hatred. 
“Honestly, they got what they deserved.” He gave a smile, pouring two glasses of whiskey and passing one to Dabi. “It’s on the house. I haven’t had a good talk in a long time.”
“Cheers.” Dabi grinned. The glasses clinked, and the two took a good gulp of the burning liquor.
“Is it dangerous here?” Dabi said as he set down his glass on the countertop.
“Pah, not really. Until last week, the army hadn’t really done anything, only train over and over again. At least, that’s what I could see. Maybe underground, they’ve been up to something, but I’ll be honest – I doubt they ever had plans to expand.”
“Yeah,” Dabi said non-committedly, thinking about the plans Shigaraki had laid out, taken from Re-destro’s strategies. 
“And honestly, I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to. They wouldn’t let me.” The bartender grimaced, taking another gulp. “Not that it’s illegal, but the leaders – those guys in that tower, they make it sound illegal, so everyone knows it’s illegal. You get what I mean?” 
Dabi nodded slowly. He had to admit, the way Re-destro and his lieutenants kept Deika city controlled was impressive: Not with an iron fist, but soft, persuasive whispers. Noting that this man here was likely subjugated by them in all by thought, he asked a question. 
The question was probably influenced by the thoughts in his head, and the alcohol. “About that gi – guy, Apocrypha, what’s he like?”
The bartender’s expression tightened, and Dabi wondered if he’d touched on something personal – Apocrypha had apparently killed his friends, though he hadn’t seemed very affected by it. 
“Whoever that man is under that hood, he’s a monster. I’ve grown up here my whole life, and I’ve never seen a soldier so addicted to the cause. Now, I’m no soldier, but even I understand the camaraderie that soldiers should share. Apocrypha has no feelings. He kills people to achieve his goals…” The bartender leaned in closer, till Dabi could smell the whiskey on his breath. “And I’m not talking about what happened last week, but what he’s been doing since he joined.”
“What d’you mean?” Dabi asked, a sense of foreboding sending a chill down his spine, while his stomach bubbled with curiosity and trepidation. 
“Hey, Dabi!” A cheerful voice made him and the bartender look at the man who had just entered. The crimson wings made it obvious. 
“Hey, Hawks.” Dabi waved. The hero walked up to them. 
“You want anything, Hawks?” The bartender asked. 
“I’m good, thanks man.” Hawks replied, eliciting a nod from him. While the bartender busied himself with washing some glasses, Dabi turned around on his stool to face Hawks.
“What’s up?” Dabi said.
“Some people are looking for you.” Hawks glanced around, noting the few other customers within earshot. He gestured towards the exit. 
Sighing, Dabi gulped down the last of his drink, thanked the bartender and left with Hawks. 
A few hours ago...
Shigaraki knocked aside Dabi’s raised arm with a backhand. “I let you go your own way because I don’t believe in ordering you guys around, but now that I’m leading more than a small group, I’m changing my style. You’re settling things with Apocrypha, got it?”
The two stared at each other with cold fury for a second, before Dabi spat, “Fine.” and spun on his heel to exit the room. 
Shigaraki watched Dabi leave the council room. Once the door was shut, he sat down on his chair and tapped his earpiece. “Still there, Ujiko?” 
“You actually sounded convincing,” The doctor’s voice came in reply. “Not the Dabi-Apocrypha thing. The plan you gave them. I almost believed it myself.”
“Good, it’ll throw them off the scent for a while. I trust you’ve kept up your end of the deal?” Shigaraki said.
“Yes. Come. I’ll show you everything.” At this, Shigaraki felt the build-up of that muck in his mouth. He’d experienced it so many times he no longer gagged or retched. 
The mossy-green ooze expanded and enveloped him. He lost vision temporarily as the nauseating feeling churned for a second before disappearing. He blinked, finding himself in Ujiko’s lab. The doctor himself stood before him. No chair, nothing shrouding him from sight, just him standing with his lab coat and silver glasses.
“Tomura Shigaraki, Kyudai Garaki. It’s a pleasure to work with you.” He gave a nod of respect. “You and All For One are the only two that know my true name. I trust that you’ll keep it that way.”
Plot stuff, getting a bit dry I know, especially if you’re here for Dabiten. You might not like next chapter if that’s the case, but it’ll hopefully set up the premise much better so you get a general idea of how the plot is going. And yeah, I’m aware that 10 chapters in is a horrible time to establish even more premise to the story. My excuse of first draft isn’t exactly great. So uh, fault taken.
Flow-wise, I actually don’t really like this jumping back chronologically. I think in an edited version, the 2nd scene in this chapter would be the chapter 7/8, so right after the meeting (c7) goes into this Shigaraki POV. So yeah, reading it might be a bit dissatisfactory in terms of pacing, but bear with this first draft for now. I’ll change it when it’s time.
Also, I’m happy to say that I finally planned out Dabi’s backstory, so now the issue is writing it out in a way that doesn’t break this flow. I used to do flashbacks as an independent scene with line breaks at both ends, but I personally feel that it’s lazy writing now. If I can’t think of any decent way to transition into Dabi’s past, then I might go back to what I mentioned. 
11 notes · View notes
randombtsprincessa · 5 years
Backstage Passes
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Seokjin x Reader (2nd POV)
Words: 6k-ish
Genre: Smut
Summary: Your meeting with the lead singer of Bulletproof ends with a night of frolicking!
Warning: Kim Seokjin (I know what I’m about guys), Reckless behaviour on Subway platforms, Heavy debts and study loads, Inebriation, Dirty Talk, Oral (Male and Female Receiving), Jin’s usual narcissism, protected sex, A very *big* male member, Sexual themes, Surprise orgasms, just Jin being a lil’ shit.
A/N: I would like to thank @floralseokjin for Jin’s dick ;)
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You were late.
Normally the hustle on the steps of the subway wouldn’t bother you as much, but today was one of those days. What with the bills pouring in and the stress of your degree bearing in, you had decided to sleep in for one day. That one day, your professor decided to hold a thesis meeting.
In short, you were now rushing through pressing crowds to hopefully catch a train that would get you to the campus in time.
You knew you shouldn’t have moved out from the apartment you shared with another student on campus, but you couldn’t stand the pounding of her headboard against your shared wall any longer. The awkward silences the next morning which let you both know that you could hear her vile screams every other night just weren’t worth it.
Finally emerging on the very edge of the platform, you leant in recklessly, looking both ways for whatever train went the direction you wanted it to.
“Hey, do you have a death wish?”
You turned to see a man right behind you, one hand reaching forward as if he was going to pull you back.
You shifted back into the safety of the yellow strip.
“I’m sorry?”
The man grimaced, or so you assumed from what you could see of his face that was revealed over the thick black face mask and even thicker scarf wrapped around his head. Eyes darting down to the yellow strip and then your feet, he waved a hand at the nonexistent distance between them.
“You could’ve gotten hurt falling in, died maybe. What else am I supposed to think?”
You clicked your tongue at the thoughtful stranger.
“I’m just in a hurry.” You tried hard not to sound snappish. After all, he wasn’t wrong; you were just not in the greatest mood.
“In a hurry to die?”
“I don’t want to die; I’m just late for a meeting.”
It didn’t strike you that maybe you could’ve just thanked him and moved places, somewhere farther away where he wouldn’t catch you doing it again. But the man was conversational and you were on a roll.
“I decide to sleep in for one day and my douche of a professor called in a meeting which he should’ve called a month ago. It’s really not my best day.”
The man, dark inquisitive eyes glinting under the stark lights allowed you to regale him with the woes of your life before you stopped, realizing that not only were you pouring out your life to a complete stranger, there were also other people around listening, some looking irritated at your chatter and others blatantly staring at you in interest.
Heat rising in your cheeks despite the high collar of your coat, you turned away from the prying eyes, his and others.
“Sorry,” you grunted.
You had only decided to pull your phone and headphone out to drown your embarrassment in music when you felt a hand on your elbow.
You turned in alarm to see it was the stranger again, hand curved around your elbow to tug you gently back, almost into him.
“I would just feel a lot better if you weren’t across that line.” He said and you wondered if it was sarcasm or genuine concern in his voice.
You blinked slowly up at him before nodding, trying not to acknowledge the slight tug in the gut you’d felt in your stomach due to his proximity.
You’re just lonely. You haven’t had someone show you this much sympathy in a while, especially a stranger. Get a grip.
Finally – finally when the train arrived, you were the first to board it, thankfully noting that not a lot of people were getting on the commercial way of getting to the university grounds. Aside from the ones already there, you’d have a chance of hopefully crashing at your friend’s place.
You glanced up when you spotted a familiar black clad figure sit beside you, worryingly looking at the ‘thoughtful’ stranger.
“Are you following me?” you blurted out.
You didn’t have to wait for the man to turn to know he had raised his eyebrows.
“Why do you ask?” he asked.
The question threw you. You might have expected an offended rebuttal; you didn’t know why he had gone with simpler words, posing a more complex question.
“Don’t worry I’m not, I have to get to the university grounds as well. I have something to do.” He said.
“Oh,” you looked down to your hands, feeling silly. “Sorry,”
“It’s fine.”
You turned your head but found yourself looking to the reflection of the man sitting beside you time to time. He had removed the mask and scarf a little time into the journey and you had to say you gaped.
He was pretty.
He wasn’t just handsome in the conventional way, with the sweep of his elegant nose and plump pillow lips, he was gorgeous. A mass of black hair fell around his face, his fingers brushing the bangs back.
“So, what year are you in?” he questioned, almost as if he could feel your intense examination of his features.
“Oh, I,” you paused as he turned to you with a smile.
“We might as well pass the time somehow.” He explained gently.
It was probably not smart, the way you spilled further.
You weren’t a normally chatty person, but the way the man kept his eyes on you, waiting for you to go on further was a spur. You spilled everything.
As long as he didn’t know your name, you were fine right…?
At the university stop, as you filed out, the beautiful stranger behind you, muttering about how he had to go but he hoped he might run into you again, you realized that you hadn’t gotten his name in return.
Maybe that was for the best, you parting ways in mystery just the way you met.
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You stared in non comprehension at your best friend, squealing as she jumped about her room.
You had learnt a long time ago to allow Siyeon her frivolities; her rich background making it easy for her to stay bubbly and stable while you sunk lower each day.
“Stop,” you finally sighed. “What are you on about?”
Siyeon stopped talking, her keen eyes flickering to you in concern. “What’s wrong with you? You look dead on your feet.”
You glanced away, mumbling something about deadlines before looking up at her again.
“What are you so excited about?”
“Didn’t you hear me scream? Bulletproof is visiting the campus today! They’re going to perform at Hoseok’s café.”
You nodded listlessly, interest fading soon.
Bulletproof was one of Siyeon’s guilty pleasures. She’d found their debut song on Sound Cloud, claiming it was her Nirvana and she’d religiously followed the underground band since. You’d seen her sporting their songs and flaunting their deeper lyrics on her notebooks but you had never actively pursued her mania with them.
After all, she was bound to move on sooner or later.
You wondered if their tour on your campus meant the beginning of another one of Siyeon’s obsessions while the one with Bulletproof subsided, now that she could see them in person.
“…Hoseok sent me exclusive tickets, two of them! So naturally, I told them I would bring you…”
You jerked your head up from your textbook.
“You did what?” you grunted in irritation.
Siyeon sighed.
“Y/N, we both know you’ve been cooped up in your apartment for way too long, you need to get out.”
“I can’t get out. I don’t have the money to afford both an outing and my electricity bill.” You reminded her. You were being crushed under debt and while you appreciated the offer, you’d rather not.
“Well, you don’t have to pay for this one, I already did it.” Siyeon said, flopping down next to you on her plush bed.
“Siyeon, you didn’t have to do that.” You mumbled.
“Hey, if I want to take my best friend to a band show, I can, okay? Stop whining and pick something out from my closet.” She was already up before she finished her sentence, throwing open her closet doors to display her vibrant selection of clothing.
Smiling a little at her over enthusiasm as she reminded you that you had exactly two hours to get ready, you closed your textbook.
Maybe one night out wouldn’t be so bad.
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The café; normally decked out in shades of comfortable browns and creams had undergone a stunning change.
Deep reds, bold patterns and black draped over the surfaces, a small platform set up near the back beside the counter.
“They are the band colors and sigils,” Siyeon let you know as you trudged past the decorations, earlier than other patrons and made your way to where Hoseok, your friend and owner of the café was lifting beer bottle crates to the back of the counter.
“Girls,” he mumbled, counting heads of the bottles, “you’re early.”
“I know! I wanted to get the best places!” Siyeon gushed while you stifled a yawn. You were so going to bed as soon as this was over.
“Siyeon, it’s a ticket based show. You’d get the first stand anyway.” Hoseok reminded her but there was nothing that could’ve made your friend dim. She was giggly and skipped where she stood.
You studied your friend; maybe the band really was good.
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You helped Hoseok carry out a few errands in the café until the time of the show, when he waved you away just as Siyeon arrived, her hand clawing at yours to drag you to the very front of the stage.
Not a lot of people had shown up, considering it was a concert show but the café was fuller than you had ever seen it.
Your sides pressed against the people who were clamoring to get to the stage as well, who probably listened to the band. Siyeon won the battle though as you both emerged, triumphant just as the curtain fluttered, signaling movement backstage.
“It’d be so cool to meet them after this. I got the special VIP passes from Hoseok.” Siyeon muttered into your ear.
You grinned at your friend as lights fell and Siyeon fell silent beside you, finally finding some peace.
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It was a band of six members; you counted, watching them take their respective positions and instruments. What you found strange was that each of them had a hood of some thick material on.
You watched as the tallest man raised his hands to the microphone while Hoseok pulled out a megaphone from the counter, announcing the band.
“That’s the key, their bulletproof hoods. It means they are faceless guardians of their fans.”
“Deep,” you returned, clapping politely as the café broke into applause, signaling the band to reach up and pull off their hoods in synchrony, the last member, at the microphone doing it slower and more dramatic that the others.
Your clapping stopped immediately.
It was your stranger!
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The tallest man standing right at the front of your best friend’s favorite band was the kind man who had decided to pull you away from a reckless position and listened to your ranting when he had zero obligations to.
You slowly lowered your hands and your head, trying to duck back into the crowds. Siyeon’s hand immediately gripped onto you.
“What are you doing?” she hissed.
You shook your head quickly, not wanting her to get suspicious as your stranger spoke up.
“Hey Armors! How are we tonight?” he crowed, amid hoots and screams of replies. The man at the drums, with muscles bulging through his sleeveless vest raised his stick to show a cut and the crowds went silent as the opening strums of a guitar, played by a smaller man flowed through the café.
By the time the second song finished, you had to admit to yourself, they were very good.
The angst in their voice, bled into the surroundings while the passion of the more upbeat songs even lifted you enough to bounce just a bit.
Siyeon cast you a sly grin. “Knew you’d like them, you just had to listen.” She said.
You ignored her, choosing to focus on the lead singer of the band, your stranger.
His hair was even messier now, probably artistic disruption, and his face mask and scarf was completely gone, leaving him in a tight black full sleeve with small rips revealing hints of creamy skin.
His eyes were closed as he hit a high pitch with enviable ease and spun the microphone in his hand, the words of the hypnotic effect of vice passing through your ears like cotton candy from his silver voice.
You were hypnotized alright and you had no confusion as to what vice it was for.
The man tapped his foot at the start of the drum sequence, the plush lips turning up in a broad smile as he looked to the audience and met your eyes.
You stilled immediately, finding yourself stuck to the ground as his eyes widened in recognition before crinkling as his smile intensified.
He waved. He actually waved; a small flutter of his fingers around the stand, easily mistakable for a simple gesture but you knew it was meant for you.
You smiled back politely, nodding as he resumed singing, but his eyes drew to yours more often now.
You had no reason to, but you absolutely blushed and you more than liked it.
The concert reached its end well past midnight, with Siyeon convincing you to spend the night at hers when she spoke up.
“So, I noticed you and Kim Seokjin having a moment during the show.” She said.
You slowed in your steps. “Seokjin,” you questioned.
She nodded. “The lead singer, he was eyeing you up and I saw you smile up at him.” she said.
I shrugged, filing away the name, “It was just some meaningless interaction, nothing more.” You told her as she led you to the office at the back of the café, repurposed to serve as a backstage for Bulletproof.
She knocked on the door and Hoseok opened it. “You are the only ones,” he advised, pulling the door open wider to let you and Siyeon in, “Don’t annoy them too much Siyeon.” He warned, earning an indignant smack from her which he dodged.
“Guys, this is Siyeon and Y/N.” he pointed you out. “Siyeon’s the one begging for your show here, huge fan. Y/N’s our best friend.” He said walking to the six boys who nodded to you.
“Hey, I’m Jimin, the prettiest of the group.” The shorter boy with the acoustic guitar spoke up, earning eye rolls from the rest.
“Yeah, right,” the taller one beside him said.
You watched as Siyeon went up to each member, quickly getting surrounded by the members as your own eyes went to the far corner, finding dark eyes already on you.
A shock of thrill went through you as Kim Seokjin peeled himself from the wall and joined you in your corner.
“Y/N,” Seokjin greeted you with a nod.
“Mr. Kim Seokjin,” you replied, feeling a smile bloom across your face as his own broke out.
“Found out about me, huh?” he asked quietly.
“Siyeon is a huge fan,” you explained and he nodded again, both of you watching your friend mingle easily with his members.
“What about you?” he asked curiously.
You shrugged.
“I’ve heard a few of your songs but my life hasn’t been exactly affording me to pursue any hobbies or obsessions.” You reminded him.
Seokjin smirked a little at that.
“Are we worthy of being your obsession, Miss Y/N?” he whispered.
You blinked, turning to look at him out of the corner of your eye. Surely he wasn’t flirting with you?
“Well, you were pretty…good up there.” You said, trying not to acknowledge the heat flaring in your neck.
“Hmm,” Seokjin looked like he was going to say something else when a hoot went through the group near you.
“Y/N! The boys are taking us for drinks!” Siyeon called and her eyes squinted when she saw you standing with Seokjin before her pursed lips quivered; the tell-tales of a grin threatening on her face.
She’s probably planning your wedding already; your mind told you and looked shyly up at Seokjin.
“Oyo, Jin! You in?” The man who had sassed Jimin earlier called.
You felt Seokjin nudge you a little as he raised a hand to mime ‘ok’ with his fingers.
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The small bar the band took you, Siyeon and Hoseok to, was small and quaint, just like them, the tall one who you found out was Taehyung, explaining to you that this was the place where they had started performing from.
It had a special place in their hearts.
Your friends had quickly blended in with the setting of the hyped band, ordering their drinks as stories were swapped and they divulged about how Namjoon, the lyricist was friends with Hoseok from their school days.
Seokjin stuck close to you, keeping the story of your meeting him under careful wraps. You had to thank him for that later, there was no way Siyeon would let you live peacefully if she found out the circumstances of your and Seokjin’s first meet.
“I can feel you trying to back out. Are you ok?” He asked suddenly, making you jump a little.
You smiled as you turned to him. “I’m fine, Seokjin. I just had a long day today.” Your words were heavy with implication and despite himself Seokjin grinned mischievously. “I hope you’re not going to be leaning over any subway platforms?” he lowered his voice a little.
You shivered a little from the sudden change in the timbre of his voice.
“I’m not. Siyeon is making me stay with her so for the time being, I’m safe from the threat of accidental deaths.” You told him.
Seokjin nodded, backing away a little as you and him turned away from the conversation completely, the bubble you were in with him seeming way more inviting.
“I was surprised you were in the crowds today. I didn’t think you were a fan when you didn’t scream so I was even more surprised to see you visited us backstage.” He said.
You nodded to Siyeon’s bobbing head. “She’s the reason I was there at all. She literally adores you lot. Plus she doesn’t like me being alone so she keeps dragging me everywhere.” You shook your head fondly.
“I’m glad. I’m happy that you kept her company.” He said, eyes intense again as he stared at you.
You bite your lip, eyeing him right back.
“I’m glad as well; you’re one intriguing man, Seokjin.”
“Jin,” he corrected gently, raising a finger to brush a tendril of hair behind your ear, “How is that?”
You leant in dangerously close, his eyes sparking just a little at your proximity. “You listen. Your songs are a reflection of what you’ve all heard in your lives and it’s so precious that you consider yourselves guardians. Not a lot of musicians do that.” You whispered.
Jin turned his head, taking a swig from the beer bottle and your eyes were drawn to the way his lips wrapped around the lip of the bottle, pressing and pulling against each other.
You clenched your fist tight. What else could he do with that mouth?
Jin glanced at you with a smile as if he knew exactly what were you thinking.
“I’d be happy to show you.”
You froze, had you fucking spoken out loud?
You spluttered around the pathetic excuse you were about to offer when he turned to you fully, a hand pressing to the other side so that he was basically caging you in. His head dipped so he could look you fully in the eyes, tongue sneaking out to lick at the plush petals of his lips.
“Y/N,” he spoke, low and urgent, “I don’t usually do this, but…do you want to get out of here? Go back to my place, maybe? I promise to get you back tomorrow.” He said.
You gaped up at him, the bold proposal processing slowly in your mind.
Did he actually just? Yes, he did. You glanced at Siyeon and Hoseok, both too engrossed in their conversation to glance at you.
“You want me to spend the night with you?” you checked in stupidly and Jin grinned cheekily.
“You can do more than that, if you want, but yes.” He teased.
Maybe it was the lowered inhibitions from the intake of the alcohol but you found yourself nodding your head eagerly.
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You were surprised by a lot that night.
You were surprised when Siyeon happily let you leave with Seokjin; a man you’d only met that day, only hours before to her knowledge.
You were surprised when Jin chivalrously held open the door of the cab he’d ordered, hand remaining near your thigh for the ride over to his place but never quite touching you under the potential eye of the driver.
What you weren’t surprised by was the fact that even as he led you up his apartment complex, decent but not too large, you’d pressed up against him almost immediately, feeling his warmth through the slits in his clothes, shameless as you ran a palm down the expanse of his chest.
Jin grabbed your wandering hand as it drifted near his abdomen.
“Patience, there are cameras in this.” He warned, darting a cautioning eye towards the dratted red dot and you pouted up at it, Jin almost cooing at the puffy cheeks on you, your lips pursing adorably.
It was pretty obvious what was on your mind and he had full intentions of giving it to you. Despite his cool front, you could tell even he was getting impatient, the way his thumb drummed against the metal walls and his eyes fixed on the digital display of floors, a small crease in between his eyebrows.
“Almost there,” Jin intoned but you had no idea if he was talking to you or just mentally bracing himself when the door opened at last.
The hand Jin had placed against the elevator wall immediately found your back, quickly ushering you out into the hallway and against a wall beside the first door on the right.
You had barely any time to let out a gasp before his mouth was on yours, sloppy and a little off aim as he fumbled through his pockets, trying to kiss you through the search for his house keys.
“Aha,” he said, pulling out a single silver key on a black leather keychain emblazoned with the Band insignia. Sliding an arm around your waist, his other hand slipped the key into the slot, turning it as he opened the door, letting you go in first while he turned a light switch on beside you on the wall.
Jin seemed to press pause as you looked around the living room, viewing his space. It was fairly large but his furniture seemed to be cramped beside all the musical instruments he’d stocked up on.
Various guitars lay near the TV stand, sheet music piled on the coffee table and a rather large keyboard took up most of the sofa.
“Not all of the mess is mine,” Jin chuckled nervously behind you. “The guys find it comfier to just crash here when we work so all their stuff just stays here.”
If you had to be guessing you’d probably bet he was sobering up. Almost all your drunken brazenness had faded off anyway and you wondered if he would regret bringing you here and showing you this.
“I like it.” you told him firmly, turning to face him.
Jin’s face seemed extra youthful in the dim lighting as he stared at you, looking for any signs of deception but smiled broadly when he found none. His eyes quickly went to the sofa as he reached for you, large hands gripping the plush curves of your hips, pulling you tighter to him.
“I would entertain you here but um…bedroom?” he asked, an upward quirk to his lips.
You followed his glance to the preoccupied sofa and grinned, unable to help reaching up and placing a soft kiss to his lips. “Bedroom,” you agreed.
Jin swung your hands between you, leading you to one of the doors in the back. You clearly heard him mutter. “Gonna ask the guys to clean this shit up tomorrow.”
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Jin’s bedroom was better.
A soft lamp was on in the corner and there were no instruments here. The dressers were dustless, the closet door shut and the bed looked clean.
“Much better,” he sighed before pulling you further in, his lips finding yours again.
You kissed him back for a few minutes, pulling away when he pushed away. “Are you hungry?” he asked.
“No,” you said, grabbing his face to tug him in again.
“Thirsty?” he pulled away again.
Shaking your head, he allowed you to kiss his again, pushing him towards his bed, the back of his knees hitting the mattress.
You grunted in annoyance when he pulled away het again.
“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” he asked and you frowned up at him.
“I would never have come with you if I didn’t want to, now shut up and kiss me.” You gritted your teeth.
“Yes ma’am,” Jin smirked before finally putting his mouth on you, full lips tugging at yours as he sat down, your head hovering over his.
Your hands wandered over his shirt, the tight fabric making it easier for you to trace over his prominent muscles. Jin pulled you onto his lap, his back flexing with the movement as you strategically placed yourself over the slight bulge in his black jeans. Even with the barest of erections you could tell he was big.
You sunk the blunt edge of your teeth into the pillow of his lower lip, even as his hand slid over your ass. He gasped, hand rearing back to place a quick smack to your covered cheek.
“Freaky, are we?” he mumbled, spinning you to lie on the bed, standing up. He walked over to the dresser, bringing back something silvery which he dropped on the bed, pulling off his shirt.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, raking your eyes ravenously down his figure.
He wasn’t disgustingly muscled, the airbrushed ones you saw on gym banners always a turn off. Instead he was smoother, the planes of his body proportionate and begging for a rake of nails.
His stomach seemed to clench as he brought his arms down to slip off the long sleeves, eyes on you.
“Like what you see?” he grinned.
You returned the broad smirk. “What do you think?”
“Oh, I just wouldn’t want to disappoint you to run to the subway again.”
You groaned. “I told you, I was just running late.”
You were sure to be going on a rant again but Seokjin cut you off as he climbed onto the bed on all fours, leaving his pants on as his larger body covered yours.
“You ramble on a lot you know,” he murmured against your lips.
“Then shut me up,” you suggested with a pointed glance downwards and Jin’s eyebrows went up.
“Definitely freaky,” he commended, straightening up and undoing his belt, slipping it out of the loops and dropping it on the floor behind him with a dull clunk.
His fingers made quick work of his button and zipper, letting you barely peak at the band of his underwear.
“Get naked,” he said simply, rolling to the side as he began to shimmy out of the tight pants. You’d have found it funny, the way he sighed and let out tiny grunts as he worked the pants off if you weren’t so focused on getting out of your own clothes.
By the time you were done sliding the silk skirt Siyeon had put on you off your legs, Jin had successfully taken everything off – albeit nearly falling on his face once or twice (thrice), thanks to his pants.
You had been right, he was big, thrillingly so. His large palm wrapped around it gently, tugging and rotating his wrist near the head, a pearl of precum visible as you crawled closer to him.
“Still want me to shut you up?” he asked.
You nodded eagerly, chancing a look up at him to see his hooded expression, thick brows furrowed as he carded a hand carefully through your hair with his free hand, turning it at the base so he was clutching a bunch of it. He pulled you to him, an authoritative tug at the base of your head, brandishing his cock near your lips.
You mouthed against the length of sheathed heat, feeling him pulse at the feel of your soft mouth near his head. You avoided the small drip, choosing to press kisses to the skin near the base, flicking a teasing tongue under the shaft. Jin jolted over you, not expecting the sudden move and he smiled dopily at you.
“Don’t fucking tease.” He growled; his face angelic and you obeyed, finally taking over and taking matters into your own hands, literally.
Your hand glided over his skin, the softer friction of your skin making him let out a relieved sigh.
“Lean back,” you ordered, lowering your mouth so you could take the head in your mouth just a few inches in, his glans heavy against your tongue. Jin obeyed, with a whine, strong hands supporting his weight as he stayed balanced on his knees, small jerks of his hips trying to push his length further in your mouth.
He finally succumbed, wrapping a hand around the back of your neck to press you further down till you could feel him slipping into the back of your throat. You gagged, saliva pooling from your mouth onto him, dripping down his member before he was letting you go, letting you pull up for air.
A string of drool broke off when you sat back up, prompting you to wipe it off.
You grinned proudly, watching Jin’s expression fade from scrunched to stony again as he pushed you back till your head was on his pillows.
You parted your legs immediately, closing your eyes to calm yourself. It had been a while since you had done this with anyone. What with your studies and your work barely letting you breathe, you had no time for dating or hook ups. You had to thank Siyeon for more than just a night out.
“Are you falling asleep on me?” You heard Jin ask quietly.
Your eyes opened, smiling when Jin hefted your leg over his waist, condom on now, bending over you with narrowed eyes. Humor glinted deep within his dark irises.
“Nope, I’m just, trying to remember what to do. It’s been a while.” You joked.
Jin opened his mouth, most likely to comment on your statement but stopped when he realized you were being honest.
“Wait, seriously? It’s been a while? Because basing on how you just blew me, I’d say otherwise.” He said.
You pursed your lips, trying not to laugh at how he was trying to make you feel better. It was sweet…hilarious but sweet.
“I’m fine, just get in me.” You urged, your hands grabbing his shoulder to pull him further.
“Ok, ok,” he amended, a light smirk visible in the corners of his mouth as he slid home.
Your eyes widened even as he let out a loud grunt, face scrunching again. He was…so big.
“I’ll agree that it’s been a while. You’re so damn tight…and so wet,” Jin placed his hands on either side of your face, eyes closed as he stilled deep within you.
“You’re just inhumanly big.” You retorted but he only took it as a compliment, eyes flickering open as he laughed down at you.
“I am, aren’t I?” He pulled his hips back till only the head remained inside you, pushing back even slower. “Am I the biggest you’ve had?”
His pace didn’t help you at all; your back arching. Jin was hitting all your spots, his slowness ensuring that you knew he was there but that you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by pleasure just yet.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I was. You look like you’re going to come already and I haven’t done much at all.” Another drag of his hips…
Jin placed a hand on your naked breast, kneading it as goose bumps rose up on your skin, the barest brush of pleasurable sparks lighting you up.
“I didn’t eat you out, didn’t finger you open, no prep at all but you won’t need any of that will you? My cock is enough, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you whined, hands fisting in your hair as he pulled out once again, this time completely, leaving you bereft and empty.
A keening wail was bubbling at the tip of your tongue, outrage at being left alone boiling in your veins when you felt the edges of his hair tickle the inside of your thigh.
Your eyes flew open, your elbows pushing you up to see Jin’s eyes fixed on you, his plush lips wrapped around your clit, his smirk visible even as he sucked languidly on your engorged nub.
You wanted to scream, especially when Jin winked, offering you a hand to hold near your stomach and the other cupping the underside of your breast, thumb flicking over your peaking nipple in time with his tongue.
Just as suddenly as if had begun, it was over, Jin surfacing in your hazy vision, your juices glistening on his lips.
“Sorry, I was just curious and you didn’t disappoint.” He lowered to kiss you again, his tongue pushing into dance with your. Your legs were feeling too heavy or you would’ve wrapped them around him.
Thankfully, he had the same idea as he reached down for your calf, hiking a leg up around his hip as entered you again, this time with a rough, brutal thrust.
“Hope you don’t mind, I’m done with teasing. I wanna feel you creaming on me.” He growled, veins bulging in his neck as he braced a hand near your head while the other wrapped around your cheek, keeping you face to face with him.
Your whines grew louder with each thrust, the bed frame creaking under you with the movement of his bulk.
Jin took full advantage of your opened mouth, a thick thumb slipping past the seal to press down on your tongue, your mouth clamping down on it reflexively.
“Suck on it, baby,” he encouraged and you obeyed, eyeing him as innocently as you could. His eyes examined your expression with something akin to torment.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pulling the digit out to travel his hand down the length of your body, locating your clit easily as he thumbed the button. That definitely made you scream, a short cry of his name echoing around his room as you felt the ball of pleasure implode in you, shattering your very core. “Don’t look at me like that, Y/N, you’ll make me,”
Jin never got to finish his sentence, his voice stuttering out as he felt you convulse around you so violently that the tight seal around his cocked milked him even before he could stop himself.
He let out a similar yell, head falling back as he tried to cope with the power of the sudden orgasms you both went through.
Lips found his in a sloppy kiss, his head following it down to the pillow you were on; tongues lazy now that you were both boneless.
Jin rolled off of you, his miraculously still hard cock slipping out of you, the condom drenched in your cum.
“Wow that was a new one. I’ve never come without knowing I was going to. Fuck,” Jin dragged a large palm down his face, chortling tiredly.
You stared up at the ceiling, your ragged breaths so loud that Jin actually turned to you in concern. “Y/N…Y/N? Hello, still there?” He brushed back your hair, looking into your listless eyes as you slowly returned to earth, letting him turn your face to his.
“Yeah, yes, I’m just…wow.” You muttered.
Jin laughed openly now, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Bet you won’t be thinking of jumping off subway platforms now that you know me.”
“Oh my god, Seokjin!” You groaned in answer.
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