moon-mpballz · 10 months
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Phone doodles of an older Chara au I saw a post of by @glitzybunny !!!!! So totally inspired by them :>
The first image is based off of this Pinterest girl who’s got liekkkk blood coming from her nose and she’s all smiley and in the same pose idk how else to describe it 😭😭😭
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choasuqeen · 5 months
Nia tried to breathe. It was dark. Why was it dark? There was something around her eyes. Shoot. She reaches up to take it off, and hears that voice again. “Leave it on!”
“Why?!” she reaches up to pull it off, and hits the wall. Her head cracks against it and she grunts. 
“Cause I said to.”
She tried to breathe again. Where were her friends? She called out. “Trixi?” No answer. 
“Arrio?” Nothing.
 “Matt?” Silence
“Christine? Maddox? Strike Peter Dick Raoul?” Still nothing. Where was she what was happening? “WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?” Silence again, even the voice was gone.
She was alone then? Left in the dark and quiet? She reached up again, and hit another wall. She couldn’t breathe where were her friends where was she where was she. 
She sat down and tapped against the floor, messages to anyone listening. “Please” she tapped. “Please let me out.”
Still tapping, she stood up. If she couldn’t see she could feel right? Is this how Matt felt all the time? She couldn’t see. She stumbled forward, ears tuned to anything but there was nothing there wa nothing. Walls, it was a small room then. Feeling more, there was no door. She was trapped she was stuck. Blind. She sobbed then, collapsing to the floor.
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werewolfbarista · 6 months
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la-hannya · 1 year
So, basically he left the child raising le childs with people she isn't really familiar with, while he never shows up unless it's "A good reason" which is possibly once in a blue moon 🔵... No wonder she wanted to stay with everyone back in the village.
That's not a win my sweet summer child but please continue
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loyaltylanced · 11 months
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" If you have to talk about it, you're overcompensating. "
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winterwrxter · 3 months
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Just some art to help get back into the groove of this :]
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Hey gang, sorry about all the signalis posting, i got the brainworms.
It will continue
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sarayamarie · 2 years
I've always had this feeling of being unwanted. In general I think people would be fine if I weren't there. They wouldn't mind and it wouldn't bother them. But sometimes I also think they would be better off if I weren't there. They wish I weren't there. Why couldn't I just leave.
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Ugh I hate the sideblog features, just gonna make a new blog, future posts will be from @ghoulsgonestale from now on for art and your fob/mcr shitposts
See you over there ghouls and ghosts
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strawberrysohn · 7 months
*pause for dramatic effect*
hey everyone.
MY BERRYBAES I'VE MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH. i'm sosososoooo sorry for abandoning ship once again. i've been lurking around on tumblr the whole time, just to read stuff but it isn't until recently (today) that i've got the urge to write for y'all! *applause*
i'll be coming out with something vv soon (if things go my way) and it will be about someone i've never written for before. YAYYYYYY
i hope y'all aren't mad at me or anything.....i truly love you guys sm & for those who were patient during my hiatus (?) i'm sorry again & it probably will happen again LMAOOOO just not right now, okay? i'll do better i promiseeeee <333
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elshells · 1 year
Just want to reiterate that if it takes me forever and a day to respond to asks or tags, it's because of one of the following:
I either don't have a good answer yet or I want to take my time because I have a really good answer that I want to make sure comes across exactly the way I want it to. Which means I might end up forgetting about it for a hot minute.
I'm mentally exhausted after Living Life and my brain feels too broken to properly interact with people.
In the case of tags, I want to work on my WIP a little longer so I have something fresh and brand-new to share.
Insert other thing I forgot to mention due to reasons (see #2)
It is NEVER because I'm ignoring you, or don't want to interact, or anything like that. I love talking about my WIPs with other writers, and I'm so incredibly appreciative that I've met so many people here who want to know more. You guys are awesome in so many ways, and I love y'all! Unfortunately, my executive dysfunction is so bad right now (though that in and of itself is a flimsy excuse), and even though I really want to get back as quickly as possible, for some reason it's so difficult for me to do so in a reasonable time period.
Of course, you're still welcome send me asks and tag me in other stuff. I want to participate in games and read your stuff and interact with the community as a whole. And I promise I will! It's just gonna take me some time as I figure out how to run a blog. I'm still pretty new around here, and I'm thankful for y'all for being patient with me!
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pubwegf · 2 years
🙏🕯️✨i will get off tumblr 🙏🕯️✨i will get off tumblr 🙏🕯️✨i will get off tumblr 🙏🕯️✨
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lucky-draws · 2 years
erm im just posting some notes/wips/unfinished things/tossing my rubbish at you in case it's of interest on this fine wednesday.
i found i still have some incoherent to anyone but me notes regarding a fic i was going to write but never did concerning b/osselot in zanzibar land era.....
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maybe i still will write it but also maybe not. make of it what you will or won't anyway lol.
also here are a few discarded/unfinished/declared unfit for posting purpose doodles drawings from over the last few months :
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also idk if this is inchresting to many ppl but i thot id post some of my notes/draft passages from the most recent fic i wrote, until the spring. they relate to the first 2 chapters. (they're in order left to right lol sorry for posting awkward phone screenshots from google's drive.)
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and ALSO this is a freshly written opening passage from a fic in progress idk:
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concerning ocelot and kaz in the fledgling diamond dogs coma years days whatever. hopefully it will emerge sometime.
anyway happy sparkle on it's wednesday don't forget to be yourself byeee.
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the way you shake and shiver
prompt: shaking hands
whumpee: sakari nurmi
fandom: karppi/deadwind
hi! here's another karppi fic fo today. it's the first one i've written that's definitively pre-ship :) hope you enjoy!!
The road back to Helsinki is all but empty and covered in a thin dusting of snow. It’s twilight, and faraway lights dot the landscape. It’s peaceful, really, even if he is in the middle of investigating a brutal murder. 
He is looking forward to getting back to the city because he’s been invited to Karppi’s place for dinner. Apparently Emil really wants to see him. He gets a bit distracted thinking about what they’re going to have for dinner and wondering whether Emil is really all that excited to see him or whether Karppi just doesn’t want to ask him over for herself. He nearly drifts off the road for a second but corrects the movement before his tires actually leave the paved surface. 
He recovers from that minor shock quickly and keeps his thoughts on the road ahead. And then he rounds a tree-lined corner and there’s a semi truck coming straight down the middle of the road, right at him. Its headlights are blinding and it takes up both lanes and it comes up on him so suddenly that he just barely has time to yank the wheel sharply to the right and veer off the road and out of the way. 
His car skids off the surface of the road and the truck passes by so closely that it scrapes against the side of his car with a horrible metallic screech. 
The truck roars on past. He sits there with his hands on the wheel and his foot on the brake, staring straight ahead through the windshield for quite some time as his brain and body catch up to what’s just happened. 
His heart is pounding and his breathing is shaky and uneven and his hands are wrapped so tightly around the steering wheel that it hurts. He blinks long and hard before slowly prying one hand off of the wheel, putting the car in park, and shutting off the engine. 
He moves on autopilot now. His door is still working. He opens it, climbs out of the car and turns on his phone’s flashlight. He walks around the car on shaky legs. Other than a massive scratch on the rear left side, there’s no damage. 
As soon as he sees the scratch, though, he starts thinking about what damage there could have been if he’d been just a split second slower to react, if the truck driver had been going just a bit faster. His hands start to shake and his breathing grows more ragged. He could have been killed. He doesn’t even think about the fact that there are other times in his life where he’s almost been killed. Those, at the moment, are irrelevant. This is now. The adrenaline, the relief, the fear, are all immense and immediate. 
He doesn’t want to be out here anymore, is the most dominant instinct in his body. Almost mechanically, he gets back into the car, starts the engine, and resumes his route back to the city. 
Fortunately it isn’t more than twenty minutes away. As he gets closer to the city, however, he passes more and more cars traveling in the opposite direction. Each time one comes near him, he grips the steering wheel so hard that he can’t even feel his hands still shaking. But nothing else happens. Every other driver on the road behaves exactly as they’re supposed to. 
He’s fairly exhausted by the time he finally reaches Karppi’s apartment. He knocks on the door and realizes for the first time just how much his hands are shaking. Quickly, he buries them in his pockets, just in time for Karppi to open the door. 
She raises an eyebrow at him. “I guess you didn’t get my text?”
“No. Is something wrong?”
“Emil got invited to a sleepover. I already got pizza though, if you want to stay.”
He’s secretly quite glad Emil’s not here. He imagines it’s difficult to play FIFA if your hands are shaking too much to hold onto the controller. 
He takes a deep breath to try to steady himself before stepping inside (it doesn’t work). Karppi shuts the door behind him and then looks at him. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your coat?”
He shrugs, keeping his hands tucked into his pockets. “I’m cold.”
She shrugs back at him. “Okay,” she says, though she doesn’t sound like she believes him.
They sit down on the couch. He stealthily removes his hands from his pockets and traps them under his legs instead. Karppi doesn’t notice. She’s too busy opening the pizza box that sits on the table. 
She holds a plate out to him. He doesn't take it, even though he’s hungry and the pizza smells good. 
“What, aren’t you going to eat? I thought you were always hungry.”
He shrugs again. “Not always.” 
He knows he’s not being a very good guest, but he feels like if he tries to do anything else then everything is going to immediately fall apart. He wishes he hadn’t come in. Wishes he was in his own apartment with no one there to see him. 
“Okay,” is all Karppi says. “Want to watch a movie?”
She picks out a film, some detective story he’s never seen before, and puts it on. He stares at the picture without seeing it. He feels like he can barely breathe. His hands are starting to hurt from being pinned down but he just knows they’re still trembling anyway. He wants to stand up and run out and just keep running until he collapses, but he doesn’t even have the energy to move. 
He doesn’t realize that she’s paused the movie at first. And then her hand is on his knee, hesitant, like she thinks he might shove her away. It startles him back into reality. 
“Are you okay?”
“Try again. You look like Emil when he skins his knee and doesn’t want to cry.”
He can’t do this. He pulls his hands out from under his legs because they’re starting to go numb, and he’s hoping the movement will give him enough momentum to get up, but instead he just keeps sitting there. 
Karppi grabs his hands with unexpected gentleness. 
“Why are you shaking?”
He takes a breath that’s just as shaky as his hands. He opens his mouth to deny that there’s anything wrong but can’t make himself speak. All he can do is shake his head. 
She wraps her arms around him so quickly that he doesn’t have time to back away, to pretend like he doesn’t want this. All he can do is sink into the embrace. Her fingers reach up and comb through his hair, and just like that everything falls apart. 
Eventually the panic ebbs away and he begins to feel like he can actually breathe again. His heart slows down to its resting rate instead of trying to pound out of his chest. He and Karppi separate at the same time, but they don’t go far. She takes his hands again. They’re still shaking, but not from panic, just from the adrenaline wearing off. 
He doesn’t look at her. He feels like he physically can’t. She rubs her thumbs over the backs of his hands and it’s so sincere and so kind that he feels like he might cry. People don’t do this for him.
She tugs him a bit closer again and his breath catches but doesn’t speed up. He feels like he’s standing on the edge of something. It doesn’t scare him like it has before. 
She kisses him on the side of the temple, and even though they’ve kissed properly before, this feels somehow ten times more real. He leans into it, into her, and she lets him. He thinks that maybe he’s stepped off of that edge, but he isn’t falling. They’re both still right here. 
thanks for reading! i hope you liked it, love youuuu <3
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hamilton-ventblog · 6 months
"why are you like this"
comment i made internally. unsure if it was supposed to be directed at myself for just the universe but either works tbh
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histories-and-mystery · 11 months
Ok listen up I reblog the vampire shit for me, if you like it too fangtastic! I don’t post it often sorry to disappoint!
If you don’t like it, idk cry about it? Leave? Up to you man lmao
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