#hmm. who would have replaced riddler in those
forevercloudnine · 2 years
what if the riddler was a female character? do you think fem riddler would be interesting?
This is EXACTLY the kind of question that Batman: The Drowned should have answered for me, but unfortunately fem!Bruce was too busy stabbing fem!Aquaman to death with her own trident and getting Gotham wiped off the face of the planet in reprisal. Like yes, #girlpower, but I would have really just preferred several group shot panels of Batman's entire genderbent rogues gallery.
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But assuming this ask is more inquiring as to what would have happened if Riddler was created as a female character... interesting question!
Riddler only had three appearances before being adapted and arguably codified as an "A-list" villain in the 1966 television series, Detective Comics #140, #142, and Batman #171 (the last of which came out in 1965, and served as the basis for the show's pilot). I think it's likely that a female Riddler would still have been picked up for the show, since Catwoman had only had four appearances in the 1950's and still managed! Given how many female villains the show invented for itself (not to mention its compulsion to have a prominent woman hostage or henchgirl or both in every single episode), I think it was pretty desperate to get some attractive actresses on screen for the audience to look at.
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Personally I think Riddler being a woman would at the very least have improved the movie (which is the only Batman '66 media I've seen all of), since it would have split the United Underworld 50/50 down the gender line. I'm guessing a female Riddler would have crushed on Batman as much as every other woman who existed in his presence on this show, though possibly on the grounds of seeing him as her intellectual equal? I feel like she still would have been stuck in the pre-00's Poison Ivy territory of obsessive unrequited attraction.
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She definitely would have been a part of the Gotham City Sirens... like, actually a part of the GCS, not just a side character there to get put thrown around for the laughs because of Paul Dini enjoys writing Riddler and got removed from Detective Comics.
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And I hate to say it, but unfortunately she probably would have permanently reformed after Dini's run (assuming he still would have made her a private detective). Ivy's gotten a handful of good villainy moments since the New 52 reboot, but at this point she's really only an anti-villain at best. Also unfortunate, but I don't think a female Riddler would have ever gotten to wear a suit, and also in the 90's she would have 100% been put in a question mark boob window version of Sue Storm's 90's costume:
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#earth 11#kathy kane#is my best attempt at tagging earth 11 bruce. like all of her names are just the names of other female batman characters#riddler#edward nygma#just realized i didn't really say whether i would find her interesting or not#i think she would be really fun up until the early 2000's#at which point she would reform and just become one of the 50 million detective side characters in batman comics#which is also what i think is what would happen to the existing male riddler if for some reason dc let him reform permanently#however at least a female riddler would still get to show up whenever the gotham city sirens hung out#wait oh my god. do you think she would have a thing with catwoman?#and then it would be harlivy and riddlecat....#that's kind of cute actually. i kind of want to live in that timeline#although on the other hand. no way would we have ever gotten zero year or twojar#which would be rough for me because i love those stories#hmm. who would have replaced riddler in those#lmao my first thought was cluemaster but. probably not#actually HORRIFYING thought. would female riddler and cluemaster have dated....#riddler being stephanie brown's stepmom would be hilarious but every other aspect of that concept. just gag me#OH also i think that basically nothing about the plot of batman forever would have changed at all#but riddler would no longer be the villain of batman 2022#okay i officially can no longer remember if i was making a point#hopefully something in this stream of consciousness answers your question#the REAL question is whether or not dc would allow a female riddler to be annoying and to that my answer is: i sure hope so#being extremely annoying is intrinsic to the character and it would be assassination to exclude that#of course getting beaten black and blue by batman FOR being annoying is also intrinsic to the character#so. maybe for optics reasons they would avoid that
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maxdark158 · 3 years
OOOH two chapters in one week??? damn even i’m jealous. of myself. though this also isn’t edited so i might read it tomorrow morning and regret life, soooo
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
The large plant in the street wasn’t promising.
Neither was the very loud scream of pain they heard as they arrived to the scene.
Damian might’ve popped some knuckles when he clenched his fists, he wasn’t fully paying attention. What the ever-loving fucking hell in a fuck was Ivy doing? Harley best not be here too or Damian may strangle both of them for coming near his Angel.
Deep fucking breaths I’m going to fucking lose it-
When they arrived, father signaled a quick “to first two follow” plan and he and Grayson went ahead, leaving Damian and Drake on the roof. Damian itched to jump and move forward. The worry was awful, filling his mind with the most unrealistic of thoughts. He tried to correct them, prove them wrong, but they were overwhelming.
What if I check through her window to make sure she’s in there and oka- he didn’t know which room she had and it would take too long.
What if the scream was hers- It was deeper, male sounding.
What if she was crushed under that plant- She wouldn’t be, right? There wasn’t any evidence of someone being under there-
What if she’s hurt? Afraid? Dying?
He heard yelling. Angry yelling, in a male voice. The constricting worry reminded him of every dangerous male villain in Gotham right now. He went through a list of those currently MIA, those who might’ve yelled. It didn’t make sense, no villain sighting was reported aside from Ivy…
But it was possible.
And the possibility made Damian want to puke.
He had to move he had to do something. He jumped down. It hadn’t been enough time yet but he didn’t care. He heard Drake hiss something in warning about Batman’s orders or something Damian didn’t fucking care about, because he had to see for himself. He had to walk in there and he had to make sure she was okay.
Before he could go in, he saw Ivy walk out through the door. What?! he moved to intercept her before seeing the blood going down her leg- What the fucking fuck happened?! Why was she bleeding?
Ivy raised a brow when she saw him. “I got a pass this time, bird. Might want to help them in there.”
The sick feeling returned. He didn’t want to trust a villain, a criminal… but Ivy wasn’t the most horrible.
He eyed the blood, the worried weeds supplying images of his Angel bleeding in the same way. Ivy was not the worst that could happen… His mind went through that handy list of villains again. Many much worse than Ivy.
Damian turned away from Ivy. Father and Grayson shattered the window the plant hadn’t gone through, he made a motion toward it before Drake grabbed his shoulder.
“Let go of me you-“
“If you’re going to disobey Batman, at least let me go with you,” Drake looked exasperated. “You’re focused on your friend, right? Someone needs to watch your ass then.”
Damian glared before prying Drake’s hand off his shoulder. If he wanted to follow, fine. Damian wouldn’t stop him. He went through the broken window and finally entered the hotel.
The vending machine was unplugged and face down on the ground, glass surrounding it. Ivy’s giant plant was in the middle of the room, steam thicker than the pot it previously inhabited and petals as big as the Batmobile’s tires. Other miscellaneous things were strewn across the room, including cut hair near the elevator.
But what had Damian’s heart pounding was the playing cards. Playing cards that were embedded in the walls and the front desk and the floor. Razor sharp playing cards. A certain villain’s playing cards.
Fucking fucking shit fuck bitch ass fuck-
“Father,” Damian’s voice was surprisingly level as he spoke. His eyes landed on the fucking purple suited clown mother fucker himself. “What is Joker doing here?”
Father however seemed to be answering something Grayson must have said, “It appears she was rescuing…”
Ivy was rescuing.
Ivy was helping.
Damian’s eyes scanned the room right as someone else made themselves known.
The air left his lungs. She looked worse for wear, dark circles under her eyes and blood- fucking hell blood on her person. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind, and Damian wanted nothing more than to comfort her. Help her.
He opened his mouth to speak, stepping toward her.
She began to sob.
As if Damian somehow needed to panic even more.
“I’m sorry,” the words were quietly choked out between hics and sobs. “I’m a hor- horrible person and-”
“Hey now,” Grayson took a step closer, trying to comfort her. Damian’s feet were stuck to the floor, the words stuck in his mouth, preventing him from doing the same. “I’m sure you’re not-”
She held up her hands, showing the blood on them. Damian inhaled sharply when he saw the bits of glass embedded into her palm – the green haired fuck hurt her.
“I broke his leg,” she took a big gulp of air. Damian bit back the words and he deserved it. “With a rock. And I threw things at him. A chocolate bar, a cookie, a phone, a lamp, a vending machine-”
“A vending machine?” His father glanced at the vending machine on the ground. Damian didn’t bother trying to decipher his expression, Marinette was turning red and gasping between her sobs. She needed to breathe.
“Miss, please calm down,” Grayson began to step toward her. Damian’s feet finally moved, and he began surging toward her as well.
She fell, nearly hitting her head on the way down. Damian caught her before she could though, barely. Fuck, she needed to breathe like yesterday.
“I’m terrible, horrible, I shouldn’t have done this,” the words used the last of her breath and were only a whisper.
Panic made his throat feel stuck and his voice thick. “Angel,” Damian spoke as calmly as he could. “You need to breathe.”
She didn’t breathe.
Usually, lack of sleep was associated with the coffee obsessed Drake, but it seemed Damian’s own mind was determined to show him what it was like to live like a lunatic. He wasn’t able to sleep even when he tried, though he didn’t try that much either. He’s pretty sure he spent an hour staring at his weedkiller order – an order that somehow got lost in Kentucky – wishing it to suddenly appear at the front gate. Then again after coming home, most of the night was a blur.
He rubbed his eyes and let his thoughts wander through the memories of last night. Or, early morning technically.
Marinette looked delicate and broken on the stretcher as she was loaded into the ambulance. Damian had to turn his head away. He saw Drake and Todd looking at him, but he didn’t want their fucking pity.
She’d be fine.
She had to be.
After Angel had passed out, she began to breathe again. She immediately got medical attention for her injuries, riding in a different ambulance than Joker, who also got medical attention at Arkham. Damian wanted nothing more than to skin him alive as he left, but he avoided doing it for the time being. Barely.
“There’s some of Joker’s laughing shit over here, B-man.”
“Have Red Robin neutralize it. We’ll have to check the tapes and see if anyone was affected.”
“Besides the guy who’s body we found behind the desk, I don’t think anyone else got hit. But good call. Red Robin, over here!”
Drake got the security camera feed and Damian saw the entirety of what happened in the hotel lobby. His Angel fought bravely and intelligently, though he couldn’t say he was a fan of the bitch who left her behind.
“Why did she go for the elevator? I’d hate being stuck in there with the Joker. And she let her classmate just fight?”
“Maybe she called for help once she got away. And even if she didn’t, we can’t judge a teenager for panicking in this situation, Tim. Damian’s friend is an anomaly.”
“I don’t know… too bad the cameras don’t have audio, I wonder what she’s saying before they realize that Joker is there.”
“Are you able to read her lips?”
“Golly jee I wish I fucking thought of that! Thanks for reminding me to read her lips on this old and grainy camera footage where you can barely tell her eyes from her nose!”
“Jesus Replacement, no need to bite my head off.”
Damian looked into it,and found that no calls were made to the police until the plant fell through the window. The calls then were about Ivy appearing, deduced by people nearby who saw the plant. That good for nothing bitch left my Angel with the Joker-
“No calls were made by anyone within the hotel. All the calls were made by people on the street or living nearby who saw the plant.”
“Hmm… Odd…”
“…I’m sorry but how the fuck did someone sleep through a giant ass plant breaking the main floor windows? How?!”
“Maybe it’s a French secret.”
He shook his head. After they got all the information, father decided to send the French children back early and pay for it himself. Damian, internally, knew why. He painted a target on Angel’s back, if she didn’t have one before.
“You realize he heard you, right?”
“What do you want, Todd?”
“Fucks’ sake demon spawn, listen to me. Joker heard you call her Angel.”
“I was already aware of that. I’ve made plans to have the class moved back in Paris. If it gets around, She’ll be an ocean away and more difficult to harm.”
“Alright, B. Was just trying to warn Demon Spawn.”
“Maybe next time he won’t fuck up.”
“Tim, no need to be harsh.”
“It’s vigilante 101, Bruce. Damian’s been doing this for years.”
“Perhaps instead of being berated for a mistake he didn’t intend, you should let Master Damian retire to his room to rest.”
Damian grumbled to himself, trying to push the intrusive awful worrisome thoughts out of his head. The ones that said maybe going back to Paris wouldn’t be enough to protect her. The ones that said Joker would want revenge, the ones that-
The ones that he wasn’t fucking listening to right now thank you very fucking much!
Damian sighed to himself. He needed some sleep. After handling the news, getting the class handled, and looking into everything involving Joker’s break in at the hotel he was told to get to bed as the sun began rising. It hadn’t really worked, as now a few hours later he was debating stealing some of Drake’s coffee to make it through the day.
Because he did have one very important task to do today. He needed to check on his Angel, and say goodbye to her. He had her number of course, and they could text as often as possible for the two of them, but he still needed to see her. See her and apologize for how horrible this trip must’ve turned out for her.
I’m bad luck, being near me ruined her trip.
Damian went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, ignoring that train of thought.
Riddler attacked her when I was there. Joker appeared after I dropped her off. I made her unlucky. I got her hurt.
It’d be easier to ignore that train of thought if it weren’t so fucking loud.
Time felt blurry right now. Probably because he was tired. But soon he was dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses, disguised so he didn’t get mobbed by paparazzi while visiting his Angel in the hotel. He was pulling his shoes on when there was a knock at the door.
“What do you want?” The knocking bounced in his head and made it hurt. Maybe he had a migraine, he wasn’t sure.
“Such a nice way to say good morning Demon Spawn,” Todd strolled in like he fucking owned the place and leaned against the wall next to the door. Damian wondered what it’d be like to have Jon’s laser sight so he could glare at Todd and kill him.
“You didn’t have permission to come in.”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“That doesn’t mean you get to.”
“Tough shit,” Todd rolled his eyes. “…You… alright?”
Damian narrowed his eyes at him. “Why are you asking something like that?”
“Your friend got attacked and is leaving the city because of a target on her back. Which, while I did point out that you called her a petname in front of Joker-“
“It isn’t a petname-“
“-It isn’t your fault.”
The words starkly contrasted Damian’s internal beliefs and he had to blink a few moments to make sure what he heard was real. Because what the fuck? Why would Todd try to convince him his fuck up somehow wasn’t his fucking fault!?
“It’s… not my fault that I stupidly revealed a relationship connection to a civilian in front of one of the worst villains this city has suffered?”
“Okay, that was all you, smartass,” Todd sighed. “but the other shit isn’t your fault. You didn’t hurt her, the fucked up clown did. You didn’t put her in danger, her fucking teacher and class did by abandoning her. You’re at fault for your actions, not other people’s, so if you’re blaming yourself then fucking stop. Freckles’d probably get upset if you were using her to hate yourself.”
“What on this planet makes you think I’m doing that?!” Damian’s voice rose in a snap, hypocritically, because he realized as he spoke the words that he… kind of was doing that.
Fucking feelings and fucking worry and fucking weeds in his head were the reason, of course, but he… was… fuck, he’s tired isn’t he?
“I died, Demon Spawn.” Damian raised a brow at Todd, waiting for the halfwit to continue. “Bruce and I… aren’t on the best of terms, but I did realize he… he did that. Where what Joker did was his fault. I’m not happy the fucker is still alive, but that doesn’t mean Bruce was the one who killed me. No that was all Joker.”
“What does that have to do with anything again?” Damian really just wanted Todd out of his room and not talking about things in the past. He totally understood his point and everything, but it wasn’t anything a gallon sized bottle of weedkiller wouldn’t fix.
“Wow, you must be really tired, damn,” the fucker smirked before his expression changed into something less asshole-ish. “I’m saying that if you’re blaming yourself for what the Joker did to Freckles, stop it. The fucker lost a leg and she’s on her way to the hotel from the hospital now.”
Wait what?
“Wait what?!” Damian wasn’t even sure which one he was reacting to – the news that Angel was okay or the news that the Joker was permanently damaged.
Angel’s self defense might’ve permanently helped Gotham?!
Okay maybe he knew what he was reacting to.
Todd turned to leave like a fucking dickhead and Damian could hear the smirk in his voice as he walked away. “Check the news for the Joker thing and ask Alfred to take you to Freckles in like an hour.”
Damian was smart enough to realize that not checking out of spite for Todd would only disadvantage himself.
He still only checked a couple minutes later though. After glaring at his phone willing himself to somehow know without checking.
He needing headache pills.
The Unnamed Teenager That Defeated The Riddler Cripples Joker!
Just days after beating The Riddler at his own game, the same teenage girl holds off The Joker until Batman arrives!
“We had to amputate him below the knee,” Arkham doctor says. “There was too much glass in the wound, it cut several muscles, tendons, and arties. The shattered bone didn’t help.”
French Teenager Unavailable for Comment.
[Read More]
Damian had snuck through the lobby up to his Angel’s room. Some of her classmates were downstairs, but he hadn’t paid much attention to them, not caring at the moment.
The last memory he had of her was the blood on her hands and tears in her eyes before she fell to the floor. He wanted to change that, wanted to maybe even see if he could get her to smile. Though that felt ambitious…
He just… needed to make sure she was okay.
Damian knocked on Marinette’s hotel room door.
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