hmmasterlist · 7 years
Announcement + Warning Check Results
Hey everyone!
This is really, really long, but I hope everyone can make the time to peruse of the entirety of this announcement.
Here’s a TL;DR of this massive announcement post:
Anyone warned on June 17th passed the July 1st warning check, with the exception of three people.
We ask that you please unfollow Claire, Jin, and Wayne.
They are also now available for reservation.
We are giving our activity rules a complete overhaul after July 15th’s activity check.
The July 15th activity check will go ahead as planned. Characters are still responsible for 8 posts by July 15th.
Any character that joins the masterlist between today (July 3rd) and July 13th are only responsible for four posts to pass the July 15th check.
We have a new theme. Please message us if there are any broken links or broken codes.
There are some additions and changes to the blog and its pages:
We have a new general navigation page;
All forms are now on one page, including our application, what to include in a reservation, & the heart levels base;
We have a new Discord guide page for those unfamiliar with the server;
We have brought back the requested character page;
There is a new credit/resource page for art/fonts/etc found on the HMMasterlist;
The updates tab has been moved to its own section;
We have a new banner.
As we have a requested characters page again, feel free to drop us an ask with any character you’d like for someone else to pick up.
We will be having an event in July, although the details aren’t worked out yet. You can expect more in a coming announcement.
The administration of the HMMasterlist have learned a lot about what works for the community and what doesn’t work within the past month and a half. You can expect some changes around here in the coming weeks, and we’d like to start by announcing that we have decided to completely modify our activity rules — however, we are going to wait until after July 15th’s activity check to officially do so.
As such, we decided it was unfair to enforce that the characters warned in June’s activity check were required to make eight posts. We messaged all characters that had been given a warning on June 17th — through Discord, if possible, or Tumblr otherwise — to let them know how we’d be doing things on Friday.
There were two types of messages we sent out:
If your character had been warned in the June check but posted whatsoever since June 16th, you passed the warning check. You are still responsible for the eight posts due July 15th, but are in good standing.
However, if you were warned and did not post whatsoever in the past two weeks, we instead sent you a message asking if you would like to keep your character.
Here, we stated that you had 72 hours to respond to the message and indicate your decision.
If you said yes, you passed the warning check, and are still responsible for the eight posts due July 15th.
If you said no or did not answer, we considered that to be “failing” the check, and dropped the character from the masterlist.
July 1st Warning Check Results
Here are the passes:
Harvest Goddess
Witch Princess
And those who either decided to drop or did not reply:
We ask that you please unfollow Jin, Wayne, and Claire. These three characters are also available for reservation.
Upcoming Activity Check (July 15th)
As a reminder for the July 15th activity check, all characters are responsible for 8 posts in this activity cycle (between June 17th and before the activity check announcement is posted on July 15th).
As per our current activity rules, the only exceptions to this rule are:
A roleplayer is indicated to be on semi-hiatus or hiatus, so their characters are excused from the activity check;
A character joins the day of the activity check or the day prior, where they receive a faux pass;
A character joins between July 3rd and July 13th, in which case they are only responsible for four posts to pass.
New Theme + Blog Additions and Changes
The theme has been up for a few days now, but in case anyone hasn’t been on the blog or only has been on mobile, I’d recommend giving it a look to familiarize yourself with where links are, etc. I personally only lightly tweaked the HTML myself from a theme maker’s code, so hopefully there shouldn’t be any issues. However, my knowledge of HTML is equivalent to the knowledge a tree has of HTML, and mistakes are largely possible.
Please inform us of anything out of place — broken links, links that direct to the wrong place, bad code, etc — via an ask message. Thanks!
My resolution is 1920 x 1080, I use a Firefox fork, but I also double-checked it in Chrome and it was fine. If you have a larger resolution or a smaller one — or run Safari, IE, or Opera, regardless of resolution — please indicate your resolution & browser if something looks really, really wrong. I think it should be fine, though, except most likely on IE!
Here is an explanation of the changes to pages and layout:
1. This pretty boring, but... besides our tag list page, we now have a navigation page. Before I changed the theme and added more pages, we could actually link every page on the masterlist homepage. We can’t anymore, so instead we have this!
2. I moved all of our forms to one page for ease of use. You can now find the reservation form, the main character application, and the heart levels base on one page.
3. We now have a credit page. I always believe in giving credit where it is due and thought it was time to do so on the HMMasterlist. This is still a work in progress, however, you can find links to all fonts seen on our blog, the small white icons throughout the theme, and the theme itself. I’m working on including links to the un-edited images of the official art on our blog.
4. We have a requested characters page again. If you’d like to see a certain character roleplayed, feel free to drop us an ask requesting them. We’ll add them to the page and hopefully someone will pick them up sooner rather than later.
5. There’s a page explaining the Discord server and the channels within it. This will likely mostly be of use to future new members, and isn’t important for those already a part of the Discord server.
6. We now have a clock — set to UTC -4, what the Masterlist uses — in our description. This should make it easier to know if your ask didn’t go through or if no one has been around to answer it yet, especially combined with our status tab (the upper-right sidebar section.) What was once in the updates tab is now there, including a link to our latest announcement & the time that a mod last checked the inbox.
7. We have a new banner & art featured on the blog, which I guess is worth mentioning. That I hate Photoshop is definitely worth mentioning though and I apologize for the banner LOL.
Future Changes?
Since I was just talking about the theme, I’d like to start off this section by indicating that I’d also like to change some other parts of it. Currently, I’m hoping to combine our FAQ & askbox into one page for ease of use, change the style of our affiliates page to include promotional pictures for each community/website we are affiliated with, edit the rules page to make it look less ... long, and hopefully code all of the above from scratch. There’s also still some light formatting I’d like to do to make things cleaner.
We have decided that we will absolutely be hosting an event in July, although we are not 100% on the details aside from that we are hoping to get everyone involved in something. There will be more on events in a coming announcement, which should be July 15th at the latest.
As I’ve already stated, we will be giving our activity rules a complete overhaul. More on this will be posted with the July 15th activity check. I’d like to say that if you are finding it difficult to put in eight posts on each blog, you can rest assured that we will be lowering the requirement with this rule change. Please just hang in there until this check is done!
There will also be some more things along with this July 15th announcement! I’m going to keep them a secret, though. ;)
Concluding Notes
On behalf of the administration, I would like to extend a massive thank you to our members for sticking with us through the past month and a half. HMML was my first moderating experience in 2011, and although I have went on to moderate other communities since then, I have not done so in almost four years... It’s been a bit of a wild ride trying to get back into the swing of things (when was the last time I had to edit HTML? How does new xkit work?) and I often wonder if there’s more I could be doing! Despite my initial insecurities, it’s been a largely enjoyable and worthwhile experience, and I have to thank you all for it.
It’s been wonderful to reconnect with old friends and meet new people, and I only hope that we can welcome more members — both experienced HMMLers and those unfamiliar to the community — in the future. 
mod Jamie
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odetogoodfood-blog · 7 years
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mistressturnip-blog · 7 years
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mcribund-blog · 7 years
Activity Check (7/16/17)
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Activity Check (July 16 2017)
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
Activity Check
Our first activity period has come to a close! Thank you to all who have joined and helped to bring back to life our beloved HMMasterlist!
Though HMMasterlist typically requires a minimum of 8 Roleplay posts, we will be offering faux-passes  to any character that has made 5 roleplay posts during this period. 
If you joined June 5th and after, typically we would require 4 posts, but will be offering faux-passes to anyone who has made 2!
If your character has not made at least 5 roleplay posts, fret not! Because this is our first check, no character will be dropped from the masterlist. Characters who do not pass activity check will be issued a warning and will be required to pass a warning check (more information below!)
Our next Activity Check will be held Saturday, July 15th!
New Arrivals 
If your character is receiving a warning, they will not be dropped this check! However, instead, they will need to pass a warning check! Character’s listed below will be responsible for a total of 8 roleplay posts by July 1st in order to keep their character!
Green-haired Harvest Goddess 
Witch Princess 
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
6/2 Updates: Please Read!
Hey folks!
We have a few things we’d like to address today. Most of them are fairly important and we’d greatly appreciate if you could read all of this very long post! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s covered under the cut:
Discord server additions: two new channels;
Masterlist additions: update tab, light page editing;
Modding: mod tags, information about private asks/tumblr IM;
Reminder: activity check date and information, twitter;
Suggestions: we are looking for event ideas;
Most importantly of all, we’ve been made aware that we are not receiving every ask sent to us! If you’ve sent us a message prior to this post and it was not answered, please resend it.
I’m going to address the ask box issue first before anything else, as I feel it is the most important! For some reason, we are simply not getting each ask delivered to us; in the past few days, both myself and Mod Frey have sent messages to the masterlist that did not show up and had to be resent. We are naturally worried that this is an issue extending beyond just the two of us, and are asking you all to resend any unanswered asks sent before this post was published.
To facilitate this request, we’ve updated our rules page and added an update tab to our homepage. While this update tab also includes links to our new arrivals tag and our latest announcement post for your convenience, it will mainly be used as a way for everyone to see when the inbox was last checked. The update tab includes the time and date someone opened the inbox (UST - 4 is what we use here), as well as the initial of the mod who last checked it. If you send an ask and it is not answered, but our update tab indicates we have checked the inbox since you sent it, please resend your message. Thank you!
Moving on: each mod will now be tagging posts they make with their own tag. We’ve updated both the Mod Information and Tag List pages to reflect this! For reference: I’m Jamie and mine is “post:j”, Molly’s is “post:m”, and Frey’s is “post:k”. As well, we will all be including some form of identification in asks answered privately and in Tumblr instant messages. We all agree that it is vital for members and potential members to know who it is they have spoken to.
We’ve recently added two new channels to our Discord server! Both are related to roleplaying itself, instead of off-topic chat: we now have #general, #threadingrequests and #connections. While #general is our OOC off-topic channel, #threadingrequests is to be used for strictly threading (posting open roleplays, plotting roleplays, asking if anyone wants a closed starter, etc), and #connections is to be used to request a particular relationship with one’s muse (if you want your character to meet a fellow chicken enthusiast or make an enemy or best friend, you would ask here). This way, roleplaying ideas and discussion won’t be buried in OOC chat! We’d like to thank Kai for the #connections idea.
Speaking of member ideas, we are looking for event suggestions for June. Anything — no matter how silly or how detailed — goes! Events may be Tumblr-based or use Chatzy (there will be more information on an event Chatzy when we announce June’s events.) Please send any and all ideas to the masterlist’s inbox or direct message mod Frey on Discord.
As a reminder, our first activity check is on June 17th. It is required for you to have made at least eight roleplaying posts, a minimum of four sentences in length, on your character’s blog to pass this activity check. If you have multiple characters, you are responsible for meeting this eight post minimum on all of your characters.
However, any blogs accepted to the masterlist between June 4th (this Sunday) and June 15th are only responsible for four posts — again, each of these must be a minimum of four sentences in length. Blogs submitted on June 16th or 17th are not a part of the June activity check!
We will post another reminder about the activity check as it approaches! There is still plenty of time, so don’t fret if you haven’t reached the required amount yet.
Lastly, if you would like to receive notification on your twitter feed of when we post announcements, important updates, or events, please check out the official hmmasterlist twitter account.
Thank you all!
- Mod Jamie
PSA: The HTML of our updates tab was lightly edited from this code by me (aka someone who shares their HTML knowledge with the average piece of cardboard.) I run a Firefox fork on a 1920x1080 screen and I use Chrome as a back-up browser, but I’d love if someone with a smaller screen resolution (and/or someone running IE, Safari or Opera) could let me know if the update tab is okay on their end! Thanks! ♥
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
Activity Check Announcement!
Hello everyone!
While everyone is settling into the community, I would like to make a few announcements regarding our activity checks!
Our first official activity check will be Saturday, June 17th!
8 roleplay posts will be required for a single character to pass activity (so if you have 2 characters, that will be 8 posts on each character, for a total of 16!)
With that being said, activity expectations also completely depend on when your character ‘officially arrives’ in the masterlist (aka when you submit their blog to us after your reservation.)
If a character has been currently submitted to the masterlist or is submitted prior to Sunday, June 4th, that character will be responsible for all 8 activity posts. 
If a character is submitted to the masterlist any time between June 4th and June 15th, that character will be responsible for only 4 activity posts. 
If a character is submitted to the masterlist on June 16th or June 17th, they will receive a fauxpass for the check.
With this being said, if you submit a character to the masterlist after June 4th and wish to receive your 4th character benefit, you will need to make the full 8 posts!
We will keep to a similar format for future activity checks, with changed dates of course!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
I'd like to take back that hiatus, my second class isn't as bad as I expected, and my muse came back. Sorry about that!
No worries! Glad to hear that your class wasn’t too stressful. ♥
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
ANNOUNCEMENT: Activity Check Results, Rule Changes
Hello everyone!
This is a seriously important announcement that affects everyone in the community, so we ask that you all give this a read. This post contains the July 15th activity check results, but also a massive rule change: we have completely edited how we handle activity on the HMMasterlist.
Our next activity check will be Saturday, August 5th.
Activity Check Results 
New Arrivals:
Dropped and Available for Reservation
Harvest Goddess 
Witch Princess 
Characters listed under the “new arrivals” and “passed” sections are in good standing! Warned characters must pass the August 5th activity check or else they will be dropped.
Activity Rule Changes
Our current activity system was simply not working out for us: we thought that a month was too long for an activity check period, eight posts were too much if we lessened the time period, and that the warning check system had to go.
We have made the decision to switch to a three week activity period. All current members — plus members who join up to a week before the next scheduled activity check — are responsible for four posts (of at least four sentences in length) in this three week period. New arrivals who join a week before the check are only responsible for two posts, and anyone who joins the day before/the day of an activity check will receive a faux pass.
We are completely scrapping the warning check system. Before, you would have to fail an activity check for a month-long activity period, and then fail a warning check two weeks later to be removed from the HMMasterlist. To be dropped after these rule changes, you must fail two consecutive three week long activity periods to be dropped from the masterlist. Same amount of time, but just a little different!
If a character does not make the four posts required to pass the activity check, they receive an activity warning (this is not the same thing as the warning one would receive for OoC issues, like being rude to another member.) If a character with an activity warning does not pass the activity check following the check where they received their activity warning, they will be removed from the HMMasterlist immediately.
Example: Molly passes activity check #1 by making 4 posts. Molly does not meet the 4 post minimum for activity check #2 and therefore fails. Molly is given an activity warning and must pass the next activity check by making 4 posts. Molly makes 4 posts before check #3 and therefore is in good standing. However, if Molly does not make 4 posts prior to activity check #3, Molly is immediately dropped from the community and available for reservation.
If your character is dropped from the HMMasterlist following an activity check, you may reserve them again immediately afterwards. However, if you are dropped, re-reserve your character, and then fail the next activity check: you must wait 24 hours to re-reserve. In both scenarios, it is possible for someone else to get a reservation in for the dropped character before you get to reserve them again. We want to be fair to everyone, but we hope that the risk of losing your character is enough incentive to remain active.
To accommodate the new activity period length, we’ve also changed the length of our semi-hiatus status. A semi-hiatus will now last for three weeks; a hiatus will still last for six.
We have not changed the wording of the rule that states you cannot request a hiatus until passing your first activity check; it just now means you can request a hiatus a week sooner that you would have been able to otherwise.
Other Rule Changes
We’ve lightly tweaked the wording of some of the rules. Most of these are related to the above rule changes (like if a rule said “eight posts” it now says “four posts”, most likely.) There was only one rule that was changed that was not related to the activity rule changes above. As we use a password system for reservations, we decided to edit the rule that states “if you wish to remain private, indicate this in your reservation message”, as we do not answer any reservation asks publicly unless they are from roleplaying blogs already a part of HMMasterlist. We have included a disclaimer stating that due to our password system, all reservations are kept private.
We have, however, added some rules.
We have implemented a rule requesting that characters make a simple text post tagged with “hmml:activity check” after an activity check has taken place. This is just to make life easier for us mods when we check everyone’s archives for the next activity check. This post does not count as an OOC post.
We’ve decided to allow character development/roleplay starter/prompt memes every Monday. Here are some examples of what we are talking about. You can reblog them from elsewhere (other rp blogs, blogs dedicated specifically to these types of things) or make one from scratch for the community.
We ask that you only send meme asks to those characters who have reblogged/posted something asking for one. If you do not wish to partake in Meme Mondays, simply do not reblog/post any memes! You are in no way obligated to answer any unwanted asks you receive.
Meme posts will only count towards activity if they are at least four sentences long and lead to a closed roleplay (ie - a roleplay between two people). For example, if Jamie sends Molly a prompt, Molly’s response only counts for her activity if her response is over a paragraph in length. However, if Jamie cannot continue a roleplay from what Molly posted, it does not count for Molly’s activity: there is no actual roleplay between two people. If Jamie can respond, the thread that ensues would count for both Jamie and Molly’s activity, as long as each reply was a paragraph in length.
We intend for this to be a light-hearted ordeal to spur activity and character development, and we request that everyone is respectful of what they post onto the dashboard. There is certain content we require to be tagged and placed under a read more regardless — it’s fine to roleplay this content as long as you follow our rules — but use your better judgment to gauge what is and isn’t appropriate, or what could potentially really bother someone to see on their dash.
Meme Mondays will start this upcoming Monday, the 17th.
If you have any questions about the changes to our rules, do not hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to help in whatever way we can.
There will soon be a short survey — regarding ideas for events and any other suggestions members may have — posted on the OOC blog for everyone to fill out. This survey is completely anonymous! While it is not mandatory to fill one out, we would greatly appreciate if you all would take the time to submit one. Any feedback or idea, no matter how small or vague, is a great help to us. Thank you! ♥
Previously, our affiliate page stated that we only affiliated with Harvest Moon/Rune Factory/Story of Seasons blogs. This is no longer the case: we are accepting affiliate requests from any roleplaying community (regardless of genre, type, or fandom) as well as any Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory blogs (fanblogs, fanart blogs, etc).
Blog Changelog (aka minor changes that don’t really matter)
We now have a link to our new arrivals tag in our “important” section on the right side of the blog’s homepage. This section also now contains the date of the next activity check.
I announced this previously, but we now also have a promo blog. Any advertising for our community will be posted from that blog, and it is not mandatory to follow.
Our credit page has also be updated to include anything used on hmmasterlistpromo; I’ve also included some links to things we did not have listed on there before.
Our tag page has been updated to include the hmml:activity check tag and the hmml:promo tag.
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
Any character blogs submitted after midnight tonight (04/06, 11:59:59, UTC - 4) are only responsible for four roleplaying posts to pass June 17th’s activity check.
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hmmasterlist · 7 years
Activity Check 8/6/2017
The activity period has come to a close!
HMMasterlist requires all active characters make a minimum of 4 posts per Activity period! If your character has been warned, please make sure to make 4 posts this check if you would like to keep your character! If your character has been dropped, you are more than welcome to try again! If your character is currently on a Semi or a Hiatus, you automatically Pass check
Reminder that our next Activity Check will be August 26th! Please remember to make your Activity Period post indicating the start of a new Activity period! 
Yue (New Arrival)
Harvest Goddess
Failed And Removed From the Masterlist
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mistressturnip-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
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odetogoodfood-blog · 7 years
Activity Check
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