#hmmm maybe i should start tagging all the secret admirer asks with a common tag
ladydragonkiller · 1 year
Hello! Oh, so close to the end of the semester! That’s always a relief.
Fair enough! While snow is pretty, doing chores in it is rather a drag. I like rain as well, but we get it very often where I live and snow isn’t so common. More of a novelty, I suppose. I think my favorite weather is early to mid-spring, when plants are just starting to come to life and it’s not scorchingly hot yet, but just warm enough not to need anything more than a hoodie.
Oh, right! I am 18 and yes, we have spoken one-on-one before.
What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Craft, writing, baking, et cetera.
Hope you’re having a lovely night,
- Vampire🧛
Yes, I'm greatly looking forward to having a bit more free time (though I'll also be returning to the local farm I work summers at shortly after, which will take a fair amount of that right back. I like it though, lots of podcast time).
That makes sense, novelty goes a fair way towards enjoyment. That's an excellent type of weather, I love spring and fall. It's so much easier to enjoy warm or cool temperatures when you haven't had them in a while.
Glad to hear it on both counts! (count. . . .draculas?)
what a question! ough it's so hard to choose
keeping in mind that these are temporary answers and will likely be changed often:
For craft, this blue circle shawl that I made probably five years ago
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I love doing big shawls with intricate lacework, and this is probably the most grandiose example of that category that i've done.
it has a beaded edge!
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For writing, that title usually belongs to whatever i've finished most recently. So right now, it'd be the fic about rusalka and the shepherd girl.
For baking, my favorite thing to bake is usually something I haven't tried yet. I love trying out new techniques and concepts that I haven't worked with before. However, if I have to pick one thing for the purposes of this, I'd choose this orange tiramisu I did for school near the beginning of the semester.
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It was my first time in charge of the dessert station, and with the timing of service, I ended up not having any of the chefs to help plate. I was also in charge of plating one of the appetizers, so it was a bit hectic. However, I managed to plate about 40 of those slices all by myself in excellent time, and am very happy with how they looked! I wasn't able to eat any of it the day of, but I made one at home a week or two later and it was absolutely delicious. I'm considering having another orange tiramisu for my birthday cake this year.
For your question (should you wish one): What are some of your hobbies?
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anotherler · 8 years
Time for more LQ notes! I read probably...40 pages if not more yesterday and the night before that so I’m taking a little break cause I got emotional but I still have tons of notes to post and I have been dividing them up so that the lists aren’t too long. I’ve also got some longer notes because I really like to think about this blog.  I probably should have mentioned this earlier but yeah...spoilers for ALL of LQ’s blog because i’m taking into account past and present posts.
This one has some of the longest notes in it and it ends at page 24 of his blog.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
186. LQ seems to be feeling peachy keen ehehehe
187. The quality of LQ’s eyesight it somewhat correlated with seeing the truth or seeing clearly…so to speak…or quite frankly in a completely litteral sense.
189. (Also I understand forgetting of/being sick of drawing glasses.)
190. Blood faucet
191. Ah yes. Stove’s bestest friend; Oven…heheh.
192. In nightmares. In the distance…a hazy silhouette. No wonder LQ is so terrified of his dreams. Does he know that other guy is there? (Also I love ‘Ending’ by Ellie Goulding that’s an amazing song for LQ) Another thing of note is how LQ just sits there with his hands on his head. I wonder how he feels when he’s there. Is it a reminder of a part of him that literally died away?
193. LQ dabbles in the ancient language of magic anon..without success. Gosh that’s so meta.
194. LQ doesn’t really seem to think there is much of a difference whether he’s female or not. He’s pretty much right about that if you ask me.
195. Oh LQ :” D
196. The tags on the “static explanation” post are golden
197. LQ talks about his mom and boy does it hurt.
198: LQ sorta seems to prefer his female form in some ways…then again it’s really tricky to nail down. Such is gender, honestly.
199. LQ is very self aware and rather smart so it’s hard to believe him when he says he’s an idiot and doesn’t understand himself. But I do get that you can never full understand yourself.
200. LQ confirms that he really really didn’t take the surprise of being an aftermath well and that’s probably how he got all those injuries…he’s also been screaming in his sleep. As to whether or not he’s saying any additional thing is…hrm. Perhaps at this point he already knows about HQ and it’s just something he kept hidden from his followers. Considering it seems as though his dreams are composed of a bloody wasteland…why would he have any other reason to scream.  Just a theory.
201. I really appreciate LQ admitting he feels cowardly and going at his own pace. It’s good for him to take it slow but dangerous I suppose to sorta fall back into stagnancy. It’s a feeling that’s easy to recognize…
202. Be NICE to LQ he’s trying his best!!!!
203. Swiggity swall what’s with that pink ball…in his tags he mentions colossal con…hmmm. If LQ really did win that ball then maybe he’s so happy about it because it was a little victory.
204. LQ is immortal; on account of peaches
205. HQ is probably one of the best kept secrets on this blog because to my understanding, the concept for HQ has been around far longer than HQ has been present. I wonder if LQ’s laughter and words and sudden duality were because of HQ. LQ does mention being tired and he appears to be falling asleep and his head hurts so hm…hmmm
206. THIS PART!!! THIS PART!!!!!!
207. I’ve got a sense of déjà vu at this part cause there was a drawing of LQ facing to the left where it’s dark and his eyes were obscured and here it is again…but not quite the same. Just a second while I locate that other one….yup, page 52. LQ addresses his name and how he got it.
209. No static on LQ but static on trees
210. TBH I love LQ’s once-ler story like all the other parts of it too like his valley days and boy did I want to see him at the height of his business but he did sorta act like he was at the start of the blog…but I get the sense it woulda been a bit different.
211. The illustrations in this part of the blog are so beautiful too. There are tons of other really notable areas but you can’t help but admire the complexity and the bright colours.
212. Interrupting your pleasant flashback to remind you of how much deep shit you’re in!!!
213. So LQ totally knew what was gonna happen and did it anyways…could he have even avoided this?
214. So I can see what makes LQ so bad. He talks about yelling at people, took his brothers for granted, calls people fuckers and idiots when he’s mad and I get the impression that with his delusions of grandeur he milked his success for all it was worth and used that time as an opportunity to feel superior and successful for once and quite simply give himself whatever it was he wanted for some time. Allowing himself to act however he wanted too. You get hints about this kind of demeanor throughout the blog, especially when he’s upset. But frankly, I think he’s been upset this whole time thinking about how nothing could change, how he couldn’t change anything about what direction he was going in because he really didn’t think he could. And then he slipped up and lost the seed. His last hope to not be a fuckup and come out as somewhat of a hero in the end despite how he acted. He probably didn’t think it would matter back then. The way he talks while holding the seed just oozes with selfishness. This part is really fucking sad. Plus a lot of it plays out in LQ’s mind: what others think of him. He doesn’t seem to believe that love can be unconditional that one day if you appear to be shitty enough people will leave and he braces himself for that constantly. This note is long, but this is a very important part of his story and a clear view of his past.
215. I’ve said it once. I’ll say it again. I FUCKING LOVE HQ. I love how he…antagonizes and challenges LQ. I love his charismatic way of speaking. I love his energy. He’s wild. He does sometimes refer to LQ as separate. How could he not? They ARE separate. HQ tends to aggressively oppose everything LQ does and I wonder what caused HQ to exist. Is this what LQ wanted?
216. IT HIM. I also really like how his reveal is dragged out like…who IS this guy. Who is he??? Is it LQ talking holy shit theres two of him??????
217. Me, forgetting how long HQ’s cape actually is: SHI T (also it looks really good long oh my god how did I not realize it was long?????????)
218. Well…so that’s why LQ’s mother started to avoid him and never spurred him on. She knew that Once-lers were bound to fail. I kinda wonder if that notion of failiure caused LQ to think less of himself...oh, probably.
219: So HQ is pretty much kinda like LQ’s…”true self” (insert persona joke here I suppose) so it makes sense for him to insult the followers as much as he does because LQ was probably holding his tongue somewhat. But HQ kinda takes LQ’s…truthfulness and bumps it up to 50 so in a case where LQ is mildly irrated, HQ just amplifies it to a screaming fit till it’s impossible to ignore or shrug off. LQ also perceives himself to be rather horrible and HQ definitely drives that peg in.
220. LQ was apparently distrustful and managed most of the tasks of business on his own and not very well either. Comparing this to previous things he’s  said , suddenly it doesn’t add up. A while back he mentioned that he shouldn’t HAVE to work because he is CEO but I think maybe he just didn’t want to get the credit for running his business so badly. Not to mention he had widely forgotten things back then.
221. Frankly when HQ is calm it’s really hard to discern him from LQ and he does. Get really calm at some point. I could picture LQ saying these exact things in previous posts. LQ doesn’t always lie, afterall. And HQ is not as much unlike LQ as people would think. But HQ kinda is a separate school of thought. I guess some part of LQ really wanted to be honest about everything and say everything that was on his mind and not hold it in anymore.
222. Wow. LQ really knows his METAphysics. (As in he understands perception of reality quite well.)
223. LQ is pretty much aware of everything you do. All your lewd questions, all your ships, everything. He just keeps his mouth shut because…common courtesy, eh? Even if talking about these things makes him ache. And just the way LQ defends this  makes personal sense to him. He believes that since he has an askblog people have the right to ask him whatever they want and he can’t be too mad at them cause otherwise he wouldn’t be running it properly. Never the less, it hurts and though the hints are there throughout the blog, HQ makes it painfully obvious here and then. And he gets really mad too, so LQ is clearly rather mad and fed up with it himself. LQ also mentions that he never should have..what? Talked about it? Yelled at his followers? Questions.
224. Okay, also now that I’ve read his blog through I really understand how LQ and HQ are one in the same because I remember all the ways that LQ has acted in the past and making these notes expanded my understanding. Perhaps the most unprecedented thing about the blog is how the followers are going to react and the majority of them seem to think there is no way that he and HQ are one in the same.
225: HQ sorta explains that why he’s there is so that the truth wouldn’t be coming from LQ himself. HQ’s kinda like a scapegoat.
226: LQ honestly does inflict a lot of punishment on himself.
227. Static Oncie was attacked by LQ because he stood for the hope of not messing up for good and LQ didn’t think he had made any mistakes. Static Oncie continues to be an enigma, however…I’m still trying to figure him out.
228. Shout out to Corv who kept LQ alive by feeding him like a mother bird. Good bird man.
229. Shout out to Mori for everything so far because it’s still fucking amazing!!!
230. LQ looks super adorable with suspenders. I really like them ^^ And yeah LQ you’ve come a long way since you’re not as pale as the sheet you were wearing on Halloween anymore.
231. Well, LQ honestly explains it well saying that some part of him probably got mad at him for not taking charge or a sense that when wandering in his thoughts they took control.
232. It’s pretty hard for LQ to have to push himself to face what he’s done and remember it when it hurts so much. But the latter isn’t exactly good for long either. It seems hard for him to find the right way of going about things.
233. From this angle you can see that LQ’s wall has blood on it and it’s only more obvious by how the static gathers in front of it.
235. Nice Stove cosplay
236. LQ seems to have a strong aversion to the colour black.
237. I love it when LQ tries to be spooky hehehe~
238. rainbow gloves are amazing gloves
239. HQ’s back! And LQ is intitially being a bit of a good sport about it it seems.
240. Again, this part is rather hard to read. Litterally because most of it is supposed to be obscured. Frankly…what I’m starting to understand about HQ is he’s the part of LQ that wants to improve to some degree. What other reason would he have to be so honest? He also reacts in shock to LQ not responding in the light of holding a knife up to his own throat. HQ also tends to plead and question the other side of him. It hadn’t occurred to me but among many of my thoughts HQ is kinda like a manifestation of survival too. He’s aggressive as a last resort. He kinda acts out of turn and does whatever he has to do and overtime he just never gives up. He keeps trying different things and I think it might be for the sake of trying to get better. What would it be alternatively? Punishment? Later posts really nail that notion in, if you ask me.
241: It really fills me with warmth to remember how Mori decided to update LQ on my birthday. It meant so much to me UuU it still does
242. Peach farmin’
243. I only have oen thing….to say……..8 >
244. The first time my dumb butt decided to come off anon and talk to LQ eeee :”D Kinda fucking weird that I’m such a fangirl ahahaha…ah well LQ would probably understand. As would…most people.
245. I kinda wonder if LQ doesn’t want visitors and doesn’t want to leave moreso on the basis that he’s scared of being judged and hurt by others as opposed to “Oh I’m an aftermath and that’s just what I do.”
246. LQ claims that he met HQ when everyone first saw him.  I had another theory but maybe LQ is telling the truth here too…or is he? Did he maybe just not know what was going on until HQ truly stepped in?
247. LQ is convinced that he’s not a good person. Is he really as bad as he says? That’s almost never the case.
248. It does seem like HQ and LQ can feel different things at the same time so it’s quite likely a sort of split personality conundrum
249. I am still really sad about the history surrounding LQ and his real name.
250. Honestly it’s so cruel that LQ can’t really keep anything to himself. But there is that entire dilemma of wanting to know something someone won’t tell you. Of just being curious an then having that curiosity satisfied. Sorta the nature of an askblog and opening yourself up for questions, isn’t it?
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