#hmu or like this post and i'll send u a message
transphilza · 2 years
cia you are an amazing human being. first of all, an obligatory thank you for sharing such personal things with us, even if it's just for yourself, it reaches people all the same. it really helps me personally to know there's people out there who are grieving so hard, that it's ok to not be "over it" and that in fact, it's probably the state a lot of ppl are in, but just aren't talking about it. so thank you for talking abt it. and don't take that as pressure to keep doing that, just, like that one person said at the beginning of the month: you have been a wonderful hope for everyone in hard times, and it makes me happy and determined to know that even if life is shit rn, ppl are still pushing through because they think its worth it. and it makes me know it's worth it, too.
second off, an obilgatory "i don't wanna make ur feelings about how helpful/unhelpful they are to other ppl" everytime you post ur log, but i suck at social cues so i don't know how else to let u know i hear u. you are heard! you are!!!
third. im not trying to magically make you "feel better" with a hug or whatever, but i want it to be known that im still sending a hug everytime you feel overwhelmed and feel in need of one. yes, every single time. i'm that parasocial. /j (i'm serious about that /j i'm barely on tumblr bro don't cancel me-)
obviously there's no need to reply, i know ur probably feeling overwhelmed or not in the mood. i'm at peace knowing i said what i wanted to be said. that's enough from me, i'll stop being that one annoying anon that sends paragraphs whenever ur post makes me emotional after this ask :/ i promise lol!
hold that plush tight bro. hmu if you want random tips/articles for feeling emotions + processing grief. stay safe
ohhhh nonnie this is so sweet and really i love hearing from you all, it’s not annoying at all to get long messages like this. i feel very very happy knowing sharing my feelings can help people and that’s exactly why i continue to do it <3 it feels sort of strange and isolating during this time period, where you know many people are still hurting but don’t wish to talk about their grief.. having a reminder that other people are still feeling the same way helps so i like to share my thoughts for that purpose
i’m really doing okay, thank you so so much for the kind words ❤️❤️❤️ the world keeps spinning - he wanted us to be happy and prosperous so i’m doing the best i can to live on as he’d want me to, and i hope you are too! much love to you, and there’s no need to worry about sending me things like this, i appreciate it a lot :]
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