euanlevenhnd2b · 2 years
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sarahmckayhnd2b · 2 years
Visiting Speaker Report: Andy Buchanan
Name: Sarah Vo Thi McKay
Class: HND2B
Name of visitor: Andy Buchanan
Identify an element of the guest speakers talk which resonated with you in some way:
He shoots a lot of sport photography despite not being a sport photographer or having any special interest in it. He just has to do it because of the agency and surprised himself with how fun shooting swimmers turn out. 
What question will you/did you ask the visitor?
Q: Have you left a shoot with nothing?
A: Basically yes, left with some images however they were not up to par and unusable
How do you think this will impact your own practice as a photographer?
A big rule is to not set anything up and to not interact with anyone you’re shooting in photojournalism. This is very different as i’ve learnt engagement is always key and never really thought that was achievable without speaking to the subject. What i’ve taken away is that shoot everything that is in front of the camera and if you get that engagement then good if not that’s ok and move on to the next. 
He also uses the background a lot to aide his photographs: either to give it the context needed or to make something interesting. Sometimes it is useful to leave a bit more space in the background so that text can be added over it.
Take notes here:
Very short window of time to shoot so you got to be observant and train yourself to be quicker to find those small interesting details.
Know the law so you don’t get in to. unnecessary trouble with the police and stand your ground.
Extreme ends of anything is good as stability is not good for news, there needs to be something happening.
Shoot the event and what is required however always try to shoot around it as well.
With sports, there are 2 types of shot: reaction and action.
Always use available light, doesn’t use flash.
With golf/table tennis, your shot should always have the ball.
No matter what your shot looks like, if it is sharp on the eye it will work.
Believe most images are saveable to an extent.
Try to get the composition down while shooting as he avoids cropping (however he doesn’t edit the images himself).
Live music is a great way to learn to shoot  as it teaches you that you can’t control any of the elements and just got to work with it.
Each day you get a schedule and you complete it. Sometimes you get to pitch ideas and they like it and will let you do them.
He has no patience for studio work as he enjoys the immediacy of his work, it is right then and there and then it’s over and you move on to the next thing.
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hnd2bbethmilliken · 5 years
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Black and White Conversion
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Original image opened on photoshop 
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Black and white gradient map
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Background copy and used the burn tool on 2% shadows
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Dodge tool on 2% highlights and then changed the background layer opacity to make it look more natural 
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original image
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After black and white conversion 
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waynexallen23 · 6 years
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hnd2bfionawhite · 6 years
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I am in love with this image and so happy with the outcome, however if I was shoot this again I would maybe try having the subject facing me, or making eye contact with the camera by using the mirror to the side of him. But over all, I am extremely pleased with this image.
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hnd2bmargaretmurray · 6 years
Work Experience
For my work experience I will be working with Shannon and Emily on a project with a primary school class primary ones on showing them the basics of how to use a camera and explaining to them that capturing an image and making a video on the environment through a child eyes and we hope that the kids enjoy the experience
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My current Cv
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I have not updated my CV since 2016, meaning it is very out of date for qualifications and experience.
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Enviromental Portrait.
For my enviromental portrait I have decided to approach my barber. He owns his own space and it is very quirky and creative. When it opened a year or so ago, I done some work fro him at this point so was very aware of the set up and lighting.
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When going into the portrait, I wanted to keep the rustic look but also show a side of him that is a little serious as well as the outgoing character that he is. Here is a shot that was a little more fun, although the scene was a bit messy for my liking.
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The final shot was looking more serious and i little less messy with equipment and what not.
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Below is my final image:
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How to get to this point.
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I first selected a landscape photo and decided I wanted a door to fill the archway so I found the door below.
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I then took the door to photoshop where I used the quick seelection tool to make a rough selection
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then created a work path to tweek to the correct shape
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once that had been done I made it into a layer mask and added it to my background
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I then re coloured it using a gradient map
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now I wanted it to look as if it was covered by the brick so I created a copy layer to do so and used ‘ overlay’ to create a sort of see through effect
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I then created a new copy layer and used ‘multiply to make it darker
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I also added some purple at the bricks to ‘blend’ the images
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I wanted the doorway to open a portal to space so I found a nebula and added this photo I rotated it and re sized it to fit. 
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the nebula layer was above the door layer so had to move this to the bottom.
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there is excess that come out of the door, to fix this I created a blank layer mask and used the brush tool (black) to remove the additional image.
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the layer mask layer 3 is a blank layer where I added shadow under the door.
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as you can see this  removed the corners and I have removed part of the bottom, this ensures the nebula blends into the other image. 
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I then added in a floating woman on top of the nebula layer
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creating the final image.
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sadiahnd · 6 years
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                                 The Genius of Photography
                                              Paper Movies
What is the significance to us of the ‘Photographic Journey’ in three decades from the 1950’s?
The real golden age of photographic journey is to see what the world looked like photographed. photographic journey shows us the desert, the open road, the city street, the beach and man altered landscape from history. 
Joel Sternfeld is seen using what type of camera? Why would he be using this instead of digital?
Joel was using 8x10 large format camera. He uses it over digital for authenticity description, spacial power and excessive smoothness. It stays where you make the last decision even if you move the camera. 
Why has Robert Frank’s book ‘The Americans’ had such an impact on modern photography?What ‘narrative’ is pervasive throughout his book?
His photo book was an outsider’s view of the post war American society. Created in the 1950s during a series of road trips through the United States, it showed a different Americaas opposed to the country’s self-image at the time. While capturing highways, parades, cars, diners, jukeboxes and many other American symbols, Frank portrayed an underlying sense of alienation and hardship. He investigated the gaudy insanities and strangely touching contradictions of American culture, presenting a basis for a coherent iconography of the time. His book redefined what a photobook could be personal, poetic, real and ultimately changing the course of the twentieth-century photography.
William Klein had one particular photographic outlet for the expression of his photography – How would you describe his attitude to photography?
His rhythm is a lot faster and fearless. His photos show aggression and they can be offensive to some people. He tries to provoke the situation and shoots the reaction, which works very well. 
What made Joel Meyerowitz reject Henri Cartier Bresson’s decisive moment concept for his New York Street Photography?
Henri Cartier Bresson had sweet observation of New York streets and parks, which shows low scale and elegance of it. But Joel thinks New York city is sizzling with energy. It is dynamic and it has sexy kind of intimacy. 
Iconic NY Street Photographers Garry Winogrand, Diane Arbus & Lee Friedlander oand English Photographer, Tony Ray Jones who was heavily influenced by the above noted the key pointers to being a successful Street Photographer ...........Can you list them....
Tony Ray Jone’s List
Be more aggressive  
Get more involved (talk to people)
Stay with the subject matter (be patient)
Take simpler pictures
See if everything in background relates to the subject matter 
Vary compositions 
Dont take boring pictures 
Get in closer 
Watch camera shake 
Don't shoot too much 
Why have British ‘street photographers’ gravitated to the beach as an ideal location for their subject matter?
Beach is the place British photographers have instead of streets. The tradition of candid sea side photography goes way back. In 1896 Paul Martin took a picture which shows the magic of the beach of work. British photographer consider this place as a psychiatrist couch, as this is the place with in the nation reclined and bared it souls, family dreams, dreams of love and damp disappointments of everyday life. The beach and sea front were the stages in which these classic themes were played. People show their other side on beaches which they don't show normally and British photographers want to capture that.
The Road trips of Stephen Shore & Joel Sternfeld Your observations.......
Their road trips were shooting colour films and carrying heavy view cameras. Stephen kept the visual diary to start with he photographed everything came his way like every person he met, the beds he slept on, the toilets he used, residential areas and commercial areas. One day he found that he wanted to photographed roads. Joel was quite broke he had 40 dollars and sun flower seeds and few rolls of films. He used to shoot 2 negatives of a day. One shot every moment of his trip to find his way towards his goal and other had to think and plan before taking a shot.
Why would William Eggleston be regarded by photographers as ‘King’?
Eggleston is known for capturing sometimes garish, but always stunning color combinations in his pictures. His eye for color, enhanced by his dye-transfer process, ultimately enabled color photography to become a legitimate art form.
William Eggleston has chosen to answer a series of questions put to him by curators, photographers, critics and fans in as maddeningly deadpan and laconic a way as could ever be imagined. It is as if he has stuffed up his ears because he simply cannot tolerate the clamour. 
If his work had not been so important, that level of criticism might not have mattered so much, but the fact is that his work has been an education for all of us. The way we do photography now would not have been the same without Eggleston. Martin Parr, Nan Goldin and Jeff Wall would not have been granted the permission to be themselves without Eggleston's example. It was he and not, say, Cartier-Bresson, who was the true revolutionary, which means that he has caused a lot of trouble in his time merely by being, quite unflinchingly, who he has been.
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euanlevenhnd2b · 2 years
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magazlne cover
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sarahmckayhnd2b · 2 years
Exhibition Review Form: Luong Luu Bien [Viet Nam]
As I was unable to attend the visit to Kelvingrove, I went to an exhibition in Viet Nam instead.
Name: Sarah Vo Thi McKay
Class: HND2B Date: 03.11.2022
Name of exhibition: Evanescent Creatures
Location of exhibition: Craig Thomas Gallery
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How does the flyer/poster advertise the exhibition?
There really wasn’t any flyer or poster as far as I’m aware however information of the exhibition, along with others were available on the website.
What is the suitability of the gallery space? How is the exhibition laid out?
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It essentially is just one big open room with the art on the wall/rest up against the wall for you to walk around and explore. There is a table right as you walk in with a booklet of the current main exhibition  information about the artist, each art piece, and their prices. A second table is available next to it with multiple book of a wider collection of work from each artists who have showcased their work at this location for you to flick through.
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How has the work been mounted? Is this appropriate for the work?
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Some have been framed and some are on canvas as this gallery primarily showcase more paintings and mixed media work than photography per-say. I feel the framing of some of the bigger pieces works to show off how grand in scale they are however I personally don’t think it’s necessary in some ways. As this is an exhibition of paintings , I feel not framing the canvas gives it a rawness that enhances his work as they capture quite abstract, emotive and fluid motion of people.
Who made the work? (There may be various artists)
This was a solo exhibition of paintings by a Saigon based artist called Luong Luu Bien.
Who did they make it for, who is the audience?
I believe his work is predominantly made for the Vietnamese demographic as he is a local artist and the youth creative. However I think also for art collectors and those who are interested in the culture or just a fan of mixed media work.
How does it make you feel? You can choose one piece of work if you prefer’
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My favourite piece would be a piece titled A Story of Women. It showcases 3 very different people naked and sat on a bench together at different ages and shapes with a gorgeous deep red background. I just loved that although they are all sat on a bench, they are not stagnant. The person in the middle is faceless which really intrigued me as it captured my attention and made me wonder why he has decided to cover her face in hair. It made me feel happy to see a representation of women that is not the societal standard as well as the subject of the painting clearly being asian women. It was just very beautiful to see that as it is quite a rarity and made me feel homesick and reminded me of the all the female figures in my life growing up.
If the work has a title does it make you think about the image/s differently?
I think seeing the title of his work helped with the context as without they are to me a variety of abstract painting of people and their movement and emotions. With the titles, it gives a better insight of what inspired him to do those paintings. While work were displayed, the titled were not. They were available in the booklet of information. With the art piece mentioned above, I did not realise it was a piece about women until I saw the title which was very enlightening.
How would you describe it to someone later?
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A very colourful collection of mixed media art on canvas of different people, as well as groups of people, emotions, movement, situations and problems some might go through at some point in their life represented in a very fluid and abstract way that almost look like a dance piece.
What question would you ask the artist/photographer if you could?
With titles such as False Memory, Borrowed Ego and The Gap which are all exploring of hardship, why are all the work so bright and colourful?
Is the photograph/artwork valuable? How do you know?
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Yes as this exhibition not only showcases the work, it is an opportunity for those who would want to purchase as well. His work ranges from $4,200-$12,000 with a majority being $7,000. All this information is available in the booklet at the gallery.
Is the work for sale and who might buy it?
Yes, the gallery said that a lot of the time the art are purchased as a decoration piece for homes a lot of the time being more wealthy people because of the price tag.
What information is available about the artist/Photographer?
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Within another book showcasing more of his work, the is some information from the gallery describing Luong Luu Bien work however there is very minimal information.
Who organised the exhibition and who selected the work?
A collaboration between the gallery and the artist with the artist deciding on what pieces to showcase.
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hnd2bbethmilliken · 5 years
Stock Images
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Arpita Shah- Nalini Exhibition
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danfarkascogc · 6 years
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college spaces brief
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