#hnnghhhh good game good game
hecksupremechips · 9 months
One thing about 999 thats really interesting is how Junpei never actually hears any explanation about why the nonary game happened from Akane herself. The only thing he gets from her is a cry for help from her younger self in the incinerator. Everything else that he learns came from other people. Even things like the note in the safe, the person in the gas mask, or the bracelets without a detonator are a mystery because for all he knows, Aoi could’ve been behind the writing and the kidnapping. Junpei doesn’t get to know anything about who Akane has become or what her feelings are now, he’s just left with memories of who she was as a child
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crystallizsch · 3 months
14 and 15 for Jamil
HI HI thank you for the ask!!! :D
and AJKLDJF more jamil yes yesss
━━━━━━✦ 14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to [Jamil].
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IT'S A BIT SIMPLE BUT ALJDKLFJLDJDF sleeveless hoodie my beloved hnnghhhh
oh my god this pose was agony alkdjfklsdajl
anyways yes hi i made breakdancer jamil :D
━━━━━━✦ 15. What's your favorite ship for [Jamil]? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
The one I've been seeing around is Azul x Jamil and omg it's a really funny dynamic. I love what people do it with it.
I don't ship it necessarily but i love the idea of azul basically being "i want you ✨✨" and jamil is like "fucking no"
hgdksljfdk i love funny dynamics of back-and-forth rivals/enemies to possible affection afterwards
AND the contrast of azul being water-based and jamil being based on the desert? good stuff good stuff
There's also the thing about azul being one who worked for his abilities and shows it off vs jamil who seems to just be naturally good at everything but has to hold it back which is also 👌👌👌 i love relationship dynamics help
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link back to ask game!
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itsthe-grim-reaper · 3 years
He’s playing games, but he can’t get his cock to stop throbbing and so he comes to get you. Oh and he’s begging for you to help. “Please..I need your pussy I can’t..” and you simply stroke his flushed cheek and smile. He was almost shaking, pupils big with excitement. You could see a little wet spot on his sweatpants too.
“Baby, you want me so bad?”
And he’s nodding desperately, even grinding against you a little as you take off your bra. And when your panties come off, he’s all in. He would sit back as you pushed him inside of you, becoming a mushy pile.
“I want to cum so..so bad mommy..”
“It feels so good...”
and when you’re close, he starts to thrust into you and begging. “Please! Mommy! Cum, it will feel so good please cum..”
And when you shudder and tighten, he gives a long whine and spills into you. You think he’s satiated, panting and longingly staring at you and running over your nipples with his nimble fingers, but he’s not, and that’s understood when he starts to thrust again.
“I’m..just one more.”
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Well since a lot of people are going like "He should ask for help" I wanted to state this. Yes he should do so and its actually really brave to ask for help but in many Asian countries, including South Korea, Mental health is a huge taboo and asking for help is looked down upon. Also since he gets invalidated so much by the rest of RFA, he probably started to feel that its very useless to ask for help and perhaps therefore pretended to be cheerful and happy while hurting inside.
On a side note, I dont really think dyeing your hair as a coping mechanism is not as unhealthy as others are making it look like. When it comes to grieving everyone has different coping mechanism, some people draw, some people write about their deceased beloved and some people purposely listen to songs about grief to make themselves cry and feel better afterwards. I think as long as its not harming anyone else its all good. Whats more unhealthy is his addiction to gaming which is also a coping mechanism.
Oh yeah! For Yoosung I think the coping his hair was a sort of mechanism while maybe wanting to get a girlfriend cuz he wants to be a cool boi pft
Although I think the RFA does care about Yoosung’s mental health way more than with the other members
Zen “just don’t be depressed” ryu is always on top of Yoosung, making sure he eats and gets his work done on time! He’s like the older brother of yoosung which I believe it’s adorable.
Seven is also making sure Yoosung is always on top shape! Getting him the game (it may have backfired a bit tho) and going out to watch movies or play video games etc etc
For me I don’t believe they invalidate Yoosung’s depression like they do for Seven or maybe even Jumin’s, but what they do invalidate is Yoosung’s feelings for V. Yoosung for the RFA is like a little brother of sort and everyone is always taking care of him (hence why sometimes he’s like don’t treat me like a child -even tho he cute as hell and he IS my child, he has no say in the matter lol-)
Yoosung is a super interesting character actually now that I think about it • 3 • funny to think how at first I was like “hnnghhhh it’s the lolita boy” (I fall lolita boys all the cute boys in otome DONT JUDGE ME PFTTTT) but then came Yoosung in the valentine DLC and GODAYUM I would tap that ass lmao also he seems to be better mental healthy-wise so that’s great too!
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