#hobard knights
regalis-solveig · 3 years
Bryce. The toll of your demise soon beckons. Betrayal has consequences, and consequences such as those are paid in blood.
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Bryce took one look at the letter and sighed, before handing it off to an assistant, "Burn this. I have no time for such foolishness."
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b-raypokemontime · 3 years
PreParty Rumination
Aria was sort of staring off into space as she was pulling on the dress she had sent home for for this occasion. The smooth fabric moved through her fingers like water but she couldn’t focus on it.
‘You may take my arm.’ she’d told him. And those 5 words changed everything. She had been willing to give this Lord Osborn the benefit of the doubt. He was a guy used to having his way, he had a charming eloquent air, a mild mannered look about him with his clothing choices and facial features. And it was clear from the way his eyes lit up when he found out who she was that he was interested in her now. She was a beautiful woman who was a Co-Ruler of an entire country. And unwed. This was hardly a crime and she had dealt with this for a long time. Even Long ago before she had to be in charge of a whole country.
But her outlook on him changed when he did take her arm in his. A wave of disgust washed over her when he touched her that it was all she could do not to pull back from him. Not to curl her lip and show off the sharp teeth in a warning snarl when her arm was gently taken into the crook of his.
Aria felt the mess that he was on the inside. From how he felt about and treated his servants, the way he was feeling about her, and the aura of his plans for the near future. She wanted no part of it!
But she had to know why, through all of the sludge she felt from him, there was also that feeling about him that had her heart beating loudly in her own ears. Made her want to cry and sing with relief. And most startlingly, fly into his arms and never leave them. It bothered her how much it affected her. Her heart had never felt so alive in a thousand years. But why? The familiar presence she felt on him felt like it was attached.... but also not to him. It hung around him as tightly as a shadow.... but she was so confused. Her hands sifted through the few selections of jewelry she had also sent for along with her clothes. Choosing the ones that matched her gown choice best as she now sat in front of the mirror. Evainne was now helping her with her hair. Braiding and looping her long hair into a stunning arrangement. Like the Delphox’s mother had done once upon a time.
There was also the tang of a ghost type on him...
“You’re troubled Your Highness.” Evainne softly announced as she took Aria’s selection of tiara into her hands and came around to carefully place it on her head once Aria had put her formal eyepatch on.
“I am. This Lord Osborn troubles me.” Aria nodded her head and peered at her reflection in the mirror. Her aqua freckles were something she never hid with powder. But she did choose a lip-stain for the night.
“He tastes vile. If I may be so bold, I would not allow his attentions if it were me.”
“I would rather not myself but there is a puzzle about him that I Must solve. I cannot rest until I do.”
“I do not understand.” Evainne shook her head and stepped back as Aria stood and slowly twirled to get her gown and hair to settle into place.
“Neither do I. But I feel that I will very soon.”
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regalia-solvieg · 3 years
(( just sorting out my thoughts! If I missed anything please let me know! ))
Quest For Galar: Side Sword
With: regalia-solvieg
Tag: Me, always me. If anyone wants to join that would probably help my muse for that plot~ right now its just a writing practice / drabble plot
Line: Youta and Thanion are currently on their way to the Lighthouse in order to rescue Lord Hilbury and his sons after they were sealed away by Bryce’s men and are awaiting their fate.
Quest for Galar: Side Shield
With: @aresite. regalia-solvieg
Tag: Me
Line: After hearing that Zacian’s Sword was somewhere in the Slumbering Weald, Kida and Ares go after it but are tracked down by their unknown pursuers. The enemy caught up, and the party tried to escape over a bridge, but the bridge collapsed. Ares managed to hold on and keep them from falling, but was shot in the shoulder by an arrow, and the two fell down. Kida awoke on the shore at the bottom with no idea how she survived the fall or where Ares and Ba’ul are.
Pale Shadows
With: @b-raypokemontime, @hobard-knights, @deathyless
Tag: Me
Story: Osborn is gross and is trying to pick up Aria. He invited her along with him so he can fill her in on what’s happening in Motostoke without knowing that Aria heard a version from a peasant girl.
Forgot the title because I am a Potato
With: @dimensionhoppinghybrids, regalia-solvieg
Tag: Probably me 
Story: Kida had asked Joseph for help tracking down this mysterious man that keeps appearing in her dreams. Joseph found him but he’s not what he was expecting
New Characters:
New character I am making for plots / because I want too: 
Juliette Lièvremont De Kalos ( Julie for Short )
Freya’s sister and a Princess of Kalos. 
Also making because I want to jump on the Isekai Train like the Isekai Trash I am 
Is a reincarnator of an old character of mine
Mateo Kihell
His parents were banished from OoaK Island after a failed plot to remove their ‘competition’, and since he was only 5 years old at the time, he went with them off the island. 
His parents fled to the Empire, where his Father enrolled as a Knight - and, following in his Father’s footsteps, Mateo was enrolled as well. 
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esquire-shield · 4 years
The moment Thanion left the Vault, he headed straight for the War Room. He hadn’t been in that room too often. It was the room in the Castle where the higher-ups made major decisions. He could feel his palms growing sweaty as he approached. Was he being summoned because Lord Bryce already knew he knew about Youta? If that was the case, he readied his nerves. He had heard Lord Bryce’s protests in the King’s Office. 
His Grookey had been waiting for him outside of the vault, and was now following behind him silently. As he approached the double-doors leading into the War Room though, he climbed up Thanion and sat on his shoulder. With a deep breath, Thanion pushed the doors open and entered the room. 
The War Room was a large, circular room, with thick walls and no windows. It was lit purely by a large chandelier hanging above a large, circular table. Standing on the far side of that table, was Lord Bryce. The man was standing with his back to the table, and facing a map that was painted on a large tapestry that hung from the far wall. There was only one other person in the room other than the two of them though, and that was Lady Jocelyn. 
Lady Jocelyn’s face was expressionless and hard. She had her arms and legs crossed as she stared at Bryce’s back. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking from her expression, but he didn’t focus on his Master for too long, and instead gave a deep bow towards Lord Bryce.
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“You summoned me, sir?“ He asked. 
(( @hobard-knights​ ))
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hobard-knights · 4 years
Next Moves
Bryce sat behind his seat as one of his men read off a report. It had been a little while now, since the Prince escaped, and no one had heard from him since. In the meantime though, Bryce was continuing his plans to shift Galar to its new ruler - Lady Briar, no - Princess Briar. 
“The news of the ex-Prince’s heritage has almost reached every corner of Galar. There is not many places he could hide.“ The man read off, “Upon hearing the news, the Southern Nobles have thrown their support behind the Hobard Household. However, the North does not seem to share the sentiment. Rumors against the Hobard Household have already started to spread.“ 
“The Northern Nobles have all been stripped of their titles, land, and power, after the last rebellion, and are either living in hiding or have been executed.” Bryce injected, “The North has no power. Let them talk - go on.” 
The man hesitated for a moment, before he scanned his document. Bryce folded his hands on the desk. Years ago, during the last rebellion between the Solvieg Crown, and the Aldebrand Dukedom, the Aldebrand Dukedom fell, and all their land was seized by the crown, and redistributed to supporters of the Solvieg Family. That didn’t change the fact though, that many of the people in the North were still followers of Zacian. When they found out that there was a member of the Aldebrand Family still alive, and that he had been the crown Prince... well, it was a given that they would throw their support behind the Prince. 
“Send word in the North that the Prince was caught and executed.” It was important that he had them believe the Aldebrand Heir was dead so they had nothing to cling too.  
 “Um, yes sir.“  The man nodded, and then continued, “The Southern Nobles have also pledged their support behind Lady Briar-“ “Princess Briar.“ Bryce injected.  “P-Princess Briar.“ The man corrected himself.
Princess Briar’s claim to the throne was a distant one. her father was a cousin of Ulric... but Solvieg blood still ran through her veins, and he intended to use that to keep the Noble’s support. But there was still obstacles. Princess Briar had spent her whole life on a homestead in the backwaters of Galar. She knew little of how to socialize with the upper class, and had much to learn on high society life. However, she was young and naïve. She was both excited and afraid right now, and currently clung to Bryce for everything - which he was not going to complain about. It was definitely something he could use. The new heir would be easy to manipulate.
“However...“ The man’s nervous voice cut Bryce out of his thoughts and back to the moment. The man continued without looking up from his document, “On the subject of Princesses... people have been wondering what to do about Princess Freya?“ “The Ex-Prince’s fiancé?“ Bryce muttered. He stroked his beard for a second, “She’s a liability....“
He stood up and turned around to look out the window behind him that overlooked the front courtyard of the castle, “While it would be beneficial for us to keep Kalos’s support - right now more than ever... she may still be allied with the Prince.” He stroked his beard. Freya had been locked in her quarters since the Prince’s escape. But, the moment word reached Kalos about what happened here, they were bound to send word for her... 
Kalos was a large Kingdom, and was not apart of the Empire. There was nothing stopping Kalos from striking if anything happened to the Princess while she was in Galar’s care. He had made sure that to lie to her as well about the Prince. It would be beneficial to them if she thought her fiancé was dead. 
Bryce dropped his hand from his face, and folded both hands behind his back, “We shall remain on the defensive side. Send word to Kalos that the Prince was sentenced to death for Regicide, and that out of concern for the Princess’s safety, we shall return her to Kalos - make sure to include in the letter that we are apologetic for this outcome, and mean no disrespect to the Kingdom Of Kalos, and that we hope to continue our Kingdom’s ‘friendship’ once the situation is dealt with.” 
The man nodded, “Yes sir!” Without turning around, Bryce added, “Anything else to report?” “Um, yes! Sir, we have received word that after sending several messengers and receiving no response, that Princess Nikida Solvieg will be returning to Galar asap...“
Bryce tensed. Of course The Princess had heard no word. He had the messengers killed before they could report back to the Princess. He knew word from the Empress would come eventually... but so soon? Last he had heard was that the Empress was ‘missing’. She had left on an errand and had yet to return. Surely he figured there was more time? He never imagined the Princess would come herself. He was hoping to have everything taken care of before Empire intervened.
There was only one thing to do... 
“Take a small squad into the Weald.“ After a brief hesitation, Bryce ordered, “...Do whatever it takes to stop the Princess and any escorts she has with her.“ He turned around to look at the man with a serious expression, “You are to kill any Knights or Escorts she has with her, and capture her, and do it in a way that frames either bandits or Rovers that could be hiding there.“ “What if she resists capture?“ The man hesitantly asked. 
Bryce turned back around and looked out the window, “We can’t take any risks. Do whatever it takes. Do not allow her to escape.” He paused for a second, and bit his bottom lip, before adding, “Anything else? Any word about the Prince’s whereabouts?” “No sir.“ The other replied.  “Then you are dismissed. Leave.“ He said sternly, “Time is of the essence after all.“
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regalis-solveig · 4 years
Story Review
Since it’s been a few days, here’s a review: 
The Legend of the ‘True King’ of Galar is as old as the Kingdom itself. The Legend tells that a man appeared after the fall of the Old World, and with the help of a Legendary Pokemon, this man arose as the ‘True King’, and unified Galar from the ruins of the Galar Region, into the Kingdom of Galar. 
Over the years, two powerful noble families arose, claiming to be descendants of this ‘True King’. The Solviegs and the Aldebrands. For Generations, these two families clashed, and many wars were fought.
The Solviegs believed that the True King fought alongside the great Zamazenta, and that Zamazenta had blessed their family. The Aldebrands claimed the opposite - that it was Zacian the True King fought alongside, and had blessed them. Both sides claimed that they had the right to rule... and there appeared to be no end to the wars...
That was until one day, the current King, the head of the Solvieg Family, finally broke through the Aldebrand defenses, and personally killed the head of the Aldebrand Family, and excecated all of their supporters - thus ending the war once and for all.
During the battle though, Ulric discovered that the late Head of the Aldebrands had recently had a baby - a son. Unable to kill the baby, Ulric, who had failed for so many years to produce an offspring of his own, took the baby as his own, and announced to the world that his wife had produced a son. 
Only two people knew the truth - his advisor, and Chancellor, Raintree, and his right hand man - Reeve Hobard. Hobard refused to accept the child - the son of an Aldebrand - as the new heir, and attempted to assassinate the child, but was caught and executed, leaving his son, Bryce Hobard as the next head of the family. Unable to accept his father’s execution though, Bryce grew to resent the Throne. He too, could not accept the child as the future heir. 
Many years later, as a ‘Coming of Age’ Tradition, the now grown child, Youta Solvieg, embarked on a journey to tour his future Kingdom, along with his best friend, Thanion Postwick, and a veteren Knight, Jocelyn. 
Shortly after leaving though, Thanion’s younger sister, Thesselia, decided to try and sneak into the forbidden Slumbering Weald, to try and catch herself a Pokemon of her own, and Youta and Thanion went after her to try and rescue her...
There, Youta came face to face with a Pokemon he had never seen before. A Pokemon who claimed to have been waiting for him. After hearing that, Jocelyn panicked, and brought the party back to the Castle to report to the King that Zacian had made contact with the Prince. 
Hearing that Zacian had contacted the biological heir to the Aldebrand Family, Bryce decided it was time to make his move, and remove the illegitimate heir once and for all... and take matters into his own hands to make sure that an Aldebrand never sits on the throne ever again... 
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regalis-solveig · 4 years
(( Okay! Before the holidays, I think we finished setting up the plot, all except for Tatsu and Angela’s part? 
Just a review / thread gathering / self-reminder: ))
Quest For Galar: Side Sword - 
Blogs involved in the Plot:
@hobard-knights ( NPC Blog )
Bryce murdered Ulric, and accused Youta of the murder. He then had Youta sentenced to death for Regicide. Youta managed to escape with the help of @esquire-shield‘s Thanion, and @hygefrymm‘s Tatsu.
Tatsu went ahead to warn Angela, while Youta and Thanion escaped into the Mines, and are heading for Turffield for aid.
Status: Underway
Quest for Galar: Side Shield - 
Blogs involved in the Plot:
@hobard-knights ( NPC Blog )
( @dimensionhoppinghybrids for looking for the Yveltal part if the mun wishes? )
After a series of dreams, Kida went to the Yveltal Ruins to try and meet the man that kept appearing in those dreams... instead of that man though, she met a Jirachi, and discovered that the spot where the Yveltal Cocoon was is empty. She took the Jirachi home, and told her Mother about it...
Worried, the Empress left to see for herself, but has yet to return, and left Kida in charge.
While her Mother is gone, Kida received word of her Father’s Murder, and sent a messenger to gather more information for her, but that messenger never returned.
Status: Set up done. Ready to start.
Am I missing anything or anyone?
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