Altcoin analysis: $Hoge! What is it, why it's amazing, & how to buy!
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Today I'm discussing an upcoming, extremely promising altcoin: Hoge ($HOGE)! This token has been steady rising from the Dogecoin craze and it has legitimate tokenomics along with an amazing community! So what is it, why is it so cool, and how do I get some?
First, off $HOGE has risen out from the Dogecoin craze, another super popular meme coin with the Shiba Inu as its mascot that has recently been trending thanks to the recent GameStop mooning, although it has been around since 2013. I myself have been holding my Dogecoin despite the recent pump and dumps, simply because I like the coin!
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Price of Doge via TradingView
Dogecoin is a decentralized memecoin and it is inflationary, meaning an infinite amount of Dogecoin can be mined. So because of such, it recently had a short moment with an all-time high of $0.08, while steady remaining in consolidation sitting mostly at $0.05 a coin. For the most part, Dogecoin is supposed to be fun and lighthearted. Many of the folks in the community have used their profits to donate to dog rescues and other animal shelters. We do it for the doggos!
Hoge, on the other hand, has a bulldog mascot, also decentralized, and deflationary, meaning there is a limited supply capped at 1000 billion Hogecoins and steady decreasing! As of right now there is only 436 billion circulating and burning at every transaction made! Every transaction means that 1% of its supply gets burned, unlike Doge where it's practically unlimited in supply.
With that said, the benefit of Hoge being deflationary is that as it dwindles in supply, its value will continue to increase. Not only does 1% of the supply get burned, but at the same time, another 1% gets recirculated to those who continue to hold their Hoge! Holders gain from every transaction! This is what truly sets it apart from Dogecoin in its tokenomics. As of right now, it's sitting at a fraction of a penny meaning that as it continues to rise in value, one can easily multiply their initial investment by 50-100x+
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Price of Hoge.Finance via WhiteBit
The Hoge community itself is also full of wonderful, wholesome people who are in it for the long term. This is not a get rich quick deal. This is a community that will cultivate and recirculate wealth amongst itself, it's as solarpunk as it gets! There is nothing but gains to be made by investing into Hoge. FOR THE DOGGOS! So how to buy?
So the easiest way to buy, in my opinion, is via this particular method although you can find other ways to buy directly on the Hoge.Finance main website as well. However, the main method of buying Ethereum ($ETH) and trading it to buy Hoge can be very costly in gas fees! Therefore, I personally prefer this method since the fees are much much less costly. If you are a newbie to trading crypto, or trading in general, feel free to message me for help!
HOW TO BUY HOGECOIN 1. Buy XLM via Coinbase
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Stellar Lumens ($XLM)
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3. Deposit XLM and move from your main WhiteBit balance to trade balance. 4. Trade XLM for USDT (meaning place a buy for USDT with your XLM balance - small fee of 0.01%) 5. Then trade USDT for HOGE (small fee of 0.01%) 6. Move HOGE from trading balance to main balance 7. Send your HOGE balance to your Coinbase Wallet (there will be a small fee to transfer) 8. HODL and gain 1% redistribution for holding in your wallet!
And there you have it! No need to be intimidated by price dips. With every dip, me and so many others intend to buy more HOGE! 🐶 As always, do your own research and analysis! Crypto is a volatile, high risk investment. DO NOT INVEST MORE THAN YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE. Happy earning!
IMPORTANT LINKS Hoge.Finance - main website with information on how to buy, swag, other info, etc. DONATE TO THE DEVELOPERS! r/hoge r/hogefinance Hoge.Finance Audit report Get Coinbase Get WhiteBit
Wanna support me? XLM address (to get more Hoge of course!) - GDQP2KPQGKIHYJGXNUIYOMHARUARCA7DJT5FO2FFOOKY3B2WSQHG4W37
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