ravihyun-blog · 8 years
Ho Hyun Joo (Jessi) has been striping for her boyfriend of six years (Kim Wonsik) Ravi since was 18. She would do anything for him even if it it meant she had to sleep with strangers in order for him to pay off is debt. Kim Jonghyun (Jonghyun) a musician Ravi hires for Ravi's Place has his eyes set on Jessi. Jonghyun makes a deal with Ravi that could pay off his debt, Ravi accepts the deal but will soon later regret
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yeskpophq · 9 years
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Jessi (Lucky J) - ‘Dazed & Confused’ Magazine
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ravihyun-blog · 8 years
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Ravi's Place (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/tJd5w1l8KA Ho Hyun Joo (Jessi) has been striping for her boyfriend of six years (Kim Wonsik) Ravi since was 18. She would do anything for him even if it it meant she had to sleep with strangers in order for him to pay off is debt. Kim Jonghyun (Jonghyun) a musician Ravi hires for Ravi's Place has his eyes set on Jessi. Jonghyun makes a deal with Ravi that co…
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ravihyun-blog · 8 years
Ravi's Place
Chapter One [unedited] " JESS! " Jessi's boyfriend of six years, also her boss Ravi said. " What? " Jessi walked into his office. " What's your excuse for being late? " " You know I had to drop the twins off  at Jay's Ravi, don't even start. " Jessi rolled her eyes. Everytime he's in a bad mood he starts finding reasons to get mad at her about. " You missed clients, three to be exact. " " Good. Everyone of them are creeps. " " Baby... " Ravi said, walking over behind Jessi and wrapping his arms Jessi. " Everyone that walks through the doors are creeps and it's your job is to get money out of those creeps. " " Ravi I'm tired of doing this. " It was true and Jessi was tired. Jessi has been striping the day she turned 18. " I can't believe for my 18th birthday you take me to a strip club and not a male strip club. " Jessi laughed looking around at the dancer. " I am a straight guy and you are a bisexual woman, I thought we both could enjoy. " Jessi's bestfriend Jay says. " Cake and a sleepover at your place would've been nice but whatever. " Jessi and Jay made their way over to the bar and ordered drinks. " I just wanted to say thank you Jay. " Jessi smiled. " For what? For taking you to see naked women? Your welcome. " " For thinking about me...you didn't have to waste your Friday night with a kid when you could be with your girlfriend. " " You aren't a kid you're a woman now. " Jay wrapped his arm around Jessi's arm. " You are like family to me Jessi, I couldn't let you not have fun on your day. " " I mean for everything. " " It's fine. " Jay shrugged and took a shot. " I won't get you too drunk, just enough to make your head spin. " Jay handed Jessi a shot glass. " Happy birthday! " " Happy birthday! " Jessi smiled and took the shot before spitting it back out. " Oh wow that was the most disgusting thing I ever tasted. " " Congrats you lost your sober virginity and watch out for that guy over there watching you like you are one of these ladies on the pole. " Jay says in Jessi's ear. " What guy? " Jessi looked around. " Over there with the red hair and tattoo on his face. " Jay pointed. Jessi looked over at the guy Jay was pointing at. " He's hot. " Jessi shrugged. " Richard Ramirez's victims thought the same. " " Now you're being extra. " " I'm just saying a girl like you don't belong with someone like that. " " Relax I just said he was hot and besides how do you know what he's like? You can't judge a book by it's cover Jay. " " He's not a book he's a person. " " Excuse me. " The red head says, walking up to Jessi. " Hey. " He smiles and Jessi searched his face for a flaw. But nothing. His smile was perfect, she could look at his eyes forever. " Goodbye. " Jay said. " I'm sorry but I couldn't help but not stare at you from over there and I seen that you noticed so I came to introduce myself. Ravi. " " Hi... R-Ravi... " Jessi's mouth parted. " Can you leave my girlfriend alone. " Jay frowns. " She's not your girlfriend. " Ravi said to Jay, keeping his eyes on Jessi's. " Boyfriends don't take their girlfriends to the strip club, friends do that. " " Jay go get a lap dance or something. " Jessi says to him. " I'll be okay, I promise I'm not going anywhere alone with him. " " Okay. " Jay sighed and walked away. " What's your name? " " J-J-Jessi.. " " Alright J-J-Jessi. " Ravi laughed. " Sorry I was staring, it's just you are so beautiful I couldn't resist, you look better than all these women on the pole, you don't even have to strip to get money from me. " " Is this what you call flirting? " " I call it honesty, how old are you? " " Today is my birthday, I'm 18. " " Amazing, Jessi how would you love to work here? " " Are you serious? " Jessi laughed. " I could never. " " C'mon you can earn about 500 on a slow night, a grand on a busy night because right now you wanna know what I see? " " What? " " I see a fresh new woman. " Ravi says." You don't have that many in your life I'll say about three or four maybe less, you don't have anywhere to stay so you sleepover at one of your friend's house. " " How...how did you... " " I just know, your looks told me, the way you carry yourself, and the way your friend is protective over you. " " Work here? The money sounds good but it's not me. " " Can I tell you something? " Ravi asked. " I'm quitting this job and I'm going to start my own place, better than this...I could start training you. " " I...its not for me... " " Tell me Jessi, what do you do? You go to school? How do you make money? " " No and I don't have money. " " See. Work for me and you'll never be broke. " " I guess...I can give it a try... " " Yes! That's what I like to hear, come to the back with me. " " Jay said... " " I'm not a rapist or serial killer I promise and you're a grown woman now you don't have to listen to him. " Ravi grabbed Jessi's hand and went to the office in the back. " You have your own office? " " It's the boss' office but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. " Ravi said sitting down in the boss' chair. " Strip, give me a lap dance. " " What? " Jessi said and shook her head. " I'm trying to prepare you for what you're going to hear, now come on, right here, right now, here's a little motivation. " Ravi smirks as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out five hundred dollars bills, offering it to Jessi. Jessi bit her lip, eyeing the money, and unzipped her skirt. " JESSI! " Jay busted into the office. " What are you doing? " Jay eyes widened as he looked back and forward between her and Ravi. " She's training for her new job. " Ravi laughed. " Now get out of here. " " No she's not. " Jay grabbed Jessi's arm. " I'll see you soon Jessi. " Ravi stood up and place the money and a card with his name on it in Jessi's hands. " I'll be waiting. " Ravi kissed Jessi's cheek and walked out. " Jay why did you embarrass me like that? I can make my own decisions now, I want to do this. " " Jessi he's manipulating you into this, he knows you're vulnerable. " " Let's go. " Jessi rolled her eyes. *** Later that night, Jessi laid in bed looking at the card with Ravi's number on it. " Jessi. " Jay knocked on the door. Jessi put the card up and grabbed her phone. " Come in. " " I'm sorry. " Jay said, walking in. " I just want the best for you and that guy looks untrustworthy, you deserve to be somewhere more worthy and not guys looking at you and being rough with you. " " I appreciate that but I'm still doing it. " " Fine but don't say I didn't tell you so, just promise me one thing. " " Okay. " " Promise me you won't change who you are for this guy, just know your body and looks are fine just the way it is and that you won't change me. " " I promise. " Jessi raises her right hand. Promises are meant to be broken. Right? *** " Did you enjoy dinner? " Ravi asked. " Yeah...thanks...can you take me home? " " You didn't like my food I cooked did you? " " No...I did...I just wanna go home, I don't want Jay worrying and I told him I wouldn't be later then 11:30. " " I'm tired of hearing about Jay, Jess you're a woman now, do you and Jay got something going on? " " No. He's just trying to protect me and don't want him worrying. " " Protect you? It seems like he's trying to control you, controlling is when telling you what to do and what not to do, what time you should be back, who you can and who you can't be around. You know what? You are right, I'll take you home, you are a child. " Ravi stood up and grabbed his keys. " Let's go. " " I'm not a child. " Jessi stood up and pushed Ravi down on the couch. " Play some music. " Ravi licked at his bottom lips, nodding as he grabbed the remote to the stereos and started playing music. " Save me I'm a sinner baby... " played through the speakers. Jessi places her hands on Ravi's thighs, bending over so that their faces were inches away. Ravi stared into her brown eyes and her lips. Ravi leans closer and takes Jessi's  bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently before releasing it and kisses her. Jessi pulls away. " I should stay away from you, I can tell you're are going to be no good. " " How can tell? " Ravi bit his lip. "When I looked into your eyes. " " I can show you the world. " Ravi whispered. Jessi smiled and sat in Ravi's lap. " Are you ready for your lap dance? " " Yes please. " *** " Goodnight. " Ravi kissed Jessi's cheek. " Sleep well. " Jessi nodded and got out the car. " Thanks, goodnight. " Jessi smiled widely. " See you tomorrow? " " Definitely. " Jessi waved and shut the door. Before Jessi could put her key into the door Jay opened the door. " It's three in the morning. " Jay frowned. " And you left your phone here? What if something had happened? " " But nothing did. " Jessi rolled her eyes and walked in. " I'm not stupid you don't just do nothing from 7 to 3 in the morning. " " Well when he picked me up we talked for about a hour til he decided instead of going to a restaurant he would cooked and oh my god that man knows how to cook, he cooked spicy chicken miso, peanut noddles, lettuce wraps, also meatballs, and rice, he did that and it really impressed me cooking all those meals and making into just one big meal. " " I don't believe you, did you watch him cook all this or? " " I watched and even helped out a little. " Jessi smiled to herself. " Then we ate, talked, I gave him the audition lap dance then afterwards we talked some more then he drove me home. " " You gave him a lap dance and didn't have any type of sexual acts? That's hard to believe. " " No. You want me to spread my legs and check? Wanna check my underwear and neck? We didn't do anything, I did kiss him during it because he's very attractive but that's all. You should stop acting like you're my dad and stop trying to control me, I am a woman now Jay, time for me to get pushed out the nest and spread my wings and fly, with that said...I'm moving out Jay. " " What? " " Ravi gave me a 2K advance to get a small apartment and house, I think this is what's best, and I think your girlfriend thinks we got something going on because of the way you act towards me. " " And here you go changing. " Jay sighs. " You can help me pick out the house or apartment, goodnight Jay. " Jessi smiled and walked upstairs. " Someone requested you naked so get naked and get to work, you have someone waiting. " Ravi squeezed Jessi's ass. " He gave me 1.5K, you know what to do. " " I hope he's attractive. " Jessi rolled her eyes. " Can you unzip my dress? " " Yeah. " Ravi got behind Jessi. " I know you're tired of giving yourself to strangers. " Ravi says, unzipping Jessi's dress. " We just need a couple more thousands then you can stop. " " You keep saying that. " Jessi turned around. " How much do you owe? " " That's not important. " " But it is important, Ravi tell me. " " 5.8 Million. " " Ravi... that's not a couple thousands... " " I already paid off 2.5 Million. " Jessi shook her head and took off her dress. " I have nothing to say to you. " " Baby. " Ravi kissed Jessi's neck and slid his hand up between her legs. " This i-i-isnt going to work this time. " Jessi bit her lip. " Don't be mad at daddy. " Ravi took Jessi's panties off. " The client. " " He can wait. " Ravi cleared his desk and laid Jessi on it. " Ravi, this isn't going to make things better. " Jessi clenched as Ravi started  to fuck her with his tongue. " I hate you. " Jessi bit her lip to keep in her moans. " You like this so stop holding back. " Ravi said and stood up. " You must really wanna get it when we get home? " " No. " Jessi put her foot on Ravi's chest to keep space between them. " I want you to stop doing this thinking everything is okay afterwards. Ravi wrapped Jessi's legs around his waist. " I didn't say it makes it better, it takes your mind off of problems. " Ravi kissed Jessi. " I love you. " Jessi says as Yasmine one of the other stripers walked in. " Ever heard of knocking? " Ravi frowned. " No. Never heard of it. " Yasmine said. " Why would I? Everyone here knows you two are together, but anyways that says he wants his money back he gave you he said he's been waiting for a hour and a half. " Ravi unhooked Jessi's bra. " Go babe. " Ravi said as Jessi handed him her bra, and left. Yasmine crossed her arms and stared at Ravi. " What? " Ravi raised his eyebrows. " You want me. " Yasmine smiled. " I see the way you look at me out there. " Yasmine stepped closer to Ravi. " I-no. " " Ravi everyone in the back knows you fuck around on Jessi even here in your office while she's here. " Yasmine pushed Ravi against the wall. " Shut up you want this. " she mumbled, focusing on getting his pants down. "I won't say anything even if she found out it's not like she'll leave you. " Yasmine pulled Ravi's pants and boxers down around his ankles. "Ah...see I knew you wanted it. " she smirked, getting on her knees. " I can't do this, this isn't right. " Ravi shook his head. " She doesn't even like you and I know it so this is a big slap in the face to her. " Ravi babbled as Yasmine took him into her mouth down as deep as she could. Yasmine stayed still for a moment, squeezing her nails into Ravi's thighs. She let him slip out of her mouth with loud pop, swiping a lick over his head as she did. " Oh my god. " Ravi sighed. " You dye your pubic hair too? " Yasmine laughed sucking on Ravi's balls, swirling her tongue over him lightly. " Hot. " She smiled, pumping Ravi slowly for pre cum. Ravi leaned his head back against the wall, eyes slamming close as she took him into her mouth again, sucking him deep and hard into the back of her throat, she bobbed up and down on his dick, tongue swiping over his head as she pulled back, nose brushing his pubic hair when she swallowed him down. There was a gasp and Ravi opened his eyes and pushed Yasmine away from him. " Do any of you bitches knock? " Ravi pulled up his boxers and pants. " Who are you calling a bitch? " The striper Ashley asks. " I didn't know you would be cheating with a unlocked cracked door. " Yasmine wiped her mouth and stood up. " See you later Ravi. " Yasmine winked and walked out. " No you won't and you can keep your mouth shut. " " If I don't? You aren't the only strip club that will hire me, it's a shame that someone like Jessi has someone like you, she literally does and would do anything for you and you are always doing shit like this, the only thanks she gets is a broken heart and trips to the clinics. " Ashely rolled her eyes and walked out. Ravi ran his fingers through his red hair and looked in the mirror as their was a knock on the door. " Come in. " Ravi says and in walks in the performer he hired. " Hi. " he smiled. " Jonghyun right? " " Yeah. " " Have a seat. " Ravi shook his hand. " See you next weekend. " The old client said, rubbing Jessi's ass and handed her a hundred dollar bill tip. When the client left out the room Jessi sat down on the bed and looked down. " How much would it cost to let this fine piece of ass spend the night with me at my hotel room. " The guy smirked. " This isn't that type of place. " Ravi shook his head. " We only do private dances and there's safety rules for that too. " " Twenty thousand dollars. " " What? Wow... " Ravi bit his lip and looked at Jessi. " Jess... " Jessi shook her head. " No. " Jessi got up. " I can't believe you right now. " " Forty thousand. " Ravi got up and pulled Jessi to the side. " Baby, think about it.... " " I'm not a prostitute Ravi. " Jessi pushed Ravi. " Of course not, just do it for me, I'll be with you. " " You are the only person I've ever slept with Ravi... " " I know. I know. " " Okay. " Jessi nodded. Ravi walked back over to the guy. " Deal. " " Come on sweet thing. " " But the deal is, I'll be outside of the room door and you have to wear a condom. " " That's...agreeable...okay. Jessi wiped the tears from her eyes and thought about how this began. " Don't touch me. " Jessi pointed. " Don't. " " Look, I'm sorry but I need the money. " " For what? " " Starting your own business isn't cheap you know? I borrowed money from people to have it built then there's the lights, water, decorations, the whole set up, it's pretty expensive and they add fees to the money they borrow, I've to pay them a certain amount each month or else. " " Or else what? " " I didn't ask and I don't wanna know. " " Okay. " Jessi kissed Ravi. " I love you. " " I love you too baby, thank you so much. " Jessi sighed and stood up. " Hey. " Ashley said knocking on the door before walking in. " Hey. " Jessi smiled as Ashley handed her clothes. " You know you deserve so much better than this and Ravi. " Ashley says as Jessi put on the clothes. " Ravi? He's my baby, I love him and he loves me, we both support each other. " " Jessi...I walked into Ravi's office and I seen Yasmine on her knees blowing him. " Jessi forced a smile. " It's okay, he's a man surrounded by women, he has urges, and I was busy so I couldn't. " " Jessi y- " " Excuse me. " Jessi said, leaving the room quickly. Jessi got to Ravi's office door and knocked before entering. " Hey Jess. " Ravi says. Jessi ignored him and got her things. " Jess, this is the singer I hired for her, Jonghyun. " " Hi. " Jessi smiled as Jonghyun stood up. " I bet you know how to treat a woman don't you? " " Yeah I guess. " " Can you give us a minute Jonghyun. " Ravi says. Jonghyun nodded. " Have a nice night. " Jonghyun left. " Jess... " Ravi grabs Jessi's arm and Jessi slapped him. " I said don't touch me. " " What did I do? " " Keep making me look dumb! For now on you make your own money because I quit and I'm done with you, next time you want to fuck around make sure you are doing it for that money you owe or else. " Jessi grabbed her purse and left.
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