#hoker Trick
twojewnetrza · 1 year
Nowoczesne wnętrza - marka Cappellini wprowadza wyjątkowe meble i oświetlenie
Nowoczesne wnętrza zyskują na popularności z dnia na dzień, dlatego przede wszystkim projektując je, warto zwrócić uwagę na dobrą jakość mebli i oświetlenia, które tworzą wyjątkowe wnętrza. Świetnym rozwiązaniem do wystroju kuchni jest hoker Trick o wysokości siedziska 75cm. Jest to produkt od polskiego producenta mebli i oświetlenia, Cappellini – marki znanej ze swojego modernistycznego stylu i innowacyjnych rozwiązań, która nieustannie szuka nowych oraz zaskakujących inspiracji tworząc produkty najwyższej jakości. Rama hokera została wykonana z konstrukcji stalowej, pokrytej powłoką cynkową. Siedzisko wykonano z metalu, wyprofilowanego w taki sposób, by zapewnić wygodę siedzenia. Dodatkowo dzięki wspornikowi, który jest umieszczony pośrodku nóg hokera, jest on bardzo stabilny i odporny na warunki atmosferyczne. Wszystko to czyni go idealnym rozwiązaniem do ogrodowego baru. Marka Cappellini zasłynęła dzięki wyjątkowym projektom mebli i oświetlenia, które łączą tradycyjne rzemiosło z nowoczesnymi technologiami. Firma istnieje od przeszło 50 lat, a jej misją jest tworzenie produktów wyjątkowych zarówno pod względem wyglądu jak i jakości. Do ich głównych atutów należy staranne wykończenie, dbałość o detale oraz nowatorskie podejście do designu. Firma proponuje szeroką gamę produktów, w tym wygodne hokery, których jakość i wytrzymałość sprawia, że są one idealnym wyborem do wielu wnętrz.
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Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes
Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes October 19, 2017 this story tell of afarm girl used to live nearby our farm met my family she do stuff with other and her family corrupt , her father kill the family by fabricated car accident then start a club with new wife in his farm then got killed by terrorist ???? farmer in syria 2012 ,
and story of other female who visit our house all together combined .
Raneah Kalaf she is my friend sister from i was 13 old we used to have afarm and they lived far away , some how in away they met my family and we become friend .
ofcourse gradually to this day i understand nothing how she became afriend with my family and with my father like she can come and sit like friend .
shes is weired like all the one female i hate the one that are not normal infront of me .
i always know she was amuslim so . but mysteriously some day there family make acar accident in afar road near abig hotel 4 season maybe and a village called darea its avery old and difficult to maneuver inside .
so they were riding acar and at the cross of the road they —– died ——- from car accident the kid died the mother and maybe father suffer injury superficial he was wearing seatbelt , idont know who was inside the car that day .
so this accident is not accident people know them and they get killed .
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i had this friend there he was young like 20 when i was in 13 old and growing , he is a villager he tought me how to ride a horse i met him once aweek i loved himi and he was good nice to me guy with talking to him and iam friendly honest person idont know how to lie , we became friend he tought me how to through a knife i never know how and why but it was fun to learn like movie , i hear from him story about bad guys i understood nothing bec my world then was the farm and working with father hoping some day i become 18 and become auniveristy student with ahigh education adoctor .
so i bowed my head hoping some day i will become better and break this spell . iwill learn and raise my education like these american in the movie and i succeded ofcourse i went there to new country from 0 and tasted all the bad stuff alone and hit my head on the wall i tested all the shit in my brain that is stuffed in , i met afemale avery beautiful christian one who i still love , she is vegetarian well there ofcourse she is from british england , and theres abig gap but she found me honest but icoudnt keep up and keep her , but there i learnt how to speak to agirl and bigin to explore my new life , well i path there in univeristy was differnet bec i wanted to learn the truth i wanted to read american textbook to understand the truth , but wooo where was i back then my brain coudnt manage all the stress back then of life , so and i get isolated in my seperated world trying to break the code that no body talk about , about how to read abook , ofcourse there guy there far ahead of me , and enjoyed themself .
and for this beautiful friend i talked about she always come to visit me in my dream still shy from far away observing ,
any how in the end i make my dream reality and graduated and it cost me 6 years to break the spell to the last day in the exam day till i perfected my self and build aperfect foundation for the new me to stand on , i learnt journaling for awhile then ,so , and perfected last few days in university my speed reading to finish atextbook 1500 page in 1 month .
so i forgot this friend i tought u about back then he tought me also how he walk when he finish training us and there was bad guy ahead of him on the road always and he had to protect himself he used to carruy knife and he practice some martial art and belt in his jeans that is sharp , now i understand why he was feeling afraid , he choose his path i believe and idont remeber much ,
i never know that stuff like this existed in this village of him , of how those stupied villager with no muscle make kids , some has big one . even so they have amosque .
and alot of people gather there and go to buy stuff , stuff u dont understand . ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
anyway after that we moved from the farm and i wanted to be more social with female and be in the city not isolated each year in afarm . we moved and the war start i hear that she has this family who live in the city far from there house she love to visit them , . very often . u know farm girl they love to go to the city .
so the war in syria started and i hear that amissle from ——–terrorist—— group by mistake or against goverment shoot amissle to there house in the farm in Zakea so the missle drop there at the room her father was inside i hear he married another women after the accident without stopping to think . when the missle drop i hear he always used to meet with villager like him in there arabic house , iremember once i get there and saw shesha two or three on the floor and arabic sitting very weird , even so the inside of his house in another building is normal this one alittle seperated and far away like 300 meter away very close to the enternace of the house so people get in fast from entrance from there car , its a long rectangle building with carpet and pillow in the floor . if i describe like the bellydancer room and all the stupid people inside .
i hear when he married maybe he married the second before the one died and they live in this house and they get visitor here.
anyway he died in the village by terrorist by amissle drop on his house and kill him. This arabic house .
his young son was young when he died in the car he was someone and disappeard like that he was differnt i remeber him corouse small kids of his father . all died except him in the car ,the only one wearing a seat belt . what a coincidence .
so now in my family my sister married twice and get divorced because of her bad behavior , because father always hit her and she is bad . i may now understand why she has bad behavior , why she never try to learn , not just her uneducated brain but there seems to be more here i didnt understand before , why this behavior like all the shit girl disrespectful i am meeting these days when i go to job .
its beautiful and exciting and theres alot to be done .
so when she got divored as usual she right away make afight with dad and done all the bad stuff , so
right after her return shortly idont know why but suddenly she get arabic people want engage her . ? but the story progress like someone from outside watching and acting to help her become better buy her house and never get humiliated by father and start to get job and move ,,even for the job these same people also are the one how put the job offer in the newspaper and they hire her .
suddenly this Ranea kalaf my sister and family friend ? came to live with her friend my sister after there divorce both of them , there story , , she has astory of her husband divorce her and took all the kid away from her , but she took the gold and i hear he was abad aguy avery bad guy she seems to love him but something hidden here why she is visiting us at this time for my sister moving and acting like apro understanding everthing , and once i went down stairs to carry some stuff from father to house she was there down but instead of being normal i felt i am meeting a hoker asex worker she gazed at me with this look like shit and her eye fixed far far ahead on all the beutiful building she know around and like she can tell stroy of friend she know and are watching and a life i never met , that was not so good feeling like looking far ahead on these military guy s ahead in street like prostitutes . humiliating me and seducing me to the same act the same time , and like ashit iam if i annoy her million people all around will show up to kick me , like i was akids and she is the flesh in the street for all so she can get some mony .
, now her behavior is very dangerous and risky as sex worker whohave had her sex with farmer in the village and tasted all the trick that i always get to taste anew one , from her and she acting disrespectful and respectful at the same time . when she is at our house , and also with my father , .
now because she doesnt know anybody around she came to live with us for awhile i heard she saved alittle backthen , also she has relative in damascus she came to live alittle with us , so she get hired and she go to the job and i can t know anything about that ofcourse she is big lier , like iam peeking on avery shy muslim and farm girl . so
she is planing to buy a house , ,, in just 4 month or a year .
now the house reach the price of imaginary millions after war .
let move to other visitor
and now also group of people weirdly come to visit our house ,
a relative called Hanadi amarried cousin 45 old beautiful and (loved to work in the goverment at whatever cost when she get married to her fat lovly husband and was having the kid and she took them to job ) , she has doughter beautiful like her , but they are bad imean they didnt study right , they avoided me acted always weird with me and now they are off in there life i call them hamburger girl call them what u like . what a disrespectful creature when they see me or think about me either sex or nothing . ?
now to the wired visit poeple vist our house occasionly idont know why even my family is the worst there is no good honest reason so they come frequently ,
except my father is felthy rich has awhole building for renting and farm , and he make imaginary prices , and people rent ididnt know how and why some people will do that but not seem s managable ahooker from one night sex she if she want get or 1 hour get the whole renting for the whole month , and the people living here alaways go and come hidden at night no body from outside know the real female living here and she also hide her self in ablack covering for muslim , i saw there car in alot places hidden in the places that are far away that offer sex .
there story is long but ididnt get to them and idont have them mony to move to more funny steps .
also the military guy ahead in the street , dont forget we are now in awar years in syria so they sit far away i know they are sex trader also and protector , its like away to calm people around and make them happy ididnt reach that level , even so the sex an hour is just a 1000 syrian pound price of tshirt acheap one almost with the most beautiful wife u could imagine .
so u are not allowed to have acamera in street but they are dump everyday the same and iam advancing so its not that difficult . also they work close to agirl school , and its funny how i hear these female trader under my room promoting sex from 6.45am to 6 pm , also when i went to get ajob in ahotel there was these female in walking in the darkest allay street . but ahead is far disgusting shit u never believe between building all these fatty people protect this so i saw all the 13 old female when i wanted to get hired in ahotel in asupermarket talking and when i return they where sitting alittle far away from alarge number of group of guys who seems to be negotiating for aprice , this happen near my old school al andaloos in syria damascus halboone baramkah near europ hotel anew one . it was areally aview to see how young guy sitting and waiting for there turn and looking at these female like apry they have there agent bec they were new to this stuff and the other group of guy s with there boss where there negotiating on price and i get to get the disrespectful look at me like iam shit soon will become .
when my sister get divorced they came and teach her to make bags for selling and they used to always buy her shit from her not just to her but to Hanadi friend and other , always new people want to buy her stuff , ofcourse she thought will be rich and went and spent all her mony to buy expensive leather to sell . and she store it in the house .
now bec of this she started to go to work beside this she get fired but she try more . her behaviour return when she was young and full of sex desire . she started to say things sing songs that they play in factory or shops , bad songs ,
now the people buying the stuff from her idont know why her stuff was advancing but her price was getting higher always , and this Hanadi is just agoverment beautiful wife with alow salary long hour of work , why she go spend her precious mony on this girl , when her book reading husband ? go to mosque on friday when we go to visit them , and there situation not good .
well she seems to have good stable satisfatory income .
and now istarted to see her doughter everywhere in acar with stranger or far away when igo to jobs or search for one far far away from my house , or close by with aguy drinking juice , and the guy far uglier than me and this and she accept him and never even said hi to me in a8 years now .
so these beautiful doughter come to our house my father lough with them all each time they visit , and everybody is living happily every after .
not this Handi only come to my house also my mother friend from her university always come . frequently as much as she addicted to .
she is now 50 years old only daughter to her mother never get married its Razan every single day the same whenever u see her nothing new in her , just this look the face and the eye of sex , the one who done that and love it , she is polite quite and whenever i see her when i was young i always talk to her respectfully then i crack go to toilet and jerk on her , i never know why what is this , and she is afrequent visitor of my mother .
one day I compaint to my sister about this and why I getting annoyed by her and feeling weired , and here how I don’t know how these two know each other but she seems to know her and with a superior authority and everything calm down , now I know both are sex worker .
so ( o started to say that people came to teach sister sex now its amiss)
to end this story i want to say all these visitor come to house alot and other house all time of the day so when they slip to nearby house never get noticed or anythings to be said about them , maybe this is an order to them so they hide there existance and entrance .
also alot poople bought and encourage sister to rise by giving her mony ,
now she go out and getting more free and acting like other disrespectful female
( ahouse seeking buying missle ))) . ( like amoisture seeking missle) .
i think this Raneah bought her house in 4month or 1 year . or she already apro and has one and she is the boss she is here just to check and help sister . and play around . she is famous well known .
thats it .
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