#hokuto is very cute thats all
puddii-ng · 9 months
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enconfess · 1 year
If im honest really (as a fan of enstars since EN first release and have caught up with a few JP events except for like the super recent ones), I found most of the event stories and main story stuff uninteresting or just overall a headache to go through. Most of the time (through both official and fan translated) they would get me shaking my head asking "what the heck is going on??",or the story drags around that it feels both frustrating and just too boring for my brain to be able focus even, and just as I thought its gotta get better they will usually have some lame conclusion monologue going on that either my monkey brain is unintellectual to understand what's going or maybe its the writers are like that idk Im happy to see the pretty cgs though.
I would very much rather have someone summarize the stories to me even if it sacrifice for inaccuracies and biases. Ok here's an example, Antique Legends? The only thing I remember from the story is the fun interactions within Hokuto and his dad, which may be due to my bias with Hokuto but really that was the only truly entertaining part to me.
Speaking of characters I really don't care about character depth at all all I wanna see is them being cute in those little idol stories cause idol stories (yes I mean those short stories that are mostly like one - two chapter long) and scout stories are really what I look forward to the most personally cause they aren't over the top complicated or draggy like event stories and main stories, its not to say they are boring no in fact they are way more entertaining cause they make things that may seem so simple and mundane to something fun and also I love seeing them in wacky events too.
Also yes I did mention being a HokutoP though I would say I'm more of an overall drama clubP with other characters I like such as Aira and Naruchan (love calling her that personally) (and also I love every character in their many uniqueness and to be fair its just the bias demons that posses me). Now what do these guys have to do with this post? well to bring point that I know absolutely nothing about their 'complex sides' other than that they are sweet angels to me and I love seeing them in cute and funny situations, and guess what I still appreciate seeing them and hell I own a Wataru nui (planning to get a hokke one too soon) because even though yaydadad the whole war thing and his 'masks' I personally find him super fun even if I'm aware that he may just be putting on an act (plus I also have a mini white party dress for him that I make him wear whenever I went to anything fancy like my when I went to see my cousin perform on a orchestra concert).
To bring my final point I personally think that enstars best strength or interest for me is the idol / scout stories because even with their cookie cutter like surface layer personalities they manage to even be more memorable and overall fun to read. Oh and stories aside I adore most of the cards although they get bland sometimes and most of the songs are pretty good in my opinion love trickster songs muah. Anyhow thats just how I feel like enjoying the game and to be fair I prefer to enjoy it alone rather than to have a mutual around cause ye I'm that those type people who enjoy being alone and find a lot of people to be a waste of a space personally, well I have a lot in my mind currently as per usual but they most aren't enstars related so for now imma really stop myself here right now though I may come back here for more confessions idk depends on me I guess (I will also be surprised if you read through this entire thing and if you do thank you and may God bless you my good friend).
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
i love tomoya he is such a guy
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astro-break · 3 years
Did I spend 3 hours cataloging the new MV outfits instead of studying? Yes. Please don’t question it. Everything is under the cut because its long, there’s really bad quality screenshots, and i went ham on the data analysis :)
General points: - There are three types of outfits in the set. Tucked, Untucked, and Half tucked shirts. Pants are the same as far as I can tell
- All of this is speculative and is in no way fact. Please take the data with a grain of salt, I am horrendous at math and can’t count for shit
- Belts and shoes are reflective and go Kira Kira during lives. Subaru goes crazy over them and has probably already stolen them all
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Trickstar - Orange Shoes
Hokuto - Tucked Shirt | Subaru - Untucked Shirt | Mao - Half Tucked Shirt | Makoto - Untucked Shirt
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Fine - Peach Shoes
Eichi - Tucked Shirt | Wataru - Untucked Shirt | Yuzuru - Tucked Shirt | Tori - Half Tucked Shirt
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Ryuseitai - Red Shoes
Chiaki - Untucked Shirt | Kanata - Tucked Shirt | Tetora - Half Tucked Shirt | Shinobu - Untucked Shirt | Midori - Tucked Shirt
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Alkaloid - Teal Shoes
Hiiro - Untucked Shirt | Aira - Untucked Shirt | Tatsumi - Tucked Shirt | Mayoi - Tucked Shirt
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Eden - Grey Shoes
Nagisa - Untucked Shirt | Hiyori - Untucked Shirt | Ibara - Untucked Shirt | Jun - Untucked Shirt
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2wink - Pink Shoes
Hinata - Half Tucked Shirt | Yuuta - Half Tucked Shirt
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Valkyrie - Burgundy Shoes
Shu - Tucked Shirt | Mika - Half Tucked Shirt
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Crazy:B - Yellow Shoes
Rinne - Half Tucked Shirt | HiMERU - Tucked Shirt | Kohaku - Tucked Shirt | Niki - Half Tucked Shirt
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Undead - Purple Shoes
Rei - Tucked Shirt | Kaoru - Tucked Shirt | Koga - Half Tucked Shirt | Adonis - Half Tucked Shirt
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Akatsuki - Burgundy Shoes
Keito - Tucked Shirt | Kuro - Untucked Shirt | Souma - Untucked Shirt
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Ra*bits - Teal Shoes
Nazuna - Untucked Shirt | Tomoya - Untucked Shirt | Hajime - Untucked Shirt | Tenma - Untucked Shirt
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Knights - Dark Blue Shoes
Leo - Tucked Shirt | Sena - Tucked Shirt | Ritsu - Tucked Shirt | Arashi - Tucked Shirt | Tsukasa - Tucked Shirt
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Switch - Green Shoes
Natsume - Tucked Shirt | Tsumugi - Tucked Shirt | Sora - Half Tucked Shirt
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MaM - Grey Shoes
Madara - Untucked Shirt
(Do you really need a screenshot? Hes been in like. 90% of the other ones :p)
Jin & Akiomi
Jin - Burgundy Shoes, Untucked Shirt | Akiomi - Dark Blue Shoes, Tucked Shirt
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In General  - 51 Idols
Tucked Shirts (41%) - 21 Idols | Untucked Shirts (37%) - 19 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (22%) - 11 Idols
StarPro - 17 Idols
Tucked Shirts (41%) - 7 Idols | Untucked Shirts (41%) - 7 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (18%) - 3 Idols
CosPro - 12 Idols
Tucked Shirts (25%) - 3 Idols | Untucked Shirts (33%) - 4 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (42%) - 5 Idols
RyLin - 11 Idols
Tucked Shirts (27%) -  3 Idols | Untucked Shirts (54%) - 6 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (19%) - 2 Idols
NewDi - 9 Idols
Tucked Shirts (77%) - 7 Idols | Untucked Shirts (11%) - 1 Idol | Half Tucked Shirts (12%) - 1 Idol
(26%) 4/15 Units ([25%] 4/16 if you count Double Face) have members wearing the same shirt. These units are:
Eden (Untucked), 2wink (Half Tucked), Ra*bits (Untucked), and Knights (Tucked)
(53%) 8/15 Units had the same colored shoes. These units are:
Alkaloid & Ra*bits: Teal Shoes
Valkyrie & Akatsuki & Jin: Burgundy Shoes
Eden & MaM: Grey Shoes
Knights & Akiomi: Dark Blue Shoes
Mini Analysis (that eventually turned into a not so mini analysis)
I think that each character wearing their shirts slightly differently is actually super interesting and shows a little bit of personality for them. Loose shirts are more boyish and athletic, youthful and fun while tucked in shirts give off a more refined and put together appearance. Half tucked just looks lazy in my opinion but also has the best of both worlds, a casual kind of formality.
StarPro having a more or less equal amount of Idols wearing their shirts in all three ways is pretty interesting and really emphasizes the amount of freedom these idols are given based on their agency. It also speaks to how free StarPro units are in relation to other agencies since they are the sole agency without any units who match each other’s shirt wearing tendencies. Everyone’s just kind of everywhere with each unit doing their own thing. Its interesting to note that the only unit in StarPro that doesn’t have all three styles of shirt wearing is Alkaloid. In Mayoi’s own words, Alkaloid is “a newbie who has just made his debut”. Because of they’re new I suspect that they haven’t branched out very much, sticking to the tried and true traditions of idol work that dictates that uniformity with minor deviations is the best for unit outfits. You can totally see it in how they’ve separated themselves into two neat groups: Hiiro with Aira and Tatsumi with Mayoi (yes shippers you can go feral over this fact).
Contrasting StarPro, CosPro has the highest amount of units with matching shirt styles. Eden makes sense since Ibara probably wants the face of the company to look uniform so he made them all wear their shirts the same. Though the decision to leave them untucked leaves me questioning a few things. Do they want to seem more approachable? I guessed before actually seeing the outfits that Eden would either have half tucked or fully tucked shirts mostly because they’re a unit who prioritizes appearances. Having that put together air definitely fits Eden (or at least Adam). 2wink wasn’t a surprise tho. They’re generally a more uniform unit being twins and all. Though again, a bit miffed about the choice for half tucked shirts. While I will freely admit that I don’t read very many Eden or 2wink stories nor have I interacted with them very much, I do think there is merit in being able to understand design choices at a glance. If a 2winkP or an EdenP would like to hazard a guess as to why these two units have shirt wearing styles that doesn’t really fit with my preconceived notions of them please do tell me. But other than that, CosPro is generally really uniform with each unit being more or less balanced. Valkyrie as always has a really strong sense of aesthetics and pairing the half tucked shirt with the tucked shirt was a very good call. Crazy:B, like Alkaloid, is neatly separated into two groups: Rinne with Niki and Kohaku with HiMERU (more shipping fodder for you shippers :p). But contrary to Alkaloid who’s following more conventional idol ideas, i feel like Crazy:B was instructed by Ibara to dress like that. Both to promote the image of unity within CosPro but also to piss Rinne off ww.
I really don’t have much to say on RyLin since I generally don’t like any of the units affiliated with it. I really sorry but I’m pretty indifferent about Ra*bits and Akatsuki. I do have Opinions TM about Undead but that’s for another day. But for now, I will say that Ra*bits all having untucked shirts is very cute and very Ra*bits. The picture perfect image of youth and energy!
Thanks to Knights basically dominating the board with their five person unit all with tucked in pants, the data was skewed way to much into the tucked shirts area wwww. Even if Natsume and Tsumugi didn’t have tucked shirts it would still be the majority wwwww. In all seriousness, tucked in pants is 100% a Knights look and i am living for it. They look so noble even in converse and casual wear. I think Mama having an untucked shirt is also super cute and makes him a lot more huggable. (please refer to the Ra*bits screenshot, its very cute the height difference) Even Sora’s half tucked look is very boyish a cute, very Sora. Honestly each of the agencies’ personalities shone through even through these simple clothes and honestly did a better job of giving me each unit’s personalities at a glance than those 5th Ani outfits did.
Also I have no idea why some units share shoe colors its just a fun thing to point out. Yes I’m pretentious and say burgundy instead of dark red. Shut up. I like burgundy :p
Extra Notes
- None of these bitches are straight, they’re wearing Converse with cuffed pants! Look me in the face and tell me that wearing converse with cuffed pants is a straight thing. Thats right, you can’t.
- The stage was Knights’ Silent Oath bc it’s a stage with 5 people, has nice lighting, and has multiple parts where I can get all 5 people with a large window of time. Also I can stand listening to Silent Oath 12 times while taking screenshots. The other option was Suisei Halation but I found Silent Oath first :p
- This came from me noticing that Rei had purple converse shoes and laughing my ass off about it before going to check out the other units and spiraling from there
- As I was cataloguing this, I made a mental list of who in Enstars deserves to have fangs on their model and who actually does. I’m not posting that today but if you’re interested....
- None of this was edited. None of it.
- I really should have been studying ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯  time well wasted
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Heya! Can I request a matchup? I'm goal and problem-oriented, so I come off as somewhat serious, but I'm actually this huge dork and forgets what I'm supposed to say often. I'm clumsy and somewhat awkward though people say I'm relatively friendly. I seem chill, but I also get pissed pretty easily, which isn't really obvious unless you're a close friend. Since I'm babyfaced and have some childish mannerisms, I come off as cute to some people(?). Ahh I think thats it? Have a nice day!! ^^
Thank you, and I hope you have a nice day too !! How sweet of you aa;; I hope you like your matchup, and sorry for the wait!
aaa I just got a whole bunch of requests that I really want to get to !! I might post some of the newer requests first, just because I’m getting more inspiration for those;;; Other than matchups, I’m currently working on some Knights scenarios and a Chiaki oneshot, so look forward to those!
Anyway! your matchup is…
Hokuto Hidaka!
When you first transferred to Yumenosaki, Trickstar immediately took you under their wing. Though technically you should be the one taking them under your wing; they didn’t really see it that way. Especially the leader, Hokuto. Or, as Subaru calls him, Hokke~ You were a bit awkward when you first met them, and ended up tripping over yourself and falling face-first into the floor. Subaru burst out laughing, which didn’t help. Hokuto, however, sent him a glare, quickly telling him to shut up. Subaru whined a bit, though still complied. Hokuto knelt by your side, helping you up. He was a bit over dramatic about it; he kept insisting that you were hurt, though you really weren’t. So you ended up grabbing some band aids from the infirmary.
Even as you became acquainted with the other units, you stayed the closest to Trickstar. or, more accurately, Trickstar stayed the closest to you. Hokuto was like an overprotective mother. He seemed to always hover around you, keeping you out of trouble. To him, you were cute and clumsy, yet still serious. You were the perfect balance between business and fun. He could always count on you to get work done when he asked for it, but you still had a dorkiness that he found precious. Especially when you forget what you’re saying. And your childish features… he was afraid that people would harm you, or take advantage of you. He tried his best to stay by your side, even if it’s from a distance. It became a little annoying to you. Did he not trust you to handle yourself? Just because you could be a bit childish didn’t mean you needed to be treated like a baby. And you decided you needed to make that clear.
The next time you met with Hokuto to discuss the next live and such for Trickstar, you decided give him a piece of your mind. You explained how it was annoying that he followed you everywhere, and that you wanted some trust from him. He was surprised by your outburst; and, honestly, he didn’t even realize that he was following you around so much. Sure, he tried to stay close to you when others that he didn’t trust, (coughWatarucough) but was he really with you that much? Yes, he was, you explained bluntly. He apologized sincerely, hoping he didn’t hurt your feelings with all this; and he promised to stop following you around. You thanked him, still a bit annoyed. But he really did feel bad, and hated himself for not taking your feelings into account, or paying attention to what he was doing.
Being an airhead, Hokuto didn’t realize his feelings for you. He hadn’t really talked with girls much, so he didn’t think much about how he felt around you. Especially after you went off at him about giving you space, he felt really bad. So he assumed that his strange feelings were just guilt. Of course, you accepted his apology, and you two slowly grew closer over time. Though he could still get protective at times, he would always make sure you were comfortable with it first. He didn’t want to aggravate you again, after seeing how easily you could be set off.
You and Hokuto had started having weekly meetings to talk about plans for Trickstar. He specifically asked for a seperate time, when the rest of Trickstar was absent, so he wouldn’t have to deal with their antics as he tried to discuss business. However, these meetings often fell to having to tell Subaru off for knocking over the teacher’s desk while trying to eavesdrop on you, explain why he couldn’t draw himself a tattoo on his eye with a pen, or something of the sort. Subaru, usually accompanied by Makoto, constantly spied on the two of you. It became a known fact to both of you, and so you two met at a different spot on campus every week. Even different days or times. But somehow, Makoto or Subaru found out when and where every time. Maybe they spent every day after school searching for you two. Who knows?
Mao became very aware that you and Hokuto had feelings for one another. It was mostly thanks to him tripping over Subaru and Makoto as they listened in on your meeting with Hokuto, and ended in Mao joining in on the peeking. Though he insisted he wasn’t spying, he was only telling them to leave, and passing by. You two obviously had a thing for one another, and Mao knew very well that Hokuto would be too airheaded to realize. So he took matters to his own hands.
Before one of your meetings, Mao caught Hokuto on campus. He explained how he liked you as thoroughly and as simply as possible. Somehow, Hokuto still managed to not understand. Mao sighed, spelling it out for him. “You have romantic feelings toward her. More than friends.” Hokuto was dumbstruck.
“You mean I love her… as a daughter in law?”
Mao flipped out. How could he possibly get what he said wrong? How did ‘romantic feelings’ become 'daughter in law’? Mao finally explained that he wanted a relationship with you. He claimed he already had one, you two were friends. Mao was on the verge of tears, ready to rip his hair out. He asked how Hokuto could possibly be so airheaded, to which Homuto only responded with a “What do you mean?”
Mao grabbed the boy’s wrist, dragging him away. He pulled out his phone to text you, claiming he and Hokuto had something to tell you. You were already on campus due to having a meeting with Hokuto, so you immediately headed over to where Mao asked. When you finally found them, Hokuto had a visible mark on his cheek. When you questioned it, he brushed it aside. You guessed that Mao, who was holding his arm firmly to keep him from getting away, had something to do with it. As it didn’t look too bad, you decided it was fine. Your attention turned to the paper in Hokuto’s hand.
“Hokuto has something he needs to tell you.” Mao seemed to be explaining that to you, but it also seemed like a que for Hokuto.
“I do?” he questioned. Mao elbowed his side, causing him to stumble forward a bit. Mao told him to read the paoer, so he did. The paper was written by Mao. A full-fledged confession. Hokuto read the paper with a pokerface as your cheeks heated up. You asked Mao for explanation. He told you that Hokuto was too airheaded to realize his feelings for you, but he liked you. You couldn’t believe it; sure, the confession wasn’t exactly… ideal, but it was perfect in its own way. Like that perfect mix of serious and dorkiness. That same thing that Hokuto loved in you.
Thus, you two became a couple. Mao could finally rest easy. Though Hokuto still was a bit confused with what was going on, he quickly adapted and understood. You two aren’t exactly the “perfect” couple, but you two fit each other perfectly. You were constantly setting and achieving goals together. Hokuto was still pretty dazed by all of this. He didn’t really know what being a proper boyfriend meant, but he was doing perfectly in your eyes. He was a well-known perfectionist, and always strived to better himself. He asked many of his upperclassmen about how to be a better boyfriend, and ended up doing some silly things in result. Despite not exactly understanding what it was to feel love, Hokuto was learning. Whenever he did something that upset you, you would make it very obvious. Which is just what an airhead like him needs; someone to be blunt. If you weren’t outright when you were upset, he would probably never notice if something upset you. Hokuto still isn’t the traditional boyfriend, as he still is too much of an airhead to undertand what all that means. But slowly, he’s learning. He can be a little frustrating at times, especially when you ask to do something like go on a date, but you love him nonetheless, and he loves you right back. He’s always trying to become better and accomplish everything that he can. Be ready to keep up with him, because he hates his pace being disturbed.
other matches: Mao, Tomoya
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