#holding a gun pointing to my head because i cant focus on my reports
vioarry · 1 year
I suddenly have the strong urge to draw c!Drunz. Its too strong that it make my heartbeats literally jump to stress mode
However i quickly acknowledge i have no free time to draw
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singlemama2-blog · 5 years
Knowledge of the Single mom
I am not in anyway a legal adviser this is just information that has help many I know with getting the information needed to keep the babies safe. This is not directed specifically to any gender as I have male friends who have these issues and I have helped them with their issues. 
Having problems with your child's other parent??? Having to go to court and need to advocate for your child. There are a few things you can do. 
1. Have all contact with the other parent (especially if the deny saying something) through email. This can be used as evidence in a court hearing for custody. This also shows what the judge you may have may not always see. And the other parent has a hard time denying this conversation. Now what if they says that isn’t my email address, good question what you will want to do is have them agree that they wrote something that shows they were contacting you about the child. This is the good that will help show the bad. Once that is done then you can go on and if needed use further emails you have to help your case
2. If it is going on back and fourth he said she said and the child in question is not the focus as they should be, request for the child to have their own representative, this person will work with the court and do home visits with both parents and then report back to the court, This was done by a friend I have because the father wasn’t doing anything that benefited the child the child would end up staying with another of his baby mama’s during his time with her, he would not be around. With the advocate for the child she was able to go to the court and tell them that he is not present when the child is there (at this point he was suppose to get every other weekend but goes every 2nd weekend) the advocate will talk with your child and let them have a voice. 
3. Don’t shame the other parent. When a person gets in a court room, and you know that the other parent is going to lie about you and your life is going to do anything in their power to make sure you look bad. However in almost every parenting plan it will state to not do this kind of behavior. So what you will want to do is go in there thinking I am bigger and better than I was yesterday. Know in your head you can say whatever  you want but not in court. Show that judge respect and let the other person bury them self which they will eventually. Stick to facts only. 
4. Social Media. Oh how life has changed and now we have social media we love to tell our lives to our friends. However as I had come to realize and still am having the issue its not private. We know employers look at it but so do the other parents. They want that one picture that they can twist and make a horror story about. My child and his step dad were playing on a phone I snapped a picture in the background (we had just moved) behind boxes there was the tip of a bb pun rifle. Not loaded didn’t even think about it. Then I got CPS on my door saying there was a complaint that my SO was holding a gun to me and my children's head. This of course was right after a judge told him in lament terms how he couldn’t no possibly financially or emotionally care for the seven children he has all under 6 now and that was evident due to him walking away and wanting nothing to do with my son. Back to topic, social media is a fun web to weave but when you get caught not so much fun. All the people on your friends list you may think you know them all and trust them. But making sure you check and double check and if there is  someone who is related to the other parent and you are friends. I would do one of two things make a secondary count for the friends and family you want to be able to see it all and leave the other one so the pictures of the child is there and they are still apart of it. 
5. During the exchange of the child, if this is going great no issues no arguments then that is amazing and am glad.  For those who it is not so well of a transition, video record on your phone. Making sure you are documenting all interactions that you are able to  (check your state laws to see whats admisible) even if things cant be said in court, you want to show you are doing everything you can to encourage the relationship with the other parent. 
Well that is all for now will do another real soon. 
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
ooh ooh! ask box open! guys the new admin works are really exciting me cant wait to see what they have to really offer!! how about some omegaverse au with giotto, ricardo (if u don't do him xanxus?) and Alaude trying to keep themselves in check around this omega they are deeply in love with but some alpha tries to claim and THINGS GO DOWN I love you!
I love Ricardo so much, plz give me more of him :D
// Admin Chrome
You had been driving him crazy ever since you came into his life. Giotto saw you the first time when you were introduced to him as one of the new servants in the mansion. The way you were so meek and timid was what drew him in, but you’re intoxicating scent was what made him stay.
You were unmarked, yet your scent was different than the others. It attracted him as if by a magnet, and Giotto couldn’t go long without being around you. He had to see you at least once everyday, or Giotto couldn’t be satisfied.
It also came to Giotto’s attention that you were naturally erotic. The way your tongue would wet your lips whenever you were nervous, or how, whenever you did something exceptionally hard, the way your heavy breathing got Giotto turned on. It didn’t help that every time Giotto was in the room with you, there was some point when you bent over, allowing Giotto to envision him mounting you, claiming you as his.
It really got to point where Giotto thought you were doing it on purpose.
However, as much as Giotto wanted to touch and taint you, he kept himself at a distance. He knew that if he just threw himself at you, it would end horribly. Giotto didn’t want to be like those psycho alphas that forced their omegas into mating with them.
That’s why Giotto took his time seducing you. Giotto made sure that the two of you had some alone time, where Giotto and you would have deep discussions about life. It was one of those discussions that made Giotto fall even more in love with you, since it revealed that you were not only beautiful, but also intelligent. The longing glances and the small smiles that were thrown back and forth between the two of you was confirmation enough that you two were meant to be.
That didn’t mean everyone got the memo. Giotto had gotten out of a incredibly stressful meeting between a boss of a rivaling familgia and the Vongola. The boss wanted more guns from the Vongola, but Giotto was refusing to hand them over because he didn’t want the boss turning on him.
Giotto wanted to see you before he headed off to bed, since you always managed to make his day brighter. As he was walking down one of the halls, he got a whiff of your scent. It was strong and smelled sweet, as if you were going into heat. A weak cry of help got Giotto moving before he even thought about it.
Bursting open the nearest door, Giotto was greeted with the sight of the rival Boss with hands roaming around your body. Seeing red, Giotto let out an animalistic growl, and teared the man away from you. He didn’t even register snapping his neck.
You were now writhing against the wall, the top of your uniform ripped open and bra shredded. The smell of your heat overwhelmed Giotto, and he found himself kissing away the rivaling alpha’s scent. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. Giotto’s knee found its way between your legs, and you stared to rub yourself against his slacks.
Pulling away, Giotto could barely hold himself back from claiming you right then and there.
“Giotto, please, I want you so bad.” You moaned, and Giotto felt his resistance crumbling at every syllable. “I want to become yours…”
It took Giotto by surprise when you suddenly started to pull at his slacks, trying to rip them off as you continued to roll your hips on his leg. Pulling himself together, Giotto grabbed your wrists, and pinned them against the wall.
“If I’m going to claim you, it’ going to be done my way.”
Ricardo didn’t believe in mating. Instead of finding his mate, Ricardo just paid for an omega to satisfy him during his rut. It was easy and it didn’t involve any kind of love at all.
That changed, however, when you came into Ricardo’s live.
You were hired as his one of his assistants for the Vongola finances (recommended by the Cavallone.)  When Ricardo was introduced to the team, all he could focus on was you, who was fidgeting and looking nervous around the powerful alpha.
Ricardo was hooked from that instant. He didn’t hide his attraction towards you, either. Once he found out that you were an unclaimed omega, Ricardo knew that he wanted to be the one who tainted and claimed you. Ricardo made sure that he did everything in his power to seduce you.
Whenever the two of you were alone, Ricardo would purposely let out more pheromones than usual, getting you stimulated. Ricardo could trace the sweat that you accumulated whenever you were with him, and he saw the way your started to fidget and that you were aroused.
Ricardo watched how your eyes followed every movement he made; crossing his legs, resting his head into his hand, drinking his red wine. Every time, you would suddenly snap out of your trance, and give a quick goodbye, before slamming the door shut. Ricardo knew exactly what you went off to do.
Although Ricardo was subtle about his attraction, that didn’t mean that he didn’t get a lecture about claiming omegas of a lower class. Ricardo was expected to mate with a high class omega, so their children would be pure breeds (or something like that). Ricardo rolled his eyes at the logic, but kept himself in check around you.
This, however, lead to the current events. You had started to bring a colleague with you when you reported to Ricardo, since it kept Ricardo from trying to seduce you. You were in the middle of relaying the number to him when all of a sudden you stiffened, and let out a small yelp.
Ricardo shifted in his chair, eyeing the other man. As you started to repeat yourself, you flinched again, and this time, Ricardo knew what was happening. The man barely saw Ricardo coming, before he suddenly yanked him away from you, and threw him against the wall. The impact was so intense that the picture frames on the wall fell, shattering on the floor, as well as a dent in the wall where the man was thrown.
“Don’t ever fucking touch whats mine, you scum.” The threatening words told the man to get lost, and in a blink of an eye, the man was scurrying from the room. You were stiff, and breathing heavily, obviously shocked at what had just occurred.
Stalking over to you, Ricardo came up from behind, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt yourself instantly relax, and you leaned in closer to Ricardo’s warmth. Smirking against your shoulder, Ricardo trailed his hands down from your waist, to your waistband.
Slipping his hand inside, Ricardo rubbed against your underwear, and you let out a moan, feeling yourself heating up. You were already so wet for him already, and that filled Ricardo’s ego. Feeling his dick starting to swell in his pants, Ricardo pressed in closer, letting you know that he was aroused as well.
Leaning in close to your ear, Ricardo growled,
“You should be crying knowing you belong to me now.”
You had been assigned to Alaude so you could help him around his office, and assist him when he had to deal with new found intelligence. It was known that Alaude liked to work alone, however, once you had shown up at his place, Alaude couldn’t send you home. The way you looked so helpless and eager made him want to keep you.
It didn’t take long before the secret came around that you were an omega, which was a very risky situation for him, since Alaude was an alpha. While confident in his resistance, it did relax him a little knowing that you were mated (as said on your application), as that was one of the requirements for the job, however, it was apparent that you had no alpha.
The way you reacted while around Alaude showed that you had never had the experience of being held by an alpha. You gravitated towards Alaude, which left some awkward situations. Alaude could barely keep himself calm around you when you smelt so damn delicious, and he had to resist the urge to bend you over and fuck you right then and there.
No one had ever shaken Alaude quite like you, and Alaude was known for his restraint.
Not too long after finding out that fact, did Alaude realize that you were everything he always wanted in a mate. You were intelligent, witty, and optimistic. You tried your best when it came to work, and you didn’t let feelings get in the way of completing your tasks. Every time something didn’t go well, you knew exactly what to say to get Alaude to cheer up, even if he didn’t show it. It was as if you were made for him.
However, Alaude refused to let his feelings come between him and work. Even if you were the perfect mate and had a nearly irresistible scent, Alaude couldn’t act on his feelings. He valued his work too much to put it in danger. That’s why Alaude distanced himself from you, and let your invitations go unnoticed.
It shouldn’t have surprised him that someone tried to claim you, and to be honest, it didn’t. Alaude had walked into a wall of pheromones, which only could be from an omega going into heat. This instantly heightened Alaude’s instinct, which lead him to the room where one of his subordinates was on top of you, trying to scent you with you weakly trying to push him off.
Calming stalking over, Alaude glared daggers down at the man, his poker face still in tact.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His voice was cold, and it set every human on edge in the room. The tension was so thick that it was suffocating. The man came to an abrupt stop, and before he could blink, Alaude had him by his neck on the floor.
“Don’t ever touch my mate ever again.’ He growled, staring deeply into the other’s eyes. The man whimpered, and when Alaude released him, the man shakily ran out of the room, never to be seen again.
Alaude turned towards you, giving you his attention as you writhed on the floor at your heat. Your heels slide around the floor, trying to gain your footing as your trembling arms tried to support you. You ended up flopping back on the floor.
Alaude knelt down on one knee, and studied your face for a few moments.
“I can’t believe another man tried to claim you…” His words were light, but there was an intensity behind them that gave away his jealously. Alaude’s hand came up, his thumb coming to brush against your lips. “I guess I’ll just have to take you myself, so those pesky animals stop trying to take what’s mine.”
Alaude thumb pushed into your mouth gently, and you could barely resist sucking gently on it, the two of you staring intensely at each other. Alaude let his poker face fade, a smirk making its way to his face. He was going to make you beg for him tonight.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
Guys i think i just heard someone get kidnapped. by Lothlorienian
I'm a 22 y/o mobile homeless girl. meaning i have a car, and a job and a life, just no actual address. aside from a p.o box in the area where my parents live that i check occasionally and/or when i have had recent run ins with the law. its kind of a responcible slash irresponcible wanderlust situation.
i have spent my very short life up to this point couch surfing, sleeping in shit motels and mostly, my car. i have commitment issue in a big way i guess, and thus created my moving castle. i have my car altered to be comfortable, conspicous and insolated so i dont die in the harsher weather months. and im positive that these factors saved my life last night.
It had been a long night with my friends and boyfriend, having the day being one of the only days i got off from my job. I was decently tired and honestly didnt want to deal with the check in process at a hotel. so rather than going to find a hotel i chose to camp out in my car. no sweat.
in the immediate area i knew there was an overnight parking lot in the mountains. it was mostly there for hikers who were going long distances along the trails that passed through. the view off the mountain trail bridge was also pretty tight, im not gonna lie.
having used said parking lot in the past i knew it wasnt very actively patrolled, nor was there much night traffic, and that was my favourite kind of place. the public never seemed to take nicely to me, and neither did law inforcement. so i did my best to keep my distance. my choice was made.
i pulled into the graveled parking lot and made my choice in parking, taking a spot on the far end of the lot and settling down my car. there were three other cars here, assumibly from other hikers. the night was clear beyond the trees with stars visible above. it was actually super nice. one of the reasons i enjoyed car camping.
I locked the doors, climbed into my backseat and set up my bedding and tent arrangements. my bedding evens out the seats for sleeping and my tent acts like camouflage so people would stop calling 911 on me for sleeping in my car. my car windows dont have tint to them, so with my tent set up, my car looks like an empty car with the backseat filled with moving boxes stuffed with survival gear, text books, video games and other items a young adult in a middle of a move would have. i can move in my sleep, feel circulation when windows are down, and avoid detection, all at once. its pretty tight.
i feel as if i should add that i am a rather petite human. i stand at 5' flat, 135lbs at max. it gives a bit of insight on how i can get away with comfortably sleeping in the backseat of a four door car. but anyways, i settled down in my car and played on my phone for a bit, then eventually fell asleep.
i awoke to the sound of a car engine and tires on gravel. immediately my breath stopped. my first thought was it was a patrol cop making rounds. i knew my set up was pretty good at detering law inforcement, but regardless i was anxious. my eyes slowly came in to focus as i grew more and more awake. i slowly patted around for my phone, quickly finding it underneath me. i checked the time. 4:28am. it wasnt any specific time, but that didnt mean it wasnt patrol.
but then the engine stopped. that was odd. cops dont park often on patrol unless they were called up for something specific, and i really hoped that reason wasnt me. my anxiety was silently screaming at me. i continued to listen, closing my phone and tucking it into the pocket of my shorts. soon after the engine stopped, i heard a car door followed by feet on gravel. the footfalls went to the left and then stopped, then moved back to the right for a bit longer, then stopped. it sounded like the person was looking at the cars parked in the lot.
i wanted to look out of my window, but my camo wasnt really built for surveillance. i would have to lift the tent to the bottom of the window, and there was no way I was willing to move just to see what was going on. so i stayed put, listening.
after spending a bit of time not moving, the footsteps started moving again, this time coming towards me. the gravel seemed so loud and i held as still as i could, waiting. the footsteps stopped beside my cars driver door. then the handle was pulled, then again. i thanked myself wholeheartedly that i had locked my car door when i parked. now i just had to hold hard faith to the tent to keep me hidden.
the foot falls moved to the other side of my car. what was this person looking for?? the other handle was pulled. why were they trying to get into my car? i thought to myself rather alarmed. at least they were increasingly unsucessful, as they probably were with all the other vacant cars in this lot.
with one more try to the passenger door handle and then one to the backseat door, the steps moved away from my car, shortly followed by a car door. but no engine. they just sat there in their car and I laid there listening. i was too scared to fall back asleep, so i slowly pulled out my phone. the brightness was turned all the way down and was also set to grey scale. 4:58am.
I cant really judge people who just hangout in their cars for no reason, but whoever this was scary as fuck. i wanted to know why they had been searching cars. i continued to lay there, looking up at the top of my tent, wishing they would go away. i feel like I lost track of time waiting, long enough that it was starting to get light out.
Dim morning had finally arrived and it didnt make me feel any better because i knew that car and that person hadnt left. but what did relieve me was the sound of another car pulling up into the lot. i had never been so relieved to hear another person. the car pulled in and parked next to my car. the door opened and then their trunk opened.
but this relief was short lived. i heard a door open from across the lot. the other car. soon enough, footsteps were coming over and a female voice spoke out "good morning!"  
a deep but not so aggressive voice replied. "perhaps. do you have a phone i could use? mine lost battery and i need to call my friend, i cant get my car to start."
"of course" her reply. footsteps immediately began walking away. i had a bad feeling about this, especially because i was positive their car was not dead, since they simply turned it off and hadnt left their lights on. on top of the fact they hadnt been trying, let alone failing, to get their car to start. they had just been creeping in this parking lot for the last 2/3 hours. bad bad bad.
next to me her door closed. i heard her walk over to the other car, no doubt in pursute of her borrowed phone. ".....hey, did you call your friend....give me my phone....what are you..." her voice cut out as the sound of something on metal slammed.
i heard nothing after, no voices or discussion. Less than a minute later, a car engine sounded, turning over and then gunned followed by tires on gravel. finally i gathered the courage to lift my head out of the tent to see out my window, just in time to see the ass end of a pickup truck in the noisy process of leaving the lot. who ever was clearly in a hurry out of nowhere, though my bad feeling told there was clearly a reason.
i hesitantly scanned the lot. the woman was gone. her trunk was still open, a water bottle and a jacket lay rested on the top of her car. i fumbled with my keys, opening my doors and pushed open the back passenger to crawl out. investigation of her car only pushed further the reality of her sudden disapearence.
deep ruts in the lot from the hurried departure were only evidence that the pickup had ever been there. i didnt know what to do. she was gone.
i know there was nothing i could have done other than get myself abducted as well. entirely too small to fight with no weapons other than a small decorative knife on my person, i could do nothing but witness..
i sat in my car for a long time, both shaken and sad. eventually i called 911 and reported an abandoned car with evidence of foul play. the woman on the line requested i stay until the presence of an officer, but i left immediately after the call.
Needless to say, ive started looking for apartments.
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