#holding hands krakenblr!!! trade deadlines suck but itll be alright!!
release-th-kraken · 7 months
Tarot Pull for 3/4 Kraken-Flames!! :
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well!! we are lucky duckies tn apparently!! I think I've only ever pulled this card one other time ever.. in regard to our games I would say, like lars said in his pregame interview today, we've been playing really good hockey these last few weeks. so many games could've just as easily gone our way with a few more bouncing pucks/completed passes and there is definitely an aspect of that that's simply out of our boyos' control!! so hopefully hopefully!! this card means what i think it means and is a good omen for tn. duckies symbolize happiness and stability and well... with the trade deadline approaching and lots of building tensions surrounding that, I'm choosing to interpret this card to give a sense of groundedness and protection around our boyos (and perhaps also us as fans!!), in whatever form that may take tn. chrysanthemum is also giving me a sense of rebirth and brightness and joy, perhaps I am simply projecting my fears and woes abt trade deadline but I think this is a really lovely card to pull esp for this week and a reminder for us all to take care of ourselves and look for small silver linings at tn's game <3
as for players I keep guessing canner but truly who embodies more joy and love and goodness than him...??????? him or gourdo I would love to see them have a day!!
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