paramounticebound · 5 months
@hollowichor / Amelia from here!
Lips parted in something like a smile, something so close it could almost be. Enough to show teeth: those teeth that tear the hydra's head off again and again. The tip of his finger grazed the bottom of her chin. Already, she looked at him with all of that fury. All of that pain, that rage, mirror shards to pierce him.
"I do not remember. You would have to have a place in my thoughts for that."
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Silver tongue bled red, red, red, the weight of his words enough to anchor it to the ground. In his thoughts, yes, always in his thoughts, far more than she had any right to be. In his head and in a chamber of his heart, perhaps, rotting away.
"And, Amelia, my darling," leaned in, then, to let his breath graze along her cheek, "You would do well to remember, you cannot kill what is already dead."
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fcrtheglcry · 2 years
a starter for @hollowichor muse: luce thorne
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✧˚ · . luce was proud of her little flower shop – it wasn’t huge, but it was well-maintained, and the flowers seemed to be happy under her care. it was quiet and contemplative and made her relatively enough money, and it wasn’t like she had a social life to prioritize, anyway. she was perfectly content to spend her time here – even if it did mean her head was a bit up in the clouds, to the point she didn’t even notice the door had opened with a chime of the bells to signal it. luce jumped when she finally saw them, quickly putting down the flower she had been transferring to a bigger pot.  ❝ I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, ❞ she said with a quiet laugh, brushing her hands off on the thighs of her jeans to get rid of the dirt. ❝ DID YOU NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING? ❞
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
@hollowichor | starter call
It was the middle of the afternoon.
The middle of the afternoon meant that the Rainbow Room was half empty, with most of it's usual occupants being elsewhere for private lessons, while a handful chose the solace of their own personal rooms over the items the room had to offer. As such the room was mostly quiet....Mostly.
Mostly meaning quiet save for the repeated slaps of slip-on shoes against floor as Seventeen, in quite the burst of energy, was choosing to run around and around and around the centre of the room like the hounds of hell were at his heel. Sixteen was nowhere to be seen, off with one of the doctors for private lessons, and no doubt the absence of his somewhat more sedate twin had left Seventeen bored and needing to burn off some energy.
Round and round and round and round and....
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lunarfey · 5 months
Have you ever been jealous over a ship a mutual of yours and another mun have with their muses? Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun? Have you ever been intimidated by somebody based solely on their writing alone? Have you ever been late on replying to ooc messages/dm’s?
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guilty as charged: mun edition, accepting / @hollowichor.
have you ever been jealous over a ship a mutual of yours and another mun have with their muses?
as a multishipper, i don't get jealous that often, but there are times when i do get a bit jealous and feel as though people are putting way more effort into all of their other ships while our ships are kind of just there and gathering dust. its not a fun feeling at all, tbh.
have you ever stalked the ship of another mun?
"stalk" makes it sound creepy skdjfhsf but i have been invested in other people's ships for sure. i really love watching people build dynamics and play them out on the dash, whether its romance or platonic or even antagonistic. i genuinely find it really interesting to see how other people write their ships and dynamics, tbh.
have you ever been intimidated by somebody based solely on their writing alone?
yes, absolutely. sometimes i read people's writing and its like oh my god you are way too good of a writer to be interacting with me. but then i remind myself that just because someone is a good writer, it doesn't mean that i should be intimidated by them because i'm good writer too, even if i don't always believe that.
have you ever been late on replying to ooc messages/dm’s?
i almost always am. i have multiple blogs and a lot going on in my personal life, which means that i rarely, if ever, reply to anything in a timely manner. i do feel bad about making people wait, but i also know that if i push myself to respond to things immediately then i'll just burn out and be unable to reply to anything, regardless of the time frame.
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dionadaiiraaa · 5 months
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Eden had been gliding around the camp. His wings needed to be exercised or they would get stiff from not being used. He enjoyed his time in the air, and gently as he could and found Keyleth. He tucked his wings back and approached the druid.
❝ Guid evenin' Keyleth. ❞ He greeted. " The skies are clear this evening. It makes me want to go flying higher than a few feet off the ground." He mused with a friendly, easy smile.
❝ What say you? You could wild shape into a bird and join me.❞
@hollowichor liked for a starter.
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tangleweave · 5 months
(you don't have to answer the other ask i realize i did it wrong lmao) 'in another life - persephone and bill
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[ Notes On a Page / Accepting ]
The benches on Olympus seem perfectly suited for beings of all sizes, great and small. Maybe that on its own wouldn't be so impressive, but this particular bench, which had appeared to be built precisely for someone of Bill's build and enormous height... likewise accommodated Persephone, without making her look like the seat was ridiculously oversized for her. When he'd first seen them, Bill could scarcely conceive the method used, save that there must have been some magic placed on it -- or some form of programmable matter with fractal geometry coding -- to allow it to be the perfect seat for both of them simultaneously.
But it is now less the Olympian bench which captures his attention, and more the look of his goddess love as she fiddles with a crutch. He reaches down to gently place his fingertips beneath her chin, guiding her to look up at him so he can meet her gaze in earnest.
"To think that... in another life, you and I might never have met, had you not been on that very sidewalk," he muses.
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oakthcrn · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GO EAT SOME CAKE or ice cream or whatever treat like food you'd like to enjoy today. :3
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ayyy thank you!!!
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paramounticebound · 8 months
|| @hollowichor / Kanya <3'd for a starter!
Through the debris, he can see her, a silhouette in the dust. Flowing through his veins is something akin to panic, the closest he'd ever felt; the way his body reacts to it makes him feel unsteady. Unprepared. War is familiar friend, the battlefield his home-- loss should not be so striking.
Would be loss. Could be.
He's never been in love before. That the heaviest part of it, he thinks, skidding behind a broken wall, temporarily out of sight from the enemy. Just a little closer, one breath, two, before he bolts out into the open once more, dodging blaster fire and managing a few shots of his own before he's finally at her side. There's breathing, there's a pulse.
Thank the stars.
Khan drags her out of immediate sight, already proof that he is no Mandalorian. He would not leave her behind. Dying in battle is a fate that he will embrace-- but not now. Not without her.
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"Kanya, ner alor," lifting her head in his arms, attempting to shake her back into the land of consciousness, "Ner cyar’ika."
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
@hollowichor asked: "Take me instead!" - qiyi for ten in any of the verses we've got for them!
(send "Take me instead!" for sender's muse to sacrifice themselves (their life, or their safety, etc) because they can't stand to see receiver taken instead)
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They hadn't even particularly been doing anything wrong. Alright, so maybe they weren't supposed to leave the Rainbow Room, but they were children and children got curious. Surely it wasn't so bad? And yet they both had two guards on them, and 006 had claimed it was her idea, always protecting him even though it had actually been his idea. Desperately 010 struggled, trying to pull away from the guards but they held firm to his shoulders. No! Where were they taking 006? They couldn't take 006, they just couldn't!
010 screamed. The guards dropped.
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lunarfey · 5 months
happy birthday! may the moon bless you with her light and love as you celebrate this wonderful day!
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tangleweave · 1 year
Persephone's been mixing up brownie batter for a big batch, though she pauses when she sees Bill walk into the kitchen. "Hiya." She puts her things down long enough to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "You caught me during a craving. So we'll both get brownies from it, if you'd like."
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[ Inbox Starter ]
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The time he's spent away from his people has been oddly restorative for Bill, in utter defiance of his own expectations. And since coming to Olympus at Persephone's invitation, he's found little need to adopt his hulking cybernetic form at all times -- although she's assured him that she adores him regardless of the skin he wears, there's a height disparity that's quite impossible to ignore when he is the warrior the galaxy knows.
There is also the advantage of having cheeks to kiss... an advantage Persephone employs to the fullest of her enjoyment in this moment. And it is very much also to Bill's, whose dusky tan face breaks into a smile... a real smile, with lips and bright eyes and straight teeth that he can show or not show if he feels like it... at both her affection and the notion of brownies.
"And a good morning to you, as well," he quips, lifting a four-fingered hand to brush against his face, as if sealing the lingering sensation of her kiss against it. "Brownies would be most acceptable."
Then he leans forward and gently, almost shyly, presses a kiss to her own cheek in turn. A kiss of his very own... a gift that, a mere matter of years ago, would have been impossible for him to offer.
But above all else, he is still Beta Ray Bill -- and he would not be him if he did not offer assistance of some kind. "Is there anything else you crave that I might retrieve for us, while we await the oven to finish its work?"
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cripplemagics · 8 months
wooo i actually updated my age on everything here!!! woooo
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paramounticebound · 1 year
|| @hollowichor / Amelia, from here.
It occurred to Khan that Amelia was fragile, in her own particular way. She was like a viper, yes, quick to strike and deadly in the way of venom and words-- but all he needed to do was behead her. Unless a hydra lived beneath her skin, writhing and slithering, entangled in her veins and the betrayal that had been etched into her bones. If apathy could shape his tongue, he would just as well wear her down. It was in his nature, of course. Humans were so dull.
     “Thrown away?” Offered with a smile, something cruel and awful. Inhuman, apathetic. Desperation looked well on no one. "As if you were useful to me in the first place?"
Whether or not he meant that had little affect on his intentions. Parting ways, he'd imagined, was more beneficial to her than it could have been to him. That smile withered away in lieu of a cold, unreadable stare, gaze slowly moving between her nails digging into his skin, back to her wild eyes. Her reaction was curious, as if she’d expected him to offer something aside from bitemarks and scars. Concern was foreign, something as rare a good night’s rest, and it shook him. 
He still knew to never, ever let himself be vulnerable. Not again, not now.
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     “It must be difficult for you to ask me for assistance." There was nothing in his tone to indicate that prior maliciousness-- this was sincere, if not lacking in empathy. Travelling with him had to have been torture for her, and likely would have been so even if her cybernetics were not malfunctioning. Dilated pupils, the subtle missteps in an attempt to hide the pain; they were obvious. Khan made no effort to pull away. Regardless of everything that made him, from primal savagery to inherent suspicion of others, it brought him no joy to see her suffer.
Not like this.
Besides, she was prettier when she wanted to murder him. 
"I believe that we have the tools to adjust the wiring, between the two of us. What can I do to assist you?"
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unvendaval · 1 year
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MORE OCs ??? here we go i'll fucking Implode if i don't mention them all ( i'll also mention multimuses with cool OCs in them ) :
@breaksmen / @whorrcr / @unbearablyindifferent / @pnkb1tch / @ironrot / @999spider / @valkryrior / @songb1rd / @ravagercherri / @khenzi / @tendersores / @frightes / @dreamscaught / @goldpetriichor / @butnobodyhome / @fortislumen / @soleiltm / @chromatiica / @mecwmellc / @hangtenn / @trainedmutt / @takesunder / @kurjaks / @manupropria / @lokadottr / @n0vembrs / @chloevlinder / @espercr / @wr1tten / @kindfair / @heirceleste / @bledf1rst / @cripplemagics / @hollowichor / @lieutrebel / @belayadeath / @goxinsane / @seekesotsibteadmist / @dvarapala / @pyreshe / @peacereflected / @mehrcedita / @patternsrhyme / @daemondaes / @medicbled
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