#holy SHIT light fixtures are EX PEN SIVE
theemperorsfeather · 2 years
Finally stopped dithering/avoiding the inevitable $$$$$ and put in an order for appliances. gah. But, it will be very, very, very, VERY nice to have a proper washer (and dryer, and dishwasher) on hand, after 4 fucking years of laundromat/minimally adequate "portable" washer/"dryer", and with any luck I won't have to buy those things again for a loooooooooong time.
In a good news/bad news department, the previous owners left behind a couple small sprinklers, the kind that have a spinny thing on top and water sprays out in like, a circle, right? So, good news, there are sprinklers, and the lawn needed a watering, hooray, I can do that! Bad news, part one: these things are designed with an "in" -and- an "out" so that you can put hoses between pairs of them, I guess, which is cool, but neither of them has a cap to close the "out" spot. Bad news, part two: hooked it up, figured out how to cap the "out" side, water doesn't come out evenly, spinny thing doesn't spin, the little holes are fucking clogged because guess what, spiders have made webs inside the sprinklers and the water is forcing the webbing into the little holes. AUGH. I think it still did a ... job of getting water to the lawn, though, so I guess I need to uh, clean the damn things out and maybe next time the spray will work properly.
Going to need to call an electrician. There are a few minor, things I'd like taken care of, plus a couple more serious items: some previous owner removed the cover of the breaker box and installed a LARGE wood-framed mirror, on a hinge, to cover the fucking thing. The breaker box is in the living room (WHY) so I understand why they wanted to cover it up but why they couldn't have the left the basic metal cover in place and let the mirror cover THAT is a mystery for the ages, but I definitely do not want the mirror; I can figure out some other way to hide the unattractive cover plate. Installing a breaker box cover is probably something simple/safe enough I could do it but. I would rather someone who knows electricity handle it.
Then there is - well, was - a mystery light switch that got removed post-inspection and there's just a plain plate covering it, but I am wondering if perhaps that switch is - I mean -was- - the switch to turn on the light in the crawlspace. And there are a few outdoor outlets that have covers, but apparently those style of covers aren't actually appropriate if one is actually using the outlet?
And then the actually troubling issue is that one of the light switches makes an alarming sound when I turn it off. Really don't like that, that's BAD, no thank you!!
If I felt like spending extra extra money I'd go shopping for at least one ceiling light fixture, something I like better than the old ones here now, most of them variations on ye olde boobe lampe, and get that installed at the same time as all this stuff, but I did a little online browsing and almost died of sticker shock so I think that kind of cosmetic upgrade will have to wait a while. (I did find some fixtures < $100 which wouldn't be terrible but still.)
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