#holy emperor president of galactical sass
jotunvali02 · 4 years
I see that many Star Trek focused bloggers started to follow me. Since I’m no Star Trek specialist, just a big fan amongst others and a big Mcspirk shipper too but I wanted to precise two things since I’ve met these two problems regularly on many ST blogs, so if you’re not concerned by it, please disregard this post and don’t take it personally:
I don’t praise or agree with any kind of hater, whether they hate a real person or a fictional character. I just don’t want hate on my dash, let alone gratuitous hate.
In that regard, I will never post or reblog:
Sth that bashes Bill Shatner. I have no clue why so many fans hate him so much and frankly I don’t care at all and don’t want to know about the whys and hows. I bet most are groundless and based on rumors instead of solid evidence. I don’t know the man personally and never will. I only know his acting work and will strictly stick to it. His private life is of no concern of mine and neither should it be of yours. Neither have I the least interest in his personal opinions about this or that. Why does it seem so important to you?
Sth that’s obviously less serious, even not serious at all, just personal since I love the character: I’ll never reblog posts that make Sarek pass as an abusive, neglecting or incompetent father. Some ppl seem to forget Spock also has a mother, (and it’s really not nice for Amanda to be dismissed like that) and that Sarek is a fucking full-blooded Vulcan and so have less clues than Spock about emotions, let alone how to deal with them. Just watch Star Trek Next Generations series. I don’t know if the JJ Abrams movies or ST Discovery are in cause but if they are, lemme tell you they appallingly mischaracterized him! Yes, he and Spock never had an easy relationship, it even was down the gutter the first time we see Sarek in TOS but sorry not sorry Sarek AND Spock were both to blame. Surely Sarek wasn’t the affectionate dad Spock might have needed, but again Sarek is a Vulcan. He never really let Spock decide over his future, but again Vulcans, not just Sarek, aren’t the type to let their children decide over their own future and rather follow the traditions. BUT I remind you Spock never talked about his problems to his parents though BOTH of them would have liked him to do so, he sometimes played hooky for days never giving any sign of life to his parents, I won’t teach you nothing if I tell you Sarek and Amanda must have been worried to death in these moments, BUT I might teach you a thing if I tell you Sarek himself was the one to look for his son when that happened. 
And if you still think Sarek doesn’t care for his son Spock:
You know NO shit at all about Sarek,
Watch the movies Search for Spock and the Voyage Home. Maybe Star Trek Generations too, tho I don’t quite like what they’ve done with Spock. 
And read the ST novels and comics too, they have plenty of Sarek material.
Sarek, just like many traditionalist parents, just followed the customs and habits he has been raised with and did what he thought best for his children, again if you think he despises his children you don’t know the character at ALL, his only wrongdoing was to never question Vulcan ways until very very late. If Spock himself was the first to praise Vulcan ways and traditions as superior, I can’t imagine how other, older, full-blooded, more tradtionalist Vulcans saw their way of life! If Sarek and most of Vulcans thought their customs were the best, why questioning it? Hell, Sarek even started to ask Spock to teach him friendship, for Sha Ka Ree’s sake! He even raised and cared for a Human child! With the initial idea to have Spock welcoming his human, emotional part! Something Sarek perfectly knew he couldn’t help Spock with because again I remind you, Sarek is a full-blooded Vulcan! He brought in a Human child so Spock would feel better about himself and his difference! While he already had a Human wife! While Human race is extremely frowned upon by the purist Vulcan society!
How can one be more caring for their children than him??
He rushed from the other part of the galaxy, telling his Ambassador’s work to fuck off, just to explode at Kirk for abandoning his dying son on an unknown planet (Genesis)! He told Spock he was wrong for disagreeing with his son’s enrollment in Starfleet because that’s Starfleet folks who brought his son back! Just... just watch The Voyage Home’s end!  
I LOVED Sarek in Journey to Babel’s episode and have been loving him ever since!
He and Spock have so much more in common than genes and some of you are woefully clueless about it!
In short, don’t expect me to hate on Shatner or Sarek.
I don’t see the point in hating the first and I LOVE the second.
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