#holy fuck what have i done was this a good idea??? shes legit my grail doll shes like at the top of my doll hunting list
xxcherrycherixx · 8 months
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Guys i might have done something impulsive again
Im legit shaking and that has never happened to me before
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demon-scarecrow · 5 years
A plot idea
This is a plot bunny that's been rattling around my brain, so I'm posting it so that I can come back to it later and work on it as a fic. But if anyone else wants to use all or part of the concept (*coughcough*DC Comics) then go for it. Also, I'm posting it so that if anything seems really stupid or confusing as fuck somebody can maybe point it out to me before I add it to a legit fic. Or maybe I'll just keep it as a headcanon alternative to Demon Knights.
Anyhow, the concept is for a team set during the last days of Camelot. Merlin's personal elite trio of knights made up of Sir Justin, Brian Kent, and a pre-Etrigan Jason Blood. Knowing that Morgaine le Fay is plotting to bring down Camelot, he seeks to gather a small group that can tackle preliminary threats and slow her progress. Nimue aka Madame Xanadu is an intregal liason with the group and also helps to pinpoint which plots by her sister are the most dangerous and highest priority. At some point the Phantom Stranger does show up to blah blah about destiny and the fact that Camelot is fated to fall and nothing can be done to stop it. However, Merlin admits that he knows this and his goal is less to completely stop the fall (although he is arrogant enough to think that there still might be a sliver of a chance at that) but more to delay it and weaken Morgaine to avoid a post-Camelot world where Morgaine has all of the power. He uses Nimue to help him select the small group that will dely the fall the longest and make for the best final result. Justin is chosen first, at which point his origin plays out where Merlin gifts him with his winged horse, and magically imbued armor and sword. The second chosen is Brian of Kent, the Silent Knight because of his spiritual connection with the past and future as one of the former incarnations of Hawkman. Finally, Jason is selected because if things go catastrophically wrong, he has the best chance of successfully binding to Merlin's half-brother Etrigan without being destroyed or overshadowed by the demon. The three are sworn to secrecy by Merlin about any missions he may give them, and all three, being good and virtuous knights agree without hesitation, especially once they learn that they may be the only things that stand in the way of Camelot's annihilation. Sir Justin brings with him his squire, who is actually a girl in disguise. She and Nimue become close friends and occasionally helps in some missions. Brian tends to be the brains of the group and makes most of the plans for their strategies, Jason is picking up a little bit of magic from Merlin and Nimue to use in a support role, but still goes for a physical attack first. Sir Justin is the heavy hitter because of the items he was gifted by Merlin. All three are models of the chivalric code and will not risk any innocent in order to fulfill their mission, so while they may stop a plot from coming to fruition, they usually also do not catch those responsible. A few victories make the group start to feel pretty invincible, but, as the Stranger had pointed out, Camelot is doomed no matter what. Learning that she cannot win until the trio is broken, Morgaine seeks out aid from Hath-Set's incarnation in that time as well as some frost giants. The first of the trio to fall is Brian and his beloved. Justin and Jason mourn him, but decide that they will attempt to continue their missions. Shortly after Justin is lost, thought dead, when he fights one of the frost giants and falls into a frozen cravace and is preserved in the ice until the 20th century. With Jason the only one left, Merlin knows that his efforts have failed and binds Jason with Etrigan in order to make one last-ditch effort at preserving what's left of Camelot after Lancelot and Gweneviere's betrayal. As he sends Etrigan to hold off Morgaine's hordes for as long as possible, he gives the treasures of Camelot, the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone, and the Eternity Book to Justin's squire, gifting her with the same mystic armor, sword, and her own flying horse so that she can safeguard the items until they can be deposited in the locations he gives her. Nimue is sent with the new Shining Knight to see that the precious items are kept safe, knowing that she is the only one who is likely to be able to mask their magics from her sister. Camelot falls, and the only one left standing in the rubble is Jason, now finding that the binding to Etrigan was not just a temporary measure to defend Camelot. In an epilogue Jason, now hardened by the endless centuries, hears about Sir Justin being spotted in New York and he immediately goes to reunite with his comrade that he thought long dead. While there, he crosses paths with the Justice Society and senses that Hawkman has a link to his other teammate. Reaching out to the both of them and Madame Xanadu, they decide to work together again to hunt down Morgaine in the modern day.
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